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The ancient secret of the flower of life volume 1 read. "The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life" Drunvalo Melchizedek

Characteristic ideas

  • From, with the help of drawings, he derives the idea of ​​Merkabah meditation (based on), with the help of which the human soul and body are capable. The Merkabah is a human light body in the shape of a star tetrahedron, which allows movement in space-time, as well as travel between dimensions. The name comes from the ancient Egyptian words mer, ka and ba, meaning light, spirit and body, respectively. In other languages, merkaba often means "heavenly chariot." Merkaba divides into natural (living) and technical (calling its creation “technology”). Both the living and the “Luciferian” Merkaba are illustrated with many geometric designs. Gives scientific photographs of the embryos of living beings, illustrating how the primary cell divides, then the halves divide and so on, forming 8 primary cells - the main ones in its geometric structure, and then division proceeds from these cells, forming all kinds of living beings - animals or humans. But this system of primary cells is the same for everyone, and he argues that these centers remain in man after adulthood as very important centers. Merkabah as a body of Light must be maintained for a certain time after the start of practice. In meditation, a person centers himself in the heart - thus connecting Earth and Heaven. In general, the essence of the practice is the feeling of unity and love with all life everywhere - it is this feeling from the Heart that awakens Merkaba.
  • Claims that “emotional, pragmatic Martians” arrived about 65,000 years ago on technical Merkabah devices (in that version the former and), escaping from nuclear war from the distant past, when there was life on Mars. The earth was then inhabited by a [advanced] civilization.
  • claims that the governments of our planet are trying to build a technical electro-magnetic Merkabah. He claims that due to previous unsuccessful attempts by the Martians to remember the lost technology of creation and aircraft, the space-time of our planet was destroyed. These attempts were: the Montauk experiment and secret government programs were associated with this.
  • Claims that the “grays” are collaborating with governments in the development of aircraft powered by a technical Merkabah. For the aliens themselves do not have an emotional body and without it they will not survive the “quantum transition” - a frequency shift of consciousness in everything. "Grey" aliens cannot hide from this threat in space.
  • Promotes a variation of the Christian idea. The cataclysm and death of humanity could have happened at the end of the 20th century, but “we were given time to come to our senses.” Following the ideas, he writes about the transition of humanity into an era of mutual respect and equality.
  • He claims that to create a living Merkabah, you need to open your Heart and respect all life on Earth, be grateful for every moment of life. Merkabah meditation is a breathing and meditation exercise that switches consciousness from mental speech to bodily, mental and spiritual sensations.
  • Claims to be very ancient and a wise man by name told him the ancient history of mankind, which often coincides with the research of Zecharia Sitchin.
  • Citing evidence of a tribe that has knowledge about astronomy and the Sirius system that is inexplicable to scientists, it develops ideas about amphibious aliens from (cult,) where they allegedly came from.
  • Much attention is paid to the 6-meter giant aliens Nifilim with a large and still undiscovered planet by astronomers. The satellite of Nibiru collided with a planet named after the goddess (more often called) and exploded, forming the Earth and the Moon.
  • From culture he derives the idea that the Niphilim genetically engineered people - like slaves and miners - about 200 thousand years ago. This is justified by the modern discovery of geneticists that people appeared precisely during this period. The Niphilim settled the Negroid part of the people in southern Africa, where archaeologists recently found the remains of miners 100 thousand years ago. And the other part of the people was settled not far from.
  • Every 3600 years, the Niphilim fly to Earth, which is associated with leaps in the evolution of humanity during these periods and the subsequent degradation of humanity during the periods of their departure.
  • The author attributes a special origin to and, explaining their height, physique and goals of government.
  • Links here and.


Much of his first book, Flower of Life, is devoted to illustrations of sacred geometry. In the second book he writes a lot about angels, harmony and love for the world, and gives breathing and meditative exercises for creating a “living Merkabah around your body.” Practitioners learn Merkabah meditation (star tetrahedron, volumetric figure, consisting of two tetrahedrons and similar to a three-dimensional Star of David - the figure has eight vertices). To unwind the Merkaba to a stable state, you need to do a daily meditation for a year, consisting of seventeen breaths, after which the field becomes more stable.

Companions and Followers

An associate of D. Melchizedek is the popular writer Bob Frissell.

In Russia, the doctrine of Merkabah is developed by E.N. Ecumenical, who created his own cult and wrote several books, greatly developing the teaching (has no relation to Drunvalo Melchizedek).

see also

  • Official website of Drunvalo Melchisidek (English)
  • Online magazine of Drunvalo Melchizedek Spirit of Maat: http://spiritofmaat.ru (Russian) and http://www.spiritofmaat.com


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    "The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life"

    Most of the world's prophets and indigenous peoples predict a "great change" awaiting the Earth and humanity. We see this final and concrete change as a change of dimensions on the planet and a transition to new level existence associated with a change in human consciousness to Christ Consciousness or Unity Consciousness. In the last chapter of the book we will take a closer look at the great change itself and the understanding it brings to us. We will focus on the essence of interdimensional transition in order to extract from here and bring into our life today on Earth the wisdom that will help us make the upcoming changes harmonious. Understanding the transition to another dimension helps to accelerate a person’s spiritual growth and, as efficiently as possible, use the time that we have left to live on our beautiful planet.

    An interdimensional transition occurs when a planet or other cosmic body moves from one dimension to another. In our case, this will be a transition from the third to the fourth dimension. The entire planet as a whole and everyone living on it will move to a higher level.

    The native peoples of America believe that we are on the verge of a transition from the fourth world to the fifth, and this change is preceded by the Day of Atonement. The difference in numbering is explained by the fact that they consider the Great Void to be a separate world and count from this point. Thus, the third dimension among the Melchizedeks and the fourth dimension among the American Indians are one and the same.

    If you want, you can understand the essence of the transformation when moving to the level of the next dimension or the next world. Even though the transformation is likely to happen extremely quickly, we are able to understand the changes we are about to go through. The veil on the events of our world will be lifted and we will have an explanation of why they happen, which in turn will give us the clarity of mind and heart needed for transformation.

    Description of the transition to the next dimension

    On the planets of our Galaxy, everything usually begins with a drop in tension magnetic field, which then becomes unstable. Next comes the destruction of civilization and the final stage begins. It takes no more than two years, but usually lasts three months. Even just being alive becomes extremely dangerous. All systems that support the existence of civilization are falling apart, and chaos rules the world. This is the time that most religious denominations, such as the Mormons, are preparing for. This is the period when we are still on Earth in the third dimension, but are ready to make the transition to the fourth dimension.

    This is followed by a five- or six-hour period immediately before the transition begins. This is a very strange time when the fourth dimension begins to penetrate the world of the third dimension. And it is useful for each of us to know what changes are coming.

    When the transition actually begins, there will no longer be any doubts. Specific changes in color and shape occur that do not fit into our human consciousness. We are currently leaving the third dimension. Usually at this time the planet’s axis shifts, but we will no longer know about it, since we will find ourselves in a new dimension of space-time. Of course, there are other options for the development of events, but their usual course is described above.

    Having passed through the Void, we will enter the fourth dimension. Life will change dramatically. The ascension, resurrection and final death will all occur before this stage. Next, birth will begin in new world.

    The scenario below details how dimensional transitions typically occur in the universe, but Earth is an exceptional case. First I will talk about an ordinary transition, but keep in mind that our transition can and almost certainly will be something unusual. The course of history may take a completely different path than the one I am about to tell you about. Everything depends on our love for each other as a planetary race of human beings. At the end of the story, I will present you with an alternative hypothesis. However, it is too early to say for sure that this is what is happening now, but it seems so.

    First signs

    The first sign of the beginning of our planet’s transition to another dimension is a sharp drop in the strength of the Earth’s magnetic field, which, as science knows, has been decreasing all the time for two thousand years, since the appearance of Jesus. In the last 500 years, the weakening has been much stronger. As we approach the moment of transition, the magnetic field will generally begin to go crazy, which has already been noticed all over the world. Airports have to adjust the position of the north geomagnetic pole on their maps in order to use automatic instruments. Over the past thirty years, characteristic changes in the structure of magnetic field lines have been observed. Birds are abandoning their usual migration sites. The fact is that during the flight they are guided by the Earth’s magnetic lines, but now the nature of the location of the guiding lines has changed dramatically. I believe this is what causes whales and dolphins to beach themselves, since they also use the Earth's magnetic field lines when migrating. Many lines that used to run along the coast now lead to land. Cetaceans swim strictly along these guide lines and wash up on the beaches. Eventually, the geomagnetic field will probably drop to zero altogether, as has happened many times in Earth's history.

    In the future, events can develop according to several scenarios. The field may turn over and the poles will change places. Or, having reached the zero point, the field will restore the same pole configuration, but will have a completely different axis. The Earth's magnetic field may change in many ways, but it will not make any difference to you and your Ascension. You will have already left the Earth dimensional level and will therefore not directly experience this change.

    In addition, other, more subtle energetic effects will take place before the transition to another dimension, such as a change in the Schumann frequency (the main resonant frequency of the Earth), but the most pronounced will be geomagnetic changes. I will not talk about the Schumann frequency because the US government categorically denies that it changes. If you really want to know the truth, look for relevant materials in Germany and Russia, as these two countries have information on this issue that completely contradicts the position of our government. You may also want to look at the work of Gregg Braden. He is more knowledgeable and honest about this issue.

    The special significance of the magnetic field is associated with its effect on the human brain, when the field strength drops to zero and remains at this point for more than two weeks. According to Russian research, when cosmonauts were outside the Earth's geomagnetic field for more than two weeks, they literally lost their minds. The same thing happened after the Fall of Atlantis, when it sank into the ocean - people lost their memory and went crazy. Apparently, earthly magnetism keeps our memory intact (just like a cassette tape) and this is connected to our emotional body. In Russia, for example, small devices have been invented that are attached to a belt, which ensure that a normal electromagnetic field is maintained around the body while the astronaut is in space. I'm sure NASA did the same.

    At first glance, it seems strange that the geomagnetic field affects our emotions, but remember what happens during the full moon. The full moon only slightly changes geomagnetic indicators, but the effect is more than obvious. Check anyone's police reports large city the day before and after the full moon, as well as on the full moon itself. During these three days, many more murders, rapes and other crimes are committed than at any other time. However, the problem becomes much more serious when the magnetic field drops to zero. Even if the instability of the global stock market is based on human emotions, then imagine what kind of panic throughout the world can be caused by strong fluctuations in the Earth’s geomagnetic field, lasting more than two weeks.

    Pre-transition stage

    This period usually lasts from three months to two years. Its onset marks the fact that people begin to behave abnormally due to changes in the geomagnetic field. The world seems to be going crazy. Social world structures are disintegrating. The stock market is collapsing, governments are becoming incompetent, and although attempts are being made to turn to the military departments, this does not help, since the military has the same problems. Suddenly there is a shortage of food and other vital resources, and there is nowhere to wait for help. Also, most people become paranoid and reach for guns. There is not a single safe place left on Earth.

    However, thanks to the enormous help that our spiritual brothers from extraterrestrial civilizations provide us, as well as thanks to the powerful change in consciousness that we ourselves have achieved, we have a great chance - perhaps we will not have to go through this dangerous period, and if we do, then everything will happen very quickly. I would not be surprised if we receive no warning sign of its approach at all, except for those five or six hours, which will be discussed below.
    If we had to prepare on the physical plane, we would dig a hole in the basement and put in it a supply of food for at least two years. But, having entered this shelter at the time of the beginning of the transition, we would not have left there. Why? Because the interdimensional shift will take us to a new dimension of Earth consciousness - a place where the third dimension, our familiar world, will not exist. When the transition begins, the world of the third dimension will leave, so it is not advisable to accumulate food and other supplies in the basement, hoping later, when everything is over, to leave there and continue to lead a normal life.

    A significant part of humanity has been doing this recently, waiting for a computer crash (at the onset of the year 2000). There is nothing wrong with this, but you need to understand that this will not save you. No amount of preparation on the physical plane will help you on the higher dimensional level. Successful advancement in the Higher Worlds depends on your spiritual awareness and mainly on your character. Yes, precisely from the character, as I will explain shortly.

    The last five to six hours before the transition

    From an ordinary human point of view, this is a dangerous stage. In the Taos Pueblo tribe of North American Indians, where I was born during my first incarnation on Earth, they taught that at this time you should enter the home (pueblo), close the curtains, not look out the window and pray. If you look outside the window, you will be overcome with fear. And that's the last thing you need.

    At this stage strange phenomena occur. The two dimensions begin to overlap. You can be sitting in your room, and suddenly something inexplicable to your mind will appear out of thin air in front of you. It will be an object from the fourth dimension that does not fit into your understanding of reality. You will see colors you have never seen before. They will be exceptionally bright and will appear as if they have their own light source. It’s as if the color is not reflected, but radiated. Objects will have shapes that are inexplicable to your mind. You've never seen anything like this before. But all this is in the order of things, a natural phenomenon.

    It is strongly recommended that you do not touch any of these objects. If you do this, you will be instantly, at high speed, drawn into the fourth dimension. It's better, and easier for you, not to move so fast. If this cannot be avoided, then it is God’s Will.

    Synthetic materials and thought forms of Luciferian reality

    Another phenomenon that is likely to occur has to do with the nature of the reality that Lucifer created and in which we live. The Original Reality was created in such a way that everything is in Divine order with everything else. But in the Luciferian reality, synthetic materials are artificially created with the help of technology. These materials, not found in nature, will not be able to pass into the fourth dimension. They will return to the state of the chaotic collection of elements from which they were created. It is possible to transfer such materials to the next dimension, but this requires the creation of a special energy field that maintains their integrity.

    Moreover, all synthetic materials have a certain degree of stability. Some of them, such as glass, are not far removed from nature. After all, glass is just molten sand. But other materials, such as plastics, are very far from nature and therefore much more unstable. This means that over a five to six hour period, some synthetic items, depending on their stability, will melt or disintegrate faster than others. Your machine is made of artificial plastics, which are extremely unstable materials, so it will definitely fail. Even your houses are most likely built from various unstable building materials and will generally collapse completely or partially. Therefore, most modern homes will be unsafe during the transition period.

    Knowing that this time would come and what would happen, the Taos Pueblo Indians long ago banned the use of modern building materials inside their settlements, the Pueblos. Yes, they build summer homes out of synthetic materials outside the settlements, but when the Day of Atonement comes, they know they must head to their ancient pueblo homes. Sometimes they put windows in the pueblo, but since the windows used to be without glass, even if the window collapsed, it wouldn't big loss. As for everything else, the pueblos are built only from clay, straw, stones and wood, so the Indians will not have any problems when moving to a new dimension.

    So, the best thing is to be in nature when this happens, and if you do not have such an opportunity, submit to the Will of God. I wouldn't worry about it. I am giving you this information only so that you will understand when the transition begins.

    Let's go a little further. Synthetic objects are actually just thought forms created during and as a result of the Luciferian experiment. They do not exist in the original Reality. It's probably hard for you to understand that these are just thoughts. The term "thought forms" is more correct. Thought forms come from what the Hindus call the mental plane, from a higher level dimension, and are then slowly filtered down through the dimensions, like steps, until they end up here in the third dimension.

    In human terms, a person thinks about something, imagines it, and then decides how to do it. People create something in one way or another and thereby manifest their intentions on the earthly plane. This can be done by one person or a group of people, no matter who. The person or people who create something do not hold that object on the earthly plane, even if they are its creator. It is held here by the network of our third dimensional consciousness surrounding the planet. It is the consciousness of all people living on our level, a coherent reality held in place by a network of consciousness. Therefore, if the creator of an object dies, the object itself remains. But if the network holding the objects were to fall apart, the objects would turn into the materials from which they were created, and not a trace of them would remain. And the network must collapse before or during the transition.

    It is quite obvious that the condition of people who are already mentally disturbed due to the decrease in the intensity of the geomagnetic field will become even worse when they see the destruction of the Luciferian reality, when all objects begin to collapse and disappear. Luckily, it will last less than six hours.

    According to Edgar Cayce and other psychics, many highly developed civilizations once existed on Earth, but little or nothing remains of them. This is explained by what was just said. The artificial materials created by our ancestors did not go through the last interdimensional transition 13 thousand years ago or during the previous change of dimensions. Every time there is a transition to the next dimension, God cleanses environment original Reality.

    If a highly advanced extraterrestrial civilization came here and wanted to create some kind of structure (for example, a pyramid) that would survive for tens of thousands of years, they would not build it from some difficult-to-obtain material such as stainless steel. Natural materials of the planet will be used, very durable and reliable. Thus, the pyramid will withstand all the natural changes of dimensions through which each planet passes. And these are not Stone Age restrictions, but very reasonable actions, that’s all.

    Along with this, highly developed extraterrestrial civilizations They are very careful not to leave any traces of their visit. They either take their bodies with them or disperse them, unwilling to break the galactic law of non-interference.

    Planetary Transitions

    Every person who has ever lived on Earth has already experienced a transition. All people had to do this to get here on Earth. This is an indisputable cosmic fact. No matter where we came to Earth from, we had to go through the Void to get here, and therefore there had to be a change in dimensions. The day you were born on Earth as a child, you experienced a dimensional shift. You have passed from one world to another. It was only because of our defective memory that we forgot about it.

    By the fact that we do not remember the experience of our birth and have lost the memory of other dimensions, we have imposed incredible restrictions on ourselves. Take, for example, the fact that we cannot overcome the reality of long distances. The distances for our reality are so great that we cannot cross them. We cannot even leave our solar system because in our present state of consciousness we are prisoners in our own home.

    Do you think this is not true? Unable to travel long distances in spaceship with the usual way of perceiving time and space. Scientists have already come to this conclusion. Undoubtedly, the idea that we will never leave our borders solar system, can be disheartening. A flight to the nearest star (Alpha Centauri, about four light years away) using modern space technology would take 115 million years. A person does not live that long, and, besides, this is the nearest star. This means that getting to deep space is simply impossible. To achieve success, we must change our understanding of time and space.

    As we have already said, our problem is that we only know about time and space, and we have almost completely lost the reality of measurement. Because everything is perfect, we remember it now, just when we need it. First, memory comes back to us through our dreams, and then through films. Movies like Star Trek, Contact, The Circle and many others explore the idea of ​​other dimensions. We will definitely remember, because God is with us.

    I will try to help you: I will tell you how the transition from one dimension to another usually occurs. I'll give you a description of mine personal experience, but what will happen in reality may be somewhat different, since the Universe is always experimenting. Some of you might prefer to hear this as a story, but I think it's more appropriate to give a straightforward chronicle of events.

    Six hours before departure

    Let's look at the six hours leading up to the transition. You wake up to a clear, cool morning and feel great. Getting out of bed, you notice some unusual lightness and a slightly strange state. You decide to take a bath, watch the water flowing and suddenly feel something behind you. You turn around and see a large, brightly glowing object of indeterminate color hovering next to the wall at a height of about 90 cm (three feet). While you are trying to understand what it is, a second, smaller object appears out of nowhere. Both objects begin to circle around the room.

    You jump out of the bathtub, run into the bedroom only to see that the entire room is filled with these unimaginable strange things. At first you decide that you have a mental disorder or a brain tumor that affects your perception, but nothing like that. Suddenly the floor begins to open up in front of you and the whole house tilts. You run outside into nature, where everything looks normal except that there are a lot of strange objects everywhere.

    Then you decide to sit down and not move. You remember your Mer-Ka-Ba and begin to breathe consciously. Feel relaxation in the flow of prana flowing through your body. The rapid rotation of the Mer-Ka-Ba envelops you in a feeling of warmth and safety. You center and wait because what is about to happen is God's grace. There is nowhere to go. This is the most wonderful pastime imaginable. It is ancient and at the same time completely new. It's wonderful and you feel great. You feel more alive than ever during your existence in ordinary earthly reality. Every breath feels amazing to you.

    You look at a clearing from where a red glowing mist spreads, gradually filling the space around you. Soon you are completely surrounded by fog and it seems to have its own light source. In fact, this substance is unlike any fog you have ever seen. But it seems to you that the fog is everywhere, you even breathe it.

    A strange sensation takes over your body. It's not that it's unpleasant, just unusual. You notice that the red mist is slowly turning into orange. And now it has already turned yellow. Yellow quickly turns to green, then blue, violet and finally ultraviolet. Suddenly your consciousness is illuminated by a powerful flash of bright white light. You are not just surrounded by it, it seems that you are this light. Nothing else exists for you around you.

    The last feeling lasts for a long, long time. Slowly, very slowly, the white light becomes transparent and the place where you are sitting becomes visible. Everything around you acquires a metallic shine and looks as if it is made of pure gold - trees, clouds, animals, houses, other people - everything except your body.

    Almost imperceptibly for you, the golden, metallic reality becomes transparent. Gradually everything begins to look like golden glass. Through the walls you see people moving.

    Emptiness - three days of darkness

    Finally, the golden reality begins to disappear. The bright gold dims and continues to lose its light until eventually the whole world around you becomes dark and black. Darkness covers you, and your old world disappears forever. You can't see anything, not even your body. You realize that you are standing firmly on your feet, and at the same time it seems to you that you are flying. The familiar world has disappeared, but you do not feel fear. There's nothing to be afraid of here. Everything is absolutely natural. You have entered the Void between the third and fourth dimensions - the Void from where everything came and where everything must necessarily return. You find yourself in a passage between worlds. There is no sound or light here. There is a complete absence of any sensory sensations.

    There is nothing else to do but wait and feel grateful that you are connected to God. You can probably fall asleep here. This is fine. If you don't sleep, time will seem to drag on forever. In fact, it will take about three days.

    More precisely, this period can last from two and a half days (the shortest known) to approximately four days (the longest known). As a rule, it takes from three to three and a half days. These are, of course, earthly days and not real, but empirical time, because, as we know, time does not exist. Now you have come to the “end of time” that the Mayans and other religious and spiritual movements talk about.

    New birth

    The next experience will be shocking to you. After floating in emptiness and darkness for three days or so, at some level of your existence it may seem like a thousand years have passed. Then, in a single moment and completely unexpectedly, your entire world explodes into a brilliant white light. He will be dazzling. The brightest light you have ever seen. It will take a long time before your eyes adapt and can handle its glare.

    Most likely, this experience will seem completely new to you - after all, you have just become a child in a new reality. You are a small child. Just like when you were born on Earth, you came from a very dark place to a very bright place; you too were blinded and did not know what was happening. These experiences are similar in many ways. Congratulations! You have just been born into a shining new world!

    As you adjust to the brightness of the light, which may take some time, you will see colors that you have never seen before or even knew existed. Everything in this reality, all forms and sensations, will be strange and unfamiliar to you, with the exception of that short period of time right before the transition when strange objects floated in front of you.

    In fact, it's more like a rebirth. On Earth, when you are born, you are brought into the world as a small child and continue to grow until you become an adult. Adulthood is generally considered to be the end of growth. The fact that the body of an adult in the next world is a child sounds strange until you see it for yourself. In the same way, you begin to grow and become taller until you reach adulthood in the new world. Adults in the fourth dimensional world are much taller than here. The male is 4.2-4.8 m (14-16 ft) tall and the female is 3-3.6 m (10-12 ft).

    Your body will look dense, like on Earth, but compared to the third dimension it is not. If you returned back to Earth, no one would see you. You would still have an atomic structure, but the atoms would mostly exist as energy. Your body will be a bundle of energy with very little substance. On Earth you could walk through solid walls, but in the fourth dimension your body is dense. This new birth will be yours last life in a structure familiar to you. In the fifth dimension, which will soon be replaced by the fourth, life will have no form at all. This is a formless state of consciousness. You will not have a body, but you will be everywhere at the same time.

    In addition, time in the fourth dimension is subject to completely different laws. A few minutes on Earth is equivalent to several hours in the fourth dimension, so in what will seem like two years to you, you will become an adult. But life in the new world is not simply about growing as it is here on Earth. There are several levels of knowledge and existence that will be difficult for you to imagine from the level at which you enter the fourth dimension, just as it is impossible for a baby here on Earth to understand astrophysics.

    Your thoughts and survival

    And now you find yourself in a new world as a baby. But you are far from helpless in it. You are a powerful spirit who can control all of reality with your thoughts. Whatever you think about, it happens instantly!

    At first you are not yet aware of this relationship. Most people can't figure out what's going on for a few days, and that time is critical. In a matter of days, the fate of your survival in the new world can be decided if you do not understand anything.

    Imagine, you are only a few minutes old, and the first big test in your life is already beginning. When a window into the fourth dimension opens, anyone can pass through it, but not everyone can stay there.

    We have found that there are three types of people at this stage. Firstly, among those who have transferred there are people who are ready. They prepared themselves on Earth by the way they lived their lives. The second type includes people who are completely unprepared, they are so full of fear that they cannot allow themselves to leave the third dimension through the Void; they immediately return to Earth. Finally, the third group consists of those who are not quite ready for this experience. They have enough preparation to move into the fourth dimension, but not enough to stay there. These are the people Jesus had in mind when, at the end of one of his parables, he said: “For many are called, but few are chosen” (Gospel of Matthew, 20:16 - Ed.).

    There is another parable in the Gospel - about a farmer who was told by his servants that there were a lot of weeds in his wheat field and asked what to do. The owner ordered not to touch the weeds, to remove them and the wheat together during the harvest, and then to separate the grains from the chaff. Usually they try to get rid of weeds before they grow, but in this case it was decided to do something different. Jesus allegorically spoke of two different groups of people - those who are ready and those who are not ready.

    Insufficiently prepared people carry with them all their fears and hatreds. When they find themselves in this very strange world, all their fears and irritations rear their head. People are unaware that everything they think about immediately takes shape, so their fears begin to really manifest themselves.

    Not understanding what is happening, most people try to reproduce familiar images of the old world, those things that are familiar to them. In this way they try to comprehend what is happening. They do this unconsciously, the instinct of self-preservation operates in them. They begin to create old images and structures. But the new world is so strange that all their fears come to life. They say: “Oh my God, what is this? This is madness, madness.” They see long-dead people, events from their past, from childhood. And they don’t understand anything. The mind is trying to somehow put everything in order.

    Confused people decide they are hallucinating, and this only makes the fear worse. Thinking in an earthly way, they believe that someone is setting all this up on purpose, so they must defend themselves. Their ego thinks it needs a gun. The thought is immediately followed by its implementation, and here in front of them is a gun with an optical sight, just what they wanted. They pick up a gun and think: “We need ammunition.”

    They look to the left and see huge boxes full of ammunition. They load the gun and begin to look around in search of enemies who want to kill them. And who instantly appears? Of course, the expected scoundrels, and fully armed.

    As a result, their worst fears, whatever they may be, come true, and then people start shooting. Everywhere they turn, other people are trying to kill them. In the end, their worst fear is realized and they are killed outright.

    After this, a kind of script comes into play that sends them from the Upper World back to where they came from. This is exactly what Jesus meant when he said: “...all who take the sword will perish by the sword” (Gospel of Matthew, 26:52 - Ed.). But He also said: “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth” (Gospel of Matthew, 5:5 - Ed.), it means that if you came to the new world with simple thoughts about love, harmony and peace, trusting God and yourself, then this is exactly what will manifest itself around you. You will create a harmonious, beautiful world. If you are meek, you will enable yourself to remain in this higher world through your thoughts, feelings and actions. You will survive here.

    Of course, this is just the beginning. You were born into a new world and survived in it. Then there are several possible scenarios for the development of events. One that will definitely happen is that after some time you will begin to explore the new reality and at a certain point you will realize that whatever you think about, it is actually happening.

    Illuminated by this knowledge, people often look at their body and say “oh,” and then, with the help of their thoughts, begin to improve themselves, achieving the physical ideal that they have always dreamed of. They heal everything they need, lengthen their arms and legs. Why not? It's like a child's toy. Since on at this stage the ego is still a little active, you can create a nice appearance for yourself, become really beautiful and taller. But soon you will get bored with improving your body, and you will begin to explore a new reality.

    One thing is almost certain to happen. Suddenly you will notice two bright moving spots of light near where you are. This is your mother and your father. Yes, in the fourth dimension you will have parents. However, for the last time, since in the next higher world they will no longer exist. In the fourth dimensional space where you have moved, there are no family problems like there are on Earth. Your mother and father will love you the way you probably always dreamed of. Their love and care know no bounds. Since you survived here, they won't let anything bad happen to you. You have absolutely nothing to worry about. There will come a time of great joy if you just surrender to it all and let love guide you.

    Drunvalo Melchizedek
    The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life

    Edited and expanded text

    video recordings of the “Flower of Life” seminar,

    which was held as a living offering

    Mother Earth from 1985 to 1994

    Drunvalo is a physicist by training, a member of the esoteric Order of Melchizedeks, who has been trained by 70 spiritual teachers from various traditions.

    In this volume - the second half of the famous Flower of Life seminar - Drunvalo further explores the sacred design of the Flower of Life, the primary geometric source of all physical forms. He shows that the proportions of the human body, the characteristics of human consciousness, the size and distance of stars, planets and satellites, and even what is created by humanity - everything originates in this beautiful Divine image.

    This volume, for the first time in wide print, openly conveys instructions for Mer-Ka-Ba meditation - step-by-step techniques for recreating the energy field of an advanced person and awakening the memory of who we are and where we are going.

    DEDICATION This book, volume two, is dedicated to your Inner Child and all New Children as they come to Earth to lead us Home,

    to the Highest Light


    We meet again, exploring together the vastness of who we are, and again dreaming of the same ancient truth, which is that life is a beautiful mystery that leads us wherever we dream.

    The second volume contains the exact meditation instructions that were originally given to me by the angels to enter the state of consciousness called the Mer-Ka-Ba - on modern language it is called the human Light body. Our body of Light contains the potential to undergo the New Ascension of the Universe, which is so familiar to us. In a special state of consciousness, everything can begin to be renewed, and life will change in the most miraculous way.

    These words are more for awakening memory than for studying or teaching. You already know what I'm talking about. This knowledge is written in every cell of your body, it is hidden deep inside your heart and your consciousness, and to remember everything, you only need a slight push.

    Because of the love I have for you and for all life everywhere, I offer you these images and this vision to serve you, to bring you closer to self-realization and to the realization that the Great Spirit is connected with your entire being bonds of deep intimacy and love. I pray that these words will help you open the way to Higher Worlds.

    You and I are living at a turning point in the history of the Earth. The world is undergoing dramatic changes as humans and computers enter into a symbiotic relationship, providing Mother Earth with two ways of conducting and understanding events in the world. She uses this new vision to change and open paths to the Higher Worlds of Light so that even a child understands everything. Our Mother loves us infinitely.

    We, her children, are now traveling between two worlds: our ordinary everyday life and a world that surpasses the dreams of our most distant ancestors. With the love of our Mother and the help of our Father, we will find a way to heal the hearts of people and transform this world, bringing it back to Unity Consciousness again.

    May what you read bring you joy and truly be a blessing to your life.

    In love and service,



    Spirit and Sacred Geometry

    Third information systemin the Fruit of Life

    This book goes beyond what most people think. I ask you to take my story with confidence and gradually begin to see in a new way. This approach may seem pointless until you delve deeper into the topic. It revolves around the idea that all consciousness including human based solely on Sacred Geometry. Because this is so, we can begin to see and understand where we came from, where we are now, and where we are going.

    I hope you remember that the Fruit of Life is the basis of all thirteen to twelve information systems, and these systems are created by superimposing in a special way straight male lines on the female circles of the Fruit of Life. In the previous eight chapters of the book, we explored two of these systems. The first system created Metatron's cube, which formed the five Platonic solids. These forms create the structure of the entire Universe.

    The second system, which we have just touched upon, is formed by straight lines emanating from the center of the Fruit of Life, and concentric circles, thus creating the Polar Graph. This in turn gave birth to the Stellar Tetrahedron inscribed in the sphere, which is the basis for the interconnection of vibrations, sound, harmonics, music and matter throughout creation.

    Circles and squares of human consciousness

    We will approach the third information system indirectly.
    As we progress, the source, the Fruit, will appear
    Life. Let's call this new system circles and squares of human
    th consciousness.
    The Chinese call it squaring the circle and encircling

    According to Thoth, all levels of consciousness in the Universe are united in Sacred Geometry in a single way. This image is the key to time, space and dimensions, as well as to consciousness itself. According to Thoth, even emotions and thoughts are based on Sacred Geometry, but this topic will wait for now and will be discussed later in this book.

    For each level of consciousness there is a geometry associated with it, which completely determines how that particular level of consciousness

    tolerates one Reality. Each level is a geometric image or lens through which the spirit looks to see one Reality, receiving a completely unique experience. Even the Spiritual hierarchy of the Universe is geometric in its structure, copying nature in this. As Thoth said, under the Sphinx there are nine crystal spheres enclosed one within the other. Archaeologists and clairvoyants have been looking for them for a long time - this is ancient legend. It is believed that the crystal spheres are somehow connected to the consciousness of the Earth and the three levels of consciousness that are now characteristic of humanity.

    Many people have been searching for the legendary orbs, they have spent a huge amount of time and money on it, but, as Thoth says, you don't need crystal orbs; all you have to do is draw nine concentric circles, because that explains everything in exactly the same way. If people knew that what is sought is consciousness and geometry, and not necessarily an object, then this knowledge could have come earlier.

    According to Thoth, if you were to approach a planet that you had never seen before and find out what levels of consciousness existed on it, you would need to take small creatures from that planet and measure them, of course, assuming that you will be able to keep them motionless for a long time. Based on the measurements, you can establish the sacred proportions of the square and circle associated with their bodies, and from this information determine the exact level of their consciousness.

    To determine the level of consciousness of “non-human” life forms, such as animals, insects and extraterrestrial beings, other proportions are used, always derived from the cube, but in the case of humans it is a circle and a square. By comparing which is larger - a square or a circle described around the body, and calculating exactly how much - you can determine how these life forms interpret Reality and at what level of consciousness they are. There are, however, faster ways of determination, but this method is fundamental to existence itself.

    He ordered to draw nine concentric circles and place around each of them a square with a side equal to the diameter of the circle, as in Figure 9-1. Thus, you receive balanced male and female energies. Then look at how the squares relate to the circles, that is, how the masculine energy interacts with the feminine. According to Thoth, the most important thing is how much the perimeter of the square and the circumference of the circle approach the phi proportion. This is the key to human life.

    Finding the proportions phi, blitough to perfect

    Looking at the inner square, we do not see any circles intersecting it; this is also true for the second square. The third square begins to intersect the fourth circle, although it is obvious that this is not a phi proportion. However, the fourth square intersects the fifth circle and between them pro-

    Rice. 9-1. Concentric circles and squares. The darker circles and squares form pairs that approach the phi proportion. They also determine the location of the first and third levels of human consciousness. (The network unit is radius central circle or half side the square surrounding it. It can be seen that the diameter of the central circle and the side of the square describing it have the same length)

    In this volume, instead of the concept Christ Consciousness Grid the concept will be used Christ Consciousness Network, which is a more accurate translation of the English equivalent. - Note, ed.

    is almost exact phi proportion. On the fifth and sixth squares the image again deviates from this proportion. Then, unexpectedly, the seventh square intersects the ninth circle so that again appears-Xia almost exact phi proportion, but not c one circle beyond its limits, as was the case in the fourth square and fifth circle, and with two in circles. And the ratio becomes even closer to the Golden Ratio (equal to 1.6180339...) than in the first case.

    This is the beginning of a geometric progression that can continue indefinitely, a progression in which we humans are just the second possible step. (And we value ourselves so highly!) If we take the duration of human life as a unit of measurement, then we are now at the level of consciousness represented by the development of the human zygote immediately after the formation of the first cell. Life in the Universe is beyond anything we can imagine, but we are the seed containing both the beginning and the end.

    If we return to the practical aspect, then you can make all the measurements even without a ruler, taking the radius of the innermost circle as a unit segment. The first circle and the first square have a transverse size of two radii. (Such segments are used to create the network used here*). And when you reach the fourth square, it will be 8 radii across. To find out the number of radii that make up all four sides of this square, you simply multiply them by 4, and then you can see that the perimeter of the fourth square is 32 radii. We need to know the perimeter because when it is equal to or close to the circumference of the circle, we get the phi proportion (see Chapter 7).

    Let's say we want to see whether the circumference of the fifth circle is equal (or close) to the perimeter of the fourth square (32 segments). First, we determine the circumference by multiplying the diameter of the circle by pi (3.14). Since the fifth circle is 10 units (radii) across, if you multiply that by pi (3.14), the circumference will be 31.40 radii. The perimeter of the square is exactly 32, which means the dimensions of the circle and square are very close, but the circumference is slightly smaller. According to Thoth, this corresponds to the moment when human consciousness first begins to become self-aware.

    Now let's carry out similar calculations for the seventh square and the ninth circle. There are 14 radii in the diameter of the seventh square; multiplying the side by 4 gives us 56 radii for the perimeter of the seventh square. The ninth circle has a diameter of 18 radii, and this number multiplied by pi is 56.52. Therefore, in this case the circle is slightly larger than the square, although before it was slightly smaller. If you continue to create circles beyond the original nine, you will see the same picture: a little more, a little less, a little more, a little less - getting closer and closer to the perfection of the Fibonacci series, tending to the phi ratio (see Chapter 8) .

    Rice. 9-2. First and third levels

    human consciousness, almost perfect proportion of phi

    First and third levels of consciousness

    Figure 9-2 represents the very beginning of consciousness in these first two places with the phi proportion. Probably co-

    knowledge will continue to expand endlessly and approach the exact proportion of phi, or the Golden Ratio. So, the fourth square in combination with the fifth circle and the seventh square in combination with the ninth circle form almost perfect phi proportions. It so happened, says Thoth, that they are the first and third levels of consciousness. They are very, very close to being a harmonious consciousness, and this makes them self-aware. Remember the nautilus shell? At first it was not even close to harmony, compared to a number of subsequent turns along the geometric path. It's the same here. But what happened to the second level of human consciousness?

    According to Thoth, no one has ever even tried to imagine how to move from the first level of consciousness, which the natives are at, straight to the third, which is the Christ Consciousness, or the Consciousness of Unity. What was needed was a step or a bridge between these two levels - that is, we, the second level. The question is, where is our level of consciousness located in the picture mentioned above?

    Determining the positionsecond level

    In this system of circles and squares, there are two places where we, ordinary people, can be: on the fifth or sixth square, which corresponds to some other circle. In Figure 9-1 there are only two squares between the first and third levels. I didn’t understand what difference it made what square we were on, and He didn’t tell me about it. He only said: “This is the fifth square, corresponding to the sixth circle,” without explaining why. For two or three years I tried to understand why it was the fifth square in combination with the sixth circle, and not the sixth square in combination with the seventh circle. He didn't explain anything to me. He simply said: “Guess for yourself.” This activity took me a lot of time. When I finally figured it out, Thoth simply nodded at me, which meant: I’m right. Figure 9-3 shows three levels of consciousness, and the other, inharmonious squares have been removed.

    If we rotate the square 45 degrees (see Figure 9-4) into a diamond position, then the secret purpose of our existence becomes obvious. The rotated fifth square is very close to the position of the seventh square. But not ideal, because we are not harmonious and do not have the perfect love of Christ. But we show the way to Christ Consciousness through our human love. Moreover, we are still connected to the first level because our geometry is exactly in contact with the fifth circle of the first level of consciousness. We are the perfect container of aboriginal consciousness and the imperfect container of Christ's love. That's what we are - a connecting bridge.

    This is the key to understanding why human consciousness is in such a special geometric relationship and why it is necessary. Without our present way of seeing the one Reality, the first level of consciousness could never have developed into a higher light. We are like a stone in the middle of a small stream. They jump on him and immediately jump over to the other side.

    Rice. 9-3. Three geometric levels of human consciousness on Earth:

    4th square and 5th circle - first (aboriginal) level;

    5th square and 6th circle - second (current) level; 7th square and 9th circle - third level (Christ Consciousness)

    Rice. 9-4. Rotating the second level square by 45 degrees creates a bridge between the second and third levels of consciousness

    Later in this chapter you will learn that the diamond is the key to the second level of our consciousness. You will see this in the Great Pyramid, as well as in other works that I will show you. The square with a diamond inside is very important to humanity. Buckminster Fuller thought so too. This shape in three-dimensional space is called cuboctahedron. Bucky gave her a special name: vector equilibrium. He noticed one interesting thing. When rotated, the cuboctahedron acquires the amazing ability to become all five Platonic solids, which gives the key to its primary significance in Sacred Geometry. Why is it so important for humanity? Because a square with a rhombus inside is associated with one of the primary reasons for human existence - with the role of the transition from the aboriginal (first level) consciousness to the Christ Consciousness (to the third level).

    When you measure human geometry using this system, you will find that we humans are about three and a half radii outside of it. We are not even close to harmony. (Measure it yourself if you want.) We exist in an inharmonious consciousness, although we are necessary for the completeness of life. However, when life gets to where we are, it comes and goes as quickly as possible, as if jumping onto a stone that lies in the middle of a stream. Why? Because when we are not harmonious, we destroy everything and everyone around us. If we stay here too long, our lack of wisdom will destroy even ourselves. Look at the state of the world's environment and our continuous wars and you will understand this. And yet we are essential to life.

    Geometric Lenses for Understanding Reality

    The next thing Thoth wanted: I had to look at three different levels consciousness in terms of geometry to see what these geometric lenses look like. Remember, there is only one God, one Reality. However, there are many ways to interpret it.

    The innermost square (fourth) in Figure 9-5 represents the first level, the middle square (fifth) represents the second level, and the outer one (seventh) represents the third level. I will call the inner square 8 by 10, meaning that its side has eight radii, and the diameter of the circle related to it (the fifth) is ten. The side of the middle square is 10, and the side of the sixth circle is 12, so I call them 10 by 12. This is the middle, or second, level on which we exist now. For the level of Christ Consciousness the ratio is: 14 radii across the square (seventh) and 18 radii across the ninth circle, in other words 14 by 18. So, we have 8 by 10, 10 by 12 and 14 by 18.

    In Sacred Geometry, there is always a reason for everything. Nothing - absolutely nothing - happens without a reason. You may ask why, out of all the possibilities, self-aware consciousness begins then when the fourth square comes into harmony with the fifth circle?

    Rice. 9-5. Three levels of human consciousness, expressed in unit segments or radii in circle-square pairs

    Rice. 9-6. Fruit of Life combined with the first level of consciousness

    Rice. 9-7. Side view of the temple at Karnak, which Lucy reassembled from the rubble

    Combination with the Fruit of Life

    To answer this question, let's try to apply the Fruit of Life to the drawing of the first level of consciousness (see Fig. 9-6). Look at him! It exactly matches the fourth square and the fifth circle, our 8 by 10! Its central circle is the same as the central circle of the previous drawing, as are all five concentric circles. This figure shows only the fourth square, forming an almost perfect phi proportion with the fifth circle, as we saw earlier.

    Do you see the perfection of life? The Fruit of Life has always been hidden under this structure; they exactly overlap each other. This is how, from the point of view of the right hemisphere, it is explained why consciousness first became aware of itself between the fourth and fifth circles: because its sacred image was hidden behind this part of the structure. It was at this moment that the Fruit of Life was completed, and the pro-portion phi first appeared. And immediately a way of manifesting consciousness arose.

    Lucy's genius

    I want to tell you one more thing before we delve into these three different modes of consciousness. When I discovered that drawings of concentric circles-squares could be perfectly superimposed on a drawing of the Fruit of Life, I wanted to know if anything had been written about it. At that time I was in my room listening to Thoth, whom no one but me saw, and he told me that the Egyptians perceived three different levels of human consciousness. I wanted to know if such an idea existed in the history of Egypt besides his information.

    I tried to find a mention of this in written works and to my surprise I found it. In the writings of Lucy Lamy, stepdaughter of Schwaller de Lubicz. I couldn't find anyone else who knew anything about the idea of ​​three levels of human consciousness. Schwaller de Lubicz and Lucy

    deeply understood the Egyptian connection with Sacred Geometry. And most Egyptologists until recently at all didn't understand this. After studying Lucy's work, I came to the conclusion that she is the greatest of all the greatest people who have ever studied Sacred Geometry. Her work is amazing. I always wanted to meet Lucy, but it never happened. She died several years ago, I think in 1989, in Abydos, Egypt. I want to show you some of Lucy Lamy's work so you can see what an amazing person she was.

    This small temple (see Fig. 9-7) is located inside the temple complex at Karnak.

    Karnak is connected to the temple of Luxor by a wide passage about 3 km (2 miles) long. From the side of Luxor, there are sphinxes with human heads on both sides, which, as they approach Karnak, gradually become

    Rice. 9-8. Original drawing by Lucy Lamy

    rotate into sphinxes with ram heads. The temple complex at Karnak is huge, and the pool where the priests bathed in ancient times would amaze you with its truly gigantic size.

    To get an idea of ​​the size of the small temple shown in the picture, imagine that the head of the person standing in front of it is almost at the level of the lower edge of his sloping window sill. Before Lucy found the stones of this temple, they were just a large pile of rubble. Archaeologists knew that they were components of some unique architectural structure; there was nothing like it around. But they didn't know what the building looked like, so they left the stones in a big pile, hoping that someone would figure it out someday. Then archaeologists found another pile of equally unique stones. And they couldn’t say anything about these stones either. What to do with a pile of rubble? It's hard to say what the building originally looked like, right?

    Copyright © 1990, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998


    © LLC Book Publishing House “Sofia”, 2016

    * * *


    Many beings—hundreds of them—helped me bring this work to completion. I can't name them all, but I feel the need to publicly acknowledge a few of them.

    First of all, to the two angels who in the distant past entered my life and lovingly guided me through it, my deepest respect to you. Thoth, the Ascended Teacher of Atlantis, Egypt and Greece, gave me most of the information contained in this book. My family, my wife Claudette and my children, gave me greatest love and inspiration. The 200 facilitators (seminar leaders) teaching the Flower of Life in 33 countries gave me invaluable feedback, support and love, which gave me strength. Thanks also to the thousands of students who wrote me loving letters about how this work has changed their lives; it gave me the strength to continue. Thank you to Livea Cherish, who translated the videos into this book, and to Margaret Pinyan, whose brilliant editing skills made the text so easy to read. Tim Stoes, who created about half of the computer graphics, and Michael Tyree, who did the other half, will help readers better understand what the book is about. Special thanks to O'Ryan Swanson, owner of Light Technology Publishing, who believed in me and published this work.

    To all the others, too many to name, I thank from the bottom of my heart and pray that this work will help people understand who they really are so that we can all work together to create a more loving world—and perhaps a more loving The Universe.

    Thank you, my dears!


    Only One Spirit...

    Long before the existence of Sumer, before the Saqqara necropolis was built in Egypt, long before the heyday of civilization in the Indus Valley, the Spirit lived in human bodies that displayed the dance of high culture. The Sphinx knows the truth. We are much more than what we know about ourselves. We just forgot.

    The Flower of Life was known to all living things. All life, not only here, but everywhere, knew it as the pattern of Creation - the path inward and outward. The Spirit created us in this Image. You know it's true: it's written in your body, in all your bodies.

    We fell from a very high level of consciousness a long time ago, and the memory of this is only now beginning to return. The birth of our new-old consciousness here on Earth will change us forever and bring us back to the realization that there is truly only one Spirit.

    What you are about to read is a description of my life's journey through this reality, a description of how I learned about the Great Spirit and the relationship that each of us has with all life everywhere.

    I see the Great Spirit in the eyes of each of you and know that He/She dwells within you. In the very depths of your being, you already have the information that I will share with you. When you read it for the first time, it may seem like something you've never heard before, but it's not. This is ancient information. You can remember what is deep within you, and I hope that this book will help you activate your memory of it so that you can remember who you are, why you came here, and what the purpose of your existence is here on Earth.

    It is my prayer that this book will serve as a blessing on your life's journey and awaken in you a new self-awareness and a very ancient knowledge about yourself. Thank you for being part of this journey with me. I truly love you because we are actually long-time friends. We are One.


    Preface to the Russian edition

    Dear readers of the book “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life”!

    I have been working in the field for many years now sacred geometry. Many people participated in my seminars. I teach the very basics of this discipline and teach Mer-Ka-Ba meditation. Most of my seminars took place in Russia and other Slavic countries. This is a very deep work - to teach and bring awareness of sacred geometry and Mer-Ka-Ba meditation to the world, and an even more profound experience - to teach you, the Slavic peoples.

    The way you love with all your heart and the deep level at which you engage in spiritual work is absolutely amazing, and I feel this every time I conduct seminars in your countries. Perhaps you don’t even understand yourself, but I, coming from the Western world, see and feel your great love and spiritual capabilities all the time. The love that lives in your hearts is beyond all understanding. I am deeply touched by this pure love that resides in each of you. I am confident that this book will guide you on your path. unconditional love to life everywhere.

    I really hope to see you at one of my seminars one day.

    I thank Drunvalo Melchizedek for bringing this knowledge to our understanding and giving me the opportunity to tell you these words through his book.

    May Love, Beauty, Trust, Truth, Peace and Harmony be with you and with all life everywhere!

    Tom de Winter, facilitator (leader) of the Flower of Life seminars, the Netherlands


    The Flower of Life seminar was conducted by Drunvalo around the world from 1985 to 1994. This book is based on the text of the third official version of the video recording of the Flower of Life seminar, which was held in Fairfield (Iowa, USA) in October 1993. Each chapter of this book corresponds more or less to one of the seminar videos of the same number. However, we have made some changes and additions to the text as necessary to make it as clear as possible.

    Please note that we have added recent information in the New Data sections in bold. These sections new information usually given as a new paragraph immediately following the old information. Because so much information was presented at the seminar, we divided the material into two volumes.


    One of my goals in publishing this book was to help people become aware of certain events that have happened on this planet, are currently happening, or are about to happen—events that are radically affecting our consciousness and the way we live today. By understanding the situation we find ourselves in, we can open ourselves to the possibilities of a new consciousness and the possibility of a new humanity emerging on the planet. Along with this, perhaps my deepest desire is to inspire you to remember who you really are and give you the courage to bring your gift to this world. For God has given each of us a unique talent that, given his true realization in life transforms the physical world into a world of pure light.

    I will also bring mathematical And natural sciences evidence of how we, spiritual beings, came to be here in physical world to convince your left hemisphere, the analytical part is that there is only one consciousness and one God and we are all part of this One. This is important for bringing both hemispheres of the brain into balance. This balance opens the pineal gland and allows prana, life force energy, to flow into the most hidden part of our physical being. Then, and only then, does the Body of Light, called the Mer-Ka-Ba, manifest.

    However, please understand that the source from which I obtained this information is not important in itself. In most cases, information could be replaced by another, which would in no way affect the result. Besides, I made a lot of mistakes because I am human now. The most interesting thing is that every time I made a mistake, it led me to a deeper understanding of Reality and to more truth. high order. So I tell you: if you find a mistake, look deeper. If you become fixated on information and overestimate its value, you will completely miss the point of this work. What I have just said is extremely important for her understanding.

    Now is the time to briefly tell the origin story of this book. You will read more about angels, so I will not start with them, but with later events. In 1985, the angels asked me to begin teaching Mer-Ka-Ba meditation. I first learned about this meditation in 1971 and have always practiced it since then, but I did not want to become a teacher. My life was easy and fulfilling. Mostly I felt comfortable and didn't want to work harder. The angels said that if someone is given spiritual knowledge, then it should be shared. They said that this is the law of Creation.

    Knowing that they were right, in the spring of 1985 I began my first classes for the general public. By 1991 my practical seminars were overcrowded, with waiting lists numbering in the hundreds. I didn’t know how to convey this information to everyone. In fact, I was unable to do it. Therefore, in 1992, I decided to release a video recording of one of my seminars for wide distribution throughout the world.

    Less than a year later, the video broke all sales records, but one big problem appeared. Most of those who watched my video could not truly understand the content and meaning of what was presented in it because it was beyond their spiritual knowledge. I gave a lecture to an audience of ninety people in Washington State, where everyone in the audience had already watched the video but had never been to one of my classes. It was then that I realized that only about 15% of the participants, using only instructions received from videotapes, really knew how to do meditation, how to live in it. Something wasn't working. Eighty-five percent of the time, people did not understand the instructions and were confused.

    I immediately withdrew the tapes from sale. However, this did not stop the further dissemination of the videos. People wanted this information, so they began copying existing records, giving them away, selling them, or lending them to each other around the world. By 1993, we estimate there were approximately 100,000 cassette sets in the world.

    It was then decided that we could be held responsible for this information only if the viewing of the videotapes took place in the presence of a person trained by us. “Prepared” means that we have given this person knowledge of the Mer-Ka-Ba and taught him to live it. Only such a person could give verbal instructions to other people. This is how the “Flower of Life” seminar training program for presenters (“facilitators”) was born. There are now more than 200 trained facilitators in at least 33 countries. The system works very well.

    But now the situation is changing again. People are beginning to understand higher consciousness, its meaning and principles. The time has come to release this book to the masses, who we feel are ready for it. The book has the advantage that you can spend more time carefully studying the drawings and photographs. It also contains up-to-date updated information, such as the one below:

    New data. Times change, that's true! According to the Dow Jones Company in the February 1997 issue of its American Dimographics magazine, the ten-year Scientific research showed that at this very moment in America and Western world A completely new culture is emerging. Some call this culture "New Age" (New Age), but in different countries she has other names too. Based on our experience, we believe that this culture is emerging all over the world. People of this culture deeply believe in God, family, children, spirit, Mother Earth and a healthy environment, they believe in femininity, honesty, meditation, life on other planets and the unity of all life everywhere. According to this study, those who belong to this new culture believe that they are few and fragmented. However, to everyone's surprise, the study showed that one in four adults in America belongs to this culture - an amazing force of 44 million mature, committed people! Something big is happening here. Now that the moneymakers have woken up to this huge new market, you can be sure that everything will change. This will affect everything from the content of films and television programs to energy use, the food we eat and much more. Even our interpretation of Reality itself may eventually change. You are not alone, and now the obviousness of this fact will not take long to appear.

    Since the angels first appeared in 1971, I have followed their guidance. This continues today. It was the angels who gave me the Mer-Ka-Ba meditation, and here in this book it is the meditation that is important, not the information. Information is used to give us clarity of understanding and to enable us to enter a certain state of consciousness.

    Understand that for quite a long time, when I received scientific information, from 1971 until about 1985, I thought it was for my personal growth. Usually, after reading a scientific article or journal, I would throw it away, not realizing that in the future I would have to prove what I was saying. Most of the articles were found again, but not all. However, this information must be published. You, the readers, have a great need for it. Therefore, where possible, I will support my claims with documentation, but some evidence is lost - at least for now.

    And one more thing: some of the information was obtained from non-scientific sources - that which was transmitted to me by angels or received as a result of interdimensional communication. We understand that "hard science" needs to be separated from a source that is considered "supernatural". Scientists care about their credibility. I would like to point out that this is reminiscent of a situation where a man tells a woman that her feelings are insignificant, only logic is true and valid and necessary follow logic. Naturally, she knows another path, this is the path of life itself. And life flows. She does not have “male logic”, but she has her own truth. I believe in both of these approaches in their balance. If you can imagine a person using both scientific approach, and “extrasensory” (“psychic”) abilities, then you will come to the right place. Where possible I will differentiate between these two types of sources to be clear. This means you have to go within yourself and see if the information is true for you. inner world. If something doesn't seem right to you, discard it and move on. If you feel that everything is correct, live this information and see if it really is so. In my understanding, the mind will never comprehend Reality until it connects with the heart. Feminine and masculine complement each other.

    When you read this work, you will have two choices: you can approach this from the left hemisphere - from the male side, take notes, carefully follow the logic of each step, or you can approach it from the right hemisphere - from the female side, just let everything go and not think - feel, watch it, like in a movie, in a state of expansion, not constriction. Either way works. The choice is yours.

    Finally, when this book was completed, I had one more decision to make. Should the final steps of the Mer-Ka-Ba meditation itself be published? I still think that The best way- This is a transmission from the mouth of the teacher. Would you delve into the final stages of Tibetan Buddhism after reading one book? Therefore, it was decided that the book would go back to the time the videotapes were recorded in 1993, with the warning to enter into Mer-Ka-Ba meditation carefully and to still contact one of the Flower of Life facilitators. This information will be given at the end of the second volume. Much has been learned since and beyond what was written, and this can only be conveyed orally and through practical work.

    The reason I am giving full information is that there are at least seven other authors who have reprinted this work in some form. Some took it word for word, some paraphrased mine, some used mine artwork and sacred geometry drawings. Some asked permission, others did not. But eventually the information came out. Much of it is distorted, and sometimes it is clearly not true. Please know that I am not saying this to protect myself, but to protect the integrity of the work. This information belongs to the Universe, not to me. I am only concerned about the purity of the information and your clear understanding of it.

    Precise instructions for meditation are available on the Internet (www.floweroflife.com), but, of course, they do not concern secret knowledge. Such knowledge can only be acquired through practice. You have to live by it. There is other information on the Internet that claims to come from me, although in fact it does not. There is also information about the Flower of Life that is simply wrong or out of date. I hope this work will clarify what has been unclear or misrepresented. I understand that these people acted from their hearts in seeking the truth, but I still have a responsibility to you.

    Therefore, in order to present the video materials clearly and correctly, I have written this book for all of you who truly want to understand and know the truth.

    In love and service,

    Drunvalo Melchizedek

    Chapter 1
    Remembering our ancient past

    How the Fall of Atlantis changed our reality

    Almost 13 thousand years ago, something extremely dramatic happened in the history of our planet, which we are going to explore in great detail, because what happened in the distant past affects every aspect of our lives today. Everything that we have in our lives today, including the technologies we use; wars that occur; the food we eat and even the way we perceive our lives are all a direct result of a specific sequence of events that occurred at the end of Atlantean times. As a result of those ancient events, our way of life and the way we interpret reality have completely changed.

    Everything is interconnected. There is only one Reality and one God, but there are many, many ways to interpret that one Reality. In fact, the number of ways to interpret Reality is approaching infinity. There are certain realities that are accepted by many people, and these realities we call levels of consciousness. For reasons that we will discuss, there are special realities that an extremely large number of beings focus on; they include the reality that you and I are living right now.

    There was a time when we existed on Earth at a very high level of awareness, far beyond what we can now imagine. We can hardly even imagine where we were then, because who we were then is completely out of context of who we are now. Due to certain events that occurred in the past, between 16 and 13 thousand years ago, humanity fell from the very high level at which it was located, passing through many dimensions and overtones, with a constant increase in density, until it reached the place where which we call the third dimension on planet Earth, or the modern world.

    Falling - and that’s exactly what happened a fall,– we moved uncontrollably along the spiral of consciousness, descending down through the dimensions of consciousness. We were out of control and it felt a lot like free falling in space. When we arrived here, in the third dimension, certain specific changes occurred to us, both physiologically and in the way we function in Reality.

    The biggest change has been in the way we breathe prana (the Indian word for the life force energy in this Universe). Prana is far more essential to our survival than air, water, food or any other substance; and the way we absorb this energy into our bodies, radical influences our perception of Reality.

    During Atlantean times and earlier, the way we breathe prana was directly related to the electromagnetic fields around our body. All of our energy fields have a geometric shape, and one of the shapes we will be working with is the “star tetrahedron,” which consists of two intersecting tetrahedra (Figure 1.1). This figure can also be perceived as a three-dimensional Star of David.

    The top of the upward tetrahedron is located a hand's length above the head, and the top of the downward tetrahedron is the same distance below the feet. The upper and lower peaks are connected by a tube passing through the main energy centers of the body, the chakras. This tube is for your his body has the diameter of a circle formed by connecting the thumb and middle fingers of your hand. It appears as a fluorescent glass tube with crystal structures at the ends that exactly correspond to the two vertices of a star tetrahedron.

    Melchizedek Drunvalo - The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life. Volume 1 - read book online for free


    The Flower of Life is a simple geometric pattern that contains all the secrets of the universe. Drunvalo is a physicist by training, a member of the esoteric Melchizedek order, who has been trained by 70 spiritual teachers from various traditions. In this richly illustrated book, he records for the first time in writing the materials of his Flower of Life seminars. The reader awaits an amazing journey through the worlds of sacred geometry, ancient history, natural sciences, Egyptian magic and modern environmental problems, leading to an understanding of why the world is the way it is, and what we must do to ourselves to preserve and improve it. The second volume will continue the conversation about the secrets of nature. The human body will be shown as "the measure and holographic image of the Universe." Drunvalo will talk in detail about the Mer-Ka-Ba energy fields around the human body and how they can be used for Awakening

    Drunvalo Melchizedek

    The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life.
    Volume 1


    One Spirit

    Long before the existence of Sumeria, before the construction of Saqqara by Egypt, before the heyday of the Indus Valley, the Spirit already lived in the human body, expressing Itself in the dance of high culture. Sphinxes know the truth. We are something much greater than we ourselves know. We forgot.

    The Flower of Life was and is known to all living things. All living things in general, not only here, but everywhere, knew that he was obviously a model of creation - an entrance, an exit. The Spirit created us in this image. You know it's true; it is written in your body, in all your bodies.

    We fell from a very high state of consciousness a long time ago, and only now are the memories beginning to surface again. This birth of our new/old consciousness here on Earth will change us forever and bring us back to the realization that there truly is only one unified Spirit.

    You will soon read about the journey of my life through this reality, about how I learned about the Great Spirit and about the relationships that each of us has throughout life and everywhere. I see the Great Spirit in everyone's eyes and I know He/She resides within you. You already contain within your deepest essence all the information that I will share with you. When you read it for the first time, it may seem like you've never heard of it before, but that's not true. This is ancient information. You can remember what is hidden deep within you and my hope is that this book will set those things into motion so that you can remember who you are, why you came here and what your purpose is for being here on Earth.

    My prayer is that this book will be a blessing in your life and that it will give you a new awareness of yourself and something about yourself that is very, very ancient. Thank you for sharing this journey with me. I love you deeply, for in Truth we are old friends. We are One.