Abstracts Statements Story

Pure and clear as a diamond, there are no roads. Water

The first game of the spring series of games “What? Where? When?". A youth team from Minsk is playing.


Team of experts

  • Peter Klimenko
  • Olga Klyueva
  • Agnia Sergeyuk
  • Anton Iokov
  • Alexander Shevtsov
  • Ivan Zaikov

TV Viewer Team

  • Roman Salagov (Soligorsk)
  • Valery Kazakevich (Sevastopol)
  • Sofya Jamalova (Samarkand)
  • Artashes Emin (Yerevan)
  • Elena Khristoforova (Kharkov)
  • Olga Anikeeva (Moscow)
  • Svetlana Shitova (Kostroma)
  • Svetlana Chakmozyan (Vladimir)
  • Anastasia Tulubaeva (Zmeinogorsk)
  • Olga Surzhko (Rossosh)
  • Mikhail Makashin (Rainbow)

Also on the gaming table there are sectors “Blitz” and “Sector 13”.

Round 1 (“Sector 13”, Yuri Berchun, Moscow)

Gilbert Chesterton said that intellectuals are divided into two groups: some worship the intellect, and others... Please finish the thought.

Alexander Shevtsov answers: They use intelligence. Correct answer: And others use it (intelligence). Check - 1: 0

Round 2 (Roman Salakhov, Soligorsk, Minsk region)

X-rays in the black box

A black box is brought into the hall. In the mid-20th century, censorship was rampant in the Soviet Union. Fans of forbidden melodies made the records themselves and called them “records on the ribs” or “records on the bones.” The black box contains what served as the basis for these records. What's in the black box?

Agnia Sergeyuk answers: X-ray Correct answer: X-rays Check - 2: 0

Round 3 (Olga Anikeeva, Moscow)

In July 1936, Salvador Dali gave a lecture in Burlington Gardens. The topic of the lecture is “Surrealism of immersion in the subconscious.” What did he wear at this lecture?

Olga Klyueva answers: In a scuba diver's suit. Correct answer: In a submarine diver's suit. Check - 3: 0

Round 4 (Anastasia Tulubaeva, Zmeinogorsk, Altai Territory)

On the pirate ship "Walrus", under the command of Captain Flint, there was a complete set of items that made it possible to freely approach any ship at close range. What did the pirates use?

Anton Iokov answers: Set of flags of different countries Correct answer: Flags of one state Check - 3: 1

Round 5 (Blitz Sector)

Riddle 1 (Oksana Kolesnichenko, St. Petersburg)

All 20 did not lose their heads, but no blood was shed, all 20 are not dead.

Ivan Zaikov answers: Nails Correct answer: Fingers and toes that have had their nails cut

Riddle 2 (Ekaterina Spiridonova, St. Petersburg)

Pure and pure and clear, like a diamond, there are no roads, he was born from his mother, he himself gives birth to her.

Agnia Sergeyuk answers: Mind Correct answer: Ice Check - 3: 2

Round 6 (Artashes Emin, Yerevan)

Artashes filmed the question on camera. Armenian masters of the Middle Ages were famous for their glazed tiles. They made these eggs that I have applied value in churches. How did such eggs help save parish funds?

Pyotr Klimenko answers: This is a censer, and as you know, smoke comes out of the censer, then this egg caught this smoke and allowed the church not to be ventilated Correct answer: The church is illuminated by lamps like these, in which oil was used. It was a treat for the mice, who climbed the chains and destroyed it. Such an egg suspended on a chain was an insurmountable obstacle for those mice. Check - 3: 3

Round 7 (Valery Kazakevich, Sevastopol)

In fact, an integral part of the monument is a quill pen

John Stow became famous for dedicating his entire life to collecting materials to compile a chronicle of England. As a token of gratitude, a monument was erected at John Stow’s grave for this enormous work. This photograph is missing an item that is an integral part of this monument. What is this item?

Ivan Zaikov answers: England map Correct answer: Quill quill score - 3: 4

Round 8 (Svetlana Shitova, Kostroma)

Plan of old Kostroma

To your right is a plan of old Kostroma, which, due to frequent fires, was completely rebuilt by decree of Catherine 2. According to the new plan, all central streets began to converge in the central part of the city. When Catherine II was asked what she would like Kostroma to be like, the Empress showed the audience an object that was located behind the scenes. What's there?

Players take “Club Help” Ivan Zaikov answers: Fan Correct answer: Fan Check - 4: 4

Round 9 (Svetlana Chakmazyan, Vladimir)

“English tea” is brought into the hall. For a long time, the British have been drinking tea with milk, and first put milk in a porcelain cup, and only then tea, and this is not by chance. This tradition has two reasons: firstly, according to the British, if tea is poured into milk, it acquires a unique aroma. Give the second reason.

Pyotr Klimenko answers: First put milk into the cup, then tea because milk is cold and tea is hot and if you pour milk and tea into it first, there is less chance that the cup will get hot and you can get burned. Correct answer: Hot tea could crack the cup. The British protected porcelain from cracks Check - 4: 5

Round 10 (Elena Khristoforova, Kharkov)

In Soviet times, many books by famous authors were published. These books were united by an appeal on the last page. The formula was described in this appeal. What, according to this formula, was 60 kg?

Pyotr Klemenko answers: Correct answer: 60 kg of waste paper - one tree Check - 5: 5

Round 11 (Olga Surzhko, Rossozh, Voronezh region)

What in last years began to place some Japanese in the center of Takanoma?

Ivan Zaikov answers: Air freshener Correct answer: TV Check - 5: 6

Game results

  • Ivan Zaikov's team suffers a defeat and ends their performance this season.
  • The best player of the team is Agnia Sergeyuk.

And you can't overtake him on horseback. (River)

7.Pure and clear, like a diamond,

There are no roads

He was born from his mother,

He gives birth to her himself . (Ice)

8. Flies - is silent, lies - is silent,

When he dies, then he roars. (Snow)

For your information:

These lakes are the most extensive in terms of water surface Chelyabinsk region: Uvildy, Irtyash.

The deepest: Uvildy, Kisegach, Turgoyak.

The most capacious: Uvildy and Turgoyak.

The cleanest water is in lakes Turgoyak, Zyuratkul, Uvildy (the white disk is visible at a depth of 19.5 m)

The most poetic lakes of the Chelyabinsk region:

Uvildy - “blue pearl of the Urals”;

Turgoyak - “lake-spring, the younger brother of Baikal”;

Zyuratkul - “Ural Ritsa”.

The longest river in the Chelyabinsk region is the Ural, its total length is 2428 km and it flows into the Caspian Sea.

The shallowest sea is the Caspian Sea, whose greatest depth is 14 m.

The deepest lake is Baikal (1637 m). 336 (554) rivers flow into it (according to various sources).

Ladoga and Onega are the largest lakes in Europe.

The world's largest lake is the Caspian Sea. Its area is 371,800 square meters. km, and the depth reaches 1025 m.

The longest river is the Nile, its length is 6670 km.

Let's give the floor to the experts - which speech most attracted your attention, which speech has a practical orientation?

Experts award nominations:

“The most informative presentation” was group B, which talked about different methods of hardening and methods of purifying water at home.

“The most reasonable speech” - group A, who spoke about the power of water and the structure of hydroelectric power stations

“The most beautiful performance” - group B, which introduced everyone to various types of sanatoriums in the Chelyabinsk region.

“The most elegant performance” - group G, which made us think about the consumption of drinking water.

Each group is given a bottle of mineral water .

IV. I would like to finish the event with a quiz on water.

1. The science of natural waters, the movement of water in nature.

- Hydrology.

An apparatus for breathing when a person is immersed under water.

-Scuba gear.

Special suit for working underwater .


A researcher swimming in a special apparatus underwater at great depths.

- Aquanaut.

A power plant that uses the energy of falling water to generate electricity.

-Hydro station.

Transparent paints diluted with water .


A hand pump that supplies liquid for watering and spraying.


The surface of a body of water, a reservoir; water area .

- Water area.

An aircraft capable of taking off from and landing on water.

- Seaplane.

A bridge structure with a canal (or pipeline) for supplying water across a ravine or river .


The little neighbor asked the other day

At the stream pouring from the tap:

Where are you from?

Water in response:

From afar. From the ocean !

Then the baby walked in the forest

The clearing sparkled with dew

Where are you from?-

I asked dew, -

Believe me too

From the ocean!

You, soda,

What are you hissing?

And from a seething glass

A whisper came:

Know. Baby.

And I came from the ocean!

A gray fog fell on the field.

The kid also asked the fog:

Where are you from? Who are you?

And I, my friend, am from the ocean!

Amazing, isn't it?

In the soup, in the tea, in every drop,

In a ringing piece of ice and in a teardrop,

And in the rain and in the dewdrop

Ocean water will always respond to us.

Water! It has no color, no smell, no taste. It is impossible to describe, they enjoy it, they do not know what water is.

And therefore: “You cannot say what is necessary for life. You are life itself!” (Exupery)

From the book Gods of the New Millennium [with illustrations] by Alford Alan

WATER, THAT'S THE POINT! While I was pondering the possibilities of hydrogen combustion and how the mines should be sealed so that gas could be transported through them, fate in the person of the 4th channel of the Equinox program gave me the last clue to solving this problem.

From the book About Three Whales and Much More author Kabalevsky Dmitry Borisovich

Living Water Composers who lived in different time and in different countries ah peace, listened to the music of their people and studied it the same way we all study ours native language. They loved folk song, absorbed its life-giving juices, relied on it in an effort to make their own music

From the book of Nature's beauty author Sanzharovsky Anatoly Nikiforovich

Water 1 Not a horse, but running, not a forest, but making noise. 2 Between the mountains and between the valleys a white horse runs. 3 It grew, grew taller, came out of its beard, the sun became bright, nothing happened. 4 Pure and clear, like a diamond, there are no roads, he was born from his mother, he himself gives birth to her. 5 In the new wall, in the round window, during the day

From the book Winged Words author Maksimov Sergey Vasilievich

From the book The Samurai Cookbook or Damn Those, and not a book about Japan author Carlson Kitya

Water of life Oh! Hot water - you are living water. Once upon a time our planet was a young planet of fire, then water and life cooled the earth, then people appeared under the green cover of the forest near the cold rivers, but somewhere in the depths, where only the deepest streams reach, from the heat

From the book Myths of Armenia author Ananikyan Martiros A

Water If fire had a feminine essence, then water had a masculine essence. As we already mentioned, they are very closely related to each other and are associated with brother and sister in the Armenian fire cult. Probably, the idea of ​​kinship was inspired by the trees, luxuriously green along the banks of rivers and lakes.

From book Chinese art tea party by Lin Wang

Water Now let's talk about the relationship between water and the art of tea making. Imagine babbling springs, the rustling of river waves, the misty surface of lakes and sweet and clear well water. The relationship between water and tea is the same as the relationship between wine and

From the book Slavic mythology author Belyakova Galina Sergeevna

FIRE AND WATER The opposition between fire and moisture (water) is closely connected with world religions. The constant motive of confrontation and fusion is especially clearly manifested in it. In Russian fairy tales, epics, and conspiracies, fire is personified in the image of a fiery serpent - a dragon, then

From the book Pre-Christian faith of the Ukrainian people author Ogienko Ivan

From the book Encyclopedia of Slavic culture, writing and mythology author Kononenko Alexey Anatolievich

From the book of the Deities of the Ancient Slavs author Famintsyn Alexander Sergeevich

From the book We are Slavs! author Semenova Maria Vasilievna

From the book The Origin of the Fork. The history of proper food author Rebora Giovanni

Water and salt Just one short chapter - and about two irreplaceable ingredients at once. Providing water in Ancient Rome was a serious problem and required large financial investments (the remains of Roman aqueducts can still be seen throughout Europe), but in

From the book Nature and Power [World History environment] by Radkau Joachim

From the book How to Speak Correctly: Notes on the Culture of Russian Speech author Golovin Boris Nikolaevich

From the book The Mysteries of Cooking. Gastronomic splendor of the Ancient World author Sawyer Alexis Benoit

“What kinds of plants are there?” - Don’t pour any nasty stuff on the ground. Organizing time, message of the purpose of the lesson. Birds. Love nature! Getting to know the diversity of plants. A ball of fluff, Long ear, jumps deftly, loves... . What types of animals are there? Where will you find out after solving the riddle? Forest. Now let's complete the diagram. What types of plants are there?

“Bunin Clean Monday” - Introduction. Another, inner life of the heroine opens on Forgiveness Sunday. The theme of spiritual cleansing in the story by I.A. Bunin "Clean Monday". The research method is an analytical reading of I.A. Bunin’s story “Clean Monday”. The title of the story refers to the Orthodox holiday Clean Monday.

“Pure substances and mixtures” - Distilled water Air Soil. Lesson objectives: Find out which substance is considered pure. Crystallization. What is a mixture? Sea water Milk Oxygen. 2. Make up chemical formulas of compounds: A pure substance has constants physical properties(tboil, tmelt, ?, etc.). Barium hydroxide. SO3, MgO, CuO.

"Clean Water" - Spring. Seas. polar ice and glaciers. Rivers. Pure water. The ocean is a continuous water shell of the Earth that has a common salt composition. Conclusion. Lakes. Reservoirs. Oceans. Keep your water clean! A glacier is an accumulation of ice of atmospheric origin on the earth's surface. Determination of water purity.

“Diamond stone” - Diamond is simply crystalline carbon C. They began to be used as women’s jewelry only from the middle of the 15th century. Diamond elements. Mystical properties. A symbol of power, wealth, beauty and wisdom. It is good to receive a diamond as a gift or inheritance. A diamond is a diamond that has been given a special shape through processing.

“Yasnaya Polyana Tolstoy” - Volkonsky House is the oldest building on the estate. Let them excommunicate you as they want and from whatever the Pharisees “high priests” want. Bathhouse on the Upper Pond. In the office at work. Path to the greenhouse. Hall interior. The house was sleeping when Tolstoy woke up. L. N. Tolstoy. "Yuletide Night" The morning walk along the linden alley or around the house was short.

Today the first game of this year "What? Where? When?" took place. A very young team played ( average age 15 years old), but the questions were quite “adult”.

First round. 13th sector.
Gilbert Chesterton said that intellectuals are divided into two groups: some worship the intellect, and others... Finish the sentence.

...use it.
The experts responded. The score is 1-0.

Second round. Black box.
In the mid-20th century, censorship was rampant in the Soviet Union. Fans of forbidden melodies made their own records and called them “rib records” or “bone records.” What was the basis for these records?

X-ray pictures.
The experts responded. The score is 2-0.

Third round.
In July 1936, Salvador Dalí gave a lecture at the Burlington Gardner. Lecture topic: surrealism - immersion in the subconscious. What did he wear to this lecture?

In a diver's suit.
The experts responded. The score is 3-0.

Fourth round.
On the pirate ship Walrus, under the command of Captain Flint, there was a complete set of items that made it possible to easily approach any ship at close range. What did the pirates use?

It was a set of flags of different countries. In those days, a ship would allow another ship to approach if it had the flag of the same state.
The experts seemed to answer correctly, but the presenter did not count the answer. The score is 3-1.

Fifth round. Blitz.
Question No. 1.
The mystery of the Indian poet Dehlavi. All 20 did not lose their heads, but no blood was shed, all 20 are not dead.

The experts responded.
Question No. 2.
Russian mystery. Pure and clear as a diamond, there are no roads. He was born from his mother, he gives birth to her himself.

The experts did not answer. The score is 3-2.

Sixth round.
Armenian masters of the Middle Ages were famous for their glazed tiles. They also made eggs at the ends of the lamps (much like in the picture). How did such eggs help save parish funds?

They protected the oil in the lamps from mice. When trying to get to the oil along the chains, the mice encountered an insurmountable obstacle in the form of such an egg.
The experts did not answer. The score is 3-3.

Seventh round.
John Stow lived in London in the 16th century and became famous for dedicating his entire life to collecting materials to compile a chronicle of England. As a token of gratitude for this enormous work, a monument was erected at John Stow's grave. Look at the photo. This photograph is missing an item that is an integral part of this monument. What is this item?

This is a goose feather. Every year, on the day of Stowe's death, the Lord Mayor exchanges this feather for a new one. And the old pen is given to the student who writes the best essay.
The experts did not answer. The score is 3-4.

Eighth round.
Old Kostroma was completely rebuilt by order of Catherine II due to frequent fires. According to the new plan, all central streets began to converge in the central part of the city. There is a legend: when Catherine was asked what she would like Kostroma to be like, the Empress showed the object. What is this item?

Fan. This is what the city looked like:

The experts responded with the help of the audience. The score is 4-4.

Ninth round.
The British have been drinking tea with milk for a long time. Moreover, milk is poured into a porcelain cup first, and only then tea. And this is no coincidence. This tradition has two reasons. Firstly, according to the British, if tea is poured into milk, it acquires a unique aroma. Give the second reason.

Hot tea can crack a porcelain cup. If you add milk first, this will not happen.
The experts did not answer. Score 4-5.

Tenth round.
In Soviet times, many books by famous authors were published. These books were united by an appeal on the last page. The formula was described in this appeal. Which, according to this formula, equaled 60 kg.

60 kg of waste paper saves 1 tree from being cut down.
The experts responded. The score is 5-5.

Eleventh round.
Tokonoma is the center of a traditional Japanese home. Most often, this is a niche in the center of which an engraving or scroll with a saying written in calligraphy is placed, and an ikebana or incense burner is placed. What have some Japanese started placing in the center of the tokonoma in recent years?

The experts did not answer, but they were very close. The score is 5-6.

It's a pity for the guys, they played well. We were close to victory. If they had been given credit for the question about the pirate ship or the team captain had not made a mistake on the last question, then everything could have worked out.