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What will I do if I am a school director? Essay “If I were a school principal”: where to start, what to write about, example of work

Sooner or later, every student will need to write an essay “If I were a school principal.” Most schoolchildren shamelessly use ready-made essays, selecting and rewriting certain sentences. And the more conscientious ones are racking their brains about where to start and what to write about.

Where to start the text?

The essay “If I were a school principal” can be started with an exclamation or interrogative sentence. For example, “Am I really the school principal?” or “It can’t be! I am the school principal! Students are rarely told about this practice. For most teachers, it is important that the text has an introduction, main part and conclusions. This is technically a valid strategy, but it is equally important that the student expresses his or her own point of view. Therefore, it is better to start the essay “If I were a school director” with simple sentences, which describe how you suddenly became the head of an educational institution. This will be more than enough both technically and practically.

What can you write about?

“If I became a school director” is a really fascinating essay. In it you can write about everything that a particular student lacks in his educational institution. New gym, indoor pool, Newest technologies- everything that imagination can reach can be used as material for writing. Quite often there are texts whose authors want to change the teaching staff, or even close the school altogether. But there are also essays that describe in detail how lessons should be taught, what students should do during breaks, how much time to spend at school and how to take responsibility for their actions. The essay “If I were a school director” is not just a task in the Russian language, but also a method that helps determine emotional condition schoolchildren of a particular institution. Therefore, the more detailed the student describes his desires, the easier it will be for the management of the educational institution to determine what is missing in the school and how it can be corrected.

Example text

“If I were a school principal” is a fairly easy essay, and the main problem that students face is the fear of being misunderstood. After all, each student has his own desires and claims, which he can freely express in an essay. Therefore, you can write about everything that is boiling, the main thing is that there are no errors in the text and that it is technically correctly constructed. For example:

“Today is my first day as a school principal. I don't have much time, so I'll try to make as many positive changes to my life as possible. educational institution.

The first thing I will do is select new teachers. Those who will not constantly take it out on students, will not focus solely on knowledge, but will become a friend to the younger generation. In classes there will never be a division between those who study well and those who study poorly - everyone is equal, and everyone will be treated the same. The educational process should also change. Each lesson should be structured in such a way as to interest the student. Not just present him with information, but encourage him to find the answer on his own. Special attention will also be given to those students who dream of achieving success in a certain field. They will be divided into interest groups, and training camps will be organized especially for them, where well-known representatives of a particular profession will give master classes. And, of course, the school will have an incentive program. Students will be rewarded not for good grades, but for independent achievements. Someone decided to write a book or after school plays sports on their own, someone protects their friends or takes part in social events. It will not be the numbers in the journal that will be taken into account, but personal growth each student, his noble intentions and determination.

School is a place where the future generation is educated. It is on these children that the fate of the country will depend in the future, so they should flaunt not so much the grades they received on the test, but rather the knowledge that is interesting and easy for them to assimilate. And also to be good people, who know words like “understanding,” “compassion,” and “honesty.”

Every essay is an interesting task, and there is no student who cannot write it. There are only those who are embarrassed to express their real thoughts.

If I were the director of the school, a lot would change in it. First of all, I would make the menu in our school’s cafeteria more varied. Each student could choose for himself what he liked. At the same time, I would eliminate junk food completely. But I would add more fresh fruits, juices, salads from fresh vegetables - in general, everything is only the healthiest.

Also, if I were a school director, I would make sure that all teachers receive high salaries. And of course, the conditions in which they work must be good: interactive whiteboards, computers and other necessary equipment must be installed in each office.

Also, if I were a director, I would change our playground. I would make it very large, add a tennis field, the football ground would have a special coating that is unlikely to wash away after rain. I would also add a comfortable treadmill, similar to the one we see at various intercity and international competitions.

Probably, the school director does not have the opportunity to change everything he wants, because this requires a lot of money. But still, I think he can handle some things. For example, talk to teachers who do not know how to communicate normally with students, constantly shout at them and make offensive statements. I don’t think there should be such teachers in schools. They definitely need to explain how they should behave, and I think this is entirely within the capabilities of the school principal.

To be honest, I would not like to be a school director at all, because this is a huge responsibility. But sometimes I still want to dream...

Read along with the article “Essay on the topic “If I were a school principal”:


"If I were the director..."
- What would you do first?
- How would you act?
- What would you like to change in this or that area?
A director is not only presentations, buffets, a car, a dacha, a separate warm office; a director is a manager: the funds of the enterprise, people - the employees of the enterprise, and the time of these people. The director is an economic specialist who cares about production, for every penny spent...
The director’s task is to make a profit for the company so that there is an increase in capital gains.
First of all, you need to look at the enterprise from all sides: both in terms of balance sheet and physical capabilities. And then - plan what and when to do with the enterprise: either revive it, or repurpose it, or join another enterprise (the issue of merger-acquisition, or partnership), or consider expanding the capabilities of the enterprise.
Expanding the capabilities of an enterprise is the allocation of part of the profit for the purchase of movable (trucks, cars) and/or real estate (warehouses, hangars, apartments) in order to generate additional profit by renting out. But it is better when it is possible to purchase a plot of land for construction, for example, cottages or a high-rise building, and manage these buildings yourself, or sell them.
Good opportunities are provided by participating in trading on the stock exchange - buying cheaper, selling more expensive: goods on the stock exchange (shares of other enterprises), raw materials (oil, non-ferrous metals), trading currencies. But it’s better when the company itself creates shares and puts them on the stock exchange itself.
To increase profits, foreign investors offer:
- create a traditional system that generates profit;
- buy a franchise company with a ready-made business;
- enter a multi-level system with small capital.
And you need to act strictly according to plan: do what you planned and when.
What would I like to change in this or that area? - The question is clearly off topic, but when not good question- nothing to show off. I would earn some money from my enterprise and transfer part of the funds to a newly organized educational institution - the Institute government controlled, in which students will study immediately after school, selected not at the request of large wallets, but according to questionnaires. I wish I could organize an educational institution close in meaning to medical college– Institute of Functional Medicine, which would teach: How to know yourself...
A graduate who understands his destiny will not go into trade after medical school, and a person who graduates from flight school will not become a taxi driver... Our life has become a complete deception for ourselves: around big cities there are former collective farm fields overgrown with weeds and grass, empty, abandoned villages, huge landfills garbage... And in the city: courtyard passages look like after a bombing, the light walls of houses are painted with black paints, the glass walls of bus stops are coated with a thick, thick layer of adhesive...
It is known that time is money, that the future begins now, that it is good to be at the right time in a certain place... The time factor - in combination with capital and creative potential - people, provides the greatest opportunities.
Everything should work: and the fields should not be overgrown with weeds, but, for example, with cabbage or potatoes; garbage from landfills must be recycled, and from garbage, for example, make benches for gardens, parks and squares... And money must work, and not lie in banks, commercial and three-liter. And people must work - turn on their brains and think about what they can come up with to get fuel from water, and get electricity from air, and how to make computer programs recognize animals, and determine their age from people’s faces...
The question raised at the beginning about the acquisition of land for construction provides an opportunity to earn money: for one ruble spent in a year you can get three rubles in profit; and participation in trading on the stock exchange makes it possible to earn 10% profit per month with any capital, and some already work on the stock exchanges, for example, commercial banks.
I feel very sorry for the whining people who start yelling in a conversation that we don’t have either this or that... I will answer: you have hands, take a pencil in one hand, you have a head - take the head in the other hand and write it down decorate your life in your own way the way you would like to see it. Seraphim of Sarov was right: “Save yourself, and thousands will be saved with you.”

Best regards, Victor Kolupaev.

We asked the children from school No. 2, Tyrnyauz, Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria, to speculate on the topic: “If I were a school director...” Many of the answers turned out to be unexpected not only for us, but also for the school director Hanafi Guliyev himself.
Someone approached the issue seriously, thinking through everything down to the smallest detail, right down to the storage room for mops and brooms. Some people dream of abolishing school uniforms and shortening the duration of lessons. Many people are saying that it’s time to switch to e-books and tablets, that teachers need to increase their salaries and renovate their classrooms. Foreign languages, excursions, physical education twice a day, a camp at school, two meals a day, joint evenings and parties with and for teachers - in a word, the director has a lot to think about. After all, as one girl wrote, “the school director must know all the wishes of the students, whatever they may be.”

6th grade
“I will place in the most prominent place a painting by Leonardo da Vinci and a comfortable chair with a table.”
Amina Ulmezova:

I'm in 6th grade, I'm 12 years old. When I grow up, I really want to become a school director, but my mother says to become a director, you need to be an excellent student. I will try my best to achieve my goal. I study at school No. 2, we have a very good director, I will follow his example. Hanafi Osmanovich Guliyev cares very much about our school, and we try to support him.
If I were a school director, the first thing I would do is expand the school by two floors. On the 4th floor you can put slot machines so you can play if there is no lesson, and on the left you can put a storage room for mops and brooms, as well as for other household items. And so that the basement has a lot of light and a special place where you can store food. You also need an elevator to get around the school.
I wish there were more educated teachers.
On the 5th floor I would make a personal museum for the school, so that you can go there to look at paintings and learn something new. All classes have new equipment. In the school yard there are many flower beds and parking for bicycles with a camera, because some students live far from the school. And the highlight is a music center with search engine. So that the gym has a lot of exercise equipment and dumbbells. In libraries - update all the books (after all, what is life without books?) and put several paintings there to interest students. And the corridors must be clean.
In my office, I will place in the most prominent place a painting by Leonardo da Vinci and a comfortable chair with a table and a computer.

“I would cut classes and ban school uniforms”
Mukhammat Malkanduev:

- My name is Malkanduev Mukhammat. I am in 6th grade. When I grow up, I will become the director of the school where I study. I would build a gym and give teachers good computers. I would renovate the school and classrooms, add computers to the computer science classroom. I would shorten lessons, ban school uniforms, add more languages, rent sleds for children in winter, increase teachers' salaries, build a swimming pool. But I'm still far from being a director. I like the school where I study. I’m not going to move to another school, although my mother insists. But dad is on my side.

“I would go with teachers and children to a sanatorium”
Makhai Khadzhiev:

- I study in the 6th grade. When I graduate from university, maybe I will become a school director. I would go to a sanatorium with teachers and children. After we get back, I would buy new computers for the kids. Children would ride bicycles to school. The school will have German lessons and French. I would buy new books and renovate the school. The school would have a gym. Everyone would be happy to go to school.

“I will have my own school”

- I am currently in the 6th grade, but I dream of quickly moving to the 11th grade. I dream of becoming a school director. To begin with, I will work as a head teacher at a school, and then I will definitely become a director. When I become a school director, I will earn a lot of money and open my own school. I will put 10 computers, 20 tables and chairs, a teacher's desk in each classroom, and buy a lot of posters. I will open a playroom for children primary classes, Gym. I will buy a piano, musical instruments, a large TV, computers, and dance outfits for the assembly hall.

“I will increase my salary by 10 thousand rubles”
Ruslan Bitirov:

- In a few years I will receive Teacher Education and become a school director. I will build a new school. It will have a lot of offices, computers, plastic windows everywhere, a swimming pool, and a gym. On summer holidays I will open camps. I will increase my salary by 10 thousand rubles.

“I would buy e-books instead of regular books”
Musabiy Daduev:

- I will enroll as a civil engineer. If I were a school director, I would build a gym. We have a field, but in winter it is very cold outside. I would buy e-books instead of regular ones. Nowadays children love everything that is modern. Most importantly, I would increase the teacher’s salary. Children at school would study not only English language, but also French, Spanish, German.

11th grade
“It is necessary for the director to know the wishes of the students, whatever they may be”
Fatima Dzhazaeva:

“I would re-equip or rebuild a lot of things in the school: first of all, I would increase the salaries of teachers, purchase new equipment for the assembly hall, and complete the construction of the gym. I would also organize various activities to entertain students and not let them get bored. It is also necessary that the wishes of the students, whatever they may be, be recognized by the director. It would be possible to arrange different clubs for children.

“My school would be the initiator of various events”
Fatima Atmurzaeva:

- If I were a director, then my school would be the initiator of various city and regional events: tree planting, cleaning environment, on thematic rallies, to raise funds to help orphanages and other people in need. My school would have theme nights dedicated to a particular era or decade. I would like to see classes organized after school for more in-depth study of subjects for those interested. My school would also have a student council led by a senior student who would organize events to help the elementary classes with their studies or to help out the library. This is only a small part, but I have outlined the most important things.

“I would like there to be discipline and order in my school”
Aishat Mirzoeva:

- If I were a director, I would first of all raise teachers’ salaries. I would build a gym at school. If I were a director, I would want there to be discipline and order in my school. I would also do two meals a day (breakfast and lunch). And I would also like our school to be the best not only in our area, but throughout the world.

“I would do a student exchange with European countries»
Soltan Edokov:

- If I were a director, first of all I would build a gym, then equip all the offices with good computers. I would renovate the entire school to make it cozy and comfortable. I would put new equipment in the dining room, new tables, chairs. I would shorten the lessons to 40 minutes. Built a locker room. I would try to do an exchange of students, preferably with European countries. In general, I would try to do everything so that students have a desire to learn and teachers have a desire to work.

7th grade
“Instead of certificates, I would give medals made of pure gold”
Roma Sergeev:

- If I were a director, then, firstly, I would make a good renovation, install large tables in the dining room, install interactive whiteboards in the classrooms, distribute tablets to students, improve the plumbing, install plasma TVs, computers in the teachers’ room, create a computer class more technical, I would put attractions and interactive mats in the yard. Instead of certificates, he would give medals made of pure gold, and not the painted garbage that they give now. I would extend the holidays. I would shorten the lessons a little. I would increase teachers' salaries. I would give him a scholarship. I bought exercise equipment and a school bus. And finally, I would make the school more beautiful.

“My students will certainly study in the corridors”
Karina Makitova:
- If I were a director and I had a million dollars, I would not have an ordinary school, but a golden one. For students who would like to study at my school, I will tell them that everything is free. My school will have tablets that children no longer need to buy. All kinds of knowledge will be stored there. I'll be strict. My students will certainly study in the corridors. There will be schedules: when to study, when to play, when to go to the cafeteria, etc. There will be discipline in my school.

“Lessons should be 10 minutes long”

- If I were the director, I would cancel the form. She allowed me to turn on my phone during class. I canceled parent meetings and homework. So that lessons are 10 minutes long, and computer science and physical education are 60 minutes long.

“I would give everyone phones”
Dzhambulat Etezov:

- I would put a computer at each desk. I hung wallpaper, laid down a silk carpet and made a schedule for two physical exercises a day. Hung up interactive whiteboards. I would cancel the uniform, give everyone phones in September, and install supercomputers in every classroom for 100 thousand.

“I would throw parties for teachers.”
Zulfiya Bichekueva:

- If I were a director, I would organize parties for teachers. I would do homework for 30 minutes, weekends for the children (Saturday, Sunday) and for me (Friday, Saturday, Sunday), cancel homework.

“We would go on excursions more often”
Marina Gezhaeva:

- At my school, lessons would be 30 minutes long. In the dining room they can cook as much as the children want. Physical education five times a week. Teachers would only give "5". On holidays I would give diplomas, and with them laptops. We would visit museums and go on excursions more often. I would like us to have many medals and many certificates. We would participate in various Olympiads and competitions. The head teacher of the school would be Zinaida Karpovna.

“I would introduce lessons that should be taught by the students themselves”

“If I suddenly magically became a director, big changes would happen at the school.” I would issue an order so that classes would be recruited according to their interests: some would study history in depth, others would study mathematics, others would study Russian, and also that students would choose their own team. In order for schoolchildren to take their learning more seriously and responsibly, I would introduce lessons that the students themselves should prepare and teach. I would refurbish or rebuild a lot of things in the school. I would install computers in all classrooms, build a gym with exercise equipment, and plant a beautiful garden.
Much could be rebuilt in our school, but, unfortunately, I am not the director.

5th grade
“I would build a school where everything would be free”
Dinara Efendieva:

- If I were a director, I would build a shelter for cats and dogs. I would hire workers and build a school where everything would be free. All classrooms would have electronic boards and computers. I would help all sick children.

“I would do a lot of renovations”
Dzhannet Malkarova:

- If I were the director, I would do a lot of renovations at the school. We built a gym and increased teachers’ salaries. Each student would have a laptop instead of books. I would hold many competitions, exhibitions and excursions. All students, together with teachers, would conduct excursions to different cities and countries.

“I would install plastic windows”
Tom Mollaeva:

- If I were a director, I would install plastic windows and safe doors in the school. I would also travel and buy myself dinner.

“I would go traveling”
Aslan Kartlykov:

- If I were a director, I would travel very far.

“I would hire good teachers and technicians”
Zulfiya Apsuvaeva:

- I would renovate the school, hire good teachers, good technicians and make a road to the school.

“I would like everyone to wear suits and study with straight A’s.”
Tikhon Kapitanov:

- If I were a director, I would want everyone to wear suits and study with “A” grades.

“I would pay for the children’s surgeries”

- I would renovate the school. If there was a lot of money, I would pay for the children's operations. I would find good teachers so that I have many students.

“I would cancel the form”
Malik Afashokov:

- I would increase teachers’ salaries and abolish uniforms, because they can be inconvenient.

“I would put soft chairs for teachers”
Amina Apsuvaeva:

- If I were a director, I would renovate the classrooms so that students and teachers would be comfortable. I would change the floors in the classrooms and install soft chairs for teachers.

My name is Marat, and I am in 5th grade. If I were a school director, I would try to improve a lot.

I'll start with the dining room. I would make a more varied menu, let the children choose what they would eat, and if they don’t have something, they would bring it in a week. But food should be healthy, so all sorts of chips and sausages would not be held in high esteem.

I would definitely raise teachers’ salaries and buy them new equipment. These are new computers, projectors and interactive whiteboards. I would buy a lot of interactive materials for the school to make it more interesting for children to learn.

Also, if I were a director, I would make a new football field so that its surface after rain would not turn into one big puddle. And there was always a net on the goal. And in winter, a large skating rink would be built on the school grounds, but now the skating rink is small and only junior classes can skate there. I would make school meetings shorter. And then they can take a very long time.

I would install new equipment and exercise equipment on the sports ground. And you can plant trees and bushes near the fences, like in the neighboring school. Looks good.

One day a week - Friday - there was no need to wear a school uniform, and the lessons were the easiest.

Plastic windows can be installed in all classrooms; they are more convenient. The long break can be extended by ten minutes to provide more rest time for teachers and students.

And on the first of September, the first day of school, I would definitely organize a party at school.

This is all possible if the school has money. Therefore, we need to make sure that the school has enough money.

Essay on the topic School Principal

Every schoolchild at least once wondered about what he could do to change, even if he were the director of the school. Many, of course, would immediately decide to eliminate half of the lessons, increase recess and start handing out sweets at the buffet. But it’s worth not only bringing the holiday to school. It is worth making changes that would make studying easier and would not in any way affect the knowledge gained, but would only increase it significantly.
I would start with appearance students. Let the children choose the uniform themselves, because they have to wear it for a whole year. For example, at the beginning of the year, representatives from each class would gather and jointly choose what they like from the available models.

The appearance of the school itself is also important. Let there be more greenery and flowers in the corridors and offices. Children themselves must take care of them. It would be very nice to organize a small living corner with harmless animals. For example, parrots and fish.

I would immediately install personal drawers for each child, in which you can leave pens, pencils and textbooks and notebooks that are not needed that day. This would lighten already heavy backpacks.
During recess, in order not to do empty things, you can organize small Mind games. This could be solving crosswords, checkers, or even putting together puzzles. Then the school will stop fighting and mindlessly running around the corridors.

Once every quarter, I would establish a so-called “Reverse Day” - the children teach absolutely all the lessons themselves. Teachers simply attend the lesson, let the students understand in practice how difficult it is.

It would be very interesting to teach lessons sometimes foreign language with real speakers. What could be more interesting and exciting than communicating with foreigners in their own language? This way the subject should be absorbed much faster. It is unlikely that anyone will miss such classes.

Having become a director, I would do everything to make school one of the brightest and most exciting stages in the life of every student!

Short essay

If I suddenly became the director of a school, I would immediately decorate it in different colors to make it more fun! Holidays, there should be more different competitions and especially sports ones! Let schoolchildren develop physically, because the health of many children fails. Need to harden up more. Therefore, I would pay special attention to physical education lessons.

There is a mini-computer on each desk. It should contain educational programs and all textbooks in electronic form. Then children can avoid carrying heavy books to school, and their posture will not deteriorate.

I would also find an opportunity to organize a dance minute during one of the breaks. She really lifts your spirits, which will definitely have a positive effect on your studies! And, of course, the dining room should only have tasty and healthy food! Therefore, I would choose chefs personally, checking their culinary abilities.

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