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Lettering for Valentine's Day in English. St Valentine's Day - short poems

Valentine's Day is perhaps the most long-awaited holiday in English-speaking countries. But we definitely won’t challenge the title of the most romantic holiday!

On this day, declarations of love, beautiful congratulations are heard every now and then, cute toys, sweets and, of course, flowers are given. And even though in Russia this holiday has not yet gained the same scope as in the West, today we will tell you how in English-speaking countries they treat this day and celebrate it.


In America, in principle, any holiday is raised to maximum heights and a real extravaganza is created around it. And when the occasion is so romantic, Americans have no equal here.

Since the beginning of February, all shop windows, cafes, hotels and clubs have been decorated with hearts. At the same time, each of the owners strives to demonstrate their original taste in a special way. Here you will see hearts made of papier-mâché, flowers, metal, cardboard, plastic and even marshmallows ( marshmallow- small marshmallow-like candies).

A little history

The first mass production of heart-shaped cards was organized in 1827 in Massachusetts.

The confectionery industry is in full swing and all the store windows are filled with beautiful chocolate sets, cakes and heart-shaped pastries. It is noteworthy that heart-shaped sweets began to be sold in America only in the mid-50s of the last century. Before this, it was customary to simply exchange red and white caramel or chocolates. But even earlier, in the 17-18th century, marzipan was considered the most valuable gift on this day. It's all about the shortage of sugar that was imported into the country. Because of its high price, only very rich people or madly in love could afford to give marzipan as a gift.

Holiday traditions

It is not customary to give expensive gifts in the USA on this day, unless it is an engagement. Still, it is believed that Valentine's Day is a way to say about your feelings and nothing more!

How do you feel about this holiday? And are you going to celebrate it? Share in your comments and be sure to subscribe to the news so as not to miss useful materials about English language and traditions.

The 14th of February Valentine's Day, or Valentine's Day. Of course not really children's party, if you delve into history, but for children the very festive atmosphere of this day is important. In addition, you can confess your love and gratitude to your parents and loved ones, as well as to dear teachers and educators. Therefore, you should not miss Valentine's Day in English lessons with preschoolers.

Therefore short and simple poems in English, dedicated to the Day Saint Valentine's, will be very useful. After all, it will be even more pleasant for loved ones if the confession is made by the child in verse, and even in English! The child, in turn, will gain new words and expressions, and, seeing the pride and joy of his parents, will strive even more for new successes in English. These poems may also be useful to you if you are organizing a party dedicated to this bright holiday and want the children to perform poems.

So, below are simple poems in English with semantic translation.

One, two,
I love you.
One, two, three,
You love me.

One two,
I love you.
One two Three,
Do you love me.

One, one, one,
I love the sun.
Two, two, two,
I love my Mummy too!
Three, three, three,
My Mummy loves me.
Four, four, four,
I love her more and more.

1, 1, 1,
I love the sun.
2, 2, 2,
I also love my mom!
3, 3, 3,
My mom loves me.
4, 4, 4,
I love her more and more.

You're a special friend of mine,
Please be my Valentine.

You are my special friend
Please be my Valentine.

To the music: Mary had a little lamb.

Have for you, have for you,
Three valentines I have for you,
Pink and red and blue.

Mail for you, mail for you,
I'll put them in the mail for you,
Pink and red and blue.

I have 3 valentines for you,
for you, for you,
I have 3 valentines for you,
Pink, red and blue.
I'll put them in your mail,
in the mail for you, in the mail for you.
I'll put them in your mail,
Pink, red and blue.

Any appeal is possible: Dear Teacher, Dear Mommy, Dear Grandma...

I give this heart to you,
And want to tell you -
I love you!

I give you this heart
And I want to say -
I love you!

To each and every friend of mine
I'll send a lovely valentine.
Mommy, daddy and brother (sister), too.
Will receive a heart that says,
"I love you!"

To each his own friend
I will send a beautiful valentine.
Mom, dad and brother too (sister),
They will receive a heart that says:
"I love you."

I'm sending this valentine today
With the message "I love you,"
Hoping that you love me, too.

I'm sending this valentine today
With the words "I love you"
Hoping that you love me too.

Happy Valentine's Day wishes for mom.

Mom, I've got many friends
Of each and every kind,
But a better friend than my mother
I'll never find!
Mommy, I love you!

Mom, I have many friends
Everyone is very different
But a better friend than my mother
I'll never find it!
Mommy, I love you!

Happy Valentine's Day wishes for dad.

Daddy, you are my favorite man!
And I sure want you to know,
I'll always respect and love you, Daddy,
No matter how big I grow!

Daddy, you are my favorite person!
And I definitely want you to know
I will always respect and love you, dad,
Even when I'm big!

Happy Valentine's Day wishes for aunt, uncle and other family members.

I’m happy you’re my (aunt, uncle, cousin, …)
I hope that you can see,
I'm really glad to have you as
A part of my family!

I'm glad you're my (aunt, uncle, cousin, etc.)
I hope you understand
I'm very glad that you -
Part of my family!

St Valentine’s Day comes on February 14. It is not a legal or national holiday. Banks and offices are not closed, but it is a happy little festival for young people. St Valentine is the patron of sweethearts. February 14 is the anniversary of his death.

It is widely celebrated among people of all ages by exchange of “valentines”. A “valentine” may mean a special greeting-card or a little present. The day is the time to send little gifts to those you love. Flowers and candies are favorite presents which sweethearts send to each other. Valentine candies are packed in red heart-shaped boxes and sold for this one day.

Valentines are special greeting cards. They are often colored red, have red trimmings and pictures of hearts. Some “valentines” are very fancy, they are trimmed with paper lace and little bows of paper ribbon. They have verses of love poetry printed on them.

It is a good day for parties. The hosts trim the hall with red and white paper hearts. Refreshments are often colored red. Sandwiches and cakes are often cut in the shape of hearts. Sometimes, a King and Queen of Hearts are chosen during this evening.

It is a very interesting holiday and many people like to celebrate it.


Valentine's Day is celebrated on February 14th. This is not a state or national holiday. Banks and offices do not close on this day, but it is a fun holiday for young people. Saint Valentine is the patron saint of lovers. February 14 is the anniversary of his death.

This day is widely celebrated among people of all ages. They exchange Valentine cards. "Valentine" can mean a special card or a small gift. On this day, it is customary to send small gifts to those you love. Flowers and chocolates are favorite gifts that lovers send to each other. The candies are packaged in red heart-shaped boxes and are sold specially on this day.

Valentines are also special greeting cards. They are often red in color, with red trim and heart designs. Some Valentines are very fancy, decorated with paper lace and little paper ribbon bows. They contain poems about love.

This is a good day for parties, especially among young people. The owners decorate the hall with red and white paper hearts. Drinks and snacks are often red in color. Sandwiches and cakes are often cut into the shape of a heart. Sometimes, the king and queen of hearts are chosen.

This is a very interesting holiday and many people like to celebrate it.

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I love loving you. Happy Valentine's day!
I love loving you! Happy Valentine's Day!

I am glad to be spending this Valentine's Day with you. There is no one else I would rather have as my Valentine.
I'm happy to spend this Valentine's Day with you. You are my only Valentine!

I love you! From the earth till the moon! Happy Valentine's Day!
I love you! From the earth to the moon! Happy Valentine's Day!

V....is for Valentine ; you are my only Valentine
A.....is for I will Always be yours
L.....is for Love at its most extreme
E.....is for Everlasting love; Ecstatic love.
N.....is for Never-ending love
T.....is for we will Always be Together forever
I.....is for you being Intelligent and Innocent;
N....is 4 Natures naughty way of saying I luv you to
E.....is for Eternity our love is so ever lasting.

"V" means "You are my only Valentine"
"A" means "I will always be your little angel"
"L" stands for "Love of my life"
"E" - means "One Love"
"N" stands for "Furious Love"
"T" means "I am Yours forever!"
“And” means “You are so interesting and intriguing!”
"N" means "Our love is FOREVER!"

One tree can start a forest,
One smile can start a .
One touch can show love and care.
One person like you can make life beautiful!

One tree can become the beginning of a forest,
One smile can be the beginning of a friendship
One touch can show love and care.
One person like you can make life wonderful!

Do you know that beside Valentine day, the whole week (infact 2 weeks) is dedicated for various purposes, have a look at the list below:-
7 Feb Rose Day
8 Feb Propose Day
9 Feb Chocolate Day
10 Feb Teddy Day
11 Feb Promise Day
12 Feb Kiss Day
13 Feb Hug Day
15 Feb Slap Day
16 Feb Kick Day
17 Feb Perfume Day
18 Feb Flirting Day
19 Feb Confession Day
20 Feb Missing Day
21 Feb Break Up

Do you know that in addition to Valentine's Day, 14 more days are dedicated to various holidays:
February 7 - Rose Day
February 8 - Marriage Proposal Day
February 9 - Chocolate Day
February 10 - Teddy Bear Day
February 11 - Promise Day
February 12 - Kissing Day
February 13 - Hug Day
February 14 - VALENTINE'S DAY
February 15 - Slap Day
February 16 - Pink Day
February 17 - Spirit Day
February 18 - Flirt Day
February 19 - Recognition Day
February 20 - Boredom Day February 21 - Parting Day

You are and will always be my Valentine.
You are and will always be my Valentine!

Be my Valentine for the rest of my life.
Be my Valentine for the rest of my life!

You make every day as special as Valentine's Day, so February 14th is just a day to celebrate what we have every day. Happy Valentine's day... every day!

With you, every day is as special as Valentine's Day, which is why February 14th is a day that we celebrate with you every day! Happy Valentine's Day to you... every day!

You may be just one small person of six billion in this huge world, but you are a huge person in my small world. Happy Valentine's Day.

You are just one little person out of 6 billion of this huge world, but you are a huge person in my little world! Happy Valentine's Day!

My heart beats strongly because of you. Happy Valentine's Day!
My heart beats so hard for you! Happy Valentine's Day!

Even though you are my Valentine by default because you are my wife, I want you to know that you still give me those 5th grade Valentines Day feelings. Happy Valentine's Day.

Even if you are my default valentine, because you are my wife, I want you to know that I still feel in seventh heaven with love for you.

I know I say it all the time, and I hope it doesn"t lose it"s meaning with you, because I really do love you. Happy Valentine's Day.
I know I say this all the time and I hope it doesn't lose its meaning for you because I really love you very much!

We"ve had some great Valentine"s Days together, and I am looking forward to many more. I should probably stop getting you lingerie by the time I"m 80. Not because you won"t look good, I just can"t risk of a heart attack from the excitement.

You and I spent several happy Valentine's Days together. And I really want us to do a lot more. I'll probably stop giving you underwear only when I'm 80. Not because you'll look bad, but because my heart might not be able to handle such excitement!

I am extremely blessed to have you as my wife and my Valentine. I appreciate all that you are and do. You are easy to love and a beautiful person. That's why I want you as my Valentine. Happy Valentine's Day.

I am incredibly grateful that you are my wife and lover. I appreciate everything about you! You are easy to love and very beautiful. That's why I want you to be my valentine!

I know you well enough to get you the right kind of card for Valentine's Day. I wasn't able to find any that were just right for you when I looked at Hallmark cards. Luckily I found one card that I know you will love in my own wallet. Guess which card?

I know you well enough to choose exactly the Valentine's Day card that you will like. But I couldn't find one in stores. Luckily I found it in my own wallet. Can you guess which one?

Don"t wait until it"s too late
to tell someone how much you love,
how much do you care.
Because when they"re gone,
no matter how loud you shout and cry,
they won't hear you anymore.
Happy Valentine's Day

Don't wait until it's too late
tell someone how much you love,
how much you worry
because this someone will leave,
no matter how much you scream and cry,
he won't hear you anymore.

More important than learning what to get you for Valentine's Day, I have learned what not to get you for Valentine's Day.
The most important thing to know is not what to give you for Valentine's Day. Valentina, and what you don’t need to give!

Chocolate and flowers are sweet and beautiful, but not as sweet and beautiful as you. Happy Valentine's Day!
Chocolate and flowers are sweet and beautiful, but not like you!

Cupid hit the bulls eye when he hit you for me.
Cupid shot his arrow into the bull's heart when I fell in love with you!

You are my true love, and you will always be my Valentine.
You are my true love and you will always be!!!

Your love makes my life so much more interesting and fullfilling. Thanks for being my Valentine. Happy Valentine's day.
Your love makes my life so interesting and fulfilling. Thank you for being my Valentine!

Valentine's day is a great holiday to celebrate with you. You make it a blast.
Valentine's Day is a big holiday that I celebrate with you! It's like an explosion!

I don't just love you. I love that I get to have you as my Valentine. Happy Valentine's Day!
I don't just love you! I love that you are my Valentine!

I want to let you know that I want you to be my Valentine. Again!
I want you to know, I want you to be my Valentine! Again!

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Valentine's Day is a day to celebrate Love, celebrated every year on February 14th.
How do lovers usually spend this day?
They go to a party together, have fun, send each other beautiful cards, say tender words, and give gifts.

Here I have posted beautiful wishes for Valentine's Day in English and what words to write at the end of the Valentine's card. Scroll to the end of the page, there are a lot of short and long congratulations here.

Examples in English of how you can congratulate your loved one on Valentine's Day

Look at what the British and Americans themselves write to each other on this holiday.

The simplest and most common phrase for congratulations:

Happy Valentine's Day! Happy Valentine's Day!

Very close loved ones are usually congratulated with more personal phrases:

Happy Valentine's Day Honey! Happy Valentine's Day, honey!
Happy Valentine's Day Dear! Happy Valentine's Day, dear/darling!

Happy Valentine's Day, my Love! Happy Valentine's Day my love!
Happy Valentine's Day my sweet heart! Happy Valentine's Day my darling/lover/darling!

You are awesome! Happy Valentine's day!
You're awesome! You're awesome! Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day, Gorgeous.
Happy Valentine's Day, my gorgeous one!

Wishing the sweetest, happiest day to my love.
I wish the sweetest, happiest day to my/her beloved/mine.

You have no idea how sexy you are.
You can't even imagine how sexy you are.

My heart is all yours.
My whole heart belongs to you.
Thanks for being you and for being mine.
Thank you for existing and for being mine.

I feel the happiest when I think about you, coz I love you.
I feel happier when I think about you because I love you.

I’m not asking for diamonds or roses this Valentine’s Day. I have your love and it is all that I need. You’re an amazing man and I love you dearly – Happy Valentine’s Day!

On Valentine's Day, I don't ask for roses or diamonds. I have your love and that's all I need. You are an amazing person and I love you so much - Happy Valentine's Day!

Some people say they want a Prince Charming,
But I on the other hand,
Say I don't.
That's because I have a guy a billion times better than that.
Love you!
Happy Valentine's Day.

Some are looking for a fairytale prince. But I'm not looking.
It's because I have a guy a billion times better than any prince.
Adore you!
Happy Valentine's Day!

I am lucky to have a girlfriend who is beautiful, fun, smart, and crazy enough to go out with me.

I'm lucky to have a girlfriend who is beautiful, funny, smart and crazy enough to be with me.

I am wondering how I got so lucky to have you as a girlfriend.
You know, I'm SO lucky to have you as my girlfriend.

I cherish every minute that I spend with you!
I appreciate every minute I spend with you!

I cherish the time that we spend together.
I appreciate the time we spend together.

I consider myself to be the luckiest woman on this Earth and it’s only because I have found the most precious jewel of this world. It's you, my love. You are the only thing that looks good on me.

I consider myself the luckiest woman on this Earth, just because I found the most precious pearl in this world. It's you, my love. You are the only one who really suits me.

Sending you a load of kisses, a tone of hugs and all the love in this world on Valentine’s Day.
On Valentine's Day, sending you tons of kisses, tons of hugs, and all the love in the world!

Darling, my love for you is as deep as the sea and as high as the sky.
Happy Valentine's Day!

Darling, my love for you is as deep as the sea and as high as the sky.
Happy Valentine's Day!

This message can be addressed to both her and him.

You are unique, You are caring and You are the Best.
And I am the luckiest to have you in my life!
Happy Valentine's Day my sweet heart!

You are unique, you are caring, you are the best!
And I am so lucky to have you in my life!
Happy Valentine's Day my dear!

Love is like a cloud... love is like a dream... love is one word and everything in between... love is a fairytale come true... I found love when I found you.

Love is like a cloud... love is like a dream... love is one word and everything in between... love is a fairy tale... I found love when I found you.

No poems no fancy words… I just want the world to know.. That I LOVE YOU my Princess with all my heart. Happy Valentine's Day.

No poems, no fancy words...
I just want the world to know... That I LOVE YOU with all my heart, my princess.
Happy Valentine's Day!

What words to write at the end of Valentine's card

With love,
Lots of love,
Love always,
Much love to you,
All my love,
Love you,
All yours,
Forever yours,
Under your spell,
With all my love on Valentine’s Day and always,
All my heart
Always and forever
hugs and kisses,

If you love someone, say it or show it.
Don't wait for the holiday to come.
Do it now - pick up the phone and say: I love you.