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Draft “road map” for an educational organization. "Road maps" for the development of education Road map for additional education

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"Road Map Project"

Road Map Project educational organization

MBOU "Alupkinskaya" high school No. 1 named after Amet-Khan Sultan"

Action plan of an educational organization aimed at increasing the efficiency and quality of educational services



I .Main directions:

Creating conditions for the development of young talents and children with high motivation to learn;

Introduction of Federal State Educational Standards;

II . Expected results:

At least 90 percent of children from 7 to 17 years old will be covered by additional education programs, including 80 percent of them at the expense of budgetary funds; at least half of the children and adolescents of this age category will be covered by public projects using media technologies aimed at education and upbringing.

III . Numerical (quantitative) indicators and characteristics of school changes:

Indicator name





Number of contingents

Number of students

Number of students per 1 teacher

Share of students in the new federal state educational standards


    Measures to improve the efficiency and quality of services in the field of education

Implementation of activities





compliance with updated

acts at the federal level)


Deputy Director for Water Resources Management.

Number of organizations

corresponding to modern

requirements for

conditions of the organization

Creating conditions for the development of young talents and children with high motivation to learn

young talents

School administration


in the Olympiads and

competitions of various

level, in general

number of students

by program general education

issues of organizing work with talented children, implementation

School administration


and master classes

for teachers


additional education for children

children, implementation

new educational technologies

Conducting organizational and mass

activities for identifying and developing gifted children

School administration, teachers


Implementation of a system of final mass

events from

students, incl.

competitions, contests,

forums, festivals,


regional projects)


per year, at least 20

participation in the development and implementation of effective contract mechanisms with the heads of municipal educational organizations of additional education in terms of establishing the relationship between indicators of the quality of municipal services provided by the organization

and the effectiveness of the activities of the head of the educational organization.

Carrying out work

By conclusion




children's education in

Director, organization of additional education



additional education for children,

working on


number of managers



additional education for children

Director, organization of additional education


in organizations


local means

mass media

Participation in seminars and

Director, organization of additional education






additional education for children,

Introduction of Federal State Educational Standards;

Personnel support (training and retraining program);

Implementation of a quality assessment system;

Development and implementation of programs for the development of additional education;

Formation of a monitoring system.

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"Road Map Project"

  • Performed:
  • Zakasovskaya Inna Vladimirovna

  • - creating conditions for the development of young talents and children with high motivation to learn;
  • - participation in the development and implementation of mechanisms for an effective contract with the heads of municipal educational organizations of additional education in terms of establishing the relationship between indicators of the quality of municipal services provided by the organization
  • and the effectiveness of the activities of the head of the educational organization.
  • Security High Quality services:
  • - implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard;
  • - staffing (training and retraining program);
  • - implementation of a quality assessment system;
  • - development and implementation of programs for the development of additional education;
  • - formation of a monitoring system.

  • At least 90 percent of children from 7 to 17 years old will be covered by additional education programs, including 80 percent of them at the expense of budgetary funds; at least half of the children and adolescents of this age category will be covered by public projects with
  • the use of media technologies aimed at education and training.
  • Ensuring that all schoolchildren are trained according to new federal state educational standards;
  • improving the quality of education for schoolchildren.

Indicator name


Number of contingents


Number of students in general education programs


Number of students per 1 teacher

Share of students according to new federal state educational standards



  • Bringing the conditions of the organization
  • compliance with updated
  • documents regulating requirements
  • to the conditions of organizing educational
  • process (as regulations are adopted
  • acts at the federal level)
  • Indicators
  • Number of organizations
  • additional education for children,
  • corresponding to modern
  • requirements for
  • conditions of the organization
  • educational process in them: not
  • less than 80%

  • Implementation of activities to identify and develop
  • young talents
  • Indicators
  • Share of students
  • for general education programs,
  • participating
  • in the Olympiads and
  • competitions of various
  • level, in general
  • number of students
  • for general education programs

  • Organization and conduct of seminars and master classes for teachers of organizations
  • additional education for children
  • Indicators
  • Conducting at least 8 seminars annually
  • and master classes
  • for teachers
  • organizations
  • additional education for children
  • on organizing work with talented
  • children, implementation
  • new educational technologies

  • Implementation of a system of final mass
  • events from
  • students, incl.
  • held on an interdepartmental basis (olympiads,
  • competitions, contests,
  • forums, festivals,
  • conferences,
  • regional projects)
  • Indicators
  • Number of events held
  • per year, at least 20

Participation in the development and implementation of mechanisms for an effective contract with the heads of municipal educational organizations of additional education in terms of establishing the relationship between indicators of the quality of municipal services provided by the organization

and the effectiveness of the activities of the head of the educational organization.

  • Carrying out work
  • By conclusion
  • employment contracts with managers
  • municipal
  • organizations
  • additional
  • children's education in
  • in accordance with the standard form of the contract
  • Indicators
  • managers
  • organizations
  • additional education for children,
  • working on
  • labor
  • (effective) contracts from the total
  • number of managers

  • Organization
  • informational
  • support of measures to introduce an effective contract in organizations
  • additional education for children
  • Indicators
  • Coverage of measures to introduce an effective contract
  • in organizations
  • additional
  • education of children in regional and
  • local means
  • mass media

  • Participation in seminars and
  • video conferences for clarification
  • labor collectives on the introduction of an effective contract
  • Indicators
  • Pedagogical
  • workers
  • educational
  • institutions,
  • additional education for children,
  • participants of seminars and conferences

  • Ensuring high quality services:
  • - implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard;
  • - staffing (training and retraining program);
  • - implementation of a quality assessment system;
  • - development and implementation of programs for the development of additional education;
  • - formation of a monitoring system.

December 17, 2019, Railway transport The authorized capital of JSC Russian Railways has been increased for the purpose of comprehensive development of the Mezhdurechensk – Taishet Krasnoyarsk section railway Order No. 3048-r dated December 14, 2019, resolution No. 1687 dated December 16, 2019. The authorized capital of JSC Russian Railways was increased by 8.23 ​​billion rubles for the purpose of comprehensive development of the Mezhdurechensk – Taishet section of the Krasnoyarsk railway. Corresponding funds are provided in the federal budget.

December 17, 2019, Automotive and special equipment The implementation plan for the Automotive Industry Development Strategy until 2025 has been approved Order of December 7, 2019 No. 2942-r. The plan, in particular, provides for the creation of mechanisms to stimulate the implementation of R&D, the development of production of automotive components in Russia, the use of locally produced components by Russian automakers, and the integration of Russian component suppliers into global supply chains.

December 16, 2019, Circulation of medicines, medical devices and substances On changes in the system of state registration and re-registration of maximum selling prices for medicines included in the list of vital and essential medicines Resolution of December 16, 2019 No. 1683. In particular, the Rules for mandatory re-registration in 2019–2020 of registered maximum selling prices of manufacturers for medicines included in the list of vital and essential drugs were approved. The procedure for calculating the maximum selling price for a medicinal product during its re-registration in order to reduce it has been determined.

December 16, 2019, Monotown A decision was made to create the Tulun priority development territory in Irkutsk region Resolution of December 16, 2019 No. 1682. The creation of the Tulun ASEZ will help diversify the city’s economy, reduce dependence on the city-forming enterprise, increase the investment attractiveness of the city, create new jobs, and attract investment.

December 16, 2019, General issues of industrial policy On state support for research and development work on modern technologies as part of the implementation of innovative projects Resolution of December 12, 2019 No. 1649. Subsidies from the federal budget will be provided to stimulate innovation activity organizations based on R&D on modern technologies, directly related to the subsequent creation and adaptation to the requirements of individual markets, production and sale of competitive industrial products as part of the implementation of innovative projects.

December 16, 2019, Housing policy, housing market The specifics of the payment of monetary compensation for the rental of residential premises to certain categories of military personnel in 2020–2022 have been established. Resolution of December 16, 2019 No. 1681. In order to strengthen the social protection of soldiers, sergeants, sailors or foremen and members of their families, it is planned to pay them monetary compensation for renting residential premises, similar to the amount of payments to officers, warrant officers and midshipmen.

December 16, 2019, Mediasphere. Internet The rules for choosing a municipal mandatory public television channel and the procedure for its broadcast have been approved Resolutions of December 10, 2019 No. 1630, No. 1631. The decisions made will contribute to the provision of information to the population with programs covering issues of local importance, in which both broadcasters of municipal compulsory public television channels and telecom operators are interested.

December 14, 2019, General issues of cultural policy On improving the bonus system in the field of culture Resolution of December 11, 2019 No. 1640. From 2020, six Russian Government awards will be awarded annually for significant contributions to the development of Russian culture to creative workers and cultural figures, the Fyodor Volkov Prize for contributions to the development of theatrical art, five “Soul of Russia” awards for contributions to development folk art, seven A.V. Lunacharsky awards for significant contributions to the development of Russian culture.

December 14, 2019, Disabled people. Barrier-free environment A list of specialized food products for disabled children for 2020 has been approved Order No. 2984-r dated December 11, 2019. The list includes 76 specialized products for dietary therapeutic nutrition of disabled children suffering from orphan diseases. In 2016, such a list included 54 products, in 2017 – 69 products, in 2018 – 71 products, in 2019 – 75 products.

December 13, 2019, Issues of organization and quality of services in the social sphere Stage II implementation plan approved National strategy action for women Order of December 7, 2019 No. 2943-r. The plan includes 21 enlarged activities aimed at addressing the priority objectives set in the National Strategy for Action for Women.

December 12, 2019, National program “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation” On state support for digital transformation of priority sectors of the economy and social sphere Resolution of December 5, 2019 No. 1598. A procedure has been established for the provision of subsidies from the federal budget to support projects to transform priority sectors of the economy and social sphere based on the introduction of domestic products, services and platform solutions created on the basis of “end-to-end” digital technologies, using preferential lending.

December 12, 2019, State program to assist the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad to the Russian Federation A plan for the implementation of the State program to assist the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad to the Russian Federation for 2020–2022 has been approved Order of December 4, 2019 No. 2917-r. The implementation of the plan will create conditions for the voluntary resettlement of 197.5 thousand compatriots to Russia in 2020–2022.

December 12, 2019, Social support for families with children A list of subjects of the Federation has been approved in which in 2020 expenditure obligations to support families in connection with the birth of a third child or subsequent children will be co-financed Order of December 10, 2019 No. 2968-r. In 2020, it will allow regions with an unfavorable demographic situation to continue supporting families with the birth of a third child or subsequent children, aimed at creating conditions for increasing the birth rate.

December 12, 2019, Shipbuilding and marine technology The procedure for providing subsidies for the construction of large-tonnage vessels has been established Resolution of December 4, 2019 No. 1584. The adopted decision will allow the creation of new growth points for the domestic industry, will contribute to the utilization of enterprises, increase the volume of competitive products, meet the needs of the domestic market for large-tonnage vessels and create favorable conditions for the development of shipbuilding in general.

December 12, 2019, Migration policy The need to attract foreign workers in 2020 has been identified Resolution No. 1579 of December 3, 2019. The need to attract foreign workers arriving in Russia on a visa in 2020 is 104,993 people - 72.6% of the need determined for 2019.

December 11, 2019, A decision was made to transform the Gydansky State Nature Reserve (Yamalo-Nenets autonomous region) to the national park Resolution of December 10, 2019 No. 1632. Within the boundaries of the Gydansky Nature Reserve live small indigenous peoples - the Gydan Nenets and Entsy. In order to ensure their traditional economic activities, the reserve was transformed into a national park, which provides for a zone of traditional extensive nature management, within the boundaries of which fishing, hunting, berry and mushroom picking are allowed.

December 11, 2019, Quality of regional and municipal governance 5 billion rubles are allocated to encourage regional and municipal management teams of the constituent entities of the Federation, which achieved the best performance indicators of regional executive authorities in 2019 Resolution of December 7, 2019 No. 1614, order of December 9, 2019 No. 2960-r. 5 billion rubles are distributed among the subjects of the Federation occupying places from 1st to 71st, both according to the summary assessment of the achievement of indicator values, and according to the achievement of indicator values ​​grouped into economic, social and internal political blocks, separately.

December 11, 2019, National project “Ecology” A decision was made to create the Koygorodsky National Park (Komi Republic) Resolution of December 7, 2019 No. 1607. On the territory of the Komi Republic, the Koygorodsky National Park will be created with a total area of ​​56,700.032 hectares. The adopted decision will create legal grounds for ensuring a special protection regime natural complexes and objects included within the boundaries of the national park, and will also contribute to the development of nature-oriented, educational and sports tourism.

December 11, 2019, Nature Conservation. Nature reserves, national parks The territory of the Land of the Leopard National Park in the Primorsky Territory has been expanded Resolution of December 3, 2019 No. 1578. TO national park included land plots with an area of ​​6928.28 hectares on the Gamow Peninsula, which are typical habitats of the Far Eastern leopard, have great importance to preserve the biological and landscape diversity of the southern part of Primorsky Krai.

December 11, 2019, Territories of rapid socio-economic development in the Far Eastern Federal District The boundaries of the Kamchatka ASEZ have been expanded Resolution of December 3, 2019 No. 1580. The expansion of the Kamchatka ASEZ will allow the implementation of an investment project in the field of liquefied natural gas transportation and will ensure the creation of new jobs.

1 October 24, 2018

The Ministry of Education and Science and universities of Project 5-100 are synchronizing watches.

Let us recall that this permanent advisory body was created to consider issues of development of leading Russian universities(formed in 2013 in accordance with Government Decree Russian Federation dated March 16, 2013 No. 211). The Council includes foreign and Russian representatives of the scientific and academic community, statesmen, responsible for reforms in education, as well as recognized world experts and researchers of problems higher education. Since 2013, 10 meetings of the Council have been held.

At the eleventh meeting, reports from universities participating in Project 5-100 on the implementation of programs to increase competitiveness will be considered. In addition, the Council will prepare recommendations for the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation on the continuation of state support for Project 5-100 universities and proposals for Project 5-100 universities to update programs to increase competitiveness.

On the eve of the meeting, the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman of the Council, Mikhail Kotyukov recalled that by 2020, at least five Russian universities must be included in the top 100 of the world's leading rankings. “Here it is important to understand that Project 5-100 is aimed not just at promoting Russian universities in rankings, but involves increasing the competitiveness of the entire Russian higher education system, its integration into the international scientific and educational space through the formation of a group of leading universities,” the minister emphasized. At the same time, he added that the experience of Project 5-100 universities, their best practices of transformation into the world's leading research and educational centers, is being distributed among all Russian universities.

According to Mikhail Kotyukov, universities must build an effective policy to increase their competitiveness, increase human resources, develop science, and introduce joint educational programs with Russian and foreign partners. “We expect productive work from universities in all these areas,” concluded Mikhail Kotyukov, emphasizing that if such work is carried out efficiently, Russian education will be recognized on the world stage, and many of our universities will take worthy places in international rankings.

Representatives of university teams, in particular IKBFU, will make presentations at the Council in Kaliningrad. I. Kant, KFU, MIPT, NUST MISIS, TSU, HSE, MEPhI, RUDN, SPbPU, FEFU and other leading Russian universities.

As the Governor of the Kaliningrad Region Anton Alikhanov noted, the Kaliningrad Region is one of the most rapidly developing Russian regions, which works to strengthen global competitiveness in various fields. “For many years, IKBFU. I. Kanta is one of the key partners of the region. Thanks to the university, the region is known in the academic and research environment, ensuring recognition and promotion of the brand of the Kaliningrad region as an advanced and high-tech region,” he emphasized, adding that the administration expects to continue cooperation with the university and will support the university.

Following the meeting, Council members will formulate proposals and recommendations both for the Russian Ministry of Education and Science and for the universities themselves. The Russian Ministry of Education and Science decides to continue providing state support to universities participating in Project 5-100 in the next financial year subject to budgetary allocations for these purposes.