Abstracts Statements Story

Aspects of innovative development of higher education. Modern problems of science and education Innovations in universities


The current socio-economic situation in the country reflects the transitional nature of the era. On the one hand, the management mechanisms, social and economic structures characteristic of the planned economy of a socialist state have been destroyed. On the other hand, market relations, in the full sense of the word, and the structures corresponding to them have not yet been created. Currently, a course has been taken to transfer the Russian economy from a raw material development path to an innovative one. The role of higher education in this process is key. But it itself faces a huge number of problems, one of which is improving the quality of its functioning and guaranteeing performance results. This problem is closely related to the introduction of innovation.

Innovation in education should be understood as an innovation intended to resolve the current problem situation in order to optimize the educational process, improve its quality, or organize favorable conditions for students to master the material.

The very concepts of “innovation” and “novelty” are often confused with each other, but they should be distinguished. A.V. Khutorskoy in her book “Pedagogical Innovation” points out that innovation is a potentially possible change, and innovation (innovation) is a realized change that has become actual from a possible one.

The following types of innovations in the system of higher professional education are distinguished:

  • intra-subject innovation- innovations contained “within” the subject or the way it is taught. For example, the introduction of original teaching methods and the creation of educational and methodological commissions (EMC) in various areas of training;
  • general methodological innovation- introduction into teaching of non-traditional technologies that are universal in nature, which makes it possible to apply them in any subject area. For example, the development of creative tasks for students and the orientation of teaching in higher educational institutions mainly towards independent work of students, as well as the use of distance learning;
  • ideological innovation- changes caused by the renewal of consciousness and the trends of the times. For example, training students of all specialties in computer skills, since now it is difficult to imagine a specialist applying for any job and not having this skill;
  • administrative innovation- decisions made by managers at different levels, leading to increased management efficiency of an institution of higher professional education. The most striking innovation in this area can be considered the widespread introduction of quality management systems (QMS) and the principles of Total Quality Management (TQM) into the management system of a higher education institution. It should be noted that the presence of a QMS at an institution of higher professional education is a mandatory accreditation indicator.

The first three types of innovations most often do not require significant costs, and the main factor hindering their implementation is pedagogical conservatism, and administrative innovations sometimes require a restructuring of the entire management system and are therefore difficult to implement. In order to understand what innovations higher education needs, it is necessary to assess the state of the educational services market. This market at this stage of development is characterized by the following features:

  • elimination of state regulation of the labor market and a powerful graduate distribution system;
  • increased competition in the educational services market due to the emergence of many non-state educational institutions and the development of paid education in state educational institutions;
  • rapidly changing conditions on the labor market, constantly emerging shortages of specialists in certain specialties. This problem is aggravated by the fact that this shortage cannot be met instantly, since training the necessary graduates requires a certain period of time;
  • unstable demand for specialists from employers, which no one is forecasting in educational institutions;
  • low efficiency of the educational processes themselves due to insufficient funding of the higher education system and, as a consequence of this, the impossibility of using the most modern teaching methods.

Existing problems indicate the need for large-scale changes, which should first of all ensure a high level of competitiveness of a higher education institution in the educational services market. It is obvious that an institution of higher professional education needs, first of all, to introduce administrative innovations. As already noted, one of the innovations in this area is the orientation of the entire management system, and indeed the entire activity of a higher education institution, towards the principles of TQM and the creation of a quality management system. This is especially important for public educational institutions, since, despite greater trust from employers, as the main consumers of their services, they are traditionally characterized by the low quality of the educational process due to outdated material base and insufficient funding from the state. In addition, as possible reforms in the financing of public higher education institutions, the possibility of introducing “educational vouchers” is being considered to implement the principle “money follows the students.” If these innovations are implemented, higher education institutions will have to fight for every applicant and in such conditions they will simply be forced to use all possible market instruments in the competition. One of them could be the orientation of all their activities to the requests of clients and other interested parties.

In addition, the process of introducing innovations into the activities of higher education should be considered from the point of view of its joining the process of creating a single European educational space. In this case, administrative innovations in higher education should also play a special role. To implement the principles of mutual recognition of qualifications and ensure the mobility of specialists and teachers, it is necessary not only to create a unified regulatory framework, but also to build trust in the quality of educational processes and professional training. Since the standards that the QMS must comply with are international, the presence of such a certificate is a guarantee of stable, sustainable quality of educational services provided, including on the international market.

The traditional educational system, the effectiveness of which is estimated at no more than 60%, cannot be simultaneously reorganized in all respects. The principle of gradualism is the basic principle of introducing innovations into educational processes. Their implementation in the activities of higher education should be based on a certain concept that exactly corresponds to the trends of the time. As such a concept, an idea that has long been exploited by many industrial enterprises and service organizations can be used - this is “customer orientation”.


  1. Innovations in education. Speeches by participants of the VIIth All-Russian remote August scientific and practical conference // Internet magazine "Eidos". - 2005. - September 10. http://www.eidos.ru/journal/2005/0910-26.htm.
  2. Khutorsky A.V. Pedagogical innovation: methodology, theory, practice: scientific publication. - M.: Publishing house UC DO, 2005. - 222 p.

Bibliographic link

Leontyeva O.A. INNOVATION AS A NEW PHILOSOPHY OF HIGHER EDUCATION // Fundamental Research. – 2006. – No. 7. – P. 83-84;
URL: http://fundamental-research.ru/ru/article/view?id=5209 (access date: 02/01/2020). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

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Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education

Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov

Faculty of Distance Learning


Discipline: “Innovation Management”

On the topic: “Innovations in education. Higher education institution as an innovative structure"

Alaeva Khava Akhmedovna

Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Economics, Professor

Filin Sergey Alexandrovich

Moscow, 2016


1. The concept of innovation in education

2. Higher education institution as an innovative structure




Innovations, or innovations, today are carried out in almost any area of ​​human professional activity and therefore, naturally, become the subject of study, analysis and implementation. Innovations in education are the result of scientific research, advanced pedagogical experience of both individual teachers and professors, and entire teams.

In relation to the pedagogical process, innovation is the introduction of something new in the goals, content, methods and forms of teaching and upbringing, the organization of joint activities of the teacher and the student.

Innovative technologies in education make it possible to regulate learning and direct it in the right direction. They play a particularly important role in higher educational institutions, since the main task of universities is to “graduate” specialists, and the process of training requires appropriate changes in the role, approaches and methods of managing the innovative scientific and educational activities of modern universities to match them with the real pace of economic development.

The innovative activity of a university represents a systemic, qualitative change in an institution of higher professional education as a result of the targeted development and implementation of innovations in the educational, scientific and educational process of the university. The goals of management are the development of the creative abilities of students, the training of high-class specialists, as well as the creation of high-tech technologies and the implementation of these technologies in life.

This paper examines the features of the concept of innovation in the field of education, as well as the most important components of a university as an innovative structure.

1. The concept of innovation in education

In the 80s of the 20th century, special research into the problem of innovation in pedagogy began in our country, and it was at this time that, in principle, the question of innovation in the Russian educational system arose. The terms “innovations in education” and “pedagogical innovations”, used as synonyms, were scientifically substantiated and?introduced into the categorical apparatus of pedagogy.

Pedagogical innovation is an innovation in pedagogical activity, changes in the content and technology of teaching and upbringing, with the goal of increasing their effectiveness.

Thus, the innovation process consists in the?formation and?development of the content and?organization of the new. In general, the innovation process is understood as a complex activity for the creation (birth, development), development, use and dissemination of innovations, and innovation is a purposeful change that introduces new stable elements into the environment, causing a transition of the system from one state to another. . The innovation process is considered as the development of three main stages: generating an idea (in a certain case - a scientific discovery), developing an idea in the applied aspect and implementing the innovation in practice. In this regard, the innovation process can be considered as a process of bringing a scientific idea to the stage of practical use and the implementation of related changes in the socio-pedagogical environment. Activities that ensure the transformation of ideas into innovation and form a system for managing this process are innovative activities.

Innovations in education are considered innovations that are specially designed, developed or accidentally discovered as a result of pedagogical initiative. The content of innovation can be: scientific and theoretical knowledge of a certain novelty, new effective educational technologies, a project of effective innovative pedagogical experience, completed in the form of a technological description, ready for implementation. Innovations are new qualitative states of the educational process, formed when the achievements of pedagogical and psychological sciences are introduced into practice, using advanced pedagogical experience.

Innovations are developed and?implemented not by government bodies, but by?workers and?organizations of the education and?science system.

For a complete and accurate representation of the specifics of innovative processes occurring in the modern Russian educational space, two types of educational institutions can be distinguished in the education system: traditional and developing. Traditional systems are characterized by stable functioning, aimed at maintaining the once established order. Developing systems are characterized by a search mode.

In Russian developing educational systems, innovative processes are implemented in the following directions: the formation of new educational content, the development and implementation of new pedagogical technologies, the creation of new types of educational institutions. In addition, the teaching staff of a number of Russian educational institutions is engaged in introducing into practice innovations that have already become the history of pedagogical thought. For example, the alternative educational systems of the early twentieth century: M. Montessori, R. Steiner, etc.

2. Higher education institutionas an innovation structure

The development of higher education cannot be achieved otherwise than through the development of innovations, through the innovation process. To effectively manage this process, it is necessary to understand it, and therefore to know it, which involves studying its structure, or structure. Any process (especially when it comes to education) is a complex dynamic (moving, non-static) formation - a system that is polystructural, and therefore the innovation process itself (like any system) is polystructural.

The activity structure is a combination of the following components: motives - goal - objectives - content - forms - methods - results. Indeed, it all starts with the motives (motivating reasons) of the subjects of the innovation process (rector, teachers, students, etc.), defining the goals of the innovation, transforming the goals into a “fan” of tasks, developing the content of the innovation, etc. All of the above components of activity are implemented in certain conditions (material, financial, hygienic, moral and psychological, temporary, etc.), which are not included in the structure of activity itself, but if ignored, the innovation process would be paralyzed or would proceed ineffectively.

The subject structure includes the innovative activities of all subjects of the development of the educational institution: the rector, vice-rectors and his deputies, teachers, scientists, students, parents, sponsors, methodologists, university teachers, consultants, experts, employees of educational authorities, certification services, etc. This structure takes into account the functional and role relationships of all participants in each stage of the innovation process. It also reflects the relationships of participants in planned private innovations.

The level structure reflects the interconnected innovative activities of subjects at the international, federal, regional, district (city) and university (institution) levels. It is obvious that the innovation process at a university is influenced (both positive and negative) by innovation activities at higher levels. For this influence to be only positive, special activities of managers are needed to coordinate the content of innovation and innovation policy at each level. In addition, managing the development process of a particular university requires considering it at least at five levels: individual, small group level, university (institute) level, district and regional levels.

The substantive structure of the innovation process involves the birth, development and?mastering of innovations in?training, educational work, organization of the educational process, in?university management, etc. In turn, each component of this structure has its own complex structure. Thus, the innovative process in?education may involve innovations in?methods, forms, techniques, means (that is, in?technology), in?the content of education or in?its goals, conditions, etc.

Life cycle structure: a feature of the innovation process is its cyclical nature, expressed in the following structure of stages that each innovation goes through: emergence (start) - rapid growth (in the fight against? opponents, routineists, conservatives, skeptics) - maturity - development - diffusion (penetration, dissemination) - saturation (mastery by many people, penetration into all links, sections, parts of the educational and management processes) - routinization (meaning a fairly long-term use of an innovation - as a result of which it becomes commonplace for many people phenomenon, norm) - crisis (meaning the exhaustion of opportunities to apply it in? new areas) - finish (the innovation ceases to be such or is replaced by another, more effective one, or is absorbed by a more general effective system). Some innovations go through another stage, called irradiation, when with routinization the innovation does not disappear as such, but is modernized and reproduced, often exerting an even more powerful influence on the process of school development. For example, the technology of programmed learning before and after the widespread use of computers in universities with access to the Internet.

The management structure involves the interaction of four types of management actions: planning - organization - management - control. As a rule, the innovation process in a university is planned in the form of a university development concept or, most fully, in the form of a university development program, then the activities of the university staff are organized to implement this program and control over its results. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that the innovation process at some point can be spontaneous (uncontrollable) and exist due to internal self-regulation (that is, all the elements of the given structure seem to be absent; there can be self-organization, self-regulation, self-control). However, the lack of management of such a complex system as the innovation process at a university will quickly lead to its attenuation. Therefore, the presence of a management structure is a stabilizing and supporting factor for this process, which, of course, does not exclude elements of self-government and self-regulation in it. Each component of this structure has its own structure.

In addition to those mentioned, in any innovation process it is not difficult to see such structures as the creation of innovations and the use (mastering) of innovations; a complex innovation process that underlies the development of the entire school, consisting of interconnected micro-innovation processes.

The more often a manager turns to these structures in his analytical and, in general, management activities, the sooner they will be remembered and become self-evident. In any case: if the rector identifies a situation where the innovation process at a university is not proceeding (or is proceeding ineffectively), the reason must be looked for in the underdevelopment of some components of a particular structure.

Knowledge of all structures is also necessary for the rector because it is the innovation process that is the object of management in a developing university, and the manager is obliged to thoroughly know the object that he will manage.

All of the above structures are organically intertwined with each other not only by horizontal, but also by vertical connections, and moreover: each component of any structure of the innovation process is implemented in the components of other structures, that is, this process is systemic.

Innovations themselves in higher education imply a system consisting of several components:

· learning objectives;

· motivation and teaching tools;

· participants in the process (students, teachers);

· performance results.

When analyzing learning technologies, it is important to highlight the use of modern electronic media (ICT). Traditional education involves overloading academic disciplines with redundant information. In innovative education, the management of the educational process is organized in such a way that the teacher plays the role of a tutor (mentor). In addition to the classic option, a student can choose distance learning, saving time and money. The position of students regarding the option of studying is changing; they are increasingly choosing non-traditional types of acquiring knowledge. The priority task of innovative education is the development of analytical thinking, self-development, and self-improvement. To assess the effectiveness of innovation at the top level, the following blocks are taken into account: educational and methodological, organizational and technical. Experts are involved - specialists who can evaluate innovative programs.

Among the factors hindering the introduction of innovations into the educational process, the leading positions are occupied by:

Insufficient equipment of educational institutions with computer equipment and electronic means;

Insufficient qualifications in the field of ICT of teaching staff;

Inattention of the management of the educational institution to the use of innovative technologies in the educational process.

To solve such problems, retraining of teachers, seminars, video conferences, webinars, creation of multimedia classrooms, and educational work among students on the use of modern computer technologies should be carried out. The optimal option for introducing innovations into the higher education system is distance learning through the use of global and local world networks.

Innovations in education, examples of which are given above, not only “bring science to the masses,” but also reduce the material costs of getting an education, which is quite important given the global economic crisis.

The head of any university, especially one in which the innovation process is organized, is obliged to carry out all transformations on an impeccable legal basis. A legal norm is an important and necessary tool for management activities.

In the innovative activities of higher education, documents of various levels are used - from acts of international law, federal laws to resolutions of local authorities, decisions of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, municipal and regional education authorities, management bodies and officials of the university itself. The priority of international and federal standards over regional, local, departmental and intra-university standards is obvious.

Today, in the conditions of increased independence of universities, its leader has the opportunity to rely directly on the norms of the law, including international law. This kind of management practice is in itself innovative.

The central place in the regulatory and legal support for the development of a university belongs to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”.

The university, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, is responsible for:

Failure to perform functions within its competence;

Implementation of educational programs in?incomplete scope in?accordance with?the curriculum and?schedule of the educational process;

The quality of education of its graduates;

Violation of the rights and freedoms of students, listeners and university employees;

Life and health of students and workers during the educational process.

innovative educational educational communication


So, innovation in education is an important and even necessary sector, since in today’s rapidly changing world a person must constantly develop and quickly adapt to new trends and discoveries in all spheres of life. Innovations in the educational process contribute to the most effective and high-quality training of future specialists, therefore the topic of innovation is especially relevant for universities.

The innovation process in higher educational institutions is a complex system consisting of many interconnected structures, such as activity-based, level-based, content-based, subject-based, life cycle structure, management structure, etc. The functioning of each of these structures plays a huge role in the implementation of the innovation activities of the university, and if the innovation process at the university is not carried out or is carried out ineffectively, most likely the reason lies in the underdevelopment of some components of one or more of these structures.

Examples of innovations in education taking place in universities today include the introduction of IT technologies or distance learning.

Also, any innovation process must be based on regulations. In our country, these are acts of international law, federal laws, resolutions of local authorities, decisions of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, municipal and regional education authorities, management bodies and officials of the university itself.


1. Analysis of innovative activities of higher educational institutions in Russia / I. I. Grebenyuk, N. V. Golubtsov, V. A. Kozhin, etc. - Penza: from the Academy of Natural Sciences, 2012.

2. Gafforova, E.B. Innovative component as a factor in the effective development of a university / E.B. Gafforova, E.Ya. Repina // Innovations in education: magazine. --2014. -- No. 1. -- P. 58-66.

3. Novikova, G.P. Innovative activity is the most important condition for the professional and personal development of a teacher / G.P. Novikova // Pedagogical education and science: journal. -- 2015. -- No. 3. -- P. 11-14.

4. Repina, E.Ya. On the issue of defining the concept of “innovation” / E.Ya. Repina, E.B. Gafforova // Innovations in education: journal. -- 2014. -- No. 2. -- P. 25-32.

5. Sazonova Zh. V. Innovative activity of a university in the context of corporate culture [Text] // Current issues of economics and management: materials of the international. scientific conf. (Moscow, April 2011). T. II. - M.: RIOR, 2011. - pp. 128-131.

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The article analyzes innovations in the field of higher professional education in the Russian Federation, their implementation and functioning in practice. The list of main tasks of higher professional education and the functioning of innovative educational activities is considered.

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The article analyzes the innovations in the field of higher professional education in the Russian Federation, their implementation and operation in practice. A list of the main tasks of higher education and operation of innovative educational activities is considered.

Key words: innovation, higher education, levels of education, bachelor,

Currently, our country is undergoing significant changes in the educational policy of Russia. Modern Russian education is the result of enormous changes that have occurred in the national education system in recent years. In this sense, education is not just a part of the social life of society, but its vanguard: it is unlikely that any other subsystem to the same extent can confirm the fact of its progressive development with such an abundance of innovations and experiments.

Education is always of the present tense, although it is based on past experience and faces the future. Much has been written about the upbringing and education of a future specialist, which indicates interest in this problem, on the one hand, and the lack of staticity in understanding the image of a modern specialist and a specialist of the future, on the other.

The problem of innovation has long been of interest to scientists. L.P. Knyazhenko, having analyzed the essence of innovation and the innovation process in education, draws the following conclusions: 1) innovation is a means, and innovation is the process of mastering this means; 2) the innovation process should be understood as the activity of creating pedagogical innovations, their use and dissemination.

According to the World Declaration on Higher Education for the 21st Century, published by UNESCO, higher education, whose history spans several centuries, has convincingly demonstrated its vitality and its ability to change, to contribute to change and progress in society.

A number of state documents of the Russian Federation contain the following definition of higher professional education - this is education on the basis of secondary (complete) general or

secondary vocational education, carried out at a higher educational institution according to basic professional educational programs (corresponding to the established standard), ending with final certification and issuance of a document on higher professional education to the graduate.

The standard regulations on a state institution of higher professional education present a list of the main tasks of higher education; it looks like this:

1) Satisfy the individual’s needs for intellectual, moral and cultural development through obtaining higher professional education;

2) Develop sciences and arts through scientific research and creative activities of scientific and pedagogical workers and students, use the results obtained in the educational process;

3) Promote the training, retraining and advanced training of workers with higher education and highly qualified scientific and pedagogical workers;

4) To form in students a civic position, the ability to work and live in the conditions of modern civilization and democracy;

5) Preserve and enhance the moral, cultural and scientific values ​​of society;

6) Disseminate knowledge among the population, increase its educational and cultural levels.

The educational standard of higher professional education was formed by 1994. It includes general provisions concerning the system of higher professional education as a whole; Classifier of directions and specialties of higher professional education; State requirements for minimum content and level of training

graduates in each specific area of ​​specialty.

The State Standard of Higher Professional Education defines three levels of higher education.

The first level is called incomplete higher education, which is received by a student who has studied at a university for at least two years and successfully passed the intermediate certification. Of course, separate educational programs are not created for this level of education. In fact, it exists as an incomplete completion of some higher level educational program.

The second level of higher professional education ends with the qualification “bachelor”. The corresponding educational program requires a standard period of study of at least four years.

And finally, the third level of higher professional education corresponds to educational programs of two types that provide training for specialists with the qualification “master” or traditionally indicated qualifications - “teacher”, “agronomist”, etc., the general name for which is the term “specialist”.

Education is directly related to innovation. So what is it? Let's define the term “innovation”. Let's turn to the article by famous Canadian researchers Charles Belanger and Paul Medgit. They write: “Innovation is generally defined as the process by which value, such as new economic and social benefits, are extracted from skills and knowledge through the generation, development and implementation of ideas for the production of new and improved products, processes, services. In their article, the scientists revealed a pragmatic approach to innovation; it was this, in their opinion, that became the main one for increasing the value of applied knowledge.

The development of innovative educational activities depends on

external and internal factors influencing higher education institutions. The external environment is characterized by increased competition, changes in government policy aimed at modernizing the education system, as well as changes regarding the pool of applicants and requirements for graduates from employers. The internal environment is characterized by a competency-based approach and third-generation standards that require significant adjustments in the organization of the educational process. All these factors, one way or another, lead to an increase and spread of pedagogical innovations, allowing the quality of education to be brought to a new level that meets the requirements of today and tomorrow.

The initial conditions for the development of innovative educational activities are determined by the following factors:

Organizational and technological;

Motivational - psychological;

Material and technical;


An innovative approach to teaching is predetermined by:

> rapid obsolescence of knowledge;

> intensive informatization of society;

> delay in the transfer of social experience;

> organizational and structural crisis of the world education system.

In this regard, pedagogical innovations can be considered as a systemic response to the socio-cultural dynamics of the development of both civilization as a whole and an individual one.

Russia’s entry into the global educational space is accompanied by a number of trends:

1. The first trend is related to the development of a multi-level system

studying at many universities in Russia. The advantages of this system are that it provides greater mobility in the pace of learning and in choosing a future specialty; to form new specialties on the basis of the university education received.

2. The second is the enrichment of universities with modern information technologies, widespread inclusion in the Internet system and the intensive development of distance learning for students.

3. The third is the universalization of higher education in Russia and the process of integration of all higher educational institutions with leading domestic and foreign universities, which leads to the emergence of university complexes.

4. Fourth - the inclusion of Russian universities in the process of updating higher professional education, taking into account the requirements of world standards.

Universities that change in the process of innovative search are classified as self-developing education systems.

Bordovskaya and Rean note that there are different types of innovations in the domestic higher education system. I use the following criteria:

> the scale of university transformations;

> the degree of depth of the transformation being carried out;

> degree of novelty based on the time factor.

the ability, throughout the entire education system and other spheres of human activity, to disseminate and apply innovations that radically change the morality, spirituality, and intellectuality of society.

At the end of the 1970s. for the first time the topic of innovation was thoroughly discussed

and innovation. The meaning of innovation in pedagogy was for the first time linked to the expansion of the reproduction of experience. (M.V. Clarin)

There are two types of training abroad:

1. supporting (analogue of our reproductive traditional);

2. innovative, which could be modernizing (in the version we propose - active and transformative (innovation-intensive).

In recent years, the synergetic approach has become widespread. The ideas of synergetics in modeling and forecasting the development of educational systems are developed by a number of authors (Prigozhin, Adamsky, Boguslavsky, etc.).

G.K. Selevko identifies the following structure of pedagogical technology, which includes: a conceptual framework, the substantive part of teaching and the content of educational material, a procedural part, which includes the organization of the educational process, methods and forms of educational activities, students and teachers, diagnostics of the educational process, etc.

The future of Russia, its place in the world community, and the well-being of the population are largely determined by whether it will be able to develop and implement the main priorities in the field of innovative, economic and social development. Today, the strategy for developing innovation and optimizing innovation management for Russia is the moment of truth. It is possible to turn the situation around and join the ranks of the leading countries in the world by relying on the “knowledge economy” and the development of social and human capital.


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10. Frolova Yu.G. The system of higher education as a necessary element of the strategy for innovative development // State and municipal management. Scientific notes of SKAGS. 2012. No. 1. P. 241-246

Innovations in education are those innovations that help improve the quality of the educational process. The search and constant inventions, the introduction of innovative technologies prove that education is an innovative area.

Types of innovations

Innovations in education are systemic changes, the main purpose of which is to obtain effective and stable results. Innovations include not only large-scale changes in the educational system: a unified state exam, an electronic diary, ICT. Innovation in teacher education also means changing standard methods and techniques to improve student performance. Such innovations are developed by the teacher for a specific class group, an individual child.

Innovations in the education system are divided into the following groups based on novelty:

  • completely new techniques that have no analogues;
  • innovations in which known elements are also used.

The second group gives less results, as it is based on old components.

Depending on the object of education, innovations in education can contribute to:

  • updating the educational organization;
  • socialization of schoolchildren;
  • educational and educational process;
  • maintaining the mental and physical health of children.

The scale of innovations in education

Transformations can help improve the work of an individual team, school, or be applied throughout the country. In order for innovations in education to produce a stable positive result, and they can be distributed throughout the country, an experimental region (school) is first selected.

Within the framework of such an experimental site, the effectiveness of new techniques and work methods is tested, and intermediate and final monitoring is carried out. If stable positive results are obtained, the experience is transferred to other educational institutions.

Any innovations in teacher education appear in the head of a specific person, and only then do they become the property of the country. The process of introducing a new idea is a multi-stage long period, which involves not only testing the innovation, but also analyzing the results obtained, adjusting techniques and working methods (if necessary).

Preschool education

The Center for Continuing Education and Innovation is engaged in the systematization and implementation of innovations at all stages of the educational process. The requirement of our time is the transformation of preschool education. The quality of educational and educational activities and the implementation of new generation federal standards depend on the effectiveness of the development of innovations in preschool educational institutions.

All innovations that are used in preschool institutions are distinguished by a person-oriented approach. The child takes center stage in the educational and upbringing process. The Center for Innovation in Education offers the following options for innovations in preschool educational institutions:

  • developmental activities (creative, gaming, musical);
  • techniques for relieving excess emotional stress;
  • color therapy;
  • fairytale therapy;
  • art therapy.

The center’s employees analyze the effectiveness of each appointment and the possibility of broadcasting positive work experience.

Specifics of primary school

The Center for Continuing Education and Innovation in St. Petersburg pays special attention to innovations at the initial stage of domestic education. In elementary school, priority is given to identifying the child’s creative potential and creating optimal conditions for development and self-realization.

The Center for Education and Innovation (St. Petersburg) does not neglect the professional growth of teachers. Experts select the best courses for advanced training for primary school teachers and help young professionals choose the most effective techniques and methods of educational and educational activities.

Innovations contribute to the activation of the child’s activity and his involvement in the educational process. The student argues, analyzes, seeks answers to the questions posed to him, and the teacher serves as a coordinator.

Problem-based lessons and activities

They are an effective innovative method that is familiar to teachers and educators as problem-based learning. Thanks to it, it is possible to obtain high and stable results in children’s assimilation of information, and to maintain interest in development and learning in the younger generation.

Problem-based learning is widely used by teachers of chemistry, physics and biology. For example, schoolchildren are presented with a certain question, to solve which they independently perform practical work.

Acquiring skills in analysis and processing the results obtained will be useful for schoolchildren in their professional activities.

Continuous education and innovation are mandatory conditions for the formation of a socially active personality.

Taking care of your health

Even the most advanced pedagogical technologies cannot be used without due attention to the health of the younger generation. Among the main innovative areas of work for both kindergartens and schools, we will highlight health-saving components. Among the forms of work that should be used in educational institutions, we highlight sports festivals, walks in the fresh air, breathing and finger exercises, hardening, and water procedures.

Thanks to such events, children develop a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle and gain first aid skills.

During a lesson or extracurricular activity, the teacher monitors the change in dynamic poses. He uses special visual material that helps reduce nervous excitability and mental fatigue in preschoolers and school-age children.

Information Technology

Thanks to their introduction into educational organizations, the connection “science - innovation - education” has become a reality. ICT is a reliable ally for any teacher. These innovations help teachers activate children's cognitive interest and develop associative thinking, which has a positive effect on the strength of the skills they acquire. With the proper use of multimedia presentations, educational films, educational interactive aids, the teacher fully implements the requirements for the level of training of preschoolers and schoolchildren of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard.

Project and research activities

The Center for Continuing Education and Innovation (CNEI) pays special attention to analyzing the effectiveness of implementing project methodology in preschool and school education. Involving the younger generation in research and project activities has become a prerequisite in every academic discipline.

Thanks to independent experiments, the child acquires skills in working with scientific information, processing it, and selecting the necessary data. Setting a hypothesis when carrying out research work is an excellent opportunity for the development of logical thinking. Any project involves processing the results obtained and summing up the results, thanks to which the children improve their communication skills.

Additional education

Not only teachers and educators, but also children's librarians use innovative technologies in their professional activities. To instill in the younger generation a love of reading and respect for literary sources, they use information technologies:

  • create electronic catalogs;
  • prepare themed evenings;
  • make presentations;
  • organize exhibitions.

Libraries are now becoming centers for additional development of children. Their employees offer classes in which children sew soft toys, learn the art of knitting and embroidery, and learn the traditions and history of their native land. Almost all libraries have developed cycles of classes for different ages, aimed at early diagnosis of giftedness and the development of creative abilities in each child.

Local history, theater, handicraft clubs and circles organized by librarians and other teachers on the basis of libraries are an excellent opportunity to develop an active citizenship in children and help them with career guidance.

The purpose of innovation in education

The entire set of innovations introduced into preschool and school government organizations, as well as into the system of additional education, is aimed at the harmonious development of the younger generation. As part of the new federal standards for preschool, primary, basic, vocational, and higher education, requirements have been created for the level of graduate training. Such a “portrait” is a guideline for the work of educators and teachers when selecting innovative techniques and methods of work.

In recent years, there has been a huge number of initiatives in the educational sector. These include the Federal State Educational Standard, Unified State Examination, Unified State Examination, Higher Educational Institution, and the transition in higher educational institutions to a bachelor's-master's degree system. Such activity is the result of the new economic reality, the country’s integration into the WTO, and the involvement of the Russian Federation in the Bologna process.

Reforming education in the Russian Federation

Today, the entire Russian education system is at the stage of significant reform. The basis for such a process was the introduction of new state standards at all levels of education.

Among their differences from the requirements of the first generation is the presentation of the results of upbringing and education in the form of various competencies.

The basis of the Federal State Educational Standard is the system-activity approach. Its essence lies in the maximum development of students’ thinking. A modern child must learn independently, therefore, simple transfer of knowledge from a teacher is not expected, mechanical memorization is excluded, and the emphasis is on the formation of an active and creative personality.


Among the positive aspects associated with innovation are:

  • improving the quality of extracurricular activities (building citizenship, healthy lifestyle skills, general cultural development, social orientation);
  • introduction of project methodology into the educational process;
  • informatization of educational work.

When compiling the content of classes, the teacher uses the innovative experience of colleagues, the wishes of parents (legal representatives), as well as the interests of children.

Among the innovations that have occurred in domestic education, the transition to two-level higher education deserves special attention. The first stage lasts 3-4 years, the second stage - 1-2 years. Master's degree graduates have the right to continue their education in graduate school and then in doctoral studies. They can work in scientific centers and research laboratories.

Among the innovations of the Bologna system, the concept of lifelong education, which provides for lifelong learning, is of interest. This approach allows a person to receive several degrees and diplomas at once during his life. At the same time, higher-level educational institutions receive additional financial resources, which they can use to modernize equipment.

Also among the innovations regarding higher education, it is necessary to mention the education loan. This innovation has already been taken advantage of by many students dreaming of a prestigious education.

Innovation in the field of education is everything related to the introduction of advanced pedagogical experience into practice. The educational process, which occupies a leading place in modern science, is aimed at transferring knowledge, skills, and abilities to students, and at the formation of personality and citizenship. Changes are dictated by time, changes in attitudes towards training, education, and development.

The importance of innovation in education

Innovative technologies in education make it possible to regulate learning and direct it in the right direction. People have always been frightened by everything unknown and new; they have a negative attitude towards any changes. Stereotypes that exist in the mass consciousness, affecting the usual way of life, lead to painful phenomena and interfere with the renewal of all types of education. The reason for people’s reluctance to accept innovations in modern education lies in the blocking of life’s needs for comfort, security, and self-affirmation. Not everyone is ready for the fact that they will have to re-study theory, take exams, change their consciousness, and spend personal time and money on it. Once the update process starts, it can only be stopped using special techniques.

Methods of introducing innovations

The most common ways to check the effectiveness of reforms launched in education are:

  • Method of specifying documents. In order to evaluate innovations in the education system, the possibility of extensive introduction of innovations into the educational process is suppressed. A separate school, university, or educational institution is selected, and an experiment is conducted on their basis.
  • Piecewise embedding method. It involves the introduction of a separate new innovative element.
  • “Eternal experiment” involves evaluating the results obtained over a long period of time.

Parallel implementation presupposes the coexistence of the old and new educational processes and an analysis of the effectiveness of such a synthesis.

Problems of innovation implementation

Innovative technologies in education are “slowed down” for various reasons.

  1. Barrier to creativity. Teachers, accustomed to working according to old programs, do not want to change anything, learn, or develop. They are hostile to all innovations in the educational system.
  2. Conformism. Due to opportunism, reluctance to develop, fear of looking like a black sheep in the eyes of others, or appearing ridiculous, teachers refuse to make unusual pedagogical decisions.
  3. Personal anxiety. Due to lack of self-confidence, abilities, strengths, low self-esteem, and fear of expressing their opinions openly, many teachers resist any changes in the educational institution until the last possible opportunity.
  4. Rigidity of thinking. Teachers of the old school consider their opinion to be the only, final, and not subject to revision. They do not strive to acquire new knowledge and skills, and have a negative attitude towards new trends in modern educational institutions.

How to embrace innovation

Innovative behavior does not imply adaptation; it implies the formation of one’s own individuality and self-development. The teacher must understand that innovative education is a way to educate a harmonious personality. “Ready-made templates” are not suitable for him; it is important to constantly improve your own intellectual level. A teacher who has gotten rid of “complexes” and psychological barriers is ready to become a full-fledged participant in innovative transformations.

Education technology

It is a guide for the implementation of the goals set by the educational institution. This is a systemic category that is focused on the didactic use of scientific knowledge, the organization of the educational process using empirical innovations of teachers, and increasing the motivation of schoolchildren and students. Depending on the type of educational institution, different approaches to education are used.

Innovation in universities

Innovation in higher education involves a system consisting of several components:

  • learning objectives;
  • content of education;
  • motivation and teaching tools;
  • process participants (students, teachers);
  • performance results.

The technology refers to two components related to each other:

  1. Organization of activities of the trainee (student).
  2. Control of the educational process.

When analyzing learning technologies, it is important to highlight the use of modern electronic media (ICT). Traditional education involves overloading academic disciplines with redundant information. In innovative education, the management of the educational process is organized in such a way that the teacher plays the role of a tutor (mentor). In addition to the classic option, a student can choose distance learning, saving time and money. The position of students regarding the option of studying is changing; they are increasingly choosing non-traditional types of acquiring knowledge. The priority task of innovative education is the development of analytical thinking, self-development, and self-improvement. To assess the effectiveness of innovation at the top level, the following blocks are taken into account: educational and methodological, organizational and technical. Experts are involved in the work - specialists who can evaluate innovative programs.

Among the factors hindering the introduction of innovations into the educational process, the leading positions are occupied by:

  • insufficient equipment of educational institutions with computer equipment and electronic means (some universities do not have a stable Internet, there are not enough electronic manuals, methodological recommendations for performing practical and laboratory work);
  • insufficient qualifications in the field of ICT of teaching staff;
  • inattention of the management of the educational institution to the use of innovative technologies in the educational process.

To solve such problems, retraining of teachers, seminars, video conferences, webinars, creation of multimedia classrooms, and educational work among students on the use of modern computer technologies should be carried out. The optimal option for introducing innovations into the higher education system is distance learning through the use of global and local world networks. In the Russian Federation, this method of teaching is in its “embryonic” state; in European countries it has long been used everywhere. For many residents of villages and villages remote from large cities, this is the only way to obtain a diploma of specialized secondary or higher education. In addition to taking entrance exams remotely, you can communicate with teachers, listen to lectures, and participate in seminars via Skype.

Innovations in education, examples of which we have given, not only “bring science to the masses,” but also reduce the material costs of getting an education, which is quite important given the global economic crisis.

Innovations in preschool education

Innovations in preschool education are based on the modernization of old educational standards and the introduction of the second generation Federal State Educational Standards. A modern teacher constantly tries to educate himself, develop, and look for options for the education and development of children. A teacher must have an active civic position and instill love for the homeland in his students. There are several reasons why innovation has become necessary for early childhood education. First of all, they help to fully satisfy the needs of parents. Without innovation, it is difficult for preschool institutions to compete with other similar institutions.

To determine the leader among kindergartens, a special competition for innovations in education has been developed. The holder of the high title “Best Kindergarten” receives a well-deserved reward - a huge competition for admission to a preschool institution, respect and love of parents and children. In addition to the introduction of new educational programs, innovation can occur in other areas: working with parents, with personnel, and in management activities. When used correctly, a preschool institution functions without failures and ensures the development of a harmonious personality in children. Among the technologies that represent innovation in education, examples include the following:

  • project activities;
  • student-centered learning;
  • health-saving technologies;
  • research activities;
  • information and communication training;
  • gaming technique.

Features of health-saving technologies

They are aimed at developing preschoolers’ ideas about a healthy lifestyle and strengthening the physical condition of children. Considering the significant deterioration of the environmental situation, the introduction of this innovative technology into preschool education is relevant. The implementation of the methodology depends on the goals set by the preschool institution.

  1. The main task is to preserve the physical health of children. This includes health monitoring, nutrition analysis, and the creation of a health-preserving environment in the educational institution.
  2. Improving the health of preschool children through the introduction of breathing, orthopedic, finger gymnastics, stretching, hardening, and hatha yoga.

In addition to working with ordinary children, the development of children with developmental disabilities is also ensured by modern innovations in education. Examples of projects for special children: “Accessible environment”, “Inclusive education”. Increasingly, in classes with children, educators use color, fairy tale, and art therapy, ensuring the full development of children.

Project activities

According to the new educational standards, both educators and teachers are required to participate in project activities together with students. For preschool institutions, such activities are carried out together with the teacher. Its goal is to solve a specific problem, to find answers to questions posed at the initial stage of work. There are several types of projects:

  • individual, frontal, group, pair (depending on the number of participants);
  • gaming, creative, informational, research (according to the method of conduct);
  • long-term, short-term (by duration);
  • including cultural values, society, family, nature (depending on the topic).

During the project work, the children educate themselves and gain teamwork skills.

Research activities

When analyzing innovations in education, examples can be found in research. With their help, the child learns to identify the relevance of a problem, determine ways to solve it, choose methods for an experiment, conduct experiments, draw logical conclusions, and determine the prospects for further research in this area. Among the main methods and techniques necessary for research: experiments, conversations, modeling situations, didactic games. Currently, for beginning researchers, with the support of scientists, leading higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation hold competitions and conferences: “First steps into science”, “I am a researcher”. The kids get their first experience of publicly defending their experiments and conducting a scientific discussion.


Such innovations in professional education in the age of scientific progress have become especially relevant and in demand. The computer has become a common sight in preschool institutions, schools, and colleges. A variety of exciting programs help children develop an interest in mathematics and reading, develop logic and memory, and introduce them to the world of “magic and transformations.” Those animated pictures that flash on the monitor intrigue the baby and concentrate his attention. Modern computer programs allow the teacher, together with the children, to simulate different life situations and look for ways to solve them. Taking into account the individual abilities of the child, you can tailor the program to a specific child and monitor his personal growth. Among the problems associated with the use of ICT technologies, the leading position is occupied by the excessive use of computers in classrooms.

Methodology of personality-oriented development

This innovative technology involves creating conditions for the formation of the individuality of a preschooler. To implement this approach, corners for activities and games and sensory rooms are created. There are special programs according to which preschool institutions operate: “Rainbow”, “Childhood”, “From childhood to adolescence”.

Game techniques in remote control

They are the real foundation of modern preschool education. Taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard, the child’s personality comes to the fore. During the game, children get acquainted with various life situations. There are many functions performed by games: educational, cognitive, developmental. The following are considered innovative gaming exercises:

  • games that help preschoolers identify certain characteristics of objects and compare them with each other;
  • generalization of objects according to familiar characteristics;
  • exercises during which kids learn to distinguish reality from fiction

Inclusive education

Thanks to innovations introduced in recent years into the educational process, children with serious health problems have received a chance for full-fledged education. The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation has developed and tested a national project, which indicates all the nuances of inclusive education. The state has taken care of equipping not only the children, but also their mentors with modern computer equipment. Using Skype, the teacher conducts distance lessons and checks homework. This type of training is important from a psychological point of view. The kid understands that he is needed not only by his parents, but also by his teachers. Children with problems with the musculoskeletal and speech apparatus, who cannot attend regular educational institutions, are trained with tutors according to individual programs.


Pedagogical innovations introduced in educational institutions of modern Russia help to implement the social order: to cultivate in schoolchildren and students a sense of patriotism, civic responsibility, love for their native land, and respect for folk traditions. Information and communication technologies have become commonplace in kindergartens, schools, academies, and universities. Among the latest innovations affecting educational institutions: conducting a unified state exam online, sending examination papers by preliminary scanning. Of course, Russian education still has many unresolved problems, which innovation will help eliminate.