Abstracts Statements Story

General development program for the socialization of young disabled people. Additional general developmental program of social and pedagogical orientation 

Tue, 11/14/2017 - 13:48 | administrator

Municipal budgetary institution additional education

"Belgorod Palace children's creativity» Belgorod

Additional general education general development program “Leader”


Lopatina O.L.


The process of education is one of the most important tasks of education, a continuous system of comprehensive development of the individual in modern conditions. The future of our children directly depends on whether they can acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, abilities, take an active position in life, develop and self-realize in school and extracurricular activities. The positive entry of young citizens into a contradictory modern society is largely facilitated by the activities of a children's public association, which represents the right to choose a communication environment, sphere of action, as well as the right to respectful and fair treatment from adults.

Additional general education general development program "Leader" social and pedagogical orientation , starting level.

The program is focused on improving the social status of the educational institution, updating the content and structure of education leadership qualities student’s personality based on domestic traditions and modern experience.

The main value of the entire pedagogical process is the student’s personality in its uniqueness and originality, the creation of conditions for the individual development of each personality, its self-realization.

Regulatory legal documents on the basis of which the additional general development program was developed:

  • Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ;
  • SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the structure, content and organization of the operating mode of educational institutions of additional education for children”;
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 29, 2013 No. 1008 “On approval of the procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities for additional general education programs;
  • Instructive and methodological letter “On the development of the educational component in organizations carrying out educational activities in the 2014-2015 academic year” (OGAOU DPO BelIRO);
  • Instructive and methodological letter “On the main directions of education and additional education in educational organizations region within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for 2015-2016 academic year» (OGAOU DPO BelIRO);
  • Municipal Charter budgetary institution additional education "Belgorod Palace of Children's Creativity" in Belgorod;
  • Concept for the development of additional education for children (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 4, 2014 No. 1726-r);
  • Methodological recommendations for the design of additional general developmental programs (including multi-level programs) (Appendix to the letter of the Department public policy in the field of education of children and youth of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 18, 2015 No. 09-3242);
  • Approximate requirements for additional education programs for children. Regulatory and legal aspect (from the letter of the Department of Youth Policy, Education and Social Support of Children of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 11, 2006 No. 06-1844).

Novelty general education general development program "Leader" is that the content, unlike other programs in this direction, does not involve a spontaneous process of forming leaders in children's organizations, but a clearly thought-out identification and training of young “leaders”. The program is aimed at creating conditions for the development of leadership in children's organizations, mastering the forms of effective organization and management, conflict resolution, communication skills and other qualities.

Relevance of this program is that the studies have shown an increase in the number of children with stable interests only in entertainment activities and meaningless leisure. Moreover, more than half of the respondents would like to engage in interesting and, most importantly, useful activities. Observations of children during the preparation and conduct of various events revealed such a feature as many of the students’ lack of responsibility for themselves and their friends, lack of a sense of collectivism, as well as the inability to organize themselves to carry out any task and the fact that there is no bright leader among them. Therefore, the issue of organizing special classes with students becomes relevant, the task of which is to equip students with knowledge, skills and abilities to act as teaching staff (counselors summer camps), organizers of collective creative activities, members of the school council, etc. Taking into account the particular complexity of preparing students for practical activities This training program has been developed.

The work of children's self-government gives students the opportunity to feel themselves in the role of the owner, the creator of the most favorable conditions in an educational institution for their development. The program is designed to help children in their future successful socialization in society, to create conditions for meaningful and productive communication, to teach children to realize themselves within certain social roles.

Pedagogical feasibility additional general development program "Leader" is justified by a wide range of its training, developmental and educational tasks and is due to the need to form the social culture of the younger generation, fostering psychological readiness to conduct social activities. The program incorporates a systematic, activity-based approach, which involves not only teaching theoretical issues of the subject, but also involving children in specific practical organizational activities.

Developing individual abilities, organizational skills, leadership qualities, interesting, productive communication with peers, older and younger comrades, caring for others and health - all this helps the child to realize himself in studies, creativity, interaction with society, in various types of activities, in choosing a future profession. This is the pedagogical feasibility of this program.

Purpose of the program: development of leadership qualities of students in various areas of life and activity, formation of knowledge, abilities and skills of organizational work.

Program objectives


Contribute to the formation of leadership qualities;

Study techniques and methods of organizing and planning activities;

Teach skills of social activity, methods of constructive communication;

To form an idea of ​​the peculiarities of relationships between people and society;

To develop practical skills in preparing cultural and leisure programs, conducting games and competitions, and conducting collective creative activities;

Learn how to create newspapers.

Developmental :

Develop creative and intellectual abilities;

Contribute to broadening the horizons of students, developing initiative, determination, independence, responsibility for themselves and others;

To form a tolerant consciousness among students;

Develop emotional stability in difficult life situations, will and perseverance;

Promote the development of literary and creative abilities;

Develop communication skills;

Develop special organizational skills.


To cultivate a moral attitude towards the world around us;

To form a responsible attitude towards society, tolerance;

Cultivate an active life civil position, desire for personal participation in practical activities;

To cultivate hard work, determination, a sense of teamwork,

mutual assistance;

Cultivate respect for cultural heritage and traditions of your country;

Form motivation for professional choice.

Distinctive features of the program from existing ones (“The future is us” (Vezhevich T. E. Leadership training for high school students. – Ulan – Ude: Belig Publishing House, 2003.), the “Leader” program from the “School of Leadership” program (Smekalova E. M.: School of Leadership. Methodological recommendations. M. - TC Sfera, 2006.) are that the practical orientation of teaching is carried out in combination with the theoretical. The main condition for each lesson is an emotional mood, a disposition to think and a desire to create. This program examines the following sections: “Introduction to the general educational developmental program”, “Study of the Convention on the Rights of the Child”, “Forms and methods of organizing games”, “Game as a way of communication”, “Leader’s lessons” “Collective creative work”, “School newspaper” , “Final lesson.”

Student age: 10-13 years.

The program was developed taking into account the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of this age, when activity in learning remains environment, the need for self-development, the realization of individual characteristics.

Program implementation period: 1 year.

Forms and mode of conducting classes: theoretical lesson, practical work, creative work, imitation-role-playing, plot-role-playing, interactive, press conference. When organizing educational process the following forms and methods of conducting classes are used: - classroom: studying theory, practical classes (lectures, conversations, business and role-playing games, brainstorming, research, collective planning) - practical exercises outside the classroom: participation in events, competitions, festivals. The form of organization of training in the classroom is group, it is possible to organize work in micro groups.

Classes are held once a week for 2 hours, a total of 72 hours per year.

Expected results

By the end of the training you should know:

  • techniques and methods of organizing and planning activities, methods of constructive communication;
  • types, classification and methodology of games;
  • methodology for creating an event scenario;
  • methods of involving children's audience in gaming activities;
  • rights and responsibilities of students;
  • have an idea of ​​the peculiarities of relationships between people and society;
  • methodology for organizing KTD;
  • rules for publishing wall newspapers and school newspapers.

By the end of training you should be able to:

  • work in a team, organize and lead a group of peers;
  • organize relationships with adults and peers;
  • apply the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in organizing games in educational institutions;
  • plan, research, analyze your activities;
  • predict and develop game situations, develop and implement game programs for various social and age groups;
  • develop scripts for game programs and collective creative activities;
  • be able to publish a wall newspaper and a school newspaper.

Universal educational activities will be formed


  • respect for the values ​​of society, school and team;
  • feelings of belonging and pride in one’s homeland, people and history, awareness of responsibility for the well-being of society;
  • familiarization with the leading values ​​of domestic and world culture.


  • independently analyze the conditions for achieving the goal;
  • be able to independently control and manage your time;
  • make decisions in a problem situation;
  • adequately independently assess the correctness of the action and make the necessary adjustments in execution, both at the end of the action and during its implementation.


  • development of broad cognitive interests, initiative and curiosity, motives for knowledge and creativity.


  • the formation of actions to organize and plan educational cooperation with the teacher and peers, the ability to work in a group and gain experience in such work, the practical development of moral, ethical and psychological principles of communication and cooperation.

Meta-subject results:

  • the ability to independently plan one’s activities and determine the most effective ways to achieve goals;
  • the ability to build relationships with peers and interact constructively with adults;
  • the ability to adequately assess a situation and act in an unusual situation.

Forms for summing up the implementation of an additional general development program.

To evaluate performance training sessions Introductory, current, intermediate and final control is applied.

Type of control

form of control

Introductory control (identification of initial ideas)

Testing, diagnostic tasks.

Current control (based on the results of the topic)

Questioning, independent work,

Intermediate control (at the end of studying each section and at the end of each half-year).

test tasks, competitions, themed games.

Final control (after completion of the program).


Educational and thematic plan

Lesson topics

Number of hours




Introduction to the general education program "Leader". Introductory lesson. Safety briefing. Unity games: “Confusion”, “Search for common ground”, “Bumps”, etc.

Study of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Children's public organizations. RDS and agglomeration “We are Belgorodians”. Activities.

Forms and methods of organizing games. Classification of games. Participation in various games: interaction games, minute games, joke games, games with the audience; intellectual games, business, role-playing games.

Game as a way of communication. Game: concept, essence, structure, functions, types. Game and competition programs.

Leader lessons. Characteristics of a leader. Types of leadership. Sign language. Non-verbal communication. The art of speech. Dispute. Rules of conduct in a dispute.

Games to develop leadership qualities and communication skills. Development of skills to correctly and quickly construct speech messages.

Collective creative work. Stages of KTD, Basic requirements for planning and conducting KTD. KTD forms

School wall newspaper - where to start and how to make it? Specifics of the school newspaper, selection of information. Information, analytical and artistic-journalistic genres ( short review). Rules for designing a wall newspaper, artistic design.

Working on publishing newspapers.

Final lesson.

Quiz based on the material studied in the program.


Introduction to the general education general development program “Leader”

1.Theory. Introductory lesson. Safety briefing.

Practice. Unity games: “Confusion”, “Search for common ground”, “Bumps”, etc.

Methods and techniques: verbal: conversation, instruction.

2.Theory. Study of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Introduction to preschool activities at school. Children's public organizations. RDS and agglomeration “We are Belgorodians”. Goals and objectives of organizing the Russian movement of schoolchildren at school. Areas of activity of the RDS: personal development, civic engagement, military-patriotic, information and media. Areas of activity of the agglomeration of children's public organizations “We are Belgorodians”.

Practice. Familiarity in practice with the articles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child to Participate in Public Life and school student self-government. Business game “Me and my rights.” Charter and laws of a children's public association. How to lead a squad gathering. Business game “We are at a squad meeting.” RDS and its directions. Movement structure, Group work. Work in the areas of activity of the RDS. Quiz on the material studied. Studying the subprograms of the agglomeration “We are Belgorodians”. Work in micro groups. Business game “Agglomeration model. 9 subprograms: Constellation of talents, Patriot, No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten, Territory of health, Professional, Search engine, Do-gooder, Mediasphere, Life in the museum. Quiz based on the material studied in the program.

Methods and techniques:

3 . Theory. Forms and methods of organizing games. Classification of games. Participation in various games: interaction games, minute games, joke games, games with the audience; intellectual games, business, role-playing games.

Practice. Learning and playing games (massive, active, intellectual, calm, compiling a toy library.

Methods and techniques: verbal: lecture, conversation, brainstorming, quiz, business games.

4.Theory. Game as a way of communication. Game: concept, essence, structure, functions, types. Game and competition programs.

Practice. Game library. Game training. Game competition program.

Work in micro groups. Writing a script for the New Year's game program "New Year's Tale".

Methods and techniques: verbal: lecture, conversation, brainstorming, game.

5.Theory. Leader lessons. Characteristics of a leader. Types of leadership. Sign language. Non-verbal communication. The art of speech. Dispute. Rules of conduct in a dispute. Games to develop leadership qualities and communication skills. Development of skills to correctly and quickly construct speech messages.

Practice. Who is a leader and his qualities. Game “How to Lead.” Types of leadership, business game “Leader Model”. Work in micro groups. Games to develop leadership qualities and communication skills. Development of skills to correctly and quickly construct speech messages. Developing a culture of argument and defending your point of view. Development of creative abilities through various games and exercises.

Methods and techniques: verbal: lecture, conversation, brainstorming, visual, game.

6. Theory. Collective creative work. KTD stages. Basic requirements for planning and conducting technical design work. KTD forms.

Practice. Work in groups, organizational lotto. Analysis of traditional cases in groups. Search for new ideas. Development of KTD “School Day”. Drawing up a plan and preparing the KTD “World of Professions”.

Methods and techniques: verbal: lecture, conversation; brainstorming, visual, playful.

7. Theory. School wall newspaper - where to start and how to make it? Specifics of the school newspaper, selection of information. Information function of the newspaper. Information, analytical and artistic-journalistic genres (brief overview). Working on the publication of a newspaper.

Practice. Selection of information , release of an issue of the school newspaper.

Working on publishing a wall newspaper, searching for new ideas. Choosing a color scheme, choosing fonts, publishing a thematic wall newspaper. Business games “Publishing a school newspaper”, “Publishing a wall newspaper”.

Methods and techniques: verbal: lecture, conversation; visual, brainstorming, gaming, practical, business game.

8. Final lesson.

Practice. Quiz based on the studied material of the general development program “Leader”.

Methodological support

The teacher’s work in implementing the “Leader” program is based on the following principles:

1. The principle of democracy

2. The principle of socially significant dominance

3. The principle of interaction between students and schoolchildren

4. The principle of personal and collective growth

5. The principle of achieving personal goals

6. The principle of unity and optimal combination of personal and public interests of children

7. Success Management Principle

8. The principle of collective goals

9. The principle of collective responsibility

10. The principle of personal interest of participants

11. The principle of practical orientation

In the process of implementing this additional general development program, the following methods are expected to be used: verbal(oral presentation, conversation, text analysis, etc.); visual(display of video materials, illustrations, observation, demonstration (performance) by a teacher, work based on a model, etc.); practical(training, exercises, round tables, survey, laboratory works etc.), creative work, imitation-role-playing, plot-role-playing, interactive, press conference. When organizing the educational process, the following forms and methods of conducting classes are used:

Classroom: studying theory, practical exercises (lectures, conversations, business and role-playing games, brainstorming, research, collective planning);

Practical training outside the classroom: participation in events, competitions, festivals. The form of organization of training in the classroom is group, it is possible to organize the work of micro groups and individual work. Forms of conducting classes: theoretical classes, practical work, participation in public events.

In the educational process it is expected to use the following methods: explanatory and illustrative- students perceive and assimilate ready-made information; reproductive- students reproduce acquired knowledge and mastered methods of activity; partial-search - participation of students in a collective search, solving the problem together with the teacher; research- independent creative work of students.

In addition, the following will be used: frontal- simultaneous work with all students; collective- organization of problem-search or creative interaction between all children; individual-frontal - alternating individual and frontal forms of work; group- organization of work in groups; collective-group - performing tasks in groups, subsequent presentation of the results of completing tasks and summarizing them; in pairs- organizing work in pairs; individual- individual completion of tasks, problem solving.

To develop organizational skills, each lesson provides appropriate tasks, exercises, the methodological techniques of which involve in the active process of obtaining and assimilating knowledge (conversations, lectures, business games, exercises, tests, creative tasks and collective creative activities).

In the development of students' leadership qualities through the development of specific organizational skills and inclusion in joint interaction, such forms and methods as work in micro groups, self-diagnosis, business games, collective and individual reflection, and the practice of collective planning are introduced.

To promote the formation of interest (motivation) in reading, updating students’ self-education and mastering basic reading skills, the program plans the following forms of work: a quiz on knowledge of human rights, a mini discussion “Can children at school defend their rights themselves? How?”, oral journal.

The method of social education ensures that children “live” significant roles in various situations, makes it possible to understand the world around them and organically enter into it.

Literature for teachers

  1. Bochkarev V.I. To the school director about self-government. – M.: Vlados, 2001.
  2. IN AND. Bochkarev. To the school director about self-government. – M., “Vlados”, 2001 – 192 p.
  3. D.V. Rogatkin. Reconciliation service in the system school government/ Bulletin of Restorative Justice No. 4, 2002. – M., Center for Judicial and Legal Reform – p. 52-59.
  4. Kabush V.T. Student self-government: theory and practice: Toolkit. – Minsk, 1999.
  5. Human rights education in school. Collection of materials. – Junior Union “Road”, Petrozavodsk, 2003 – 68 p.
  6. Panchenko S.I. Enrichment of leadership experience \\ Public education. 1999. No. 5, p. 32-34.

7. Rozhkov M.I., Bayborodova L.V. Organization of the educational process at school: Tutorial. – M.: VLADOS, 2000.

Literature for children

  1. D.V. Rogatkin. School student government. – Junior Union “Road”, Petrozavodsk, 2003 – 92 p.
  2. M.I. Rozhkov. Development of self-government in children's groups. - M., “Vlados”, 2002 – 160 p.
  3. Matveeva R.G. Freedom of the child in the educational process. 1999. p. 37-42.
  4. School and elections: experience, problems and solutions. – Rostov-on-Don, 2000.

Shumskaya L.I., Zavadskaya Zh.E. Fundamentals of educational work with students: Textbook. – Minsk, 2000.

Additional general development program

in mathematics “Behind the pages of a mathematics textbook”

For middle school children

Implementation period - 1 year

Strelnikova Tatyana Nikolaevna

Second Terbuny


Additional general developmental program in mathematics “Beyond the pages of a mathematics textbook” social and pedagogical orientation
Explanatory note
The focus of the additional general developmental educational program.Club program"Behind the Pages of a Mathematics Textbook" has social and pedagogical orientation.

Course “Beyond the Pages of a Mathematics Textbook” directed to develop schoolchildren’s interest in mathematics, introduce them to new ideas and methods for solving problems, and develop students’ abilities to rationally use the skills acquired in class; expand and deepen knowledge on this topic, necessary for application in practical activities, study of related disciplines. This course develops clarity and accuracy of thought, critical thinking, intuition, logical thinking, elements of algorithmic culture, spatial concepts, and the ability to overcome difficulties; forms an understanding of the ideas and methods of mathematics as a universal language of science and technology, a means of modeling phenomena and processes; fosters an attitude towards mathematics as part of universal human culture.

Additional educational program “Behind the pages of a mathematics textbook” social and pedagogical orientation is designed to help teenagers acquire the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for successful organizational activities. Mastering the content of the circle program contributes to the intellectual, creative, and emotional development of students. When implementing the content of the program, the age and individual capabilities of adolescents are taken into account, conditions are created for the success of each child.

Applied focus is ensured by systematic reference to examples that reveal the possibilities of applying mathematics to the study of reality and solving applied problems. Since in mathematics lessons not enough time is allocated to solving word problems, percentage problems, etc., more attention is paid to these issues in the circle.
Novelty of this course lies in the fact that the material of the mathematics course for grades 5–9 is repeated in blocks. When mastering a mathematics course, some schoolchildren are limited to the level of compulsory preparation, others move further and reach higher levels. This program “Behind the Pages of a Mathematics Textbook” will allow you to organize the work of the circle taking into account a differentiated approach. At the same time, each student independently decides what level of preparation to limit himself to. The circle continues to develop the basic techniques and skills of the algebra course:

Computational and formal operational skills for use in solving problems in various areas;

Mastering the apparatus of equations and inequalities as the main means of mathematical modeling of applied problems.

Relevance of the program. For life in modern society It is important to develop a mathematical thinking style. The leading role belongs to mathematics in the formation of algorithmic thinking, developing the ability to act according to a given algorithm and construct new ones. In the course of solving problems, the creative and applied sides of thinking develop. Mathematical education contributes to the aesthetic education of a person, understanding the beauty of mathematical reasoning, and develops imagination. Acquaintance with the history of the emergence and development of mathematical science replenishes the stock of historical and scientific knowledge of schoolchildren.

The course provides for introducing students not only to standard methods for solving problems, but also to standard errors that are common in exams, to teach them to avoid these errors, to present and formulate a solution logically correctly, clearly, completely and consistently, with the necessary explanations.

The organization of the circle’s work helps to deepen students’ knowledge, develop their talents, logical thinking, and broaden their horizons. In addition, extracurricular work in mathematics is of great educational importance, because its purpose is not only to highlight some narrow issue, but also to interest students in the subject and involve them in serious independent work.
Organizational and pedagogical conditions programs are that training in this program contributes to the intellectual and spiritual education of the child’s personality, socio-cultural and professional self-determination, development of cognitive activity and creative self-realization of students.

In the process of studying this course, it is assumed that various forms and methods of organizing students’ independent activities will be used. The club is designed for all 9th ​​grade students. The program involves familiarization with theory and practice for 70 hours. For each topic, brief methodological recommendations, basic theoretical material, supporting tasks, and tasks of increased complexity for work in the classroom and at home are given in sufficient quantities.

The course provides ample opportunities for repetition and generalization of the mathematics course. Education is carried out in the form of theoretical and practical classes for students.
Purpose of the program– formation and support of sustainable interest in the subject, intensive formation of activity abilities, development of logical thinking and mathematical speech; identification and support of gifted children inclined to study mathematical disciplines, involvement of students in scientific activity mathematics


  • teach students to perform identical transformations of expressions;

  • teach students basic techniques for solving equations, inequalities and their systems;

  • teach how to build graphs and read them;

  • teach various techniques for solving word problems;

  • help to master a number of technical and intellectual skills at the level of their free use;

  • prepare students for the State Examination in Mathematics in 9th grade;

  • prepare students for studying mathematics in high school or for entering secondary educational establishments, as well as to in-depth study of mathematics in a specialized school.

  • increase interest in mathematics;

  • develop thinking through the acquisition of such techniques of mental activity as the ability to analyze, compare, synthesize, generalize, highlight the main thing, prove, refute;

  • to form students’ worldview, logical and heuristic components of thinking, algorithmic thinking through working on problem solving;

  • develop spatial imagination through solving geometric problems;

  • to develop the ability to build mathematical models of real phenomena, analyze constructed models, investigate phenomena using given models, apply mathematical methods to analyze processes and predict their course through work on projects.

  • cultivate activity, independence, responsibility, hard work;

  • to cultivate aesthetic, graphic culture, and speech culture through preparing and conducting a week of mathematics, preparing and presenting reports, and solving problems;

  • to form a system of moral interpersonal relations, a culture of communication, the ability to work in groups through work on projects and work in circle classes.

  • strive to create mutual understanding and effective interaction among all participants in the educational process, promoting open and free exchange of information, knowledge, as well as emotions and feelings through the organization of quality communicative space club in class.

Regulatory documents:

An additional general developmental program of social and pedagogical orientation “Behind the Pages of a Mathematics Textbook” was developed on the basis of:

  • Federal Law No. 273 of December 29, 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation.”

  • Federal target program for the development of education for 2011 – 2015.

  • National strategy of action in the interests of children of the Russian Federation for 2012 - 2017, aimed at developing a system of additional education, infrastructure for the creative development and upbringing of children.

  • State program of the Russian Federation “Development of education for 2013 – 2020.”

  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 29, 2013 No. 1008 “On approval of the procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in additional general education programs”

  • Russian concept national system identification and development of young talents, approved by the President of the Russian Federation on April 3, 2012.

  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 2012 No. 599 “On measures to implement state policy in the field of education and science.”

  • Letters from the Department of Youth Policy, Education and Social Support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 11, 2006 No. 06-1844 “Approximate requirements for additional education programs for children.”

  • Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2010 No. 189 “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions” (SanPiN

  • Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 11, 2006 no. 06-1844 “On Model Requirements for Additional Education Programs for Children”

  • Charter of the OS.

When developing the program, the following teaching aids were used:

Vavilov V.V. and others. “Problems in mathematics. Equations and inequalities", M, Nauka, 1988

Algebra: collection. assignments to prepare for the final certification in grade 9./L. V. Kuznetsova, S. B. Suvorova, E. A. Bunimovich and others - 2nd ed. - M.: Education, 2007. - 191 p.: ill. - (Final certification).

Galitsky M. L. et al. Collection of problems in algebra for grades 8-9: Textbook. manual for students in schools and classes with advanced study of mathematics/M. L. Galitsky, A. M. Goldman, L. I. Zvavich.-2nd ed. –M.: Education, 1994.-271 p.: ill.

GIA: 3000 problems with answers in mathematics. All tasks of the part / A.L. Semenov, I.V. Yashchenko, L. O. Roslova, L. V. Kuznetsova, S. B. Suvorova, I. R. Vysotsky; edited by A.L. Semenova, I.V. Yashchenko, - M.: Publishing house "Examination", publishing house MTsNMO, 2013. - 399, p. (Series “GIA Task Bank”)

Dorofeev G.V. and others. “Preparation for the written exam for a basic school course” collection
Distinctive features of the program.

The peculiarity of the program is its “immersion” into the world of mathematics: classes consist of lectures, seminars, solving puzzles, math games. The program also includes organizing and participating in various mathematical battles, quizzes, and holidays.

The gradualism and variety of ways to acquire knowledge and skills allows students to maintain interest in classes for a long time.

This program is designed for the simultaneous work of several groups of different levels of training in parallel, since the methodology for conducting collective creative activity involves the interaction of several groups.
Children's age, those participating in the program are 14-15 years old. The optimal number of children in the association for successful development of the program is 15-20 people.
Implementation deadlines programs: one year of study, volume– 70 hours.
Forms and mode of classes: The program provides for the work of children's groups of 15–20 people.

Forms of organization of classes: mass (carrying out collective creative association activities, holidays, mathematical quizzes), group (theoretical and practical classes), small-group (working with mathematical programs on a computer), individual (participation in olympiads, consultations, conversations).

To conduct training sessions, various groups of teaching methods and techniques are used: consultation, conversation, explanation, demonstration of techniques, practical work, etc.

To enhance the cognitive activity of students and develop their interest in creativity, various types, forms and methods of conducting classes are used:

  • communication of new knowledge (classes - conversations, classes with elements of student speeches, etc.),

  • combined classes (communication of new knowledge and workshop),

  • practical lessons,

  • generalizing (quizzes, themed crosswords, travel activities),

  • games, holidays, contests, competitions, excursions, hikes and others.
To accomplish the tasks set in the program, in addition to traditional ones, active forms of organizing classes are used:

  • mutual education,

  • laboratory and practical work,

  • self-presentation,

  • creative laboratories...
Lesson mode: 2 times a week for 1 hour.

Forms, methods and teaching aids used in implementation


Verbal (explanations, conversations, lectures)

Visual (posters, slides, photographs, videos)

Practical (implementation of creative projects).

Along with regular classes, the program uses innovative forms of training:



Means of education: printed (books, brochures, handouts);

electronic and audiovisual (presentations, slides, videos, etc.); visual (posters, stands); photo and video equipment.

Types of classes:


Initial familiarization with the material;

Assimilation of new knowledge;

Application of acquired knowledge and skills;

Consolidation, repetition;


Educational technologies: developmental training, personality-oriented approach, differentiation of training.
Calendar training schedule for mastering an additional general developmental program is an integral part of the program and determines the alternation educational activities(classroom and extracurricular) and planned breaks during education for recreation and other social purposes (vacations) by calendar periods of the academic year: start and end dates of the academic year; duration of the academic year, quarters; dates and duration of vacations; timing of intermediate certification. When drawing up the academic calendar schedule, the quarterly approach to scheduling the educational process of the academic year organization system was taken into account. The school calendar is an integral part of the additional educational program and is reflected in the appendix to it. Every year, the academic calendar is published on the school’s official website.

Availability of effectiveness of educational activities.

The additional general developmental program “Behind the Pages of a Mathematics Textbook” involves teaching children certain knowledge, abilities, skills and the development of diverse personal qualities students, therefore the teacher summarizes the results according to two groups of indicators - educational and personal.

The structure and content of the program provide conditions for its flexible use, the implementation of practical training, and the implementation of the principles of person-centered learning.
Main activities of students:
- solving entertaining problems;
- design of mathematical newspapers;
- familiarity with popular scientific literature related to mathematics;
-project activities
-independent work;
-work in pairs, in groups;
-creative works.

The subject of assessment is:

  • a set of basic knowledge, abilities, skills in the type of activity being studied, as well as general educational skills that a child must acquire as a result of mastering the material in a specific additional general developmental program;

  • the most important personal qualities that need to be developed in a child during the period of his education in this program, and the time of communication with the teacher and peers
A report on the work done allows you to teach your child consistency in work and develop children’s conscious interest in creative activities;

Ways to measure program effectiveness:

Personal results studying the course is the formation of the following skills:

- Define And express under the guidance of a teacher, the simplest rules of behavior in cooperation common to all people (ethical standards).

In situations of communication and cooperation proposed by the teacher, based on simple rules of behavior common to everyone, make a choice, with the support of other group members and the teacher, what to do.

To assess the formation and development of pupils’ personal characteristics (values, interests, inclinations, level of aspirations, the child’s position in the association, the pupil’s business qualities) it is used

  • simple observation,

  • conducting mathematical games,

  • questionnaires,

  • survey

  • psychological and diagnostic techniques.
Classes are designed for group and individual work. They are structured in such a way that one type of activity is replaced by another. This allows you to make your work dynamic, rich and less tiring,

at the same time, take into account the abilities of each student individually, including him, as far as possible, in group work, to model and reproduce situations that are difficult for the student, but possible in everyday life; their analysis and playback can become the basis for positive changes in the development of the child’s personality.

The most important result of this program is developing the intellectual capabilities of schoolchildren and instilling a strong interest in the subject of mathematics.
To determine the quality of education and children's development, we use various activities to record intermediate and final results:

  • intermediate rating system(open or closed, depending on the level of the group);

  • success of performance at Olympiads (diplomas, certificates and certificates of merit)

  • final tests for each year of study (annual Olympiad);

  • awarding “Diplomas” in various mathematical quizzes, battles, festivals, etc.

Planned results.

As a result of studying the club program, the student should:


  • the essence of the concept of algorithm; examples of algorithms;

  • how mathematical formulas, equations and inequalities are used; examples of their application to solve mathematical and practical problems;

  • how mathematically defined functions can describe real dependencies; give examples of such a description;

  • how the needs of practice led mathematical science to the need to expand the concept of number;

  • the meaning of idealization, which allows solving problems of reality using mathematical methods, examples of errors that arise during idealization;
be able to

  • compose letter expressions and formulas according to the conditions of the tasks; carry out numerical substitutions in expressions and formulas and perform corresponding calculations, substitute one expression into another; express one variable from formulas in terms of the others;

  • perform basic actions with algebraic fractions; factor polynomials; perform identical transformations of rational expressions;

  • apply the properties of arithmetic square roots to calculate values ​​and transform numerical expressions containing square roots;

  • solve linear, quadratic equations and rational equations that reduce to them, systems of two linear equations and simple nonlinear systems;

  • solve linear and quadratic inequalities with one variable and their systems;

  • solve word problems using the algebraic method, interpret the result obtained, select solutions based on the formulation of the problem;

  • determine the coordinates of a point on the plane, construct points with given coordinates; depict many solutions linear inequality;

  • find the values ​​of a function given by a formula, table, or graph using its argument; find the value of the argument by the value of the function specified by the graph or table;

  • determine the properties of a function from its graph; apply graphical representations when solving equations, systems, inequalities;

  • describe the properties of the studied functions, build their graphs;
use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life For:

  • performing calculations using formulas, drawing up formulas expressing dependencies between real quantities; finding the required formula in reference materials;

  • modeling practical situations and studying constructed models using algebra;

  • descriptions of dependencies between physical quantities and corresponding formulas in the study of simple practical situations;

  • interpretation of graphs of real relationships between quantities.

Methods for determining the effectiveness of program implementation, main forms of certification: work with cards, solving crossword puzzles, knowledge auction, quiz, tests and tests, etc.

The results of the intermediate assessment are summarized in the form of a grade of “passed” / “failed”, “mastered” / “not mastered”.

If the material is not sufficiently mastered, additional and individual lessons are planned.

Pedagogical control of students’ knowledge, skills and abilities is carried out in several stages and provides for several forms:

  • Test control, which is a check of reproductive
level of mastering theoretical knowledge using task cards,

solving crossword puzzles, knowledge auction, creative test work, quiz.

  • Frontal and individual conversation.

  • Performing differentiated practical tasks of various levels of complexity.

  • Solving situational problems aimed at testing the ability to use acquired knowledge in practice.

  • Game forms.

  • Participation in competitions and quizzes, which allows students to adequately assess the level of their skills and the results of their work.

Forms for summing up the program implementation: Verification work, testing.
Timing of the program:

The program is developed for 1 academic year
Educational and thematic planning

The content of the work

Number of hours


Introductory lesson



Numbers. Fractions.



Expressions. Equations.






Equations and inequalities



Problem solving



Expressions containing a radical. Double radical






Preparation for the OGE


Publication date: 12/16/15

  • Organizational and pedagogical conditions and forms of certification
    • Methodological support of the program:

1.Main characteristics of the program:

1.1.Additional general development program “TEST OF THE PEN” (hereinafter referred to as the Program) implemented in accordance with social and pedagogical orientation education:

classes are aimed at high moral education, the formation of beliefs and aesthetic ideas of students, to expand their artistic and general cultural horizons, as well as the development of their general and special abilities and cognitive independence.

1.2.Relevance of the program.

In modern conditions of functioning of the Russian language, the problem of correct proficiency in oral and written speech becomes particularly relevant. This program involves studying the art of words, expanding the boundaries of personal self-actualization.

1.3. Distinctive features of the program.

The program is designed for classes with a group of schoolchildren of different ages who show interest in research and creative work. Based on the basic course of the subject Literature, supplemented by an in-depth study of the works of fellow countrymen writers and the theory of versification. The program provides for an individual approach to each child, the essence of which is to go not from the subject to the student, but from the student to academic subject. Develop the creative capabilities that the child has. Train him taking into account potential capabilities that need to be improved and enriched. During the classes, it is possible to vary the material: delve into certain issues of the course, shorten some topics (and replace them), use the freed up time for various kinds of practical literary work.

1.4. Pedagogical feasibility of the program.

Modern civilization is at the stage of widespread use of scientific achievements in various fields life. The need for people with research skills is and will continue to increase. Student research work occupies an increasingly important place in the educational process and outside of class time. No less important is creative work, which provides the opportunity to “open children’s eyes to the world” and develop their soul, feeling, and mind. The "Test of the Pen" program allows you to combine these areas.

1.5.Purpose of the program:

Speech development, the formation of communicative competence, the development of children’s creative potential through the acquisition of certain knowledge, skills and abilities in the theory of the basics of versification and the practice of composing works of different genres.


  • Teach children to read expressively, talk about what worries them, and express thoughts simply, interestingly, logically, demonstrably and figuratively.
  • To cultivate a love of reading, to instill the habit of reading, to introduce children and adolescents to the riches of the domestic and world fiction and form aesthetic tastes and needs on this basis.
  • Develop children's interest in literary creativity, improve skills in performing various creative works, develop in children a “sense of genre”, the ability to compose poetry, fairy tales, write essays, stories, news Scientific research in literature and Russian language. Develop skills in performing creative work to participate in essay competitions.

1.7. Age of students to whom the program is addressed.

Student age: 6-18 years. Classes are conducted taking into account age characteristics in two groups: younger age - 10 children, older age - 10 children.

1.8.Forms of classes:

conversations, discussions, debates on texts, games, correspondence excursions, virtual excursions, readers' conferences, literary lounges, poetry circle meetings, creative labs, competitions, quizzes, KTD, etc.

Various methods and techniques are used:

  • verbal (explanation, lecture);
  • visual (working with texts, handouts, reproductions, phonograms);
  • partially search (study of theoretical concepts of literature, biographical information, historical information);
  • practical (literary analysis of proposed texts (at a given age level), creation of creative works, dramatization, etc.);
  • game;
  • research;
  • problem;
  • design method.

Classes involve a combination of various types of activities of the student and teacher:

1. Work in a group (study of theory, literary analysis of a poetic text, expressive reading, discussion of what was read).

2.Independent work (creation of creative works, independent reading and analysis of proposed texts).

Classroom and extracurricular (including independent) classes.

2.Scope of the program.

2.1. Scope of the program – 144 hours.

2.2.Program implementation period – 1 year (36 weeks of 4 hours of classes).

2.3. Lesson mode: 2 times a week for 2 academic hours.

3. Planned results.

3.1.Planned results:

The classes are aimed at developing the following skills in students:

  • knowledge of the differences between poetic and prose speech;
  • the ability to independently analyze works and their fragments;
  • the ability to competently construct monologue statements of various forms;
  • ability to create creative and research work.

Basic theoretical and literary concepts.

The theoretical basis of the course is the following set of concepts:

  • Literature is a collection of published and unpublished works of writing.
  • Classification of literature by areas of content, by the way they reflect reality.
  • Literary types and genres.
  • Form and content literary work(theme, idea, problematic, plot, composition; stages of action development: exposition, plot, climax, denouement).
  • Fine and expressive means in work of art: epithet, metaphor, comparison, hyperbole, litotes, allegory, etc.
  • Artistic image.
  • Prose and poetry, their differences. Basics of versification: poetic meter, rhythm, rhyme, stanza.
  • Literary editing - putting in order, organizing.
  • Editorial analysis - assessment and improvement of the literary standard of the work, assessment of the use of linguistic and stylistic means.
  • Literary editing is the process of correcting originals in order to eliminate shortcomings in language, style, and composition.

3.2.Methods and forms of checking results.

The form of final certification is supposed to be the release by students of a handwritten almanac “Test of the Pen”; an option for tracking success and intermediate certification can be considered the participation of children in various competitions, presentations of their own creativity, and speeches to students.


Name of sections and topics

Total hours

Theoretical classes

Practical lessons

form of control

Introduction. The place and significance of poetry in Russian literature and culture. Versification and poetry.

Main sections of poetry. Strophic.

Analysis of works

Versification systems.

Analysis of works

Rules of versification. Feet.

Analysis of works

Phonics (euphony).

Analysis of works

The concept of rhyme. Methods of rhyming.

Creative work

Analysis of works

The rhythm of the verse.

Creative work

Facilities artistic expression. Paths and stylistic figures.

Creative work

Tournament of poets.

Creative work

Creative work

EXPERIMENTS IN POETRY: burime, charade, alphabetic verse...

Creative work

Briefly thinking is an art!

Creative work

For what need quotes? Literary preparations for an essay.

Creative work


Creative work

Creative work

Readers' conference.


Bibliographic work.

Analysis of works

Creative work

Let's go on a trip! Let's remember forgotten notebooks!

Creative work

Portrait. External and internal portrait.

Creative work

We are writing a story.

Creative work

Creative work

Literary living room. Summing up the work.

Creative report


Theory: The place and significance of poetry in Russian literature and culture. Versification and poetry.

Concept. Poem:

1. A unit of rhythmically organized artistic speech, a line of a poem.

2. A work of art written in such lines (poem, poem...).

3. A work of ancient oral folk poetry on a biblical, religious theme (spiritual poems).

Practical work: Reading poetry from Russian classics.

Form of control: Survey.

Main sections of poetry. Strophic.

Theory: Main sections of poetry.

Stanza is a section of poetry that studies the forms of combining poems into a compositionally complete whole; the doctrine of an ordered combination of poetic lines that are naturally repeated in a text. The concept of stanza. Types of stanzas. Onegin stanza.

Practical work: Determination of the variety of stanzas.

Form of control: Analysis of works.

Versification systems.

Theory: The concept of the system of versification.

Versification systems:

1.Metric (quantitative).

2.Syllabic – “syllabic”.

3. Tonic – “tonos” - “emphasis”.


Practical work: Training exercises to determine the system of versification.

Form of control: Analysis of works.

Rules of versification. Feet.

Theory: Rules of versification. Dividing a word into syllables, alternating stressed and unstressed syllables.

Practical work: Learning to count syllables in a line.

Form of control: Analysis of works.

Theory: About the foot. Combination of feet: equal-footed, uneven-footed.

Practical work: Analysis of poems by A.S. Pushkin and other poets: equal-footed, uneven-footed feet.

Form of control: Analysis of works.

Phonics (euphony).

Theory: Phonics (euphony) is an area of ​​versification that studies the sound organization of poetic speech.

The poetry of A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, K.D. Balmont, A.A. Fet, F.I. Tyutchev, N.A. Nekrasov is a worthy role model: the power of words and the richness of feelings.

Practical work: Reading poems from classics.

Form of control: Analysis of works.


Theory: The concept of rhyme. RHYMING METHODS. The rhyme is male and female. The rhyme is complete, incomplete. Accurate, approximate. Adjacent or paired, parallel, cross, encircling, mixed (free). Practical work: Analysis of classical poems by definition of rhyme.

Form of control: Analysis of works.

We write poetry!

Theory: Talent - observation and... verbal technique.

Architectonics of verse. How to choose a rhyme for a poem? How to keep and subdue the wayward “friend” of poetry?

Practical work: Creative work.

Form of control: Analysis of practical work.

Poetic dimensions.

Theory: Poetic meters: dactyl, iambic, trochee, anapest, pyrrhic, amphibrach, etc.

Does a poem have a meter? Eat! Two-syllable sizes - “fractional” iambic and smooth trochee.

Trisyllabic sizes. Dactyl, amphibrachium, anapest. What is a trisyllabic foot? Difficult, but interesting. Nekrasov and Fet - we learn to comprehend the secrets of poetry through the example of the greats. This elusive dactylic rhyme!

Spondee and pyrrhic. What to do if the syllables are “mixed” in a foot? Let's put things in order!

Practical work: Development of skills and abilities to determine poetic meter. We learn to draw diagrams and read them.

Form of control: Analysis of works.

The rhythm of the verse.

Theory: The rhythm of the verse. We learn from musicians. We beat the rhythm. Hearing helps us!

Practical work: Let's write poetry! What do I see outside the window? What I feel? Smooth lines. Poetic "joints". Steps or smooth path?

Form of control: Analysis of practical work.

Means of artistic expression. Paths and stylistic figures.

Theory: Means of artistic expression. Paths and stylistic figures. Tropes: epithet, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, litotes, synecdoche, oxymoron. Poetic figures. Inversion, comparative phrase, rhetorical question, exclamation.

Practical work: Analysis of the poem to determine the means of artistic expression.

Form of control: Analysis of works.

Theory: An epithet is a noble ally of poetry. Groups of epithets. What is a color, auditory, olfactory and tactile epithet. Psychological epithet. We carefully read Yesenin’s “Birch”.

Metaphor is the queen of poetry. Learning from the greats. Let's take a closer look at Lermontov's "Sail". We saturate the “framework” of the verse with “metaphorical flesh.”

All nature is alive! A type of metaphor is personification. We are looking for this technique from Tyutchev, Fet, Yesenin, Akhmatova, Tsvetaeva.

Practical work: For students Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum a literature teacher once suggested writing short poem on the theme...roses. Pushkin coped with the task best of all. Let's try to write a poem about a rose. The meter of the verse is iambic or trochee. More colors, tones, halftones! And most importantly - feelings.

Form of control: Analysis of practical work.

Poetry writing technique.

Theory: Poetry writing technique. How to find your topic? How to choose a title for a poem?

Practical work: Tournament of poets. Contest.

Form of control: Analysis of practical work.

Genres of lyrical works.

Theory: Genres of lyrical works: poem, ballad, ode, fable, message, epigram, epitaph, elegy, stanzas, song, sonnet, rubai. Practical work: Determination of genres of lyrical works by different authors. Creative work: compose a poem, ballad, fable, elegy, ode, nocturne, stanzas, song, epitaph, epigram, rubai, sonnet (at the students' choice).

Form of control: Analysis of creative work.


Theory: EXPERIMENTS IN POETRY: burime, charade, alphabetic verse...

Practical work: compose an alphabetical verse, burime, charade (students' choice).

Form of control: Analysis of practical work.

Thinking briefly is an art!

Theory: Thinking briefly is an art! Brevity is the soul of wit.

Practical work: We are writing a summary. We are writing abstracts. Why do you need notepads and notebooks? Let's learn from Pushkin. Letters from the poet to P. Vyazemsky and I. Pushchin. We write a letter to a friend - the most basic and interesting thing!

Form of control: Analysis of practical work.


Theory: Why are citations needed? Follow the thoughts of smart people. Idioms. I confirm my own thought!

Practical work: Literary preparations for an essay.

Form of control: Analysis of practical work.

Research work.

Theory: Research work. Determination of the poet's style, genre originality, originality of language (at the students' choice).

Practical work: Research work.

Form of control: Analysis of practical work.


Theory: Report. Is the genre serious, difficult or... interesting? We learn to find a striking example for a report. Numbers? Definitely! Drawings, diagrams, illustrations are not at all superfluous.

Practical work: We are writing reports on “The Work of Andrei Tarkhanov”, “The Works of Margarita Anisimkova for Children”, “The Mysteries of Yuri Vella”.

Form of control: Analysis of practical work.


Theory: Editing what you have written is a fun activity. How T.N. Tolstoy edited his works.

Practical work: We are making a memo.

Form of control: Analysis of practical work.

Readers' conference.

Practical work: Presentation of your works. Readers' conference.

Form of control: Analysis of practical work.

Bibliographic work.

Theory: Bibliographic work.

Practical work: We go to the library and work with catalogs. We compose an annotation for Pushkin's fairy tales. We are compiling a bibliographic list “My bookshelf”. We are writing a review of D.S. Likhachev’s book “Letters about the Good and the Beautiful.” Impression - feelings - thought. Review of your favorite book. Let’s not neglect “smart” terms! Learning from the greats. As V.G. Belinsky wrote his articles.

Form of control: Analysis of practical work.

Landscape essay. “There is in the primordial autumn...”

Theory: Spring and autumn are a time of interregnum. Shadows, halftones, highlights, transitions, watercolors. We observe nature, learn from nature.

Practical work: We are writing a landscape essay. “There is in the primordial autumn...”

Form of control: Analysis of practical work.

Let's go on a trip!

Theory: Let's go on a trip! Travel notes, a sentimental trip or an excursion to Mara to see Baratynsky? Where to begin? Sounds - colors - aromas of the road. What to travel with? Who should you invite as a travel companion? Practical work: Let's remember forgotten notebooks!

Form of control: Analysis of practical work.


Theory: Portrait. External and internal portrait - what is more important? Let's learn from the classics. Psychological portraits of Lermontov and Tolstoy. Laconic portraits in prose by Pushkin and Chekhov. Ah, detail... “Talking” surnames N.V. Gogol. We learn from painters: Kiprensky, Kramskoy, Repin. Everything is relative! Comparative characteristics of heroes.

Learning from the greats. Lyubochka and Katenka from L.N. Tolstoy’s story “Childhood”. Is it difficult to compare people? What about the objects? Game "What does it look like?"

Practical work: Creative work.

Form of control: Analysis of practical work.

Are there many funny things in life?

Theory: Humor - good laughter! We learn to see the funny in life. The “healing” property of humor. Comical situation? Funny misunderstanding? Learning from the greats. M. Zoshchenko. N. Nosov. Folk proverbs and sayings are a storehouse of humor. Feuilleton. What to make fun of? For what? Live speech is a help to the feuilletonist. Learning from cartoonists. Herluf Bidstrupp.

Practical work: We compose a story with an unusual composition. We write a story with a “frame”. We write a humorous story. Let's write about quitters, braggarts, shirkers, talkers.

Form of control: job analysis.

Theory: Title font, design, color and background.

Practical work: We are “composing” a cover for... an unpublished book.

Form of control: job analysis.

Literary living room. Project. Presentation of your own creativity. Creative report “Test of the pen” - summing up the results of the work.


In accordance with the Regulations on the schedule of classes and the teaching load of students at the Spectrum center, the association organizes work with children throughout the entire calendar year, including vacation time.

The beginning of the academic year is 09/01/2015, the end is 05/31/2016. The duration of the academic year is 36 weeks.

II half of the year – 19 school weeks


for the 2015 – 2016 academic year

Area of ​​activity

1st half of the year


Formation of study groups, interview, introductory lesson, TB

Educational process

Educational process

Educational process

Educational process

Summing up the results for the first half of the year, reporting events, exhibitions, concerts

Number of academic weeks per half-year - 17

2nd half

Christmas Holidays

Educational process

Educational process

Educational process

Educational process

Educational process. Preparations for the festival of children's creativity. Holidays.

Number of academic weeks for the second half of the year - 19

From 06/01/2016 to 08/31/2016 - organizing the work of creative associations and a yard club.

Non-working holidays in accordance with Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation:

Class schedule of the creative association "Test of the Pen"

MBU DO "District Center for Children and Youth Creativity "SPECTRUM"

village Novoagansk

for the 2015-2016 academic year

  • Handouts by topic.
  • Fiction (assorted).
  • Reference literature (in assortment).
  • Methodological literature on the topic.
  • Methodological materials for advanced training courses.
    • Conditions for the implementation of the program.
  • Separate study room.
  • Personal computer (teacher's workstation) consisting of: monitor, system unit, keyboard, mouse.
  • Media projector.
  • Camera.
    • Bibliography.
  • How to raise a talented reader: Sat. articles: in 2 parts. Part 1. Reading as creativity. Part 2. Growing a reader-creator / author-comp. I.I. Tikhomirov; preface, commentary, appendix. I.I. Tikhomirova. - M.: Russian School Library Association, 2009
  • Zinina E.A. Fundamentals of Poetics. Theory and practice of literary text analysis. Tutorial. M.: Bustard, 2006
  • A brief dictionary of literary terms. Moscow “Enlightenment” 1985
  • Literary reference materials. Moscow. "Enlightenment" 1989
  • V.P. Medvedev “Studying lyrics at school” Moscow “Enlightenment” 1985.
  • I. Revyakin “History of Russian literature of the 19th century.” Moscow "Enlightenment" 1981
  • Russian folk poetry (Epic poetry) Moscow “Enlightenment” 1985
  • Russian folk poetry (Ritual poetry) Moscow “Enlightenment” 1985.
  • Internet resources.

Structural unit "Prometheus" of the state budgetary educational institution Samara region secondary school No. 2 named after. V. Maskina railway Art. Klyavlino municipal district Klyavlinsky Samara region

Additional general educational developmental program of social and pedagogical orientation

"Never Bored"

Age of students: 7 - 14 years

Irina Leonidovna

additional education teacher

Art. Klyavlino

    Explanatory note - - 3

    Educational and thematic plan - 9

III. Methodological support of the program - 14

IV. Used literature - 16

V. Appendix - 18

    Explanatory note

State requirements for education aim at finding new ways to update the content and forms of children's general education programs as a means of developing cognitive motivation, the child’s abilities, introducing him to universal human values ​​in the process of joint activities with peers and adults, building the basis of personal culture, and the formation of civic qualities.

Raising children occurs at any moment of their activity. However, it is most productive to carry out this education in your free time from studying. Organized leisure activities are not recreation in free time from studies and sports, but a directed process of raising and educating a child in forms that are attractive to him, which is outside the framework of the general educational process.
The main goal of designing a leisure program is to solve a set of problems related to the formation of a culture of free time: involving the child in the vibrant world of creativity, competitions, entertainment and holidays, mastering traditional and innovative experience in organizing leisure time through knowledge, education, and communication. This also presupposes that the individual is focused on various socially significant norms and values. Leisure programs, to a greater extent than educational programs, demonstrate the intellectual and emotional capabilities of children. If the leading type of activity in the educational program is cognitive activity, then in the leisure program the leading type is creative activity. Thus, the potential of leisure has broad cognitive, educational, creative opportunities, the development of which enriches the content and structure of free time, develops general culture pupils.

Relevance of the program: In the context of an aggravation of the spiritual and moral crisis of the younger generation, the destruction of social ties, and a decrease in educational potential, there has come a need to rethink the attitude towards children's leisure and to search for pedagogically appropriate and attractive forms of leisure for the child. One of these forms of the educational leisure program “Neskuchaliya” is an interesting and exciting game. The game is recognized and accompanies a person throughout his life and performs a whole range of various functions. Games have a memory of the past, this explains the viability of the game. From early childhood, play is an important activity for a child; he has a strong need to play. But today we find ourselves in a situation where this bright, cheerful, creative world needs protection. According to many experts, games (primarily educational, communicative, social, competitive) are gradually disappearing from life and are being replaced by computer games. Meanwhile, the “territories freed from play” are filled with meaningless leisure, idleness, meaningless and even dangerous entertainment. Teacher-researchers note that “a child should have a rich fund of happy memories, his own spiritual history,” and specially designed exciting short-term leisure programs will help him with this, where the pupil can simultaneously feel himself and fairy-tale hero, and a strongman, and a genius.

Pedagogical feasibility: The leisure program “Neskuchaliya” was developed taking into account the psychological and age characteristics of the pupils. The main emphasis is on the formation, development and preservation of each child’s communication skills, the ability to play team games, the ability to adapt to given conditions, develop communication abilities, etc. This approach will make it possible to identify leaders from the mass of children, who then become an active group capable of organizing events on their own. Participation in leisure activities allows students to unite, create healthy competition between them, the desire to win, and develop their ability to personal growth, as well as identify potential (physical, intellectual, etc.). Participation in leisure activities fills the student’s life with full, varied content, helps to make the most painless transition from childhood to adult life, socially adapt.

Novelty and distinctive features of this program from existing programs: Additional general educational leisure program“Neskuchaliya” includes events, short-term play programs that are designed for different age categories of children - from 7 to 14 years old, and also includes such forms of organizing cultural and leisure activities that are aimed at simultaneously solving a whole range of problems related to the involvement of the child, teenager into the bright world of games, competitions, mastering traditional and innovative experiences in organizing leisure time through game interaction. All game programs and activities are both a way of relaxation and a pedagogical phenomenon. In them, the educational process is hidden, veiled, the child feels free, is easily and naturally involved in game events, which makes game programs (events) the most significant form of educational work.

Purpose of the program: Creation of an educational environment that ensures the activation of social, intellectual, creative interests of students in free time, the development of a healthy, creatively growing personality, with formed civic responsibility and legal self-awareness, prepared for life in new conditions, capable of socially significant practical activities, the implementation of volunteer initiatives.



1.Form a culture of leisure activities.

2. To develop students’ interest in socially useful leisure activities.

3. Develop interest in diverse creative activities.


1.Develop initiative, creative individuality, emotional perception, imagination, fantasy.

2. Develop skills in organizing practical activities and collaborating with students of different ages, teachers, and parents.


1.Form positive attitude to basic social values ​​(person, family, Fatherland, nature, peace, knowledge, work, culture).

2.Promote knowledge of the basics and desire for a healthy lifestyle.

Expected Result:

    Participation of students in socially significant events within the institution, district, region, country.

    Expanding one's horizons, children's understanding (within their age) of leisure as a value, its significance for the development and self-realization of the individual.

    Children’s awareness of their capabilities and needs, ways and means of their implementation.

    Changing children's attitudes towards ways and forms of spending their leisure time.

    Acquisition by children of practical skills in organizing leisure activities.

    Improving the culture of children's relationships and their behavior in interaction with peers and adults.

    Changing the atmosphere in the children's association, the institution as a whole, based on the mass participation of children in joint leisure activities.

Ways to check expected results:

    Analysis of the preparation and conduct of the event.

    Monitoring students' satisfaction with participation in the event.

    Diagnosis of the emotional background at the beginning and end of the event (conversation, feedback, observation, questioning).

    Quantitative indicators (number of events held, coverage of event participants, coverage of spectators).

    Social indicators (student interest).

Forms of leisure activities:

    Competitive and entertainment program;

    Competitive and gaming program;

    Thematic conversation;

  1. Excursion;

    Round table;

    Festive event.

Methods used in this program:

    Method of educational situations (propaganda healthy image life, formation of interpersonal relationships);

    Competitive method (used in competitive events of various types);

    Method of forming cognitive interest (development of horizons, thematic quizzes, conversations, etc.);

    Interactive methods (testing, role-playing game, presentation).

The “Neskuchaliya” program consists of several sections:

- “Health is in our hands!” (sports and fitness)

- “I am a citizen of Russia” (civil-patriotic);

- “In the world of beauty” (artistic and aesthetic);

-“Wise Owl” (intellectual);

- “The world of good deeds” (moral);

Green Planet"(ecological);

- “Childhood holiday” (leisure).

The program is designed for 1 academic year and covers children from 7 to 14 years old, taking into account the needs of this particular age category of children. The number of students in the group is 15 people.

Lesson mode:

2 times a week for 2 hours, total 144 hours.

Summing up forms.

Monitoring the results of the program implementation is carried out by:

1.Complete creative tasks;

2. Conducting tests, sociological surveys of children and parents;

3.Participation of pupils in socially significant events.

A number of criteria on the basis of which the educational leisure program “Neskuchaliya” was developed:

Relevance - the significance of the program for modern children, its compliance with the needs and interests of today's children; solution-oriented modern problems childhood;

Humanitarianism - the focus of the program on the disclosure, implementation of humanistic ideas and its implementation with a focus on respect for the personality of the participants;

Completeness of the program - the presence of all the necessary structural elements of the program, a sufficient degree of elaboration, richness and expression of each component of the program, including the elaboration of the variable improvisational component, which creates conditions for the development of program events depending on the choice of the participants in the game;

Integrity – the unity and interconnection of all structural elements of the program and their orderliness, proportionality, interconnectedness;

Novelty – the presence of creative (innovative) approaches, non-standard ideas and directorial decisions, updated techniques;

Aesthetics – harmony of the used artistic means, the presence of influence of the artistic, musical, figurative solution of the program, the emotional background of the program;

Game efficiency - the quality of game communication and activities, the creation of an emotional and playful atmosphere, the involvement of children in the game;

Pedagogical effectiveness – the level of achievement of set pedagogical goals; the presence of a long-term result based on the aftereffect mechanism.

If we accept that the main goal of a game-based leisure program is to solve the set pedagogical problems, then the criterion “pedagogical effectiveness” can be considered the most significant. High level program according to other criteria allows one to obtain high pedagogical effectiveness of the program.

2. Educational and thematic plan

Title of section, topic

Number of hours

Forms of certification, control




Introductory lesson “Invitation to the country of Neskuchalia”


“Health is in our hands!” Sports and fitness section


Sports relay races, games “A healthy mind in a healthy body!”

Events on the theme of healthy lifestyle “We want to live!”

Conversations, quizzes “Formula of Health”


“I am a citizen of Russia!” Civil-patriotic section:


Conversations, quizzes, KTD “The Motherland is always one!”

Game programs “Let there be peace!”


“In the world of beauty” Artistic and aesthetic section:

Creative task

“In the land of masters” - arts and crafts classes

Conversations, game programs “Beauty will save the world”


Watching and discussing films and cartoons

"Wise Owl". Smart section:


"What? Where? When?"

Quizzes, games.


"In the world of good deeds." Moral section:


Conversations, KTD “Life is more fun if you do good!”

Game programs “Hour of Kindness”.

"Green Planet". Ecological section:


Conversations, travel games, CTD “Take care of the planet”

Watching and discussing films and cartoons.


"Childhood Celebration" Leisure section:

Creative task

Competitive programs, games, entertainment “You’ll laugh.”

Watching and discussing films and cartoons.


Final lesson. Event "Good mood"

Creative task

1. Introductory lesson (2 hours) “Invitation to the country of Neskuchalia.” Plan for the academic year. Timetable of classes. Goals and objectives for the year. TB instruction. A conversation about the need to spend leisure time entertainingly and usefully.

2. “Health is in our hands!” Sports and fitness section -18h. Theory – 6 hours. Event “We want to live!” Conversation about healthy lifestyle “Live in style - don’t take stupid risks.” Quiz “Formula of Health”.

Practical classes – 12 hours. Sports relay races, competitions. Game “A healthy mind in a healthy body!” Excursion to the forest.

3. “I am a citizen of Russia!” Civil-patriotic section – 18h.Theory – 6 hours. Conversation “Sprouts of Friendship.” Quiz "Our native language" KTD “The Motherland is always one!” Discussion documentary film"Children fought for their homeland"

Practical classes – 12 hours. Game program"Let there be peace!" Watching the documentary “Children Fought for the Motherland” and the cartoons “Historical Rivets. Russia. Flag, anthem, coat of arms”, “Peoples of Russia”, “About Russia”, etc. Excursion to local history museum.

4. “In the world of beauty.” Artistic and aesthetic section – 18 hours.

Theory – 6 hours. Conversations “Beauty will save the world”, “Masters of arts and crafts”. Discussion of the cartoon “Art for the benefit of art”, “Journey for the sake of creativity”, etc.

game programs

Practical classes – 12 hours.“In the land of craftsmen” - arts and crafts classes: Making panels from cereals, grains, natural materials “Magic pattern”. Making baskets from wicker. Watching cartoons “Art for the benefit of art”, “Travel for the sake of creativity”, etc.

Excursion to the local history museum.

5. “Wise Owl.” Intellectual section – 18 hours.

Theory – 8 hours. Quiz “Smart Men and Women”, “Nature Experts”. Conversations “The World of Professions”, “No one was born wise, but learned.”

Practical classes – 10 hours. Game “What? Where? When?" Game "The Smartest". A duel between teachers and children “I + You”. Solving crossword puzzles. Travel game “Time Machine”

6. “In the world of good deeds.” Moral section – 6 p.m.

Theory – 4 hours. Conversation “Life is more fun if you do good!” Discussion of the film "Peter Pan"

Practical classes – 14 hours. Watching the movie "Peter Pan". Game program “Hour of Kindness”. KTD “Life is given for good deeds”, “To the good there is good everywhere.”

7. "Green Planet". Ecological section - 18 hours.

Theory – 6 hours. Conversations “Dump called Earth”, “Clean House”. Discussion of the cartoons “Bambi”, “Boy and the Earth”, “Wall-E”, etc.

Practical classes – 12 hours. KTD "Take care of the planet." Travel game “Earth is our common home.” Sports and educational relay race “Zoological races”. Watching cartoons “Bambi”, “Boy and Earth”, “Wall-E”, etc. Excursion to the spring.

8. “Childhood holiday.” Leisure section - 32 hours.

Theory – 2 hours. Conversation “Fairy tales and games of the peoples of the world.”

Practical classes – 30 hours. Competition programs “Winter Fun”, “Our Favorite Animals”, “Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales”, “What Are Our Boys Made of?”, “Long Live the Eccentrics”, “Show of Romantics”. Entertainment “You'll Laugh”, “Feast of the Sweet Tooth”, “Birthday Day”. Viewing and discussion of the films “Shaggy Christmas Trees”, “The Road Home”; cartoons “Where is the Dragon?”, “Robinson Crusoe”, “The Feathered Gang”, “ glacial period"etc. Excursion around Klyavlino.

9. Final lesson – 2 hours.

Practical lessons – 2 hours. Event "Good mood".

3. Methodological support of the program.

When implementing the Neskuchaliya program, both traditional teaching methods and innovative technologies: reproductive method (the teacher explains the material himself); explanatory and illustrative method (illustrations, demonstrations, including film screenings); problematic (the teacher helps in solving the problem); search (pupils solve the problem themselves, and the teacher draws a conclusion); heuristic (teacher presentation + creative search for students), developmental teaching methods, mutual learning method, time limit method, game content method, improvisation method.

The use of various forms of training increases the productivity of classes and increases the interest of students in the educational process.

Conditions and funds necessary for the implementation of the program:

1. Availability of premises that comply with SAN PIN standards for conducting classes and events (gym hall, assembly hall, offices, sports ground, etc.)

2. Availability of a costume department (costumes, attributes)

3. Availability technical means(ICT, multimedia installation, video-audio equipment, musical instruments, etc.)

4. Availability of an educational and methodological kit for additional education teachers and students.

Working with parents.

In order to develop educational activities to support the family and develop a high-value attitude towards the family in students, the “Neskuchaliya” program provides for the development and holding of holidays, competitions and other events with the involvement of parents as spectators or active participants.

Educational work.

In the general educational process, educational work plays an important role, the purpose of which is to identify and develop the abilities of each student, the formation of a spiritually rich, creatively thinking personality, focused on high moral values, capable of participating in the development of society.

Particular attention is paid to the development of the child’s cognitive activity through systematic conversations about art, ecology, morality, culture and humanity.

Joint visits to exhibitions and participation in a variety of events help broaden children’s horizons, discover unknown abilities and talents, as well as unite and make children’s hearts closer.


For teachers:

1. The concept of development of additional education for children. (Approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 4, 2014 No. 1726-r)

2.Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 6, 2009 No. 373 “On the approval and implementation of the federal state educational standard primary general education»

3. Methodological recommendations for involving institutions of additional education for children in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard (model of interaction between general educational institutions and educational institutions of additional education for children) M., 2011

4.Builova L.N., Klenova N.V. How to organize additional education at school? M.: ARKTI, 2005

5. Bauborodova L.V., Paladyev S.L., Stepanov E.N. Studying the effectiveness of the school educational system. Pskov, 1994

6. Vinogradova N. F. To the teacher about working with the family. - M.: 1989.

7. Golovanov V.P. Methods and technology of work of a teacher of additional education. M: VLADOS, 2004

8. Davydova M., Agapova collection. "Holiday at school." Third edition

Moscow "Iris Press", 2004 - 333 p.

9. Derekleeva N.I. Classroom teacher. Main activities. – M.: Verbum –M, 2001.

10. Derekleeva N.I., Savchenko M.Yu., Artyukhova I.S. Directory class teacher. M: VAKO, 2005

11. Dick N.F. Class hours in grades 3-4. 3rd ed., supplementary and processing – Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2004.

12.Eroshenkov I.N. Cultural and educational activities with children and adolescents: Textbook. – M., 2001.

For pupils:

1. Cool show programs / series “Hello School”

2. Kugach A.N., Turygina S.V. – Today is a holiday for everyone.” GDTU, 2004

3. Kulinich G.G. Scenarios for club events and school-wide celebrations. M: VAKO, 2005.

4. Literary and musical lounge “Oh, this ball was never more beautiful than the ball” from the collection “School evenings and events” (collection of scripts) - Volgograd. Teacher, 2004

5. Nadezhdina Vera – 130 home games for children and parents – Minsk: Harvest, 2007

6. Family holidays: A recipe for success. - Yaroslavl, Development Academy 2006 (scenarios and methods for holding mass events) - Yaroslavl: Development Academy, 2004

7. Shishov A.E. Scenarios for New Year's holidays. M: School press, 2002

8. Scenarios of events from magazines and newspapers “Pedagogical Council”, “School Games and Competitions”, “Last Call”, etc.

Dubrovina Elena
Additional general educational developmental program of social and pedagogical orientation

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 34"

Pedagogical Council

"Kindergarten No. 34"

Protocol No.___ dated___ ___ 2017


Acting manager

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 34"

I. V. Chirkova

«___» ___ 2017


general education general development

program of social and pedagogical orientation

"Let's speak correctly"

Age of students: 3-5 years

Implementation period: 2 years

Dubrovina Elena


teacher speech therapist

ZATO Seversk, 2017

1. Explanatory note

1.1. Regulatory and documentary basis Programs

1.2. Relevance, novelty and pedagogical expediency Programs

1.3. Goals, objectives, principles Programs

1.4 Logistics Programs

1.5 Form of work

1.6 Realization of goals

1.7 First year of study

1.8. Planned development results Programs for children

2. Syllabus 1st year of study

2.2 Second year of study

2.3 Planned development results Programs for children

3. Curriculum 2nd year of study

4. References

Annex 1

Appendix 2

I. Explanatory note

Modified program of additional speech therapy services for social and pedagogical orientation"Let's speak correctly" is a system of comprehensive classes based on programs: « Program general Program speech therapy work to overcome phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment in children" T. B. Filicheva, G. V. Chirkina, " Program education and training of children with phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment" T. B. Filicheva, G. V. Chirkina, " Program correctional and developmental work for children with special needs” N.V. Nishcheva.

This the program represents general education- a developmental system that ensures full mastery of the phonetic structure of the Russian language, intensive development of phonemic perception, lexical and grammatical categories of the language, development of coherent speech, which determines the formation of communicative abilities, speech and general mental development of a preschool child with speech pathology, as the basis for successful education in a public school, as well as his socialization.

Relevance programs:

Program provides a system of exciting games and exercises with sounds, letters, words that will help children form mental operations, teach them to understand and complete an educational task, and master speech skills communication and also contributes to the development fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

Readiness for schooling largely depends on the timely overcoming of speech disorders. Children with speech disorders are considered as a group of educational risk, because their physiological and mental characteristics make it difficult to successfully master them educational material At school. Children with speech disorders need a special organization of speech therapy assistance, the content, forms and methods of which must be adequate to the capabilities and individual characteristics of the children.

Relevance of this programs due to her practical significance and the demand for this service among parents. Studying this programs will help children with disabilities speech development master the basic general education program; will allow children to be helped in a timely manner, that is, even before entering school, in overcoming all the difficulties that cause school maladaptation.


Proposed content program, thematic orientation is social and pedagogical; by functional purpose - educational and cognitive, by form of organization - individual-subgroup.

Distinctive features of this programs from existing and used in preschool institutions consist of next:

1. Program includes working with children younger age and due to the fact that in junior group children with special needs are often admitted, often practically non-verbal; the planning highlights the following directions, How "Development of impressive speech" And "Development of expressive speech".

2. Communication with parents is carried out not through open events, but through a system methodological recommendations received by parents individually. Individual consultations are also often practiced, in the presence and with the participation of the child, at which elements of a speech therapy session are demonstrated (articulation, breathing exercises, etc., which require proper reinforcement at home).

3. All classes are conducted in a playful way.

The goal is to identify violations as fully as possible in oral speech pupils, in accordance with the level and degree of speech violations: to form a full-fledged phonetic system of the language, develop phonemic perception, develop coherent speech and promote the accumulation vocabulary.


1. Form auditory attention and perception;

2. To form children’s perception of speech in the process of pronouncing syllables, words and short sentences; introduce concepts "sound", "word", "syllable", "offer";

4. Enrich and activate vocabulary;

5. Form moral and ethical standards of behavior.


2. Develop articulatory and finger motor skills;

3. Develop auditory and visual attention;

4. Develop phonemic awareness.

5. Develop coherent speech


1. Develop the ability to listen carefully to the teacher’s speech;

2. Develop the ability to listen to each other;

3. Develop self-control over speech.

4. Foster feelings of empathy and mutual respect.

5. To instill in children accuracy and the ability to use handouts;


Speech therapy work is built taking into account the following didactic principles:

The principle of complexity, the impact is carried out on the entire complex of speech and non-speech disorders;

The principle of maximum reliance on multimodal afferentations (various analyzers, since the formation of higher mental functions is a complex process of organizing functional systems: visual, kinesthetic, motor;

The principle of relying on intact links of the impaired function, since relying on unaffected links of activity is carried out on new compensatory principles;

The principle of the gradual formation of mental actions (according to P. Ya. Galperin, in which work on each type of task is carried out in a certain sequence;

The principle of taking into account the zone of proximal development (according to L. S. Vygotsky, in which task completion is possible with dosed assistance from a speech therapist;

The principle of complicating the material, with the gradual inclusion of difficulties in speech therapy work;

The principle of taking into account the volume and degree of variety of material. During implementation programs It is necessary to move on to new material after the formation of a particular skill.

The principle of taking into account age-psychological and individual characteristics harmonizes the requirements of the child’s mental and personal development with the age norm. Taking into account the level of speech development of each child.

The principle of taking into account the emotional complexity of the material. So that the games, exercises, and presented material create a favorable emotional tone.

The principle of dynamism – balanced coverage of all aspects of a child’s speech (pronunciation, vocabulary, grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech, etc.).

The principle of cooperation is the creation of an atmosphere of goodwill, emotional emancipation in a group of children, a conscious attitude of teachers and parents to the full speech development of children, interaction kindergarten and families.

Logistics support programs:

Didactic material for the development of memory, attention and thinking activities: (2 large pyramids consisting of rings of primary colors. (4 and 7 colors; large and medium mosaics; large bright plastic cubes of four primary colors, etc.

Card indexes: finger gymnastics; Logorhythmic games and exercises, breathing exercises.

Didactic material for the development of fine motor skills: lacing, puzzles; pyramids, nesting dolls; mosaic; games - etc.

Didactic material on the formation of sound culture:

Picture material for automation of delivered sounds;

Pictures for holding « General complex of articulatory gymnastics"; etc.

Didactic material on development breathing: breathing simulators, toys, aids for breathing development (whistles, whistles, pipes, etc.).

Didactic material on the development of phonemic awareness (sounding toys (rattles, squeakers, whistles, pipes, bells, sounding balls, tops, etc.).

Form of work (organizations)

Are used custom uniform work and work with small subgroups.

A mandatory element of each lesson is articulation gymnastics, finger gymnastics and breathing exercises.

Participants programs - children 3 - 5 years old.

Implementation period programs - 2 years

Class schedule: once a week in the afternoon (3-4 years – 15 minutes, 4 - 5 years – 20 minutes).

– 1st year of study – once a week for 15 minutes (1 academic hour);

– 2nd year of study – once a week for 20 minutes (1 academic hour).

Number of classes per year 36 hours (two years -72 hours)

The work uses methods:

Practical (exercises and didactic games);

Visual (cards, drawings, toys, various attributes);

Verbal (conversation, story, explanation, explanation, questions).

The implementation of goals is carried out in a variety of processes activities: cognitive, playful, creative, communicative.

Enrollment in classes occurs after preliminary diagnosis and determination of the level of severity of speech impairment. The order of learning sounds, the sequence of lexical topics, and the number of lessons can change at the discretion of the speech therapist, depending on the severity of the speech disorder of each of the pupils.

Speech therapy work consists of a series of special organized classes, compiled taking into account the level of development of children, their age and individual characteristics.

Implementation deadlines: Implementation period programs - 2 years

(1st year of study)

Program The material was developed for working with children with delayed speech development aged 3-4 years. The set of classes was created based on the method of speech development for children of early and young age by S. A. Mironova, methodological developments N.V. Nishchevoy.


1. Development of impressive speech, formation of prerequisites for speech thinking:

Development of auditory attention to non-speech and speech stimuli, development in children of the ability to correlate sounds with certain objects of living nature or objects surrounding reality;

directed ;

Teaching children to follow verbal instructions with visual support (pointing gesture, demonstration of actions, etc.) and without visual support.

2. Development of active speech and formation of speech communicative skills skills:


Stimulating a child’s initiative speech in a specially organized situation communication.

3. Prevention of disorders of phonemic hearing, syllable structure of words and sound pronunciations:

Stimulating effect on the formation of motor functions of the articulatory apparatus;

Development of respiratory physiological exhalation, correct speech breathing;

Activation of onomatopoeia in children and reproduction of 2-3 complex words and short phrases according to the model.

Planned results after the first year training:

Increased speech activity, understanding of addressed speech;

Strengthening voluntary attention, auditory attention (the child must distinguish the sound of musical toys, instruments, determine the location of a sounding object in space, find a hidden sounding instrument by the sound produced)

Development of visual attention and memory (the child’s ability to find a toy, picture and point to them, correlate with words-names, retain familiar object objects in memory images: toys, environmental objects, pictures)

The emergence of verbal sensory concepts standards: shape, color, size.

Expanding the scope communication through facial expressions, gestures and sign-symbolic functions.

Improving phonemic awareness;

Improvement in pronunciation;

Significant increase in passive vocabulary stock: understanding words from lexical groups "Transport", "Cloth", "Winter Fun", "Insects";

Understanding and use of question words increases (who, what, where, whose) and individual pronouns ( quantitative: one, many spatial: there, here, here; possessive: mine, me, yours).

The ability to group nouns by general conceptual feature, comparison operations and generalizations.

As the vocabulary expands, it becomes possible to model two-word sentences.

Mastering simple grammar designs: the ability to distinguish the use of grammatical form singular and plural nouns,

Improvement of articulatory capabilities.

(2nd year of study)

The set of classes was created based on “ program speech therapy work to overcome general underdevelopment of speech in children" T. B. Filicheva, T. V. Tumanova, " program correctional and developmental work for children with special needs" N. V. Nishchevoy

Program material designed to work with children:

with speech development disorders at the age of 4-5 years;

Speech therapy work with children at this stage includes the following directions:

1. Development of impressive and expressive speeches:

Development of understanding of situational and everyday speech;

Development of involuntary imitation - sound and verbal;

Development of visual attention and skills directed observing named objects and performing imitation actions, memory training (visual, auditory, tactile);

Development of auditory attention to non-speech and speech sounds, formation in children of the ability to correlate sounds with certain objects of living nature or objects of the surrounding reality;

Activation of speech vocalizations accompanied by gestures and facial expressions communication;

Step-by-step teaching of children how to build simple sentence(word-sentence, sentence of amorphous words, root words, two-part sentence);

Stimulating a child’s initiative speech in a specially organized situation communication.

Teaching children to carry out speech instructions with and without visual support

Familiarizing children with the names of objects in the surrounding reality, the names of basic actions and words indicating a change in an object in space;

2. Development of hearing perception:

Expanding the scope of auditory perception;

Formation of the foundations of auditory differentiation, the regulatory function of speech, ideas about the different intensities of non-speech and speech sounds;

Developing the ability to differentiate non-speech and speech sounds.

3. Development of hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills and articulation motor skills:

Development of mobility of speech muscles, arbitrariness and differentiation of facial movements,

Learning to perceive the articulatory patterns of sounds through the development of visual-kinesthetic sensations.

Activation of passive and active movements of the fingers, finger gymnastics.

Increased breathing volume;

Activation targeted oral exhalation;

Familiarization with some characteristics of voice power;

5. Development of feeling rhythm:

Correlation of rhythm with a schematic image.

6. Development of visuospatial analysis and synthesis:

Formation of search activity, expansion of the field of view (finding toys in the space of the room; moving toys in a given space);

Developing stability, switching of attention, increasing the volume of visual attention and memory (memorizing images of objects, recording changes in the arrangement of objects; distinguishing from many objects);

Learning to analyze a visual image (identifying missing parts of objects from pictures; recognizing parts of the body and face in an object picture, correlating them with parts of one’s own body).

Planned results after the second year training:

Increased speech activity;

Development of visual attention and memory;

Strengthening voluntary attention, auditory attention;

Improving phonemic awareness;

Improvement in pronunciation;

Expansion of active vocabulary on lexical topics of the section;

The ability to compare and generalize objects based on similar characteristics;

Grammar skills are mastered designs: ability to use pronouns and prepositions in speech;

Development of coherent speech, the ability to compose stories with and without visual support.