Abstracts Statements Story

The drawing is a rule of movement worthy of respect. Project on traffic rules “Traffic rules are worthy of respect” (in the senior group)

Traffic rules deserve respect

Open script extracurricular activity traffic rules for students

Jr. classes.


  1. Strengthen children's knowledge of the rules traffic
  2. Develop the ability to independently use acquired knowledge in everyday life


  1. Think over the decoration of the hall
  2. Prepare equipment and performance for children


  1. Leading
  2. Traffic light
  3. Ay and Oh
  4. Propaganda brigade of the YuID detachment

On stage there is a dance group with a choreographic sketch “Cars”

Ai and Oi are trying to interfere with the performance and run across the stage.


Who is violating this here?

Who runs so close

In front of a moving car?


Oh, the tires squeal so loudly!


Hey, we didn’t see the car,

Don't just look at both!


“We didn’t look, we didn’t see”

And they almost became the reason

You're an accident, guys!


Ay, we were just playing hide and seek!


Just hide and seek on the road?!

Don't break your legs!


Oh, what's wrong with that?

Still alive and well!


This is very good,

What happened because of the misfortune.

But it could have been different!

Here today is a competition of those

Who knows the rules best?

The traffic light is on at school

This means: the way is open.

For those who are taking the exam now

Knowledge of road rules.

Traffic light output

Traffic light:

I wish you all good health!

Violator is bad

He is a danger on the roads.

Violator violates

And health is exposed

He is a danger to all citizens!

This is what you need to remember!

Study the code of rules,

You will pass the exam!


Whoever you and I are

We're all walking down the street

Student or director

We are all pedestrians in life!

Vocal group performance: “We are walking down the street”

The traffic light and presenter work with the audience

  1. Where should a pedestrian cross the street? (Traffic light, pedestrian crossing, underground passage)
  2. What is a "zebra"? (This is a pedestrian crossing marking)
  3. Why is a traffic island necessary? (For crossing wide roads, where you can wait out the flow of cars)
  4. How to cross the road if there is no crossing or traffic light? (Look left, walk to the middle of the road, look right)
  5. Is it possible to cross the street? Why? (No, because a sudden appearance will create a difficult situation for the driver, he could fall and knock down another pedestrian)
  6. Where and how should pedestrians walk on the street? (On the sidewalks, keeping to the right).

Pupils from one of the classes are invited to the stage to perform “We are pedestrians”

Student 1:

Every day to my home school

On the road we are going!
Pedestrian - on the crossing,

And a car, and a bus

Right on the road!

Student 2:

Traffic lights, crossings

A series of different complex signs -

IN traffic rules school laws,

Security Basics

They study, they say!

Student 3:

Red, yellow and green –

Very important colors!

We must remember them all our lives!

They are simply beautiful!

Student 4:

I approached the traffic light.

The red light came on.

I'm running along the passage!

And what?! There are no cars!

Student 5:

Is it possible to?! After all, the light is red

He says to everyone in the world:

“Stop and wait! It's dangerous to run!

Take care of your health and life!”

Student 6:

Yellow light is not for traffic,

Given to us for attention!

With yellow we stand still,

Let's get ready for now!

Student 7:

And when, tell me, is it possible

Will I switch?


The green light will turn on,

Don't yawn now, go!

Student 8:

We know these rules

All since kindergarten.

And we understand perfectly.


Children need rules!


Oh and Oh, come on, answer me

Do children know well

Traffic rules for pedestrians?


They know and probably go

Only where the path is laid

Pedestrian path.

Demonstration of a presentation on traffic rules


Oh, and if you have to go

On the bus guys

Where and how can we wait for him?

So as not to get hit by a car?


Ay! That's right, here's the task:

On the road, no less,

So that the bus driver

Was able to see us from afar!

Traffic light:

Everything is clear to me!

It’s dangerous to let you in alone.

Next round of questions

It will help you become a passenger!

Traffic light and presenters work with the audience

  1. Where should passengers wait for transport? (At a specially equipped stop or on the sidewalk)
  2. Which direction should you look when getting off the tram? (Right)
  3. How should you get around a bus, trolleybus, or car standing at a stop? (Behind. But it’s best to wait until the vehicle leaves and then calmly cross the roadway)
  4. How should you get around a tram standing on the road? (Front, because you need to see if there is a tram coming towards you)

Pupils of the next class are invited to the stage with a performance “We are passengers”, in their hands they hold the letters of the alphabet

Like arteries, roads

Cover the globe.

And they have their own laws,

Remember the main thing, the main one:

If you want to live long

No problems and no offense,

Study the road quickly

"SDA" alphabet!

“A” - asphalt roadway

For cars, not for games!

“B” - the path will be safe,

If you honor the traffic light!

"B" - reduce the probability

Traffic violations!

“G” - no need to be a hero

On the roadway!

"E" - cycling

Only from the age of fourteen!

“F” - remember, with yellow light

Everyone is standing still and there is no movement!

“Z” - green lights up,

The passage ahead is open.

"I" - laws of exception

It can never be!

"K" is the most dangerous letter.

This means red light!

“L” - if you fly recklessly,

You'll cause trouble!

"M" - places to go

Clearly assigned to us!

"N" is a misfortune for the people

Drunk motorist!

"O" - dangerous areas

Everyone will show signs to everyone!

“P” - know the rules of the road,

So that we can live without problems!


Is it clear, Ai? Got it, Oy?

Summer, autumn, winter

We have to wait at the stop,

Stay out of the way.


Oh! Am I in the way?!


Or me?!


Who, tell me, instructed here

Sticks with badges on them?

Traffic light:

What kind of sticks?

Who put it?

I didn't understand


You can see our Ai and Oi

They talk about signs like this.

Everyone knows: road sign -

Both the narrator and the assistant,

If it’s dangerous, he’ll ban it,

Informs along the way.

And let's go now

A new class will show us

Your knowledge of signs.

Pupils of the next class are invited to the stage, they have road signs in their hands.

Student 1:

It's people who created us,

Color and shape indicated!

As if on guard, on the road,

We help pedestrians!

Student 2.3 “Underground passage”:

Bright blue and square.

Is it really visible to everyone, guys?

Here he is, the white man,

Here it is, the run of the stairs!

I say clearly, loudly:

There is a path underground for you!

So tell me why

Why was everyone in a hurry?

Do they crawl under cars?

Maybe they forgot about me?!

Student 4.5 “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited”:

That's for sure! Here it is:

"Movement Prohibition!"

I'm not for cars!

So that pedestrians don't walk!

I forbid in red

And I say with a red line:

“Stop, man, stop, pedestrian!

Reverse like a car!”

I'm so prominent

It’s clear to me

That it’s dangerous to walk under me!

Pupils 6 and 7 “Be careful, children!”

And I stand, and I am silent,

Although I want to scream at the top of my lungs,

What's in front of every school

You, friends, will find me!

With my triangular shape

Let me remind you as a precaution

Car drivers,

So that they slow down here.

After all, there are boys and girls here

The crowd runs to class.

They're in a hurry like crazy!
cars rustling tires,

Driver, slow down!”

Pupils 8 and 9 “Pedestrian crossing”

Stop grumbling, friends!

So I have to point out to everyone,

So that people don't run past,

That there is an underground passage here.

I'm here for everyone. And look

Disciplined driver

He won't hurry in front of me,

Reducing speed, slows down,

He'll let you through if he suddenly crosses a zebra crossing

Both adults and children are coming!

Student “Careful, children!”

And pedestrians should know

All the rules, follow them!

Student “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited!”

Then there is no need to remind

That there will only be order there,

Where everyone is clear, without a doubt


All students:

Traffic Laws!

The presenter invites the audience to get acquainted with the signs “Bicycle path” and “No cycling”

Traffic light: Traffic rules -

This is our law

And for the propaganda team

He is the most important!

Speech by the UID propaganda team

We're talking about how to brush your teeth,

We know it very well!

There will be a conversation today

That's not what we're talking about with you, children.

How many lives does a giraffe have?

How many lives do dogs have?

Here's what everyone needs to remember:

Life is given only once!

How much do you have to tell everyone,

The fact that you need to appreciate life!

Well, who doesn’t appreciate her?

Sorry, there are no such people here!

That's the problem, kids.

That we don’t value life, no!

Here, now the guys have arrived,

To speak seriously.

Representatives of the squad

And it’s called “YUID”!

Our team: “Safety Island”

Our motto:

What will we devote our story to today?

Of course, we'll dedicate it to the bike!

He is five centuries older than us,

Favorite transport of mine, my father and grandfather.

Wheels rush along the road

Feet are racing over the road!

This is me running!

This is me running on horseback!

I run while sitting

And I'm running!

And I'm rolling the car,

And I roll wherever I want.

They bought us “big ones”

Last spring

And my friend and I decided

Brag about yourself.

We're driving down the boulevard

We shout against each other.

On traffic rules

We waved our feet.

Beauty, beauty -

We almost hit a cat

From all sides

We hit the dog.

You and I scare everyone -

What a ride!

I don't hold the steering wheel

I swing forward without hands.

And I was all bent over,

Sat backwards.

We weave circles and loops,

We're scaring the whole block...

And suddenly he comes towards...

Huge dump truck!

I'm there, I'm here -

They scattered in all directions.

Almost under the wheels,

Nose on the asphalt...

I'm flying up a tree...

What an accident...

To the tune of the song "Winter"

The dump truck flew by, the dust cleared,

Okay, that's how we got off!

Yurka just hung on the aspen tree,

Seryoga has a lantern...blue-blue.

We found our “bike”, oh, we are in the dust,

Only a number of spare parts became redundant.

And then there was the greatest fear...

The driver ran up to us... blue-blue...

Bicycle drivers,

Your “velo” is a vehicle!

A two-wheeled friend is reliable,

Just know: where, what, how you can!

Before you start your journey with him,

Don't forget to check

Brakes, wheels in good condition,

The reflector at the back is red.

You can ride on a “friend”,

Where there is a path for him.

Ride a bike -

Only from the age of fourteen!

Transportation of passengers,

Loads with long dimensions,

And driving without both hands

You are prohibited!

Clearly prohibited

Chase cars!

Where pedestrians walk

There is no road for you with a bicycle!

Compliance with these rules

It will help you without a doubt!

Do you have a bike?

And how old are you?

Leave the yard

Is it possible or not?

To rap music

Driving fast in our city.

Do you know the rules of movement?


Here the traffic light is red:

Can I go across the street?


Well, the green light is on, what then?

Can I go across the street?


The signs are different:

Yellow, blue, red.

Smart road signs,

And it’s not difficult to remember them.

Children love to saddle their bike,

It's time to learn a lot of rules,

And don’t forget the most important prohibition,

If you are not fourteen years old,

If your parents aren't around,

Even though you're cool and proud of your car,

You must remember one rule:


From the yard

You are not allowed!

We, the younger generation,

We want traffic

Assign the status "security"

Bring rigor and clarity to the movement.

And let the Code of Honor Rules

The driver will take everyone on the road!

(The speech of the propaganda team can be replaced by solving a crossword puzzle)


Ay, now I understand

Signs mean a lot!

Their task, without a doubt...


Regulate traffic!

Traffic light:

Well, success is evident!

Everyone will be great!

YID and children in the hall pronounce the pedestrian oath:

Today we all swear

That always, in everything, everywhere

We will strictly comply

Traffic regulations!

All together: We swear!

Before a strict traffic light

We promise that we will always

We'll go to green

And never on red!

All together: We swear!

We promise that in the ball

We'll play in the yard

And not on the roadway,

Laws must be observed!

All together: We swear!

If suddenly there is a car

Pass quickly nearby

On the sidelines we must

Wait out that car!

All together: We swear!

And we also promise

Don't be rude on the roads!

Very important of their rules -

We must be polite!

All together: We swear!

And today before school

We make a promise:

What you always take with you on the road

Let's take these rules!

All together: We swear!

Presentation of “Pedestrian Reminders” to the participants of the festival.

The song is performed to the soundtrack “If you went on a journey with a friend”

We are on the streets, friends,

We are on the streets, friends,

We walk without fear,

Because you and me

Because you and me

Studied great


Traffic light, transition,

Where is back, where is in front

The young pedestrian knows everything!

How to walk along a zebra crossing

So as not to find trouble,

Traffic rules will help you on the way!

And the roads of the whole country,

And the roads of the whole country

The speed is picking up

And therefore, always

And therefore, always

Help is promised


Traffic light, transition,

Lesson topic:“The traffic rules are worthy of respect.”

Purpose of the lesson: consolidate children’s knowledge about traffic rules and prevent child road injuries among schoolchildren. Summarizing the topic, summarizing and systematizing students’ knowledge. Promote the development of thinking, reaction speed, cognitive activity, creating an atmosphere of mutual assistance.

Lesson objectives: Summarizing the topic in a playful way.
activating interest in the subject through play activities;
developing the ability to apply acquired knowledge in a non-standard situation;
developing the ability to choose rational ways of doing work;
consolidation of traffic rules;
formation of teamwork skills.
develop a system of views on the world;
develop the ability to follow norms of behavior;
bring up standards social behavior children;
develop a respectful attitude towards the subject.
development of speech, thinking, memory;
development of sensory and emotional-volitional spheres of personality;
developing skills in identifying dangerous road areas and situations;
development of mental activity, the ability to observe, draw conclusions, check results.

Equipment: posters on traffic rules, a drawing-model of a traffic light (according to the number of children), pedestrian reminders, certificates for the winners, a set of circles (red, yellow, green) for each student.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment. Setting the topic and goals of the lesson.

If you guess the riddles correctly, you will find out the topic of our lesson.

Little houses
They're running down the street
Boys and girls
The houses are being transported. ( Cars).

The houses stand in two rows,
Ten, twenty, hundred in a row.
And square eyes
They all look at each other. ( Street).

He stood up from the edge of the street, wearing a long boot,
Three-eyed stuffed animal on one leg.
Where the cars move, where the paths meet,
Helping people cross the street. ( Traffic light).

Here's a car rushing along the rails
Holds on to the wires.
And she doesn't need gasoline
To rush back and forth. ( Tram).

He rides on two wheels
Doesn't skid on slopes
And there is no gasoline in the tank,
This is my … ( Bike).

Not alive, but walking
Motionless, but leading. ( Road).

What do you think we will talk about today?

What goals will we set for ourselves?

2. Warm up.
- Now I’ll check what kind of attentive pedestrians you are and whether you’re ready for the game. I ask you a question, and you answer “yes” or “no.”

Say what you want, there is sweet water in the sea? (No)
- What do you want - say, red light - no passage? (Yes)
- What do you want - say, every time we go home, we play on the pavement? (No)
- Say what you want, but if you are in a hurry, do you run in front of the transport? (No)
- Say what you want, we always move forward only where there is a transition? (Yes)
- Say what you want, we are running forward so fast that we don’t see the traffic light? (No)
- What do you want - say, there is a person drawn on the sign “no passage here”? (No)
- What do you want - say, on round signs the red color means “it’s prohibited here”? (Yes)

3. Introductory conversation.

- There are many roads in our country. At any time of the year and in any weather, cars, buses, trams, trolleybuses rush along them, motorcycles rush along, cyclists ride, and pedestrians walk.
Since ancient times, people have dreamed of speed. Many people's dreams came true. There are more and more cars. But the car gives a person not only conveniences - it can become the cause of misfortunes.
The flow of cars is growing, the streets are becoming unsafe. But danger awaits only those who do not know the traffic rules, do not know how to behave correctly on the street, and do not observe discipline.
And for those who have studied the rules of the street well, who are polite and attentive, the street is not at all scary.
Traffic rules are the laws of streets and roads. Everyone must know and follow them. Each of us has to cross the street or road. We use public transport, some of you are bicycle drivers - all this makes us road users. Everyone must know the rules and follow them. Therefore, today we will consolidate our knowledge in order to prevent child road injuries, precisely at the end school year.

Do you think only the driver should know the rules of the road?

(No! Not only drivers, but also pedestrians!)

Who can be called a pedestrian? (All people, big and small, as soon as they go outside, immediately become pedestrians.)

Who is the passenger? (These are people who are in transport.)

Who is called the driver? ( Student answers.)

How can you call drivers, pedestrians, drivers in one word?

That's right, guys, the driver, the pedestrian, and the passenger - they are all participants in the movement. And our lives depend on their behavior on the road. After all, those who violate traffic rules pose a danger on city streets and create emergency situations, due to which accidents occur that lead to the death of people. Knowledge of the rules allows you to avoid accidents, injuries and deaths. Therefore, it is very important that every person, both adults and children, knows the rules of the road well.

4. "IT'S INTERESTING TO KNOW..."(from traffic history)

Where did these traffic rules come from?

“In the old days, city streets and country roads were the same for both those who drove and those who walked. This led to confusion and often accidents. Despite various strictures, including royal decrees, for those traveling to be careful and not to crush those walking on foot with their horses, the number of accidents did not decrease. Only then did they begin to build special paths in cities, which were called the French word - sidewalk, which translated means “road for pedestrians.” And to prevent carriages or sleighs from driving onto the sidewalk, it was raised above the roadway.
Later, with the advent large quantity cars, in order to establish order of movement on the roadway, people began to make road markings on it. Knowing its designations, a driver or pedestrian can correctly navigate the road situation and avoid getting into trouble.”

5. Traffic assistants.

The law of the streets is very strict. He does not forgive if a pedestrian walks down the street as he pleases and does not follow the rules. But this law is also very good: it protects people from terrible misfortune, protects their lives.

Do you know that all road users have good helpers? Who do you think they are?

(Traffic light, traffic inspector, traffic controller, road signs.)

- Let's take a closer look at some of them.

1) Road signs

For everyone who likes to take a walk,
Everyone without exception
We must remember
Need to know
Traffic rules.
So that your hands are intact,
So that your legs are intact,
There are many signs you need to know!
We must respect the signs!

Road signs help the movement of vehicles and pedestrians. They are installed on the right side of the road, facing towards traffic. Now we will see how you know road signs.

1) Young and old walk boldly,
Even cats and dogs.
Only this is not a sidewalk,
It's all about the road sign. (Footpath)

2) I want to ask about the sign
It is drawn like this:
In the triangle, guys
They are running somewhere as fast as they can. (“Careful, children!)
3) We were walking home from school
We see a sign above the pavement.
Circle, inside is a bicycle,
There is nothing else. (Cyclists are not allowed)
4) What is this zebra crossing on the road?
Everyone stands with their mouths open,
Wait for the green light to blink.
So this is... (Transition)

5) In a triangle, guys,
A man stands with a shovel.
Digging something, building something,
Here... (road works).

6) White circle with a red border -
So it's not dangerous to go.
Maybe it’s hanging in vain?
What do you say friends? (Movement Prohibition)

2) Traffic controller.

– The traffic controller always comes to the aid of a traffic light where there is very heavy traffic. Stands at the crossroads with badge and a magic wand in his hands. What is the name of this Magic wand? (Rod.)

Why exactly the rod? Once upon a time, the staff was a long cane decorated with expensive stones and was a symbol of great power. Kings and generals came out to the people with a rod in their hands. Nowadays, only traffic controllers have small and modest rods. But they continue to have great power, because they command the traffic.

Not everyone can be a traffic controller, but only someone who knows certain movements. The traffic controller's movements with the baton correspond to the three colors of the traffic light.

If the traffic controller stands with his chest or back to you, this means you cannot cross the street. When he raised the baton up, it means the “Attention” signal has been given, everyone must wait for the next signal, get ready to move or stop. And when he turns his shoulder towards you, it means you can cross the street.

3) Traffic light.

Guys, now meet the next guest - the traffic light.

At any intersection
We are greeted by a traffic light
And it starts very quickly
Conversation with a pedestrian:
The light is green - come on in!
Yellow - better wait!
If the light turns red -
It's dangerous to move!
Let the tram pass.
Pull up and respect
Traffic rules. (Ya. Pishumov)

We all know the traffic light. Do you know how he appeared?
...Traffic lights originate from semaphores, which were used on railways and had two colors - red and green. Such a semaphore was installed in London more than a hundred years ago. An arrow with a green or red disk was raised using a winch. To avoid collisions, people came up with an intermediate yellow light. And in our country, a traffic light was installed in 1929 in Moscow. The first traffic lights were controlled by a traffic controller.”

It is simply impossible not to notice and not to understand traffic light signals.
Cross the road
You are always on the streets
And they will advise and help
Our true colors...(red, yellow, green)

6. Competition - game “There are traffic lights, obey them without arguing”

(The teacher reads poetry, the children must guess the traffic light signal and raise the circle corresponding to the color.)

The pavement is seething with movement -

Cars are running, trams are rushing.

Tell me the correct answer -

What lights are on for pedestrians?

(Shows a red signal.)

The red light tells us:

Stop! Dangerous! The path is closed!

Special light - warning!

Wait for the signal to move.

Tell me the correct answer -

What is the light at the traffic light?

(Show yellow.)

Yellow light - warning,

Wait for the signal to move!

Walk straight! You know the order

You won't get hurt on the pavement.

Tell me the correct answer -

What kind of light is on?

(Show green.)

The green light opened the way,

Guys can pass!

And now a lot is waiting for you interesting job. (Each student is given a sheet with a picture of a traffic light. You need to color the traffic light in the correct colors and correct sequence.

7. Game “Allowed - prohibited”(children answer in unison)

Play on the pavement...(prohibited)
- Crossing streets when the traffic light is green...(allowed)
- Crossing the street in front of nearby vehicles... (prohibited)
- Walking in a crowd along the sidewalk...(allowed)
- Cross the street using an underground passage...(allowed)
- Crossing the street when the traffic light is yellow...(prohibited)
- Helping old men and women cross the street...(allowed)
- Cyclists cling to passing cars...(prohibited)
- Walking around vehicles parked on the sidewalk from the front... (prohibited)
- Walk on the sidewalk on the left...(prohibited)
- Running out onto the roadway...(prohibited)
- Ride a bicycle without holding the handlebars...(prohibited)
- Chatting and laughing loudly in transport... (prohibited)
- Respect traffic rules...(allowed)

8. Quiz.(The guys are divided in advance into 2-3 teams. Each team in turn is asked questions that must be answered as quickly as possible. If a team finds it difficult to answer, the right to move passes to the other team. For each correct answer, the team receives a token)


At what traffic light signal can you cross the street? ( Green).

What is the name of the part of the street intended for pedestrians? ( Sidewalk).

Whose signals should a pedestrian follow if there is a traffic controller at the intersection next to the traffic light? ( Traffic controller).

What is a roadway? ( This is the part of the road intended for vehicle traffic).

Where is it safe to cross the roadway? ( pedestrian crossing, underground, overground pedestrian crossings, zebra crossing).

In what order are the traffic lights arranged from top to bottom? (red, yellow, green)

What does a red traffic light mean? (stop)
- What does a yellow traffic light mean? (attention)
- A person walking on the street .(a pedestrian)
- Paved roadway (highway)
- At what age can children ride a bicycle on the highway? (from 14 years old)
- Designated place for crossing the roadway . (transition)
-Who do we call passengers? (people who travel in transport)

Is it possible to talk to the driver while driving? Why? (no, so as not to distract the driver)

Is it possible to lean out of the window while traveling in public transport? (No)

Can you stand with your feet on the seat? (No)

Is it possible to walk on the bus while it is moving? (No)

Is it possible to talk or sing loudly on the bus? (No)

(results are summed up, winners are awarded diplomas)

9. Summary of the lesson.

It’s true, guys, if every person followed the traffic rules, there would be fewer tears and pain. We must always know and follow them. Here they are:
(rules for pedestrians are posted on the board, reminders are given to everyone)
Walk on the sidewalk, keeping to the right.
Cross the street at a calm pace only at the pedestrian crossing.
Make sure you are safe when crossing the road. See if there are any cars nearby.
Go only when the traffic light is green.
Never cross the roadway in front of a nearby vehicle.
Outside the city, it is safer to walk towards moving traffic.
Always pay attention to signs and traffic lights....

In conclusion, let’s play the game “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends...”

- I will ask questions, and you, where necessary, will have to answer: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!” or remain silent.

· Which of you is in a cramped carriage?

Did you give up your seat to the old lady? (

· Let anyone speak honestly

Doesn't it hang on the tram? (This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!)

· Who flies forward so quickly,

What does the traffic light not see? (Children are silent.)

Which one of you is going forward?

Only where the transition is? (This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!)

· Which of you, on your way home,

Is it on the pavement? (Children are silent.)

· Who knows that the red light is

Does this mean there is no move? (This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!)

· Who helps the traffic police,

Does he keep order? (This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!)

I believe that the day will come
When any passerby
Will show the children
Only a good example!!!







Project stage:

The project has been implemented

Objective of the project:

To form older children preschool age basics safe behavior on the street, knowledge of traffic rules.

Project objectives:

Strengthen children's knowledge of traffic rules; Improve knowledge about various types of transport and their purpose in human life; To educate the rules of safe behavior on city streets, in public and passenger transport; To consolidate knowledge about the purpose of warning, prohibitory, information and directional road signs and service signs; To develop parents’ readiness to cooperate with teachers kindergarten on problems of developing safe behavior skills in children.

Results achieved behind Last year:

The use of this project contributes to a deeper understanding by children of traffic rules, consolidation of knowledge and skills, the formation of a conscious attitude towards their observance, the development of a sense of control, self-control, responsibility and the prerequisites for readiness to be responsible for their actions.
The traffic rules are the same for children and adults. Unfortunately, they are written in “adult” language without any consideration for children. Therefore, the main task of educators and parents is to clearly explain the rules to the child, and when choosing a form of education, to convey to the children the meaning and danger of non-compliance with the rules, without distorting their content. Only through the joint efforts of educators and parents, using their knowledge, patience and tact, is it possible to teach our children the skills of safe communication with the complex world of crossing streets and roads. The proposed project is an attempt to organize in practice a system of activities for parents and preschool teachers on teaching preschoolers the basic rules of movement and instilling in them the habits and behavior of skilled and careful pedestrians. I was convinced that such a system of teaching children the rules of the road undoubtedly produces positive results. The most important thing in the project is that I was able to interest parents and children in this problem. During the implementation of this project, preschoolers became familiar with the rules of the road and safe behavior on the roads in an accessible, entertaining, playful way. In the process, children develop observation skills and the ability to navigate in space. Children learn to observe the basic rules of organized behavior on the street and in transport, to understand the meaning of traffic lights and road signs. I believe that this area of ​​work should always be under the close attention of teachers and parents, which means that further search and improvement in organizing work to prevent road traffic injuries is necessary.

Social significance of the project:

Despite measures taken to reduce the number of road traffic accidents involving children and adolescents, the level of child road traffic injuries continues to remain unacceptably high. The number of road accidents caused by children themselves is increasing.

Activities carried out within the framework of the project:

Parent meeting on the topic “Road rules, everyone should know.” Questionnaires for parents “Where is the danger?”, “Me and my child on the city streets”, a reminder for parents on traffic rules “It all starts small”. Meeting with the traffic police inspector at PSSH No. 6. Conducting conversations with children on the topics: “Why are road signs needed”, “Transport”, “Rules of behavior in transport”, “The road is not a place for games”, “Crossing the street”, etc. Crossword puzzle on traffic rules. Conducting didactic games with children: “Pedestrian Lotto”, “What did the artist mix up”, “What first, what then”, “Fold the picture” (situations and transport), “Road signs”, “Road rules”, “The fourth is extra” ”, labyrinths, “Traffic light”, “Guess it”, “Our street”, “Types of intersections”, “Attention! Road!”, “Put up a road sign”, “It’s me, it’s me, these are all my friends!”, “Bon voyage!”, “Lay it out correctly”, “Say a word”, “Find out by description”. Organization of an exhibition of drawings by children and parents on the theme: “On the streets of the city.” Conducting a reading competition on the topic: “Experts of traffic rules.” Watching cartoons with children about traffic rules: “Lessons from Aunt Owl: The ABCs of road safety”, “Smeshariki”, “Luntik teaches traffic rules”. Carrying out the plot - role playing games“Bus”, “I am a driver”, “Trip to the country”, “Pedestrians and cars”, “Road signs and cars”, “Traffic lights”, etc.
Conducting a KVN on traffic rules on the topic: “Safe Road of Childhood.”
Creating a presentation on the project.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

We all live in a society where we must comply with certain norms and rules of conduct in a traffic environment. Often, the culprits of road accidents are children themselves, who play near roads, cross the street in the wrong places, and incorrectly enter and exit vehicles. However, preschool children are a special category of pedestrians and passengers. They cannot be approached with the same standards as adults, because for them a literal interpretation of the Traffic Rules is unacceptable, and the normative presentation of the responsibilities of pedestrians and passengers in road vocabulary inaccessible to them requires abstract thinking from preschoolers and complicates the process of learning and education.

Today, the kindergarten strives to provide its pupils with a high-quality, universal education, to provide high level general culture, including culture on the road. Compliance with the rules of safe living should become a conscious necessity. To do this, it is necessary to change the established traditions of perceiving the problem: move away from episodic activities to a system of work carried out with children and their parents; go beyond traditional forms and methods of work - both organizational, methodological, and educational.

It is known that habits established in childhood remain for life. That is why, from a very early age, it is necessary to teach children safe behavior on the streets, roads, in transport and traffic rules. Both parents and preschool institutions, and in the future, of course, schools and other educational institutions.

The main task of educators is to clearly explain the rules to the child, and when choosing a form of education, to convey to children the meaning of the danger of non-compliance with the rules, without distorting their content. Children need to be taught not only traffic rules, but also safe behavior on the streets, roads, and in transport.

It is especially important to develop such skills and habits as a conscious attitude towards one’s own and others’ actions, that is, the child’s misunderstanding of what is right or wrong. Also great importance the preschooler develops the habit of restraining his impulses and desires (for example, running when it is dangerous, etc.).

In our work we use methods such as suggestion, persuasion, example, exercise, encouragement. The work is carried out in a system: during games, walks, special exercises that develop motor skills, in classes on speech development using road vocabulary, when analyzing dangerous and safe road situations. We widely use the principle of visualization, which is traditionally used when working with preschoolers, when they must see, hear, touch everything themselves and thereby realize their desire for knowledge.

In kindergarten, a subject-development environment has been created according to traffic rules in each age group, which is designed in accordance with program requirements. Functional areas aimed at teaching children of senior preschool age traffic rules have been equipped, and information stands for parents are aesthetically and harmoniously designed. Didactic and gaming material is multifunctional, brightly and colorfully designed, which attracts the attention of children, the material is conveniently located and accessible.

Exhibitions children's creativity on this topic are drawn up systematically. The staff of the kindergarten “Iskorka” carries out systematic work with the parents of the pupils; for a number of years, together with the parents, they have held the KVN “Road Certificate”, the entertainment “Traffic Rules - worthy of respect!”, “The Fairytale Land of Traffic Lights”. The team of the kindergarten “Iskorka” is a regular participant in city events to disseminate pedagogical experience on road safety, and takes an active part in the review-competition for teaching children traffic rules “Green Light”.

No matter who teaches children the rules of the road, be it parents or preschool teachers, it is important to remember that the greatest influence on the formation of a child’s behavior on the street is the corresponding behavior of adults.

KVN "Road Certificate"

(Competition game for parents and children of the preparatory group)

Goal: to create conditions for interaction between preschool teachers and families to develop children's skills for safe behavior on the road.

Objectives: developing the readiness of parents to cooperate with teachers to develop safe behavior skills in children using various methods and techniques; attracting the attention of parents to the conscious learning of traffic rules by children.

Equipment: a scoreboard with multi-colored sectors, a “black box”, a brochure with traffic rules, illustrations of a street fragment, crossword puzzles for both teams, a scoreboard for game results, a musical key for a pause.

Progress of the event

To the music for the chairs, 2 teams consisting of 10 people (5 children with their parents).

Presenter. Good evening dear guys, moms and dads. We are happy to greet you. It’s March and pedestrians have come back from their winter sleep and cars have emerged from their winter shelters. Spring came! And so that this time of year is not overshadowed by unpleasant events, let's remember about road safety. I invite you to take part in the game “Road Literacy”.

Two teams are ready to take part in the game: “Traffic Light” from the “Little Red Riding Hood” group and “Pedestrian” from the “Swallow” group. Participants, introduce your teams!

Team "Traffic Light"

"Look at the traffic light -
Serious device
He says for a long time
Be careful".

Team "Pedestrians"

There is such a law of nature on the planet:
For fish - a river, for birds - the sky on their wings,
Well, you and I are pedestrians,
Because we all walk on earth.

Presenter: Let's start our game with a song.

Anyone who needs wheels
Pass on our advice -
Let them ask us first
You can go or not.
We will help and tell you
Honor by honor, what and how.
We will show you the way
We respect every sign.

- Teams, please take your places. The game will be judged by a fair jury.
Participant, in front of you is a table with multi-colored sectors and an arrow.
Each sector has a number and name.
To get into the sector, you need to turn the arrow slightly,
We will turn the arrow one by one if the scoreboard arrow will point to the same sector, we will move to the next sector clockwise.
Participants are ready to play!

Sector 1. “Road labyrinth”.

In this sector you need to solve a crossword puzzle,


  1. What is the movement called when cars drive along the road in one direction and the other? Double-sided.)
  2. What is the underground passage called? (Underground.)
  3. Friends and helpers on the city streets. (Signs.)


  1. What is traffic called when cars drive along the road in only one direction? (One-sided.)
  2. What does the driver do to warn pedestrians and other drivers about danger? (Signal.)

Musical break: “Dance of Road Signs”

Sector 2. “Mysterious sign.”

Draw a non-existent road sign and give it a name.
While the teams are working on the task, a quiz is held with the audience.

Questions for viewers.

1. Where should you stand while waiting for the bus? (At the stop, and where there is none - on the sidewalk near a special sign.

2. Here he stands on the pavement -
A tall, slender guard.
He twists and turns his head.
He says to all passers-by:
“The path is now open for you.” (Adjuster.)

3. How should pedestrians cross the street at an uncontrolled intersection? (After they have assessed the distance to oncoming traffic and ensured that they are not obstructing traffic.)

4. A pillow is rolling along the road: the pillowcase is rubber, but instead of down and feathers there is air? (A tire inflated with air.)

5. Houses stand in 2 rows, 10, 20, 100 in a row,
And they look at each other with square eyes. (Street.)

6. The house is on wheels; people don’t live in it for a long time. (Bus.)

7. A looping thread stretches among the fields,
Forest, copses without end and edge,
Neither tear it nor wrap it into a ball. (Road.)

Sector 3. “Get things in order”

Each team is offered a fragment of the street. It is necessary to place road signs in places covered by white circles.

Musical pause. Song: “A couple is following a couple down the street”

Sector 4. “Song Stop”

Both teams must remember songs about pedestrians, drivers, some kind of vehicle, etc. The team that sings the song last becomes the winner.

I want to invite a guest to join us. He will come if you guess the riddle:

Well done! Clap your hands louder and he will appear.

A guest comes in - Road Signs.

The guest introduces himself. He asks the parents from the teams a question: into what groups are the road signs divided? Offers children a game-competition: “Collect the necessary signs.”

Children are formed into 2 teams. One team collects “prohibition signs”, the other “warning signs”.

Sector 5. “Happy Accident”

Each team takes one minute to answer the questions in turn. If she doesn't know the answer, she says: "Next"

Musical break, “Support Group” dance.

Sector 6. “Black Box”

Listen carefully to Pishumov’s poem:

The city where you and I live
It can rightfully be compared to a primer.
ABC of streets, avenues, roads
The city gives us a lesson all the time.
Always remember the ABC of roads,
So that no trouble happens to you.

What's in the Black Box?

Musical pause. General dance (to Leontyev’s song: “Traffic Light.”)
Summarizing. Rewarding. Parting words from the inspector.


  1. Danilova T.I.
"Traffic Light" program. – St. Petersburg, 2009.
  • Mayorova F.S.
  • We study the road alphabet. – M., 2005.
  • Startseva O.Yu.
  • School of Traffic Sciences. – M., 2008.
  • Saulina T.F.
  • Three traffic lights. – M., 2008.
  • Shorygina T.A.
  • Cautious Tales. – M., 2007.


    Goals: consolidate the knowledge and skills of students’ movements on the streets and roads; familiarize students with the rules for the right-hand traffic of pedestrians and cars on the streets and roads of our country; to develop safe street behavior skills and discipline among students on the city streets.

    Equipment: pedestrian path, stand with signs and individual signs, traffic light and pedestrian crossing sign on a stand, children's presentation, quiz.

    Progress of the event

    Teacher. Guys! We are pedestrians. During the traffic rules club and life safety lessons, you learned about the rules of behavior for pedestrians on the street, the rules for crossing the street, and road signs. You guys live in a beautiful city with green wide streets and alleys. Many cars and buses move along them. And no one bothers anyone. This is because there are strict rules for cars and pedestrians. Student. The city in which you and I live,

    It can rightly be compared to an ABC book.

    ABC of streets, avenues, roads

    The city gives us a lesson all the time.

    Here it is, the alphabet, above your head:

    Signs are posted along the pavement.

    Always remember the alphabet of the city,

    So that no trouble happens to you.

    Teacher. Who can tell me which holidays are starting soon?

    Children. Summer.

    Teacher. Right. Holidays are a time when the number of accidents increases. And therefore, before letting you go on vacation, it’s worth repeating the traffic rules. You carefully prepared for the holiday. Some children made a presentation on this topic.

    (View children's presentation).

    Teacher. To ensure the authenticity of the slides, we will give the floor to our guest, the traffic police inspector (full name)

    The traffic police inspector introduces the children to the situation on the roads in the area, talks about what accidents occurred on the roads due to the fault of children.

    Student . For everyone who likes to take a walk,

    To everyone, without exception,

    You need to remember, you need to know

    Traffic rules.

    Student . So that your hands are intact,

    So that your legs are intact,

    You need to know these signs

    Signs must be respected.

    Let's sing a song about the rules. ( Children sing or a recording of a song plays.)

    Song about rules

    1. There are rules everywhere,

    You should always know them.

    They won't go sailing without them.

    From the ship's harbor.

    Go on a flight according to the rules

    Polar explorer and pilot.

    They have their own rules

    Driver and pedestrian.

    Chorus: Multiplication table,

    Like today's lesson,

    Remember these rules

    Movements by heart.

    Learn the multiplication table, my friend.

    2. Around the city, along the street

    They don't just walk around like that.

    When you don't know the rules

    It's easy to get into trouble.

    Be careful all the time

    And remember in advance:

    They have their own rules

    Driver and pedestrian.

    Teacher. The first person we meet in the Land of Road Signs...

    Traffic light. My name is Traffic Light,

    I serve in the police.

    I'll tell you guys about the rules of the road.

    It's impossible nowadays

    Living without the ABC's of the road.

    To cross the road, look in all directions.

    (Three traffic lights come out, A. Severny’s poem “Three Wonderful Colors” is read)

    To help you

    The path is dangerous

    We burn both day and night:

    Green, yellow, red.

    Our house is a traffic light,

    We are three siblings.

    We've been shining for a long time

    On the road to all the guys.

    We are three wonderful colors

    You see us often

    But our advice

    Sometimes you don't listen.

    The strictest color is red.

    The path is closed to everyone,

    So that you can cross calmly,

    Listen to our advice:

    You'll see yellow soon

    There's light in the middle

    And behind it is a green light

    It will flash ahead.

    He will say:

    – There are no obstacles –

    Go boldly on your way.

    If you do it without arguing

    Traffic lights,

    You will get home and to school,

    Of course, very soon!

    Teacher. Together with the Traffic Light, we met Dunno. What happened to you?

    Dunno. Finding yourself in a big and noisy city,

    I'm confused, I'm lost...

    Without knowing the traffic lights,

    Almost got hit by a car!

    There are cars and trams all around,

    Then suddenly a bus is on the way.

    To be honest, I don't know

    Where should I cross the road?

    Guys, can you help me?

    And, if possible, tell me,

    How to cross the road

    So as not to get run over by a tram.

    Teacher. Dunno, our guys are already familiar with the main rules of the road. They will tell you and show you how to behave on the streets of a big city.

    Let's start the journey by getting acquainted with traffic lights:

    Yo If there is a red fire on his chest,

    On dangerous signal never go!

    Yo If a traffic light winks with a yellow eye,

    Get ready to go - he gives a signal.

    Yo And when the green light is on on the way,

    You can walk safely - the intersection is open.

    Teacher. You must obey the traffic light instructions without arguing.

    Traffic rules must be followed without objection.

    – Do you know where pedestrians walk? (On the sidewalk.)

    Listen to the history of how the sidewalk came to be.

    It was 200 years ago in France. A theater was built in the city of Paris. The rich rode to him in carriages, and the poor walked. There was a complete crush and confusion on the way to the theater. We thought and thought and came up with an idea. On both sides of the road leading to the theater, strips of land were separated, fenced off with bollards, these paths were lined with granite slabs and a sign was hung on which they wrote - sidewalk (French word), and translated into Russian - a road for pedestrians.

    Now you know the French word and you can safely go to France, straight to the city of Paris.

    All pedestrians must walk only on the sidewalk. Each sidewalk, like the roadway, is divided into two lanes. Pedestrians walk in two directions, keeping to the right. In this case, one flow of pedestrians does not interfere with another.

    1st student. And avenues and boulevards,

    The streets are noisy everywhere.

    Walk along the sidewalk

    Only on the right side.

    2nd student. Here to play pranks, disturb people


    Be a good pedestrian


    Teacher. On the streets there are pavements for cars, and sidewalks for pedestrians!

    – How to cross from one side of the street to the other?

    Student. Along pedestrian crossings. They are marked on the pavement with white paint. First you need to inspect the roadway, and if there is no moving traffic nearby, you can start crossing.

    Teacher. Where should you cross the street?

    Remember this simple rule:

    Look carefully to the left first,

    Look to the right later.

    Always, if there is an underground passage, you must use it. In our country, large amounts of money are spent on the construction of various crossings in order to save every person’s life.

    Student Underground, above ground,


    Only this transition

    It will save you from trouble.

    The music of the film magazine “Yeralash” is playing, the children are singing.

    Girls and boys

    And also their parents,

    Road stories

    Would you like to see it?

    Funny stories

    The magazine will show ours.

    Attention attention!

    Road "Jumble".

    The chorus of the song “Cars” sounds. Then the children act out the poems.

    1st presenter.

    The pavement is seething with movement.

    Denis saw his friend ahead:

    Just think, cars and... trams.

    He should cross the road faster.

    2nd presenter.

    “I’ll have time to run along the pavement,” -

    I thought, ran and... ( squealing brakes).

    Oh! I almost got hit by a car.


    Only the one who will not suffer

    Who walks there

    Where is the pedestrian crossing?

    The traffic light shows a sign.

    Traffic light. Let's play! I will read a poem to you, and you will answer: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.”

    -Which one of you is going forward?

    Only where the transition is?

    - Which of you, going home,

    Is it on the pavement? (Children are silent.)

    – Who knows that the red light –

    Does this mean “no move”? (This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.)

    Which one of you is flying so quickly?

    what doesn't see the traffic light? (Children are silent.)

    Who knows that the light is green

    does it mean “the way is open”? (This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.)

    Dunno comes out with a ball and plays on the road. +4 children

    Dunno. My cheerful, ringing ball,

    Where did you run off to?

    Red, yellow, blue

    Can't keep up with you...

    Traffic light. (takes away the ball)

    On the roadway, children,

    Don't play these games!

    You can run without looking back

    In the yard and on the playground.

    Dunno. Why can't you play on the road?

    Student. If you want to stay alive and healthy, -

    Do not play or ride on the pavement.

    A boy is playing with a ball on stage. Children sing to the tune of the song “On an Early Sunny Morning.”

    Children. Early sunny morning

    Dima went out for a walk.

    On the road he is with a ball

    I started playing volleyball.

    Our Dimochka didn’t notice:

    A ZIL was driving along the highway.

    Lucky that the driver is an ace,

    He quickly braked.

    He managed to react

    Our driver is great.

    Not so in this song

    It was a sad ending.


    If anyone is on the pavement

    Played with the ball

    We will say about this:

    All. Clueless boy!


    Guess riddles about transport:

    What a miracle is this house?

    The windows are glowing all around,

    Wears rubber shoes

    And it runs on gasoline.


    Don't forget: you should wait until the bus leaves the stop and only then cross the road.

    The red carriage is running along the rails,

    He will quickly get everyone where they need to go.

    Children like its jingling sound.

    So what are we wearing around the city?

    The guard will not allow you to walk around the car without looking.

    Whoever passes behind a tram risks his neck!

    – Do you know where to ride?

    By kicking a ball along the pavement, a boy risks his head.

    Sports grounds and courtyards are allotted for you to play.

    It is not difficult to distinguish blue from white.

    You can ride a bike here.

    And under this sign, for nothing in the world

    Don't ride a bike, kids!

    (show sign)

    Teacher. Now we will check how you have mastered all the rules of the road. (Traffic Quiz)

    Well done! Now we answer “yes” or “no”.

    Driving fast in the city?..

    Do you know the rules of movement?..

    The traffic light is red. Can we go across the street?..

    Well, the green light is on, then you can go across the street?..

    I got on the bus and didn’t take a ticket, is that what you’re supposed to do?..

    Old lady, very old, will you give up your seat on the transport to her?..

    Well, guys, our holiday has come to an end.

    I hope, Dunno, you have mastered the traffic rules as well as our guys, and now you have nothing to fear on the streets of our city.

    And you, Svetoforik, are you satisfied with the knowledge of our guys?.. We have prepared a gift for you.

    The melody of the song “Pinocchio” sounds, the children sing the final song.

    1. I have a reliable friend.

    He has neither legs nor arms,

    But three eyes on the guys

    They take turns looking.

    He is recognized everywhere.

    Tell me, what is his name?

    Chorus: Traffic light!

    2. Follow his commands

    And don’t yawn on the road.

    For both cars and people

    He will always be the most needed.

    There is no one more important.

    Tell us quickly, who?

    Chorus: Light-for-ra!