Abstracts Statements Story

Practical seminar for preschool teachers with elements of the training “I am a teacher! Workshop for teachers. How to resolve conflicts Pedagogical seminar workshop for teachers

Anna Katkalova
Consultation and workshop as an effective form of methodological work in preschool institution

Consultation and workshop as an effective form of methodological work in a preschool institution. Target: Increasing the competence of teachers in understanding the meaning and methods of conducting such forms of methodological work as consultation and workshop.

Preparation of any methodological activities begin with defining the goal. It's important to answer questions “What do we want to achieve by organizing this event?”, “What should be the result?”, “What will change in the activities of teachers?”. If the goal is real, then it encourages the teacher to act and makes him active.

Answering the question “What is teaching experience?”, K. D. Ushinsky explained: “More or less facts of education, but, of course, if these facts remain only facts, then they do not give experience. They must make an impression on the mind of the educator, qualify in it according to their characteristic features, generalize, and become a thought. And this thought, and not the fact itself, will become the correct educational activity.”

I would like to start my speech by explaining what it is consultation.

Consultation(Latin consultatio - meeting)- discussion of any special issue with a specialist; meeting of specialists.

Consultations can be episodic, unplanned and pre-planned. Unscheduled consultations arise on the initiative of both parties: both teachers and specialists responsible for methodological work. Consultations are divided into: individual and collective, informational and problematic.

Basic consultations are planned for a year, and changes and additions are made to the plan as necessary. When drawing up an annual plan for a preschool educational institution, each task is solved through consultation, through active teacher training methods, through thematic verification and pedagogical advice. Consultation is the first form of work in a complete system methodological support for preschool teachers, which helps eliminate shortcomings identified as a result of monitoring, and prepare teachers for open events. For consultations characterized by monologue information presentation form.

To each consultations you need to prepare carefully. The quality of the material can only be ensured by a professionally competent specialist. Therefore I think that information consultation for teachers must answer the following requirements:

2. The material must be logical and consistent, and clearly presented.

To do this, in preparation for consultations It is necessary to draw up a plan for presenting the material in advance. It is advisable formulate problems which will be considered during consultations.

3. Provide a differentiated approach to the presentation of material, taking into account the experience of teachers, age group children, type of group.

Plan separately consultations for teachers of groups of different ages and focus: early age, speech therapy groups, full-time and short-term stay groups.

4. In the process consultations it is necessary to specify advice and recommendations that should be realistically feasible, to ensure synchronicity in the study of the theoretical and practical aspects of each issue.

5. Think about use forms active involvement of teachers during the consultations.

Active forms and methods of work should motivate the teacher to study the topic and ensure consolidation and reproduction of the content consultations.

6. Pick up methodological literature on the problem, which teachers can subsequently become familiar with.

Every method and form of consultation are not universal. They are purely individual for each topic and group of preschool educational institutions.

The end result of any methodological event , including counseling, the impact will be high and the impact will be effective if a variety of methods inclusion of each teacher in active work.

Methods of consultation

Changes in public policy in the field of education, a change in priorities, an appeal to the personality of the teacher, to his creativity, to his active beginning, have made adjustments to the conditions teacher's work, in particular in consultation methodology.

Today various consultation methods.

1. Problematic presentation of the material. The teacher poses a problem and solves it himself, through the disclosure of a system of evidence, comparing points of view, different approaches, thereby showing the train of thought in the process of cognition. At the same time, listeners follow the logic of presentation, mastering the stages of solving holistic problems. At the same time, they not only perceive, realize and remember ready-made knowledge and conclusions, but also follow the logic of evidence, the movement of thought of the speaker or the means replacing him (cinema, television, books, etc.). And although the listeners with this non-participants in the counseling method, but merely observers of the course of thinking, they learn to resolve cognitive difficulties. The purpose of this method is to show samples scientific knowledge, scientific problem solving.

2. Search engine method. When using the search engine method educators actively participate in putting forward hypotheses and drawing up a plan actions, finding ways to solve the problem. Most often when carrying out consultation method is used to explain. He has a number of positive qualities reliability, economical selection of specific facts, scientific interpretation of the phenomena under consideration, etc. In order to stimulate the attention of educators and encourage them to follow the logic of presentation, at the beginning consultations useful to formulate questions, contacting teachers helps them comprehend their experience, express their thoughts, formulate conclusions. So the essence method learning comes down to What:

Not all knowledge is offered to students in a ready-made form; some of it needs to be obtained on their own;

The speaker’s activity consists of operational management of the process of solving problematic problems.

The thinking process becomes productive, but at the same time it is gradually directed and controlled by the teacher or the students themselves based on work on programs

3. When exchanging experience between educators, it is advisable method heuristic conversation. During the conversation, individual provisions of the studied methodological literature , explanations are given on topics that are of greater interest to teachers, errors in judgment are identified, the degree of understanding and assimilation of new information. However, the effectiveness of heuristic conversation will be achieved if certain conditions are met. Subject During a conversation, it is better to choose a practically significant, topical issue that requires comprehensive consideration. The one who cooks consultation in the form of a heuristic conversation, he must draw up a well-founded plan for the conversation, allowing him to clearly imagine what knowledge educators will receive and what conclusions they will come to. When organizing a heuristic conversation, it is advisable to alternate the statements of experienced and novice educators. A heuristic conversation conducted for the purpose of transferring knowledge requires serious preparation.

4. Discussion method. By form and the content of the discussion is close to conversation method. It also involves choice important topic, requiring a comprehensive discussion, preparation of questions for educators, introductory and concluding remarks. But unlike a conversation, a discussion requires a struggle of opinions and the raising of controversial issues. During the discussion, many other additional questions have to be asked, the number and content of which cannot be foreseen in advance. The leader of the discussion needs to have the ability to quickly navigate the situation, capture the train of thoughts and moods of the participants, and create an atmosphere of trust.

5. Business game. It brings the audience closer to real conditions professional activity, clearly shows behavioral or tactical mistakes made in a given situation, develops the best approaches to solving various pedagogical and organizational problems. Direct development business game materials include the following stages:

Creation of a business game project;

Sequence description actions;

Description of the organization of the game; preparation of tasks for participants;

Preparation of equipment.

Psychologists have noticed that the experimenter consultant A person who doubts the truth of the data obtained cannot be a good lecturer-popularizer. His thinking should be focused on accuracy and reliability of data. Of course, a lot depends on the individual consultant, from his self-confidence, and because of this, in his achievements.

When organizing counseling questions arise about establishing adequate relationships between consulted and consultant. There are several professionally necessary qualities of a contact when organizing counseling:




Flexibility of behavior;

Tolerance towards others;

Professional tact;

Delicacy - the ability to fully construct and maintain one’s line of behavior

Ability to analyze consulted situation of difficulties.

The basis of effective pedagogical activity is a continuous process of teacher education.

Seminar(from Latin seminarium - nursery, greenhouse) - form educational and practical classes, in which students (students, trainees) discuss messages, reports and abstracts they have completed based on the results of training or scientific research under the guidance of a teacher. Teacher (leading seminar) in this case, is the coordinator of discussions on the topic seminar, preparation for which is mandatory. During seminars the speaker presents the lecture material to the audience. In this case, words can be illustrated with films and slides. Subsequently, a discussion begins, during which all participants can express their opinion or ask a question, and also try to apply the received practical information. If we take into account such features, then answering the question of what is seminar, we can say with confidence that this is interactive form of education, which allows you to achieve high efficiency.

Seminar-workshop is one of the most effective forms of methodological work in kindergarten, because it allows you to study the problem under consideration more deeply and systematically, to reinforce theoretical material examples from practice, showing individual techniques and methods work.

Main tasks seminars-workshops are:

Improving the professional skills of teachers in in a certain form activities;

Development of creativity and imagination of teachers;

Discussion various points vision, conducting discussions;

Creating problematic situations that allow work out common positions in solving the problem;

It is possible to identify a universal structure for carrying out this forms of methodological work:

1. Preparatory Job(thematic exhibitions, viewings of open classes, mutual visits, etc.) – the goal is to identify the problem;

2. Theoretical part(speech by the organizer workshop, creative team member, multimedia presentation, "questions and answers" etc. _ - the goal is a theoretical justification of what is being discussed;

3. Practical Job(frontally, in groups)– the goal of this stage is to disseminate teaching experience and acquire new skills by educators;

4. Summing up the event - the result work There may be visual materials (booklets, memos, didactic games, etc., made by the hands of educators, recommendations for their use that can be used by all teachers.

Seminar-the workshop differs in that it includes practical tasks and observations work colleagues followed by discussion. Teachers have the opportunity not only to master techniques work, but also themselves develop a system for organizing activities with children in certain conditions.

In addition, during seminars-workshops provide the opportunity to discuss different points of view, debate, create problem situations that ultimately allow work out a unified position on the issue under consideration.

An important condition for organizing this forms of work is the inclusion of all participants seminar to discuss the topic. To do this, opposing points of view are considered, methods game modeling, etc. Based on the results seminar, you can arrange an exhibition of teachers’ works.

Thus, in methodological work on at this stage development preschool education needs to use such forms of work, which would contribute to the continuous education of teaching staff, improve their professional qualifications, provide real assistance to teachers in the development of their skills as an alloy of professional knowledge and skills and the personality traits and qualities necessary for a modern teacher.

Workshop “Communication between teachers and children”

Goal: development of communicative competence of teachers in communicating with children.

1. Help teachers evaluate their own achievements and determine the level of problems in communicating with others.

2. Continue to improve the ability to demonstrate pedagogical tact in various working conditions at school.

3. Enrich the psychological culture of teachers in the process of using verbal and non-verbal means of communication.

4. To develop the teacher’s ability to adequately perceive himself and others.

Seminar progress:

The topic of our meeting: “ Communication between teachers and children." You and I already know that communication involves not just discussing some problems with others, but the process of accepting the issues that concern the interlocutor as your own, the ability to feel the mood of another person, the ability to show tact and, without judgment, from the position of a partner, to perceive the adults around you and children. Of course, we are all different in character, temperament, and attitude to life, but even in this case there is something that unites us into a single whole. But more on that later, but now I suggest you do the following exercise (“Napkins”): exactly identical paper napkins lie on the table in front of you. Take one napkin and strictly follow my instructions:

Unfold the napkin;

Tear off the right corner;

Fold the napkin in half;

Tear off the right corner;

Fold the napkin in half;

Tear off the right corner;

Roll up the napkin;

Unfold the napkin.

Look what happened. Every napkin is different, even though you all followed the same instructions. Why did this happen? Because you and I are different. Each of us perceives the same information in our own way and performs the same actions differently. This has both a plus and a minus. The “minus” is that we need different methods and techniques in dealing with us, and the “plus” is that it would be completely uninteresting to live if we thought and did the same.

And if all this must be taken into account in the process of communication between adults, then what is the main thing in the course of interaction with children, the main thing for teachers? We think that at the end of our meeting we will be able to answer this question.

So, the first step to the answer will be an exercise - greeting.

1. Exercise “Greeting each other”(goal: increasing the emotional background, greeting each other).

I suggest you stand in a circle and greet each other with the word “Hello! "with 10 shades: fear, pleasure, discipline, surprise, reproach, joy, displeasure, dignity, irony, indifference.

2. The story “What people do.”

I suggest you listen to one story: “Three people worked at the construction site. They were doing the same thing, but when they were asked what they were doing, the answers were different. One said: "I'm laying bricks." Another: “I make a living.” And the third answered: “I am building a temple.”

Question for you: what is the moral of this story?

(teachers' answers)

(Moral: everyone decides for themselves “where to make the waist,” as one tailor said)

What conclusion can be drawn? It would seem that people are doing the same thing, but respond differently. Have you ever wondered why this happens? Why at work, being “white and fluffy,” do we turn into tyrants at home? All this depends on the characteristics of our psyche. Only a person who knows himself well and loves him for who he is can build harmonious relationships with the people around him. Listen to how the wonderful poet A. S. Pushkin wrote about this in the 19th century:

Whom to love? Who to believe?

Who won't cheat on us alone?

Who measures all deeds and all speeches?

Helpfully to our arshin?

Who doesn’t sow slander about us?

Who cares for us?

Who cares about our vice?

Who will never change?

A vain seeker of a ghost,

Without wasting labor in vain,

Love yourself

My honorable reader!

Worthy item: nothing

There really is no one more kind than him.

Everyone decides for themselves which line of behavior to choose, which method of communication to prefer. We're talking about children. And here it is important to understand that the child’s relationship with the teacher plays a stronger role in the formation of his personality than family relationships, since the child spends most of his time at school. It is in the process of interaction with teachers that children acquire an understanding of human relationships and become socialized.

3. Diagnostics (test “Check what kind of teacher you are” - modification by R. R. Kalinina)

And now, with the help of a test, I suggest you determine whether there are difficulties in your work and what they are connected with.

Instructions: Please answer the questions below with “yes” or “no”.

1. Are you willing to take on the preparation of a lesson/session on new topic, which does not have a standard design?

2. Is it easy for you to give up those methods of influencing children that you have successfully used before?

3. Did you quickly stop looking back with regret on your past school and student years after becoming a teacher?

4. Do you resolutely refuse standard behavior in various life situations?

5. Do you know how to give an accurate description of your students, dividing them into strong, average and weak according to mental abilities and moral qualities?

6. Are you able to put aside personal likes and dislikes when working with children?

7. Do you think that there is no universal working style and that at different stages of work, in different situations, you need to be able to apply different styles?

8. Is it easier for you to avoid conflict with children than with the school administration?

9. Do you want to decisively abandon the stereotypes of education and training recommended at the university and cultivated by your educational institution?

10. Does your first intuitive impression about the qualities of your pupil often turn out to be correct?

11. Do you often explain failures at work not by objective reasons, but by your own shortcomings?

12. Do you feel a lack of time to work effectively?

13. Do you think that even without your presence and constant control, the children of your class/group will behave adequately?

14. Do you reward and punish different children differently for the same actions?


Now let’s process the results together: the table on the board shows the points that are assigned depending on the answer to each question. Add up the number of points you have scored.

№ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

“yes” 1 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1

“no” 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 1 2 0


Now I will read the characteristics of each group by points:

0 - 5 points. You are a very weak teacher. It is difficult for you to communicate with children. You need to seriously work on yourself and master the methods of education and training.

6 - 10 points. You have many gaps in your preparation for working with children's groups. Consult with colleagues and experienced teachers more often. Regularly study pedagogical and psychological literature.

11 - 15 points. You are good, knowledgeable teacher. However, consider whether you are striving for an ideal result. Give children more freedom, look at them as your assistants, while not forgetting to control the execution of assignments.

16 - 20 points. You are a competent, experienced teacher. You avoid patterns in your work. Perform your duties creatively. Avoid being too categorical in your assessments of people. Pay attention to your relationships with colleagues and administration representatives - are you the cause of the tension?

I think that each of you saw your problems. We can discuss any questions that arise individually after the seminar.

4. Mini-lecture “Seven educational positions towards children”

There are several educational positions in relation to children.

Karabas-Barabas. In accordance with his role, this teacher only needs the children to clearly and correctly perform his performances - productions. Such communication is more like training, like training little tin soldiers. The basis of all education is fear and submission to the will of an adult, which suppresses the natural activity of schoolchildren. The behavior of a child who has such class teacher or the teacher Karabas-Barabas, it is like a spring, constant pressure compresses it, at the slightest weakening the spring bursts upward with enormous force and its trajectory becomes difficult to predict, and the force becomes destructive.

The activity of children, freed for some time from the pressure of such a teacher/educator (for example, in classes with other teachers), is aimed at releasing accumulated energy; in other words, children do not pay attention to the words of an adult until they get tired. They quickly get used to strong stimuli ( shout) and stop responding to a calm voice.

If necessary ( open lesson, diagnostic examination) children in the Karabas-Barabas class/group can show sufficient high level mastering any knowledge and skills, but only in the conditions of an artificially created performance, since the knowledge and skills are trained and acquired automatically. All you have to do is change the conditions of the task or game a little, replace the pictures, ask the question differently, and the children will no longer be able to reproduce what they have learned.

The saddest consequence of such upbringing is the development in children of a double position and manipulative abilities. Children understand that lying helps to avoid trouble, and flattery helps to achieve approval. And all this is a consequence of the use of dictatorial style and discipline as the main measures of influence.

Malvina. Such a teacher clearly knows what is right and what is wrong, what is necessary and what is useless. Malvina’s actions fit into a clear and only correct stereotype. She is smart, but she can only act this way and no other way, because she considers such actions to be the only correct ones. This approach is effective in developing cultural and hygienic skills in children, which involve the development of clearly sequential actions (first we turn off the tap, then we wash our hands, and not vice versa). As for everyday communication, naturally arising conflicts, here Malvina acts simply: what she does not understand automatically becomes incorrect. As a result, children lack initiative, independence, curiosity and emotionality.

Little Red Riding Hood. Emotional, inconsistent and unprogrammatic. Arouses sympathy in children based on similarity. In his actions, such a teacher is guided by momentarily arisen desires and does not think through the consequences even half a step. The actions of Little Red Riding Hood do not take into account real life circumstances. Such infantilism leads to inhibition of the volitional regulation of behavior in children, to the development of disorganization, and the inability to foresee the consequences of their behavior.

Sleeping Beauty. She is indifferent to both children and the world around her, “while present, she is absent.” In the classroom/group she is neither seen nor heard, the children are left to their own devices. The teacher’s communication with children is absolutely formal; the children’s activities are not regulated in any way. Children cannot occupy themselves; they have no need for new sensations. The consequence of such an education system is the indifference of children to the world around them or disinhibition, the main and favorite activity is pampering.

Mother hen. She is caring, attentive, anxious, sees danger everywhere, “cackles” with or without reason, never leaving the children without attention and vigilant control for a minute. He will tell you everything, show you everything, chew it and put it in your mouth. As a result, children lose the need and need to “fly their wings” on their own. Lack of self-confidence, low self-esteem, anxiety, laziness - these are the consequences of such an educational position.

The Snow Queen. A beauty devoid of feelings of love and affection for children. Her main desire is to control the little Kais. She achieves submission by manipulating feelings, replacing a rich natural life with an outwardly attractive, but essentially useless pastime. The result is emotional insensitivity, cruelty, and lack of initiative.

Mary Poppins. Versatile, erudite, tactful. Knows the needs of children, the patterns of their development. In communication she is natural and emotional, she flexibly changes positions in different situations. Children learn so naturally that they do not notice it, using games, problem situations in Everyday life. The main thing is that he loves children!

Thus, we see that this classification reveals the features of the main pedagogical positions. It is important to note that, like pure types of temperament, there are no “pure” pedagogical positions; only the ability to do one or another can be distinguished. And, in this regard, a question for you: which of these positions do you think most fully contributes to the development of a child’s personality and why?

(teachers' answers)

Our students are all children, but each of them is special, with their own character and habits. And everyone needs an individual approach in order to effectively build a line of relationships.

The “teacher-pupil” relationship is a rather serious pedagogical problem. Two different spiritual worlds constantly come into interaction: the world of the educator (experience, knowledge, beliefs, moral views, value orientations of his generation, etc.) and the world of the child (problems and contradictions of development, personality formation: the desire to know everything, try; diverse interests, desires, needs, etc.)

Pedagogical communication is productive communication. Its result is the spiritual enrichment of both sides: both the teacher and the student. But such enrichment is possible if the teacher, taking the position of a subject, also treats the student as a subject.

- What does a teacher possess in a child?

- What qualities irritate a child?

- What qualities of a teacher interfere with establishing a positive relationship with a child?

- Which ones can help, are they a RESOURCE?

Finding a resource - answers from teachers

It means:

Respect by the teacher for the pupil’s spiritual world, recognition of his right to disagree with the teacher;

Interest in the child’s world and involvement in his condition, empathy for his success and failure;

Perception of the student’s individuality as a value with all the qualities inherent only to him.

Moral principles of pedagogical communication represent one of the forms of ethical consciousness of a teacher. They express the most generalized requirements for the ethics of communication between a teacher and children. The principles of pedagogical communication are determined by the goals of education, and they are based on the dialogical nature of interaction between the teacher and children. What do you think these principles are? These are the principles:

Non-violence (the child’s right to be what he is);

Respect for the student’s labor of knowledge;

Respect for the failures and tears of the child;

Respecting the hard work of growth;

Respect for the child's identity;

Unconditional love teacher to student;

Optimal demands and respect;

Rely on the positive in the child;

Compromise of controversial decisions. These principles are confirmed by the practice of outstanding teachers.

Exercise “Another perspective”

Each teacher is given a sheet of the form:

Zhenya is a sneak

Kolya is a coward

Klava is greedy

Petya - snotty

Tolya is frail

Igor is lazy

Olya is an upstart

Dima is fat

Leva is a whiner

Anya is stupid

Task: soften these statements.

When performing this exercise, the facilitator leads to the following conclusions:

It is possible to translate negative, negative definitions into positive definitions, moments, attitudes.

Intonation is important (for example: “puffy” can be said with different shades)

The teacher must have pedagogical tact - be able to talk to children and listen to them; show restraint under any circumstances, find ways to influence children, taking into account their self-esteem; understand and correctly evaluate children's actions and manifestations of them personal qualities, and most importantly, be able to individualize methods and techniques of education, relying on ALL THE BEST THAT IS IN A CHILD

5. Practical part of the seminar - workshop.

3. Exercise “The bunny was abandoned by the hostess...” (goal: developing the ability of teachers to control their voice).

One of the important aspects of communicating with children is the ability to control their voice. I suggest you check how developed your ability to control your voice is. You need to pronounce the text: “The mistress abandoned the bunny...” with a certain intonation. I invite one participant from the team to choose a task. Preparation time 30 seconds.”

Pronouncing the text:

1. Whisper.

2. With maximum volume.

3. Wavy.

4. As if you were terribly cold.

5. It feels like you have a hot potato in your mouth.

6. Like a little girl.


A famous poet once said:

From the man's words one can see

who does he want to pass for?

but what it really is can be guessed

only by facial expressions, gestures, body movements,

which are involuntary.

(F. Schiller)

According to the French researcher F. Sulger, only 7% of information during communication we receive from the content of the statement, 38% - intonation, 55% of reliable information - through posture, facial expressions, expressive movements. All these concepts are included in the definition of voice. In your opinion, does it matter what voice you use to talk to children and parents? What can you generally say about the voice in the process of interaction with others? »

(statements from teachers)

From your words we can conclude that the ability to control your voice is the most important point in the process of communicating with others. There are such concepts as “charma” - a soft, soothing voice that does not include psychological defense and “imperative” - a hard, authoritative, overwhelming tone. You understand that effectiveness in communication brings “charm,” so you and I need to master this particular type of voice.

4. Exercise “Actors and spectators” (goal: developing teachers’ sensitivity to non-verbal means of communication).

I suggest you stage several phenomena. One of the team members comes to the table and takes three pieces of paper with the phenomena indicated on them. Preparation time - 30 seconds. Then the teams show each other dramatizations and try to guess the meaning of the phenomenon shown.



Against the wind;

To where you don’t want to go;

So as not to wake anyone up;

With someone who makes you wary;

With someone you really like;

At a business meeting and suddenly realize that you forgot important documents;

And suddenly you see the person you want to please;

And suddenly you find out that you have a hole in your tights.


6. “Little Men” (ideographic test by E. Mahoney, modification by G. V. Rezapkina)

You all know that our attitude towards ourselves and others is expressed in feelings, character, temperament and interests. A small graphic test will help reveal the most striking features of your personality.

To determine your personality type, draw a person using geometric figures: triangle, rectangle and circle. The main condition: there must be ten figures used. After the drawing is completed, the number of triangles, rectangles and circles used is counted.

Test interpretation

Violation of the conditions of the task, that is, the use of figures less than or more than ten, means anxiety, preoccupation with something. The absence of triangles means a reluctance to dominate others. Absence of circles means the ability to empathize is poorly developed. The absence of squares (rectangles) is unconstructive behavior.

If the picture is dominated by:

    Triangles - this means a tendency to organize, dominate, strive for success, speed, determination, activity;

    Circles - a person easily establishes surface contacts, he is an excitable, exhausted, soft, sensitive type;

    Squares (rectangles) are an introverted type, consistent in decision-making, prone to technical activities.

The number of triangles determines the predominant personality type.

    Type of leader(number of triangles from six and above).

These are people with a high level of aspirations, a desire for dominance and good communication skills. They have a strong nervous system. They understand people, skillfully classify and process information. The more triangles, the greater the degree of authoritarianism.

    Responsible professional(five triangles).

He has organizational skills, thinks through his activities to the smallest detail, is non-conflict, has good intuition, is highly demanding of himself and others, often works beyond his capabilities, and is prone to psychosomatic diseases.

    Unrealized genius(four triangles).

Anxious and suspicious type. Differs in a variety of interests and talents. Possible adaptation difficulties, shows a tendency to individual work, indecisiveness, self-doubt, and vulnerability. He is characterized by doubts about his strengths and capabilities, despite the fact that he succeeds in everything he undertakes.

    Type of scientist(three triangles)

Easily abstracts from reality, is rational, objective. Characterized by spontaneity and contradictory behavior and activities. Productive in conditions of strict regulation. Switches well from one type of activity to another. Psychological defense of the rationalization type.

    Intuitive type(two triangles).

Characterized by sensitivity and depletion nervous system. He is characterized by a desire to embellish, aestheticize reality, and an interest in art and people. He easily gets used to various social roles and has a keen sense of everything new and unusual, is responsive, and does not tolerate encroachments on his freedom.

    Artistic type(one triangle)

Inventor, designer, artist. Emotional and obsessed with original ideas. Self-esteem is unstable, demonstrative in actions, has a rich imagination. Just like the intuitive type, they often live by their own laws, do not accept outside control, and prefer self-control.

Additional information about your drawing

NO HANDS AND LEGS – defensive reactions, refusal of contact.

HANDS OR LEGS CONSISTE OF SEVERAL ELEMENTS - high motor activity, well-developed “manual intelligence”; a penchant for sports, dancing, handicrafts (fine motor skills).

HANDS RAISED UP – aggression.

AN OBJECT ON THE HEAD – anxiety, hidden aggression.


FACE – not drawn (no mouth, eyes) – reduced need for communication; drawn – sociability, emotionality.


HEAD – in the form of a triangle and a square – protest reactions.

THE PRESENCE OF A NECK speaks of sensitivity, vulnerability, touchiness.

A DISMISSED BODY (of several figures) OR ITS ABSENCE is a psycho-traumatic factor.


In my opinion, this is a very informative test. I think you have learned a lot about yourself.

6. “Psychological exercise” (goal: assisting in mastering relaxation and concentration techniques, increasing energy potential).

And now I suggest you stand in a circle and do exercises: at the same time we make a movement and say a phrase.

1. Standing, bring your shoulder blades together, smile, wink alternately with your left and right eyes: “I’m very proud of myself, I’m good for a lot.”

2. Place your left palm on your forehead, then your right: “I solve any problems, because love and luck are with me.”

3. Stand on tiptoes, raise your hands, close them above your head in a ring: “I am warmed by a ray of sunshine and deserve the best.”

4. Arms to the sides, clench your fists, rotate your arms: “There is no obstacle in my way, and everything works out as it should.”

5. Hands on the belt, tilt left and right: “I always take care of peace and a smile, and everyone will help me, and I will help.”

6. Hands on the belt, bending back and forth: “The situation is under my control, the world is beautiful, I am beautiful.”

7. Bounce on your right leg, then on your left: “I’m cheerful and energetic, everything is going great.”

8. Clasping your hands, take a deep breath: “The universe is smiling at me, everything works out for me.”


7. Final word.

So, can we now answer the question, what is the main thing in the interaction with children, the main thing for us, teachers?

(statements from teachers)

In conclusion, I would like to say that before raising any qualities in children, demand from them social norms behavior, it is necessary that it be in you. Remember this. Engage in self-education, self-programming for a positive perception of life, realize subconscious desires.

As Epicurus said: “You cannot live pleasantly without living wisely, morally and justly, and vice versa, you cannot live wisely, morally and justly without living pleasantly.”

And yet, you need to be happy, and “for happiness to be truly deep and lasting, life must be built around a specific goal” (philosophical dictionary).

We wish you all the best and see you again!


1. Antoshina Yu. A., Kholodnaya E. V. Psychoprophylactic work of a preschool educational institution psychologist to optimize the psychological health of teachers. // Preschool pedagogy No. 1, 2010, pp. 48-51.

2. Golikova O. Yu., Elizarova N. K. Workshop on the development of communication between teachers // Preschool pedagogy No. 8, 2008.

3. Klyuchnikov S. Yu. Keep stress in your fist. How to take advantage of stressful situations. – St. Petersburg. : Peter, 2002.

4. Panfilova M. A. Game therapy of communication. – M.: “Gnome and D”, 2001.

5. Rezapkina G. V. Me and my profession: Program professional self-determination for teenagers - M.: Genesis, 2000.

6. Skripyuk I. I. 111 tales for coaches: stories, myths, fairy tales, anecdotes. – St. Petersburg. : Peter, 2007.

7. Shepeleva L. N. Social and psychological training programs. – St. Petersburg. : Peter, 2007.

8. Shitova E. V. Practical seminars and trainings for teachers. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.

Workshop with elements of training for teachers “Optimizing interaction with parents”

Target: optimization of interaction between teachers and parents.

Family and kindergarten are two social institutions that stand at the origins of our future, but often they do not always have enough mutual understanding, tact, and patience to hear and understand each other. This can happen for various reasons.

Subjective reasons act, as a rule, on the part of both educators and parents. These include unjustifiably positive or unjustifiably negative expectations of parents from a preschool institution. Unjustifiably positive attitude arises when parents, sending their child to kindergarten, begin to live in a certain myth that “kindergarten will teach you everything,” and their main responsibility now is to ensure the material existence of their child. Negative relationships can arise from previously received negative experiences of interaction with the preschool institution of parents or their acquaintances.

Another reason for conflicts is related to the fact that the teacher sometimes becomes a symbol of power for parents, a kind of controller who evaluates their actions and teaches them. And when the teacher talks about the child, makes some recommendations, the parent very often mistakenly believes that they are evaluating him, his worth as a person and a parent. Moreover, as it turns out, educators have a similar situation when they perceive parents as some kind of inspectors who go around every day and check their work.

When you approach educators, many speak out about the difficulties of working with parents. Indeed, all parents are different, they are adults, and each one needs to find a certain approach. Thus, some educators admit that they “show off” in front of their parents, because... unsure of how to talk to them correctly, so as not to say too much and present information about the child in the right way.

Our preschool institution is constantly working to optimize the interaction between teachers and parents, but it has become clear that teachers need to develop a specific practical skill. In this regard, we conducted a workshop with elements of training, which helped our teachers cope with many problems that arise when communicating with students’ parents and establish this relationship.

GREETING (state, mood)

Exercise “A minute to talk” (10-12 min)


The training participants are divided into two teams and sit in two circles (the inner one remains motionless). Members of the outer circle, having completed the conversation task, move to the next participants to continue the conversation. Topics of conversation: weather, children, love, work, home, fashion, tomorrow, vacation, upcoming holiday.

Exercise "Searching for commonalities" (5-6 min)

Target: cohesion of the group, creation of a positive emotional atmosphere and work environment.

The group is divided into twos, and two people find a certain number of common features, then the twos unite into fours for the same purpose, etc. The presenter, at his discretion, can stop the process at fours, eights, etc.

Questionnaire (to be completed before the seminar).

Target: the mood to work on the topic of the seminar, obtaining pedagogical reflective experience, experience of interaction in a group, experience of representing the interests of the entire group.

The reason for the difficulties in interaction between educators and parents:

    Insufficiently high level of psychological and pedagogical culture of parents.

    Insufficient competence of many educators.

    Incomplete awareness of educators about the child’s living conditions at home and, accordingly, parents about the child’s life in kindergarten.

    The attitude of educators towards parents as objects of education.

    The desire of educators to avoid “live” communication, to replace it with questionnaires and information stands.

    "Closedness" of the preschool institution.

    Short social status profession of educator in society.


We divide into three groups, each taking two identified REASONS for analysis (by drawing lots) (we work with questionnaire materials).

Finding ways to overcome difficulties (standard, non-standard, complex work kindergarten in general, the private work of each teacher, etc.).

Group performance.

Joint analysis of question 7.

The teachers’ task is to fill out the tables on the questions given to them:

Justify the influence of reasons (in favor of “Yes or No”)

Find solutions (what can be done?):

Ways to overcome:

In a similar way, it is necessary to work out all seven (or each preschool educational institution has its own) stated reasons for the difficulties in interaction between educators and parents.

The result of participation in the seminar for teachers of MBDOU d/s “Yablonka”, 2015:

Insufficiently high level of psychological and pedagogical culture of parents.

Direct influence of the cause:

Indirect influence of the cause:

The parents are young, inexperienced, ill-mannered, unrestrained. They consider their opinion to be the only correct one and at the same time do not know the age characteristics of children. They don't want to listen. They avoid problems, engage in self-deception, pretend that everything is fine (“they will outgrow”). A special category of financially secure parents who are willing to pay others rather than educate themselves. Stubborn insistence on one’s “false” (from a pedagogical perspective) point of view.

What is important is not so much psychological and pedagogical culture as good manners (social culture).

Improving the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents is the task of educators and preschool educational institutions.

Ways to overcome:

Every year at parent meetings, in an accessible form (in non-standard ways, using diagrams, cards), explain to parents what children should be able to do by the end of the year;

Give parents home consultations on issues that interest them, or on topics that they need to pay attention to, in the teacher’s opinion, and be sure to talk about the material the parents have read;

Demonstrate parts of classes or routine moments in which a parent can clearly see their child’s abilities;

Invite a parent on a regular weekday in order to directly observe the child’s activities in the group during the day;

Individual conversations with parents (reception: “do you want us to help you?..”).

Insufficient competence of many educators.

Direct influence of the cause:

Indirect influence of the cause:

A set of personal qualities and attitudes that interfere with constructive interaction (unjustified persistence, rigidity, rudeness, etc.).

The young contingent of teachers does not have sufficient experience and sometimes knowledge. Lack of desire to delve into the essence of conflicts and understand controversial issues.

Competence is not so important as personal motivation in the profession (love for what one does).

Ways to overcome:

Conducting and participating in communication trainings;

Work on yourself, self-improvement.

Incomplete awareness of educators about the child’s living conditions at home and, accordingly, parents about the child’s life in kindergarten.

Direct influence of the cause:

Indirect influence of the cause:

Educators have access to only the information that the parent reveals; some of the information is often hidden by parents. Parents have little interest in their child's life in kindergarten.

Ways to overcome:


Conducting round tables, days open doors, tea drinking, casual conversations;

Give homework assignments, finish work at home together with the children, work started in kindergarten;

Organizing club activities, exhibitions, open viewings of classes, theater Fridays, thanking each parent

(make the parent feel needed);

The attitude of educators towards parents as objects of education.

Direct influence of the cause

Indirect influence of the cause

The teacher's edifying tone and constant complaints about the child's behavior in kindergarten.

Parents consider themselves to know their own children quite well (“like no one else”), and are often sensitive to criticism and recommendations because of their ambitions.

The teacher does not try to teach the parent and show his literacy; he needs to help the child, which is what he encourages parents to do.

Ways to overcome:

Complain less about the child, start the dialogue with positive information and smoothly move on to the problem;

Change the dialogue in such a way that the parent himself suggests ways out of the current situation, and the teacher tactfully adjusts the proposed ideas (“what is your opinion?, You say wonderful things, What do you suggest?”).

The desire of educators to avoid “live” communication, to replace it with questionnaires and information stands.

Direct influence of the cause

Indirect influence of the cause

Avoiding communication brings misunderstandings and false assumptions on both sides.

(The reasons may be: embarrassment, lack of time, reluctance to give negative information about the child)

Ways to overcome:

Conducting circle activities, group work with the obligatory use of active forms, conducting joint classes, creative evenings, tea parties, informal meetings;

Involving parents who do not want to take part in the life of the group, conflicting parents in completing assigned tasks parent committee, assigning them responsibility for certain activities;

Individual confidential conversations

Identifying the wishes of parents and involving them in creating conditions for the implementation of put forward ideas to improve the work of the group.

"Closedness" of the preschool institution.

Direct influence of the cause

Indirect influence of the cause

Conducted public reports regarding the activities of preschool educational institutions are not always clear to parents; they avoid this information, because misunderstand her.

The “desire” to participate in the life of the kindergarten depends on the parents.

Ways to overcome:

Conducting meetings with parents in interesting, non-traditional, relaxed forms;

Creating and maintaining traditions in the group;

Personal motivation of the teacher in the events held by the preschool educational institution, “building” these events in front of parents, increasing the importance of the preschool educational institution’s activities in front of the parent.

Joint analysis of question 7:

The psychologist writes down the group’s answers to the question on whatman paper (on the board) with a marker in the form of a brainstorming session: What does the status of an educator (teacher) consist of (what does it depend on).

On whom does each of the listed qualities depend?(from each of us, bring to the thought “the status of a teacher depends on the teacher himself”).

“Development of simple communication skills” (10 min).

You need to enter an imaginary locker room and greet the parents and attract attention without verbal communication, and then contact the parent using various techniques (request, demand, complaint, warning, praise, joke, question, hint, wish, recommendation, etc. .). It is necessary to find not only the right intonations, but also the plasticity of facial and pantomimic intonation, the correct body position (monitor muscle freedom and relieve excessive muscle tension).

You must be prepared to react in unexpected situations (for example: entering the locker room, you are witnessing a conflict between parents, a conflict between a parent and a child).

"Point of View" (10 min)

Participants are divided into pairs. They are given a topic of communication, but one of them defends one point of view (“for”), the other the opposite (“against”).

The task is to persuade the opponent to your point of view on a certain issue. Possible topics:

“Mom teaches you to give back, the teacher teaches you constructive ways of interacting”;

“You are biased towards my child,” the teacher gives recommendations for correcting the child’s behavior;

“You answered me “dryly” - “what are you, it seemed to you, I’m an introvert by nature.”

“You answered me rudely” - it seemed to you that this was how the circumstances developed and you, without listening to the end, understood everything wrong.

“The teachers are opposed to our family and our child, you constantly send us to a speech therapist, then to a psychologist, is our child the worst?” - the teacher gives recommendations on how to correct gaps in the development of behavior and cognitive processes;

“You never give my child roles in matinees and holidays, is he the most incapable?” - the child really can’t handle it.

Analysis: in fact, work with objections is underway.

Who welcomes a change in their point of view? Nobody.

What techniques can make this process smoother?

The main principle is not to fight (the struggle of positions leads to a dead end).

As an example, do the following exercise:

Exercise for teachers "Hands"

The presenter asks to join the palms of the hands at chest level, and then press the right palm onto the left.

From the experience of carrying out this exercise, it is known that the left hand unconsciously begins to offer resistance, although such instructions or demonstration of such actions are not given by the leader.

Ideas for discussion:

In response to pressure, we subconsciously begin to resist, that is, any directive gives rise to resistance.

If the teacher is unfriendly, it is noticeable and parents unconsciously take protective measures.

Exercise “The Last Meeting” (10 min).

Target: improving communication culture, completing the group.

Exercise "Through the Ring".

Target: Coordination of joint actions, unity, training of confident behavior in a situation when someone needs to put forward ideas, take on leadership functions.

Participants stand in a line, holding hands, the guide holds a gymnastic hoop in his free hand (you can pre-make a ring with a diameter of about 1 m from wire, paper, etc.). The participants’ task: without opening their hands, “leak” through this ring so that it ultimately ends up at the other end of the line. You can pass the ring, or you can, on the contrary, move yourself, crawling through it.

Discussion: What helped you complete the exercise, and what, on the contrary, hindered you? Was the task completed according to some plan, or did everyone act according to own initiative? How to improve the method of passing the hoop?


    Volik, I.G. Workshop with elements of training for teachers “Optimization of interaction with parents” [Electronic resource] / I.G. Volik. – Access mode: http://festival.1september.ru/articles/585463/.

Sections: General pedagogical technologies

Goal: understanding the need and possibility of using modern technologies as an indicator of the pedagogical competence of a modern teacher.

– systematize theoretical knowledge about socio-pedagogical concepts in education “competency-based approach”, “competence”: meanings and content of concepts;
– analyze and determine the impact of the use of modern technologies in the context of a competency-based approach on the quality of children’s education;
– exchange existing experience in designing ways to transition to a competency-based approach in the educational practice of additional education institutions


– computer, media projector, media screen, music center;
– presentation “Modern technologies as a tool for managing the quality of education” ( Annex 1);
– cards for the game “Consequences” ( Appendix 2);
– memo “Conditions for the formation of key competencies” ( Appendix 3);
– business cards, ball, pens, blank sheets of paper, markers.

Seminar plan

  1. 1.Greeting. Goals and objectives of the seminar. Report on the work plan of the seminar.
  2. 2. Exercise “Presentation”

  3. Introductory part
  4. Theoretical part
  5. Practical part
  6. 1. Business game
    2. Game “Problem on the Palm”
    3. Game “Consequences”

  7. Reflection
  8. Result of the seminar


1. Greeting. Goals and objectives of the seminar. Report on the work plan of the seminar.

2. Exercise “Presentation”

Each participant draws up a business card in any form, where he indicates his name. The name must be written legibly and in a large enough size. The business card is attached so that it can be read.

3-4 minutes are given for all participants to make their business cards and prepare for mutual introductions, for which they pair up, and each tells about himself to his partner.

The task is to prepare to introduce your partner to the whole group. The main task of the presentation is to emphasize the individuality of your partner, to tell about him in such a way that all other participants will immediately remember him. Then the participants sit in a large circle and take turns introducing their partner, starting the presentation with the words: “For... the most important thing...”.

II. Introductory part

1. Epigraph of the seminar.

Who does not want to use new means,
must wait for new troubles

Francis Bacon

Francis Bacon is one of the greatest scholars of the 17th century, a contemporary of Galileo and predecessor of Newton, author of the treatise “Moral and Political Experience and Instructions”

Teacher and student grow together:
learning is half learning.

III. Theoretical part

The program for modernizing the content of education affects all aspects educational process. Its task is to achieve a new quality - a quality that meets the requirements for an individual in modern rapidly changing socio-economic conditions.

Traditionally, the entire domestic education system was focused on knowledge as the goal of learning (ZUNs). Transformations of Russian society in general and education in particular have led to changes in requirements for students. The “knowledgeable graduate” no longer meets the demands of society. There is a demand for a “skillful, creative graduate” with value orientations. A competency-based approach to learning is designed to help solve this problem.

Let's consider the concepts of “competence” and “competence”, which are almost synonymous.

“Competence” is a set of interrelated personality qualities (knowledge, abilities, skills, methods of activity), which allows you to set and achieve goals.

“Competence” is an integral quality of a person, manifested in the general ability and readiness to perform activities based on knowledge and experience.

A student is considered competent based on performance results if he is able to apply what he has learned in practice, that is, transfer competence to certain situations in real life.

What methods and technologies does a modern teacher need to master in order to develop key competencies in students? What professional pedagogical competencies does a teacher need to possess in order to ensure their own professional advancement and development? Under what conditions will competencies move to the level of professional competence? Let's try to understand this issue.

IV. Practical part

1. Business game

Participants are divided into three groups: “students”, “teachers”, “experts”

The first question to discuss is: when is a learner not interested in learning? When is a teacher not interested in teaching?

Within 5 minutes, using the brainstorming method, participants create a list of reasons and present it to a group of “experts” who prepare information certificate for the audience.

From the answers, experts identify 2-3 problems that are most relevant for a given audience and voice them.

Let's assume that the following problems have been identified:

1. Insufficient level of teacher proficiency in modern educational technologies hinders the formation of key subject competencies.
2. Development of students’ ability to independently solve problems in various fields of activity is impossible without a practice-oriented orientation of training.
3. The contradiction between frontal forms of training organization and “passive” teaching methods on the one hand and the need to ensure the active nature of training on the other hand.

The second question for discussion: will the teacher become interested in teaching, and will the student be interested in learning, if modern educational technologies and methods are used in the educational process?

Within 5 minutes, participants select at least 3 arguments that, in the opinion of group members, prove the effectiveness of technology that can increase interest in the learning process.

From the answers, experts identify 2-3 technologies that are most effective, in the opinion of this audience, and voice them.

Let's assume that the following technologies are selected:

– personality-oriented technologies provide for the priority of subject-subject learning, diagnostics of personal growth, situational design, game modeling, inclusion of educational tasks in the context of life problems that involve personal development in the real, sociocultural and educational space;

– health-saving technologies, the distinctive feature of which is the priority of health, i.e. competent health care is a prerequisite for the educational process;

– information technologies make it possible to individualize and differentiate the learning process, stimulate cognitive activity and independence of students;

– gaming technologies allow you to manage emotional stress during the learning process, contribute to the mastery of skills necessary for cognitive, labor, artistic, sports activities, and communication. During the game, children quietly master what was previously difficult;

– problem-based and developmental teaching technologies contribute to the development of students’ creative abilities; formation of critical thinking and positive emotions.

design technologies, the essence of which is that the student, in the process of working on an educational project, comprehends real processes, objects, and experiences specific situations. Project technologies are based on the project method, which is aimed at developing students’ cognitive skills, critical thinking, developing the ability to independently construct their knowledge, and the ability to navigate the information space.

The competency-based approach makes its own demands on teachers: the search for new forms, methods, and technologies of teaching. A teacher needs to navigate a wide range of modern technologies, ideas, trends, and not waste time discovering what is already known. The system of technological knowledge is the most important component and indicator of the pedagogical skills of a modern teacher.

Among teachers, there is a firmly established opinion that pedagogical skill It is purely individual, so it cannot be passed from hand to hand. However, based on the relationship between technology and skill, it is clear that pedagogical technology, which can be mastered, like any other, is not only mediated, but also determined by the personal parameters of the teacher. The same technology can be implemented by different teachers, where their professionalism and pedagogical skills will be demonstrated.

2. Workshop

The Center's teachers use modern technologies, active teaching methods, and new forms of conducting classes and events in their practice.

We consider the most successful application of gaming technologies by N.E. Shchurkova. We have certain experience and results in this direction.

Game “Problem on the Palm”

Progress of the game:

Each participant is invited to look at the problem as if from the outside, as if he were holding it in the palm of his hand.

The presenter holds a beautiful tennis ball in his palm and addresses the seminar participants: “I’m looking at this ball. It is round and small, like our Earth in the universe. The earth is the home in which my life unfolds. What would I do with my life if I had complete control over it?” (musical accompaniment: music of the universe)

Participants take turns holding an object symbolizing the problem on their palm and expressing their personal attitude towards it.

Commentary at the end of the game: the success of the game is possible if two conditions are met.

Firstly, the presence of an object symbolizing the problem. It could be a candle, a flower, a nut, a pine cone... - almost any item, but most importantly, it meets the requirements of aesthetic taste. The professionalism of a teacher lies not in the selection of a subject, but in the ability to present it to children. Present an object not materially, objectively, but in its sociocultural meaning. A candle is fire, light, human thought, reason. A flower is not a plant that produces oxygen, but the Beauty of the world.

Secondly, there can be no “right” or “wrong” answers here. The main thing is the movement of thought. Our problems cannot exist only within us, if existence is understood as life in the world of people.

– Man, unlike animals, tends to anticipate events, to foresee the future through logical operations, analysis of events, deeds, words, actions. Our experience influences our ability to anticipate consequences.

Progress of the game:

  1. The participant reports the completed action
  2. (actions are written on cards: “I brought and presented flowers to a good person”, “I rudely laughed at a colleague”, “I like to lie, embellish, blurt out, brag”, “I started smoking”, “I found someone’s wallet and pocketed the money”, “I read a lot”, “I started in the morning do exercises”, “I told the ugly one that she is ugly”, “I forget why I come to work”, “I always finish any task”).

  3. The consequences of what happened appear before the participant one by one, saying: “I
  4. your consequence is the first, I tell you...”

    Consequence-1 states what will follow “now” after what the participant did; Consequence-2 warns that it expects the subject “in a week”;

    Consequence-3 paints a picture of “in a month”;

    Consequence-4 foresees the inevitable “in mature years”;

    Consequence-5 reports the outcome that the participant will reach at the end of his life.

  5. After listening to the predictions of the future, the participant makes a decision: either he refuses to continue to do what he has done, or he affirms the significance for his that life what he does.

Question for seminar participants at the end of the game: What were you thinking during the game?

V. Reflection

1. Let us remember what the king of one planet said in Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s fairy tale “The Little Prince”: “If I order my general to turn into a sea gull, and if the general does not carry out the order, it will not be his fault, but mine.” What might these words mean to us? (Answers from teachers).

Essentially, these words contain one of the most important rules for successful teaching: set realistic goals for yourself and for those you teach. It should be emphasized that any pedagogical innovations must be used wisely, and the teacher must always be guided by the principle: “The main thing is to do no harm!”

2. Question to the seminar participants:

– What is the condition for the formation or development of competencies.

So, key competencies are being formed, If ( Appendix 3):

  • learning is activity-based;
  • the educational process is being oriented towards developing the student’s independence and responsibility for the results of his activities (for this it is necessary to increase the share of independence creative works, exploratory, research and experimental nature);
  • conditions are created for gaining experience and achieving goals;
  • teaching technologies are used that are based on the independence and responsibility of the teacher for the results of his students (project methodology, abstract approach, reflection, research, problem-based methods, differentiated learning, developmental learning);
  • the practical orientation of education is strengthened (through business, simulation games, creative meetings, discussions, round tables);
  • The teacher skillfully manages the learning and activities of students. Disterweg also said that “A bad teacher presents the truth, a good one teaches to find it,” and for this he himself must have pedagogical competence).

VI. Result of the seminar

1. We strive to find forms that will help the team successfully master the competency-based training strategy. And the proposed line of action can help us with this: try it yourself - offer it to students - share with colleagues - find like-minded people - join forces. After all, only together can we achieve the best success.

2. Game “Applause in a circle”

Goal: relieve tension and fatigue, thank all participants for their work.

All participants sit in a circle. The presenter begins to clap his hands and looks at one of the participants. The two of them start clapping. The participant whom the presenter looked at looks at the other participant, including him in the game. Thus, all participants begin to clap.


1. Pedagogical technologies: a textbook for students of pedagogical specialties / edited by V.S. Kukunina. – M.: ICC “Mart”: – Rostov n/D, 2006.
2. Shchurkova N.E.. Classroom management: game techniques. – M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2002, – 224 p.
3. Khutorskoy A.V. Article “Technology for designing key competencies and subject competencies.” // Internet magazine "Eidos".
4. Ivanov D.A., Mitrofanov K.G., Sokolova O.V. Competency-based approach in education. Problems, concepts, tools. Educational and methodological manual. – M.: APK and PRO, 2003. – 101 p.

Target : to summarize teachers’ ideas about the content of the Federal State educational standard preschool education through an unconventional form of conducting a seminar - a workshop in the form of the game “KVN”.


    To consolidate and generalize teachers’ ideas about the content of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education;

    To contribute in a playful way to consolidating teachers’ ideas about modern technologies educational work with kids preschool age;

    To promote the further development of professionally significant qualities of teachers (the ability to quickly find solutions in pedagogical situations, creative improvisation, the ability to formulate questions, speak in front of an audience, etc.) in the conditions of the KVN game;

    Create a positive atmosphere of cooperation in the team of teachers in the process of solving game problems.


    Game protocol form (Appendix 1);

    Computer presentation illustrating the content of the seminar-workshop;

    Cut-out pictures – 3 pcs. (each is divided into the number of parts corresponding to one third of the entire team of teachers);

    Three magnetic easels with magnets;

    Handouts for the “Warm-up” competition (Appendix 2);

    Handouts for the “Missing Link” competition (Appendix 3);

    Flags for each team – 3 pcs.;

    Phonograms (minus) of children's songs – 12 tracks;

    Audio recordings with children’s questions – 6 options;

    Certificates to the teams.

Seminar/workshop progress:

(Before the start of the event, each teacher receives part of a cut-out picture. All teachers are seated in a semicircle. On the screen is the first slide of the presentation with the name of the seminar-workshop (see Figure 1)).

Picture 1

Good afternoon, dear colleagues! Today we have gathered for a serious event - a seminar-workshop dedicated to the topic “Federal State Educational Standards in Preschool Education: from Theory to Practice.” We have already spoken about the Federal State Educational Standard several times. However, I have asked you to prepare for today's event by carefully reading this document again. You will have the opportunity to ask any questions you have a little later (if any), and we will definitely answer them together.

But we will structure today’s work in an unusual way, if not quite unusual. I invite you to show your knowledge about the Federal State Educational Standard and discuss what still remains incomprehensible, in the form of a game - the famous and fun game in KVN - Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful! And it will be called: “I know the Federal State Educational Standard!” So, tune in to the positive mood of our meeting (after all, everything most serious is best learned in a positive atmosphere) and let us begin our KVN “I know the Federal State Educational Standard!”

So, the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful opens its magical doors in kindergarten No. 67, where talented, smart, resourceful and, undoubtedly, cheerful teachers work.

And of course, what is KVN without teams? Take a look at the parts of the picture, one of which each of you received when you entered the hall today. Now we can easily divide into three wonderful teams. In one minute you have to combine your parts and get three full pictures. And once you’ve made a picture, don’t leave! This is how we will determine the composition of our teams. ...

(Teachers move freely around the hall, determine the similarity of the images and compose their pictures. Having compiled the pictures, they are located around the collected image. Upon completion of the task, the teams are seated on chairs, arranged in three small semicircles (the location of each team is indicated by pre-set easels)).

Perfect! We wish our teams to perform brilliantly and conquer the strict but fair jury with their skills and charm!

So, I announce the jury... But wait! There are still three empty seats on our jury! Who will take these places?... Let His Majesty Chance (or Fortune, whichever is more pleasant) determine this. Look under your chairs: only three of them (one on each team) have a mark on the leg. On whose chair this mysterious object was found, he becomes a happy member of our esteemed jury. So, I ask you to take a seat on the jury... (are called I.O. )!

And now I present our highly competent, and no less resourceful and cheerful jury:

    The chairman of the jury is the head of our preschool educational institution E.P. Klimova!

    jury members:

    … (FULL NAME.)!

    … (FULL NAME.)!

    … (FULL NAME.)!

Let me take on the role of host of today's KVN game.

The teams have been created, the jury has been introduced... Is everyone ready to start? ...

But what about the teams - without a name?! I am announcing the first competition – “Greetings”. In three minutes, the team needs to come up with the most original name and the most original way to present it to the jury members and rival teams! Is the task clear? Time has passed! ...

After the allotted time has passed: So, I’m ready to introduce our teams to your attention. Meet the first team!(...second!,...third!) .

(The chairman of the jury enters the names of the teams into the game protocol).

Today’s topic of our KVN is “I know the Federal State Educational Standard!” Don't be alarmed, we won't take an exam on knowledge of the Federal State Educational Standard. Our task today is to work together to figure out what still remains unclear, and, of course, have a good time. The first competition has already shown us that we can solve a fairly complex creative problem in a short time. And now I’m announcing a second competition. It's called “Warm-up”.

The essence of the competition is this. You will be offered parts of phrases describing the principles of organizing a developmental environment and examples of the implementation of these principles in practice preschool work. Your task is to select and arrange these parts in two minutes (each team on its own easel) in the following order: the name of the principle, next to it is its description, next to it is an example of its implementation. Whenever you're ready, raise your flag! Because the speed of completing the task will give you an extra point in each competition! If everything is clear to you, then I ask one representative from each team to come up for the task.

Let's give our jury the floor: the maximum number of points for the second competition is 4 points.(The assessment takes into account: the correct location of the parts + an additional point for the speed of preparation)

The second competition is called “Missing Link”. We all know that modern education is impossible without the use of technology in working with children. The technological effectiveness of a teacher’s activities is proclaimed everywhere as a guarantee of the success of his work. And, of course, the concept of “personally-oriented interaction between an adult and a child” is not new. It is this interaction that is one of the aspects of the modern educational environment, the requirement of the Federal State Educational Standard for the nature of the interaction of the teacher with children as a condition for creating a favorable social situation for their development.

So, it is precisely this concept - “person-oriented interaction” - that formed the basis of Iraida Sergeevna Yakimanskaya’s technology, which is expressed in the model of person-oriented interaction with a child. You know this technology, right?...

Remember: this model has a core, i.e. the very goal that is achieved during its implementation is the “rays”, i.e. ways to achieve this goal. Now each team will receive their own model with rays. However, none of them fills its central part - namely the purpose of this technology. In three minutes, you need to supplement the technological model and name or define as precisely as possible what, in your opinion, is the goal - the “core” of this technology. Team representatives, please come up and take your model. ...Now get to work! ... And don't forget about speed!

Let's give the jury the floor: the maximum number of points for the third competition is 3 points.(The assessment takes into account: the accuracy of the goal formulation (maximum proximity to the original), persuasiveness, evidence, the scientific basis of explanations of one’s vision of the goal, the speed of completing the task).

During a year ( the original model is displayed on the screen (see Figure No. 2) ) we will definitely take a closer look at this technology again, because... it is this, in my opinion, that is the basis for building a modern educational process in a preschool institution, as well as on other technologies offered for working with preschool children.

Figure 2

It's time to relax a little and take part in the next competition called "Musical Riddles". You will be offered soundtracks of famous children's songs. Under the same motto “faster, more accurate, more confident,” you have to guess the name of the song and be the first to raise your flag. Be careful - your mistakes are a chance for your opponents to get the coveted point. Moreover, the team will receive a point in this competition for each song they guess. Ready? … Go! ...

Let's give the jury the floor: how many points was each team able to score? ...

(Phonograms (minus) of famous children's songs are played sequentially. The team that first raises its flag gets the right to answer).

We guessed the songs, had a rest, and now the fourth competition, which is called “You for me - I for you.” Children are our tireless whys, and every teacher must skillfully, competently, and accessiblely answer children’s questions. And adults often ask sometimes difficult questions. Let's see how our teachers cope with this difficult task.

Now, within three minutes, you yourself will have to formulate any question for the rival team on the topic of the competition, namely “Federal State Educational Standards of Education.” The printed version of the Federal State Educational Standard, which you took with you, will help you with this. In addition, you can formulate in the form of a question the content of the Federal State Educational Standard that remains incomprehensible to you - right now we will have the opportunity to think together and understand the intricacies of this regulatory document.

Next, we will begin asking questions in a clockwise circle. The procedure for answering is the same as in the previous competition, namely under the motto “faster, more accurate, more confident.” The main thing is, do not be afraid to answer - after all, it may well turn out that you are the one who knows and can explain to someone else something that is unclear to him! In the end, we will figure it all out together and find this long-awaited truth.

But not only your questions will be asked in this competition - each team will also have to answer questions from our children, who were selected at random. So, if everyone is ready, we begin! ...

Let's give the jury the floor: the maximum number of points for the third competition is 9 points.(When assessing a question, the following is taken into account: the clarity of the question’s formulation, the question’s compliance with the topic of the competition; when assessing the answer, the brevity, completeness of the answer and the scientific nature of knowledge are taken into account + an additional point for the speed of answering each question; when assessing the answer to children’s questions, the following are taken into account: the literacy of the answer, originality, pedagogical value + extra point for speed of answering each question).

Unfortunately, we very often forget that very effective method Humor and jokes are essential when working with children. They create an atmosphere of ease and emotional intimacy. And now our participating teams will show their abilities as screenwriters, actors, and comedians. The turn of the last fifth competition has come - “Creative Workshop”. Each team will have to prove as brilliantly as possible that its members are worthy of wearing the title “Winner of KVN “I know the Federal State Educational Standard!”, and to do this in an original form. Within 10 minutes, you need to come up with the main motto of a teacher who is an expert in the Federal State Educational Standard, and to any phonogram you like from a music competition (or maybe with your own accompaniment), present it in the most original way to the jury and spectators from the competing teams. Is the task clear?... Let's go! ...

Let's give the jury the floor: the maximum number of points for the third competition is 6 points.(The assessment takes into account: the completeness of the idea, the reflection of the personality-oriented attitudes of teachers in the motto; a sense of humor, creative presentation, the use of additional presentation conditions, the number of participants).

Perfect! Well, this was the last competition of our Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. I sincerely hope that this day brought you not only the opportunity to once again plunge into the Federal Standard of Preschool Education, see it from different sides, understand what was incomprehensible, but also feel your involvement in the team, forget for a while your worries and problems, and plunge into the world of joy from traveling on the beautiful ship of childhood, where we all sail hand in hand, and every day together we discover new spaces and horizons.

While the jury is counting the final points and determining the outcome of our KVN, I suggest you sum up our work. I suggest you sit back and look at the screen.

(Summarizing is accompanied by a change of presentation slides (see Figures 3-10)).

So, Federal State Educational Standards replaced FGT, according to (change slide ) Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 1155 dated October 17, 2013, which entered into force on January 1, 2014.

Figure 3

Federal State Educational Standard is a set of mandatory requirements for (change slide ):

1) main structure educational program(including the relationship between the mandatory part of the main educational program and the part formed by the participants in educational relations and their volume);

2) the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program, including personnel, financial, material, technical and other support;

3) the results of mastering the main educational program.

Figure 4

Please note that unlike other standards,The Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education is not the basis for assessing compliance with established requirements educational activities and training of students. Requirements for results are presented in the Federal State Educational Standard in the form of targets for preschool education, which are consistent with the integrative qualities of the child (remember FGT). Look at the next slide... (change slide ) This continuity of requirements for the results of mastering the basic general education program is reflected here.

Figure 5

Targets– these are social-normative age characteristics of a child’s possible achievements at the stage of completing preschool education. Targets according to Federal State Educational Standardsnot subject to direct assessment (in the form of monitoring!), and cannot serve as a basis for analyzing them in the process of certification of teachers, quality of education, etc. It is in connection with this that the item “Dynamics of children’s mastery of SEN” was excluded from the forms expert assessment during certification.

Requirements for the structure of OOP DO (see slide ) have also changed. But we will look at this very briefly now: the presence of two components of OOP remains the same - the mandatory part and the variable part, but the ratio of these parts has changed.

Figure 6

The content of the program (and please don’t make mistakes here!) has also changed (see slide ): in the FGT there were ten educational areas that were combined into areas of child development, but in the Federal State Educational Standard this division was changed - now we are talking about only five educational fields! Let's remember what areas these are?... (after teachers' statements see slide )

Figure 7

The very structure of presenting the content of OOP has also changed significantly, but there is no point in dwelling on this today. Another thing is more important: the understanding of what the program is aimed at has changed (see slide ): in FGT OOP was aimed, among other things, at developing the qualities of children (intellectual, personal, physical...), and in the Federal State Educational Standard the main direction of OOP is expressed in creating conditions!

Figure 8

The authors of the Federal State Educational Standard themselves note this as the main feature of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, its difference from the standards of primary and secondary schools - that it is, first of all, a standard of conditions! (change slide )

Figure 9

Let's look at this slide. The content of the educational program should reflect and the activities of the kindergarten staff should ensure these aspects of the educational environment. Here (as throughout the Federal State Educational Standard), the concept of “educational environment” not only includes the subject-spatial environment (look, it is only part of the general scheme), but also the whole variety of conditions - both material, external, social, and internal, i.e. e. the child's attitude towards surrounding reality, understanding your place in social relations with adults and peers.

Requirements for a subject-spatial development environment (change slide ) are the principles on the basis of which it should be built: we looked at them today.

Figure 10

(Return previous slide ) The nature of interaction with an adult is nothing more than personality-oriented interaction, i.e. the technology we talked about today. The child’s relationships with peers and his attitude to the outside world are a consequence of his inclusion in relationships with you as teachers, the inclusion of parents in the general scheme of relationships as also the most important (if not the main) models for the child, and, of course, support child development and initiatives. All this is the subject of our study with you in the current and next year. I hope that today you understand the Federal State Educational Standard: what it brought, what changes, and what changes it expects from you and me.

And now let’s give the floor to our respected jury for the last time today, announcing the results of first the last competition, and then the overall result of the game. ...

Announcement of results.

Awarding of winners and participants.

Closing remarks by the chairman of the jury.

If desired, a response from the teachers.

Annex 1

Form for registering KVN jury assessments “I know the Federal State Educational Standard!”

Jury members' ratings


2.Warm up

correct arrangement of parts

completeness of the answer when formulating your own examples

Total for the competition:

2. The missing link

accuracy of goal formulation

persuasiveness, evidence, scientific basis for explaining your vision of the goal

task execution speed

When assessing the issue:

clarity of question formulation

scientific basis and depth of the issue

When assessing the answer to your opponent's question:

brevity of the answer

scientific knowledge

When assessing the answer to children's questions:

answer literacy


pedagogical value

extra points for how quickly you answer each question

5. Creative workshop

completeness of idea disclosure

reflection in the motto of personal orientation. teachers' attitudes

sense of humor

creative presentation

use of additional terms of presentation

number of participants

Total for the competition:


Appendix 2

Handouts for the “Warm-up” competition

Saturation of the environment with content corresponding to the age capabilities of children and the content of educational educational programs

The educational space must be equipped with teaching and educational means (including technical ones), gaming, sports, health equipment, inventory and materials. The richness of the environment ensures: playful, cognitive, research and creative activity of pupils, experimentation with materials available to children; motor activity, development of large and fine motor skills, participation in outdoor games and competitions; emotional well-being of children in interaction with the subject-spatial environment; opportunity for children to express themselves.

In the group for children of senior preschool age, adjacent to a corner of nature, a mini-laboratory has been created, which includes materials for experimentation (containers different shapes and volume, measuring instruments– rulers, weight scales, abacus, measuring cups, test tubes made of unbreakable material, various measures and marks for making relative measurements, etc., natural and waste material for examination and study, magnifying glasses, etc.)


Providing opportunities for all pupils, including children with disabilities disabilities health and for disabled children, to act in all premises where educational activities; free access for children, including children with disabilities, to games, toys, materials, and aids that provide all basic types of children’s activities; serviceability and safety of materials and equipment.


Compliance of all elements of the subject-spatial environment with the requirements to ensure the reliability and safety of their use.

Transformability of space

The possibility of changing the subject-spatial environment depending on the educational situation, including the changing interests and capabilities of children

After visiting the excursion to the fire department museum, the children began to actively play a role-playing game " Fire protection"(the boys "went out" to the call, "put out the fire", saving girls with dolls, etc.). Due to the persistent interest of the children, the teachers decided to change the space of the group room: the “Transport” play corner, where cars were located, incl. for official purposes (firefighters), they were moved closer to the “Home” corner, with a seating area and gaming phones and walkie-talkies placed nearby. Attributes were added to the “house” to represent various electrical appliances (irons, electric kettle, computer, etc.). Thus, we combined role-playing games into a more comprehensive game “Firemen to the Rescue,” introduced new roles (dispatcher, paramedic, rescuer, etc.), enriched children’s understanding of these professions, and reinforced the rules of safe behavior in immediate play situations.

Polyfunctionality of materials

Possibility of varied use of various components of the object environment, for example: children's furniture, mats, soft modules, screens, etc.; the presence of multifunctional items, including natural materials suitable for use in different types activities.

The group has a “miracle screen”, which is a touch panel on one side (on one segment of the screen, various lacings, fasteners, a color wheel with the ability to change sectors are permanently attached (the sectors are attached to the base using contact tape (“Velcro”), attributes for stringing beads, large beads, etc.); on the other segment there is a flannelgraph with the application of various materials to create compositions with a variety of themes; the next segment is intended to familiarize children with emotional state people - includes various diagrams, illustrations, which may change depending on current tasks). The sharma itself can be used as a safe way to temporarily delimit group space, create a secluded corner, etc.


The presence of various spaces (for play, construction, privacy, etc.), as well as a variety of materials, games, toys and equipment, ensuring children’s free choice;

Periodic change of play material, the emergence of new objects that stimulate the play, motor, cognitive and research activity of children.

There is a tradition in the group: the introduction of a new element is always accompanied by a kind of “getting to know each other” ritual - children, together with the teacher, examine the new game (new design of the educational corner, elements of a thematic exhibition, etc.), determine the possibilities of its use, the rules for operating the new game ( select the appropriate mnemonic table), as well as their attitude towards it (like it or not, what attracts them, etc.). This change of space is carried out in the group on a weekly basis.

(offer your example ):

(offer your example ):

Appendix 3

Technology of person-oriented interaction I.S. Yakimanskaya