Abstracts Statements Story

Start in science. Course work the influence of color on the emotional state of schoolchildren The influence of color on preschool children

Relevance of the problem: in the next decade, our children will determine the level of well-being of the country, its economic and scientific potential - therefore, protecting the health of schoolchildren is one of the pressing problems, and their emotional state, the desire to go to school in a good mood, and return home with the same, is the key to emotional stability. Man has long noticed the special action of eachcolors on his condition and systematized the types of color according to their psychophysical effects, highlighting the most favorable for human color, as well as those rejected, helping to change his condition. We tried to find a school design, such shapes, proportions, colors that would evoke a certain emotional response in students.
Target: explore the influence of color on the emotional state of a schoolchild.Item: the influence of color on the emotional state of a student.An object: emotional state of the student.
Tasks: 1) Study of theoretical sources on the problem of the influence of color on the human body
2) Develop a methodological apparatus for studying the emotional state of schoolchildren.
3)Analysis of data obtained during the study
Research methods:
1) theoretical analysis of literature2) surveyPractical value: The data obtained can be used by the school administration as recommendations for the design of the educational institution.

Chapter 1. THEORETICAL STUDY OF THE INFLUENCE OF COLOR ON THE EMOTIONAL STATE OF SCHOOLCHILDREN 1.1. The influence of color on the human body Modern society is distinguished by an increased level of visual perception, where visual images become a leading part of everyday life, a way of understanding the world. The younger generation can be called the “Running Picture” generation, and on the TV or computer screen this picture is brightly colored.A person does not live in the world around him in isolation. Not only the person himself, but also every cell of him is constantly connected with the environment. Our senses not only analyze the environment around us, but are also receivers of information, which, as a rule, has a certain effect on our body. Color has life-giving and healing powers. It eliminates imbalance in the functioning of organs and prolongs life.According to medical astrology, each of us at the moment of birth, under the influence of a combination of cosmic factors, is determined to have a deficiency of individual colors (Table 1), which during life must be replenished in available ways: through food, smells, clothing, minerals, color irradiation, solarized water.Few doubt that each color already carries some information, and the human body reacts to color like this, for example:

Red - increases muscle tension, increases breathing rate, and increases blood pressure.Orange - causes slight excitement, accelerates blood circulation,
promotes digestion.
Yellow - stimulates mental activity.Green - gentle, calming, calm.Blue - lowers blood pressure, calms,Blue - conduces to seriousness and rigor in behavior.Violet - stimulates the activity of the heart and lungs, increases the body's resistance to colds.

Table 1Lack of color in people's bodies according to their zodiac sign

The most favorable colors for the human eye are green, yellow, blue, yellow-green and green-blue. They give rest to the eyes and have a calming effect, as they are the colors of plants, sun, sky and water. The effect of color on the psyche can vary significantly depending on the combination of colors, and this is successfully used in painting. For example, a red stroke on a blue background expresses anxiety, a noticeable black stroke on white emphasizes mourning and grief. And vice versa, a white figure in the middle of a black one can awaken hope and a desire for joy. Often people, obeying unconscious aspirations, intuitively select for themselvescolor scheme in a suit, home interior, expressing in this the traits of your character.The coloring of a room also affects perception; a room with dark ceilings appears lower, a long room or corridor appears shorter with a brightly colored far wall, white stripes on the floor indicate the path of movement and visually lengthen the room in its direction. Color affects the perception of distance, volume, mass, illumination, temperature, movement and mental state:

The human eye perceives red, orange, and yellow as warm tones;blue and purple - like cold ones;green has cold and warm shades.

If we go back in time several decades ago and remember what colors school premises were painted in, it becomes obvious that mostly brown and gray shades were in use - they seemed the most practical; inscriptions, drawings and drawings are not so noticeable on gray and brown walls. traces from not particularly clean children's palms. What do these colors bring emotionally and psychologically? Brown - indicates a feeling of physical discomfort, gray - the desire to remain free from any obligations, the desire to hide from external influences and incentives. Gray color is not an occupied territory, a border area between warring parties, a “no man's land”, each side of which has its own methods, approaches, views, its own world.Color psychological studies of children have shown that children give preference to one color or another depending on their age.At an early age they preferred or purple color, and girls, mostly pink.At the age of 9-11 years, interest in red is gradually replaced by interest in orange, then yellow, yellow-green, and then green.After 12 years, the favorite color is blue.In his book “Man – color – space. Applied color psychology” G. Freemeng, A. Xaver offer the following colors for the design of classrooms.Yellow color - light as a sunny day - evokes a cheerful, joyful mood.

Purple and blue are the colors of uncertainty, gloominess.

We perceive blue as a light color sky color. Walls painted dark blue make us feel sad.Light greens seem light and airy, and vice versa, swamp green is soft and heavy. Green color calms us down, makes us sleepy, and makes us want to dream.Brown color is perceived as harsher, earthier compared to pure orange.Active colors - yellow and red - always have an advantage over passive ones - blue and green, so they are desirable in small doses. Yellow and red are imprinted in memory much more deeply. An often excited child after being shown environment the object is red, calms down. When we bring the color red into the design of classrooms for primary schoolchildren, be it a red panel or a red wall, we can be sure that this color will have a calming effect on children. It is necessary to avoid painting the chalkboard black if possible; it is better to prefer dark green or dark blue. You should not create a sharp color contrast on the wall where the chalkboard hangs, so as not to tire the students’ eyesight.

table 2

Color and age

In accordance with this table, we can recommend the following.The front wall can in many cases be painted a color that is more intense than the back and side walls. For first-graders, we can recommend intense, pure red tones. The red color in the room for second-graders can be gradually replaced by orange - red or orange, for 10- and 11-year-old children - yellow-green, then green.The original design of the school taking into account psychological characteristics suggested by N. Gerasimenko in the magazine Family Doctor.

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school with. Ivanteevka"

"The influence of color on a person"


Completed :

Student of grade 8 “b” Anastasia Zotova

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school with. Ivanteevka"

Supervisor :

teacher-speech therapist Lisitsina E.A.




1. The influence of color on a person

    Color perception graphics:.....……………..……………….……4

    Association of color and music………………………………… 4- 6

    Studying color……………………………………………………7

    Emotions and color……………………………………………………...……….8

2.Our research

    Questionnaire………………………………………………………..………. 8

    Experiment with tea……………………………………………………………9

    Experiment with music……………………………………………...9

3.Research results…………………………………………………………….10


References…………………………………………………………………… …11



In primitive times and in antiquity, color served to highlight

some things from the natural environment - thereby focusing attention on them, giving them special meaning, value, and spiritual meaning. The coloring of clothing, objects, and architecture has always been designed to evoke certain emotions: for example, warriors in combat gear evoked fear; priests and cult objects-delight; kings, dressed in gold and precious stones, trembling and trembling; colorful mats and bright decoration of the home - a feeling of festivity, switching from work mode to relaxation mode and family joys.

We all encounter color every day. Clothes color, color

wallpaper or paint on the walls of our house, the color of cars passing on the road. Color is a powerful energy that constantly affects the human body. People don’t think much about what role color plays in their lives, what serious impact it has on their physical, mental and spiritual state.But from birth, everyone knows how their mood improves as soon as the sun comes out from behind the clouds on a cloudy day. All living things arose and grow under the sun.Color has long been assigned a special meaning, having a beneficial or negative effect on a person.Some colors are pleasing to the eye, calm, promote a surge of internal strength, and invigorate;others irritate, depress, cause negativeemotions. Each color affects a person differently, wearsselective nature. Relevance research work is that knowing the meaning of color in the life of every person is necessary, since it affects mood, feelings, thoughts and,in general, on human health. I love the color green and I became interested in what this color says about me, I wanted to know the favorite colors of my classmates, so the idea arose to hold the “Colorful Week” event together with the school’s speech therapist, and with the participation of the correction class.

Problem : Can color affect a person's mood?

Purpose of the study : explore the sphere of colors, on the emotional state of a person.


    study existing literature on this topic;

    identify the color preference of students in the correction class and 8th grade;

    develop a booklet about the influence of color on humans

Object of study : students 2-8 correctional classes; student of 8th grade.

Research methods : studying literature, collecting information via the Internet, questioning, conversations with students, holding a colorful week.

Hypothesis - color can influence a person's mood.

    The influence of color on human taste perception

Studying the influence of color on the human psyche, scientists from the University of Wisconsin (USA) invited American housewives to try coffee from four cups standing next to boxes of brown, blue, red and yellow.

As a result, 75% of respondents said that the coffee standing next to the brown box was too strong, about 85% called the coffee from the red box the most aromatic and tasty. Almost everyone noted that the coffee next to the blue box was soft, and the coffee next to the yellow one was weak. The coffee in all cups was the same, but the tasters were informed about this after the experiment.

    Association of color and music

“The rainbow has exactly seven colors,

And music has seven notes.

On earth for our joy

Music lives forever!”

The psychological basis for the connection between music and color was the phenomenonsynesthesia.

Synesthesia is understood as the interaction of sensations, when, under the influence of stimulation of one analyzer, a sensation characteristic of another arises. When exposed to music, children develop visual images.From the point of view of physics, color and sound are waves of a certain frequency that affect different senses: hearing and vision.Color music is a widespread phenomenon today. ABOUT The great Russian pianist and composer Alexander Scriabin is considered the official founder of color music. (1872-1915 ), Like many Russian symbolists, dreaming of a universal artistic Mystery that would transform the world, Scriabin created the world's first original light and music work, "Prometheus". In the light line “Luce” he expressed the color visualization of the tonal plan of “Prometheus”, while the composer, as is known, relied on his own system of “color-tonality” correspondences, more precisely “the circle of fifths of tonality-color circle” (see Table 1).

Table 1 Scriabin’s color-tonal correspondences



C major


G major


D major


A major





blue, pale






purple violet



with a metallic sheen


with a metallic sheen

F major


Our contemporary candidate of medical sciences, music therapistVladimir Mikhailovich Elkinwhich lives and works in St. Petersburg, atestablished a pattern of color-tonal correspondences (see Table 2).

Table 2. Color-tonal correspondences by V. Elkin




A flat major,

E flat major,

B flat major


F major,

C major,

G major


D major,

A major,

E major


B major,

F sharp major,

C sharp major


D minor,

La Minor,

E minor


B minor,

F sharp minor,

C sharp minor


A flat minor,

E flat minor,

B flat minor


F minor,

C minor,

G minor

In his work with seriously ill patients, music therapist Vladimir Elkin uses a system of color psychology and art therapy with masterpieces of art. Working with seriously ill patients created the need to quickly understand a person, his problems and find out what images of art can help him. Using color diagnostics V.M. Elkin manages to immediately understand the type of person, his reserves and psychological problems, psychological condition. Many years of research allowed Vladimir Mikhailovich to find out which aphorisms, images and melodies are most desirable and effective among people who prefer this or that color. Each element of the "Magnificent Seven" has its own "partner". Music treatment methods are based on this. To treat certain disorders, a harmonious color or sound is selected that balances the body: either removes excess or replenishes deficiency. For example, green color balances disorders in the emotional sphere: depression, insomnia, absent-mindedness, anger and irritability. Music is a movement that occurs today and now (unlike architecture and painting).The active nature of the child instantly responds to the impulses coming from it. She captures him entirely, transmitting to him her movement, her energy, activating his life rhythm.It is impossible to read a piece of music without knowing their language. The composer's language is sound, harmony, rhythm. All this has its own semantics and associated concepts of expressiveness, content, meaning, symbolism, and emotional and psychological impact.

    Studying color.

Discovery of color
Color is light. This conclusion was reached by the English physicist and mathematician Isaac Newton while conducting experiments on the study of the color spectrum. He, being at home in a dark room, opened the window and let in a small strip of light. By placing a glass prism along the path of a ray of light, he discovered that the light was refracted and split into six colors of the spectrum, which became visible when they hit an adjacent wall.
A few years later, another English physicist, Thomas Young, conducted a reverse experiment and found that the six colors of the spectrum can be reduced to three basic ones: green, red and blue. He then took three lamps and projected rays of light through filters of these three colors: green, red and blue rays combined into one white beam. Jung recreated light. He also classified the colors of the spectrum as primary and secondary.

Surely, each of us has seen a rainbow at least once and remembers the famous phrase: Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits?

With its help, we can easily name the colors of the rainbow in order: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.

All colors can be divided into three groups:




Cool colors include shades of violet, blue and cyan. Neutral colors are shades of green, and warm ones are shades of yellow, orange and red.

Emotions and color

In “The Doctrine of Color” I.V. Goethe wrote: “color is a product of light that evokes emotion.” When we say: “blacked with grief; blushed with anger, turned green with anger, turned gray with fear,” then we do not take these expressions literally, but intuitively associate a person’s emotional experiences with a color capable of expressing them. The first fact that every researcher of the emotion-color relationship is faced with is that it is not of a random, arbitrary nature; emotions and color are “linked” to each other on a very deep basis. Colors are not signs of emotions capable of associatively evoking or expressing this or that feeling; they appear to a person themselves as emotions, or more precisely, as objectively embodied emotions. Following the task, children 3-4 years old should draw something “beautiful”, “pleasant”, “good”, as shown in the work of V.S. Mukhina (1981), most often use light, bright colors - yellow, red, orange, blue, emerald green. As V.S. points out. Mukhina: “the color scheme of what is beautiful among children of all countries is similar: the colors in most cases are warm and certainly pure, local.” A comparative analysis of the use of “inimitable” colors by children different countries showed amazing consistency in his choice of color to depict the beautiful and the ugly. Children, getting acquainted with the drawings of their peers from other countries, unmistakably determined by the color of the drawing where the “beautiful” was depicted and where the “ugly” was depicted.

    Our research


For my experiments, I invited students from the correction class and students from 8th grade. A sociological survey was conducted among them through questionnaires:

What color do you associate yourself with?

What color do you associate your friend with?

40 students took part in the survey. The students were divided into two halves in their color preferences; the girls associate themselves with warm shades of colors. When associating a friend's color, they also chose warm colors. Boys associated themselves with a cool color; blue received more answers.

Conclusion: after conducting a study and studying the results obtained, it was revealed that students who associate themselves with warm shades of colors, when choosing a friend’s color, preferred the same warm colors. The situation is similar with cool colors. From which it follows that energetic, active, quick decision-making children tend to communicate with similar children. And calmer, more balanced, thoughtful, but prone to doubt children do the same when choosing a friend.Students who associate themselves with a certain color become friends with children who choose the same color or a color that goes with it.

Experiment: "With cups of tea"

The students were asked to try tea from four cups standing next to the mugs: brown, blue, red and yellow. After tasting the drinks, the children distributed them in the following color palette. Coffee is assigned the color brown, green tea is assigned the color blue, and black tea is assigned the color yellow.

Conclusion: Properly selected colors and shades of food, along with furnishings and lighting, increase a person’s appetite, including improving digestion processes.

Experiment: "Listening to music and then associating the color spectrum"

We listened to classical music with the students and associated each composition with a specific color. Mozart: “Music of Angels” was given green and pink colors. Beethoven: Everyone associated “The Last Waltz” with the color red . Bach: "Aria and Suites" was assigned the color blue and blue .

Conclusion: I came to the conclusion that calm, pleasant music is associated with bright and warm tones, and restless music is associated with cold and dark tones.


All these days passed on a high emotional high. Smiles never left the faces of children and adults, there were no quarrels or fights in the classrooms, everyone was very friendly and attentive to each other. And everything was in order in the notebooks. Despite the different colored pens, there were fewer mistakes. A good mood always helps to study well!“Colorful Week” contributed to the development of communication skills among students, the unity of students and the improvement of the psychological climate in the classroom.For those children who chose black colors during the experiment, it was recommended to contact a school psychologist.Color can attract and repel, instill a feeling of calm and comfort, or excite and disturb. Colors appeal to a person's feelings, not logic. I have found that each color evokes subconscious associations. It has also been established that a color-balanced environment attracts, creates a creative atmosphere, calms and improves communication between people. Color significantly affects a person's condition. Colors appeal to feelings, and not to human logic, namely: they cause different reactions: they emphasize quality, mood, feeling; create a warm or cold environment; reflect the seasons; have physiological consequences, like positive or negative optical stimuli; touch sensations: satisfaction, pleasant appearance. Also, one of the points in studying this topic is that color is capable of naturally expressing a person’s emotional (personal-semantic) attitude towards something significant and towards himself. Color visualizes an emotional relationship. The ability of color to transform our state of mind and signal this change has a downside. If we designate someone (or ourselves) with the help of color, we communicate by this what state of mind this object evokes in us.
Color is a powerful means of influencing the human psyche. And the power of color largely lies in the fact that it is able to “bypass” the protective mechanisms of our consciousness and act on an unconscious level. Therefore, in this capacity it becomes a very attractive means for psychological manipulation. Respectively modern man must know and understand how color affects his body and psyche in order to better navigate the world around him.


1. Mironova L.N. Flower science. Minsk, 1984.
2. Frumkina R.M. Color, meaning, similarity. M., 1984.
3. J. Agoston “Color theory and its application in design” M. “Mir” 1982
4. B. A. Shashlov “Color and color reproduction” M. “Book” 1986
5. Janice Lindsey “All about color” Book club 36.6. 2012
6. Lusher M. The color of your character / Sarah D. Secrets of handwriting. - M.: Publishing house.
"Evening: Perseus", 1996.
7. Dragunsky V.V. Color personality test.-M.: Publishing house. "Harvest"
2000. (Series “Library of Practical Psychology”).
8. Klar G. Luscher test. Psychology of color.-M.: Publishing house. "Peter", 1998.
9. Lusher M. Personality assessment through color choice. -M.: Publishing house.
"EXMO-Press", 1998.
10. Frieling G., Auer K. Man-color-space.-M.: Publishing house.
"Peter", 1995.
http:// www. iluhin. com/ notes/ color/ index. html
http:// www. art- granatis. ru/ information/ color/ index. html
http:// www. gdekakpochemu. ru/ what- takoe- cvet/

The text of the work is posted without images and formulas.
Full version work is available in the "Work Files" tab in PDF format


We live in captivity of flowers. Our thoughts, our emotions - everything has its own color. Suffice it to recall such expressions as “blackened with grief; flushed with anger, green with anger, gray with fear,” we do not take these expressions literally, but intuitively associate a person’s emotional experiences with a color capable of expressing them.

Colors are invariably present in our environment. At home or at work, in a store or on the street, consciously or not, we constantly feel the influence of color. Each color contains a whole range of shades. A person can distinguish about ten million shades of color. How important the bright colors of the world are for us is evidenced by the fact that for the body to function normally, it is necessary that about 80% of all information entering the brain be related to color vision. There is even a special area in the brain responsible for decoding only color information. Color affects mood, well-being, it can direct us to make a certain decision.

Sometimes color stimulates certain reactions that can affect decision making. Color affects appetite and blood pressure. We usually don't notice the influence of color. But, for example, on a cloudy day, when we see only grayness outside the window, our mood immediately begins to deteriorate. Positive energy disappears and the world suddenly becomes unpleasant and hostile.

Thus, many colors affect a person in different ways, causing depression or stimulation of neuropsychic processes in the body, affecting sensations, perception of objects around us, influencing behavior, emotions, thinking, consciousness and subconsciousness.


Color is one of the factors that shapes the state of our psyche, which monitors the functioning of all organs of the human body. Experts have long put forward the theory that color, through the emotional state, affects the general state of a person, including thinking and attention.

The power of color lies largely in the fact that it is able to “bypass” the protective mechanisms of our consciousness and act on an unconscious level. Accordingly, a modern person must know and understand how color affects his body and psyche in order to better navigate the world around him.

Today, protecting the health of schoolchildren is one of the pressing problems, and their physical and emotional state, the desire to go to school in a good mood, and return home with the same, is the key to successful learning.

The influence of color on the human body

Color and its properties. Color classification

Color- a qualitative subjective characteristic of electromagnetic radiation in the optical range, determined on the basis of the emerging physiological visual sensation and depending on a number of physical, physiological and psychological factors.

Speaking in simple language color is feeling which a person receives when light rays enter his eye.

The main classification of colors divides all colors into chromatic and achromatic. Achromatic colors are colors that are not in the spectrum. Pure achromatic colors (without admixtures of shades of color) practically do not exist in nature.

Colors are also divided into warm and cold. It is generally accepted that red, orange and yellow colors are warm, and green, blue, indigo and violet are cold (Appendix 2). But among the shades of each color, both cold and warm can be distinguished.

The main characteristics of color are: lightness, hue (color), saturation (intensity) and color purity.

Basic colors on the color wheel: red, yellow, blue. Having in hand paints of only these colors, plus white and black, it is easy to create all the other colors (provided that the three primary colors are of iridescent purity, without impurities).

The same color can mean opposite things to representatives of different cultures. There is no single color that is interpreted the same way by two people. But, despite the uniqueness of the perception of color, the universality of many of its interpretations is beyond doubt.

The influence of color on physical state person

With physical effects, we are talking about the impact of color on human physiology. The objective effect of color has been confirmed experimentally and depends on the amount of color, quality of color, exposure time, characteristics of the nervous system, age, gender and other factors. The direct physiological effect on the entire human body explains the phenomena caused by red and blue colors, especially at their maximum saturation. Red color excites nervous system, causes increased breathing and heart rate and activates the muscular system. Blue color has an inhibitory effect on the nervous system (Appendix 3). Red, yellow, orange colors are the colors of extroversion, i.e. outward impulse. The group of blue, violet, green opposite for passive introversion and inward-facing impulses.

Orange and red colors, simultaneously stimulating the visual and auditory centers of the brain, which causes an apparent increase in the volume of noise. It is not without reason that these active colors are often called “flashy”. Green and blue, calming colors, weaken the excitation of the auditory center, i.e. as if they weaken or compensate for the volume of noise. personality.

The influence of color on a person

The influence of color on a person’s emotional state

Emotions are understood as time-extended processes of internal regulation of the activity of a person or animal, reflecting the meaning (meaning for the process of his life) that existing or possible situations in his life have. In humans, emotions give rise to experiences of pleasure, displeasure, fear, timidity, and the like, which play the role of orienting subjective signals.

One of the founders experimental psychology W. Wundt in “Fundamentals of Physiological Psychology” (1880) describes the organic relationship between sensations and feelings.

An essential fact is a fairly strict degree of “attachment” to a certain color of a certain emotion. A mentally healthy person, both an adult and a child, starting from 3-4 years old, when he can verbalize his impressions, understands the emotional content of primary colors and can differentiate them by emotional sign. Employee of Prof. Kravkova L.A. Schwartz (1947-1948) revealed a noticeable change in color sensitivity (color discrimination thresholds) depending on the emotional state of a person. Positive emotions, such as joy, were associated with increased sensitivity to red and yellow and decreased sensitivity to blue and green. When experiencing negative emotions, the opposite picture was observed: sensitivity to blue and green increased, and to yellow and red decreased

The color effect on a person’s mental apparatus affects not only his emotions and character, but also cognitive processes, and above all, thinking.

Empirical observations show that in different color environments, a person “thinks” differently: color influence can either hinder or facilitate the solution of a task. G. Freeling and K. Auer (1973) do not recommend painting with dark, “cold” tones those rooms in which people engage in mental work - school classrooms, student auditoriums, scientific departments, laboratories, etc. Such colors cause inhibition and reduce the efficiency of mental activity. This applies not only to walls, ceilings or floors, but also to furniture. On the contrary, the colors of the “active side” improve mental activity and increase its productivity. In the minds of the subjects, successful solution of the problem is associated with bright, light shades. In the studies of N.A. Gustyakova(1986; 1988) studied the dynamics of color preferences of subjects in the process of solving a problem. It was found that changing the type of color choice during the decision process carries information about possible success or failure. Subjects who, after initially selecting the bright and light colors of the Luscher test, began to prefer dark, dull shades, did not find a solution to the problem and abandoned further efforts to solve it. The connection between color and thinking, intelligence is complex and ambiguous. Moreover, this connection is certainly mediated by the emotional sphere.

    Practical part.

3.1 Research results

This work is devoted to studying the influence of color on the physical and emotional state of students. In this regard, a study was carried out, which consisted of two stages:

    Diagnostic stage


    1. Find out which colors schoolchildren give the most preference to.

      Determine which colors are associated with which emotions.

      Find out the effect of color on students' appetite.

      Determine the influence of color on students’ well-being.

      Find out students' preferences for school interior design.

    Analytical stage - goal this stage analyze the results obtained and formulate recommendations for interior design of the school.

The study involved 55 students in grades 2, 3, and 8.

As a result of testing, it was determined that students give the greatest preference to: red, black, green and yellow; least: purple and brown (Table 2).

Student color preferences table 2

Following the task of drawing something “beautiful,” “pleasant,” “good,” students in grades 2, 3, and 8 most often use light, bright colors—yellow, red, orange, blue, emerald green. The color scheme of “pleasant” is similar for children of all classes: the colors are warm in most cases. Children, getting acquainted with the drawings of their peers from other classes, unmistakably determined by the color of the drawing where the “good” was depicted and where the “bad” was depicted (Table 3. Appendix 4).

Expressing emotions with color Table 3

Also, thanks to testing, it was revealed: what color is associated with what emotion (Table 4, 5).

Table 4

Characteristics of the apparent effects of colors. Table 5


















As a result of the experiment, the effect of flowers on the appetite of students was determined. The greatest appetite is caused by: yellow, red, pink colors (Diagram 1. Appendix 5).

Also, thanks to the experiment, the influence of colors on the well-being of students was revealed (Table 6.).

The influence of color on the well-being of students Table 6


Impact on humans








Test results “Preferences in school interiors”

1. Answering the following question, what color would you paint the walls in your office, students choose colors:

green 40%,

yellow 27%,

orange - 23%,

other colors - 10%.

2. To answer the second question, schoolchildren would like their desks to be painted:

under the tree - 51%,

white - 22%,

in green - 20%,

in other colors - 7%.

The selected colors are most favorable for vision and do not tire the eyes.

3. The blackboard, according to students, should be:

green - 65%,

white - 17%,

blue - 10%,

brown - 8%.

Comparing these indicators with the standard and recommendations of psychologists, we came to the conclusion that chalkboards should be green or dark blue, but when the guys named the white color of the board, they meant interactive whiteboards.

In our school, blackboards in all classrooms meet the standard.

4. Painting the corridors. The guys listed the colors:

blue - 36%,

beige - 20%,

green 24%.

orange - 15%,

other colors - 5%,

5. Analyzing the answers to the question of what a gym should look like, we came to the conclusion that most of the guys would like the gym to be equipped with sports equipment. Only 12% of respondents indicated that the gym should be painted in brighter colors: yellow, orange, i.e. The gym does not satisfy the physical needs of schoolchildren, against the background of which emotional needs do not manifest themselves in the majority.

6. Are flowers needed in offices?

98% of students answered this question positively. Having explained that flowers purify the air, release phytoncides and thereby kill pathogenic bacteria, decorate and create comfort in the office.

7. How do you feel about tables hanging on the walls? 92% of students answered that tables are needed because... The children believe that they help in the educational process; some children would like to increase their number in classes. However state standard does not imply that the office is overloaded with tables.

3.2 Chapter Conclusions

After analyzing the questionnaire data and the experiment results, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1) students intuitively choose colors that reflect their emotional needs, as evidenced by the answers to the questionnaire;

2) the majority of responses to the questionnaire coincide with the recommendations of psychologists on the color design of school premises. We believe that when planning school design and decorating classrooms, administration and teachers should take into account the impact of color on the emotional and physical well-being of schoolchildren.

IV.Conclusion. Color can attract and repel, instill a feeling of calm and comfort, or excite and disturb. Colors appeal to a person's feelings, not logic. I have found that each color evokes subconscious associations. It has also been established that a color-balanced environment attracts, creates a creative atmosphere, calms, improves communication between people and increases productivity. Colors significantly affect the human condition:

    cause any reaction;

    emphasize quality, mood, feeling; create a warm or cold environment;

    have physiological consequences, both positive and negative

    the most acceptable colors for school design are yellow, orange, green, blue

Correctly selected colors in the interior of classrooms contribute to the active work of students during the day.

The research data obtained as a result of the work confirm the hypothesis - the color design of classrooms can influence the emotional and physical state of schoolchildren.

Based on an analysis of the literature and the data obtained, we have developed: “Recommendations for the interior design of a school classroom” (Appendix 6)

Having studied the literature on this issue, we can draw the following conclusions:

    Color has an impact on the human body, different colors can affect our emotional and physical state in different ways. There are colors that are active, stimulating our emotional state or calming, and there are colors that we reject.

    Acceptance or rejection of color depends on the age of the child; we try to compensate for the lack of one of the colors in clothes.


The influence of color on students' well-being


Impact on humans


Red has the longest wavelength. The effect on the brain of such radiation is maximum. At the sight of any red shades, our body comes into increased tone. Red activates all body functions. For a short time, it increases muscle tension, increases blood pressure and speeds up the breathing rate. It should not be overused - it can cause irritation and exhaustion.


Orange has a tonic effect, acting in the same direction as red, but not so sharply. Various soft shades of orange have a beneficial effect on performance.


It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, has the most physiological tonic effect, stimulates vision and nervous activity, without being debilitating or tiring. Favorable for mental work.


Green color has the most beneficial effect on people's well-being and health. Green is a physiological color, it has a refreshing and at the same time calming effect on the body, and acts opposite to red.


Reduces muscle tension, lowers blood pressure, slows breathing, lowers body temperature, refreshes, improves patience, reduces appetite. Therefore, if you are not required to brainstorm, but require long and methodical (maybe even monotonous and monotonous) work, blue color will help you.


The calming effect of blue color turns into a depressing one, inhibits the functions of human physiological systems, distracts attention, and reduces performance.


Combines the effect of red and blue. Produces a depressant effect on the nervous system.

    Relevance 2

    Introduction 3

    What is color? 3

    Characteristics of colors 4

    Using the characteristics of colors in everyday speech 6

    Favorite color of my classmates 7

    Mood color 8

    Conclusion 9

    Literature 10

    Applications 11


A person sees the world in colors, color is present everywhere, so it affects a person just like everything else. Every person has their own favorite color. But despite this, we rarely think about the importance of color in our lives.

Sometimes I come home from school tired and start drawing or coloring. My mood lifts and a smile appears. Later I learned that this technique is called color therapy. To better understand this, I decided to take this issue as the topic of my research.

The purpose of our research: study the role and influence of color on mood.

Research objectives:

    study books, reference books, encyclopedias, magazines that tell about the influence of color on a person;

    apply your theoretical knowledge in practice by making relevant observations;

    find out which colors evoke a feeling of joy and which sadness;

    identify how color can be used to lift the mood in our classroom;

    draw conclusions, summarize the results of the study.

Methodsresearch: observation, literature study, analysis of various sources, questioning.

Object of study: color spectrum.

Hypothesis: color affects people's mood.


I wonder what guides people when choosing their favorite color? What makes a person choose one favorite from all the variety of colors and shades?

The magic of color can influence a person’s character and heal from illness. If the color matches the inner state of a person, then the magic of color leads to a state of balance and self-confidence. In this state, a person is able to fully realize his abilities, discover new, hitherto unknown talents, and achieve the desired results. This is how the magic of color makes him happy. Determining everyone's favorite color occurs individually. It should be noted that the choice of color is also determined geographical location. People living in the south tend to choose bright colors, while people living in the north prefer calm tones. But in any case, you need to know how the magic of color affects, depending on the color palette. Each color can have both positive and Negative influence. Therefore, it is worth thoroughly studying how the magic of color influences the development of personality in order to direct it towards the formation of positive traits.

What is color?

If you look into S.I. Ozhegov’s dictionary, this is one of the types of colorful rainbow glow - from red to violet, as well as their combinations or shades. Let's try to understand the psychology of color.

Color is the only thing that can be perceived only through vision.

We owe the first scientific systematization and their expressive name to Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519). He identified six simple primary colors: white, yellow, green, blue, red and black.

Characteristics of flowers


Red color is the most active. This is a rich, heavy, hot, bright color. It symbolizes love, power, fire, war. Light shades of red are stimulating, dark shades give solidity.

For the Chinese, red is a symbol of good luck, happiness, and nobility. Stimulates, supplies very strong, but quite rough energy. Promotes activity and confidence. In large quantities it can provoke rage and anger.

Physiology: stimulates the nervous system, releases adrenaline, improves blood circulation, increases the number of red cells in the blood.

Psychology: gives a sense of security, confidence in the future, helps to cope with troubles easier. Forms a leader.


Orange color is low-saturated, warm, light. It has a stimulating effect. Orange color stimulates the emotional sphere, creates a feeling of well-being and fun. It symbolizes pleasure, celebration, nobility.

Releases emotions, raises self-esteem, teaches forgiveness. An excellent antidepressant, promotes a good mood. Pastel shades (apricot, peach) restore nervous energy.

Physiology: located between the red and yellow colors of the spectrum, therefore it has the properties of these two colors. Gives energy like red and promotes thought process like yellow.

Psychology: clears unpleasant feelings, helps to accept negative events in life (for example, a breakup or loss loved one), helps to forgive another person, to let go of an insoluble situation. If you are at a dead end and afraid of changes that will open up new horizons in life, turn to the color orange.


Yellow color is warm, light, bright, flowing, joyful. It evokes pleasant sensations and symbolizes movement, joy and fun. Yellow color promotes the activation of mental activity. Yellow - remains in memory for a long time. A joyful, stimulating color. It is associated with intelligence and expressiveness. It increases concentration, organizes, improves memory, and promotes fair and quick decision making.

Yellow color helps you accept new ideas and other people's points of view. This is the color of optimism.

Physiology: treats the digestive system well and ensures its functioning. Mainly affects the flow of bile, which plays a role in the absorption and digestion of fats. Improves memory.

Psychology: sets feelings in motion, frees from negativity, which undermines self-confidence. Makes it easier to perceive new ideas and accept various points vision. It promotes better self-organization and concentration of thought. For children: increases cognitive interest. Can be used for children's rooms, but in limited quantities, otherwise children will not be able to sleep peacefully.


Green color is rich, calm, fresh, gentle, lively. It has a calming effect. It symbolizes peace, tranquility, love, salvation.

Green is a popular color in Mexico, Australia, Ireland and Egypt. In China, green symbolizes luxurious life and youth; in India - peace and hope.

Life, growth, harmony. It unites us with nature and helps us be closer to each other.

Physiology: helps with negative conditions: imbalance, anger, rudeness, stiffness in emotions and feelings.

Psychology: when you lack green, you are deprived of harmony. Not recommended if you need to make quick decisions, as green is relaxing.


Blue color is slightly saturated, light, airy, cool, calm, slightly passive. It symbolizes purity, intelligence, constancy and tenderness. If there is too much blue, it can cause laziness and apathy.

Blue is considered the color of creativity and is recommended for classrooms or offices. The turquoise hue promotes communication.

Physiology: helps with insomnia - will help you fall asleep, as it has a relaxing effect. Has an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect.

Psychology: helps with negative mental states: shyness, fear of speaking, bad relationships.


The blue color is very rich and very cold. It is heavy, strict, mysterious, pure. The first feeling it evokes is a feeling of wariness. The blue color symbolizes the universe, space.

Calming color. It promotes physical and mental relaxation and creates an atmosphere of security and trust.

Physiology: treats deafness, cataracts, bleeding, insomnia. Is an anesthetic. Helps with sore throats and rheumatism. Affects the endocrine system.

Psychology: develops mental abilities. Clears thinking, frees you from worries and fears, allows you to hear your inner voice and make the right decision (intuition).


Purple color is rich, cold, heavy, calm, mysterious. It symbolizes wisdom, maturity, higher intelligence. Violet color is easily suppressed by other colors, but violet color itself is deep and expressive. It gives clothes a solemn and luxurious look. In large quantities, the color purple causes melancholy.

This color is associated with artistry, great ideas, intuition. It promotes inspiration, compassion, sensitivity.

A majestic color that has always been present in the clothing of kings and clergy. This is the color of inspiration, which is characteristic of healers and creative individuals. It will help you learn to accept everything that happens to you with a calm heart, calm your soul and nourish it with the energy of inspiration. The color violet unites the body and thinking, material needs with the needs of the soul.

Physiology: treats physiological diseases: concussion, epilepsy, neuralgia, multiple sclerosis.

Psychology: helps with negative mental states: neurosis, loss of faith, despair, loss of self-esteem.

Using the characteristics of colors in everyday speech

In our everyday speech, we often use expressions that have been used for many years and, while pronouncing them, we no longer think about why this particular color is used in this expression.

For example, “Looking through rose-colored glasses”, a person of “blue blood”, “dark days”, “red day of the calendar”, “black sheep” have arrived. All these expressions have long been included in our speech, and when using them we do not think that the pink color indicates a joyful perception of everything around us, and the blue color indicates calmness, reason and reliability.

Favorite color of my classmates

I decided to find out what my classmates' favorite color is. To do this, I spent a week observing and noting what colors my comrades preferred to wear. The results are presented in a table (Annex 1)

The table shows: During the week, orange clothing appears 12 times, pink – 11; yellow, blue, brown – 10; blue – 9 times; green – 8; red and blue - 7.

For more accurate information, I conducted a drawing test. To do this, we drew our favorite clothes and painted them in the colors we love most. (Appendix 2)

Girls' preferred clothing color.

Boys' preferred clothing color.

It turned out that boys prefer to wear things in blue, green, brown, black, and less often red and orange. Girls - pink, blue, orange, yellow, lilac and red.

I decided that this was the favorite color of girls and boys, but the teacher explained that we often choose the color of clothes depending on our mood.

Mood color

In order to identify which mood corresponds to which color, I conducted an interview.


Goal: Identify which mood, which color corresponds. (Appendix 3)

1. What color do you paint sadness?

2. What color will you paint joy and happiness?

Sadness is a negative emotion. Joy and happiness are positive, they give a good mood. So, based on the research, I concluded: we color a good mood in red, yellow, pink, blue, lilac, orange, and a bad mood in blue, brown, gray and black. Of all the joyful colors, preference is given to red, pink, yellow and orange, and the “saddest” colors are gray and black. I would like to note that despite the fact that red is highlighted as the color of joy, for one girl it is marked as the color of sadness.


The main work of a schoolchild is studying. To make studying more joyful and interesting, all joyful colors should be present in the office. The authors of textbooks probably know these features, because these are the colors used to design textbooks. An optimist looks at everything through rose-colored glasses, but with sadness the whole world is seen in a black light.

After conducting research, I came to the conclusion that it turns out that with the help of color you can lift your mood and relieve fatigue - this is color therapy. In the classroom we have a green corner, admiring the flowers we help our eyes to rest. The play area is decorated with bright colors, which helps relieve emotional stress. Soft toys of pink and yellow colors give a joyful mood and relieve muscle tension. The main thing is not to do harm, since if you perceive one color for a long time, it can act the other way around. The color red gives joy, but when perceived for a long time, it causes aggression.

As a result of my research, I confirmed my hypothesis: color affects people’s mood.


    B. A. Shashlov “Color and color reproduction” M. “Book” 1986

    V.V. Dragunsky “Color Personality Test”. – M.: Publishing house. “Harvest”, 200 Luscher 0. (Series “Library of Practical Psychology”).

    G.Klar Luscher test. "Psychology of Color". – M.: Publishing house. "Peter", 1998.

    G. Frieling, K. Auer “Man – color – space.” – M.: Publishing house. "Peter", 1995.

    Janice Lindsay “All About Color” Book Club 36.6. 2012

    J. Agoston “Color theory and its application in design” M. “Mir” 1982

    L.N.Mironova Flower science. Minsk, 1984.

    M. Luscher “Personality assessment through color choice.” – M.: Publishing house. "EXMO-Press", 1998.

    M. Lusher “The Color of Your Character”, Sarah D. “Secrets of Handwriting”. – M.: Publishing house. "Evening: Perseus", 1996.

    R.M. Frumkina Color, meaning, similarity. M., 1984.

Internet resources




Annex 1

Table “The color of my classmates’ clothes”











Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Sad mood color






Color of joy and happiness








Western district of Moscow

Project work

Latypov Damir,

8th grade


Nikitina Olga Nikolaevna,

educational psychologist




Chapter 1. Color in our lives. The relationship between color and the psycho-emotional state of a person.





Conclusions on chapter 1


Chapter 2. Study of the effects of color on the human body.


2.1. Organization and methods of studying the effects of color on the human body.



2.3. Description of the booklet “The influence of color on human mood and health”


Conclusions on Chapter 2




List of information sources




Applications 1Table No. 1. Survey results.


Applications 2 Questionnaire


This work is devoted to the topic of the influence of color on the human psyche. This research lies in the field of psychology, physiology, human health and is devoted to the study of the influence of color schemes on a person, his emotional state and his preferences.

The problem with the research is that people know little about the influence of color, the influence of various colors on psychophysiological health, on a person’s emotions and mood. In his life, he constantly encounters color: in nature, indoors, in clothes that he wears and changes quite often, but does not think about why he chooses this or that color in the room, in clothes...

From a scientific point of view, the relevance of this work lies in the fact that the process of the influence of color on a person’s emotional state has been proven by many scientists and the relationship between a person’s emotional state and his choice of certain colors as preferred has been determined.

WITH social point of view, the relevance lies in the interest in the topic not only for me as the author of the work, but also for classmates in my class, and there is also the opportunity to familiarize students of our school with the psychology of color.

For me personally The work is relevant in that knowledge about the influence of color helps to strengthen the emotional background and will influence human behavior.

Educational research is carried out in subject matter psychology and physiology, human health.

Object of study:the influence of color on a person.

Subject of study: the process of the influence of color on the psycho-emotional state of people, which can be influenced.

Research hypothesis: color has an effect on people To do this, it is possible to identify the features of the influence of color on a person and it is necessary to know the features of the color spectrum.

Knowledge of the features of the color spectrum allows us to determine the nature of the effect of color on a person.

Based on the above, we set ourselves the following target: To study the influence of color on the human psyche, mood, well-being and, as a result, on the emotional state.

To achieve this goal, we put forward the following tasks:

  • Study of theoretical sources on the problem of the influence of color on humans. Study of Luscher's color technique.

  • Identify the psychophysiological mechanisms of color perception.

  • Consider the role of color in people's lives.

  • Reveal the connection of color with emotions, character, and health.

  • Show the pattern of color influence.
The following were used in the study methods:


  • definition of concepts;

  • analysis and synthesis.

  • survey;

  • observation.
Practical significance This work is determined by the fact that we will use the knowledge gained and the results of the practical part of our research on the influence of color on a person’s mood and behavior, and, consequently, on human health, in psychology classes, classroom hours, where we will familiarize students of the Rosinka school with information in the form of recommendations.
Chapter 1. Color in our lives. The relationship between color and the human psyche

1.1 The science of color. Psychophysiological mechanisms of color perception.
From birth we are surrounded by color. It has a direct impact on our body, nervous system and psyche, harmoniously tuning it with the surrounding world and nature. Color has a powerful effect on the formation of the psychophysiological status of the human body.

The problem of color influence on a person is one of the central problems in the study of the relationship between color and the psyche. Among the various colors studied, each person can find his favorite color, butEach color contains a whole range of shades.The so-called “primary colors” are most often used in this capacity, which usually include white, black, red, blue, green, yellow and violet.

The color range has ancient origin, originating in those times when man learned to extract and use natural paints. Since then, the color spectrum has come a long way, where people have looked closely at nature and identified for themselves those colors that are most favorable for them. Color for a person is life, mood, awareness of oneself as part of this nature, because if we lived in only one color, a person probably would not be able to live a day. A world without colors seems dull to us, lifeless, one might even say dead. Many scientists and psychologists have studied the influence of color. Many colors affect a person in different ways, causing depression or stimulation of neuropsychic processes in the body, affecting sensations, perception of objects around us, influencing behavior, emotions, thinking, consciousness and subconsciousness.

The founder of color psychology is Goethe, who created an extensive work, “The Doctrine of Color,” which is still relevant in our time.

Based on research that practically proves the objective influence of colors on a person: changes in neuropsychic processes in the body under the influence of various colors and their shades, the influence on sensations and perceptions, behavior, emotions and thinking, consciousness and subconsciousness, Cattell’s color diagnostic techniques were created , Lushera. In our work we will rely on Luscher’s diagnosis, which I already heard about in psychology class.

Max Lüscher is a Swiss psychologist who developed a color test widely known in the practice of psychodiagnostics in the late 1940s, which is one of the highly effectiveprojective techniques 1 and designed to study the emotional state of the individual and its adaptation to various socio-psychological situations.. This technique has been successfully used by tens of thousands of teachers and psychologists in all countries of the world for almost half a century. It is used in the study of the characteristics of psychology in various fields.

1 Projective techniques (from Latin projectio -throwing forward) is one of the methods of psychodiagnostics, a group of techniques intended for diagnosing personality, which are characterized by a global approach to assessing personality, rather than identifying individual traits.

1.2. Study of Luscher color diagnostics.
Max Luscher's color diagnostics is based on the fact that the choice of color reflects a person's focus on a certain activity, mood and psychophysiological mood. Luscher's technique is characterized by the fact that it can give a deep and extensive description of his psychophysiological state in a short time (time of implementation - less than 10 minutes). It allows you to measure the psychophysiological state of a person, his stress resistance 2 , activity and communication skills. The Luscher test allows you to determine the causes of psychological stress, which can lead to the appearance of physiological symptoms.

After studying the diagnostics, we identified the benefits. Each of the eight colors was carefully selected for its special psychological and physiological meaning. These colors were not selected in one year, but over several years preliminary experiments were carried out on more than four thousand shades of colors. In our work, we studied, and will continue to use, an abbreviated test consisting of 8 color series, but in its full version it is presented using 73 color tables.

The color characteristics include 4 primary and 4 additional colors.

Primary colors: Blue - "Emotional depth", is concentric, unifying, sensitive, thoughtful, connecting; symbolizes - peace, satisfaction, tenderness, love and inclination;

2. Stress resistance- a set of personal qualities that allow a person to endure significant intellectual, volitional, emotional stress associated with the characteristics of professional activity, without harmful consequences for his health.

Blue-green - “Volitional effort” is concentric, autonomous, defensive, protective, possessive, persistent; symbolizes - self-affirmation, self-confidence, patience, self-esteem;

orange-red - “Striking willpower”, is eccentric, autonomous, offensive, motor, aggressive, influencing; symbolizes - desire, excitement, aggressiveness;

Light yellow - “Liveness of feelings”, is eccentric, heteronomous, waiting, promoting flourishing, hoping, seeking; symbolizes change, desire for communication, expansiveness, cheerfulness. .

"Additional colors: purple; brown; black; gray.

The Luscher color test is based on the assumption that the choice of color often reflects a person’s focus on a certain activity. Designed by there was a test Max Luscher, A The first edition of the test was published in 1948. Also known as the Luscher Eight-Color Test. It allows you to identify the causes of psychological stress, which can lead to physiological symptoms. Having studied the Luscher test, the answers can be used to determine the psychological state of the subject, to identify his activity, resistance to stress and communication abilities; the main advantage of the test was the ability, thanks to its use, to identify the causes of stress that lead to the emergence of real physiological symptoms. .


1 - blue color. Symbolizes calm, contentment, tenderness and affection.

2 - green color. Symbolizes perseverance, self-confidence, stubbornness, self-respect.

3 - red color. Symbolizes willpower, activity, aggressiveness, offensiveness, authority, sexuality.

4 - yellow color. Symbolizes activity, desire for communication, curiosity, originality, cheerfulness, ambition.

Since the four primary colors symbolize basic psychological needs, they have special meaning. And if the test is performed by a healthy, balanced person who is free from conflicts and depression, then the 4 primary colors should occupy the first five positions.


5 - purple;

6 - brown;

7 - black;

8 - gray

These colors symbolize negative tendencies: anxiety, stress, fear, grief. For example: black is the negation of color, and gray is completely neutral and colorless. Purple is a combination of blue and red, while brown is a combination of orange-red and black, resulting in a darkish and rather lifeless color. Neither brown nor violet are psychological primaries, and they were included in the test after much trial and error. .

But in practice, they are often highlighted and moved to the beginning of the row due to one or more primary colors. Another reason why additional colors were included in the test was to increase the overall utility of the test.

1.3. The influence of color on the mood and psycho-emotional state of human health.
Have you ever wondered why a person chooses clothes of a certain color scheme or objects that he uses? How does each person feel in one color or another? Preferences in clothing, in the color of the interior that everyone chooses, can tell a lot of interesting things about character traits and even about the state of psychophysiological health. The language of color is universal; it is perceived equally regardless of nationality and culture, different professions, and interests.

Color influences play an important role in a person’s life: color can influence decision-making and change mood. Under the influence of a certain color, blood pressure may rise or drop, or appetite may increase. We do not focus on color in Everyday life, and we understand the full importance of its impact only in the absence of colors: for example, on a cloudy, rainy day we feel a decrease in mood, energy, depression, and the world around us seems unfriendly.

Color awakens an unconscious reaction in us, which may vary depending on the individual's personal characteristics. The color we prefer at a certain moment in life can tell a lot about ourselves: about our problems, fears, aspirations. Even small children have their favorite colors: this can be easily determined by what toys kids play with most often. In most cases this is Red color.

For amateurs white The colors have a well-developed imagination, they are dreamy.

Lovers pink the colors of nature are romantic and subtle. Violence in any form is completely unacceptable to them. Pink colors are preferred by people who spend their entire lives in the world of dreams, fairy tales and miracles. They love comfort and homeliness.

Fans of red – power-hungry people who strive for leadership all their lives. Red lovers want their emotional lives to become more intense. Aggression is the problem of such people.

Blue the color is preferred by travelers, scientists, and religious figures. Impressive natures, affectionate, loyal, but easily discouraged in moments of failure.

Blue the color of sensible and self-confident people However, they have a certain vulnerability, especially noticeable in cases where they are trying to deceive them. Fans of blue are soft-hearted people who do not remain indifferent to the sorrows of others.

Those who give preference to brown blossom. As a rule, they are distinguished by rigor and frugality. Brown is the color of mature age and thoughtful decisions.

Creative individuals gravitate towards gray t Onam. This color is considered cleansing. Those who prefer gray consciously fence themselves off from external influences in order to maintain inner peace.

Green color is chosen by people who tend to withdraw into themselves. These people are warm-hearted, noble, and for the most part, good parents and friends.

Yellow – the color of reason and optimism. Fans of yellow are cheerful people. Yellow distinguishes an original, imaginative, creative and idealistic personality, betrays a desire for independence and hope for a happy life.

For lovers purple colors have a spirit of creativity. Great importance he makes everything unusual and unconventional.

Based on such color techniques, such a direction as color therapy arose. Color therapy is a medical direction that uses the influence of colors on a person’s psycho-emotional state and well-being.

Let's consider the influence of individual colors on a person's psycho-emotional and physical state.

The influence of colors.

Bright red color increases heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, energizes, has a revitalizing effect and warms up. It strengthens the heart and circulatory system.

Pink gives a feeling of lightness, happiness, tenderness. Often associated with olfactory sensations.

Orange causes a feeling of joy and well-being, awakens the joy of life and fun. Helps with depression, apathy and loss of appetite.

Yellow– the most optimistic color, it creates a cheerful, upbeat mood and helps to concentrate attention. Improves mood, has a positive effect on the nervous system and internal organs.

Green has a refreshing and calming effect. It has a powerful anti-stress effect, as it calms the nerves and eliminates overwork and fatigue.

Blue the color evokes a feeling of coolness and calms, more so than green. It reduces inflammation and helps with sleep disorders, as well as headaches.

Violet has a relaxing effect on the psyche. Violet tones promote better concentration and significantly reduce mental stress. .

It seems that the human psyche, following a spectrum from red to violet, runs through the entire gamut of emotions.

Conclusions on chapter 1

Nowadays, many have heard about the impact of colors on a person’s psycho-emotional state. Correctly selected colors help solve many problems. In everyday life, we constantly encounter flowers, and some people who use colors in their work, having studied the basics of the influence of colors on a person’s mental state, skillfully use them for their own benefit. Thus, a competent choice of color combinations allows restaurateurs to attract customers, designers to create the right shades help create cozy room interiors, advertisers attract attention to products, and, therefore, successfully sell them. For psychological assistance to people, in personnel selection, psychologists use the Luscher test. The technique reveals not only a person’s conscious, subjective attitude to color standards, but mainly his unconscious reactions, which allows us to consider the method as deep, projective. Its advantage over many other personality tests is that it does not general principles and does not provoke (unlike most other tests) reactions of a defensive nature.

Chapter 2. Study of the effects of color on the human body

2.1. Organization and methods of studying the effects of color on the human body
In our work, we found out how color affects a person’s mood and psychophysiological state. We have delivered the following practical research objectives:

  1. Apply the Luscher technique in order to identify the influence of color on the mood and psychophysiological state of schoolchildren.

  2. Conduct a survey. Determine the individual preferences of schoolchildren in color schemes.

  3. Make recommendations for schoolchildren.
The study was carried out on the base CHU OO secondary school "Rosinka", The participants were high school students.

Certain methods and techniques:

  • We conducted a survey to identify preferences in colors;

  • Processing and synthesis of the results obtained;

  • Observing schoolchildren how color affects their mood during the Luscher test;
Defined sequencing:

  1. Identify the most appropriate questions for the survey, based on the Luscher color test;

  2. Conducting a survey;

  3. Processing of received data;

  4. Comparison with the obtained results of the Luscher test;

  5. Entering the research results into the appropriate record forms.

  6. Schematic, graphical, illustrative presentation of results (preparation of applications);

  7. Writing conclusions for chapter 2.
As a result primary processing and analysis of results research will develop recommendations on color schemes and the influence of color on a person’s mood and psychophysiological state.

In progress testing the research results will be given recommendations and conclusions based on the research results were written.

2.2. Description of the results of a study of individual preferences of schoolchildren in colors.
During the research process, a survey was conducted to find out whether the students of our school know about the M. Luscher color test and how color affects us in our lives. How can the color scheme around us affect our health? The survey involved 15 people from different classes, who took part in the study with pleasure and interest. The questionnaire included 13 questions. Based on the results of the survey in the first question, we determined that our respondents, for the most part, do not know about M. Luscher and his test.

When analyzing question No. 1 about knowledge of the color test, 73% of respondents answered negatively, and 27% answered positively that they know and have heard about this test.

When analyzing question No. 2, we were interested in the term Color Psychology. 60% of our respondents are not familiar with this terminology, and 40% of respondents know its meaning.

When analyzing question No. 3 about the impact of color on human health, it turned out that 60% know about it, and 40% have no idea about its influence.

In the answers to the fifth question, we found out exactly how color affects people. Many answered that color affects them positively, and there were 5 people, which is 33%, the mood of 5 people changes - 33%, it calms 4 people - 27%, and only 1 person answered negatively - that's 7%.

While studying colors, we found out that color is what brings variety to our lives. Existence in a colorless world would be as dull as the ability to experience only one emotion throughout your life, which means these two concepts are interconnected. The influence of color on the human body as a whole consists of a huge number of influencing factors, which we considered further in the seventh question.

Favorite colors were named by many and often repeated, for example: pink, blue, yellow, green... More often they answered that their favorite colors are colors of light tones, which amounted to 60%, and 40% were colors of dark tones, and these are black, brown, gray .

The influence of color on a person’s health and mood has long been a proven fact, and we know on a subconscious level how to apply it in life. Color preferences make us individual, giving our personality and special energy. The influence of color on our perception is very significant, and if a person is dressed in all black from the first minutes of meeting, they are unlikely to be perceived as cheerful and cheerful, but rather, on the contrary, wary and wary. Bright colors, like colorful clothes and interiors, attract our attention. Bright clothes attract attention and indicate that its owner loves to be the center of attention, which means he is very open and sociable. In question 10, we asked respondents why people often prefer light colors in the interior. The answers were a little expected, since from the previous answers to the questions it was clear that light flowers predominate. Color is one of the most important characteristics everything that the human eye catches, which is why it is so necessary, with special attention, approach it when decorating the interior, choosing a design for your home. This will not only help you feel comfortable at home, but will also give you the opportunity to decorate the apartment according to your taste.

At the end of our questionnaire, we asked our respondents to fantasize about the color in which they were supposed to live for one day. The answers were expected by us, since it is very difficult to live one day in one color, and the results were as follows: 93% answered that they could not do this, and this is 14 out of 15 people, but still one person answered that they could, which amounted to 7%.

Of course, when choosing a color, you need to take into account a person’s personal preferences, but at the same time we should not forget about the patterns that have been noticed by scientists. Knowledge about the harmonious combination of colors and shades, color preferences in different areas of human life, interior design, etc. can help here. certain type rooms where the color palette can transform the room, but can also ruin the clothes.

The influence of color on a person is quite individual, and also depends on a certain experience, for example, on the method of selecting the color of certain tastes or preferences. Depending on the time of exposure to a person, or color, it causes positive or negative emotions, and affects his psyche, therefore scientists came up with such a science as psychotherapy. In the twelfth question, we asked our respondents whether they knew about such a phenomenon or not. 40% of respondents answered positively, and 60% answered negatively. Of the entire range of issues that make up the complex problem of the psychological impact of color, the questions of human physiological reactions to color and color associations are especially relevant for us. All spectral colors influence human functional systems in one way or another, and we observed this in our study using questionnaires.

To continue studying the effect of color on the human body, we also conducted research using the M. Luscher color test. We used a shortened version of the test, where we used 8 color shades: blue, red, yellow, black, purple, gray, brown, green. The sampling was carried out twice with a break of several minutes. When conducting the test, we asked our respondents to choose the color they liked best from eight proposed colors, and so they chose colors until all the colors ran out. After a minute break, they laid out the colors again, and, just like the first time, they sorted through the colors they liked the most until the end. Then we recorded the resulting data in a table we compiled, and from it the data was transferred to a ready-made electronic test on the Internet resource. The finished results were printed out and presented to our respondents.

Color psychological studies of respondents showed: desired goals and behavior, the existing state of affairs and appropriate behavior, denied, suppressed or anxiety-bearing properties, as well as physiological and psychological interpretation and, finally, the identified current problem or behavior caused by stress.

Based on M. Luscher’s test, we can conclude that all of our respondents had not taken this test before and the results surprised them, and some confirmed the coincidence of character traits, life position or internal anxiety and confirmed its effectiveness.After the test conducted with them, our respondents confirmed their focus on certain activities, mood and behavior.

Based on the test results, we were able to conduct an individual assessment and, if possible, tell our respondents about the color scheme and give recommendations on how to avoid stress, improve your mood, or choose the right interior around you to make life more positive. We can also state that the test allows us to identify and analyze the character of a person based on the information we receive and convey it to the respondent.Preference for one color or another is unconscious, so the meanings of colors in their psychological interpretation were determined during testing of our respondents.

Based on the research conducted using a questionnaire and a test, studying the literature on the problem and analyzing the materials received, we came to the following preliminary conclusion.

Firstly, color as a psychological factor has a powerful energetic and informational effect on the human body. Secondly, the color scheme can be used to influence a person’s well-being and psycho-emotional state. Thirdly, the effect of color on the psyche can vary significantly depending on the combination of colors and their shades. Fourthly, different colors have different effects on our emotional state. There are active colors that excite our psycho-emotional state, there are colors that calm us down in different life situations, and there are colors that are rejected or not preferred by us.

Our booklet is a list of colors and a description of their meaning and effect on the human body. We compiled it with the goal that everyone could understand what colors mean, what impact they have, and how you can use them in your life. The booklet consists of two parts. In the first part of the booklet we introduce flowers and tell in detail their meaning and influence on a person, and in the second part we give advice on use. Unfortunately, most people think little about what role color plays in their lives, what serious impact it has on their physical, mental and spiritual state. By the color chosen by a person, you can determine what mood he is in, and even reveal some of his character traits. For this reason, we wanted to familiarize everyone with this data and give some tips for applying it in our daily lives from the point of view of professionals.

We use in the booklet several proven, really good and effective tips on how to make your life more beautiful thanks to flowers, more emotional, and therefore more positive. Our experience of working on the project and working with the M. Luscher test shows that with the proper level of understanding of the theoretical foundations of this technique , the color test is a powerful and unique means of studying a person’s personality, understanding the essence gives us research opportunities inner world a person we don't see.

Conclusions on Chapter 2
Having carried out the above activities to study color and its influence on humans, we can draw conclusions.

It has been known since ancient times that color has an effect on the human body, therefore the existing science of color helps people influence their mood and physiological state. There was even color therapy - treatment using color. We are surrounded by various shades. It has been proven that a person perceives color not only through vision, but also through the skin. If a person is blindfolded and placed in a red room, then his pulse and breathing will increase; if he is placed in a blue room, then, on the contrary, his pulse and breathing will slow down. Color affects the human body, both emotionally and physiologically. But we can all react to color in completely different ways; this is individual for each person. One color can invigorate and excite someone, but it will irritate someone or make them sad or even depressed. Even the degree of intensity and time that color affects our body can cause either positive or negative emotions in a person. That’s why, with the help of our booklet, you can choose the right color scheme for the space around you without harming our health. Everyone has their favorite and least favorite colors. They influence our life, character, behavior. We can safely say that the colors that surround a person have a huge impact on his condition. Now we know how colors affect the body, and we will use the properties of each color to our advantage.

This work is devoted to the problem of studying the influence of color on a person and was that people know little about the influence of color, about the influence of various colors on psychophysiological health, on a person’s emotions and mood. Since all people constantly encounter flowers, live among color schemes, wear colors in clothes, therefore their influence undoubtedly exists both on health, mood and general psychophysiological state. Many scientists have proven and determined the relationship between a person’s emotional states and their choice of certain colors as their preferred ones. Knowledge about the influence of color helps to strengthen a person’s emotional background and will influence human behavior.

The results of our study showed that with the help of a color preference test we can determine the internal state of a person and his attitude to the world around him if we study the influence of color on the human psyche, mood, well-being and as a result, on the emotional state and it is possible to control it.

Thus, modern science confirmed the medicinal properties of flowers, and in our work we tried to confirm scientific facts and draw people’s attention to this topic and take advantage of our tips for transforming the world around you. The hypothesis that color has an effect on people, and To do this, you need to know the features of the color spectrum, confirmed.

There are many color therapy techniques: lighting a room with light of a certain color, dominating certain colors in the interior and clothing, drinking water from bottles made of glass of different colors, concentrating on objects of a certain color. All these techniques boil down to the fact that you need to focus on color. It is difficult for people to concentrate on one object for a long time, but in order to achieve a psychotherapeutic effect, you need to draw attention to a certain color for at least 3-5 minutes. Using our research, we can safely say that the product of research work is in demand for people of different ages and different professions.

List of information sources

1. Aksenova, M.D. Encyclopedia for children. "Avanta+". T. 2. Biology.-5th ed., - M. 2001. – 704 p.

2. Nick, Arnold, Encyclopedia “Everything about Everything.” Medicine.- M.: “Astrel”. – 2001. – 32 p.

3. Braham G. Psychology of color.- M.: AST, Astrel, 2009. - 158 p.

4. Vlasova Z.A. Biology. Applicant's Handbook. - M.: Philological Society “WORD” LLC.” AST Publishing House. Center humanities at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. – 1998. - 638 p.

5. Loseva O.I. Visual dictionary. Human. London. - M.: 1997. 64 p.

6. Lusher, M. Color test [Electronic resource] // Psychological tests online Section. The most popular tests. Address: http://tests.kulichki.com/index.html

7. Simolin A.V. Big encyclopedic Dictionary. Biology. Scientific publishing house "Big Russian Encyclopedia". – M.: -1998. - 863 p.

8. Starman A. Color. Encyclopedia. Tips for color design of the interior of your home. –M.: ART-Rodnik, 2007.-256 p.

9. Shalaeva G.P. Popular encyclopedia for children. Everything about everything. - M.: AST, Company "Klyuch-S" Philological Society "WORD" Center for the Humanities at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, 2003.- T. 9.-446 p.

Annex 1

15 people took part in the survey.

Table No. 1. Survey results.

Survey questions




27 %


Are you familiar with the term Color Psychology?



Do you know about the impact of colors on a person?



Do you think color affects you?



Do you have any favorite colors?



Were you able to live one day with the same color surrounding you?

Do you know about color therapy?





Appendix 2


Dear friend!

We ask you to take part in the survey, thereby you will assist in writing the project “Psychology of Color: The Influence of Color on a Person’s Psycho-Emotional State.” We ask you to answer all questions in the questionnaire, following the instructions for the questions.

Filling out the form is easy and does not require much time. Please read the question and all suggested answer options. Circle the number of the answer that matches your opinion. If there are no ready-made answers or none of them suits you, please write your thoughts on the specially designated lines.

The value of our research will depend on how thoroughly and completely you answer all the questions. Therefore, we ask you to take filling out the questionnaire seriously and favorably.

Thank you in advance for participating in the study.

  1. Have you ever heard of the color test or Max Luscher?

2. Are you familiar with the term Color Psychology?


3. Do you know about the impact of colors on a person?


4. Do you think color affects you?


5. How does color affect you?

6. Do you know how many colors there are in the Luscher test?


7. Do you have any favorite colors?


8. What is your favorite color?


9.What color do you prefer in the interior?


10. Why do people prefer light colors in the interior?


______________________________________________________________________________11. Were you able to live one day with the same color surrounding you?


12. Do you know about color therapy?


13.What is your age?

A) 10-15 years