Abstracts Statements Story

Historical information from the chronicle about the feat of a Kiev youth. Popular - the feat of a youth from Kiev and the cunning of the governor Pretich

Teacher of Russian language and literature MBOU "School-gymnasium, kindergarten 25" Simferopol


Goals of the teacher:

  • give an idea of ​​ancient Russian literature, genre and ideological and artistic features of the chronicle
  • introduce the creation and main idea of ​​the story “The Feat of the Youth...”
  • develop the ability to formulate the theme of a work, draw conclusions from what you read
  • teach how to draw up a quotation plan.
  • Subject skills: know the features of the narrative; be able to perceive and analyze text.
  • Meta-subject UUD (universal learning activities):
  • Personal: realizes his difficulties and strives to overcome them, shows the ability to self-assess his actions; has a positive attitude towards learning, cognitive activity, acquiring new knowledge and skills, improving existing ones.
  • Regulatory: adequately evaluates one’s achievements, recognizes emerging difficulties, searches for reasons and ways to overcome them; accepts and saves the learning task; plans (in collaboration with the teacher and classmates or independently) the necessary actions, operations, acts according to the plan.
  • Cognitive: performs educational and cognitive actions in a materialized and mental form; carries out operations of analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification to solve educational problems, establishes cause-and-effect relationships, makes generalizations, conclusions; understands the cognitive task; reads and listens, extracts the necessary information, and also independently finds it in textbooks and workbooks.
  • Communicative: enters into an educational dialogue with the teacher, classmates, participates in a general conversation, observing the rules of speech behavior; asks questions, listens and answers questions from others, formulates his own thoughts, expresses his point of view and substantiates it.

Planned results of studying the topic:

need for book distribution

Prince of Kyiv Vladimir Svyatoslavovich

Handwritten books

They wrote on parchment.

They made wooden bindings covered with leather.

Books were very expensive.

Kept in monasteries

The beginning of writing

among the Eastern Slavs it is connected

with the Baptism of Rus' in 998

year during the reign of

Kyiv Vladimir Svyatoslavich,

grandson of Princess Olga.

Writing came to Rus' from Bulgaria,

where are the brothers Cyril (c. 827-869) and

Methodius (c. 815-885)

created the Slavic alphabet and for the first time

translated liturgical books from Greek

into Church Slavonic. Together with writing in Rus'

different genres came

Byzantine Christian literature:

life, teaching, word .

Ancient written literature is divided into

secular and ecclesiastical.

The latter gained special distribution and development after Christianity began to occupy an increasingly strong position among other world religions.

  • The language was different from our language (Old Russian language)
  • Artistic images were influenced by the church. Mainly the exploits of saints

  • Chronicles
  • Walking Teaching Message
  • Walking Teaching Message
  • Teaching Message
  • Message


  • In the 11th century, arose in Rus' chronicle. During the reign of Yaroslav the Wise in Kyiv, at the court of the Metropolitan, at that time the main church hierarch in Rus', the “Most Ancient Kiev Code” was created, i.e. stories about the main events in Rus' from ancient times were recorded. Gradually, chroniclers begin to record not only what happened, but also what is happening at the present time, indicating the year, month, day and even day of the week. Such records are called weather records, i.e. records on years. The narrative began with the words “In the summer...” (i.e., “In the year...”) - hence the name chronicle .

"The Tale of Bygone Years" -

the first literary monument that has survived to this day.

What does "temporary" mean? Past, long gone.

This work includes legends,


They reflected the following themes:

as a national


struggle of principalities

for unification

and others.

Motives of “The Tale...”:

Information about the origin of the Slavs

Description of the territory of the Russian land, the tribes that inhabited it in ancient times and their customs

A story about the founding of Kyiv and the first Russian princes.

A story about the adoption of Christianity in Rus'.

A story about the treachery of Svyatopolk (son of Vladimir) and the wise reign of Yaroslav the Wise.

“The feat of a youth from Kiev and the cunning of governor Pretich”

Svyatoslav(?-972), Grand Duke of Kiev, was an exceptionally active prince. Beginning in 964, he made campaigns from Kyiv to the Oka, to the Volga region, to the North Caucasus and the Balkans. He liberated the Vyatichi from the power of the Khazars, fought in Volga Bulgaria, and defeated the Khazar Khaganate in 965, which contributed to the strengthening of the foreign policy position of Rus'. In 967, he went on a campaign to Bulgaria to conquer lands along the Danube from it. There, to the small town of Pereyaslavets on the Danube, Svyatoslav wanted to move the capital of Rus'.

The story of the heroic deed of the Kievite youth begins with the words:

"In the summer 6476 (968)." This means that the events took place in 6476 from the Creation of the world.

In Ancient Rus', chronology was not accepted from the Nativity of Christ, as we count years now,

but from the Creation of the world. In parentheses, modern historians, for our convenience, indicate the same year according to modern chronology.

Concepts and terms

  • Youth (obsolete)- a teenage boy between the ages of a child and a youth, 9-15 years old. In Ancient Rus' in a word youth also called princely servants. In The Tale of Bygone Years we are not talking about a teenager, but about one of the prince’s servants.
  • Pechenegs are tribes who lived in the 8th-9th centuries. in the Volga steppes. They occupied a particularly large territory in the 9th century between the Volga and Danube rivers, representing a serious enemy for Rus'. Rook - a medieval ship with a shallow draft, propelled by oars and a sail
  • Camp of the Pechenegs - encampment, marching camp of the Pechenegs
  • Voivode - leader of the squad
  • Druzhina - a detachment of warriors in the service of the prince
  • “I am his husband”... I serve the prince
  • “on guard” - with the vanguard
  • Fatherland - land of fathers, homeland
  • Lamented - greatly saddened
  • Princes - children of the prince


  • Could the chronicler himself have witnessed this event?
  • What feat did the youth from Kiev accomplish?
  • What was the trick of Governor Pretich?
  • What helped the boy cope with the task
  • governors?
  • What character traits did you see in the boy?
  • What theme runs through this work?

Andrey Ivanovich Ivanov

The plot of the picture was one of the heroic episodes of the ancient chronicle. In 968, when the army of Prince Svyatoslav was on a long campaign, the nomadic Pechenegs besieged Kyiv.

The hero of the picture is an unknown young Kiev resident. Knowing the Pecheneg language, he walked through the enemy camp with a bridle in his hands. When his enemies called out to him, the young man replied that he was looking for a runaway horse. Having crossed the Dnieper, he found a Russian squad and brought it to the aid of the besieged city. The artist uses the technique of highlighting the main character with light in order to contrast the hero with the dark forces of the Pechenegs. His body is naked for a reason; this technique fulfills an important artistic task: it makes the hero defenseless and vulnerable against the background of the formidable weapons and armor of his enemies, thereby evoking sympathy in the viewer for the unarmed hero.

  • Ivanov A.I. The feat of a young Kiev resident during the siege of Kyiv by the Pechenegs in 968. Around 1810.
  • Canvas, oil. 204 x 177.5. State Russian Museum

Reading a textbook article based on the book by D. S. Likhachev "Native Land"

  • What position do the heroes of the chronicle story you read, “The Feat of the Kiev Youth and the Cunning of Governor Pretich” occupy?
  • How do you understand the words of D.S. Likhachev: “We must be grateful sons of our great mother - Ancient Rus'”?
  • Can the story of a youth from Kiev “serve modernity”?


  • 1. During the lesson I worked actively / passively
  • 2.The lesson material was useful / useless to me
  • 3.The lesson was interesting/boring
  • 4.Homework seems easy/difficult to me


1.Make a quotation plan in a notebook, prepare a retelling of the story.


5th grade, textbook

Publication on the website: http://www. saharina. ru/method/lit/

Source of illustration: http://www. tainaxx. info/images/articles/s7_3.jpg


1. Which prince ruled in Kyiv? 1) Vladimir, 2) Svyatoslav, 3) Yaroslav

2. Who attacked Kyiv? 1) Cumans, 2) Tatars, 3) Pechenegs

3. Why did the enemies accept the youth from Kiev as one of their own? 1) he spoke their language, 2) he was like them, 3) he betrayed his

4. Who is Pretich? 1) youth, 2) governor, 3) prince

5. What is BOAT? 1) palm, 2) boat, 3) plate

6. Who is YOUTH? 1) prince, 2) governor, 3) teenage boy

7. Who accomplished the feat? 1) Prince Svyatoslav, 2) Princess Olga, 3) a youth from Kiev

8. Who does the chronicle call cunning? 1) a governor, 2) a prince, 3) a youth from Kiev.



1. Which prince ruled in Kyiv? 1) Vladimir, 2) Svyatoslav, 3) Yaroslav

2. Who attacked Kyiv? 1) Cumans, 2) Tatars, 3) Pechenegs

3. Why did the enemies accept the youth from Kiev as one of their own? 1) he spoke their language, 2) he was like them, 3) he betrayed his

4. Who is Pretich? 1) youth, 2) governor, 3) prince

5. What is BOAT? 1) palm, 2) boat, 3) plate

6. Who is YOUTH? 1) prince, 2) governor, 3) teenage boy

7. Who accomplished the feat? 1) Prince Svyatoslav, 2) Princess Olga, 3) a youth from Kiev

8. Who does the chronicle call cunning? 1) a governor, 2) a prince, 3) a youth from Kiev.


1. Which prince ruled in Kyiv? 1) Yaroslav, 2) Svyatoslav, 3) Vladimir

2. Who attacked Kyiv? 1) Pechenegs, 2) Tatars, 3) Cumans

3. Why did the enemies accept the youth from Kiev as one of their own? 1) he was like them, 2) he spoke their language, 3) he betrayed his

4. Who is Pretich? 1) youth, 2) prince, 3) governor

5. What is BOAT? 1) palm, 2) plate, 3) boat,

6. Who is YOUTH? 1) teenage boy, 2) governor, 3) prince

7. Who accomplished the feat? 1) Princess Olga, 2) Prince Svyatoslav, 3) a youth from Kiev

8. Who does the chronicle call cunning? 1) a youth from Kiev, 2) a prince, 3) a governor


1. Which prince ruled in Kyiv? 1) Vladimir, 2) Svyatoslav, 3) Yaroslav

2. Who attacked Kyiv? 1) Cumans, 2) Tatars, 3) Pechenegs

3. Why did the enemies accept the youth from Kiev as one of their own? 1) he spoke their language, 2) he was like them, 3) he betrayed his

4. Who is Pretich? 1) youth, 2) governor, 3) prince

5. What is BOAT? 1) palm, 2) boat, 3) plate

6. Who is YOUTH? 1) prince, 2) governor, 3) teenage boy

7. Who accomplished the feat? 1) Prince Svyatoslav, 2) Princess Olga, 3) a youth from Kiev

8. Who does the chronicle call cunning? 1) a governor, 2) a prince, 3) a youth from Kiev.


1. Which prince ruled in Kyiv? 1) Yaroslav, 2) Svyatoslav, 3) Vladimir

2. Who attacked Kyiv? 1) Pechenegs, 2) Tatars, 3) Cumans

3. Why did the enemies accept the youth from Kiev as one of their own? 1) he was like them, 2) he spoke their language, 3) he betrayed his

4. Who is Pretich? 1) youth, 2) prince, 3) governor

5. What is BOAT? 1) palm, 2) plate, 3) boat,

6. Who is YOUTH? 1) teenage boy, 2) governor, 3) prince

7. Who accomplished the feat? 1) Princess Olga, 2) Prince Svyatoslav, 3) a youth from Kiev

8. Who does the chronicle call cunning? 1) a youth from Kiev, 2) a prince, 3) a governor

The history of mankind knows many examples of heroism and courage. They came to us thanks to chroniclers, oral creativity, myths and legends. This is very important for future generations: descendants should be proud of their national heroes, even if the events took place more than a thousand years ago! Not everyone knows about what feat the youth from Kiev accomplished, and at what time it happened.

Studying in literature lessons

Of course, “The Tale of Bygone Years,” recorded by Nestor, required translation and processing in order for this historical work to be understood to the modern reader. The content of legends and historical events is conveyed to us by ancient Russian literature. The feat of the youth from Kiev was already outlined on Today, the legend is studied in schools by fifth grade students. Some Old Russian words, the names of tribes and peoples remain incomprehensible to children. To make archaisms easier to remember, you should compile a small dictionary for yourself: during the teacher’s explanation, write down the meaning of expressions or individual names. Children may not know what a youth, father, Pechenegs, or grieving are. Although, in parallel, in history lessons, children study Ancient Rus' and hear some terms.

Quotation plan

The feat of the youth from Kiev is better perceived by children if the teacher recommends that they draw up a plan for the work. It is advisable that this be a quotation plan: it is enough to use phrases from the text that reflect the content of the episode. It might look like this:

The Pechenegs came to Russian land;

They besieged the city with great force;

Who could get over to the other side;

The boy said: “I’ll get through!”;

Will people surrender to the Pechenegs;

They sat down in the boats and blew the trumpet loudly;

An army is following me;

He gave Pretich a horse, a saber and arrows;

Svyatoslav returned to Kyiv.

The monument, built in honor of the victory of Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich over the Pechenegs, still stands above the banks of the Dnieper in Zaporozhye.

Each part of the story is easily remembered and retold, thanks to the use of a quotation plan. The teacher can invite students to read the work role-playing. In such lessons, children begin to understand the significance of the appearance of writing, books, chronicles for the now Christian Rus'. Many schoolchildren today know about the feat the Kiev boy accomplished thanks to literature and history lessons. In honor of this feat, the St. Sophia Cathedral was built.

Books and chronicles

Until the 11th century, books came to Rus' only from Byzantium, and then from Bulgaria. These were translations by foreign authors. The first works of ancient Russian writers appeared only in the eleventh century: this is the work of Hilarion and the chronicle. In other countries this genre was not known. In the 12th century, the monk Nestor made additions and corrections to the old chronicles and gave them the name “The Tale of Bygone Years.” Temporary summers mean past years. The chronicle describes the life and activities of all the Russian princes: the author especially emphasizes the idea that only the love of brothers and the desire for peace could unite them. Love for the Motherland, caring attitude towards the land of one’s ancestors - the fatherland - is the main motive of the entire work. And although the beginning of the book is similar to legends and myths, the reader receives information about historical figures who created the first principalities of Ancient Rus'. Part of the story is a description of what feat the Kiev youth and governor Pretich accomplished.

The legend of the youth's feat

This happened in the summer of 968 or, according to the calendar of those times, in 6476. The principalities were constantly subject to attacks from eastern tribes. But this summer, for the first time, the Pechenegs encroached. At this time, Svyatoslav was not in the city of Kyiv: he was in Pereyaslavets. His mother, Princess Olga, stayed here with her grandchildren, the children of Svyatoslav.

These were his three sons: Oleg, Vladimir and Yaropolk. She locked herself in with them in the city of Kyiv, and they were not able to get out: the Pechenegs besieged it with great power. There was no way for the population to go outside the city; it was impossible to send messages and ask for help. People were exhausted from hunger and thirst.

Youth from Kiev and feat

On the other side of the Dnieper, people also gathered who could not get to Kyiv through the huge horde of Pechenegs in order to help the residents of the city or deliver provisions and water there. They stood ready in the boats on the opposite bank and could not do anything.

The population of the city tried to find someone who could get through the ranks of the enemies and inform the troops that if they did not approach Kyiv, they would have to surrender to the Pechenegs. And then one young man from Kiev declared that he would make his way to “his own people.” The people told him: “Go!”

This boy knew the Pecheneg language. He took the bridle in his hands and went out with it into the enemy’s camp. He ran through their ranks and asked if anyone had seen his horse? They took the young man for their man. Having reached the Dnieper, he threw off his clothes and threw himself into the water. The Pechenegs saw his maneuver and rushed after him, shooting: but nothing could be done.

Voivode Pretich and his cunning

People on the opposite bank noticed that the Kiev youth threw himself into the water and swam towards them. They went on boats to meet him, lifted him on board and took him to the squad. The youth said that if the soldiers did not approach the city tomorrow, then the people would have to surrender to the Pechenegs. The governor was Pretich, and he proposed to approach the city in boats, capture Princess Olga and the princes, and rush off to the opposite bank. If they do not do this, if they do not save the princes, then Svyatoslav will not forgive this and will destroy them. A real feat was accomplished by a youth from Kiev, reporting on the difficult situation of Kyiv.

Voivode's plan

According to Pretich's plan, at dawn the squad got into the boats and, with the sounds of trumpets, moved towards Kyiv. People in the city, hearing the sound of trumpets, screamed. The Pechenegs rushed in all directions: it seemed to them that it was Prince Svyatoslav himself who had come. She left the city with her grandchildren and retinue and headed towards the boats. The Prince of the Pechenegs, noticing this, returned to the boats on his own and asked Pretich who they were? To which I received the answer that these were people from the other side of the Dnieper. When asked by the Pechenezh prince if he was Svyatoslav, Pretich replied that they were the foremost comfort, and behind them a huge army led by Prince Svyatoslav was moving. He said this on purpose to scare the Pecheneg prince. This resolved all the contradictions: the Pecheneg offered friendship to Pretich and he accepted it. They shook hands and exchanged armor: the prince received a shield, sword and chain mail, and Pretich received a horse, arrows and a saber.

Victory over enemies

Despite the truce and the retreat of the Pechenegs from the city, the danger of being captured remained. The enemy remained densely encamped on the Lybid River, and it was impossible for the residents to take their horses out to water. And then the residents of Kyiv decided to send a messenger to Svyatoslav with words about the danger that threatened them. They reproached the prince for the fact that while fighting and caring for a foreign land, he left his native side. And the Pechenegs almost captured both his mother and his children. Residents called the prince for help, asking him to protect him. As soon as this news reached him, Svyatoslav, together with his retinue, quickly returned to Kyiv, where his mother and three sons met him.

He was very sad about what they all had to go through. Svyatoslav gathered his entire squad and drove all the Pechenegs far into the field. After which came a time of peace.

Now, when asked what feat the youth from Kiev accomplished, everyone can say that he saved the inhabitants ancient city and the family of Prince Svyatoslav. Today this is called patriotism and love for the Motherland.

Yulia Sergeevna Maslennikova
Lesson summary “The feat of the youth from Kiev and the cunning of governor Pretich.” Heroes of the chronicle legend

Subject: The feat of the youth from Kiev and the cunning of the governor Pretich». Heroes of the chronicle legend.

Target: show heroic and spiritual and moral content of works of ancient Russian literature using the example chronicle story«».

Planned results.

Subject Metasubject

During the classes.

1. Org. moment

2. Updating knowledge.

Checking homework.

Tell us about the emergence of ancient Russian literature, genres, "Tales of Bygone Years".

(see Eremin’s method manual pp. 74-75)

In what year did the baptism of Rus' take place? (998 – baptism of Rus')

Old Russian literature emerged in the 11th century. (11) century.

What's happened chronicle? (Chronicle– description of events by year (IN summer 997)

3. Work on the topic lesson.

Are all the words in the title of the work clear? Which word exactly is unclear?

(youth– a child from 7 to 15 years old)

What is it feat? (Valiant, heroic deed , an action important in its meaning, performed in difficult conditions.) Do you know of at least one person who committed feat?

What do you think this piece is about?

Here is an excerpt from chronicles, which is usually called "The Tale of Bygone Years". Remember what it is chronicle? Or maybe someone knows the name of the monk- chronicler?

Reading or listening to phonochrestomathy story« The feat of a youth from Kiev and the cunning of governor Pretich».

4. Conversation based on content story:

Reading the first passage.

IN summer 6476(968) . The Pechenegs came to the Russian land for the first time, and Svyatoslav was then in Pereyaslavets, and Olga and her grandchildren locked themselves in the city of Kyiv. And the Pechenegs besieged the city by force great There were countless numbers of them around the city, and it was impossible to leave the city or send messages. It was impossible to take the horse out give him something to drink: the Pechenegs stood on Lybid. People were exhausted from hunger and thirst.

What does the expression mean summer 6476, from what point was it carried out chronology in Ancient Rus'(from the creation of the world).

Who are the Pechenegs? Svyatoslav? (SVYATOSLAV?-972, Grand Duke of Kiev, was an exceptionally active prince. Beginning in 964, he made campaigns from Kyiv to the Oka, to the Volga region, to the North Caucasus and the Balkans. He liberated the Vyatichi from the power of the Khazars, fought in Volga Bulgaria, defeated the Khazar Kaganate in 965, which contributed to the strengthening of the foreign policy position of Rus'. In 967 he went on a campaign to Bulgaria to reconquer she has lands along the Danube. There, to the small town of Pereyaslavets on the Danube, Svyatoslav wanted to move the capital of Rus'.

At this time, the lands on which the Khazars defeated by Svyatoslav lived were occupied by new nomads - the Pechenegs. When Svyatoslav and his squad were in Pereyaslavets, far from his native Kyiv, the Pechenegs first attacked the capital city, about which the chronicle passage tells us.)

What is Princess Olga famous for?

The capital of which state is Kyiv today?

What is Lybid? (A small river that flows into the Dnieper.)

2. Reading the 2nd passage.

And the people from that side of the Dnieper gathered in boats and stood on the other bank. And it was impossible for any of them to enter Kyiv, nor from Kyiv to them. And people in the city began to grieve and they said:

Is there anyone who could get over to the other side and tell them“If you don’t approach the city in the morning, we’ll surrender to the Pechenegs.”

AND said one boy:

I'll make my way.

And they answered him:

What does the word push mean? (grieve).

Is everything clear in this passage? To whom youth must convey a message from the people of Kiev?

3. Reading the third passage.

He left the city, holding a bridle, and ran through the Pecheneg camp, asking their:

Has anyone seen the horse?

For he knew Pecheneg and was accepted as one of their own. And when he approached the river, he threw off his clothes, threw himself into the Dnieper and swam. Seeing this, the Pechenegs rushed after him, shot at him, but could not do anything to him.

They saw this on the other side, drove up to him in a boat, took him into the boat and brought him to the squad. AND the boy told them:

If you don’t approach the city tomorrow, the people will surrender to the Pechenegs.

The Voivode said, by name Pretich:

Let's go tomorrow in boats and, having captured the princess and princes, we'll rush off to this side. If we don’t do this, then Svyatoslav will destroy us.”

Do you understand everything from this passage?

What words do you find it difficult to explain? (A boat is a large boat, rowed or sailed. Voivode- chief of the army ancient Rus', princes are the children of the prince.)

Why the action the youth is called a feat in the chronicle? What did you risk? youth?

4. Reading the fourth passage.

The next morning, close to dawn, they got into the boats and blew a loud trumpet, and the people in the city screamed. The Pechenegs thought that the prince himself had come and fled from the city. And Olga came out with her grandchildren and people to the boats. The Pecheneg prince, seeing this, returned alone to voivode Pretich and asked:

Who came?

And he answered him:

People from that side of the Dnieper.

Prince of Pecheneg again asked:

Aren't you a prince?

Pretich answered:

I am his husband, I came as a guard, and a regiment is following me (army) with myself prince: countless of them.

So he said to threaten them. Prince of the Pechenegs told Pretich:

Be my friend.

He answered:

I will do so.

And they shook hands with each other, and the Pecheneg prince gave I'm looking for a horse, saber, arrows. He gave him chain mail, a shield and a sword. And the Pechenegs retreated from the city.

Why did the Pechenegs flee from the city?

Why did the Pecheneg prince offer I value friendship?

In what Pretich's trick? What is the point of exchanging gifts?

5. Reading the last passage.

And the people of Kiev sent to Svyatoslav with words:

You, prince, are looking for someone else’s land and taking care of it, but you have left your own. And we were almost taken by the Pechenegs, and your mother, and your children. If you don't come and protect us, they will take us. Don't you feel sorry for your fatherland, your old mother, or your children?

Hearing this, Svyatoslav quickly mounted his horse and came to Kyiv with his retinue. He kissed his mother and children and lamented what happened to them from the Pechenegs. And he gathered the soldiers and drove the Pechenegs into the field, and there was peace.

What is fatherhood? (Possession that was inherited from the father.)

Squad? (A detachment of warriors in the service of the prince.)

What does it mean to lament? (Be very sad.)

What do the people of Kiev accuse Prince Svyatoslav of?

What did the prince do?

III. reflection. Tasks to choose from (written answer to the question).

1. Why the action the youth can be called a feat?

2. What do you think, having agreed to friendship with the Pecheneg Khan, Was Pretich being cunning or was he sincere??

3. How do you evaluate the action of Prince Svyatoslav (returned and drove out the Pechenegs).

General question: what word (event) in your opinion, the most important thing in the passage.

Students read the passage paragraph by paragraph, noting unfamiliar and rare words in each paragraph, writing them down and explaining them. Training in working with an explanatory dictionary is possible.