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School holidays February. School holidays awaiting reform? Additional school holidays

Winter is perhaps the most long-awaited period in the life of schoolchildren, after summer, of course. At this time of year, students can expect not only holidays, but also the longest in comparison with the spring and autumn holidays. Winter holidays are scheduled for the middle of school year when it's time to take a break from studying. In addition, this is the longest weekend for parents. This is a good reason for the whole family to get together to spend time together. New Year, Christmas can be wonderfully planned out every day. As a rule, regardless of the teaching schedule of each school, winter holidays are spent the same way for everyone: two winter weeks.

Winter holidays at school are approved for the following dates:

In honor of the New Year, all schoolchildren are exempt from classes, regardless of whether they study in quarters or trimesters. Moreover, the New Year holidays, as a rule, “fit in” with the all-Russian weekend: in other words, schoolchildren rest almost simultaneously with adults, which gives parents an excellent opportunity to spend time with their children.

By the way, for first-graders who are just starting to get used to school life, additional holidays have been introduced - from February 18 to 25, 2018 (8 days). Meanwhile, in some schools such additional rest is provided for the entire “beginning” - for students from grades 1 to 4.

During the upcoming holidays and vacations, schoolchildren will enjoy many interesting and varied events, ranging from fabulous program at the New Year's tree. But of course, at this time, not a single child can be kicked out of the street, where there is a lot of snow, where you can ride down the slide and play snowballs with your friends. The slightly frosty and sunny weather itself invites you to engage in active activities. Some may have skis, others may have skates.

The main advice to parents: take your child away from the TV and computer during these long holidays.

Winter holiday calendar 2017-2018

New Year holidays, as a rule, begin in the last week of December and end on the 10th of January. Schoolchildren go to school on Monday. Winter holidays in the 2017/2018 academic year will continue from December 25 to January 8. First-graders will have additional holidays in winter* – from 19 to 25 February

The established dates for the winter holidays are primarily typical for those schools that study in quarters. But there are schools that teach in trimesters. The main difference between such training is that all teaching time is divided not into four parts, as in quarterly training, but into three.

Each of the trimesters, in turn, is divided into two parts, after each of which the children have a vacation.

After its completion, schoolchildren begin their winter holidays, which will last from December 31 to January 10. The second part of the winter term begins on January 10 and ends on February 21. After its completion, schoolchildren will have a holiday from February 21 to 27. The dates of the main winter holidays are the same for those who study in quarters and for those who study in trimesters. This rule always remains for the winter holidays. The only difference is the availability of additional holidays for trimesters.

First-graders also have their own vacation schedule, which is slightly different from high school. Children, like everyone else, will have their main winter holidays from December 25 to January 8. But there are also additional ones. Those who study in quarters will go on additional holidays from February 19 to 25.

The timing of the additional holidays themselves, as well as the timing of postponing holidays in general, depend on many factors. First of all, it depends on the air temperature. For junior classes The maximum minus temperature is set at 25 degrees, for high school This temperature is minus 28 degrees. And finally, for high school students (10-11) this temperature is minus 30 degrees Celsius. In addition, the temperature required for conducting classes in classrooms has been determined. If it is below plus 18 degrees, then classes cannot be conducted. In winter, the morbidity threshold also increases much more often. At the same time, quarantine can be declared not only in a region, district or city, but also in a separate school if the epidemic threshold exceeds 25% of the total number of schoolchildren.

An interesting fact is that the dates of school holidays themselves do not change from year to year, but the end and beginning dates of this rest period are constantly shifting. Therefore, for parents every year, starting in the fall, the question of how the deadlines are distributed in the new school year becomes relevant. study holidays. 2015-2016 is no exception.

School holidays 2015-2016: academic year, Moscow or other cities are different in that, according to current legislation, vacation dates can be set personally by the administration of a particular educational institution. Of course, governing bodies send schools a recommended schedule every year. And in last years schools try to adhere to this schedule.

The deadlines, speaking in general terms, are set in such a way that short autumn and spring holidays begin and end with weekends. In such a situation, children will be able to rest not for a week, but a little more.

Important! In the 2015-2016 academic year, holidays in Moscow can take place according to two schedules. The classic version is when the academic year is divided into 4 quarters. Then the autumn and spring holidays will be short, the winter holidays will last two weeks. The second option is when the year follows a modular scheme, then every 5-6 weeks of vacation there will be a week off. The schools themselves determine which schedule is best for studying.

About quarter holidays

School holidays 2015-2016: academic year, Moscow Department of Education determined by quarter that the autumn holiday should begin on Saturday, October 31 and end on Sunday, November 8. It turns out that the short autumn holidays will last 9 days, if you include weekends. By the way, during the holidays there is an official national holiday. national unity.

As for the winter holidays, to coincide with the New Year holidays, they will last 16 days. The holidays will begin on Saturday, December 26, and will end only on Sunday, January 10, in the new year.

Important! First-graders will have additional holidays in February, as provided for by law. In the middle of the long third quarter, first-graders will be able to take extra rest from February 8 to 14.

Spring holidays will be as short as autumn holidays. They will begin on Saturday, March 19 and last exactly nine days, that is, they will end on March 27, which falls on Sunday. In some schools, the spring holidays will be held a week later, then they will begin on Saturday, March 26 and end on the third day in April.

Schedule 5(6)+1

How will the 2015-2016 school holidays be distributed: academic year, Moscow 5/1? This training system is called modular, and children have a free rest schedule. They study for five or six weeks and then rest for a week. With this system of education, students have five holidays during the year, that is, one period of weekends more than when studying in quarters.

Schedule of modular holidays 2015-2016:

  • 5-11.10;
  • 16-22.11;
  • 30.12 – 05.01;
  • 15-21.02;
  • 4-10.04;

School holidays 2015-2016: academic year, Moscow by trimester

Another option for how study periods can be distributed throughout the year is trimesters. In such a situation, of course, the scope of the holidays will also be different. Autumn holidays will take place from October 5 to 11, as well as from November 16 to 22.

The dates of winter holidays are similar to schoolchildren's quarters. They will begin on December 31st and end on January 10th. That is, a ten-day New Year's holiday throughout the country fits exactly within the framework of these holidays. Additionally, when studying in trimesters, students will have a rest from February 15 to February 22. Spring break falls on April 4-12. Summer holidays begin at the end of May and must be at least eight weeks long.

School holidays 2015-2016: academic year, Moscow or other cities, as can be understood from this material, are distributed depending on what form of education is chosen in a particular school. These can be quarters, trimesters, or the 5(6)/1 system. Be that as it may, under any educational system, schoolchildren can enjoy well-deserved vacations, shorter or shorter, and more or less times during the school year.

Vacations are the most desired period of school life, and most students begin to look forward to it from the first days of school. In the 2016-2017 academic year, as in the previous one, the holiday period is chosen by the educational institution, guided by the recommendations of the Ministry of Education.

As practice has shown, many educational establishments adhere to these recommendations, because if schools have the same holiday periods, it becomes possible to hold a lot of city entertainment events for children and teenagers: theatrical performances, themed parties and competitions.

Why do holiday periods vary from school to school?

The school holiday period in the 2016-2017 academic year is affected by the choice of teaching method in a particular educational institution:

  1. By quarters.
  2. By trimester.

If the school conducts training in quarters, then vacations are established for students:

  • 9 days in autumn: last week of October and first of November;
  • two weeks for the New Year: the last days of December and 10 days in January;
  • 7 days in spring: end of March;
  • additional holidays for first-graders and students in special classes: 7 days in winter;
  • three summer months.

If the school chooses a trimester schedule, then children will study for 5 weeks and rest for 1 week.

The exception is the winter holidays, which last 2 weeks for all schoolchildren in the 2016-2017 school year.

The sky was already breathing in autumn...

Golden autumn is a charm to the eyes; it gives children the first vacation of the 2016-2017 school year - autumn. Since this period covers a holiday - November 4, the first day of rest is set on October 31, the last - on November 6. Children will go to school on November 7.

When studying by trimester, children will be given 2 weeks of rest in the fall:

  • first week from 6 to 12 October 2016;
  • second week from November 17 to 24, 2016.

The most festive

It's the middle of the school year - time to take a big break! Winter holidays are the best time for a family vacation, because most parents also relax during these days. The most magical holidays fall during these holidays - New Year and Christmas! Well, how can you not make plans! It is customary in all schools, regardless of the teaching schedule, to rest for two weeks in the winter.

In the 2016-2017 school year, school holidays will begin on the last Monday of December - the 26th - and last until January 9. Schoolchildren will return to classes on January 10.

After the end of the New Year holidays, the children, rested and happy, will begin the assault on knowledge with renewed vigor.

First-graders will have an additional vacation in winter: the second winter holiday, which will begin on February 21 and end on February 28.

Spring is a time to relax

In the spring, it is especially difficult to concentrate on classes, so children are given the opportunity to relax before a busy period - the end of the school year, when they face many tests, exams and various competitive programs.

Spring holidays will begin on March 27 and will last until April 3. It's time to gain strength before the final stage of the school year.

Holidays for the period 2016-2017 in schools in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia can take place in different time, it depends on the choice of the school administration.

The long-awaited summer

With the onset of the first sunny days, studying is already difficult, and in the summer, in general, children need a long vacation. Summer holidays begin and the school year ends. This is the most favorite period in the life of all schoolchildren and students. It lasts from two months.

And finally, all students should be reminded that the holidays are a good thing, but do not forget that during this period you can replenish your knowledge of those sciences that are difficult to learn.

The first of September is always a holiday and not only for first graders. Meeting with school friends and teachers, flowers, the first bell for the little ones are exciting events in school life. Everyone is interested in knowing the schedule of classes and upcoming holidays, an indispensable attribute of the educational process.

What affects the dates and duration of holidays

In Russian schools the duration school days and vacations may differ, it depends on the method of teaching - quarters or trimesters.

Basically, the vacation dates are determined. But, if rest days fall on weekends, then the beginning or end of the holidays is shifted.

Holidays for the 2016-2017 academic year in schools where the educational process is divided into quarters look like this:

  • 7 – 10 days in autumn,
  • 14 days in winter,
  • 7 – 10 days in spring,
  • 3 months in summer.

For first-graders and junior schoolchildren, 4th grade, an additional week of rest is allocated from February 27 to March 3.

If training takes place in trimesters, every 5 working weeks there is 1 week of rest, with the exception of 2 weeks in winter, from December 26 to January 9; and summer, lasting 3 months.

In some schools in the Russian Federation, vacation days may differ from the established ones; this happens by order of the administration or on the initiative of the school parent committee, agreed with the management of the educational institution.

In private schools or special educational institutions, the dates and duration of rest can be individually set.

When quarantine is introduced, the Ministry of Education or the regional committee may change or postpone the dates of school holidays.

Who sets vacation dates in educational institutions?

There are laws governing the timing of school holidays. Most schools, lyceums, and universities adhere to the proposed deadlines, because At this time, children's events are organized in city parks, exhibitions, and theatrical performances. However, each school has the right to set vacation dates for students, taking into account the seasonal impact on the health of students and the ability of parents to provide the best conditions for their children’s recreation.

The autumn holidays at school in the 2016-2017 academic year coincide with the holiday of National Unity Day, and besides, you want to spend the last warm golden autumn days outside, recharge your batteries before the winter cold. Winter holidays, in the middle of the educational process, coincide with the New Year and Christmas holidays of parents; family holidays allow you to spend quality time and get the most out of your holiday. Spring break is necessary for a child to get a break before the last, decisive stage of the school year; the awakening of nature helps to improve mood and performance. The summer school holidays of 2016-2017, as always, are the most awaited for the children. Behind are the notebooks and textbooks, ahead is a whole summer of carefree relaxation and pleasure, trips to the sea, to children's camps, walks in the forest, fishing and other summer fun.

Vacation schedule for 2016 - 2017

Since the dates of school holidays can be different, there simply cannot be a general specific table with numbers; only recommended dates apply. The holiday schedule for 2016-2017 proposed by the Ministry of Education is as follows:

  • autumn – from October 29 to November 7;
  • winter - from December 24 to January 10;
  • for junior classes additionally - from February 18 to 27;
  • spring – from March 25 to April 3;
  • summer – from May 24.

In schools where education is conducted in trimesters, it is recommended to take a 1-week vacation every 5 weeks of classes, with the exception of a 2-week winter and 3-month summer vacation.

The vacation schedule allows parents to plan their children’s vacations in advance, purchase vouchers for their children to summer health camps opening throughout the country and in Crimea, and plan family trips to the sea and other trips. Summer is ahead - and this means the guys won’t be bored.

School holidays are a time of long-awaited rest for any student. Both first-graders and future graduates count the days until the start of the holidays literally from the first days of the school year. After all, the 2017-2018 holidays are not just days free from school, but also a time filled with games, communication with peers, and vacation trips with family. The exact dates of the holidays are also important for parents, because many of them try to Keep your child busy as much as possible, send him on an interesting trip or take a vacation from work.

Both parents and students should know that the schedule is a guideline. That is, officials from the ministry can only indicate the approximate dates for the start and end of the holidays, but when exactly the days of the cherished rest begin is determined by a school order. Thus, vacation days may vary from school to school, even if the school follows the same curriculum.

The only mandatory rules include that school holidays must begin on Monday and not be “shifted” from the recommended dates by more than two weeks in either direction.

So, the approximate school holiday schedule for the 2017-2018 academic year for schools teaching in quarters.

Autumn vacation

Autumn vacation. Late October – early November.

The end date of the autumn holidays is influenced by National Unity Day, celebrated on November 4. Since this holiday falls on a Saturday in 2017, the day off will be moved to Monday, November 6. Approximate dates of autumn holidays: 28.10. – 06.11. (inclusive).

The winter vacation

The winter vacation. End of December – first ten days of January.

The dates of winter holidays are the same for both types of study - both quarters and trimesters. At the same time, school holidays coincide with rest days for the New Year - the first working day after the holidays usually falls on January 9-10. Approximate winter holiday dates: – 25.12. – 09.01.
For first-graders who are just beginning to get used to the regulated life of school, additional holidays have been introduced. Additional winter holidays in 1st grade: 19.02. – 25.02 .

Spring break

Spring break. The end of March - the first days of April.

During this period there are no public holidays, and therefore the first and last days holidays depend solely on weekends.Approximate spring break dates: 26.03. – 01. 04.

Summer holidays

Summer holidays. From the first to the last day of the summer months.

Holidays by trimester

The situation is similar with the trimester education system - the Ministry of Education has not yet prepared recommendations on the start dates of school holidays. However, in this case, calculating vacation time is much easier: in such schools, education is based on the 5+1 principle. That is, five weeks of training (sometimes six) alternate with a week of vacation. 35 days of school, then 7 days of vacation - and the cycle repeats again. The only exception is the winter, or more precisely, New Year's holidays. This rest period in schools with a trimester system coincides with vacations in regular schools, where education is based on the principle of quarters. Approximate vacation dates in schools with a trimester system of education:

Schoolchildren who communicate with peers from other cities in Russia notice that the start and end dates of the holidays often do not coincide. Why is this happening? One country, one specialized department that manages the learning process - the Ministry of Education, and the 2017-2018 school holidays in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other Russian cities begin at different times.

The educational process can take place in schools in different ways. Some educational institutions study exactly according to the established plan, neither ahead nor behind the school curriculum. Others may fall behind curriculum due to various force majeure circumstances.

A variety of factors can interfere with your studies. For example, for schoolchildren in Siberia, it is not unusual for an announcement like: “Today, due to severe frosts, schoolchildren from the first to the eleventh grade are not studying.” Due to low air temperatures, strong winds, snowstorms or blizzards, the municipal Department of Education may announce the cancellation of classes. Depending on weather conditions, only the lower grades or the entire school may miss classes. Less frequent, but also not something out of the ordinary, is the announcement of the cancellation of classes due to spring floods. Most reasons for missing school are force majeure, occurring due to circumstances beyond the control of the education department.
If only a few such “force majeure” days are announced per year - usually three to five - then there is an opportunity to “catch up” with the curriculum. However, when such “absences” accumulate quite a lot - from a week or more, then the school administration has to take unpopular measures among schoolchildren and reduce or postpone the time of school holidays. Such force majeure is the reason why the right to set rest times is left to the school director, and is not regulated by direct order of the ministry.

Additional holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year

Unforeseen vacations are a great joy for most schoolchildren, while their reasons are not at all cheerful. Additional vacations may be assigned or planned dates may be postponed for the following reasons:

  • severe frosts (at -25, lessons are canceled in primary school, at -28 in middle school, and at -30 in high school);
  • if the air temperature in the classrooms drops below +18;
  • exceeding the epidemiological threshold for a particular disease.

Vacations in 2017-2018 for students

In universities there are only winter and summer holidays between semesters. Moreover, unlike schools, their dates can vary significantly, depending on the curriculum of each particular institution. In addition, students need to undergo summer internship. In most cases, winter holidays for students in 2017-2018 will fall from the end of January to mid-February, and summer holidays will begin in July.

Could there be innovations in the 2017-2018 academic year?

Now the idea is being actively discussed that it is necessary to return to the old rules, when the dates of all holidays were the same for schools throughout the country. This is convenient for organizing Olympiads, various competitions, children’s conventions, etc. In order to find out public opinion in the capital, they even conducted a survey with the following points:

  1. let it be as it is;
  2. move from quarters to trimesters, increasing the duration of vacations between them;
  3. on the contrary, divide the school year into five parts, with a week's rest between them.

None of the points received a clear majority; most schools consider the current system correct, when they can independently adjust the dates of the holidays proposed by the ministry. Most likely, no significant changes are expected in the structure of the 2017-2018 academic year.