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Introduction to a fairy tale by telephone. Lesson - game based on the work of Gianni Rodari

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Once upon a time there lived... Signor Bianchi. He lived in the city of Varese and was an employee of a trading company that sold medicines. His work was very hectic. Every week, six days out of seven, he traveled throughout Italy. He traveled west and east, south and north, and back again - and so on, including Saturday. He spent Sunday at home with his daughter, and on Monday, as soon as the sun rose, he hit the road again. His daughter accompanied him and always reminded him:

- Do you hear, dad, I’m waiting again tonight a new fairy tale!

I must tell you that this girl could not sleep until they told her a fairy tale. Mom had already told her everything she knew three times: there were stories, fables, and just fairy tales. And she still can’t get enough! My father also had to take up this craft. Wherever he was, no matter what place in Italy he found himself, every evening at exactly nine o’clock he called home and told a new fairy tale over the phone. He invented them himself and told them himself. This book contains all these “tales on the telephone”, and you can read them. They, as you will notice, are not very long. After all, Signor Bianchi had to pay for the telephone conversation from his own pocket, and, you know, he could not talk for too long. Only sometimes, when things were going well for him, would he allow himself to talk longer. Of course, if the fairy tale deserved it.

I’ll tell you a secret: when Signor Bianchi called Varese, even the telephone operators stopped their work and listened to his tales with pleasure. Of course, I actually like some of them!

“Take a gun, Giuseppe,” the mother once said to her son, “and go hunting.” Tomorrow your sister is getting married, and you need to prepare a festive dinner. Hare meat would be very good for this.

Giuseppe took the gun and went hunting. As soon as he stepped out onto the road, he saw a hare running. The scythe jumped out from under the fence and ran into the field. Giuseppe raised his gun, took aim and pulled the trigger. But the gun didn’t even think about shooting!

- Pum! - it suddenly said in a ringing and cheerful voice and threw the bullet onto the ground.

Once upon a time in Bologna, on the main square, a palace was built from ice cream. And the guys came running here from all over the city to enjoy at least a little something.

The roof of the palace was made of whipped cream, the smoke that rose from the chimneys was made of figured sugar, and the chimneys themselves were made of candied fruits. Everything else was made of ice cream: the doors were made of ice cream, the walls were made of ice cream, the furniture was made of ice cream.

One very small boy grabbed the table leg and began to gobble it up.

- Mom, should I go for a walk? - Go, Giovanni. Just be careful when you cross the street.

- Okay, mom. Bye!

-You're always so absent-minded...

- Yes mom. Bye!

And Giovanni ran out of the house cheerfully. At first he was very attentive. Every now and then he stopped and felt himself:

- Everything is in place? Have you lost anything? – and he laughed himself.

Giovannino the Slacker loved to travel. He traveled and traveled and ended up in an amazing country where houses were built without corners - they were round. And the roofs were also not set at an angle, but smoothly rounded. Along the road along which Giovannino was walking, there was a hedge of rose bushes, and he, of course, wanted to put one rose in the buttonhole of his jacket. He was preparing to pick a flower carefully, so as not to prick himself on the thorns, when he suddenly noticed that the thorns did not prick at all - they, it turns out, were not sharp at all and only slightly tickled his hand.

- Miracles, and that’s all! – Giovannino was surprised.

At that same moment, a city guard appeared from behind a bush with roses and, smiling very politely, asked him:

– You probably don’t know that you can’t pick roses?

– I’m very sorry... I didn’t think...

Lesson-game “Your own game”.

Subject: Gianni Rodari. "Tales on the phone."

Objectives: to introduce students to the life and work of J. Rodari; show the originality of the genre of fairy tales by J. Rodari; develop text analysis skills.

Equipment: book exhibition
During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

Divided into three teams. Familiarity with the conditions and rules of the game.

2. The teacher’s word about Gianni Rodari.
Children's poet, writer J. Rodari (1920-1980) became famous in our country earlier than in his homeland, thanks to the excellent translations of S.Ya. Marshak.

Childhood. He was born in the small Italian town of Omegna, where “oranges and lemons and olives and so on ripen.” His life was not at all easy. Gianni's father was a baker, and the boy learned early what crafts smell like. Both he and his brothers needed to help their father. After the death of their father, the family moved in search of work to the city of Varese, where the mother managed to find a position as a servant in a rich house.

Studies. Gianni Rodari realized that the only way to get out of poverty and help his family is through study and education: they can provide decent work and better life. He first studied at the theological seminary, and then at the university.

Job. Teacher. In his youth he worked as a teacher primary classes, was very friendly with children and came up with fun games for them.

Journalist. Then he became a journalist and ran a page for children in the newspaper. One day a letter came to the editor from a woman. “I live in a dark and damp basement,” she wrote. – My boy is growing up in this basement, his name is Ciccio. Write a poem for him." This is how the poem “Ciccio” appeared.

Ciccio lives in the basement near the trash heap,

Sleeping on a creaky, rickety cot,

A lame table and a stool -

There is no more furniture in the basement...
There are gardens and glades on earth,

The fountains scatter thousands of splashes.

In a dark basement there is always a wall

Water flows in a slow trickle.

Since then, J. Rodari began writing poems and fairy tales for children in the “Children's Corner” of his newspaper.

Creation. Here is what the writer himself says about the beginning of his creative journey: “Several years have passed since I stopped teaching, but when I took up the pen, I imagined that the eyes of my students were fixed on me, that they were waiting for a fairy tale from me.

or funny stories... So I started writing so-called “filastrokke”, or “nonsense” stories for kids. The form of these poems is taken from Italian children's folklore."

J. Rodari wrote a lot of funny, easy-to-remember poems about the lives of children, their worries and dreams, he came up with nonsense, counting rhymes, lullabies and, of course, fairy tales. The most famous of them is the fairy tale “The Adventures of Cipollino”, then “The Journey of the Blue Arrow”, “Gelsomino in the Land of Liars”, “Tales on the Phone”, “Cake in the Sky”.

In 1970, the writer was awarded the International Hans Christian Andersen Prize for his instructive and joyful fairy tales and poems for children.

“Tales on the Phone” are especially poetic, in which folklore motifs sound, wittily combined with modern reality. Mocking fairy tales warn children against idleness and arrogance, gluttony and rudeness, and teach them to be attentive to people, kind and fair.

3. Progress of the game.

Students of three teams take turns choosing a fairy tale by J. Rodari from the collection “Tales by Telephone” and the cost of the question. The answer begins with the team that is ready to go forward. If the answer is correct, the team receives as many points as it was rated. If an incorrect answer is given, no points are counted, and the right to answer this question passes to the next team.

The following sectors are found in the game:

1) “Pig in a poke”: the question is transferred to the other team.

2) “Own game”: if the answer is correct, the entire amount of points is doubled.

The team with the most points wins.

"Tonino the Invisible"

"War of the Bells"

Pause “This is interesting!”

"Inside Out Questions"

2. The invisible boy.

5. Old Proverb always...

"Tonino the Invisible"
10b. Why did Tonino wish

become invisible?

20b. What kind of “fun” did you come up with?

Is Tonino happy?

30b. Why is the boy soon

I'm tired of being invisible

and he regretted his desire?
40b. "My own game". Who noticed

crying Tonino in the courtyard?

50b. What did Tonino do again?


"The Man Who Wanted to Steal the Colosseum"
10b. Why one person

wanted to steal the Colosseum?

20b. Where did he put the stones?

stolen from the Colosseum?

30b. "Pig in a poke."

Has the Colosseum gotten smaller over the years?

40b. Where did you decide to spend

the last minutes of my life

the man who wanted to steal


50b. What discovery did you make?

an old man before his death,

hostile commanders-in-chief

sides in the war,

erupted into life and death?

20b. Why did you order

commanders-in-chief remove

all the bells in their countries and melt them?
30b. What happened after the cannons cast from the bells were fired?
40b. What were the bells ringing on all sides?
50b. Where were the bells heard?

"About the Mouse Who Ate Cats"
10b. Why everything I ate

library mouse

(cat, dog, rhinoceros, elephant, etc.),

did it taste like paper and smell like ink?

20b. What did the mouse reproach for?

your nephews?

30b. "My own game". Why

it fell into the cat's paws

library mouse, not her nephews?
40b. What did the cat teach the library mouse?
50b. "Pig in a poke." How did it work?

Mice escape from the cat's claws?

"Inside Out Questions"
10b. Why to the questions of the inquisitive

boy, no one managed to answer?

20b. "My own game". Why why?

retired from people to the top of a mountain?

30b. What is the opposite question why?

came up with it when I got old

and he grew a beard?
40b. Where did you write down your

questions why?

50b. What discovery did you make?

life scientist

why after his death?

Pause. Crossword “Tales by phone”
1. What has grown from the endless inside-out questions?

2. The invisible boy.

4. What did the cats and dogs eaten by the library mouse taste like?

5. Old Proverb always...

6.To whom did the Old Proverb whisper: “Your work is a sure win,” and he lost?


"Tonino the Invisible"

10b. Why did Tonino wish to become invisible? (Tonino had not learned his lessons and was afraid that he would not be asked)

20b. What kind of “fun” did Tonino come up with to celebrate? (He rushed around the class, pulled his comrades' hair, knocked over inkwells, so he quarreled with all the children, stole sweets from a candy store, rode a trolleybus for free)

30b. Why did the boy soon get bored of being invisible and regret his desire? (No one paid attention to Tonino, he felt lonely and unwanted)

40b. "My own game". Who noticed Tonino crying in the courtyard of the house? (Lonely old man)

50b. What made Tonino visible again? (Compassion and attention to a lonely person)

"The Man Who Wanted to Steal the Colosseum"

10b. Why did one man want to steal the Colosseum? (He wanted the entire Colosseum to belong only to him)

20b. Where did he put the stones stolen from the Colosseum? (In the basement, in the attic, under the sofa, behind the closet, in the dirty laundry basket, filled the entire apartment)

30b. "Pig in a poke." Has the Colosseum gotten smaller over the years? (The Colosseum still stood in its place)

40b. Where did the man who wanted to steal the Colosseum decide to spend the last minutes of his life? (On the upper terrace of the Colosseum)

50b. What discovery did the old man make before his death when he heard the child’s voice: “Mine!”? (The Colosseum cannot belong to one person, it is the common property of all people)

"War of the Bells"

10b. "My own game". What were the names of the commanders-in-chief of the hostile sides in a war that broke out to the death? (On the spot Colonel Bombasto Palbasto Shatter-and-Basta, Ober-Beysehmeister von Bombach Palbach Shatter-you-to-dust)

20b. Why did the commanders-in-chief order to remove all the bells in their countries and melt them? (Cast a huge cannon to win the war in one shot)

30b. What happened after the cannons cast from the bells were fired? (The festive ringing of bells flew and floated)

40b. What were the bells ringing on all sides? (The holiday has arrived! The world has arrived!)

50b. Where were the bells heard? (There is no corner left on the whole earth, neither on land nor in the ocean, where the ringing of bells could not be heard)

"About the Mouse Who Ate Cats"

10b. Why did everything that the library mouse ate (cat, dog, rhinoceros, elephant, etc.) taste like paper and taste like ink? (The mouse was gnawing on picture books)

20b. What did the mouse reproach his nephews for? (The fact is that they are ignorant, do not know life, do not know how to read)

30b. "My own game". Why did the library mouse fall into the cat’s paws, and not her nephews? (She has no life experience, she lived her whole life in a library and never saw a real cat)

40b. What did the cat teach the library mouse? (In addition to book wisdom, there is also worldly wisdom)

50b. "Pig in a poke." How did the mouse manage to escape from the cat's claws? (She acquired worldly wisdom, while the cat averted his eyes, the mouse hid between the books)

"Inside Out Questions"

10b. Why couldn’t anyone answer the inquisitive boy’s questions? (These were questions backwards, or inside out)

20b. "My own game". Why did he go away from the people to the top of the mountain? (No one could answer his questions, and he retired to come up with questions alone)

30b. What question, on the contrary, why did he come up with when he got old and grew a beard? (Why does a beard have a face?)

40b. Where did you write down your why questions? (In notebook)

50b. What discovery did the scientist make when he studied the life of why after his death? (Since childhood, Pochemuchka has been accustomed to putting on his stockings inside out and has been wearing them this way all his life, which is why he has not learned to ask the right questions)

Coming up with a fairy tale is a creative task that develops children's speech, imagination, fantasy, and creative thinking. These tasks help the child create a fairy-tale world where he is the main character, developing in the child such qualities as kindness, courage, boldness, and patriotism.

By composing independently, the child develops these qualities. Our children really like to invent their own ideas. fairy tales, it brings them joy and pleasure. Fairy tales invented by children are very interesting and help to understand inner world your children, a lot of emotions, the invented characters seemed to come to us from another world, the world of childhood. The drawings for these essays look very funny. The page presents short tales that the schoolchildren came up with for the lesson literary reading in 3rd grade. If the children cannot write a fairy tale themselves, then invite them to come up with the beginning, end or continuation of the fairy tale on their own.

A fairy tale should have:

  • introduction (starter)
  • main action
  • denouement + epilogue (preferably)
  • a fairy tale should teach something good

The presence of these components will give your creative work the correct finished look. Please note that in the examples presented below, these components are not always present, and this serves as a basis for lowering the ratings.

Fight against an alien

In a certain city, in a certain country, there lived a president and a first lady. They had three sons - triplets: Vasya, Vanya and Roma. They were smart, brave and courageous, only Vasya and Vanya were irresponsible. One day, the city was attacked by an alien. And not a single army could cope. This alien destroyed houses at night. The brothers came up with an invisible drone. Vasya and Vanya were supposed to be on duty, but fell asleep. But Roma couldn’t sleep. And when the alien appeared, he began to fight it. It turned out to be not so simple. The plane was shot down. Roma woke up the brothers, and they helped him control the smoking drone. And together they defeated the alien. (Kamenkov Makar)

How the ladybug got dots.

Once upon a time there lived an artist. And one day he came up with the idea of ​​drawing a fairy-tale picture about the life of insects. He drew and drew, and suddenly he saw a ladybug. She didn't seem very beautiful to him. And he decided to change the color of the back, the ladybug looked strange. I changed the color of the head, it looked strange again. And when I painted spots on the back, it became beautiful. And he liked it so much that he drew 5-6 pieces at once. The artist’s painting was hung in the museum for everyone to admire. And ladybugs still have dots on their backs. When other insects ask: "Why do you have ladybugs dots on their backs?" They answer: “It was the artist who painted us” (Surzhikova Maria)

Fear has big eyes

There lived a grandmother and granddaughter. Every day they went for water. The grandmother had large bottles, the granddaughter had smaller ones. One day our water carriers went to fetch water. They got some water and are walking home through the area. They walk and see an apple tree, and under the apple tree there is a cat. The wind blew and the apple fell on the cat’s forehead. The cat got scared and ran right under our water carriers’ feet. They got scared, threw the bottles and ran home. The grandmother fell on the bench, the granddaughter hid behind her grandmother. The cat ran scared and barely ran away. It’s true what they say: “Fear has big eyes—what they don’t have, they see.”


Once upon a time there lived a king, and he had a daughter. She was called Snowflake because she was made of snow and melted in the sun. But despite this, her heart was not very kind. The king did not have a wife and he said to the snowflake: “Now you will grow up and who will take care of me?” The snowflake saw the suffering of the king-father and offered to find him a wife. The king agreed. After some time, the king found himself a wife, her name was Rosella. She was angry and jealous of her stepdaughter. Snowflake was friends with all the animals, since people were allowed to see her, because the king was afraid that people might harm his beloved daughter.

Every day Snowflake grew and blossomed, and the stepmother figured out how to get rid of her. Rosella learned Snowflake’s secret and decided to destroy her at all costs. She called Snowflake to her and said: “My daughter, I am very sick and only the decoction that my sister cooks will help me, but she lives very far away.” Snowflake agreed to help her stepmother.

The girl set off in the evening, found where Rosella’s sister lived, took the broth from her and hurried on the way back. But dawn began and she turned into a puddle. Where the Snowflake melted, a beautiful flower grew. Rosella told the king that she sent Snowflake away to look into the world, but she never returned. The king was upset and waited days and nights for his daughter.

A girl was walking in the forest where a fairy flower grew. She took the flower home, began to look after it and talk to it. One spring day, a flower blossomed and a girl grew out of it. This girl turned out to be Snowflake. She went with her savior to the palace of the unfortunate king and told everything to the priest. The king became angry with Rosella and kicked her out. And he recognized his daughter’s savior as his second daughter. And they have lived together very happily ever since. (Veronica)

Magical forest

Once upon a time there lived a boy named Vova. One day he went into the forest. The forest turned out to be magical, like in a fairy tale. Dinosaurs lived there. Vova was walking and saw frogs in the clearing. They danced and sang. Suddenly a dinosaur came. He was clumsy and big, and he also began to dance. Vova laughed and so did the trees. That was the adventure with Vova. (Boltnova Victoria)

The Tale of the Good Hare

Once upon a time there lived a hare and a hare. They huddled in a small dilapidated hut on the edge of the forest. One day the hare went to pick mushrooms and berries. I collected a whole bag of mushrooms and a basket of berries.

He is walking home and meets a hedgehog. “What are you talking about, hare?” - asks the hedgehog. “Mushrooms and berries,” answers the hare. And he treated the hedgehog to mushrooms. He went further. A squirrel jumps towards me. The squirrel saw berries and said: “Give me a bunny of berries, I’ll give them to my squirrels.” The hare treated the squirrel and moved on. A bear is coming towards you. He gave the bear some mushrooms to taste and continued on his way.

A fox is coming. “Give me your harvest!” The hare grabbed a bag of mushrooms and a basket of berries and ran away from the fox. The fox was offended by the hare and decided to take revenge on him. She ran ahead of the hare to his hut and destroyed it.

The hare comes home, but there is no hut. Only the hare sits and cries bitter tears. The local animals learned about the hare's misfortune and came to help him build a new home. And the house turned out a hundred times better than before. And then they got bunnies. And they began to live their lives and receive forest friends as guests.

Magic wand

Once upon a time there lived three brothers. Two strong and a weak one. The strong ones were lazy, and the third was hardworking. They went into the forest to pick mushrooms and got lost. The brothers saw the palace all made of gold, went inside, and there were untold riches. The first brother took a sword made of gold. The second brother took an iron club. The third one took magic wand. The Serpent Gorynych appeared out of nowhere. One with a sword, the other with a club, but Zmey Gorynych doesn’t take anything. Only the third brother waved his wand, and instead of the kite there was a boar, which ran away. The brothers returned home and have been helping their weak brother ever since.


Once upon a time there lived a little bunny. And one day a fox stole him and carried him far away, far away. She put him in prison and locked him. The poor bunny sits and thinks: “How to escape?” And suddenly he sees stars falling from the small window, and a little fairy squirrel appears. And she told him to wait until the fox fell asleep and get the key. The fairy gave him a package and told him to open it only at night.

Night has come. The bunny untied the package and saw a fishing rod. He took it, stuck it through the window, and swung it. The hook hit the key. The bunny pulled and took the key. He opened the door and ran home. And the fox looked for him and looked for him, but never found him.

Tale about the king

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king and a queen. And they had three sons: Vanya, Vasya and Peter. One fine day the brothers were walking in the garden. In the evening they came home. The king and queen meet them at the gate and say: “Robbers have attacked our land. Take the troops and drive them out of our land.” And the brothers went and began to look for the robbers.

For three days and three nights they rode without rest. On the fourth day, a heated battle is seen near one village. The brothers galloped to the rescue. There was a battle from early morning until late evening. Many people died on the battlefield, but the brothers won.

They returned home. The king and queen rejoiced at the victory, the king was proud of his sons and threw a feast for the whole world. And I was there, and I drank honey. It flowed down my mustache, but didn’t get into my mouth.

Magic fish

Once upon a time there lived a boy, Petya. Once he went fishing. The first time he cast his fishing rod, he caught nothing. The second time he cast his fishing rod and again did not catch anything. The third time he cast his fishing rod and caught a goldfish. Petya brought it home and put it in a jar. I began to make imaginary fairy-tale wishes:

Fish - fish I want to learn mathematics.

Okay, Petya, I'll do the math for you.

Rybka - Rybka I want to learn Russian.

Okay, Petya, I'll do Russian for you.

And the boy made a third wish:

I want to become a scientist

The fish said nothing, just splashed its tail in the water and disappeared into the waves forever.

If you don’t study and don’t work, you can’t become a scientist.

Magical girl

Once upon a time there lived a girl - the Sun. And she was called the Sun because she smiled. The sun began to travel across Africa. She felt thirsty. When she said these words, a large bucket of cool water suddenly appeared. The girl drank some water, and the water was golden. And the Sun became strong, healthy and happy. And when things were difficult for her in life, those difficulties went away. And the girl realized about her magic. She wished for toys, but it didn’t come true. The Sun began to act up and the magic disappeared. It is true what they say: “If you want a lot, you will get little.”

Tale about kittens

Once upon a time there lived a cat and a cat, and they had three kittens. The eldest was called Barsik, the middle one was Murzik, and the youngest was Ryzhik. One day they went for a walk and saw a frog. The kittens chased after her. The frog jumped into the bushes and disappeared. Ryzhik asked Barsik:

Who is it?

“I don’t know,” Barsik answered.

Let's catch him, Murzik suggested.

And the kittens climbed into the bushes, but the frog was no longer there. They went home to tell their mother about it. The mother cat listened to them and said that it was a frog. So the kittens found out what kind of animal it was.

Hare thief

One day a hare ran past a vegetable garden where carrots and cabbage grew. The hare snuck into the garden and began to pick vegetables. He did this every day. But one day the owner of the garden caught him and punished him.

You can't do anything without thinking first.

Mr. Bianchi had a daughter. As she saw off her father, she reminded him that she wanted to hear a new fairy tale. I only fell asleep while listening new story. And before going to bed, he began to share new fairy tales with his daughter on the phone. And it turned out to be a whole book.

About Alice, who kept disappearing

This little girl kept disappearing in and out of the bottle. Ah, then in the clock mechanism. She had to be removed from the neck of the bottle using a rope. And then she got stuck in the water tap. There came a moment when everyone was seriously scared, because our heroine was nowhere to be found. It turns out she was sitting in a suitcase. And when she got tired of sitting, she pushed the paper with her feet and began knocking on the lid, and everyone was happy! Grandparents were very worried about the health of their granddaughter!

Unlucky Hunter

The son took the gun from his mother and went hunting. And then a little bunny ran past. And our hunter tried to hit the oblique, but the gun did not fire. It turns out our hare is the groom and the hare came out in a veil. The hunter was surprised and moved on.

Ice cream palace

In one city a huge, sweet palace was built. And you won't believe it! It was all made of ice cream. All types of sweets were placed on it. And one guy couldn’t stand it and ate a table leg. First one, then the other leg. The table fell. And everyone present saw that the strawberry window was melting. They started licking it off! Everyone perked up. The doctors ordered the stomachs not to hurt. And now, when a child asks for a second portion of ice cream, they say to him: “Weren’t you on the street with a castle made of melting ice cream?”

Picture or drawing of Rodari - Tales by phone

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Well, kids, sit down comfortably,
Uncle will tell you a scary tale...

Once upon a time there lived Ivanushka. And so Ivanushka bought himself a gift for the New Year - a luxury phone. And this phone was not simple, but downright magical - it could do everything - it talked, and sang, and showed movies, and took photographs, and even suggested directions. And this miracle was called - SonyEricsson C905. Ivanushka was delighted, began to take photographs, listen to music, go for walks in the thicket without fear of getting lost... He liked the phone so much that Ivanushka even thought to tell the whole world about some secrets of a magic camera that has as many as 8 megapixels...
But everything turned out to be not so fabulous in this fairy tale - the phone broke down exactly three times thirty days later. And it would be okay if it was something serious, but it’s nonsense - he stopped talking. He did everything else - he sang songs and showed movies, and took photographs... Ivanushka would have felt sorry for the hard worker - after all, he could take a bluetooth headset assistant for the hard worker - let, they say, she talk, but Ivanushka decided that he needed to help the poor fellow, especially since The poor fellow is not simple, but truly golden, i.e. it stands as if it were made of gold. And Ivanushka took him to the fairy-tale palace - it’s called “Service.OK”. There, such phones are resurrected from the dead.
Looked at the phone good fellow, and said: “We’ll resurrect him, only he’s illegitimate, so it will cost 2 thousand gold.” There’s nothing else to do, Ivanushka agreed. A fairy tale is told quickly, but it takes a long time to get things done. Another thirty days have passed, and half as many more. Ivanushka came to the palace and they said to him: “Sorry, apparently an evil sorcerer put a curse on him, we can’t revive him. So take him and look for other wizards, otherwise we’ll living water They don’t bring any more from the capital city.”
Ivanushka got sad, came home, and the phone was very bad. Just as he visited the magic palace, he also stopped showing it - he became completely lifeless.
Nothing to do. Ivanushka went back to the fairy-tale palace “Service.OK” and said to the good fellow: “I understand that there is no living water, but here, what you conjured here yourself and disenchant.” The good fellow took the phone back and ordered wait.
Thirty days have passed three more times, and half as many more. Ivanushka was waiting. He began to send news to the palace, and they answered him - “There is no living water. Come tomorrow at dawn, we will get the phone from the enchanted crypt and return it to you, we will give you a fairy ball, and wherever it rolls, there you will look for the wizard who brought it.” can revive." And then Ivanushka went to the fairy-tale palace at the appointed hour. And there is another good fellow there. I read the birch bark certificate, checked the letters, took out my phone and..., miracle! He's come to life! Again he began to talk, sing songs, show films, and pave the way. A good fellow looks at him and says, “Looks like the night yesterday was magical. My great-grandfather told me that it happens once a year, but no one knows when. Since such a miracle happened, then Ivanushka take your phone, and I won’t have any gold.” it is necessary. Go on all four sides."
And Ivanushka began to live and be happy with his phone...
This is where the fairy tale ends, and whoever listened - well done...