Abstracts Statements Story

Certificate from the class teacher on crime prevention. Recommendations for the class teacher in the work on preventing crime, neglect, as well as in working with maladjusted children

The issue related to the prevention of delinquency in children has always been relevant, and today worries not only teachers, educators, but also every citizen, as well as the state as a whole. Taking into account the characteristics of modern teenagers and factors environment affecting their psychological development, for the timely identification and establishment of causes and ensuring the prevention of negative phenomena in the behavior of children, MBOU "Stychnovskaya Secondary School " The following areas of educational and preventive work in school for 2013–2018 were identified:

Creating conditions at school for the successful formation of a creative school community that includes students, teachers and parents;

Development of the principles of tolerance, the value of the personality of each participant in the educational process;

Development of extracurricular activities in order to provide the widest possible opportunities for improving the personality of each individual;

Involving schoolchildren in socially significant activities and preventing deviant behavior;

Monitoring, warning and analysis of violations academic discipline, regime moments and basic norms of student behavior;

Systematic monitoring of students’ attendance and progress;

Psychological and pedagogical assistance in the formation of adequate self-esteem;

Focus on a healthy lifestyle, attracting students to play sports;

Providing assistance to those who are in difficult life situations;

Involving students in strengthening law and order, both at school and beyond.

Formation of a personality of high universal human culture;

Establishing contact with the family and working with parents to identify the problem of the child and family.

The components (components) of the scope of educational work, one way or another, imply activities whose purpose is to prevent and combat homelessness and crime.

Since 2013, the school has been running a program for the education and socialization of students “The school is the sociocultural center of the village.” Purpose of the program: presentation of all the school’s capabilities for the formation of a mentally healthy, socially adaptive, physically developed graduate.

The school has created conditions for the normal upbringing and development of a child’s personality:

  • a humane style of relations between all participants in the educational process;
  • democratic principles and style of communication between teachers and students;
  • reasonable discipline and order as conditions for the protection of children and adults in the educational space;
  • the possibility of children's initiatives and their support from adults.

Educational work at school, the work of class teachers on legal education and the prevention of delinquency and crime among minors is systematic. The work is carried out in accordance with the plan of educational work and in accordance with the plan of measures to prevent delinquency among minors under the “Right Choice” program, which is designed for 2013-2018. All work was carried out in the following areas:

1) closing knowledge gaps;
2) combating absenteeism and unauthorized departures;
3) organization of leisure time for students;
4) employment of students in their free time;
5) propaganda healthy image life;
6) legal education;

7) work with parents.

Directions of educational work on crime prevention

1. Closing knowledge gaps students is an important component in the system of early prevention of antisocial behavior. Close interaction between class teachers and subject teachers helps solve the problem of teaching students who have difficulties in mastering the program. The school conducts daily monitoring of progress by the class teacher and informs parents, which makes it possible to take timely measures to eliminate knowledge gaps through individual work with such students, assistance was organized by subject teachers and successful students, individual sessions and consultations. Underachieving students in 2016-2017 academic year there was no time at school academic quarters, not in a year.

2. Combating absenteeism and unauthorized absences is the second important link in the educational and educational work ensuring successful crime prevention.

In order to implement the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, as well as to prevent vagrancy and neglect, strict control is carried out over the attendance of school students. To this end:

Monthly monitoring of student absences from classes with good or no good reason is carried out.

Information about missed lessons is recorded by the Deputy Director for Educational Management in a special journal, and the reason for the absences is identified;

Class teachers regularly fill out the lesson absences page in the class register;

Subject teachers promptly notify the class teacher about student absences;

The class teacher informs parents on the same day about missed lessons (entry in the diary, phone call, visiting families at home).

There were no students at school in the 2016-2017 academic year who missed classes without good reason and were prone to leaving home without permission.

3. Organization of leisure time for students

Wide involvement of students in sports, artistic creativity, the work of youth organizations, clubs is one of the most important areas of educational activity, contributing to the development of the child’s creative initiative, active and useful leisure time, and the formation of law-abiding behavior.

Educational work in classes is planned and carried out taking into account the school-wide goals and objectives facing the class team, age and personal characteristics students, family situations, activities are carried out taking into account the ongoing targeted educational programs and projects in different directions using active forms and methods of work:


Sports and recreation;

Artistic and aesthetic;

Spiritual and moral;


Environmental, etc.

Educational work at the school is carried out according to the “School as a socio-cultural center of the village” program. All school students for the 2016-2017 academic year were involved in extracurricular activities: they took part in the preparation and conduct of school-wide traditional events, and actively participated in all ongoing school and district events.

More than 50 school students took part in school activities throughout the year subject Olympiads, sporting events, sports competitions at the municipal level, participated in distance competitions, Olympiads, quizzes, competitions at the municipal, regional and All-Russian levels.

4.Employment of students in their free time is one of the important factors of prevention, therefore the school pays great attention to the development of the system additional education, as well as promoting a healthy lifestyle and involving teenagers in preschool clubs and sections. Children attended not only school clubs and sports sections, but also KFOR clubs, a library, and a sports ground on the school grounds.

At the school, all 100% of students are involved in club activities: “The World of Vocal Art”, “Our Choice is Health”, “Museum”, Youth Educational Institution “Traffic Light”, Children’s Youth Party “Volunteers”, sports section “Basketball”, “Sports Tourism”, “Don Freemen”

Labor raids and labor landings were carried out at the school, aimed at involving junior, middle and senior pupils in systematic work to improve the school and the surrounding area, the obelisk of fallen soldiers. Involving children not only as participants, but also fans, spectators, and organizers various events, raids, and promotions helped to satisfy the children’s need for communication, organize their activity at school, significantly limiting the risk of motivation for antisocial behavior.

Class teachers involved children in the work of a health camp at the school in the summer, planned and carried out activities during the holidays, thereby organizing the employment of children during the holidays. High school students worked from the employment center as assistant teachers in a health camp at the school.

5. Promoting a healthy lifestyle comes from the needs of children and their natural potential. In order to attract students to regular physical education and sports and promote a healthy lifestyle, the school identified the strongest students and formed school teams to participate in school and district competitions. At the beginning of the school year, a calendar of sports events was drawn up, and throughout the year different kinds competitions.

In order to prevent crime, drug addiction, and improve the legal culture of minors, the school held monthly thematic classes and collective creative activities.

The following events were dedicated to promoting a healthy lifestyle:

Events within the framework of the ten-day period “SOS”;

Road, Traffic and Ice Safety Week;

Campaign “I choose sport as an alternative.”

Classes were held on the following topics:

2nd - 4th grades “What is good and what is bad”, “Smoking is harmful to health”;, 5, 6th grade “Myths about alcohol” “For schoolchildren about the dangers of nicotine”,

7th, 8th “Who wins or a teenager in the world of bad habits”, 10th grade “Life without drugs”, 11th grade “We are against drugs“

6. Legal education

In solving the problems of preventing crime among minors, months and weeks of crime prevention were held. Not only class teachers, but also traffic police officers, teaching staff, and law enforcement agencies participated in their organization; workers of medical institutions, deputy director for educational work schools. The following events were held as part of Crime Prevention Month:

participation in interdepartmental operations “Attention! Children!”, “Teenager” (September);

week of legal knowledge. Meetings with employees of the Department of Internal Affairs;

Questionnaire “Teenagers’ Attitudes to Adverse Habits” (December);

month of military-patriotic education (February);

drawing competition on the topics: “Rights and responsibilities of a citizen of the Russian Federation”, “Children’s rights”.

The school has a legal knowledge corner where information is regularly updated.

A week of legal knowledge was held once every six months:

in the 1st half of the year - a week of legal knowledge “Law for everyone”;

in the 2nd half of the year - a week of legal knowledge “Territory of a teenager”.

Discussions were held during class hours, explanatory work was carried out about the types of responsibility for certain unlawful acts, types of crimes characteristic of adolescents, concepts about administrative, civil, and criminal liability of minors, which provided motivation for responsibility for their actions.

The role of the class teacher was to guide the discussion and sum up the results, providing maximum opportunity for children to be active in organizing the event and freely express their opinions. Such classes developed activity and the formation of life positions.
During 2016-2017, class teachers conducted classroom hours:

2nd - 4th grades
"What is good and what is bad"
"Rules of conduct in public places"

5th, 6th grade
"We and the street, our interests"\

"UN Convention on the Rights of the Child"

“Know your rights, but don’t forget your responsibilities”

7th, 8th grade
“Rights and responsibilities of a schoolchild”;
Why does a teenager commit a crime?
"Let's talk about responsibility"

10th grade

"Crime and its consequences"
“How to learn to be responsible for your actions”

11th grade
“Administrative and criminal liability”;

Release of the booklet “The role of the class teacher in the work to prevent neglect and crime”

7. Working with parents to prevent crime is being built as planned. At the beginning of each school year, class teachers created a family passport to identify difficult children and families in a socially dangerous situation. Thus, during the period 2016-2017, all families of students were visited, including single-parent families and large families, but no traces of trouble were found in these families, which is confirmed in the visit reports. If negative facts were identified, the school’s Prevention Council was to be informed. When visiting families, class teachers got acquainted with the living conditions of the students, held conversations at home with parents and adult family members, drew up reports on the survey of living conditions, found out the child’s position in the family, his relationship with his parents.
Important directions in this work were:

establishing a trusting relationship between parents and teachers;

explaining to parents the basics of interpersonal relationships in order for them to understand the causes of negative manifestations in the child’s behavior: anger, aggression, resentment, fear, etc., so that they realize that their true cause may lie deeper than external manifestations, behind each case of active protest in behavior should look for an unfulfilled need;

formation in parents of the correct attitude towards the child’s sense of self-worth, because Any help to both the child and the family with a “difficult” child should begin with the correction of this feeling. The leading rule was the need for attention to the child’s successes and his need for recognition; only under these conditions should a positive personal attitude be formed;

Forming in parents a sense of self-confidence in solving emerging problems in education.

Class teachers did a lot of work to promote pedagogical knowledge among parents, regularly held lectures on the education of students, according to their age characteristics: consultations “Age and psychological characteristics younger children school age", "The interests of my child. How to choose a circle; individual conversations “How to overcome learning difficulties. Parental assistance" "Why does the child not want to study"; parent meetings “Your child has become a teenager. Problems of education”, “The role of the family in the prevention of delinquency and crime”.

Preventive information and explanatory work was carried out with parents. Discussions were held at class meetings: “The rights and responsibilities of teenagers,” “Take care of the safety of your children.”

“Rights and responsibilities of the child in school and family.” All these events were aimed at improving the pedagogical culture of parents, strengthening interaction between family and school, strengthening its educational potential, as well as involving parents in raising children. At the same time, evening raids were organized and carried out on the territory of a rural settlement and school, where The commission, together with class teachers and the school administration, included representatives of the parent committee.

To establish a trusting relationship between parents and teachers, the following work was carried out:

Election of parents to the Crime Prevention Council.

"Day open doors" for parents.

Involving parents in extracurricular activities.

Involving parents in law enforcement during cultural events.

Conducting parental education:

Lecture for parents

1) Rights and responsibilities of the family.

2) Rights, duties and responsibilities of parents.

3) Moral Lessons families are the moral laws of life.

4) The rights and responsibilities of a child in the family, at school, in society.

5) Cause of child suicides

6) Free time and entertainment for students.

Release of booklets:

1. “For a healthy lifestyle”,

2. “Psychological characteristics of adolescence”

3. “How to create an atmosphere of trust in the family”

4. “My child is my concern”

During the period 2016-2017, not one offense was committed. To implement an individual program for a teenager, the class teacher, the school’s socio-psychological service, and school teachers used various forms and methods of individual preventive work with students:

Studying the personality traits of a teenager, classes with a psychologist to correct his behavior;

Home visits to monitor the teenager, his employment during free time from classes, as well as vacation time, preparation for lessons;

Attending lessons to determine the student’s level of preparation for classes;

Psychological and pedagogical consultation of parents and subject teachers in order to develop approaches to the upbringing and education of a teenager;

Individual and collective preventive conversations with a teenager;

Involving teenagers in socially significant activities through the implementation of educational programs and projects;

Involving students in the system of additional education associations in order to organize employment in their free time.

One of the important factors of prevention was the student’s employment in his free time, so the school paid much attention to the development of a system of additional education, as well as promoting a healthy lifestyle and involving teenagers in clubs and sections.

The class teacher conducted preventive conversations with the teenager: “Conflict. How to behave in conflict situation and cope with aggression”, “The aroma of life without the taste of tobacco”, “Drug is a weapon of suicide”; "Why is it so hard to study?", "Law and Order". Conversations were held with parents on “Psychological climate in the family”, “Parental responsibility”, etc. Close interaction between the class teacher and subject teachers contributed to solving the problem with the student’s education. If difficulties arise in studying certain subjects (algebra, Russian, English language) the teenager was provided with assistance in learning, additional classes were held in which gaps in knowledge were eliminated by subject teachers.

Also, the class teacher systematically monitored attendance and preparation for lessons, regularly filled out the lesson absence page in the class register, and established the reason for the student’s absence from classes.

Monthly class teacher and social -psychological service schools, visited the teenager’s family at home, in order to study the psychological climate in the family, the teenager’s living conditions, his employment in his free time and study.

In order to prevent crime, drug addiction, and improve the legal culture of minors, the school held monthly thematic class hours and collective creative activities, where the teenager was involved in many activities. So, as part of the regional anti-drug campaign: “The health of the nation is in our hands,” he took 1st place in the poster competition “Health! Creation! Success!"

The teacher-psychologist, social teacher and deputy director for VR organized psychological and pedagogical consultations for parents and students, conducted preventive conversations, trainings: conversation “Parents’ responsibility for raising children”, “Introduction to the Family Code of the Russian Federation”, “Psychology of education in the family”, “We are responsible for our actions”, “No to alcohol!”, “The path to the profession”, psychological training “I am learning to control myself”.

In extracurricular activities this teenager was involved in club work“Our choice is Health!”, YID “Traffic Light”, “Basketball”, was an active participant in the volunteer movement “7th Petal”, participated in the regional events “Christmas Bells”, “Wreath of Memory”, “Heirs of Victory”, “We for a clean area", "Immortal Regiment".

In preventive work, the school staff collaborated with the interested services and departments: KPDiZP, District Department of Internal Affairs, district psychological and drug treatment service, OSZN center, youth affairs sector under the district administration, Stychnovsky FAP, Stychnovsky Palace of Culture and the Administration of the Stychnovsky rural settlement.

Deputy Director for HR I.Yu. Samsonov

The formation of a responsible attitude towards learning is an important component in the system of early prevention of antisocial behavior. I monitor academic performance and attendance on a daily basis, inform parents, which allows timely measures to be taken to eliminate gaps in knowledge by conducting individual work with such students, and organizing assistance from the subject teacher and high-achieving students.

I will dwell in more detail on leisure activities, extracurricular activities. This is one of the most important areas of educational activity, contributing to the development of the child’s creative initiative, active, useful leisure, and the formation of law-abiding behavior.
I try to attract as many children in my class as possible to participate in subject Olympiads (school regional Olympiad in geography and other subjects), reward them for their participation. This academic year, 8 students of grade 7a became winners and prize-winners in the regional Olympiads. I invite you to participate in distance competitions (Perm Geographical Championship, Olympus), to research activities.

Last school year, the children took part in the competition “The History of Your Family in the History of the Tver Land” as part of the “Tree is Strong in Roots” program. Zhuravleva N. won the municipal stage of the competition and participated in regional stage in Bezhetsk.

I try to arouse in the children an interest in local history work, in studying the nature, history and culture of their native land. Students in my class this school year took part in a regional quiz on geographical and historical local history, combining the trip with a tour of the city of Tver. We are currently participating in the regional Internet game “Sights of the Tver Province”.

By taking part in district and regional photo competitions (“My Hobby”, “Mirror of Nature”, “Seasons”, etc.) we learn to see the beauty of the world around us.

As the head of the summer recreational sports and local history camp “Flame” at the school, I actively involve the children of my class in the work of the camp, thereby organizing their employment during the holidays. This year 6 people from my class will be attending camp. Great interest in last years were caused by the projects “Forgotten Temples of the Krasnokholmsky District”, the action “On the Roads of Memory”, “To the Homeland of Heroes”, the environmental action “Clean Stadium”, etc. Involving children in search and excursion activities contributes to the education of civic consciousness, patriotism, love for their small homeland, and also has a positive effect on the formation of a sense of camaraderie, friendship, responsibility for the fate of one’s homeland, develops cognitive interests and horizons, distracts from meaningless pastime, rest becomes meaningful, filled with useful activities.

The organization of trips and excursions play an important role in crime prevention. Introducing children to cultural and natural heritage has a positive effect on their upbringing and forms positive motivation. With my guys, we visited many places, saw many sights, got acquainted with many interesting people.

Vyshny Volochok - the land of artists, Kashin, the Kashin sanatorium, Kalyazin, Uglich - a city on the Golden Ring of Russia, Molokovo and its surroundings. Ustyuzhna, Vologda region - a city in the Russian North, village. Danilovskoye - the Batyushkov estate, the village of Bozhonka - the place where the Battle of Sita took place (1238), again V. Volochok.

In the Krasnokholmsky district we visited the St. Nicholas Monastery, made excursions to 7 Orthodox churches, to the quarry of the village of Mogochi, and visited the homeland of Rusin N.P. in the village of Popovskoye and in other places.

All this helps the development of positive interests, enriches them spiritually and emotionally, helps satisfy children’s need for communication, organizes their activity, significantly limiting the risk of motivation for antisocial behavior.

Promoting a healthy lifestyle is based on the needs of children and their natural potential. I try in every possible way to support my children in their desire to engage in physical education, sports, and participate in various competitions at school and other levels. I explain to them the need to participate in sports sections. I conduct conversations and meetings. hours about the dangers of smoking, alcohol, drugs, on environmental topics (“Healthy eating”, “Smoking is harmful to health”, “Myths about alcohol”, “Man and nature”, “My hobby”, “The path to the stars”, etc. ) Team competitions, KVNs, various competitions in which children participate both as direct participants and as fans contribute to a negative attitude towards bad habits, fostering feelings of desire for success, mutual assistance and mutual support.

Specialists are also involved in the program for promoting a healthy lifestyle and preventing bad habits (school nurse E.N. Maraeva, psychiatrist at the Central District Hospital Gribova are frequent guests of the children).

Organization of leisure activities teaches children how to properly spend their free time without consuming alcohol or tobacco. We host interesting and exciting entertainment events. For example:

Happy birthday greetings, where we give birthday gifts and cards made by ourselves,

cool “lights” where everyone can express themselves in various competitions, roles, etc.,

New Year holidays,

Departure to the lake,

pioneer affairs,

We conduct excursions to the fire department.
Such events promote team unity, teach children how to organize their leisure time to their advantage, and also learn some healthy lifestyle skills.

As part of legal education, classes are held with the participation of law enforcement officers (traffic police, prosecutor's office), a frequent guest of T.M. Korovin. - Secretary of the KDN of the district administration. Conducting discussions during class hours, explanatory work about the types of responsibility for certain unlawful acts, types of crimes characteristic of adolescents, concepts about administrative, civil, and criminal responsibility of minors provide motivation for responsibility for their actions

Work with parents is carried out in individual conversations, at parent-teacher meetings, and when visiting families. At parent meetings we discuss the following topics: “Age characteristics of schoolchildren”, “Development of teenagers’ interests”, “Parental participation in organizing children’s leisure time”, etc.

As a class teacher, I get acquainted with the housing and material conditions of students, family relationships, and introduce parents to the child’s successes and emerging problems. The leading rule is the need for attention to the child’s successes and his need for recognition; only under these conditions is a positive personal attitude formed.

There are some difficulties in working with parents. Not all parents seriously care about the spiritual and moral education of the child, seeing their role as feeding and clothing so that the child does not need anything. In some families, control over free time and the child’s behavior is weakened, and there is a lack of proper mutual understanding and trust. Parents do not always delve deeply into the problems of educational activities.

The work of crime prevention in the classroom is not without its challenges. In my class, the children are very emotional, active, there is still aggression in behavior and a lack of tolerance. Being carried away by a game or sorting out relationships, they can cross the boundaries of what is permitted. They may fall under the bad influence of friends. They are not always responsible for the assigned work.

Special attention I devote myself to individual work with students who are registered with the KDN. There are 2 of them in the class. I constantly monitor their attendance and progress. I try to keep abreast of their activities outside of school hours (clubs, sections, etc.), and maintain contact with parents. I involve these children in participating in class and school events.

There is still a lot of work to be done to solve these problems.

The formation of a responsible attitude towards learning is an important component in the system of early prevention of antisocial behavior. I monitor academic performance and attendance on a daily basis, inform parents, which allows timely measures to be taken to eliminate gaps in knowledge by conducting individual work with such students, and organizing assistance from the subject teacher and high-achieving students.

I will dwell in more detail on leisure activities, extracurricular activities. This is one of the most important areas of educational activity, contributing to the development of the child’s creative initiative, active, useful leisure, and the formation of law-abiding behavior.
I try to attract as many children in my class as possible to participate in subject Olympiads (school and regional Olympiads in geography and other subjects), to encourage them for their participation. This academic year, 8 students of grade 7a became winners and prize-winners in the regional Olympiads. I invite you to participate in distance competitions (Perm Geographical Championship, Olympus), and to research activities.

Last school year, the children took part in the competition “The History of Your Family in the History of the Tver Land” as part of the “Tree is Strong in Roots” program. Zhuravleva N. won the municipal stage of the competition and participated in the regional stage in Bezhetsk.

I try to arouse in the children an interest in local history work, in studying the nature, history and culture of their native land. Students in my class this school year took part in a regional quiz on geographical and historical local history, combining the trip with a tour of the city of Tver. We are currently participating in the regional Internet game “Sights of the Tver Province”.

By taking part in district and regional photo competitions (“My Hobby”, “Mirror of Nature”, “Seasons”, etc.) we learn to see the beauty of the world around us.

As the head of the summer recreational sports and local history camp “Flame” at the school, I actively involve the children of my class in the work of the camp, thereby organizing their employment during the holidays. This year 6 people from my class will be attending camp. In recent years, the projects “Forgotten Temples of the Krasnokholmsky District”, the campaign “Roads of Memory”, “To the Homeland of Heroes”, the environmental campaign “Clean Stadium”, etc. have aroused great interest. Involving children in search and excursion activities contributes to the education of civic consciousness, patriotism, love to their small homeland, and also has a positive effect on the formation of a sense of camaraderie, friendship, responsibility for the fate of their homeland, develops cognitive interests and horizons, distracts from meaningless pastime, rest becomes meaningful, filled with useful activities.

The organization of trips and excursions play an important role in crime prevention. Introducing children to cultural and natural heritage has a positive effect on their upbringing and forms positive motivation. My boys and I visited many places, saw many sights, and met many interesting people.

Vyshny Volochok - the land of artists, Kashin, the Kashin sanatorium, Kalyazin, Uglich - a city on the Golden Ring of Russia, Molokovo and its surroundings. Ustyuzhna, Vologda region - a city in the Russian North, village. Danilovskoye - the Batyushkov estate, the village of Bozhonka - the place where the Battle of Sita took place (1238), again V. Volochok.

In the Krasnokholmsky district we visited the St. Nicholas Monastery, made excursions to 7 Orthodox churches, to the quarry of the village of Mogochi, and visited the homeland of Rusin N.P. in the village of Popovskoye and in other places.

All this helps the development of positive interests, enriches them spiritually and emotionally, helps satisfy children’s need for communication, organizes their activity, significantly limiting the risk of motivation for antisocial behavior.

Promoting a healthy lifestyle is based on the needs of children and their natural potential. I try in every possible way to support my children in their desire to engage in physical education, sports, and participate in various competitions at school and other levels. I explain to them the need to participate in sports sections. I conduct conversations and meetings. hours about the dangers of smoking, alcohol, drugs, on environmental topics (“Healthy eating”, “Smoking is harmful to health”, “Myths about alcohol”, “Man and nature”, “My hobby”, “The path to the stars”, etc. ) Team competitions, KVNs, various competitions in which children participate both as direct participants and as fans contribute to a negative attitude towards bad habits, fostering feelings of desire for success, mutual assistance and mutual support.

Specialists are also involved in the program for promoting a healthy lifestyle and preventing bad habits (school nurse E.N. Maraeva, psychiatrist at the Central District Hospital Gribova are frequent guests of the children).

Organization of leisure activities teaches children how to properly spend their free time without consuming alcohol or tobacco. We host interesting and exciting entertainment events. For example:

happy birthday greetings, where we present the birthday person with handmade gifts and cards,

cool “lights” where everyone can express themselves in various competitions, roles, etc.,

New Year holidays,

trip to the lake,

pioneer affairs,

We conduct excursions to the fire department.
Such events promote team unity, teach children how to organize their leisure time to their advantage, and also learn some healthy lifestyle skills.

As part of legal education, classes are held with the participation of law enforcement officers (traffic police, prosecutor's office), a frequent guest of T.M. Korovin. - Secretary of the KDN of the district administration. Conducting discussions during class hours, explanatory work about the types of responsibility for certain unlawful acts, types of crimes characteristic of adolescents, concepts about administrative, civil, and criminal responsibility of minors provide motivation for responsibility for their actions

Work with parents is carried out in individual conversations, at parent-teacher meetings, and when visiting families. At parent meetings we discuss the following topics: “Age characteristics of schoolchildren”, “Development of teenagers’ interests”, “Parental participation in organizing children’s leisure time”, etc.

As a class teacher, I get acquainted with the housing and material conditions of students, family relationships, and introduce parents to the child’s successes and emerging problems. The leading rule is the need for attention to the child’s successes and his need for recognition; only under these conditions is a positive personal attitude formed.

There are some difficulties in working with parents. Not all parents seriously care about the spiritual and moral education of the child, seeing their role as feeding and clothing so that the child does not need anything. In some families, control over free time and the child’s behavior is weakened, and there is a lack of proper mutual understanding and trust. Parents do not always delve deeply into the problems of educational activities.

The work of crime prevention in the classroom is not without its challenges. In my class, the children are very emotional, active, there is still aggression in behavior and a lack of tolerance. Being carried away by a game or sorting out relationships, they can cross the boundaries of what is permitted. They may fall under the bad influence of friends. They are not always responsible for the assigned work.

I pay special attention to individual work with students who are registered with the KDN. There are 2 of them in the class. I constantly monitor their attendance and progress. I try to keep abreast of their activities outside of school hours (clubs, sections, etc.), and maintain contact with parents. I involve these children in participating in class and school events.

There is still a lot of work to be done to solve these problems.

Organization of the work of the class teacher

on the prevention of crimes and delinquency by students

The problem of helping children and adolescents with behavioral problems is particularly acute in our society (aggression, rudeness, arrogance, cynicism). Today, every eleventh crime is committed by a teenager. Unfortunately, there are many factors that negatively affect the development and behavior of children and adolescents, both external and internal.

Therefore, one of the important goals of the class teacher’s work is prevention and provision of timely and qualified assistance to children, adolescents and (or) their families who find themselves in difficult social, family, pedagogical and other situations.

At the beginning of each school year, the class teacher sets himself the following tasks:

Create conditions conducive to social adaptation student;

Provide assistance in achieving positive resolution of problems;

To form in the child positive value attitudes towards society, study, work, people, himself, social norms and laws;

Provide the student’s family with qualified pedagogical assistance in education.

And implements them using methods and forms:







    individual work;

    group work;


In the class team, class teachers create conditions for the normal upbringing and development of the child’s personality:

    a humane style of relations between all participants in the educational process;

    democratic principles and style of communication between teachers and students;

    reasonable discipline and order as conditions for the protection of children and adults in the educational space;

    the possibility of children's initiatives and their support from adults.

The work of class teachers on legal education and the prevention of delinquency and crime among minors is systematic. The work is carried out in accordance with the educational work plan and in accordance with the action plan for the prevention of offenses among difficult-to-educate minors in the following areas:

a) preventive work;

b) organization of leisure activities;

c) work with parents;

d) legal education;

e) organization of vacations;

f) working with difficult children.

At the beginning of each school year, class teachers create a passport system for families, identify difficult children, create a data bank of students who find themselves in difficult life situations, and families in a socially dangerous situation, in order to provide subsequent assistance. Class teachers visit families and draw up visitation reports.

1. Closing gaps in student knowledge is an important component in the system of early prevention of antisocial behavior. Daily monitoring of progress by the class teacher and informing parents makes it possible to take timely measures to eliminate gaps in knowledge by carrying out individual work with such students, and to organize assistance from the subject teacher and high-achieving students. The class teacher must exercise strict control over the preparation of students for training sessions: students should know that at any time the class teacher can check the availability school supplies, availability of written execution homework in any subject, having a diary and keeping it, keeping notebooks. Lessons of other teachers for students in their class should also be attended by the class teacher with a subsequent discussion (analysis) of the behavior and work in the lesson of students who require increased attention and control.

2. Fighting passes classes is the second important link in educational and training work, ensuring successful crime prevention.

Class teachers conduct daily monitoring of lesson attendance and monthly records of student absences for good or no good reason. If students miss classes, the reason for the absence will be clarified from their parents. The student must know (be sure) that the issue of attendance is under constant, serious control of the class teacher, from whom it is simply impossible to hide anything (or deceive, lie), and that close contact has been established between the parents and the class teacher, that everything the secret will definitely become apparent. The class teacher should become the main key figure for the student, an authoritative and important assistant, and adviser.

3. Organization of leisure time for students , wide involvement of students in sports, artistic creativity, and the work of associations is one of the most important areas of educational activity, contributing to the development of the child’s creative initiative, active, useful leisure time, and the formation of law-abiding behavior.
Class teachers are taking measures to attract a wide range of students, especially children at risk, to sports sections. Organization of subject and sports olympiads, participation in distance competitions, exhibitions, involving children in them not only as participants, but also fans, spectators, organizers, helps to satisfy the children’s need for communication, organizes their activity at school, significantly limiting the risk of motivation for antisocial behavior. Class teachers take an active part in involving children in the work of a health camp at the school, thereby organizing children’s employment during the holidays. The organization of students' leisure activities must be subject to strict accounting. Accounting can be carried out in areas (healthy lifestyle, patriotic, moral, aesthetic, environmental, etc.), with emphasis placed on ensuring that diverse work is carried out with the child (this is, firstly) and, secondly, paying more attention carrying out activities in the area(s) in which the student’s qualities are formed (developed) to a weak extent.

4. Promotion of healthy lifestyles comes from the needs of children and their natural potential. In order to attract students to regular physical education and sports and promote a healthy lifestyle, the strongest students are identified and school teams are formed to participate in school and city competitions. At the beginning of each academic year, a calendar of sports events is drawn up, Health Days, football and volleyball competitions are held. It has become traditional for students to participate in monthly Health Days.

Not only specialists (medics, psychologists) are involved in the program for promoting a healthy lifestyle and preventing bad habits, but also widely using children’s potential.

The following class hours, held from September to December, are dedicated to promoting a healthy lifestyle:

Smoking is harmful to health”;

Myths about alcohol”

To a schoolchild about the dangers of nicotine”

Who wins or a teenager in the world of bad habits”

Life without drugs"

We are against drugs"

"Road, transport and me"

“Drug addiction is a social evil”

“HIV can be avoided”

"Drug addiction and its consequences for humans"

"What is happening to me?"

5. Legal education. In solving the problems of preventing delinquency among minors, those carried out in educational institutions Decades of crime prevention. Not only class teachers, but also law enforcement officers, fire department, representatives public organizations represented by members of the commission on juvenile affairs, specialists in family affairs, youth affairs, and employment; workers of medical institutions, psychologist, deputy director for educational work of the school.

Conducting discussions during class hours, explanatory work about the types of responsibility for certain unlawful acts, types of crimes characteristic of adolescents, concepts about administrative, civil, and criminal responsibility of minors provide motivation for responsibility for their actions. The role of the class teacher is to guide the discussion and sum up the results, providing maximum opportunity for children to be active in organizing the event and to freely express their opinions. Such activities develop activity and the formation of life positions.

As you know, ignorance is not an excuse from responsibility. Therefore, during the 2014 – 2015 academic year (from September to December), class teachers conducted classroom hours:

What is good and what is bad"

Rules of conduct in public places”

We and the street, our interests”

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child”

“Know your rights, but don’t forget your responsibilities”

Rights and responsibilities of a schoolchild”;

“Why does a teenager commit a crime”

Let's talk about responsibility"

Crime and its consequences"

How to learn to be responsible for your actions”

Administrative and criminal liability”

6. Working with parents. Work to identify students and families in socially dangerous situations is being carried out as planned. If negative facts are identified, class teachers inform the school's Prevention Council. Class teachers get acquainted with the living conditions of students, conduct conversations at home with parents and adult family members, draw up reports on the survey of living conditions, find out the child’s position in the family, his relationship with his parents.

Important directions in this work are:

    establishing a trusting relationship between parents and teachers;

    explaining to parents the basics of interpersonal relationships in order for them to understand the causes of negative manifestations in the child’s behavior: anger, aggression, resentment, fear, etc., so that they realize that their true cause may lie deeper than external manifestations, behind each case of active protest in behavior should look for an unfulfilled need;

    formation in parents of the correct attitude towards the child’s sense of self-worth, because Any help to both the child and the family with a “difficult” child should begin with the correction of this feeling. The leading rule is the need for attention to the child’s successes and his need for recognition; only under these conditions is a positive personal attitude formed;

    Forming in parents a sense of self-confidence in solving emerging problems in education.

Class teachers should do a lot of work to promote pedagogical knowledge among parents, regularly hold lectures on educating students according to their age characteristics: consultations “Age and psychological characteristics of children of primary school age”, “Interests of my child. How to choose a circle; individual conversations “How to overcome learning difficulties. Parental assistance" "Why does the child not want to study"; parent meetings “Your child has become a teenager. Problems of education”, “Rights and responsibilities of the child in school and family”. All these activities are aimed at improving the pedagogical culture of parents, strengthening the interaction between family and school, strengthening its educational potential, as well as involving parents in raising children. Class teachers, together with the school administration, participate in organizing and conducting “Family” raids.

7. Carrying out individual educational work . One of the most important areas of preventive school activities is to identify, place students with antisocial behavior under in-school control and develop an individual educational program for them. Class teachers work closely with representatives of the school’s socio-psychological service - a social teacher and educational psychologist, and the Prevention Council.

Working with the personality of an individual student also presupposes that the teacher knows the level of education of the entire class, since personality is most clearly manifested in collective relationships, in common activities. Class teachers of the school diagnose the level of education of students. Based on the established level of education of students, the class teacher designs the development of value orientation, personal properties and qualities, and develops a plan for the educational work of the class.

Decision (after reading all the reports and after conducting a workshop on the topic of the teachers' council!):

Class teachers should improve their work with students’ families, increase the active participation of parents in the educational process, work to identify early troubles in families, work to identify facts of child abuse, and work to increase the psychological and pedagogical potential of the family (pedagogical education).

From experience in anti-drug education

and prevention of delinquency and juvenile crimes with students

class teacher Svetlana Vladimirovna Serebryanskaya

The development of market relations, the “new life” that has befallen us all, leads to the destruction of the previously established system of pedagogical influences on children, weakens education outside of school, disrupts traditional connections between teachers and families, and contributes to the build-up of neuroticism in adults and children. The term “difficult to educate” means the insensitivity and resistance of the person being brought up to pedagogical influence. The reasons for this resistance are most often the lag of the individual in positive development, hence the emergence of shortcomings, negative character traits, incorrect attitudes in behavior, unhealthy needs, etc. And the alarming result is “difficult” children, schoolchildren, adolescents, adults with persistent manifestations of negative characteristics and behavioral deviations.
Social factors reinforce the shortcomings of family and school education. All this undermines the child’s self-confidence, his ability to self-regulate, and self-affirm in life-changing situations. A feeling of insecurity and loneliness develops. The attention of both family and school is weakening to the student’s personality, to his life world, experience, interests, personal value orientations, and emotional environment. A teenager has a lot of free time, which he does not know how to use rationally; he has not developed the skills and abilities of leisure activities. It is necessary to fill this void, help the child gain experience of self-affirmation in useful activities, skills of self-organization, planning his time, developing interests, and the ability to achieve his goal. But in order to work with difficult teenagers, you need to know the reasons that lead to deviations in behavior and learning. These may be personal flaws:

    Based on disorganization, indiscipline can arise; an alienated attitude towards other people can become a prerequisite for selfishness, narcissism, distrust of people, and a craving for bad habits.

    Negative properties are also formed on the basis of an incorrect attitude towards work. A teenager avoids work - evasiveness arises, and then deceit, the desire to live at the expense of others. If he does his work carelessly, he becomes frivolous, which leads to immorality.

It could also be wrong relationships in the family:

    When there is a conniving - condescending style in the family.

    When the family takes all-round defense in relation to the child.

    Demonstrative style of relationship with a child.

    Pedantic - suspicious style.

    Persuasive style.

    Detached and indifferent style.

    Education according to the “family idol” type.

    Inconsistent style.

Three personal shortcomings - selfishness, laziness, deceit - create adolescence a prerequisite for inability to educate. Boys are more noticeable, they are rude, violate discipline, are prone to delinquency and crime, and lead an unhealthy lifestyle. It should be borne in mind that the girl’s psyche is especially vulnerable when faced with all kinds of difficulties and difficulties in interpersonal relationships. They are usually very critical of everything and everyone, but not of themselves.
In order to reduce the negative behavior of our students, we need a system for preventing a healthy lifestyle among schoolchildren on the part of the school community.
The system of work on anti-drug education and the prevention of delinquency and crime among students includes the following components:

    Formation of anti-drug attitudes in children and adolescents, ensuring the implementation of behavior within the framework of a healthy lifestyle.

    Identification of students with antisocial family upbringing.

    Identification of students with health problems and disorders of the nervous system.

    Identification of students with an antisocial environment.

    Identification of students at risk, determining the causes of deviant behavior.

    Eliminating the causes of deviations in student behavior:

Changing the nature of pupils’ personal relationships with peers and adults;
-involving “difficult” students in various types of positive activities;
- changing the conditions of family education.
It is important that students take part in preventive activities a large number of people: school administration, social and psychological service of the school, class teachers, parents, employees of institutions of additional education for children, social protection workers, employees of internal affairs bodies. The success of the business largely depends on the unity of all the above participants in the educational process.
It is even more important that anti-drug education begins with primary school. This early introduction of children to anti-drug education is motivated by the fact that schoolchildren begin smoking on average in the fourth–fifth grades, alcohol debuts occur in the sixth–seventh grades, and the first use of toxic and narcotic drugs is observed in the seventh–eighth grades. Therefore, it is necessary to instill in children social skills and transfer relevant knowledge long before they are first faced with the need to make a decision whether or not to take a drug.
My prevention work takes place within the system. Working in this class from the first and bringing it to the 10th grade, I grew up with the children. Knowing every family and every child, I first of all identify indicators of student distress in the following areas of life:
- educational activities;
- relationships with peers;
- relationships with adults;
-spending free time;
-attitude to work and professional orientation;
-behavior and actions.
The necessary information is accumulated in diaries and pedagogical observation cards for the teenager.
Ways to obtain the necessary information:
-analysis of the class magazine;
- compilation and analysis of social passports of families;
- survey of teachers’ opinions about schoolchildren;
- analysis of class attendance records;
-analysis of recorded violations of discipline;
-conversations with the student’s parents;
-sociometric studies;
-conversations with a student;
-request information from career guidance centers and employment centers;
-request for information from psychological and pedagogical centers, OPPPiOPBN (department of psychological and pedagogical assistance and department for the prevention of child neglect),
- request for information from ODN;
- request information from the student’s previous place.
In my class there are no children under internal school control, registered in the PDN and KDN. And salary There are no families registered with SOP, TZhS, or social risk. It is necessary to distinguish social status family dysfunction.
Constant preventive work is carried out with families and adolescents: the class teacher, the work of a psychologist with the child and his parents, a social teacher, the deputy director for VR, the deputy director for educational resources, the director, the Prevention Council, parent meetings, parental comprehensive education, joint work with the inspector of the children's school, employees of the OPPPiOPBN, KDN. Observation cards for adolescents are being developed, student attendance is constantly monitored, a unified correctional space has been developed, where a correctional support plan has been drawn up for each student with learning difficulties, behavioral problems, health problems, and the dynamics of correctional work on indicators in schoolchildren’s learning, health and behavior.
Together with OPPPiOPBN (social educator T.I. Didenko), work is being carried out with students from primary school. The department invites all parents who need any advice and help on Thursdays to an advisory day from 14-00 to 17-00. On Wednesdays, a patronage day is held at the request of the school social teacher. The clubs “Teenager”, “Career Guidance”, “School for Youths”, “I Am Your Mother” operate, where exhibitions, classes, conversations with a psychologist, festivals, concerts for parents and various segments of the population are held.
The following joint events were planned for the current academic year:
*About friendship.
*Everyone can study well.
*Abilities and gifts. Aw! Where are you?
*Time is a treasury for those who know its value.
*learning to save time.
*About attitude towards parents.
*About the culture of communication between boys and girls
*About the ability to give gifts.
*What is personality?
*How to achieve your goal.
*About good manners.
*Appearance? Appearance!
*Training your eyesight.
*My body.
*Hygiene of young people.
*Your health is in your hands.
Drug abuse prevention at school includes students, their parents, and teachers. For the school year, “a whole plan is drawn up: a series of conversations, lectures with children, with parents, with class teachers. In addition to one-time events, elements of drug addiction prevention become the subject of discussion within special subjects, such as “Fundamentals of Life Safety”, “Civics”, etc., and are also indirectly touched upon when discussing related topics in biology, literature, history, etc. .
But the basis of “anti-drug propaganda” at school are activities formulated by district, city and regional structures, which "descending" from above often in the form of “intensive” (the so-called decades, months “Without drugs”, “Against drugs”, etc.). In the current academic year, the “Sports Instead of Drugs” campaign is taking place as part of the decade of anti-drug and anti-toxic addiction, in which the entire school takes part. My students took an active part in this action. I, as an art teacher among junior classes and middle management I am holding a competition of visual propaganda posters and drawings. This is after a series of conversations. My children and I took part in competitions among teachers for the best methodological development class hour dedicated to this problem and regional competitions of propaganda teams to promote a healthy lifestyle, where they were winners in 2001, 2002, 2003.
These actions are part of extensive promotion of a healthy lifestyle among children and adolescents. “It used to be about smoking, about alcoholism, but now it’s all about drug addiction.” This formulation of the problem is closer and more understandable to teachers. As one of the teachers said: “How can we tell little children: “Drugs are bad”? And they still don’t know what drugs are! Yes, we ourselves, in principle, don’t know anything.” Innovative teachers include in the texts of the slogans of propaganda teams, for example, the following calls: “Generation neхt chooses health, in new life, in the new century we are drug-free, and you?” The content part, as a rule, is organized independently in schools and consists of a series cool hours, drawing and essay competitions, lectures by medical specialists and police officers for students, teachers and parents. The main problem of working in this direction, in my opinion, is that in order to achieve the desired result, it is necessary that the speaker has a combination of characteristics: he enjoys authority among children, has the necessary information and knows how to present it correctly, i.e. was a professional. “The conversation should be serious and high level" Due to known circumstances, teachers feel unprepared for this work and at the same time, they are critical of the effectiveness of the work of other specialists - psychologists, doctors, police officers, who are not always prepared to communicate with a children's audience and do not always demonstrate the necessary level of professionalism. Teachers are concerned about the dominance of the formal approach to lectures and conversations, which is also manifested in the fact that doctors and law enforcement officials strive to reach the widest possible audience “at one time” and prefer lectures to conversations, which greatly reduces the effectiveness of the event as such. “And last year we had representatives of the prosecutor’s office... So it’s all dry, somehow... But the meeting with the narcologist did not pass without a trace.
Teachers work more closely with inspectors from juvenile affairs departments who supervise schools than with drug dispensary employees who come as scheduled on prevention days. Positive experience of cooperation with doctors and representatives of law enforcement agencies is perceived by teachers as success: a speech or conversation by a doctor or police officer is much more “effective” than the teacher’s exhortations, because They are, firstly, “strangers”, and secondly, they are professionals and can show “directly what this threatens.” Sometimes children express the point of view that, probably, the most effective way would be to communicate not with “self-sufficient people in ties, jackets, and white shirts,” but with a “living” drug addict. Video films help us with this. The experience of the so-called “fire method” is more effective. The fundamental question remains: Is it acceptable to just talk about the problem? Shouldn't the school (and society) offer some kind of “alternative that would be interesting to children”? “Are we doing harm with our information?” In addition, some students demonstrate deeper knowledge about drugs, sometimes they become a source of information for teachers about certain drugs and their effects.
The problem is reformulated as follows. “Work is meaningful if the necessary and correct (accurate) information is presented in the right way.” The ongoing discussions that it may be necessary to stop informing children and adolescents about drug addiction and drugs, “on the contrary, to arouse interest in trying”, are most likely indicator of the ineffectiveness of activities carried out at school. According to the analysis of interviews with teachers, the leading strategy for the prevention of drug addiction in school should be intimidation by demonstrating the terrible consequences of drug use: showing bright and visual films, meetings with “live” drug addicts, excursions to drug clinics, orphanages or visiting exhibitions of pathoanatomy museums, etc. . That is, it is necessary to use those channels through which it is possible to visually broadcast images of those dying in agony (or unexpectedly from an overdose), giving birth only to freaks, etc. drug addicts. The expected result is shock, fear. “The more terrible it is for our children, the better and more instructive they perceive.” The need for “shock therapy” is also explained by “getting used to” other forms of presenting information. Fear must be sown not only around the image of a drug addict, but also around drugs and addiction to their use. This is especially effective when working with 5th and 6th graders, who are not yet ready to perceive frightening visual images. The critical age in this sense is considered to be 13-14 years old, when they do not understand the danger: “Kids are afraid, adults are conscious, but these...” The teacher can only hope for an individual approach.“Someone may really need to be scared, he will break, get scared, and won’t go. And someone, perhaps, will be so strong that you won’t intimidate him with this, but only provoke him, he will still want it, he’s a thrill-seeker. Therefore, here you need to work directly individually.” Features of the “teacher-student” relationship in modern school play a decisive role in the perception of the problem of drug addiction, in the selection and adaptation of educational models. A teacher, in addition to being a teacher, is, firstly, an adult, secondly, a representative of another generation, and thirdly, a parent. Like parents, teachers are concerned about the problem of drug addiction, since it has come very close - to the area, home, entrance and can affect their own children. But, like all adults, they use moralizing and educational models to strengthen their positions “from above,” although, from the position of a teacher, they themselves assess these models as ineffective.
But the biggest contradictions are related to generational differences between teachers and students. The vectors of generational differences are set by the specific adaptation of parents and their children to changing socio-economic conditions (social stratification, ideological vacuum, lack of attention from society to the problem of raising children and the foreseeable system of socialization, etc.), as well as by the characteristics of the educational approaches of parents, reflecting their desire to give their children what they were deprived of in their childhood. The latter became possible only thanks to the collapse of Soviet ideology, thanks to socio-political freedom in determining one’s own style of education (as a rule, this is less strictness, more freedom, openness, revelation, understanding, speedy satisfaction of children’s desires, etc.).
Teachers agree with parents that modern children are more informed, free, individualistic, mobile (easily adapt to modern conditions- “chameleons”), more pragmatic, etc. Teachers are particularly concerned about the decline in the intellectual level and desire to learn in children.
Educational models at school are also affected by the disorganization of internal school life(collapse of youth organizations), and a decrease in the authority of the teacher “And the teacher himself is put on such a level that we cease to respect ourselves,” and the dissonance between the values ​​cultivated at school and reproduced in the external environment - at home, on the street, in the media, etc. .d., and the social stratification of the population that penetrates into schools. Before, everyone really was kind of equal... the moral principles were the same. And now even the values ​​are different, and therefore every child is a mystery, unfortunately.
All this affects the work of the teacher, who finds himself in the situation of having to search for new pedagogical formulas. For example, According to teachers' observations, a modern student is an individual and a person, but not part of a team. It becomes more scary for students with behavioral problems.

Determining the causes of deviant behavior.
Activities of a psychologist to identify the causes of deviant behavior.
In determining the causes of deviant behavior, a school psychologist who uses psychodiagnostic methods for this purpose provides great assistance.

In addition to psychodiagnostic methods, a survey of a “difficult teenager” is used to identify the causes of deviant behavior.

* Scheme of conducting a survey of a “difficult” teenager by a class teacher, psychologist and social teacher.
1. Study:
*favorite and least favorite objects;
*reasons for school success and failure;
*relationships with teachers;
*participation in public work;
*cases of violation of discipline.

2.Plans for the future regarding continuation of studies, choice of profession, the ability to take into account upcoming difficulties and soberly assess their capabilities.

3. Relationships with peers:
*preference for one close friend or a group of friends;
* position among comrades (“the soul of the company”, “persecuted”, “outcast”, “independent loner”, etc.);
*criteria for choosing friends (according to certain personal qualities, by common hobbies, for leisure, entertainment, etc.).

4. Hobbies in the present and past:
* under whose influence the choice of hobby was made;
* what are the results achieved;
*why certain hobbies are abandoned, etc.

5. Relationships with parents, intra-family relationships, family composition:
* who is named first;
* whom I forgot to mention;
*who was involved in his upbringing;
*closest family member;
* with whom there are conflicting relationships in the family and the cause of conflicts between other family members, the teenager’s attitude towards them.
*In the case of a broken family, it is found out what age the child was when this happened; his attitude towards his parents' divorce; whether they maintain contact with those of them who left the family.
*(Characters of parents).

6. Deviations in behavior (past):
*petty hooliganism
*smoking and drinking
*introduction to various intoxicating drugs
*running away from home
*whether he was ever detained or registered by the police (if so, when and for what).

7. The most difficult events in the past and the reaction to them. Having ever had suicidal thoughts in the past.

8. Previous illnesses: how they affect studies and position among peers. The presence in the present or past of sleep disturbances, appetite, well-being and mood.

9. Sexual problems (first it is explained to the teenager that the psychologist social teacher these questions are not of interest in themselves, but with the aim of clarifying a possible experience on this matter and obtaining a more complete understanding of its character; is warned that all information communicated to the student will not be passed on to any of his relatives or friends without his consent):
a) first love and associated mental trauma;
b) assessing one’s attractiveness;
c) the beginning of sexual activity and hidden fears about one’s sexual inferiority.
For early diagnosis of deviant behavior, an observation card has been developed, which is filled out once every quarter by the class teacher, social teacher and school psychologist jointly. This observation map helps to determine the areas and degree of a child’s troubles, to become the basis for developing a correction program and determining the degree of its effectiveness.

Observation chart for a student with behavioral problems.
F.I. student______________________________________________________________


Observation criteria

Not visible








Educational activities:
-reluctance to learn
- low academic performance
- difficulties in mastering educational programs
- systematic failure to achieve
one or more items

Relationships with peers.
*Class position:
- insulation
- opposing oneself to the team
- disorganizer position
- the position of the leader of a microgroup consisting of “difficult” students.
*Relationships with peers:
- cruel treatment of the weak and
- disdainful attitude towards peers
- belonging to one or another youth group

Relationships with adults.
*With teachers:
- conflictual nature of relationships with one or more teachers
- rudeness, rudeness
- tactlessness
- lie
*With parents
- conflict nature
- lie
- rudeness, rudeness

Spending free time:
- quit studying in a circle, section, studio
- mostly spends his free time outside the home (with friends on the street)
- drinks alcoholic drinks
- smokes
- earns his living






Attitude to work, professional orientation.
*Choice of profession (for high school students):
- ignorance of one’s capabilities and abilities;
- professional uncertainty
- underdevelopment of those personality traits that are necessary for the chosen profession
* Attitude to work:
- negative attitude towards work
- failure to fulfill work duties at school
- failure to perform work duties at home
- unfair attitude towards work

Behavior and actions.
*At school:
- absenteeism
- violations of school discipline
- obscene language
- slang speech
- damage to school property
- disruption of lessons
- fights
*In family:
- running away from home
- failure to perform household duties
- disobedience
- lie
*Illegal acts:
- vagrancy
- begging
- gambling
- drug use
- prostitution
- theft
- extortion
- damage to property
- causing bodily harm
(as a result of a fight)

Accounting for schoolchildren at risk

For comprehensive control of children at risk and disadvantaged families, the social teacher and deputy director for educational work use the following forms of accounting.

List of students at risk and students enrolled in any type of professional education.


Last name, first name of the student

It is registered

Date of registration

Reason for registration

FULL NAME. parents

Home address

Coverage of school students with extracurricular leisure activities.


Last name, first name of the student

Name of the circle, club, section. Their location.

Employment by days of the week

Underperforming students for _____ quarter.


Last name, first name of the student


Doesn't do well in subjects.

Monitoring class attendance by students prone to truancy.


Last name, first name of the student

Number of missed lessons

The family plays a huge role in anti-drug education. It is essential to highlight the following areas of family anti-drug preventive care:
Development of awareness and understanding by adult family members of their own choice in the need to take a responsible and active position in relation to the risk of drug addiction in the environment in which their child grows and communicates.
This is the level of primary anti-drug preventive work. It is carried out primarily through two main forms: conducting conversations, giving lectures by specialists in the parent audience (lecture-information form), and family counseling on educational, psychological problems child development and behavior. The latter form of work is more individual in nature, relating to individual family problems (problem-oriented custom uniform primary preventive care).
Both forms of the described primary preventive work are implemented primarily through the school, carried out by teachers - class teachers, social teachers and organized by deputy teachers. school director for educational work. This form of active primary prevention is carried out most effectively when the coordination and management of the work of the parent university, as well as the planned nature of consultations with parents on family problems, is controlled and provided by the deputy. director of educational work. In accordance with the plan of preventive in-school work, specialists on drug addiction prevention problems from the Centers for Social and Psychological Support and Rehabilitation, and specialists from the drug treatment service can be invited to conduct such conversations and lectures. Preventing cases of inadequate treatment of children with their involvement in early alcoholism - this area of ​​work is associated with the provision of primary preventive care to children at “risk” of early alcoholism and drug addiction. This direction involves working with conflicting (dysfunctional) families. At the same time, the effectiveness of such forms of primary preventive activity as lectures at parent meetings and at the parent university undoubtedly decreases.
The main problem faced by teachers, regardless of the type of school, region, etc., is growing distrust of parents in teachers, to their information and assessments, the “reluctance” of parents to include school in family education. “Most parents from any family perceive school as: “Don’t touch me again.” “Every parent thinks that my child is the best, the most beautiful, the smartest. Does mine smoke? Come on, this can’t be the case. Mine drinks? Never. There’s nothing to talk about drugs there at all.”
Therefore, the effectiveness of traditional forms of work with parents is reduced: parent-teacher meetings, an individual call of a parent to school (or to the Prevention Council), home visits to families. As a rule, the first two forms cover “well-off” parents or parents of “well-off” children.
In recent years, teachers have noted a sharp decline in attendance at parent-teacher conferences. Parents actively monitor their children’s studies until grades 5-6 and then again pay attention to their performance in grade 9; in the most difficult period, adolescence (grades 7-8), teachers do not see them. There are even fewer enthusiastic parents who take the initiative and take part in organizing collective events for the class or at work parent committees etc.
When discussing the reasons for this situation, teachers are divided into two groups, depending on who they place the blame on - the school or the family. On the one hand, modern parents are not always ready, due to various circumstances (primarily economic), to take an adequate part in raising their children. Often, parents themselves first learn that their children, for example, are using drugs or that their daughter is pregnant, are from teachers. “Parents work from morning to evening. They practically don’t see the children, of course, this has a big impact. Mostly they are now street children, sitting at home or walking on the street, left to their own devices. No matter what families there are, even well-off ones, parents are practically not at home.” Psychologists working at schools, and sometimes teachers themselves, state that parents have a complex about going to school. “They say: “I’m afraid to come here to this, to this institution, I’m afraid. I'm afraid of calls, I'm afraid. “I work at a car factory at a machine,” one mother told me, “there’s noise and din there. But I feel good there. At school I’m tense like a string, I’m afraid of school” (teacher, Naberezhnye Chelny). As one of the Samara school teachers admitted: “It’s no secret that they never come to a parent with something good, we call in hot pursuit.” This is probably due to the fact that teachers are still guided by old methods of authoritative pressure, which no longer contribute to solving, but to exacerbating (the problem).
It is extremely rare that teachers themselves admit that they communicate with a parent as with a child who also needs to be raised. “What is school for a parent? This is absolutely darkness! He feels like a poor, completely unhappy child who is being taught life... by extending to him the laws of influence on children, as if identifying him with a child. Two children!". You have to remember that you yourself are a parent (my son is in my class) and solve problems with parents at the same level that I have to solve.
One of the most striking and acute manifestations of the crisis of the educational model is the destruction former distribution of responsibility for the child between school, parents and group of friends. Teachers complain that children have become “elusive”: at home - alone, at school - others, on the street - others. The most dangerous area is the street. If earlier the mechanisms of ideological education worked here (collective, team, etc.), now internal closed rules dominate here. “They (parents) only hope for school now, they can also be understood. They are brought to school as a last refuge, where they will be taught what is smart and kind, but we ourselves experience such difficulties. So these scissors come out: family, school, state.” School parent meetings are one of the channels for parents to obtain information about drugs, along with the media, the experience of everyday observation and communication. As a rule, specialized lectures are given by narcologists or police representatives at school-wide or class parent meetings, at which information is given about the signs of drug use, contact addresses and telephone numbers where you can get advice and help, etc. However, teachers complain about parents’ reluctance to listen to such lectures: “there’s already enough information”, “tired”, etc. “The majority of people who attend our parent meetings are parents of fairly educated, well-mannered children, and sometimes they say that this topic should not be raised or touched on. Or such cries about who specifically, that is, there is no need to generalize. My child, our children don’t do that. That is, even somewhat negatively, I would say. The situation has changed somewhat recently, when cases of death from drug overdose have become more frequent. But, nevertheless, teachers observe an interested perception of information in cases where the problem is presented professionally and competently, and not superficially and formally. The task of “conveying” such information and attracting the attention of parents is complicated by a number of parental complexes and barriers that push the problem of the possibility of drug use by their children beyond the boundaries of their attention. In general, parents do not abdicate their responsibility, but they place high hopes on the school. Teachers, analyzing the situation in families, state that modern parents do not know how or do not have the opportunity to educate, however, the school cannot replace parents and cannot change the family (only by depriving parents of their rights to the child).
Such forms of work as family counseling and social intervention from the service are becoming more important social assistance. Thanks to preventive assistance to families, real social and legal protection of children is ensured, especially in families where parents are drug addicts, children are deprived of parental supervision, and acquire antisocial attitudes and an antisocial lifestyle. The development of this area of ​​prevention is also associated with the formation of other units of social assistance to children (trust services, shelters, social rehabilitation centers). Currently, a complete legislative framework has emerged for the development of this area of ​​work, namely the federal law"ABOUT state system prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency." However, within the framework of this Law, it is necessary to fill with specific content the interaction of specialists from various departments in the prevention of drug addiction. Such an area of ​​work as the formation of an optimal position of the family and support for the family when the child began to use psychoactive substances.
includes a combination of primary preventive and social preventive approaches. The primary prevention approach is based on family counseling methods, on providing psychological and social support to the family to establish constant contact between parents and the district psychiatrist-narcologist. The social-preventive method is based on the interaction of the school with district commissions for the protection of the rights of minors, with inspectors of departments for the prevention of juvenile delinquency, because the most significant becomes the urgent separation of a group of drug-addicted teenagers in the school area, which can involve more and more children and adolescents in drug addiction. Such early preventive work, aimed at suppressing the influence of teenage drug-using groups, undoubtedly increases the family’s ability to control the behavior of a child who has embarked on the “path of first attempts.”
Primary preventive care for a family in which a child has “embarked on the path of his first attempts” should be comprehensive in nature with the involvement of specialists from various fields. The primary preventive work of the teacher - class teacher, school psychologist, social teacher in these cases is necessarily complemented by primary preventive care from doctors, namely, a nurse and a school doctor. Their assistance becomes most optimal when it is carried out through an in-school drug post organized at the school medical office. It is with him that primary preventive registration of children and adolescents found in taking toxic-narcotic drugs can be organized; it can also organize preclinical diagnostics of states of toxic and narcotic intoxication among students at school. It should be considered that the leading specialist who organizes secondary preventive care for a drug addict teenager who, at the rehabilitation stage, has returned to general education or vocational training, is a specialist in the drug treatment service. It was he who, through the deputy. The school director for educational work can involve a school psychologist, social teacher, medical specialist. sister and school doctor to provide socio-psychological support to a drug addict teenager who is at the rehabilitation stage, as well as his family. When providing secondary preventive care, a district adolescent psychiatrist-narcologist, through departments for the prevention of juvenile delinquency (ODP) and the territorial commission for minors, can provide various forms of social and preventive assistance to such a teenager and his family.
It is advisable to highlight the following forms of implementation of comprehensive secondary preventive and social preventive approaches when providing assistance to a family in which the child has undergone treatment for drug addiction and returned to education:
- conducting control pre-medical and medical (test) diagnostics of cases of toxic and drug intoxication in the school medical office and familiarizing parents with its results;
- provision of assistance to parents in carrying out test monitoring of possible cases of toxic and drug intoxication in the family through the in-school drug post at the school medical office;
- consulting parents on the peculiarities of their relationship with a child who has undergone treatment and is at the rehabilitation stage;
- formation, on the basis of voluntariness, of groups of parents whose children are at the stage of rehabilitation to provide them with psychocorrectional assistance according to the educational seminar-training program (school psychologist with the involvement of members of the parental support group).
In conclusion, it should be repeated that at present families experience a lack of competence regarding the formation of anti-drug attitudes in children, healthy lifestyle values, and interaction with specialists when necessary, advisory, specialized and socio-legal assistance.
The material I have collected on this topic is available to every parent at any time convenient for him.
The system of working with teenagers should be constant, starting from the 5th grade, and conducted by the class teacher, without waiting for our teenager to become “difficult” and begin to commit offenses. Be with your children more often, some of them will still remember you and thank you. Isn’t this the main thing in our work?