Abstracts Statements Story

Ready-made portfolio for a preschool teacher. How to create a portfolio for certification

municipal preschool educational institution
kindergarten №100 G.Colas of the Murmansk region


Natalia Yulionasovna Kursova

Started from 08. 12. 2010 G.

Finished from 08. 12. 2015 G.

Murmansk, 2015

Full Name

Natalia Yulionasovna Kursova

Date of Birth

18 July 1966

Place of work

municipal preschool educational institution


Secondary vocational,

Murmansk Pedagogical College 1983

teacher diploma qualification primary classes, senior pioneer leader;

Work experience:


teaching experience

in this institution

31 year

27 years

12 years

Availability certification category, its validity period

Second qualification categorypositions« teacher» , from 0December 8, 2010of the year.

Awards, titles

2008 G. Letter of thanks from the education department of the municipal administration of the Kola district of the Murmansk region

Academic degree

Doesn't have


From 03.02.2014 - 02/28/2014 GAOD POMO« » according to the additional professional program« Improvement pedagogical activity on the implementation of state educational standards» within 72 hours.

Table of contents

Title page

page 1

Information about the certified employee


Table of contents


Explanatory note


Knowledge of the regulatory framework, fundamentals of pedagogy and psychology


Knowledge of current issues professional activity


Portfolio content


Work in creative groups


The results of students’ participation in events at various levels, including Internet resources


Work on generalizing pedagogical experience

pp. 15 -16


- publications

- printed publications

pp. 17- 18

Development of electronic educational resources based on information - educational portals

pp. 18-19

Participation of the teacher in professional competitions organized with the support of educational authorities.



page 22

Explanatory note

In my work I am guided by the following regulatory documents:

Constitution Russian Federation;

Federal Law dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ,« About education in the Russian Federation» ( ed. From 02/03/2014) (with amendments and additions, entered into force from 05/06/2014);

UN Convention« About the rights of the child»;

Family Code of the Russian Federation;

By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 1155 of October 17, 2013.« On approval of the federal state educational standard preschool education »;

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation« National Strategy for Children 2012-2017»;

Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations (SanPiN;

Law of the Murmansk region« About education in the Murmansk region»;

Regulatory and legal documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Murmansk Region;

Regulatory and legal documents of the Kola City Administration;

Charter and local actskindergarten No. 100 in Kola, Murmansk region;

Job description teacher;

I consider the following to be the basis for certification for the specified category in the application.

I carry out the pedagogical process in accordance with the basic general educational program DOW. Which is based on an exemplary preschool education program« Kindergarten education and training program» edited by M.V. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova and« Program of correctional and developmental work in the speech therapy group of a kindergarten with general speech underdevelopment (from 4 to 7 years old) N.V. Nishchevoy (the program was approved at the teachers' council No. 01 of August 28, 2013, order No. 75 of November 23, 2013)

I own and apply in practice modern pedagogical, health-preserving and developmental technologies, which contributes to the proper organization of the educational process and allows me to rationally plan my teaching activities.

I take into account the peculiarities of the region in the process of building a strategy for teaching activities and specific planning.

The main goal of my work is to preserve and strengthen the health of students. The following tasks helped to solve it: creating favorable conditions for a full-fledged life for a child preschool childhood, formation of the foundations of basic personality culture, comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparation for life in modern society, to schooling, ensuring the life safety of a preschooler.

I achieve the goal through a set of health-improving measures:

gymnastics: morning, invigorating, breathing, theatrical rhythmoplasty, eye exercises, with elements of psycho-gymnastics, finger gymnastics with coils;

the physical education corner was equipped with the necessary equipment to facilitate the implementation of children’s motor activity, the development of dexterity, and coordination of movements;

dynamic and active games, sports exercises, physical exercises, exercises on simulators;

increasing the physical activity of children during a walk, depending on the weather conditions and time of year;

an individual approach to children with poor health by regulating activities, volume, intensity and content of activities;

hygienic and hardening procedures: rinsing the mouth, walking barefoot along massage paths;

light-air baths, room ventilation; walks in the fresh air, provision of air regime, phytoncidic therapy.

Madeaids for physical exercises and games made from non-traditional materials,collected the material in the file cabinetsoutdoor games, gymnastics, breathing exercises; physical education minutes in accordance with thematic planning. She has developed notes on direct educational activities on life safety and healthy lifestyle, where the main emphasis is on developing in students the habit of taking care of their health and the formation of self-preservation motives.

Analysis of children's morbidity confirms the positive dynamics of work to protect and promote children's health, taking into account the age characteristics of the group:

Missed days per child

Health Index

31,4 %

32,5 %

2013 -2014 early age

2014-2015 early age


ready to enter preschool educational institution

conditionally ready

1,9 %

Physical development performance


of the year


of the year


of the year


of the year


of the year


of the year


of the year


of the year


of the year


of the year




Beginning of the year

The end of the year


I consider the cognitive development of students to be one of the important areas of my activity, so since 2010 I have been working in depth ontopic« ».

Modern preschool education in Russia is rapidly moving in the direction of individualization of the educational process, determined by the Federal State educational standard preschool education as the main principle of the system. The child acts as a subject of activity, independently choosing content, partners, time for games and activities. At the same time, the standard identifies educational areas sample program preschool, and their content is determined not by the child, but by the teacher. Directly educational activities introduces the child into the world of culture, creates orientation in the world around him, which the pupil continues to master through various forms of independent activity - first of all, play and productive activity. It should be noted that almost all children draw. This means that in preschool age, drawing should not be an end in itself, but a means of understanding the world around us. By drawing, the child develops certain abilities: visual assessment of shape, the ability to navigate in space, and feel colors. Special abilities and skills are also developed: hand-eye coordination, free use of the hand, which will greatly help the future student. In addition, drawing classes bring joy to children and create a positive attitude.

It is known that teaching children preschool age drawing is significantly different from teaching this to adults (N.A. Vetlugina (1972), L.S. Vygotsky (1930), N.P. Sakulina (1959) and others). Numerous studies on the problem children's creativity in drawing, they say that children's creativity is subjective, the child does not discover anything new for the adult world, but he makes discoveries for himself. In the same time children's drawing has its own patterns that should be taken into account when teaching children.

Vetlugina N.A. indicated that the development positive qualities personality always occurs in certain conditions of social life. The uniqueness of creative, in particular artistic, practice is especially evident in the process of forming a person’s creative potential. In order for children to engage in creative practice, it is necessary, first of all, some guidance from adults. That is why in my work I focused on developing the child’s creative potential through the search for non-standard approaches in teaching children to draw. The most effective approach, in my opinion, is a combination of traditional and non-traditional drawing techniques.

Having analyzed the requirements of the basic educational preschool educational programs Having studied the methodological literature, practical and theoretical information about children's experimental activities, I chose the goal for my work - creating conditions for the development of creative abilities through teaching non-traditional drawing techniques.

The following tasks help me achieve my goal:

To develop technical drawing skills in children.

Introduce children to various non-traditional drawing techniques.

Learn to create your own unique image using non-traditional drawings using various drawing techniques.

Introduce kids to unconventional drawing.

Involve parents in joint teaching activities

My job was to use unconventional painting techniques. Drawing in unconventional ways is a fun, mesmerizing activity that surprises and delights children. The developing environment plays an important role in the development of a child. Therefore, in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education, we updated the subject-spatial environment, taking into account that the content was of a developmental nature and was aimed at developing the creativity of each child in accordance with his individual capabilities and accessible to each age category.

Got acquainted with methodological literaturevarious authors, such as the manual by A.V. Nikitina« Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten», I.A. Lykova -« Methodological manual for preschool specialists educational institutions », T.N. Doronova -« Nature, art and visual activities for children» I found a lot of information.I realized that the success of teaching non-traditional techniques largely depends on what methods and techniques the teacher uses to convey certain content to children, to develop their knowledge, skills and abilities.

For the future of our children, this is very important, since time does not stand in one place, but moves forward, and therefore we need to use new developmental technologies:

. personality-oriented ( problematic issues and situations);

. communicative (conversation and dialogue, expansion and activation of vocabulary);

. gaming (originality of plot, motivation);

. pedagogical (confidential conversation, stimulation).

In my work I use such forms of organizing and conducting classes as conversations, travel through fairy tales, observations, targeted walks, excursions, photo exhibitions, drawing exhibitions, competitions, and entertainment. Methods: visual, verbal, practical. The knowledge that children acquire is formed into a system. They learn to notice the changes that arise in fine art from the use of non-standard materials in the process of work.

There are so many unnecessary interesting things at home that can be used in visual arts: a toothbrush, combs, foam rubber, corks, polystyrene foam, a spool of thread, candles, etc. We went out for a walk, take a closer look, and there are a lot of interesting things: sticks, leaves, pebbles, plant seeds, dandelion fluff - this will also come in handy. Unusual materials and original techniques attract children because there is no word involved.« It is forbidden», you can draw what you want and how you want, and you can even come up with your own unusual technique. Children experience unforgettable, positive emotions, and by emotions one can judge the child’s mood, what makes him happy, what makes him sad.

To successfully implement the assigned tasks, I developed and selected practical material:
1. Compiled forward planning on this topic:« Development of creativity in preschool children in the process of visual arts», where gaming, cognitive, research and communication activities are taken into account.
2. Lesson notes on this topic.
3. Methodological recommendations on the content, organization and conduct of visual activities using non-traditional techniques for teachers and parents.

The inclusion of parents in the creative process of development of pupils was implemented in the following forms: parent meetings were developed and held in traditional and non-traditional forms, a series of visual information was designed for parents, individual and group consultations were conducted.

Educators and parents became like-minded people in solving the assigned problems. The joint creativity of children, parents and teachers is reflected in joint competitions. I share my work experience with my colleagues at district methodological associations, parent meetings, teacher councils, and on pedagogical websites on the Internet.


Experience has shown that mastering non-traditional image techniques brings true joy to preschoolers if it is built taking into account the specifics of the children’s activity and age. They are happy to draw different patterns without experiencing any difficulties. Children boldly take on art materials; children are not afraid of their diversity and the prospect of independent choice. They take great pleasure in the process of doing it. Children are ready to repeat this or that action many times. And the better the movement turns out, the more pleasure they repeat it, as if demonstrating their success, and rejoice, attracting the attention of an adult to their achievements.

In practice, I became convinced that the topic on which I worked was relevant. It gave the child the opportunity to develop creative abilities and communication skills. Children's activities together with the teacher and parents allowed them to successfully adapt to life situations and the world around them. I made sure that every lesson was playful, and every game was educational, diverse, satisfying the most diverse interests of children; speech activity increased, which influenced the successful development of children’s creative abilities.

Social and personal development


of the year


of the year


of the year


of the year


of the year


of the year


of the year


of the year


of the year


of the year




Beginning of the year

The end of the year

I actively share my work experience with teachers of preschool educational institutions, cities, and regions.



Name methodological event, presentation form

2014 G.


« Development of artistic and creative abilities of young children in the process of learning non-traditional drawing techniques» speech at the seminar« Implementation of the educational program for preschool education in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education» at GUUDPO MO« Institute for Educational Development»

2013 G.


« Development of creative abilities in preschool children through teaching non-traditional drawing techniques» Teachers' Council No. 4 dated 04/08/2013

2011 G.


District« Hello New Year» winner's diploma

2013 G.


« Development of creative abilities in preschool children through teaching non-traditional drawing techniques» speech at parent meeting

2015 G.


« Development of artistic and creative abilities among students in visual arts» speech at teachers' meeting No. 3 from 02.03. 2015

I pay a big role to working with parents, as I believe that only joint activities produce positive results in the development and upbringing of children. I create conditions for the development of responsible and partnership relations with parents of students.

I use a variety of forms of work: parent meetings« Round table», « let's play», talk show« Question answer», photo exhibitions, days open doors, conversations, consultations, surveys, visual and informational thematic folders, booklets. I conduct sports activities together with parents, festive events, involve them in organizing exhibitions of children's drawings, and participating in creative competitions. Joint work with parents yielded the following results: parents provide assistance in setting up the group, creating attributes for games, take an active part in weekend events to improve and green the territory of the kindergarten, as well as joint participation in city events and competitions.

The results of students’ participation in events at various levels, including Internet competitions.

2013 G.

preschool educational institution

Crafts competition« Garden miracle»

1 child

Certificate of participation

2013 G.

Contest« The best New Year's toy»

2 baby

Winners' diplomas

and participants

2014 G.

Contest« The best New Year's toy»

3 baby

Winner's diploma, participant certificates

2014 G.

Preschool children's creativity competition« Autumn fantasies»

2 baby

Winner Certificate


2015 G.

Child-parent project« let's draw together» « My illustration for a poem about war and peace»

1 child

Participant diploma

2012 G.

Municipal competition of children's drawings and posters« Do good for others»

1 child diploma participant

2011 G.

Municipal stage of the regional family photography competition« A culinary journey through time» programs« Conversation about proper nutrition»

1 child Diploma of winner

2015 G.

Regional exhibition of arts and crafts« Needlewoman - 2015»

1 child certificate of winner

2012 G.

regional competition of children's creativity dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Russian aviation

1 child diploma 3rd place

3 children's certificate of participation

2015 G

Regional competition of children's creative works« My four-legged friend»

1 child certificate of participation

2015 G.

« Easter joy»

1 child certificate of participation

2015 G.

Regional children's drawing competition« Herringbone» as part of an environmental campaign« Protection of spruce trees during the New Year period»

2 child certificate of winners

2015 G.

All-Russian Intellectual Olympiad« Our legacy»

2 child's diploma

2013 G.

Regional competition of children's creativity« Autumn still life»

1 child certificate of participation

2013 G.

Regional competition of children's works« Bouquet for mom»

2 child winner's diplomas, 2nd and 3rd places

2012 G.

Exhibition - competition of creative works among preschoolers« Vitamin summer»

2 children, certificates of participants

2011 G.

Regional competition of creative works« Hello New Year» winner's diploma

2 participant certificate of participation

I systematically work to improve my teaching skills, get acquainted with new products methodological literature and periodicals. I am an active participant in the pedagogical councils of preschool educational institutions, methodological associations teachers of the city. I share my work experience with teachers of preschool educational institutions, cities, districts, and regions. I master modern technologies, use Internet resources, regularly update and supplement the audio library, video library, library, and game files. I publish practical and teaching materials on sites.

Participation in events

2015 G.

« Introducing older preschoolers to folk traditions through Russian folk holidays» speaking at regional information and methodological events« Traditions of the Russian people, as one of the means of forming the foundations of family values ​​among preschoolers in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard» for teachers of Kola Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution« Regional methodological center» Kola region

2015 G.

« Introducing children to fiction through theatrical activities» performance at the regional marathon of teaching experience in GOBUK MODUBE

2012 G.

Competition of creative works among preschool teachers« Christmas tree decoration» certificate of participation

2012 G.

Competition of creative works among preschool teachers« Gifts of autumn» certificate of participation

2015 G.

« » material« Using non-traditional imaging techniques with young children» laureate diploma

2015 G.

Publication of educational and methodological electronic journal« Educational projects« Owl» for preschoolers» ISSN 2307-9282 - EL No. FS 77

2015 G.

All-Russian competition of professional skills of educators and teachers of preschool educational institutions« Modern kindergarten - 2015» laureate diploma

2015 G.

Competition of creative works among preschool teachers« Easter basket» winner's diploma

2015 G.

District competition visual arts and arts and crafts« Easter joy" 1 child certificate of participation

2015 G.

Regional reading competition for preschool children« Spring rays of poetry» curator certificate

2011 G.

Competition of creative works among preschool teachers« Snow figures» winner's certificate

2013 G.

Exhibition - competition of creative works among teachers of preschool educational institutions« Miracle from nature» participant certificate

2014 G.

Children's play activities as a means of social-emotional development publication, electronic resource GOBUK« Murmansk Regional Children and Youth Library", 1 electronic digital disk.

2014 G.

« Children's play activities as a means of social-emotional development» performance in the regional Marathon of teaching experience« Preschooler in the modern world: socialization and safety»

2013 G.

III All-Russian creative competition« Talantoja», nomination« Pedagogical projects» winner's diploma

2013 G.

All-Russian Internet - competition of pedagogical creativity« Unconventional drawing methods» publication https://educontest.net/component/content/article/51-1/19015-2013-05-13-15-39-18.html

2011 G.

« Hello New Year» winner's diploma

2013 G.

Municipal stage of the regional competition« Teacher of the Year - 2013»

Participation in creative groups and development of provisions

2013 G.

Creative Group « Creating a work program« Cheers» for 2014 - 2015» . Minutes of the teachers' council No. 4 dated May 24, 2013. Result: the objectives of the program and basic principles were determined; developed areas of health-improving work in preschool educational institutions; determined the results of the program implementation.

Creative Group « Contest« The best New Year's toy». Result: we developed the rules of the competition, determined the criteria for evaluating the work, held the competition and summed up the results. Minutes of the teachers' council No. 2 dated 12/02/2013

2014 G.

Creative Group on developing the regulations of the review - competition« The best greeting card for March 8». Result: we developed the rules of the competition, determined the criteria for evaluating the work, held the competition and summed up the results. Management and conduct of the competition. Minutes of the teachers' council No. 3 dated February 24, 2014

Creative Group on development of competition regulations« Gifts of autumn». Result: we developed the rules of the competition, determined the criteria for evaluating the work, held the competition and summed up the results. Order No. 5-P dated 09/04/2014

Creative Group « To coordinate the introduction of Federal State Educational Standards for preschool education in MDOU». Result: a model of psychological and pedagogical support for participants in the educational process has been developed; consultation for teachers has been developed« Personal qualities and professional competencies of a preschool teacher (educator)». Order No. 18-P dated October 22, 2014.

Creative Group on the development and implementation of a project to form a tolerant consciousness of students« The art of living together». Result: compiled a perspective thematic plan; Methodological materials for the project have been developed.

Order No. 27-P dated November 20, 2014.

2015 G.

Creative Group « For the quiz« Ecological trail» Result: we developed the rules of the quiz, determined the criteria for evaluating the work, conducted the quiz and summed up the results. Guidance and administration of the quiz. Minutes of the teachers' council No. 3 dated 03/02/2015.

Creative Group for events« Child safety on the road» . Result: a program for the 2015-2016 academic year was drawn up« Traffic light»; the event was held jointly with a traffic police inspector« Young pedestrian» ProtocolTeachers' Council No. 1 dated 08/28/2015

Incentives for professional activities in inter-certification period.

According to the results of a survey of parents in my group, in which 21 people took part, parents’ satisfaction with my work is 100%, there are no complaints about my work for the entire period.

Pedagogical activities are marked with gratitude from parents.

2008 G. Letter of gratitude from the education department of the municipal administration of the Kola district of the Murmansk region.

2015 G. Letter of gratitude from the Kola City Traffic Police.

2015 G. Gratitude to the administration of the MBDOU.

2013 G. Letter of gratitude from the Murmansk regional branch of the All-Russian Voluntary Firefighting Society for organizing and holding a thematic event to promote fire safety rules.

I actively use Internet resources, regularly update and supplement the audio library, video library, library, as well as game files. I publish practical and methodological materials on websites.

Portfolio of a preschool teacher for certification

Chukmareva Maria Nikolaevna, teacher, MBDOU Pychassky kindergarten No. 2
Target: exchange of experience, systematization of accumulated experience
Tasks: provide your experience in teaching;
promote the development of creative activity of teachers.
Purpose: this publication will be useful for preschool teachers when preparing for professional competitions or when passing certification

Portfolio content

Section 1: General Information
This section of the presentation provides visitors with general information about my work experience.

How time flew by
We have become older and a little wiser.
There is no nobler and more honorable business in the world,
What is it like to love and please children!

From school itself, I decided for myself what I should be in the future - definitely a teacher! Therefore in In 2001, I entered the Uva Pedagogical School to major in speech therapy group teacher, and in 2012 I completed my studies at the Glazov Pedagogical Institute named after. V.G. Korolenko." Qualification: teacher - psychologist

Additional Information
PC skills: Ms Office, Microsoft PowerPoint, working with a projector. I am always interested in learning something new and using it in my work. And there is still a lot to learn!
Interests, preferences, hobbies: reading fiction and pedagogical literature, crocheting, plasticine painting, listening to music, drawing.
Of course, these are not all my hobbies, but these are the types of hobbies that I approach with great trepidation and pleasure.

Section 2
Resource support

List of scientific and methodological support:
In my work I use teaching materials and educational literature,
I use ICT in educational process I participate in professional and creative pedagogical competitions, conduct teacher councils, seminars and workshops, pedagogical consultations; I take an active part in the development of projects, regulations, and writing articles. I have my own personal pages in online communities and share my teaching experiences and teaching materials

Use of ICT in the educational process
This slide offers a list of used Internet resources that help me in my teaching activities.

Section 3
Methodical piggy bank

This slide shows what I am working on in depth and what teaching materials I have been able to develop.

Documents and materials on self-education.
This slide offers a list of documents for advanced training. I attend advanced training courses with pleasure, because our noble cause involves learning something new and using new knowledge in our own practice


Methodological topic for self-education:
“Plasticineography - as a means of development fine motor skills and creative abilities in children of senior preschool age" I managed to achieve positive results on this topic; this can be traced to the results of my own achievements and the achievements of my students.

Section 5: Social activities
Like many teachers, I take an active part in the life of the kindergarten. I perform at matinees, sporting events, in a vocal ensemble, and at republican events

Summing up, I would like to emphasize once again that I am proud that I have been entrusted by fate to contribute to our future!!! To paraphrase a famous saying “A spark will ignite a flame!”, I can end my article with the words: “Doing little will get you a lot”.
Thank you for your attention!

Presentation on the topic: Portfolio of a kindergarten teacher





  1. Information on assignment of qualification category
  2. Information about honorary titles and awards
  3. Information about the teacher's work experience
  4. Application
  1. Section II “Innovative and pedagogical activity of a teacher”
  1. Work on the topic of self-education
  2. Information about teacher participation in professional competitions and grant awards
  3. Information about the teacher’s participation in the experimental, analytical activities(work as a member of the jury, competition and qualification commissions, participation in supervisory activities, monitoring, examination of those being certified, etc.)
  4. Taking advanced training courses
  5. Application
  1. Work on generalizing and disseminating one’s own teaching experience
  1. Information about the products of the teacher’s original scientific and methodological creativity (author’s concepts, projects, models, targeted and educational programs, methodological developments, didactic materials, pedagogical diagnostic tools, etc.)
  2. Information about the teacher conducting open classes and events.
  3. Information about the teacher’s publications (including those posted on the Internet)
  4. Creative achievements of my students.
  5. Use of innovative educational technologies
  1. Characteristics of the components of the subject-development environment
  2. Application
  1. Information about educational achievements of students
  2. Information about the formation of skills and abilities, key competencies, dynamics of personal development of students
  3. Application

Section I " General information about the teacher"

  1. Information about basic vocational education

2.2.6. Characteristics of the components of the subject-development environment.

The subject-developmental environment in group No. 5 of the Moscow State Preschool Educational Institution, combined kindergarten No. 10, was built in accordance with the “Concept for building a developmental environment in a preschool educational institution”, ed. V. A. Petrovsky (1993) and the “Concept of Preschool Education” (1989), as well as the Main Educational Program of MADOU Combined Kindergarten No. 10, implemented in kindergarten.

The interior of my group is distinguished by individuality and a creative approach to its organization.

The group room is conventionally divided into zones, which allows the group room to be used in the best possible way.

In the training area centers and corners are located, in accordance with the age of the children: a center for creativity, educational - speech, book corner, nature corner and

experimentation, sensorimotor development corner, music, physical education corner. The training area is equippedtraditional materials and new generation materials. All material is selected in a balanced manner, in accordance with the pedagogical values.

IN creativity centerThere is a wide variety of materials for the productive activities of preschoolers: pencils, felt-tip pens, wax crayons, gouache and watercolor paints, plasticine, templates, rulers, coloring books, various types of paper, scissors, glue - pencil. Samples of decorative and applied arts are collected in the corner.

IN cognitive - speech cornerthere is a selection of educational illustrated albums on various topics (“Professions”, “Seasons”, “Sports”, “Our Dads, Our Moms”, etc.), sets of subject and subject pictures, and didactic games for sound pronunciation.

Books are placed in the book corner in accordance with the program, which are updated once a month.

In the corner of life safety there is a layout - a street according to traffic rules, visual aids (posters, sets of pictures), toys on this topic (cars, lotto "Transport"), board games ("Rules traffic for little ones")

IN a corner of nature and experimentationplaced houseplants in accordance with program requirements and means for caring for them: watering can, sprayer, oilcloth aprons, wooden sticks, rags.

In the corner there are replicas of fruits and vegetables, animals, board games (“Earth and Its Inhabitants”, “Whose House”, “World of Plants”, “Catch a Fish”, lotto “Animals”, dominoes “Berry-Vegetables-Fruits”, etc. .d.);

materials for experimentation: natural material (cones, shells, chestnuts, stones), different types paper

IN corner of sensorimotor developmentavailable a large number of logically - math games: games for plane modeling, inserts - forms, mosaic sets different shapes, geometric lotto; board games (“One, two – count”, “ Geometric shapes", "Associations")

IN music cornerthere is a theater: tabletop, finger, bi - ba - bo; musical instruments; music libraries with recordings of children's songs, sounds of nature; musical instruments.

IN physical education cornerThere are balls, skittles, health tracks, ring throwing, jumping ropes, plumes, braids.

Game Zone equipped with corners (hair salon) and attributes for the plot - role playing games selected taking into account the age, individual characteristics and gender of children. For example, for girls there are irons, dolls, and baby dolls; for boys - sets of tools, equipment.

Placed in the group's locker roomparent corner, birthday corner, “hello” corner, “Our Creativity” corner, “Mood” pockets on the cabinets, “My Star” corner

The walls in the group room are painted in warm colors, the furniture is selected in the same color scheme (yellow, beige, ocher). This createsfavorable psychological environment,positive emotional mood of children, which contributes to a pleasant rest and restful sleep for children.

The subject-developmental environment of the group is built in accordance with the following principles:

Principle information content(p in detail - p The educational environment of the group is rich in information, which is ensured by a variety of topics, a variety of didactic and information material);

Principle integration of educational areas(m Many materials in the development environment are multifunctional, i.e. mmaterials and equipment for one educational field can also be used in the implementation of other areas);

The principle of variability (the cultural and artistic traditions of Russia are reflected in the developing environment);

Principle stability - dynamism(the subject-developmental environment of the group is permanent, created for a long period of time, but at the same time changes are regularly made to it depending on the age characteristics of the children, the period of study, program objectives, and the time of year)

Principle openness - closedness(the group’s developmental environment is built in such a way that it is easy to add various elements to it, as well as remove unnecessary ones);

Principle emotionality of the environment(the developmental environment of the group ensures individual comfort and emotional well-being for each child and evokes positive emotions in them);

Principle, combinations of conventional and extraordinary elements in aesthetic organizationenvironment (all components of the developmental environment are combined with each other in content and artistic design);

Principle taking into account gender differences in children

The subject-developmental environment in the group takes into account all areas of child development. It is aimed at the implementation of cognitive areas injoint partnership activitiesadults and children andfree independent activitythe children themselves in the context of a group of subject-developmental environments I created (with peers and individually).

The group's developmental environment meets all standards SanPIN and safety standards

2.2.7 . Self-analysis of the pedagogical activity of the teacher

Pedagogical tasks that guide me in teaching and educational activities:

Protecting and strengthening the physical and mental health of children;

Intellectual development of children;

Upbringing moral qualities person;

Introducing children to social values.

I have been working in kindergarten since 1988 as a teacher. On April 25, 2008, the municipal certification commission awarded me the highest qualification category.

My belief is that the child is main value society, above which nothing can be. Regardless of gender, appearance, health, intelligence, manners, character, abilities, he is, as the Bible says, “a closed garden, a closed well, a sealed fountain.”

Every child has hidden potential unknown to us, which must necessarily be realized.

And my pedagogical principle is to very carefully and carefully help the child open up, instill confidence in him, and make him feel his self-worth.

regardless of specific successes in educational activities at this short moment. What is significant is his sense of self as a person who is accepted and loved without any conditions.

Therefore, my position in relation to the child is this: he is my colleague, ally, co-author, receiver and giver, who has the right to disagree, doubt and even make a mistake.

Section III “Results of teaching activities”

Tatiana Shevchenko
Teacher's portfolio (sample)

Shevchenko Tatyana Viktorovna

Total work experience - 27 years

Teaching experience – 24 years

Pedagogical credo

"Whether we like it or not, the child, with

which are the most difficult to manage,

It’s the one that we’re most proud of later.” (Mignon McLaughlin)

Personal characteristics








Ability to get along with people



Use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in professional activities copies of Internet pages, sites used: site/., nsportal.ru, pedsovet.su, pedsovet.org/; Official website of the kindergarten “Beryozka”

Glossary Pedagogical technology - this is a set of psychological and pedagogical attitudes that determine a special set and arrangement of forms, methods, methods, teaching techniques, educational means; it is the organizational and methodological tools of the pedagogical process. Pedagogical competence is a set of professional and personal qualities necessary for successful teaching activities. The development of professional competence is the development of creative individuality, sensitivity to pedagogical innovations, and the ability to adapt to a changing pedagogical environment. Personally-oriented learning is a type of learning where the child’s personality, its originality, self-worth are put at the forefront; each person’s subjective experience is first revealed and then coordinated with the content of education.

Publications on the topic:

Teacher's portfolio Portfolio of Naumova Lyubov Fedorovna, teacher of the MADO kindergarten No. 61 “Gnome”, Balakovo, Saratov region General information Born on 6.

Teacher's portfolio PERSONAL DATA Advanced training Courses for advanced training on the topic “Improving quality.

Teacher's portfolio 1. Full name – Tatyana Viktorovna Tolstykh 2. Date of birth -01/22/1973 3. Education, name educational institution, year of ending:.

Teacher's portfolio Portfolio Educator Galkina Elena Aleksandrovna qualification category correspondence to the position held Business card.

Portfolio of a preschool teacher All about me A teacher, like an artist, must be born. K. Weber Pestova Veronika Nikolaevna Teacher of the MADOU combined kindergarten.

Portfolio of a preschool teacher Portfolio of Elena Mikhailovna Turabova, teacher of MADOU kindergarten No. 12 “Zhuravushka”, Balakovo, Saratov region Business card.

Teacher's portfolio Hello, dear colleagues! Today I would like to present to your attention: “Teacher’s Portfolio”. Recently, many teachers...

Teacher's portfolio I present to your attention my new portfolio from May 2016. 1.2. Compliance of psychological and pedagogical conditions with the requirements of the project being implemented.

Arslanova Lyudmila
Portfolio of a kindergarten teacher in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Arslanova Lyudmila Filippovna 01/07/1968 R.

Education: secondary specialized education, graduated from the Abakan Pedagogical College, majoring in education. “Teaching in the primary grades of a comprehensive school” in 1987.

Total work experience – 25 years.

Length in position teacher - 25 years old.

Pedagogical credo:

Profession teacher allows me to stay in peace childhood, fantasies, fairy tales! Communication with children prolongs moments of joy, inspiration, creativity!

There is always something to learn from the guys, they make us kinder and fairer!

Personal characteristics









Ability to get along with people



1. Short-term training “Components of ICT competence in professional activities teaching worker", Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Baikal State University teaching worker"(72 hours, 2013;

2. Short-term training “Development of personal and professional resources (in the conditions of implementation Federal State Educational Standard, IIPKRO, Irkutsk (108 hours, 2015.

Participation in scientific and practical conferences, seminars, conferences:

1. Scientific and practical seminar “It pays to be healthy” "Search" MOU DPO "Center for the Development of Creativity of Children and Youth", Shelekhov, 2013;

2. Practical seminar"PREZI-technology new way creation of interactive presentations", MKU ShR "Information and methodological educational center", Shelekhov, 2015;

3. Scientific and practical conference Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Irkutsk State pedagogical institute» , « Professional Development teachers of preschool education in a multicultural space”, Irkutsk 2014.

Achievements based on the results of participation in professional competitions skill:

1. Certificate of participation in the regional competition of the correspondence competition « Teacher's portfolio» among educators preschool educational institutions of the Shelekhovsky district";

2. Diploma of the All-Russian Internet competition of pedagogical excellence for the presentation of pedagogical experience “Health-saving technologies in working with children of primary preschool age” in nominations: "Pedagogical ideas and technologies";

3. Diploma of the II degree of the III regional pedagogical readings of the Shelekhovsky district educational institution for providing experience in topic: “Formation of the foundations of experimental activities in children of primary preschool age, Shelekhov, 2013;

4. Third degree diploma for winning the international correspondence competition “ Open lesson. Abstract of NNOD on the world around us with work "Magnet", www.edu-pedsovet.ru, 2015;

5. Certificate of participation in the absentee All-Russian competition “The best educational and methodological development”(group lesson "Visiting Mishutka", Information and Methodological Center of the Siberian Federal District of the Russian Federation (branch of Research Institute of SP in Siberian federal district) , 2015;

6. Certificate of participation in the III regional correspondence competition methodological developments NNOD among employees of preschool educational organizations of the Shelekhov district", Shelekhov, 2016.


1. Certificate from the Department of Education, Youth Policy and sports Administration of the Shelekhovsky municipal district for many years of conscientious work in the field of education and education preschool children, initiative and pedagogical skill", 2009;

2. Letter of gratitude from the Mayor for many years of conscientious work in the field of preschool education of children in the Shelekhovsky municipal district, high professional skill, creative approach to the chosen profession, personal contribution to upbringing the younger generation", 2011;

3. Certificate of honor from the Mayor for many years of conscientious work in the preschool education system and achievements achieved V education the younger generation, in honor of the 55th anniversary kindergarten and the 50th anniversary of the education system of the Shelekhovsky district.

Use of information and communication technologies (ICT) professional activity

Internet pages used in work:

http://www.site/users/1025439 (personal page)

http://16929.site/ (group website "Teremok")

http://alenki-tsvetochek.sheedu.ru/index.php/gruppa-teremok(group page "Teremok" on the official website of MKDOU " Children's combined garden No. 6 "The Scarlet Flower")

copies of Internet pages used sites: website/., nsportal.ru, pedsovet.su, pedsovet.org/;

Glossary: Teacher's portfolio

Definition and meaning portfolio in professional teaching activities

Recently, a novelty in the pedagogical dictionary has been the concept « portfolio» , who came to education and science from politics and business.

Portfolio translated from Italian means “folder with documents”, “specialist’s folder”.

Under portfolio is understood“A working file folder containing a variety of information that documents the teacher’s acquired experience and achievements.” Portfolio represents the totality of the teacher’s individual achievements and includes the best works.

Portfolio(Teacher's portfolio) – this is a way of recording, accumulating and evaluating the creative achievements of a teacher; this is a set of documents regulating its activities, forming a reflection of its own activities.

Portfolio teacher - an individual folder in which his personal professional achievements in educational-educational activities, learning outcomes, education and the development of his students ( pupils, the contribution of a teacher to the development of the Russian education system over a certain period of time (usually within the last 3 years). Portfolio provides integration of quantitative and qualitative assessments.

Portfolio is a set of materials that demonstrate the teacher’s ability to solve the problems of his professional activity, choose the strategy and tactics of professional behavior and is intended to assess the level of professionalism of the teacher.

Portfolio- an individual folder in which they are recorded, accumulated and evaluated individual achievements for a certain period of time in a variety of activities.

Portfolio allows you to take into account the results achieved by the teacher in various forms activities: educational, creative, social, communicative.

The educational community accepted the term, seeing in it one of the guidelines for qualitative renewal estimates: final goal portfolio Many authors see evidence of learning progress based on results, effort, and materialized products of educational and cognitive activity. Educational philosophy portfolio assumes: integration of quantitative and qualitative assessments; shifting the focus to achievement, success; transfer of pedagogical emphasis to self-esteem.