Abstracts Statements Story

Who is studying in college student or student. What does it mean to be a college student? List of persons related to students

1. Depending on the level of the educational program being mastered, the form of study, and the mode of stay in the educational organization, students include:

1) pupils - persons mastering the educational program preschool education, persons mastering the basic general education program while simultaneously residing or staying in an educational organization;

2) students - persons mastering educational programs primary general, basic general or secondary general education, additional general education programs;

3) students (cadets) - persons mastering educational programs of secondary vocational education, bachelor's degree programs, specialist programs or master's programs;

4) graduate students - persons studying in graduate school under the program for training scientific and pedagogical personnel;

5) adjuncts - persons undergoing military or other equivalent service, service in internal affairs bodies in an adjunct program under the training program for scientific and pedagogical personnel;

6) residents - persons studying in residency programs;

7) assistant trainees - persons studying under assistant internship programs;

8) listeners - persons mastering additional professional programs, persons mastering the programs vocational training, as well as persons enrolled in training at preparatory departments of educational organizations higher education, unless otherwise provided herein Federal law;

9) external students - persons enrolled in an organization that carries out educational activities for educational programs with state accreditation, for passing intermediate and state final certification.

2. Special names of students mastering additional general education programs in general education organizations aimed at preparing minor citizens for military or other public service, are provided for by the charters of these educational organizations.

3. Students (cadets) are provided with a free grade book, and students are also provided with a student ID. Samples of the grade book and student ID for students (cadets) mastering educational programs of secondary vocational education are approved by the federal executive body that carries out the functions of developing and implementing public policy and legal regulation in the field of general education. Samples of grade books and student ID cards for students (cadets) studying bachelor's degree programs, specialty programs, and master's programs are approved by the federal executive body responsible for the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the field of higher education.

4. Other categories of students are issued documents confirming their training in an organization carrying out educational activities in cases provided for by law. Russian Federation or local regulations.

Despite all the efforts of the Ministry of Education, many still believe that studying in college is not prestigious. In fact, secondary specialized education is simply different, no worse and no better than higher education. Colleges are aimed at practical training of future specialists. Universities (for the most part) are focused on the formation of a theoretical basis among students, as well as on the formation of scientific and teaching personnel. What are the benefits that a student receives by going to college? Let's look at it in this text.

It's easier to do (but this is not certain)

While all schoolchildren are intimidated from childhood with horror stories about the Unified State Exam, college applicants are “sleeping peacefully.” After all, state exam results are not needed to enter professional educational institutions. When entering, grades from the school certificate are taken into account. In a way, it's even more honest. After all, how a student studied over several years is a much more obvious indicator of academic performance than a one-time exam result.

Less training period

By entering college, a student has the opportunity to acquire a profession in a short time. How long the training will last depends on the chosen specialty, as well as on how many classes of school the newly graduated student has completed. As a rule, it takes from 2 to 4 years to obtain a specialty.
For example, in medical college No. 1 in Moscow, the period of study in the field of “Nursing” for graduates of the 9th grade is 3 years 10 months, and for graduates of the 11th grade – 2 years 10 months.

On this day, during breaks in college, a cheerful, but at the same time businesslike atmosphere reigns. At different “points” students talk about the dangers of smoking, organize a mini-championship in table tennis and chess, and do creative work. As the students themselves say, such events make life in college more diverse, get kids used to sports, and, of course, make them think again about the harmfulness of some habits.

In February, meetings are held between the Moscow State University rector's office and faculty deans with college graduates and their parents. In total, more than 600 people attended. Vice-Rector for Economic Affairs Sergey Anatolyevich Ageev traditionally gave extensive and detailed information about the procedure for entering the University after college; representatives of the faculties spoke about the educational process and prospects for studying in all specialties of interest to parents.

How to study in college, or All about secondary vocational education

How do they study in college? In fact, it’s the same as in university. But with the difference that a mandatory component is to gain work experience in the chosen specialty. Well, the admission procedure is not as serious as in higher educational institutions. You can enter college after 9th grade on the basis of the GIA, after 11th grade - on the Unified State Examination. Most often, simply providing a certificate is enough. And then the applicant will be enrolled in a particular specialty. It turns out that getting into college is easier.

A college in this area offers more opportunities. Why? Usually, special time is allocated here for work, or rather, for practice. In fact, the child will both study and gain work experience, which university graduates so lack. Practice is a mandatory component of schooling. You can't do without it.

Students in college

Depending on the form of study, a distinction is made between “full-time”, “correspondence” and “evening” students. Students full-time forms of education enjoy a large “package” of privileges: they receive state scholarship, have the right to use a student travel card, eat for free,, if necessary, live in the dormitories of the educational institution, participate in competitions and additional scholarship programs. The duration of training is 5 years ( specialist). Students correspondence forms are learned on the job. Just like the students evening departments, they are not entitled to scholarships or student travel cards. Part-time and evening students study for 6 years (specialist).

Russian student history is no less interesting. Thus, until 1918, university graduates who did not have practical work experience were also called students. And in Soviet times, only university students were called students. Students in secondary specialized educational institutions were called students, in military educational institutions - cadets and listeners.

2nd presenter: It’s time to give the floor to your curators ( class teachers). It is they who will be your nannies all these difficult, but interesting years study. It is they who will defend you before the dean’s office and the student scholarship committee. They will call your parents every day before the start of the session or at the end of the semester and remind them that their children are still students. They will not only share your sorrows and joys with you for several years, but will also become a reliable “buffer” between you and the administration of our technical school (college). So, welcome.

2nd presenter: Today, future lawyers are present in this room. If lawyers are in the room, we ask you to stand up and show yourself in all your glory. (If there are first-year lawyers in this USPO, then they rise from their seats, and everyone present greets them.)

Students in college

When choosing an educational institution, great attention should be paid to Student life inside a college or technical school. After all, student life is an important component in the development and realization of the full creative potential of a future specialist.

Each college or technical school, of course, has its own unique student development program. At the same time, the very name “student life” may imply many aspects of students’ activities in the educational process. These include:

A student killed a life safety teacher and himself at a college in Moscow

Investigators and forensic scientists are currently working at the crime scene. A set of investigative actions is being carried out aimed at establishing the circumstances of the incident and the persons involved in the commission of the crime. Investigators are interviewing the college management, the murdered teacher’s colleagues and the student’s classmates.

A teacher who came into the classroom after a break first discovered the body of 44-year-old life safety teacher Sergei Danilov. His throat was cut. A little later, at the end of the class, the body of 18-year-old 3rd year college student Andrei E. was found. The wounds on his body were identical.

Inner order rules

1.20 When conducting laboratory work, practical and seminar classes, physical education and foreign language classes, as well as when doing course work and educational practices, the study group can be divided into subgroups of at least 8 people.

1.22 Industrial (professional) practice in the specialty profile and qualification practice (pre-diploma) are carried out, as a rule, at enterprises, institutions and other organizations on the basis of agreements concluded between the college and these organizations.

A Moscow college student killed a teacher on the day of his expulsion

“Today there was supposed to be a teachers’ meeting. It was necessary to decide which of the students would be expelled. This Andrey was the first contender. Because I studied poorly,” fourth-year student Viktor Chukanov told the KP correspondent, “Andrei had a nervous breakdown amid his studies and impending expulsion. In the last photo - after the murder - he is smiling.”

Two corpses were immediately discovered in the classroom of the Western Complex of Continuing Education College on Gvardeiskaya Street - a 44-year-old life safety teacher and his 18-year-old student Andrei Emelyannikov. Both have marks on their necks from violent death and stab wounds.

Adaptation of first-year students in college

Adaptation of students in a group and in a new educational institution is the most important problem that must be overcome as quickly as possible and, preferably, with a positive outcome. College teachers and, first of all, the group supervisor play a big role in overcoming this problem. First-year students acquire a new role in their lives - a student; through trial and error, they try to master and justify the behavior expected of them, on the basis of which they build relationships with peers and teachers. Big role in social adaptation The formation of a group plays a role; the faster it is formed, the faster students will master their new role.

At the moment of adaptation, students undergo a radical change in their activities and environment, their internal attitudes undergo strong changes. There is a reorientation of values, the development of new social roles, students begin to perceive themselves and others differently. Successful adaptation of a freshman to college life is key further development each student as an individual and as a future specialist.

Initiation script for college students

Preparatory work. The student initiation celebration should be a solemn event. Therefore, some moments of the script may be of a ritual nature. Elements of the holiday ritual can become traditional - this will enhance their emotional effectiveness. Therefore, when modifying and changing this scenario, it is advisable to preserve the meaning of certain rituals.

You have decided to gain professional knowledge in your favorite business. I think that I will not be mistaken if I say that the vast majority of you are precisely this favorite thing, the desire to turn it into a favorite profession, and brought you to our school (lyceum). We, teachers and Masters, are happy about this and are ready to help you follow your chosen path. Some of you have already taken your first steps, some are just starting on this road.

1.1.1. Students of secondary educational institutions special education

What educational institutions provide secondary specialized education?
Secondary specialized education can be obtained at a technical school, college or college. Technical schools and colleges train students in regular-level secondary education programs, and colleges train students in regular and advanced-level secondary education programs.
Secondary education can be obtained in full-time, part-time (evening), part-time, or external studies. Students can combine different shapes training.

What is included in the secondary specialized education program?
The secondary education program consists of two parts - basic education and additional training, which lasts no more than a year. It includes practical training and in-depth training in some subjects. The maximum period for obtaining secondary education after completing nine grades is four years.
In secondary specialized educational institutions the following types are established: training sessions: lesson, lecture, seminar, practical and laboratory exercises, test, consultation, independent work, production (professional) practice, course work (course design) and graduation qualifying work(graduation project, thesis); Other types of training sessions may be conducted.
Production (professional) practice in the specialty profile (technological) and pre-diploma production (professional) practice of students of secondary specialized educational institutions is carried out, as a rule, at enterprises, institutions and other organizations on the basis of agreements concluded between the secondary specialized educational institution and these organizations.
On average special educational institution basic professional educational programs of primary vocational education and additional professional educational programs of secondary vocational and primary vocational education can be implemented.

What is the duration of study at a secondary specialized education institution?
In a secondary specialized educational institution, the terms of study for educational programs of secondary vocational education are established in accordance with the regulatory periods determined by the state educational standard secondary vocational education. The duration of study after the ninth grade must be at least three years.
Part-time students study one year more than full-time students.
The academic year begins on September 1 and ends on the date specified in the curriculum for the profession the student is studying and the form of his studies (full-time, evening, part-time or external studies). Start school year may be transferred by a secondary specialized educational institution for part-time (evening) education for no more than one month, for part-time education - for no more than three months.
This means that for evening courses, students must begin studying no earlier than August 1 and no later than October 1, and for correspondence courses - no earlier than June 1 and no later than December 1.
Training ends with final exams, after which a diploma of secondary education is issued. It indicates the specialty and rank. A record of in-depth training in certain subjects can also be made there.
The duration of classes is calculated in academic hours. Academic hour is 45 minutes.
The duration of the academic week should be no more than 36 academic hours. With a five-day school week daily students must have 3.5 pairs per day. At home, they should study no more than 18 academic hours per week, i.e. no more than 3.6 hours per day. Evening students must spend no more than 16 academic hours (eight classes) per week at the educational institution; for correspondence courses – at least 160 academic hours per academic year.
Part-time students attend the educational institution during the session or compulsory classes (which are held rarely and should take no more than eight academic hours per day). The session lasts four to six weeks in all courses except the last one, and three to six weeks in the last course. In addition, graduates take state exams (over four or eight weeks) and pre-graduate practice lasting four weeks. Correspondence students have the right to consultations with teachers for at least four academic hours per academic year.

Is the number of students in a group regulated when studying at a secondary specialized institution? What is their number?
In groups for full-time study in a secondary special educational institution there should be no more than 30 people, for evening and correspondence courses - 20 people. Moreover, the group can be divided into subgroups, which should have no more than eight people. Division into subgroups is carried out in laboratory and practical classes, in physical education classes and other subjects, the list of which is determined by the educational institution, as well as when students perform coursework and undergo industrial training in workshops. Classes can be conducted with groups or subgroups with fewer students, or even with individual students, if required by the characteristics of a special educational institution.

Who can enter a secondary specialized educational institution?
Citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons who have basic general, secondary (complete) general or primary vocational education can be admitted to a secondary vocational educational institution.
Persons residing in states within the territory former USSR, can be admitted to educational institutions of secondary vocational education on a competitive basis for places financed from the federal budget, budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local budgets.

What exams are taken upon admission to a secondary specialized educational institution?
General education subjects, from which an educational institution of secondary vocational education can determine its list of entrance tests, are the Russian language, literature, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, history of Russia, social studies, foreign language.
An educational institution of secondary vocational education may provide applicants with the right to take entrance tests in computer science of their choice as an alternative to one of the entrance tests.
Entrance tests in the subjects “social studies” and “computer science” are carried out only for admission on the basis of secondary (complete) general education.
It is not allowed to conduct entrance examinations in certain sections of the subject “social studies”.
Educational institutions of secondary vocational education may also conduct entrance examinations in the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation when admitting students to study in specialties, the mastery of which requires knowledge of languages ​​(pedagogical specialties, specialties in the field of culture, economics and management, etc.), and also if Teaching in an educational institution in the specialty for which admission is carried out is conducted in the appropriate language.
When applying for training in specialties that require testing of any special knowledge and skills (in the field of culture, art, physical education, architecture, in certain pedagogical and humanitarian-social specialties, specialties in the field of technology of consumer goods, etc. ), entrance examinations may be conducted in the specialty (in the field of music, visual arts, physical education, technology, etc.).
Entrance tests can be conducted in the form of an oral or written examination, interview, testing, listening, viewing, or in another form determined by the admission rules developed by the educational institution itself.
A secondary specialized educational institution may count the following results as entrance tests for participation in the competition (along with the results of entrance tests):
centralized testing of graduates of general educational institutions, conducted under the leadership of the Russian Ministry of Education;
olympiads (for the winners) and other similar events (for the winners), held with the permission of the federal educational authorities, which are in charge of educational institutions of secondary vocational education or higher education institutions;
regional Olympiads (for winners) conducted by educational authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
entrance examinations conducted in a given calendar year to another state or municipal educational institution of secondary vocational education or a state or municipal higher education institution.
Counting the results of final exams in paid courses at educational institutions of secondary vocational education is not allowed.

Does the training program include practical training in your specialty? If internship is provided, what kind of internship is it – in production, pre-graduation or other?
Students studying at a secondary specialized institution must undergo industrial (professional) practice during their studies, which includes three stages: practice to obtain primary professional skills (training practice), practice in the specialty profile (technological practice), pre-diploma practice (qualifying practice, or internship).
Industrial (professional) practice is aimed at consolidating and deepening the knowledge acquired by students in the process of theoretical training, acquiring the necessary skills, abilities and experience practical work in the specialty being studied.
Practice to obtain primary professional skills is carried out in educational, training and production workshops, educational farms, training and experimental sites and other auxiliary facilities of the educational institution. The purpose of educational practice is to develop primary professional skills and abilities, to prepare students for a conscious and in-depth study of general professional and special disciplines.
Internship in the specialty profile (technological) is aimed at consolidating, expanding, deepening and systematizing the knowledge acquired in the study of special disciplines, based on studying the activities of a specific organization, and acquiring initial practical experience.
Pre-diploma practice of students is the final stage of training and is carried out to master initial professional experience, test the professional readiness of a future specialist for independent work and collect materials for a diploma project (work).
Technological and pre-diploma practical training of students is carried out, as a rule, in organizations of various organizational and legal forms on the basis of direct contracts concluded between the organization and a secondary specialized educational institution.
Industrial (professional) practice is carried out in the form of:
industrial training lessons;
practical classes;
production activities for the production of visual aids by students in educational and production workshops, technical means training, educational furniture and other commercial products, the manufacturing technology of which meets the requirements of the practice program;
participation of students in experimental, design, and inventive work.
Industrial (professional) practice can take place either as a continuous cycle or by alternating with theoretical classes by days (weeks), provided that there is a connection between the content of practice and theoretical training.
Student internship is one of the types of pre-diploma practice. It is carried out in cases where the final state certification does not provide for the completion of a diploma project (work).

In what cases can a student be expelled from a secondary specialized educational institution?
According to the Regulations on the educational institution of secondary vocational education (secondary specialized educational institution), approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 3, 2001 No. 160, disciplinary sanctions may be applied to students up to and including expulsion from the secondary specialized educational institution for failure to complete the curriculum in the specialty within the established time frame. for an unexcused reason, failure to fulfill the duties provided for by the charter of a secondary educational institution, violation of internal regulations.
Expulsion of students at the initiative of the administration during their illness, vacation, academic leave or maternity leave is not allowed. The procedure for expelling students is determined by the charter of the secondary specialized educational institution.

Combining work and study at a secondary specialized educational institution, does a student have the right to additional study leave? If yes, what is its duration?
Students can combine study with work and enjoy the benefits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on labor and education.
For example, students who study part-time and evening courses have the right to additional leave while maintaining average earnings for:
passing intermediate exams in the first and second years - 30 calendar days, in the next - 40 calendar days;
preparing and defending a diploma and passing final state exams – two months;
passing the final state exams – one month.
The employer is obliged to provide leave without pay to employees entering a secondary specialized educational institution, lasting ten calendar days, as well as full-time students of accredited educational institutions who combine study with work:
a) for passing intermediate exams - ten calendar days in the academic year;
b) for preparing and defending a diploma and passing final state exams - two months, for passing final exams (at the end of each academic year) - one month.
For part-time students from accredited special educational institutions, the employer must pay for travel to and from the place of study once per academic year in the amount of 50% of the cost of travel.
Evening and correspondence departments of accredited educational institutions, the employer, upon their application, ten academic months before preparing a diploma or passing state exams, establishes a working week reduced by seven hours. The employee and the employer can agree that working hours will be reduced by providing one free day per week or reducing the working hours during the week. Guarantees and compensation for employees who combine work with study at a secondary specialized educational institution that does not have state accreditation are established in the employment contract that the employee signs when hired.
Additional leaves without pay are provided:
persons admitted to entrance examinations to a higher educational institution, in the amount of 15 calendar days;
for students of preparatory courses at universities to take final exams – 15 calendar days;
for full-time students who combine study with work, 15 calendar days per academic year to take tests and exams; for preparing and defending a thesis and passing final state exams – four months; one month if only final state exams are taken.

Is it possible to complete my studies at the school in a shortened time frame, and not within the time stipulated by the program?
Studying under abbreviated or accelerated educational programs of secondary vocational education is permitted for persons who have primary vocational education in the relevant profile, secondary vocational or higher vocational education, or another sufficient level of previous training and abilities.
The reduction in the period of mastering the educational program of secondary vocational education is carried out on the basis of the knowledge and skills acquired by the student in the process of previous training in the vocational education system.
A shortened educational program of secondary vocational education can be implemented as an accelerated one (shortened accelerated educational program of secondary vocational education).
Training in a shortened or accelerated educational program of secondary vocational education is carried out on a voluntary basis at the request of a person wishing to study in the specified educational program.
The desire to study in a shortened or accelerated educational program of secondary vocational education can be expressed when submitting documents for admission to an educational institution (in an application for admission) or after enrollment by submitting an application addressed to the head of the educational institution.
The decision on the possibility of training a student in a shortened educational program of secondary vocational education is made by the educational institution on the basis of transfer academic disciplines and (or) their sections studied in the process of previous training, and stages of industrial (professional) practice completed in the process of previous training.
Re-testing is carried out by certifying the student in the form of an interview, testing or in another form determined by the educational institution.
It is allowed to make a positive decision on the possibility of a student studying under a shortened educational program of secondary vocational education in case of incomplete re-crediting of the required educational material. In this case, a schedule for eliminating academic debt that arose during the transition to training in a shortened educational program of secondary vocational education must be determined.
The decision on the possibility of a student studying in an accelerated educational program of secondary vocational education is made by the educational institution based on the results of the intermediate certification based on the student’s application and is documented in an administrative document of the educational institution.
If a student studying in a shortened or accelerated educational program of secondary vocational education cannot continue studying in this educational program (due to insufficient previous training or abilities or for other reasons), then he is transferred to study in an educational program with a full period of study ( if the educational institution has such an option for implementing the educational program).
Obtaining secondary vocational education under a shortened educational program based on primary vocational education is carried out if the student has completed primary vocational education of a particular profile and secondary (complete) general education. The recommended reduction in period is no more than one year.
specialized training received in parallel with training in educational institution , is carried out in accordance with the professional orientation of profile training and the specialty of secondary vocational education. The recommended reduction in the period of mastering the educational program of secondary vocational education based on specialized training is no more than one year.
Obtaining secondary vocational education under a shortened educational program if the student has secondary vocational or higher vocational education(including incomplete secondary vocational or higher vocational education) is carried out both in compliance and in case of non-compliance with the profiles of the previous and received education. The reduction in the period of mastering the educational program of secondary vocational education depends on the degree of relatedness of the previous and received education and the completeness of the previous education and is established by the educational institution independently.

1.1.2. Students of secondary schools

What is the structure of educational institutions providing complete general education?
Complete general education is provided by the following educational institutions: schools, gymnasiums, lyceums.
Complete general secondary education includes three levels of general education - primary general education (4 grades), basic general education (5-9 grades), secondary (complete) general education (10-11 grades).

What rights do schoolchildren (students) and their parents have?
Schoolchildren of state and municipal educational institutions have the right to:
receiving free general education (primary, basic, secondary (complete);
individual training curriculum(indicated in the charter of the main educational institution), accelerated course of study;
free use of libraries, online classes, etc.;
receiving additional, including paid, educational services;
participation in the management of the main educational institution in the form determined by its charter (school council, school parliament, etc.).
Parents (guardians, trustees) of schoolchildren have the right to choose a school and form of education, protect the rights and interests of children, and participate in the management of the school in the form determined by its charter.

In what cases does a student remain for the second year, and in what cases is he expelled from the educational institution?
Pupils in grades 1-9 who have unsatisfactory grades in two or more subjects, at the discretion of their parents (guardians, trustees), can be retained for the second year, or transferred to compensatory education classes, or continue their education in the form of family education (at school they take exams only).
A student who has turned 14 years old can be expelled from an educational institution by decision of the teachers' council for committing illegal actions (administrative offenses - only those listed in the Code of Administrative Offenses, or crimes), as well as for gross and repeated violations of the school charter. Within a month after expulsion, the education department of the local administration, together with the parents (guardians, trustees) of the expelled person, take measures for his employment or continuation of studies in another educational institution.
The decision to exclude orphans and children left without parental care is made with the consent of the commission on juvenile affairs.
Schoolchildren who were expelled from school in grades 5-11 are issued certificates of the established form.
Schoolchildren who do not have bad grades at the end of the school year are promoted to the next grade. Those who have a bad grade in one subject at the end of the academic year are conditionally transferred. In this case, the student must correct the unsatisfactory grade in the next school year.

Who is responsible for the illegal actions of a student during his stay at school?
If a schoolchild under 14 years of age commits an illegal act, for example breaking glass or beating another student, his parents are responsible for him. Parents are also responsible for a minor aged 14 to 18 years, if the child does not earn money or has any other income.
If a child has committed an unlawful act while in a school, hospital or other institution in which he is supervised (during lessons, during treatment), then this institution or a specific person is responsible for the harm caused by the child, unless he proves that that it fulfilled its duties and was not to blame for the harm caused.
The fault of educational and medical institutions refers to the failure to look after children during harm.
What is external training?
Receiving general education in the form of external studies involves self-study externally in general education programs of primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education with subsequent intermediate and state (final) certification in a general educational institution that has state accreditation.

1. Depending on the level of the educational program being mastered, the form of study, and the mode of stay in the educational organization, students include:

1) pupils - persons mastering the educational program of preschool education, persons mastering the basic general education program while simultaneously residing or staying in an educational organization;

2) students - persons studying educational programs of primary general, basic general or secondary general education, additional general education programs;

4) graduate students - persons studying in graduate school under the program for training scientific and pedagogical personnel;

5) adjuncts - persons undergoing military or other equivalent service, service in internal affairs bodies in an adjunct program under the training program for scientific and pedagogical personnel;

(see text in the previous edition)

6) residents - persons studying in residency programs;

7) assistant trainees - persons studying under assistant internship programs;

8) students - persons mastering additional professional programs, persons mastering vocational training programs, as well as persons enrolled in training at preparatory departments of educational organizations of higher education, unless otherwise established by this Federal Law;

9) external students - persons enrolled in an organization carrying out educational activities according to educational programs that have state accreditation, to pass intermediate and state final certification.

2. Special names of students mastering additional general education programs in general education organizations aimed at preparing minor citizens for military or other public service are provided for by the charters of these educational organizations.

3. Students (cadets) are provided with a free grade book, and students are also provided with a student ID. Samples of the grade book and student ID for students (cadets) mastering educational programs of secondary vocational education are approved by the federal executive body that carries out the functions of developing and implementing state policy and legal regulation in the field of general education. Samples of grade books and student ID cards for students (cadets) studying bachelor's degree programs, specialty programs, and master's programs are approved by the federal executive body responsible for the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the field of higher education.