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Comparing the size of Star Wars ships with real world objects. Spaceships in Star Wars: broken and impractical Starships from star wars

“show us a future we never arrived at. We are not familiar with other civilizations, we cannot move freely between planets and solar systems, and lightsabers weren’t invented. Moreover, we do not have such a variety of spaceships. And if there were, what would they look like? Our colleagues at Business Insider compared the size of Star Wars ships with what we can see in our universe.

Let's start with a land ship, which, although it flies, will not be able to send its captain into deep space. The heroine Daisy Ridley moved around the planet in such a vehicle. Her ship can be compared in size to an ordinary African elephant. The length of such a vehicle is almost 3.5 meters.

Let's move on to the famous X-Wing ships, thanks to which brave pilots so successfully fight the forces of the empire. This maneuverable ship can be compared to a private yacht. Its length is 12.5 meters.

Colleagues from Business Insider decided to compare the famous Millennium Falcon with the Rockefeller Christmas tree, which is 33.5 meters high. It’s impossible to put such a Christmas tree in an apartment.

The length of the ship of Kylo Ren, the villain from, can be compared with the height of the Statue of Liberty - 46 meters.

But the length of the cargo ship can rather be compared with the height of the Empire State Building skyscraper - 440 meters.

Model of a spaceship from the movie “Star Wars. Episode 4: A New Hope" was sold at auction in the United States for a record 450 thousand dollars. This was reported by the website of the auction house Profiles in History.

An anonymous buyer paid almost twice as much for the 41-centimeter tall rarity as the auction organizers expected. In 2008, a miniature fighter from the George Lucas saga was sold for 402.5 thousand dollars.

Other Hollywood lots include a 1953-1954 Superman costume that belonged to actor George Reeves. They offered him 216 thousand dollars. The famous whip from the Indiana Jones films cost the new owner $204,000.

“We completed the world's most successful auction of Hollywood items in 2015, breaking a Guinness World Record. It was installed by us in 2003. This time we sold the most expensive Superman costume and spaceship,” said Joseph Maddalena, president of the Profiles in History auction house.

In three days, $7.3 million was traded here.

1. TIE fighter (aka TIE fighter, aka Dishka)

The main fighter of the imperial forces, equipped with a twin ion engine (Twin Ion Engine), this is a rather menacing ship, which also produces a characteristic ominous creak when flying that can drive the enemy crazy. The main disadvantage of the LED is the flat panels along the edges of the fighter, which makes it look like an eye hanging between two playing cards. Of course, you can figure out why they are needed (how do we know how these same ion engines work), but from a tactical point of view, these panels make the fighter too easy a target, which has been demonstrated more than once in films, and also completely block the pilot’s view, leaving him less than 50 degrees of visible space. One can imagine that with the help of a special virtual reality helmet, the TIE pilot received a complete overview (by the way, radar helmets with a distributed aperture, providing a 360-degree view, already exist on F-35 fighters), but when the first trilogy came out, nothing like that there was no question, which means that the TIE fighter pilot actually saw nothing behind him, or even to the side.

2. Super class Imperial Star Destroyer.

A huge spaceship 18 kilometers long, Darth Vader’s flagship, carrying on board a huge number of fighters (as many as 6 squadrons) and ground equipment. An imposing ship that instills fear in its enemies, but for some reason it is extremely vulnerable. Why was it necessary to build such a thing? huge ship? It was much larger than ordinary Star Destroyers, but for some reason it was not equipped with more powerful weapons. This is especially clear in the Battle of Endor, when one rebel fighter crashed onto the side of the flagship, the huge ship lost control and collided with the second Death Star. When a tiny fighter can shoot down the flagship, and then the main strategically important weapon, someone has big problems with the original design.

3. Snowspeeder fighter.

We first saw this small atmospheric fighter in the movie The Empire Strikes Back. In addition to its two laser blasters, the Snowspeeder also has a harpoon that shoots out of the ship on a strong, flexible cable. With this harpoon they pierce the body of the “walkers” (probably the most ridiculous machines in the Empire’s arsenal) and use a cable to tangle their legs, causing the walkers to fall. It is impossible not to note how strange this strategy is, during which the pilot, winding a circle around the leg of the walker, can simply lose consciousness or become confused in his head, since the overloads must be very strong there. Moreover, if the cable is so strong and tightened so tightly around the legs of the walker, the fighter can easily be torn in half before the end of the maneuver. Well, in principle, this is a long operation, it is easily blocked and requires enormous training from each pilot, which is practically impossible under the conditions shown in the films. By the way, where does such a huge army of rebels train?

4. Trade Federation droid control ship.

Many military organizations in the Star Wars universe suffer from severe command-and-control problems in addition to terrible shooting skills. Take, for example, the droid control ship we saw in The Phantom Menace. He controls the ground robot troops, a huge army of 139,000 droids. When, again, one fighter accidentally flies into this huge ship and launches chain reaction upon its destruction (in general, sometimes it seems that in the local universe they have an extremely vague idea of ​​​​the concept of compartments), all ground troops simply stop, and the offensive stops. That is, no options in case of an accident, no other control methods. Quite a strange strategy, there’s no other way to put it. The ship had exactly one function, and even that it performed poorly.

5. X-wings, or X-wings.

The famous rebel fighters, which became a real symbol of “Star Wars”, in which all the small oddities of the spaceships of this Universe were embodied. The control system of local spaceships, including the X-Wings, does not make sense. How, for example, do they slow down? In zero gravity, these fighters would need engines aimed at reverse side, or the fighters themselves should turn around and direct their engines in the opposite direction - however, according to the films, they do neither one nor the other. How do fighter jets change direction in the first place? The X-Wing has four engines, but judging by the design, there is simply no means of changing course. Of course, they could change the direction of flight by gradually changing the thrust of individual engines, but then any turn would take a lot of time, and one could forget about maneuverability. Finally, as with many spaceships in " Star Wars", they're just too small. How was Luke able to fly a tiny fighter all the way to another star system when he was looking for Master Yoda? How did you not go crazy on the road, sitting in one place, unable not to get up, not to move, not to lie down? And if the X-Wings have the technology of such fast teleportation or a superluminal engine, then all the massive battles of the films completely lose their meaning.