Abstracts Statements Story

Bianki Vitaly - bathing bear cubs. Open lesson "bathing bear cubs" Bathing bear cubs read

"Bathing bear cubs" V.V. Bianchi

Story for children
read by A. Gribov

Our familiar hunter was walking along the bank of a forest river and suddenly heard a loud cracking of branches. He got scared and climbed a tree. A large brown bear came ashore from the thicket, with her two cheerful bear cubs and a nurse - her one-year-old son, the bear's nanny.

The bear sat down. Pestun grabbed one bear cub by the collar with his teeth and started dipping it into the river. The little bear squealed and floundered, but the nurse did not let him go until he had thoroughly rinsed him in the water.

Another bear cub was frightened by the cold bath and started to run away into the forest. Pestun caught up with him, slapped him, and then - into the water, like the first. He rinsed and rinsed it - and accidentally dropped it into the water. How the little bear will scream! Then, in an instant, the bear jumped up, pulled her little son to the shore, and gave the nurse such a splash that he, poor thing, howled.

Bianki Vitaly Valentinovich (1894-1959), writer.
Bianchi is an Italian surname, and the writer’s ancestors actually came from Italy. Vitaly Valentinovich himself was born on February 11, 1894 in St. Petersburg. His father was a famous ornithologist, an employee of the Zoological Museum of the Academy of Sciences. It is not surprising that Vitaly entered the natural sciences department of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of St. Petersburg University. In 1923, the magazine “Sparrow” published Bianchi’s first story, “The Journey of the Red-Headed Sparrow.” Soon his stories and fairy tales about animals began to be published in all children's magazines in the country. The writer's books were also published annually. In 1924-1925 Almost every issue of the magazine “Sparrow” published “Forest Newspaper” - a seasonal calendar of nature. It consisted of short stories by Bianchi himself and messages from “foresters” - children and adults (scientists, hunters, foresters). “Lesnaya Gazeta” was first published as a separate book in 1928 and was published more than ten times during the author’s lifetime.

Gribov Alexey Nikolaevich
(18) January 31, 1902, Sokolniki, Moscow - November 26, 1977, Moscow.

Born in Sokolniki, into a working-class family. As a child, I helped my father, a car driver. In 1916, when he was called to the front, Alexey, as the eldest, was forced to go to work as a clerk in the management of a silk weaving factory, then, after the revolution, at the Red Rose plant. He studied at a school for working youth and became interested in theater.

In 1924 he graduated from school at the 3rd studio of the Moscow Art Academic Theater. He joined the theater troupe, on whose stage he played for more than 40 years. In Gribov's art, extreme simplicity was combined with vivid stage expressiveness and outstanding skill. Alexey Nikolaevich created deeply folk images that embody the best features of the Russian person - wisdom, sincerity, honesty, humor. Member of the CPSU(b) since 1944.

One of the main theatrical successes of Alexei Gribov, since the 1930s, was the unforgettable Foma Opiskin in the play based on the satire of F.M. Dostoevsky "The village of Stepanchikovo and its inhabitants." In 1973, the Moscow Art Theater teleplay of the same name was released. Gribov outdid himself by reliably resurrecting the brilliant image of not just a cunning opportunist, but an energy vampire and behind-the-scenes schemer, social manipulator and psychological sorcerer.

The Moscow Art Theater was the most traveled theater - Japan, England, France. Gribov went on all the tours and was a resounding success everywhere. It seems that Firs was not the most important role in The Cherry Orchard, but the French were so delighted! He was called the “Russian Jean Gabin.” They played in London Dead Souls" The unsociable, gloomy Sobakevich made a strong impression on the British.

Since 1970, he taught acting at the Moscow Art Theater School.
After a stroke suffered during one of the performances on tour in Leningrad, he was struck by paralysis. The actor was bedridden for almost three years. Over time, his speech was restored and he began to walk, although not too confidently. With a firm memory and a firm consciousness, he even began classes with Moscow Art Theater students. But he never came on stage again.

Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1938).
People's Artist of the RSFSR (1943).
People's Artist of the USSR (1948).

The actor was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery in Moscow.

Our familiar hunter was walking along the bank of a forest river and suddenly heard a loud cracking of branches. He got scared and climbed a tree.

A large brown bear came ashore from the thicket, with her two cheerful bear cubs and a nurse - her one-year-old son, the bear's nanny.

The bear sat down.

Pestun grabbed one bear cub by the collar with his teeth and started dipping it into the river.

The little bear squealed and floundered, but the nurse did not let him go until he had thoroughly rinsed him in the water.

Another bear cub was frightened by the cold bath and started to run away into the forest.

Pestun caught up with him, slapped him, and then - into the water, like the first.

He rinsed and rinsed it and accidentally dropped it into the water. How the little bear will scream! Then, in an instant, the bear jumped up, pulled her little son to the shore, and gave the nurse such a splash that he, poor thing, howled.

Finding themselves back on the ground, both cubs were very pleased with their swim: the day was hot, and they were very hot in their thick shaggy fur coats. The water refreshed them well. After swimming, the bears disappeared into the forest again, and the hunter climbed down from the tree and went home.

Issues for discussion

Do you think V. Bianchi’s story is funny or sad? Who is this story about? How many bears were there? Why did the bears come to the river? Who bathed the cubs? Tell us how the nesting bear bathed the cubs. What happened when the nurse dropped the bear cub into the river? How did the story end bathing cubs? Who did you like the most in the story? Which part of the story did you find most interesting?

Municipal autonomous institution additional education

"Center children's creativity» Industrial area

Abstract open class in the “Speech Development” program.

Topic: Retelling of V. Bianchi’s story “Bathing Bear Cubs”

Children's age is 6 – 7 years.

Compiled by: Abubakirova I.R.

additional teacher

education first

qualification category



Subject:Retelling of V. Bianchi’s story “Bathing Bear Cubs”



Methodical techniques:

Reading a work, conversation, retelling; looking at pictures and slides, asking riddles.


Subject pictures depicting wild animals, diagrams for retelling, computer.

Vocabulary work:

Bear, little bear, slap, topsy-turvy, dip, run away.

Progress of the lesson :

1.Introductory part: Organizing time. Preparation for perception.

3 min

2.Main part: Reading the story. Vocabulary work. Conversation on content. Physical exercise. Re-reading the story. Retelling according to reference diagrams.

23 min

3. Lesson summary: Assessment by children. Talk with the children about what they liked most about the lesson.

4 min

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment. Development of speech hearing, voluntary attention, thinking.

Guys, do you know what animals live in the forest?

What are these animals called?

2. Preparation for text comprehension. Creating an emotional background for the perception of the story.

I have a chest, it’s not simple, it contains a large postcard. Do you know why it is called that? (If you open it, a picture or drawing will appear)

Want to know who is pictured on ours? Then try to guess.

These animals live in the forest. They are big and strong. In winter they like to sleep. They are called sweet tooths because they love to eat honey.

Can you guess what kind of animals these are? Let's check. (the teacher takes out a postcard and hangs it on the board)

Guys, do you know why these animals are called that?? (because they know (know) where there is honey)

3. Reading a story. Development of voluntary attention.

Now I will read to you an excerpt from a story written by Vitaly Valentinovich Bianchi, and it is called “Bathing Bear Cubs.”

Reading text.

Came out of the forest Big Dipper and two funny little bears.

The bear grabbed one bear cub by the collar with her teeth and let's dip it into the river. The little bear squealed and floundered, but the mother did not let him go until she rinsed him thoroughly in water.

Another bear cub was frightened by the cold bath and started to run away into the forest.

His mother caught up with him, gave him spanks, and then - into the water, like the first.

Finding themselves back on the ground, both cubs were very pleased with their swim: the day was hot, and they were very hot in their thick shaggy fur coats. The water refreshed them well. After swimming, the bears disappeared into the forest again.

4. Vocabulary work.

Who is this story about?

Do you know what it means to “take you by the collar”?(this means to take by the collar)

Why do animals do this?(to calm the cubs)

And who can show the word “run away”?(fast run)

- Show yourself “Mom spanked”(slap - a flat blow with something soft, it doesn’t hurt, loving)

Did the bear dip the cub or just hold it?

What does “dipping” mean? How can you say it differently?(immerse, lower)

A she-bear bathes a bear cub and takes care of it, so what kind of mother is she?(Thoughtful)

What words close in meaning can be found to the word caring?? (loving, attentive)

5. Conversation based on content. Development of dialogical speech. Children answer in complete sentences.

Who came out of the forest?(A mother bear with her cubs came out of the forest.)

How the bear grabbed the bear cub? (The bear grabbed the bear cub by the collar.)

How did the mother bear bathe her cub?(dipped)

What did the second bear cub do?(The second bear cub ran away.)

What did the mother give to the little bear?(Mom gave the little bear spanks.)

Were the cubs happy with their bath?(The cubs were happy with the bath.)

6. Physical exercise.

The cubs lived in the thicket

They turned their heads

Like this, like this - they twisted their heads(Turn your head right and left)

The cubs were looking for honey

Together they rocked the tree

Like this, like this - they rocked the tree together(torso tilts to the right and left)

And they went to the wrecking yard

And they drank water from the river

That's how, that's how they drank water from the river(Bends forward)

And they also danced! Together we raised our paws!

Like this, like this, they raised their paws up!(Raise the handles alternately)

7.Re-reading the story. Development of long-term auditory memory.

- I’ll read you a story, you listen carefully, then we’ll retell it. And the diagrams will help me with this ( During reading, the teacher displays diagrams).

8.Retelling the story using graphic diagrams ( individually or in a chain).

- Guys, try to use in your stories the words and expressions that we used when reading the text (what happened first, what happened later...)

- Who wants to tell you about the diagrams? What will you call your story?

9. Summary of the lesson.

- What story did we meet today?

- Who wrote it?

- What new words did you learn today?

-Whose story did you like the most? (children can give their chips to the one whose story was better)

- You are all so great, and it seems to me that there is still something in our chest (the teacher opens the chest and takes out a treat).

Backup job:

On a hot day, animals walked along a forest path to drink.

He stomped after his mother, the moose cow.calf , he was sneaking after his mother foxlittle fox,

He rolled after his hedgehog motherhedgehog,

I followed my mother bearteddy bear,

They jumped after the mother squirrelbaby squirrels,

Behind the mother hare - obliquebunnies ,

The she-wolf ledwolf cubs

All mothers and children want to get drunk.

Self-analysis of speech development classes.


Teaching coherent, sequential retelling of text with visual support in the form of graphic diagrams depicting the sequence of events.


    Learn to perceive a work with natural history content holistically and emotionally.

    Develop the ability for visual modeling.

    Learn to compose simple sentences independently, based on the diagrams.

    Expand lexicon children.

    Form coherent speech, visual memory, thinking, coordination of movements.

Organizational activities, preparation for classes.

The lesson was carried out in accordance with the notes. The abstract was compiled independently, in accordance with the tasks of the additional general education program, corresponding to the given age of children. To implement each task, techniques were selected in an interesting and entertaining way.
At every moment of the lesson there were visual aids that stimulated and activated children to think and speak. The manuals are of sufficient size and aesthetically designed. Their placement and use was rational, thoughtful in the learning space and in the lesson.
The lesson used slides that enhanced emotional perception.
The lesson is dynamic, it includes techniques that involve changing activities.

Didactic activities:

All aspects of the lesson are logical and consistent, subordinated to one topic. Moments from educational areas“Cognition”: children heard interesting information from the life of wild animals; “Communication”: children participated in the general conversation, listened without interrupting their peer; activated children's vocabulary through words -collar, slap, dip, run away and many others. etc. ; “Socialization”: children independently express goodwill and empathy; “Physical education” children completed a physical exercise about bears.

The use of diagrams and models for retelling helped to implement the main learning task in an interesting way -teaching a coherent, sequential retelling of text with visual support in the form of graphic diagrams depicting the sequence of events.

At every moment of the lesson, I tried to guide the kids to find solutions to the problem, helped them gain new experience, activate independence and maintain a positive emotional attitude.
The creation of search, problem situations intensified the mental and speech activity of children,
The specifics of working with children in the classroom were reflected in a person-centered approach. She encouraged timid children and praised them in order to consolidate their situation of success.
During the lesson, I tried to communicate with the children on the same level, tried to maintain the children’s interest in the lesson throughout the entire time.
The outcome of the lesson was organized in the form of self-assessment of children. All the programming tasks I set during the lesson were solved.

GCD in senior group OO Speech development Retelling the story of V.V. Bianchi "Bathing bear cubs."

Target: Teaching coherent, sequential retelling of text with visual support in the form of graphic diagrams depicting the sequence of events.


1. Learn to perceive a work with natural history content holistically and emotionally.

2. Learn to compose simple sentences yourself, based on diagrams.

3. Develop the ability to answer questions with complete answers.

4. To foster in children an interest in artistic expression.

5. Form coherent speech, visual memory, thinking.

Integration of areas: reading fiction, cognition, communication.

Preliminary work: looking at pictures and images of bears, talking about bears, reading fairy tales and poems about bears.

Activating the dictionary: bear, little bear, slap, topsy-turvy, dip, caught up, pushed, dip, got scared.

Equipment: text of the story by V.V. Bianchi “bathing bear cubs”, graphic diagrams.

Progress of the lesson:

1.Organizational moment

Educator:- Guys, listen and guess what animal I will talk about

These animals live in the forest. They are big and strong. In winter they like to sleep. They are called sweet tooths because they love to eat honey.

Educator: - Can you guess what kind of animals these are?

Children: - Bears.

Educator: - That's right, these are bears.

Educator: - Guys, what should we call daddy bear?

Children:- Bear.

Educator: - Mom?

Children:- Ursa.

Educator: - Cubs?

Children:- Bear cubs.

Educator: - Whose family is this?

Children:- This is a bear family.

2.Main part:

Educator: - Guys, I suggest you go to the forest where it happened amazing story, which was described by V.V. Bianchi.

Educator:- But, before you go, tell me, what is the name of the person who came to the forest to hunt?

Children:- Hunter.

Educator: - Now I will read to you an excerpt from a story written by Vitaly Valentinovich Bianchi, and the story is called “Bathing Bear Cubs.”

Our familiar hunter was walking along the bank of a forest river and suddenly heard a loud cracking of branches. He got scared and climbed a tree.

A large brown bear came out of the thicket onto the shore, with two cheerful cubs with her.

The bear grabbed one bear cub by the collar with her teeth and let's dip it into the river.

The cub squealed and floundered, but the mother did not let him go until she rinsed him thoroughly in the water.

Another bear cub was frightened by the cold bath and started to run away into the forest.

The bear caught up with him, gave him spanks, and then - into the water, like the first.

Finding themselves back on the ground, both cubs were very pleased with their swim: the day was hot and they were very hot in their thick, shaggy fur coats. The water refreshed them well.

After swimming, the bears disappeared into the forest again, and the hunter climbed down from the tree and went home.

Discussion of the story:

Educator: - Why was the hunter afraid?

Children: - Because the branches were cracking loudly.

Educator:- Where did he go out of fear?

Children:- On a tree.

Educator:- Who appeared on the river bank?

Children:- A large brown bear and two bear cubs appeared on the river bank.

Educator:- What is a family of bears called?

Children:- Bear family.

Educator:- What did the bear do?

Children:- The she-bear grabbed one cub by the collar and began to dip him into the water.

Educator: - Why did one of the cubs run into the forest?

Children:- Because he was afraid of cold water.

Educator:- Why were the cubs happy with the bath?

Children: - Because the water refreshed them.

Educator:- Guys, do you think the hunter was interested in watching the bear family?

Children:- Yes.

Educator:- Do you think the hunter will tell his friends about what he saw?

Children:- He'll tell you.

Educator:- Would you tell?

4. Physical education minute "The cubs lived in the thicket."

The cubs lived in the thicket
They turned their heads
Like this, like this - they twisted their heads (Turn our heads to the right and left)
The cubs were looking for honey
Together they rocked the tree
Like this, like this - they rocked the tree together (tilt the body to the right and left)
And they went to the wrecking yard
And they drank water from the river
Like this, like this, we drank water from the river (Bends forward)
And they also danced! Together we raised our paws!
Like this, like this, they raised their paws up! (Raise the handles alternately)
There's a swamp on the way! How can we cross it?
Jump and jump! Jump and jump! Have fun, my friend! (Jumping up)


6. :

Educator: - Guys, try to use in your stories the words and expressions that we used when reading the text.

Educator: - Guys, it’s difficult to retell such a big story alone. And if you break the text into parts, three, even four, can retell it. First we need to talk about how the bears came to the river, then how the mother bear rinsed the first baby.

And then?

And then? .

And how to end the retelling?

Guys, please, who wants to tell me about the diagrams? What will you call your story? (calls 2-3 children to the easel).

7. Summary of the lesson.

Educator:- What story did you read today?

Children: - "Bathing bear cubs"

Educator: - What work is our story like?

Children: -

Educator: - What do you remember most from the story?

Educator:- What new words and expressions did you learn today?

Children: -

Educator:- Guys, whose story did you like the most?

Children's answers:...

Educator: - Guys, you all worked very well in class today. Well done!



Retelling the story of V.V. Bianchi "Bathing bear cubs" senior group.

Target: Teaching coherent, sequential retelling of text with visual support in the form of graphic diagrams depicting the sequence of events.


1. Learn to perceive a work with natural history content holistically and emotionally.

2. Learn to compose simple sentences yourself, based on diagrams.

3. Develop the ability to answer questions with complete answers.

4. To foster in children an interest in artistic expression.

5. Form coherent speech, visual memory, thinking.

Integration of areas:reading fiction, knowledge, communication.

Preliminary work: looking at pictures and images of bears, talking about bears, reading fairy tales and poems about bears.

Activating the dictionary:bear, little bear, slap, topsy-turvy, dip, caught up, pushed, dip, got scared.

Equipment: text of the story by V.V. Bianchi "bathing bear cubs"graphic diagrams.

Progress of the lesson:

1.Organizational moment

Educator:- Guys, listen and guess what animal I will talk about

These animals live in the forest. They are big and strong. In winter they like to sleep. They are called sweet tooths because they love to eat honey.

Educator: - Can you guess what kind of animals these are?

Children: - Bears.

Educator: - That's right, these are bears.

Educator: - Guys, what should we call daddy bear?

Children: - Bear.

Teacher: - Mom?

Children: - Bear.

Educator: - Cubs?

Children: - Teddy bears.

Educator: - Whose family is this?

Children:- This is a bear family.

2.Main part:

Educator: - Guys, I suggest you go to the forest where an amazing story happened, which was described by V.V. Bianchi.

Educator:- But, before you go, tell me, what is the name of the person who came to the forest to hunt?

Children: - Hunter.

Educator: - Now I will read to you an excerpt from a story written by Vitaly Valentinovich Bianchi, and the story is called “Bathing Bear Cubs.”

3. Reading a passage from a story followed by discussion.

Our familiar hunter was walking along the bank of a forest river and suddenly heard a loud cracking of branches. He got scared and climbed a tree.

A large brown bear came out of the thicket onto the shore, with two cheerful cubs with her.

The bear grabbed one bear cub by the collar with her teeth and let's dip it into the river.

The cub squealed and floundered, but the mother did not let him go until she rinsed him thoroughly in the water.

Another bear cub was frightened by the cold bath and started to run away into the forest.

The bear caught up with him, gave him spanks, and then - into the water, like the first.

Finding themselves back on the ground, both cubs were very pleased with their swim: the day was hot and they were very hot in their thick, shaggy fur coats. The water refreshed them well.

After swimming, the bears disappeared into the forest again, and the hunter climbed down from the tree and went home.

Discussion of the story:

Educator: - Why was the hunter afraid?

Children: - Because the branches were cracking loudly.

Educator:- Where did he go out of fear?

Children: - On a tree.

Educator:- Who appeared on the river bank?

Children:- A large brown bear and two bear cubs appeared on the river bank.

Educator:- What is a family of bears called?

Children: - Bear family.

Educator:- What did the bear do?

Children:- The she-bear grabbed one cub by the collar and began to dip him into the water.

Educator: - Why did one of the cubs run into the forest?

Children:- Because he was afraid of cold water.

Educator:- Why were the cubs happy with the bath?

Children: - Because the water refreshed them.

Educator:- Guys, do you think the hunter was interested in watching the bear family?

Children: - Yes.

Educator:- Do you think the hunter will tell his friends about what he saw?

Children: - He will tell you.

Educator:- Would you tell?

4. Physical education minute "The cubs lived in the thicket."

The cubs lived in the thicket
They turned their heads
Like this, like this - they twisted their heads (Turn our heads to the right and left)
The cubs were looking for honey
Together they rocked the tree
Like this, like this - they rocked the tree together (tilt the body to the right and left)
And they went to the wrecking yard
And they drank water from the river
Like this, like this, we drank water from the river (Bends forward)
And they also danced! Together we raised our paws!
Like this, like this, they raised their paws up! (Raise the handles alternately)
There's a swamp on the way! How can we cross it?
Jump and jump! Jump and jump! Have fun, my friend! (Jumping up)

5. Repeated reading of the story with the intention of retelling.

6. Retelling a story using graphic diagrams: (individually or in a chain by all children)

Educator: - Guys, try to use in your stories the words and expressions that we used when reading the text.

Educator: - Guys, it’s difficult to retell such a big story alone. And if you break the text into parts, three, even four, can retell it. First we need to talk about how the bears came to the river, then how the mother bear rinsed the first baby.

And then? (How the bear cub ran away into the forest).

And then? (How the second bear cub was bathed).

And how to end the retelling?(The bathed cubs were satisfied.)

Guys, please, who wants to tell me about the diagrams? What will you call your story? (calls 2-3 children to the easel).

7. Summary of the lesson.

Educator:- What story did you read today?

Children: - "Bathing bear cubs"

Educator: - What work is our story like?

Children: - Based on the story by V.V. Bianki “Bathing Bear Cubs.”

Educator: - What do you remember most from the story?

Educator:- What new words and expressions did you learn today?

Children: - Brown, by the collar, dipped, sultry, etc.

Educator:- Guys, whose story did you like the most?

Children's answers:...

Educator: - Guys, you all worked very well in class today. Well done!

Department of Education of the Yekaterinburg City Administration

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution- kindergarten № 47

Public lesson

Topic: Retelling the story of V. Bianchi

"Bathing bear cubs"


Ferafontova A.A.

Ekaterinburg, 2018

Subject:Retelling of V. Bianchi’s story “Bathing Bear Cubs”


Teaching coherent, sequential retelling of text with visual support in the form of graphic diagrams depicting the sequence of events.


    Learn to perceive a work with natural history content holistically and emotionally.

    Develop the ability for visual modeling.

    Learn to compose simple sentences yourself, based on diagrams.

    Expand children's vocabulary.

    Form coherent speech, visual memory, thinking, coordination of movements.

Methodical techniques:

Reading a work, conversation, retelling; looking at pictures and slides, asking riddles.


Subject pictures depicting wild animals, diagrams for retelling, computer.

Vocabulary work:

Bear, little bear, slap, topsy-turvy, dip, run away.

Progress of the lesson :

1.Introductory part: Organizational moment. Preparation for perception.

3 min

2.Main part: Reading the story. Vocabulary work. Conversation on content. Physical exercise. Re-reading the story. Retelling according to reference diagrams.

23 min

3. Lesson summary: Assessment by children. Talk with the children about what they liked most about the lesson.

4 min

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment. Development of speech hearing, voluntary attention, thinking.

Guys, do you know what animals live in the forest?

What are these animals called? (Wild)

2. Preparation for text comprehension. Creating an emotional background for the perception of the story.

I havechest , it is not simple, it contains a large postcard. Do you know why it is called that? (If you open it, a picture or drawing will appear)

Want to know who is pictured on ours? Then try to guess.

- These animals live in the forest. They are big and strong. In winter they like to sleep. They are called sweet tooths because they love to eat honey.On a postcard

Can you guess what kind of animals these are? Let's check, (the teacher takes out a postcard and hangs it on the board)

Guys, do you know why these animals are called that? (because they know (know) where there is honey)

What fairy tales with a bear do you know?

Name the bear family? (bear, she-bear, cubs.)

I'll introduce you to this family now (display the picture.)

The teacher invites the children to go on a journey

3. Reading a story. Development of voluntary attention.

Now I will read to you an excerpt from a story written by Vitaly Valentinovich Bianchi, and it is called “Bathing Bear Cubs.”

Reading text.

Our familiar hunter was walking along the bank of a forest river and suddenly heard a loud cracking of branches. He got scared and climbed a tree.

A large brown bear came ashore from the thicket, with her two cheerful bear cubs and a nurse - her one-year-old son, the bear's nanny.

The bear sat down.

Pestun grabbed one bear cub by the collar with his teeth and started dipping it into the river.

The little bear squealed and floundered, but the nurse did not let him go until he had thoroughly rinsed him in the water.

Another bear cub was frightened by the cold bath and started to run away into the forest.

Pestun caught up with him, slapped him, and then - into the water, like the first.

He rinsed and rinsed it and accidentally dropped it into the water. How the little bear will scream! Then, in an instant, the bear jumped up, pulled her little son to the shore, and gave the nurse such a splash that he, poor thing, howled.

Finding themselves back on the ground, both cubs were very pleased with their swim: the day was hot, and they were very hot in their thick shaggy fur coats. The water refreshed them well. After swimming, the bears disappeared into the forest again, and the hunter climbed down from the tree and went home.

4. Vocabulary work.

Who is this story about?

Guys, did you guess who was called the pestun? (one-year-old bear cub, nanny for younger cubs)

What was the name of the very hot day in the story? (sultry)

Do you know what it means to “take you by the collar”? (this means to take by the collar)

Why do animals do this? (to calm the cubs)

And who can show the word “run away”? (fast run)

Show yourself “mom spanked” (slap - a flat blow with something - be soft, not painful, loving)

Did Pestun dip the bear cub or just hold it?

What does “dipping” mean? How can you say it differently? (immerse, lower)

A she-bear bathes a bear cub and takes care of it, so what kind of mother is she? (Thoughtful)

What words close in meaning can be found to the word caring? (loving, attentive)

5. Conversation based on content. Development of dialogical speech. Children answer in complete sentences.

- Who walked through the forest1 picture

Who came out of the forest? (A mother bear with her cubs came out of the forest.)2 picture

How did the pestun grab the bear cub? (Pestun grabbed the bear cub by the collar.)3 picture

How did the nurse bathe the bear cub? (dipped)4 picture

What did the second bear cub do? (The second bear cub ran away.)5 picture

What did the mother give to the little bear? (Mom gave the little bear spanks.)6 picture

Were the cubs happy with their bath? (The cubs were happy with the bath.)7 picture

What did they do then and what happened to the hunter? (They went into the forest, and the hunter climbed down from the tree) 8 picture

Who did you like the most in the story?

Which part of the story did you find most interesting?

6. Physical exercise.

The cubs lived in the thicket

They turned their heads

Like this, like this - they twisted their heads(Turn your head right and left)

The cubs were looking for honey

Together they rocked the tree

Like this, like this - they rocked the tree together(torso tilts to the right and left)

And they went to the wrecking yard

And they drank water from the river

That's how, that's how they drank water from the river(Bends forward)

And they also danced! Together we raised our paws!

Like this, like this, they raised their paws up!(Raise the handles alternately)

7.Re-reading the story. Development of long-term auditory memory.

- I’ll read you a story, you listen carefully, then we’ll retell it. And diagrams will help me with this (during reading, the teacher displays diagrams).

8.Retelling the story using graphic diagrams ( there are diagrams on the table).

- Guys, did you like the story?

To make it easier for us to retell, we will use a mnemonic table.

Who walked along the bank of a forest river?

Why did he climb the tree?

Who came out of the forest? (A big bear, two cheerful bear cubs and a nurse came out of the forest - her one-year-old son, the bear's nanny.)

How did you bathe the first bear cub? (Pestun grabbed the bear cub by the collar with his teeth

and let's dip it in the river.)

What did the other little bear do? (The other bear cub got scared and ran into the forest.)

What did she give to the second bear cub (I gave the bear cub a spanking.)

What happened to the second bear cub while swimming (They dropped it into the water. He screamed)

What did the bear do? (in an instant she jumped up, pulled her little son to the shore, and slapped the pestun in the face)

Were the cubs happy with their bath? (The cubs were happy with the bath.)

Why were they satisfied? (The day was hot and the cubs were very hot in their thick, shaggy coats).

How did the story end? (After swimming, the bears disappeared into the forest, and the hunter climbed down from the tree and went home)

9. Summary of the lesson.

- What story did we meet today?

Who wrote it?

What new words did you learn today?

Whose story did you like the most? (children can give their chips to the one whose story was better)

You are all so great, and it seems to me that there is still something in our chest (the teacher opens the chest and takes out stickers).

Backup job:

On a hot day, animals walked along a forest path to drink.

He stomped after his mother, the moose cow.calf ,

sneaking behind mommy foxlittle fox,

He rolled after his hedgehog motherhedgehog,

I followed my mother bearteddy bear,

They jumped after the mother squirrelbaby squirrels,

Behind the mother hare - obliquebunnies ,

The she-wolf ledwolf cubs

All mothers and children want to get drunk.