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Holiday schedule for quarters. Holidays in quarters

An interesting fact is that the dates of school holidays themselves do not change from year to year, but the end and beginning dates of this rest period are constantly shifting. Therefore, for parents every year, starting in the fall, the question of how the terms of school holidays are distributed in the new school year becomes relevant. 2015-2016 is no exception.

School holidays 2015-2016: academic year, Moscow or other cities are different in that, according to current legislation, vacation dates can be set personally by the administration of a particular educational institution. Of course, governing bodies send schools a recommended schedule every year. And in last years schools try to adhere to this schedule.

The deadlines, speaking in general terms, are set in such a way that short autumn and spring holidays begin and end with weekends. In such a situation, children will be able to rest not for a week, but a little more.

Important! In the 2015-2016 academic year, holidays in Moscow can take place according to two schedules. The classic version is when the academic year is divided into 4 quarters. Then the autumn and spring holidays will be short, the winter holidays will last two weeks. The second option is when the year follows a modular scheme, then every 5-6 weeks of vacation there will be a week off. The schools themselves determine which schedule is best for studying.

About quarter holidays

School holidays 2015-2016: academic year, Moscow Department of Education determined by quarter that the autumn holiday should begin on Saturday, October 31 and end on Sunday, November 8. It turns out that the short autumn holidays will last 9 days, if you include weekends. By the way, during the holidays there is an official national holiday. national unity.

As for the winter holidays, to coincide with the New Year holidays, they will last 16 days. The holidays will begin on Saturday, December 26, and will end only on Sunday, January 10, in the new year.

Important! First-graders will have additional holidays in February, as provided for by law. In the middle of the long third quarter, first-graders will be able to take extra rest from February 8 to 14.

Spring holidays will be as short as autumn holidays. They will begin on Saturday, March 19 and last exactly nine days, that is, they will end on March 27, which falls on Sunday. In some schools, the spring holidays will be held a week later, then they will begin on Saturday, March 26 and end on the third day in April.

Schedule 5(6)+1

How will the 2015-2016 school holidays be distributed: academic year, Moscow 5/1? This training system is called modular, and children have a free rest schedule. They study for five or six weeks and then rest for a week. With this system of education, students have five holidays during the year, that is, one period of weekends more than when studying in quarters.

Schedule of modular holidays 2015-2016:

  • 5-11.10;
  • 16-22.11;
  • 30.12 – 05.01;
  • 15-21.02;
  • 4-10.04;

School holidays 2015-2016: academic year, Moscow by trimester

Another option for how study periods can be distributed throughout the year is trimesters. In such a situation, of course, the scope of the holidays will also be different. Autumn holidays will take place from October 5 to 11, as well as from November 16 to 22.

The dates of winter holidays are similar to schoolchildren's quarters. They will begin on December 31st and end on January 10th. That is, a ten-day New Year's holiday throughout the country fits exactly within the framework of these holidays. Additionally, when studying in trimesters, students will have a rest from February 15 to February 22. Spring break falls on April 4-12. Summer holidays will begin at the end of May and they must be at least eight weeks.

School holidays 2015-2016: academic year, Moscow or other cities, as can be understood from this material, are distributed depending on what form of education is chosen in a particular school. These can be quarters, trimesters, or the 5(6)/1 system. Be that as it may, under any educational system, schoolchildren can enjoy well-deserved vacations, shorter or shorter, and also, more or less times during school year.


For better organization of children's studies, recreation and leisure time, school holidays are provided. The Ministry of Education annually approves a tentative schedule for their implementation. Management educational institutions sets its training schedule for the 2017-2018 year, taking into account the adopted system of acquiring knowledge.

Holidays in quarters

The most popular technique school education– division of the year into 4 quarters. After the end of each, the schedule provides for rest. The following factors are taken into account:

  • Summer holidays primary classes start on May 24th. According to the schedule, the rest of the schoolchildren will graduate on May 31, 2019, for graduates - after passing the exams.
  • The national holiday Day of National Unity falls on Sunday, so the duration of rest in the fall is increased.
  • Winter holidays for schoolchildren coincide with New Year's holidays for parents.

Students will have additional respite time due to official holidays - February 23, March 8-9, 04/30-02/05, 05/09. With such a school education system in 2017-2018, according to the calendar, children’s autumn holidays will be 8 days, winter holidays will be 13, and spring holidays at school will last 9 days. The following preliminary schedule of training and rest is provided:


Study time

Schoolchildren's holidays



System 5/1 (Modular)

The management of some educational institutions organizes the school process according to the principles of a modular system. The schedule in this case provides for classes for 5-6 weeks and 7 days of rest. At the same time, autumn and winter holidays are held twice. The approximate schedule for 2017-2018 will look like this:

Study period

School break

1 autumn

2 autumn

New Year's



Vacation schedule by trimester

Regions of Russia, educational institutions in Moscow and individual cities independently choose their study concept. One of the options that the director of a school or gymnasium can organize with the support of parent committee, – education of children according to the trimester system. The academic year is divided into three parts, each of which includes two modules. The school holiday schedule for 2017-2018 in this case may be as follows:

Period of study

Children's holidays

1st trimester

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

2nd trimester

New Year's

3rd trimester


Vacations for first grades

In the second half of the school year, first-graders find it difficult to cope with school loads. The schedule provides for an additional rest period for them. According to the recommendations of the Ministry of Education, taking into account the public holiday of February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day, The first classes can still rest from February 18 to 25.

Additional holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year

It is difficult to create a unified school schedule for how children will study and relax in 2017-2018. Deviations from recommended dates are possible.

It is important that changes made to the schedule do not increase the length of absence educational process more than 14 days.

In this case, it will be difficult to catch up with the program. An additional rest period may be due to the following factors:

  • quarantine due to illness;
  • low temperatures in winter;
  • natural disasters;
  • floods in spring;
  • squally winds;
  • building safety issues;
  • utility accidents.
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They are, perhaps, one of the most pleasant moments in the entire educational process. The world does not stand still, it is constantly developing and changing, trying to keep up with the times. The same applies to schools, where a new system for planning student leisure is currently being introduced. In other words, the traditional system, which was based on quarters, is being replaced by a trimester system, with its own characteristics, of course, pros and cons, which simply cannot be avoided. Although the 2016-2017 term holidays in Moscow are not something new and innovative for all schools, since many have already mastered and moved to this level quite a long time ago, thereby experiencing all the delights and conveniences of the new recreation system and the educational process itself.

School terms - why are they needed?

Agree, today the educational load for children is quite heavy and, compared to the situation even 10 years ago, it goes beyond all acceptable norms and limits. What does this lead to? Of course, to negative influence on the activities of students who get tired very quickly and, as a result, are not able to adequately perceive all the information offered to their attention. Moreover, every year the load increases, and the situation itself worsens if you do nothing, but simply remain inactive. Proof of this fact is research and statistics conducted by scientists and specialists from the Research Institute of Hygiene of Children and Adolescents at the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, who, in the process of practical and research activities came to the following conclusions. Successful cognitive activity the child is reduced to zero, that is, when he ceases to perceive and remember everything normally, it already begins to appear after the fifth week of training. As a result of this study, experts, based on their findings, recommended the ministry and schools to pay close attention to solving this problem and presented their recreation plan for schoolchildren.

That's what it is study holidays by trimester, the main feature of which is to reduce the intervals between existing holidays, thereby affecting the level of academic workload.

Moscow region and trimester schedule.

Currently, the experience of trimester holidays is being successfully implemented in Moscow schools, but starting from the new year it is planned to transfer as many schools across the country as possible to this particular system. According to the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, each school has the full right to independently choose the system for organizing education and setting the dates of the holidays. But, nevertheless, greater bias and preference is still given to the new development, while parents have the right to influence the choice of school if they categorically disagree with something. If the school does switch to a trimester education system, then it should adhere to the following approximate vacation schedule.

  • Trimester 1. Lasts from September 1 to October 2, which is exactly 5 weeks. And its second half begins on October 8 and lasts until November 17, which is also 5 weeks.
  • Trimester 2. This is the period from November 23 to December 27, and the second part from January 8 to February 21. It is worth noting that the second half is slightly longer and is 6 weeks.
  • Trimester 3. This is the period from February 27 to April 10, and its second part begins on April 16 and lasts until May 31. The peculiarity of the last trimester is that both parts last 6 weeks.

The main difference between all these trimesters and quarters is that within the trimester, which is divided into two parts, there are vacations, as well as at the end of each of them. Moreover, children have more rest, and the number of school weeks is the same, because no one has reduced the workload.

Vacation schedule by trimester.

Holidays by trimester 2016-2017 in Moscow can be safely divided into two groups. These are the main ones, that is, at the end and completion of each trimester, and intermediate ones within the trimester. Let's take a closer look at each of the options.

As we see, the strength and cognitive activity and activity of students in the process of such a clearly planned educational process will be combined in parallel with workload and rest, which will allow the children to more firmly assimilate new material. Let's hope that in the near future, this system will be reflected not only in Moscow schools, but throughout Russia.

Winter is perhaps the most long-awaited period in the life of schoolchildren, after summer, of course. At this time of year, students can expect not only holidays, but also the longest in comparison with the spring and autumn holidays. Winter holidays coincide with the middle of the school year, when it is time to take a break from studying. In addition, this is the longest weekend for parents. This is a good reason for the whole family to get together to spend time together. New Year, Christmas can be wonderfully planned out every day. As a rule, regardless of the teaching schedule of each school, winter holidays are spent the same way for everyone: two winter weeks.

Winter holidays at school are approved for the following dates:

In honor of the New Year, all schoolchildren are exempt from classes, regardless of whether they study in quarters or trimesters. Moreover, the New Year holidays, as a rule, “fit in” with the all-Russian weekend: in other words, schoolchildren rest almost simultaneously with adults, which gives parents an excellent opportunity to spend time with their children.

By the way, for first-graders who are just starting to get used to school life, additional holidays have been introduced - from February 18 to 25, 2018 (8 days). Meanwhile, in some schools such additional rest is provided for the entire “beginning” - for students from grades 1 to 4.

During the upcoming holidays and vacations, schoolchildren will enjoy many interesting and varied events, ranging from fabulous program at the New Year's tree. But of course, at this time, not a single child can be kicked out of the street, where there is a lot of snow, where you can ride down the slide and play snowballs with your friends. The slightly frosty and sunny weather itself invites you to engage in active activities. Some may have skis, others may have skates.

The main advice to parents: take your child away from the TV and computer during these long holidays.

Winter holiday calendar 2017-2018

New Year holidays, as a rule, begin in the last week of December and end on the 10th of January. Schoolchildren go to school on Monday. Winter holidays in the 2017/2018 academic year will continue from December 25 to January 8. First-graders will have additional holidays in winter* – from 19 to 25 February

The established dates for the winter holidays are primarily typical for those schools that study in quarters. But there are schools that teach in trimesters. The main difference between such training is that all teaching time is divided not into four parts, as in quarterly training, but into three.

Each of the trimesters, in turn, is divided into two parts, after each of which the children have a vacation.

After its completion, schoolchildren begin their winter holidays, which will last from December 31 to January 10. The second part of the winter term begins on January 10 and ends on February 21. After its completion, schoolchildren will have a holiday from February 21 to 27. The dates of the main winter holidays are the same for those who study in quarters and for those who study in trimesters. This rule always remains for the winter holidays. The only difference is availability additional holidays in trimesters.

First-graders also have their own vacation schedule, which is slightly different from high school. Children, like everyone else, will have their main winter holidays from December 25 to January 8. But there are also additional ones. Those who study in quarters will go on additional holidays from February 19 to 25.

The timing of the additional holidays themselves, as well as the timing of postponing holidays in general, depend on many factors. First of all, it depends on the air temperature. For junior classes The maximum minus temperature is set at 25 degrees, for high school This temperature is minus 28 degrees. And finally, for high school students (10-11) this temperature is minus 30 degrees Celsius. In addition, the temperature required for conducting classes in classrooms has been determined. If it is below plus 18 degrees, then classes cannot be conducted. In winter, the morbidity threshold also increases much more often. At the same time, quarantine can be declared not only in a region, district or city, but also in a separate school if the epidemic threshold exceeds 25% of the total number of schoolchildren.

It so happened that the beginning of the school year coincides with the beginning of school week. If September 1 falls on a weekend, then the ceremony and classes are automatically moved to the next Monday in September. The same rule guides the management of each educational institution when choosing dates and periods allocated for school holidays.

Who sets the holiday dates in Russian schools?

In Russia, there are several legislative norms regulating the timing of seasonal holidays for schoolchildren (depending on the age of the child and the place of his education), but specific dates for the start and end of the holidays are not regulated anywhere. Therefore, every educational institution in the country has the right, at its own discretion, to change the school schedule, depending on the policy established in a particular school, lyceum, gymnasium or university.

However, any educational institution should be aware of the legislation, which states that students are entitled to at least a week's rest between quarters (if training is carried out this way) or during a separate season, that is, a week each in the fall, winter and spring. Summer holidays must be at least 8 weeks for students in schools and at least 6 weeks for students. In general, excluding summer holidays, students must have at least 30 days off during each school year.

Dates and schedule of school holidays 2016-2017

According to preliminary data, school holidays during the 2016–2017 academic year will be held as follows:

Autumn holidays - from the last Monday of October and the following at least 7-10 days: 26.10.2016 – 31.10-03.11.2016 .

Winter holidays - from the last Monday of December and the next 14 days: 12/26/2016 - 01/08/2017.

Spring holidays - from the last Monday of March and will last the next 7-10 days: 03/26/2017 - 04/02/05/2017.

Summer holidays - from the last Monday of May to the beginning of September: 05/28/2017 - 09/03/2017.

Vacations for first graders

For first-graders, as a rule, an additional week is allocated for rest - in February. , students from first to fourth grade have a rest from the last Monday of February to the beginning of March: 02/27/2017 – 03/04/2017.

Important! Dates and schedule of holidays in a particular school or region Russian Federation may differ from the above!

Vacation dates can be changed not only at the initiative of the school administration, but also according to the opinions of the school parent committee. When proposals are made by parents of schoolchildren, the school director may decide to postpone, increase or decrease the days allotted for schoolchildren’s rest.

Also, the timing of school holidays is influenced by the nature of the educational institution in which the child is studying. For private schools or for special educational institutions, vacation dates are set individually and may differ radically from generally accepted norms.
If during the school year, by the opinion of the regional committee or the Ministry of Education of Russia, it was decided to carry out an unplanned quarantine declared throughout the country or in any part of it, then school holidays during this period may be postponed or canceled altogether depending on the duration of the quarantine days agreed upon by the authorities.