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Oral journal "The World Around Us" summary of an extracurricular activity. The world around us The world around us magazine read

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THIS MYSTERIOUS WORLD Starry sky (northern hemisphere of the sky)…8-9 solar system. . ............. 12 Sun and planets. ,………………... 13 Starry sky (southern hemisphere of the sky) ..10 11 Space exploration in the USSR.................. 14-15 Space exploration (international cooperation) ..... . 16 17 EARTH ON THE GLOBE AND ON THE MAP Earth is the planet on which we live....... 20 21 Diurnal movement of the Earth. . . ……..22 The movement of the Earth around the Sun…… 23 Globe. Physical card hemispheres………………..24 25 Shapes of the earth’s surface………. 26—27 Oceans of the Earth……………………… 28 29 Climate of the Earth………………………. 30 31 Natural zones of the Earth……………. 32 33 THE EARTH AND ITS INHABITANTS Europe. . . …………………………. . 36- 41 Asia............ 42-49 Africa. . ............. . ... 50—57 North America…………………. 58, 60 62 South America.…………………. 59, 63 65 Australia and Oceania ………………… 66- 68 Antarctica …………………………….. 69 Fauna of the oceans ………………….. . 70 71 Contents……………………… ... 72

Oral journal"The world around us"

Goal: developing a sense of belonging and personal responsibility for all life on Earth.

Form: oral journal.

Methods: story with elements of conversation and games.

Preparatory work: study literature, prepare student speeches, select visual aids, prepare an exhibition creative works, make bird houses, bird feeders, release a photo montage “Nature and Us”, design an exhibition of books about animals and birds, posters with interesting information and riddles about animals.

Progress of the event:

Teacher's story,

Student presentations from the pages of an oral journal,

Game moments,


Equipment: materials for magazines, pages, tokens, paper chests.



Organizational moment

Before we start working, we need to split into several groups. Each group will perform a separate task. If the group is able to work actively and come up with interesting ideas, then this group will be able to get excellent grades for the lesson on the world around them.

Division into groups.

To evaluate your work and the work of your group, you were given tokens. At the end of our lesson, you will put these tokens into the knowledge chest that you need.


Today we will talk to you about how you can make a journal about the world around you. The purpose of this lesson is to educate people about how to use the resources of our planet, conserve minerals, energy, talk about very interesting types animals and plants.

The teacher gets you started.

Teacher's story

We all - people, animals, birds, microorganisms - live on planet Earth. This is our common home.

Over millions of years, all types of animals and plants have adapted and become accustomed to each other. And we know that man is part of nature. People sometimes recklessly cut down forests, drained swamps, and plowed up steppes. They did not think about the fact that in doing so they grossly upset the balance in nature and, for the benefit of one cause, caused harm to another.

We need to be very careful about everything around us, including the forest where we go to pick mushrooms and berries, and the swamps where cranberries grow, and the river where we swim on a hot day, and the birch tree that rustles its leaves.

Let there be enough space for everyone on our planet. Let's take care of all this, live without offending each other, without offending our smaller brothers.

Analysis of existing journals on ecology and the environment.

Here's a look at the magazines that already exist. What can we say about them? What are they?

The magazines are divided into several sections. Each section has a name. On each page of such a magazine there are many pictures, illustrations, diagrams, supporting notes, tables, and diagrams. Since this is one magazine, it means all the pages are collected on one topic. At the beginning of the magazine there is a table of contents, page numbers are indicated, at the end the journal's release data and its authors are given.

Reviewing magazines.

Performing game exercises.

Now let's see what you know about the world around you.

See the assignments in the appendix.

All tasks are given in the appendix.

Practical work students

Now we will try to create a magazine that would help reveal the secrets of life. Here we must try to collect all the necessary material for the magazine related to the use and distribution of energy, with environmental problems on the planet, with the living conditions of plants and animals, and the influence of man on nature.

What should we call our magazine?

“the world around us”, “ecological magazine”, etc.

I will now distribute sheets of paper to the groups - future pages of our school magazine.

Each group will have its own page. It is necessary to give it a name, divide it into sections, select drawings, pictures, diagrams, and theoretical material.

- “These funny animals”

- “Nature and Man”

- “Do you know?”

- “Guess what!”

- “Nature is in danger!”

Assignment: Create your own journal page in 10 minutes.

The teacher distributed material for creating a magazine in advance.

The guys create their own magazine.

Select pictures, drawings, diagrams, posters for page design.

Exhibition of pages

Now let's see what pages of the magazine we created and what material we placed there.

Students take turns offering their designs for individual sections of the oral journal.

If you actively participated in the work, worked with interest on creating an oral journal, then put your token in the chest that is open.

If you are not entirely satisfied with your or your group’s work and think that you could be more active in the lesson, then put the token in a half-closed chest.

If you did not like the work you did and you were not able to demonstrate your abilities in creating a magazine in full, then put your token in a closed chest.

There are three chests hanging on the board. Each chest symbolizes a treasure of knowledge. Tokens were distributed at the beginning of the lesson.

- “These funny animals”

- “Nature and Man”

- “What interesting plants!”

Riddles about plants.

A green bush grows

If you touch it, it will bite (rosehip)

At the little Christmas tree

prickly needles,

Blue balls,

As if in frost. (juniper)

Bush in the forest, growing in the garden

And it blooms with a white umbrella,

It will ripen red like a raspberry,

But this is bitter... (viburnum)

Its leaf is the sign of Canada.

What is the name of the tree? (Maple)

The field is all in the water, what a surprise!

In the field for pilaf it will grow.. (rice)

I am a swamp plant

They caulk the walls with me. (moss)

Eh, bells, Blue colour, -

With a tongue, but no ringing! (bell)

There's a crackling sound in the forest underfoot

And the dead wood crunches,

We are looking for a flower of spring,

What is the name... (snowdrop)

We smell the freshness of the forest

Brings in late spring

Flower fragrant, delicate

From a snow-white brush. (lily of the valley)

The scarlet flower curled into a fist -

The dried up one has become like a rattle... (poppy)

- “Do you know?”

1. Which bird is a major publisher of school textbooks?

(Publishing house "Bustard". Bustard is a large bird).

2. What wild cat got into the car community?


3. Name the flower yoga pose.


4. What is the name of the bee city?


5. What predator is named after a person?

(A lion)

6. What kind of juice is obtained without the help of a press and juicers?

(Birch, maple)

7. Who wears a hat with a stem?


8. How many wings does a flea have?

(Not at all)

9. Which fish is always armed?


10. How is a hedgehog similar to a bear?

(Also sleeps in winter)

- “Guess what!”

- “Nature is in danger!”

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The “The World Around Us” collection is a magazine reissue of the 2011 book collection.

Collection " The world around us“My universal encyclopedia of knowledge” will introduce you to the world around you and help you master school knowledge. On its pages you will discover a lot of new things about science and technology, plants and animals, you will find detailed information about the history of mankind, about our planet, cities and countries of the world! Collect a complete collection of educational magazines “The World Around Us”. Publishing house Ashet Collection(Hachette).


  • Each page contains many educational facts, bright illustrations, photographs and diagrams.
  • Detailed explanations make all texts accessible and engaging.
  • Colorful illustrations and photographs allow you to fully immerse yourself in the topic.
  • Key facts, concepts and dates are presented separately for ease of remembering.
  • Drawings and diagrams make information visual.
  • The volume of each magazine is 48 pages.

With the collection's magazines you will receive stickers with images of planets, their satellites and artificial objects of the Solar System. With the first issue you will receive a poster of the Solar System. Find each sticker its place on this poster.

The variety of topics and information in the magazines is combined with a clear structure. On the spine of each issue of the collection is indicated its title and one of the 6 headings of the encyclopedia to which it belongs. By organizing issues into convenient folders, you will always know where to find the information you are interested in.


The Encyclopedia “The World Around Us” is well organized and divided into 6 sections:

  • Plants and animals– You will learn a lot of new things about plants and animals that are familiar to you, and you will very quickly learn to recognize other, previously unknown species. A detailed overview of the fauna of our planet will allow you to meet even animals that none of your friends have heard of!
  • Man and environment – You will be able to get to know our planet, oceans, continents and atmosphere better. You will also see what people do to protect and preserve the world around us.
  • Science and technology– You can easily find answers to the questions “What’s inside?” and “How does it work?” You will learn a lot of new and interesting things thanks to simple and complete explanations and trace the history of the most important scientific events.
  • The World History– Thanks to fascinating texts and colorful illustrations, you will become closely acquainted with the great figures and discoverers of the past, lost civilizations and the most important dates in world history. Any historical event You will remember it easily and for a long time.
  • Art and society– Learn a lot of new and amazing things about the art and culture of different countries and civilizations. And also about unusual hobbies and the interests of your peers and their parents around the world.
  • Countries of the world– Take a fascinating trip around the world and get acquainted with the countries of the world, their history, geography, administrative organization and traditions. Special pages are dedicated to Russia.

Release schedule

№1 – solar system+ poster + sticker – 12/24/2016
№2 + №3 – Ancient Civilizations + Great Inventions+ sticker – 01/12/2017
№4 – The human body+ folder + sticker – 01/26/2017
№5 – Origin of the Earth+ sticker – 02/02/2017
№6 – Mammals+ sticker
№7 – Planet Earth+ sticker
№8 – Insects, arachnids+ sticker
№9 – Russia+ sticker
№10 – Sea creatures+ sticker

How many issues

Total planned 75 issues.

Recommended price:
First edition - 49 rubles.
Second + Third issues (2 magazines) – 149 rubles.
Fourth issue and subsequent ones - 149 rubles.
Frequency: weekly.