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Top secret fortification. Codes of military license plates in Russia 9 Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Ministry of Defense Russian Federation is government agency, responsible for defense policy and defense activities in the state.

Historical excursion

The Russian state emerged and developed in difficult circumstances. That is why almost immediately, with the emergence of the army, the need arose for a single body responsible for carrying out various military activities, as well as command and control of troops. The situation changed in 1531. It was then that the Discharge Order (or Discharge) was created. The competence of this body was to recruit an army and provide it with supplies. Later, the interests of the Discharge also included the construction of fortresses and abatis. In addition, the Discharge Order exercised control over troops on the southern outskirts of the state. During the second half of the 16th, as well as the entire 17th centuries, the Rank Order continued to manage the military affairs of the state.

The situation changed only at the beginning of the 18th century, when the reforms of Peter I affected almost all spheres of life Russian state. Naturally, they did not ignore military affairs. Thus, the Rank Order was replaced by the Military Collegium, which performed essentially the same functions with the only difference that the time of Tatar raids on Rus' had passed, and special attention the southern borders of the state were no longer needed. It was under and thanks to the Military Collegium that Russian weapons won glorious victories over Turkey, Sweden, Poland and Prussia, annexing vast territories to the country.

IN early XIX century, a special manifesto of Emperor Alexander I was published. According to it, the Military Collegium was abolished. It was replaced by the Ministry of the Army. Six years later, in 1808, this Ministry was reformed into War Ministry with the same functions and powers.

The Patriotic War of 1812 marked a new era military history. The difficult situation on the battlefields with France required a radical change in the War Ministry in accordance with new requirements, which was carried out in the same year. Thanks to changes in the structure of the ministry, a number of departments were formed: engineering, inspection, artillery, audit, provisions, medical and commissariat. Separately, it is also worth mentioning the ministerial council and the office, which were not part of any of the departments, but were an integral part of the ministry.

In 1815, for a short period of time (about a year), the Russian Military Ministry temporarily became part of the General Staff. However, this method of organizing the management of military affairs quickly showed its inconsistency.

After 20 years, it was the turn to unite the General Staff and the War Ministry again. Moreover, this time the General Headquarters became part of the latter. However, no qualitative changes in the structure of the War Ministry occurred for another 24 years. Changed everything Crimean War, during which the Russian army suffered serious losses. The backwardness of the Russian army in technical and organizational aspects became obvious.

In 1861, Emperor Alexander II appointed Field Marshal General D. A. Milyutin as Minister of War. It was Milyutin who initiated an extensive military reform in the state, which became like a fresh breath of air for the army, which had barely recovered from defeat. During the reform, a territorial system of military control was introduced, which manifested itself in the creation of military districts on the territory of the country. Military service was also introduced for all classes, which solved a number of problems with recruiting the army. A separate point was also the adoption of new small arms.

The military reform of D. A. Milyutin was also reflected in the structure of the War Ministry. So, as of 1870, it included: the imperial main apartment, the General Staff, the office of the Minister of War, the military council, as well as the main departments (artillery, military educational institutions, Cossack troops, quartermaster, engineering, military judicial and military medical).

However, Russia did not have to enjoy the benefits of these military reforms for long: during the Russo-Japanese War in 1904-1905, its shortcomings were revealed and, if for the 1870s it was quite modern, then by the beginning of the 20th century it was completely outdated. For more effective management of the army during the Russo-Japanese War, a Council was created national defense, abolished in 1908. A number of measures were also followed to seriously reorganize the army. Russian Empire, but it was not possible to fully implement them.

Ministry of Defense at the present stage

On March 16, 1992, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation was created. This federal body is responsible for public policy in the military sphere, as well as defense management.

In difficult conditions, the Ministry of Defense managed to preserve the Armed Forces, as well as ensure their development and equipment with new types of equipment. With the beginning of the 2000s, the situation began to improve. The same period was marked by a number of major changes in the structure Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. From 1991 to 2007, six people replaced the post of Minister of Defense (B. N. Yeltsin, P. S. Grachev, M. P. Kolesnikov, I. N. Rodionov, I. D. Sergeev, S. B. Ivanov).

In 2007, after the appointment of A. Serdyukov as Minister of Defense, military reform began, which was supposed to completely change the Russian Armed Forces and significantly modernize them. Military reform included:

  1. Abolition of military districts and replacing them with operational strategic directions. Thus, instead of six military districts, four directions were formed: “Center”, “East”, “West” and “South”.
  2. Elimination of such operational-tactical units as divisions and corps and transition to a brigade structure of the Armed Forces.
  3. Widespread involvement of civilian specialists in the life support of the army (for example, civilian cooks in the canteen).
  4. Deep reform of the system of military educational institutions.
  5. Significant easing of the conditions of military service for conscripts (for example, permission to use telephones, running in sneakers instead of army boots, etc.).
  6. Transfer to the brigade system of the Air Force.
  7. Reduction of military command and control bodies.
  8. The beginning of a large-scale process of rearmament of the army.

However, this reform was not completed. In 2012, Sergei Shoigu was appointed Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation instead of Anatoly Serdyukov. The beginning of a qualitatively new period in the history of the Russian Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defense in particular is associated with his name.

Structure of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Today, the Russian Ministry of Defense is a complex, but very coherent and well-organized structure. Main structural units The ministries are: the General Staff of the Armed Forces, the Main Directorates and Services, the Central Directorates, the Economics and Finance Service, the Housing and Arrangement Services, the Apparatus, the Main Commands, the commands and the press organs of the Ministry of Defense.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is the central body of military command of the Ministry of Defense, as well as the main body exercising operational control of the Armed Forces. It consists of the following departments:

  1. The Main Operations Directorate is a body of the General Staff responsible for planning military operations at various levels.
  2. The Main Directorate (also known as the Main Intelligence Directorate) is the organ of the General Staff responsible for conducting foreign intelligence.
  3. The Main Organizational and Mobilization Directorate of the Ministry of Defense has the function of conducting mobilization activities on the territory of the country, and also deals with issues of preparation for possible military operations.
  4. Military Topographical Directorate - a body of the General Staff that provides topographical support to the army (for example, maps or terrain plans).
  5. 8th Directorate - Directorate responsible for encryption, decryption, and electronic reconnaissance.
  6. The Operational Training Directorate carries out operational planning of actions.
  7. Directorate for the construction and development of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) system.
  8. The National Defense Control Center of the Russian Federation serves as the main command post for the General Staff.
  9. Military Band Service.
  10. Archive service.
  11. Military Scientific Committee.

The central departments within the Russian Ministry of Defense are represented by the following structures:

  1. The Central Directorate of Military Communications, which is the representative of the Ministry of Defense on land, air, river and railway routes.
  2. Central Automobile and Highway Administration.
  3. The Central Food Administration, which provides food to the Armed Forces.
  4. Central Directorate of Rocket Fuel and Fuel.
  5. Command of the Railway Troops.
  6. Central clothing management.
  7. Office of the Chief of Environmental Safety.
  8. Single center for ordering and logistics supplies.
  9. Veterinary and sanitary service.
  10. 9th Central Directorate - this department ensures the functioning of special facilities at the disposal of the Ministry of Defense.

The Housing and Accommodation Service carries out the resettlement of personnel of the Armed Forces, as well as solving a number of housing problems. This service has the following divisions:

  1. Directly the accommodation and arrangement service.
  2. Troops Arrangement Directorate.
  3. Office for the Implementation of Housing Programs.
  4. Main Apartment Operations Department.
  5. The Central Organizational and Planning Department of Capital Construction, which organizes the construction of new houses for military personnel and their families.

The Economics and Finance Service provides monetary allowances to the personnel of the Armed Forces, and also performs all financial-related functions. Divided into:

  1. Main Financial and Economic Department.
  2. Department of Labor and Wages of Civilian Personnel.
  3. Accounting and Reporting Department.
  4. Financial Planning Department.

The Service of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Apparatus) includes the following structures:

  1. Main Directorate of International Military Cooperation.
  2. Department for Monitoring the Implementation of Contracts.
  3. Main Legal Department.
  4. Administration of the Ministry of Defense.
  5. Financial inspection.
  6. Press Service and Information Department.
  7. Office.
  8. Reception.
  9. Expert center of the Apparatus.
  10. Economic management.
  11. Office of Inspectors General.
  12. Airborne Forces and Strategic Missile Forces.

    The press organs of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation are represented by such periodicals as: “Military Historical Journal”, “Warrior of Russia” and “Red Star”.


    Today, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is a powerful body capable of quickly exercising military control in the country. There is no point in proving that the power and strength of the army lies precisely in the ability to control this force. The structure of the Ministry of Defense is designed in such a way as to make army control as clear and precise as possible. This is helped not only by the strict selection of staff for the Ministry, but also by new technologies.

    The control system of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is constantly being improved. The experience gained as a result of combat operations in Syria is analyzed, systematized in every possible way and taken into account when planning further actions of the army. Another important task, entrusted, however, not only to the Ministry of Defense, is the fight against international terrorism, which aims to cause enormous damage throughout the world.

    Nevertheless, in such a difficult international situation, the Russian Ministry of Defense continues to fulfill its direct responsibilities with honor and dignity and fulfills them with great success, and the efficiency of its work is very high. Based on all this, I would like, of course, to conclude that with the beginning of the 2010s, the long-awaited period of revival of the Russian Army began.

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Military license plates have their own specifics. Many people mistakenly mistake the code on them for the code of the Russian region. This mistake causes a particular resonance in cities where operations are being carried out to strengthen law and order (as in Moscow after the 2011 State Duma elections), the population begins to spread rumors about the arrival of military equipment from one region or another.

In fact, the code of a military license plate indicates membership in one or another branch and type of troops, units and formations, main and central departments of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. For example, code 15 means that automotive equipment belongs to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Below is the code table license plates military vehicles:

Code Code holder Decoding of affiliation
01-09, 13 Others -
10 FSB of the Russian Federation Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation
11, 15, 19 Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
12 Federal Border Guard Service of the Russian Federation Border troops of the Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation
14 FS Zheldorvoysk RF Federal Service of Railway Troops of the Russian Federation
16 FAPSI (will change) Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation
17 CS OSTO RF Central Council of Defense Sports and Technical Organizations of the Russian Federation
18 EMERCOM of the Russian Federation Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense Affairs Emergency situations and liquidation of the consequences of natural disasters
20 FDSU Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Federal Road Construction Administration under the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
21 SKVO North Caucasus Military District
22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 31, 33, 35-38, 40-42, 44, 46-49, 51, 52-55, 57-64, 66, 68-75, 78-80, 84-86, 88-90, 95-99 Reserve -
23 Strategic Missile Forces Strategic Missile Forces
25 Dalvo Far Eastern Military District
27 Air defense troops Air defense troops
29 9 Central Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation 9th Central Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
32 ZabVO Transbaikal Military District
34 Air Force Air Force
39 12th Main Directorate of the Russian Defense Ministry 12th Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
43 LenVO Leningrad Military District
45 Navy Navy
50 MVO Moscow Military District
56 VKS Military space forces
65 PriVO Volga Military District
67 Airborne Forces Airborne troops
76 Ural Military District Ural Military District
77 Motor depots of the RF Ministry of Defense and General Staff Automobile base of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; Automobile base of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation; Automotive base of trucks and special vehicles of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation; Automotive base of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces
81 GVSU Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Main Military Construction Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
82 Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Main Construction Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
83 Main Directorate of Construction Industry of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Main Directorate of the Construction Industry of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
87 Siberian Military District Siberian Military District
91 11th separate army 11th separate army
92 201st MSD (Tajikistan) 201st motorized rifle division
93 OGRF in Transnistria Operational group of Russian troops in the Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova
94 GRVZ Group Russian troops in Transcaucasia

Information taken from the site

Among the main and central departments of the military department there are leaders in secrecy. These include the 9th Central Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, colloquially referred to as the “nine”. From 1987 to 1993 it was led by Hero of Socialist Labor, Lieutenant General Oleg Baykov. Behind him are unique construction projects - combat starting positions, control and communication lines for missile forces, objects of the anti-missile attack system. He headed the 101st Directorate of Special Construction (Komsomolsk-on-Amur), served as deputy commander of the Baltic Military District for construction and quartering of troops, and first deputy chief of the Main Directorate of Special Construction.

– Oleg Alexandrovich, in March 1987 you were appointed head of the 9th Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Defense. Was it easy to delve into new problems? What do you remember?

“At the request of Saddam Hussein, we built a closed command post. The Americans found out its location, used artillery, aviation, and cruise missiles, but the special facility survived.”

– It was quite easy to delve into management problems, since I built exactly such objects. What particularly caught my eye was the very high level secrecy. All control objects are secure. Therefore, the places of their construction, conventional and actual names, degree of protection, depth level, habitability, autonomy, strength characteristics and design features are a secret, state and military secret. Of course, at the present time, when intelligence capabilities, especially aerospace and electronic, have sharply increased, it is not easy to conceal all this data. But in our “nine” it works golden rule fortifications: the best defense is complete concealment.

In this sense, management was like a small state living by its own rules. One example. Marshall arrives at the site Soviet Union Victor Kulikov. He must get out of his car and get into the car of the 9th control. The marshal grumbles dissatisfiedly that, they say, you are toiling around with nonsense, you are sick of bureaucracy, you forgot, they say, that I am a marshal, a light swear word slips through. I show him the sentry at the post - he will not open the gate and will not let someone else's car through. And I add: you yourself approved these rules. “Okay,” Kulikov gives in and obediently gets into our transport...

– So what exactly does the department do and why is there such an aura of mystery around it?

– If we speak in the “rough language” of documents, it deals with special fortifications.

Here we need to make a small digression. The oldest military tradition of our army is to protect the commander and provide him with conditions for leading the troops. We have this, as they say, since the time of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.” It is clear that with the improvement of forms and methods of armed struggle, this function also underwent changes. When in the middle of the last century it appeared nuclear weapons, decided to create these same fortifications. On April 22, 1955, according to the tradition of those times, a joint Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR appeared, which discussed, in particular, this. And for the concrete implementation of the idea in practice, on May 4, 1955, the then Minister of Defense of the USSR, Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov, issued an order to create the 9th Directorate, which was entrusted with carrying out the functions of the customer for the design and construction of such structures. Later, by a directive of the Chief of the General Staff of May 13, 1955, the department’s strength was determined; it is subordinate to the Deputy Minister of Defense for the construction and quartering of troops.

– We are talking about in-depth command posts that will be used in case of war. But many of our control units are already fifty years old, and the potential enemy’s nuclear weapons have changed significantly: their power, accuracy, and damaging factors have increased.

– Since its inception, the 9th Directorate has been in constant competition with the means of defeating a potential enemy; this can be compared to a competition between the “shield” and the “sword”. I can say that hundreds of special exercises and tests were carried out so that control points felt safe. For this we use the latest scientific discoveries, materials, mechanisms, new technologies.

But it is important not only to build powerful facilities, but also to equip them with the appropriate equipment. We have achieved that the life support systems of closed command posts can operate freely under conditions of powerful seismic explosions, significant overloads, accelerations, displacements, burning electromagnetic interference, high temperatures and high radioactivity environment. Even the newest submarines did not have such equipment, but we used it to the fullest.

Of course, in this competition the “sword” sets the tone, and here it is very important to quickly respond to changes in damaging factors. Time becomes a primary factor. Therefore, in close cooperation with the designers, we developed new fortification structures of a prefabricated monolithic type, as they say in the instructions, “high factory readiness.” Such armored and concrete “Lego”, which allows you to reduce the time and cost of construction of objects.

So rest assured, our fortifications are not some ancient bunkers buried in the ground, but modern, formidable command and control centers frozen in constant combat readiness.

– I remember that during the years of “perestroika and glasnost” the locations of many defense facilities were declassified, and newspapers published “guides” to them. Did this affect the institutions and units of the Nine?

- Unfortunately, it did. The system of protecting military and state secrets was destroyed. Everything that was carefully and skillfully hidden from prying eyes was rudely and cynically, sometimes demonstratively deciphered and revealed. You will remember that the media of that time were filled with information about the geography and purpose of top secret objects, and “guides” were published about them. Unfortunately, no one answered for this.

A very difficult period for us. With the hasty withdrawal of troops from the countries participating in the former Warsaw Pact, the fundamental principles of the current system of command and control became available to “wide circles of the democratic public.” In addition, special fortifications on the territory of the former Soviet republics were not dismantled or destroyed - information about them also went around the world.

– But even then it didn’t get any easier. Under Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov, the 9th Directorate was completely merged with the signalmen...

“Back then they tried to save money and make money on everything. Thank God, this is already behind us. Now the management has begun new period. By the way, when it was discussed whether it was necessary to resume its activities, one of the military leaders expressed doubt about it. They say a lot has already been blabbed out. But he was given the following argument: to control the armed forces of Iraq, at the request of Saddam Hussein, we built a closed command post. The Americans found out its location and used all their capabilities (aircraft, cruise missiles, artillery), but the special facility survived. And this circumstance played a role in the resumption of management activities.

– Where else, in what countries, have we built such closed control centers?

– Actually, in many states. During my time, they built in Poland and Bulgaria, and modernized a facility in Hungary. I must say that the Bulgarian leadership was very attentive to the construction of special fortifications, asked for help, and I had to fly there very often. A powerful, well-closed checkpoint was created in the mountains.

The work in Hungary is memorable. A helicopter carrying our delegation crashed there, killing five generals. Among them is the Deputy Chief of the Main Operations Directorate of the General Staff, Colonel General Vladimir Shutov, who was responsible for closed command posts. I was also supposed to fly in this helicopter, but the pilot, a lieutenant colonel, apologized and said there was no room. And I flew with another helicopter, with the captain at the helm. He turned out to be happier and luckier.

– There is such a story in the Ministry of Defense. Following the boss’s instructions to find premises for a billiard room, the officer went down to the basement of the house and began inspecting the premises. He opens the door, and there is the entrance to the metro, trains in steam and a sentry with the rank of ensign. Is this also an object of the 9th Directorate?

- No, this is a joke. It is impossible to get to our facility so easily. Although the “nine” is not only engaged in the creation and operation of structures, but also provides transportation and safe delivery of leadership to the command post. This can be done both in the subway and in other ways. We commissioned the production of a special vehicle that could deliver leadership even to areas where a nuclear strike had been carried out... By the way, in Soviet times, special shelters were built for the political leadership of the country, families, and even a special medical institution was built for sick members of the Politburo on the same principles as specialized fortifications. To their credit, they trained a lot at our facilities. Starting from the first person of the state, they came in the established order and practiced the necessary skills. They were not lazy or shy, they understood the responsibility for the fate of the Fatherland.

– You had the opportunity to meet many famous military leaders and politicians. Who was most memorable?

- Very interesting person was the Minister of Defense of the USSR, Marshal of the Soviet Union Dmitry Fedorovich Ustinov. He apparently worked at night since Stalin's times. The person is very accessible and specific - no unnecessary bureaucracy. When I was deputy commander of the Baltic Military District, we had dachas near Jurmala. It sounds loud, but in reality there are about 400 of these miserable houses. No matter where we turned, we couldn’t find the money to repair them. Dmitry Fedorovich, having heard about our difficulties, asked to write an appeal addressed to him. I immediately, as they say, on my knees, composed a document in which I also asked for money to be allocated for the construction of a new building in the district sanatorium. He imposed a resolution - and that’s it! He had fantastic authority.

The Chief of the General Staff, Marshal of the Soviet Union Sergei Fedorovich Akhromeyev, was the same workaholic; he also slept three to four hours a day. He was very obliging and well-mannered. If he invited me to his place, then five minutes before the appointed time he went out into the reception area and called me into the office. And until he delved into the problem, he didn’t let go. Our management was dedicated and responded instantly to all our requests. Some “jealous colleagues” called us his favorites.

– But there is a spot on this brilliant background - the construction of the “Foros fortress” for Gorbachev. The country was falling apart, and you were building a golden palace there...

– You are a little confused here. Indeed, the 9th Directorate was the customer for the construction of the Zarya facility, which was the dacha of Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev. But then he was the President of the USSR, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, and we built the “Foros fortress” in accordance with his position and ranks. This was the residence of the first person of our state, and everything here had to be at the highest level.

How did you come to this decision? In the summer of 1985, the Gorbachevs vacationed at Brezhnev’s Crimean residence in Oreanda. There was a large complex of houses and dachas for rest and work, houses for guests, including for the highest party and statesmen. However, Gorbachev and especially his wife did not like the vacation. It was decided to create a new residence near the village of Foros.

In 1986, construction work began and was carried out on a large scale and intensity. At that time, the Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR, Colonel General Nikolai Chekov, had no more important object. Why Chekov, the Minister of Defense of the USSR, Marshal of the Soviet Union Dmitry Yazov himself, did not have a more important construction project than the Zarya facility. The marshal delved into all the problems of construction and regularly flew to Foros. Marble was transported on his personal plane to decorate the dacha. Marshal Yazov, not without irony, called Colonel General Chekov “foreman,” and called himself “senior foreman.”

– Have you been there often?

- I didn’t get out of there. The main attention was paid to the “recreation area”, where a beautiful three-story palace was built, lined with the best varieties of marble and covered with aluminum tiles specially created for this building. Three military factories received orders for it - in Leningrad, Riga and Moscow. The use of ordinary tiles in earthquake-prone Crimea was prohibited. Finishing materials were also brought from Italy, tiles for bathrooms – from Germany.

Nearby there was a guest house, an outdoor swimming pool, and sports grounds. There is a cinema hall on the ground floor. The economic zone included garages, a boiler room, warehouses, buildings for security workers, a communications center and many other structures that ensured the vital functions of the facility.

The area was not only earthquake-prone, but also prone to landslides. Therefore, all structures were placed on durable bored piles, which rested on the rock. To protect the main palace from constant and strong winds, we used explosions to go deeper into the mountain that stood here, making it a cover. In part, it also became a disguise for the “Foros palace”. From the side of the mountains, the first and basement floors are not visible - it seemed like a modest cottage was standing by the sea.

Gorbachev closely followed the work, but mainly from photographs and models. But Raisa Maksimovna flew to Foros many times, forcing her to redo the already built parts of the palace. The project was constantly being supplemented with new and expensive details: a summer cinema, a grotto, a winter garden, covered escalators from the main palace to the sea, etc. In the pool, the panel was made of semi-precious stones...

One of the newspapers wrote: “In the 20th century, only two architectural miracles were built on the southern coast of Crimea - the Livadia Palace of Emperor Nicholas II and Gorbachev’s luxurious villa in Foros with the revolutionary name “Zarya.”

– Was it hard to watch this “feast during the plague”?

– Yes, it’s hard and unclear. But I don’t consider the Foros construction site a dark stain on the reputation of the 9th Directorate. We carried out the order. I guess it's a stain on the conscience former first a communist of the country who proclaimed modesty, but lived completely differently. This discrepancy between words and deeds basically destroyed our country.

– During the State Emergency Committee, Gorbachev was really arrested there and, according to him, he turned out to be a Foros prisoner?

- Nonsense. Nearby, in Mukhalatka, our department has already built a special command post for him. Half an hour on a regular bus - and all the power in the country is in his hands.

– Do you have any comments about current state"nines"?

– No, I think: management is now in good hands, it is developing successfully.