Abstracts Statements Story

A. S

Review by Ekaterina Petrochenko of A. S. Pushkin’s book “The Young Lady-Peasant Woman” as part of the “My Favorite Book” competition of the literary portal “Buklya”. .

This work is like a drop of joy. A funny story that pleases with its cheerfulness and lightheartedness. Pushkin conveyed light humor and romantic mood so easily that one can only enjoy it.

The narrative begins slowly and pleasantly, as if by chance the narrator immerses us in the pleasant atmosphere of a Russian estate, dressed in autumn decoration. All this is so sweet and beautiful that it just makes my heart happy. After all, there are such wonderful works that came from the pen of the brilliant Russian prose writer.

The unusual plot contains an unusual love story between two children of warring masters. It is interesting to watch how the relationship between the main characters develops, how their curiosity towards each other develops into something more. The long-term feud between families finally comes to an end and new relationships begin, built on mutual understanding, friendship and help.

While reading, you get the impression that the characters seem to come to life, they come off the pages straight to you. Or do you feel like you’re in the forest next to them? This feeling of pleasant uncertainty is fascinating. This extraordinary style conveys the comfort of that life in the estates, conveying the Russian spirit! What is also amazing is the ingenuity of the Russian people, the ability to get out (at least temporarily) from any situation, no matter what it is. Lisa, knowing that her parents did not get along very well with each other, did not hesitate to change into peasant dress. This story once again proves and confirms that there are no barriers to true love.

The story reveals a very important idea about how important it is to take the first step towards reconciliation. And how touching it is when loving hearts reunite after all the worries and doubts they have experienced. And Pushkin’s light and talented style conveys this fully. The whole story is conveyed with unusual clarity and has dynamism throughout the entire narrative.

The only sad thing is that this whole story is contained in such a small number of pages. From such a plot it would be possible to develop a full-fledged novel, which would undoubtedly appeal to most readers. But, apparently, it was not fate for another grandiose creation of Pushkin to appear.

Readable freely and naturally, the book will give the reader an unforgettable evening that will be spent usefully. After reading, you are left with a feeling of lightness, lightness and homeliness, a romantic mood.

The review was written as part of the “” competition.

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Which of the characters in the story “The Peasant Young Lady” did I like?

In literature class we read a story by A.S. Pushkin " Peasant young lady" There are 4 main characters in the story. This is Liza Muromtseva, her father Grigory Ivanovich, Alexey Berestov and his father. I liked Lisa the most. Lisa was 17 years old. She has black eyes and a dark, pleasant face. She was very active. Lisa has heard a lot about Alexei Berestov. She let her maid Nastya go to the Berestovs with one condition: to find out everything about the owner’s son. Talking about Alexei aroused her curiosity. Lisa decided to dress up as a peasant to meet the handsome Alexei.

Lisa is very smart. When she met Alexei, he wanted to become her equal and said that he was the young master’s valet. To this Lisa laughed and replied that you can always tell the difference between a master and a servant. Lisa said that she was Akulina, the daughter of the blacksmith Vasily. She understood. that if the young master comes to the village, he will see the real Akulina, a fat, pockmarked girl. Therefore, Lisa came up with the idea that Vasily was very harsh and would flog her if he found out about the conversation with Alexei. After a morning walk, Lisa decides to meet Alexey again. It seems to Lisa that if he finds out about her action, he will condemn her.

The next day, Lisa, under the name Akulina, meets with Alexei. She makes him promise that he will never seek meetings with her, except those that she herself appoints. My favorite moment in the book is the Berestovs’ first visit to the house of Lisa and her father. When Lisa found out that the Berestovs would be having dinner with them, she was scared. Then she and Nastya came up with a joke.

Lisa put on so much makeup that Alexey did not recognize Akulina in her. Lisa is kind. Even when she took whitewash from Miss Jackson without permission, she later asked her forgiveness. Lisa did everything to calm her governess. At the end of the story, Lisa's dreams come true. One day she was sitting and reading Alexei’s letter, when suddenly he himself entered the room. It turns out that their parents decided to marry Alexei and Lisa. Alexey was at first against this wedding. But as soon as he recognized Akulina in Lisa, everything immediately decided for the better. Lisa - big child, to whom his father allowed everything. But at the same time, she is very smart, beautiful, and knows how to find a way out of any situation. I would like to be like Liza Muromtseva.

It’s easy to write a review of the story “The Peasant Young Lady,” because this wonderful work is full of interesting, colorful characters, each of which deserves its own detailed description. And most importantly, they are so realistic that they give rise to images and associations in the soul of any reader.

It’s interesting to write a literary review about “The Peasant Young Lady,” because Pushkin used interesting storytelling techniques in the work:

    The scenery for the main storyline is from a detailed description of the life of landowners, the customs of peasants, and nature. All this creates a certain mood in the reader and adds individuality to each character.

    The harmony of the entire narrative is so imperceptible, but, if you think about it, it once again confirms the genius of Pushkin. The exposition, the plot, the climax are a single whole, the plot flows smoothly, and the absence of an epilogue is natural.

    Irony does not violate the harmony, but it further adds lightness and lightness to the atmosphere to the whole story. Each character is described very naturally and vividly. And this is precisely due to irony, which allows us to notice and highlight some of the absurdity and excess that is natural for real life, but masterfully introduced by Pushkin into invented characters. But this is character, what makes real people interesting and different from each other.

Two equally respected families

The heads of the families of the two lovers are not the main characters, but they leave a lasting impression. In both of them, from the very first lines, one can see the excessive passion of each for their own interests, which opens the field for the author’s irony. An anglomaniac with the most progressive views and his zoil (the name of an evil Greek critic that has become a household name) - a Russian landowner with deeply conservative convictions. A review of the book “The Peasant Young Lady” will be incomplete without a description of the very different fathers Liza and Alexei, respected by everyone in the area. By ironizing these characters and the story of their reconciliation, Pushkin gives readers the opportunity to laugh easily and heartily.

District lady Liza Muromskaya

The author included in the story “The Peasant Young Lady” a review-story about provincial girls. This description of county young ladies literally exists separately, is famous in its own right, and was often quoted by other writers.

Pushkin calls the main advantage of young ladies from the provinces “originality,” the specificity of each, individuality of both behavior and way of thinking, which are not violated by metropolitan education. Girls who received education in two capitals and then went out into society, over the years of study, acquired the same type of behavior as their uniform, which disgusted the author. Their judgments, principles, expectations from life - everything is “the same as their hats.” Pushkin embodied Liza as their complete antagonist, the sweetest district young lady that the poet could imagine.

Mysterious Alexey Berestov

What kind of young man could captivate any county young lady? One word - mysterious. That is why Lisa was looking for a meeting with Berestov, who was unfamiliar to her. Although Alexey was also handsome, stately, and young. But this ring has a death's head. The unknown drama about his broken heart gave rise to gloom in his behavior. And most importantly - complete indifference to all the district young ladies.

What seventeen-year-old girl could resist such charm? The last straw was the review that Nastasya’s confidante gave to the young peasant lady about Alexei. Like, the young landowner is cheerful, handsome, he only ignores noble girls, and he doesn’t let a single one through. And a frivolous prank came to the mind of the young lady of Murom.

First meeting

The meeting of Lisa the peasant woman and Alexei in the forest is decorated with a short description of nature: a fresh morning, a golden sunrise, spring renewal - a wonderful background to highlight both the girlish charm of Lisa and the beauty of the feeling emerging between lovers. Joy, anticipation, “infantile gaiety” - that’s what this review is all about, and both the peasant young lady and the reader himself, together with her, feel in their hearts a response to the surrounding beauty, dreaming, waiting for the first meeting with a mysterious stranger. It’s as if the reader is walking in the spring forest at sunrise - young, naive, innocently rejoicing with Lisa at a successful prank.

The gentleman and the peasant woman

What made Lisa agree to continue getting acquainted with Alexei, although she initially firmly intended to end everything at the second meeting? Passionate love and submission of a master. Some female vanity: a nobleman at the feet of a serf peasant woman. An impossible plot for that time. Society bans any happy development of such relationships.

Whatever response to “The Peasant Young Lady” may have arisen in the hearts of Pushkin’s contemporaries, almost two centuries after it was written, it leaves the impression of a happy love story in a distant and romanticized era. Russian landscapes, landowners' estates, mysterious dates, the patriarchal system and the drama of two lovers from opposing families. A romantic story with a happy ending that can be read with a smile and ease!

Cool! 8

In the story by A.S. Pushkin’s “The Peasant Young Lady” presents us with four main characters: Liza Muromtseva, her father Grigory Ivanovich, Alexey Brestov and his father. Of these, I liked the image of Lisa the most.

Lisa is a 17-year-old girl with pleasant features, as evidenced by her black eyes and dark skin. She was very restless. The girl often heard flattering reviews about young Alexei; he was praised for his handsome appearance and high intellectual abilities. She decided to send her maid Nastya to the Brestov family with one requirement: to find out everything about young Alexei. The stories about the young man aroused Lisa's great interest and curiosity. This prompted her to put on peasant clothes and meet this wonderful guy herself.

Lisa was a fairly smart girl. This can be concluded from their acquaintance, during which Alexey wanted to be her equal, saying to himself that he served as a valet for the young master. Hearing this, the girl felt funny, and she said that you can always tell a master from a servant. During their first meeting, the girl lied to the young man about the fact that her name was Akulina, and her father was the blacksmith Vasily. At the same time, she realized that if a guy wanted to come to the village, he would definitely meet the real Akulina, who was a fat and pockmarked girl. Lisa quickly thought it over and said that her father was very strict and if he found out about their conversation, he would definitely spank her.

After their first meeting, the girl decides to go on a second date with Alexey. Lisa believes that if the young man finds out the truth about her, he will not approve of her action. Second meeting at young man and Akulina takes place the next day. The girl asks the young man to give her a promise that he will never look for her for meetings, saying that she will arrange them herself.

What I liked most in the story was the episode when the Brestovs made their first visit to Lisa’s house. Having learned that such guests were going to come to them, the girl was frightened. He and the maid came up with a prank, which consisted in the girl putting on a lot of makeup, and Alexey would not recognize Akulina in her. I consider Lisa kind because, having taken whitewash from her governess without asking, she later asked forgiveness for this and did everything possible to calm her down.

At the end of the story, everything the heroine dreamed of comes true. Her beloved and his father came to them. She learns that her parents have decided to marry them. Alexey, of course, was against this at first, but when he realized that Lisa was his beloved Akulina, he immediately agreed.

Although Lisa was an adult girl, she remained still a child, to whom her father did not forbid anything. Despite this, she was smart, beautiful and could get out of any situation.


I liked the story “The Young Lady-Peasant Woman”. Pushkin offers the reader an interesting plot based on the transformation main character from one image to another. The main theme of the work is love; the author proves that real feeling is not subject to any social and personal prejudices. It’s good that the story has a happy ending: the game with the heroine’s transition from a young lady to a peasant woman ceases to be a secret and the lovers unite with each other.


I really liked the work in which the great Pushkin teaches us to love with all our hearts, regardless of conventions, without thinking about material values, for only love is the eternal force that moves a person and makes him truly happy. A very simple plot, Pushkin’s language is easy to read and it’s impossible to stop reading, because essentially a bored young lady decides to play a prank on a young gentleman who recently moved to the estate next door. She dresses up as a peasant woman, Akulina, and cleverly arranges a meeting with him. It happens that young people fall in love with each other and start dating, but Liza-Akulina never reveals her origin. I definitely want to know how this adventure of the young people will end, because their fathers, having reconciled, decide to marry the children, but Alexey is madly in love with “Akulina” and is not going to marry the capricious lady. At the end of the work, the deception is revealed, and everyone is incredibly happy. I rejoiced with the lovers! Read it, you won't regret it.


“The Young Lady-Peasant Woman” is a story by A. S. Pushkin from the series “Belkin’s Tales”, written in 1830.

Main characters

The main characters of the story are:

  • landowner Ivan Berestov;
  • master Grigory Muromsky;
  • Alexey Berestov, son of Ivan;
  • Lisa Muromskaya, daughter of Gregory.

The plot and theme of the story “The Peasant Young Lady”

The story begins with a description of the confrontation between Ivan Berestov and Grigory Muromsky. Berestov does not like the lifestyle of his neighbor, who lives in a foreign style, and therefore he does not accept Grigory. In the story, the author calls Muromsky an Anglomaniac.

The main action takes place between the children of two warring neighbors.

The stately and handsome Alexei Berestov, Ivan’s son, arrives in the village where the events take place. Lisa, Muromsky’s daughter, a 17-year-old girl, likes the young man. The plot of the story is based on the technique of dressing up. Lisa decides to pretend to be the peasant Akulina in order to meet Alexei. Since their fathers are at enmity, the girl cannot meet the boy openly, and therefore resorts to such a trick. Then the characters meet. The young people fall in love with each other, but Lisa still does not reveal her true colors.

Soon Ivan and Grigory make peace, and after reconciliation they decide to marry their children. Alexey is opposed to marriage, because he wants to marry his beloved Akulina, and not the master’s daughter. Arriving at the Muromskys' house, he sees Lisa in her usual young lady's attire. Here Lisa’s idea is revealed, and Alexey finds out that she is his beloved Akulina.

Pushkin does not describe the ending of this meeting, but hints at a happy ending to the story, and it becomes clear to the reader that Alexey and Liza will subsequently marry.

“The Peasant Young Lady” is a simple, cheerful and easy-to-understand story. It is not loaded with special meaning, big problems and ideas. From the very first lines we see Berestov’s amusing dissatisfaction with Muromsky, which sets the tone for the entire work.

At the same time, the story reveals the high theme of love. Love is described as a sincere, bright feeling, because Berestov falls in love with Akulina (Liza), knowing that she is just a peasant woman, and this fact does not in the least detract from the strength of his feelings.