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Speech by Vitaly Mutko in English. Please don't watch if you're nervous

Lets mi speak from may hart in english end let mi speak in russian tu
No Forensics and No Forensics Full Version Pigeon Surge
Prude Zhang and sexy Lei Mou - Twerking victims to gangsta rap
And also: Fuck them! - in the program

Radio components

Anton Oreh at the microphone
And Nikolay Alexandrov

Planet BRICS is developing by leaps and bounds.
The most important milestone in this discourse was the official but friendly visit of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin to Hindustan.
The most important documents have been signed and plans have been main tracks and development vectors are specified.
But the residents of BRICS will remember this visit for the new formula for the world bipolar order, which our president came up with in response to a question from a colleague from the Kremlin pool.
The formula is simple. It fits into two words and five letters.

The sanctions have been ongoing for several years. You can somehow generalize this idea, right? Take a look: maybe we should at least do it selectively? Should we somehow soften the sanctions in response to Russia?
Fuck them! Now I will explain my position to you. So... I said this briefly - but correctly, and now I will try to reveal it. Well, first of all, I don't agree with you. With the fact that these countermeasures of ours are not sanctions, but countermeasures to protect our market.

Now we can rest assured that our market is reliably covered. Covered by Fig.

But in these same days, Vladimir Vladimirovich not only developed a universal formula for a bipolar shield from Figi, but also made a very important personnel appointment.
This appointment was publicly announced at a government meeting by the Third President of Russia and the First Successor of the Second President - aka the Fifteenth Chairman of the Government, Dmitry Medvedev.

Some colleagues say: let me speak from may hart in russian. Before we begin the government meeting, I naturally must once again introduce our colleagues - both old and new. Vitaly Leontyich Mutko is now our Deputy Prime Minister. He is responsible for sports, tourism and youth policy.

Radio components fully approve of Mutko's promotion to vice. We have always been calm about our sport.
But now we are calm for the future of our youth and - especially - calm for tourism.
In addition, we are confident that the appointment of Mutko vice will be a powerful incentive for the development of polyglot in the field English language.
First of all, its so-called conversational version. That is, pijn surja.
We cannot help but recall Vitaly Mutko’s turning point speech in the fight for the right to host the World Cup in Russia


Having promised to learn English Pidgeon Surge no worse than Jeff Thompson, Vitaly Leontievich kept his word and spoke the language of Shakespeare, Spencer and Boris Johnson no worse than he spoke for FIFA in the language of Surge and Pidgeon

MUTKO (in English)
Now there is an investigation into whether Russia could lose the World Cup? Are you worried about this?

From the vold cap from the rush. From know problems.

Know the problems

Its very good pace, from the open new stadium, know area, its know problems. From criminal knowledge. Know criminality in Russia. Billing from rush, billing from open. From know problems

Have you been interrogated or will you be interrogated?

In dys from how mai? From Russia from resins mani.

This is very bad news for world football, isn't it? Arrests, charges, investigation

From... pliz questen that mi from Russia.

Do you think there will be any arrests in Russia because of this?

Ay understand from pliz. From Russian, Russian speaker.

Maeby, Tumorrow, well, Tumorrow from death metal mixing will be a Euro Association. Madget will be recommended by National Associations Euro. Maeby from the situation from... and problems from here from the match from Mr. Blatter and from Mr. Ali. Situation from dengeres from.

Of course, this entry is very familiar to you. But Radiodetails had at their disposal a complete version of this approach to the press.
That is, full version pidgeon surge.

Mutko: Tumoro... well, the Tumoro rally will be the Euro Association. Maybe there will be a recommendation for a national session from the Euro. Well, Blatter is from the president. FIFA from FIFA Today. Grandely organized. From big from organization. Maeby from the problems from the closet from the information. Maeby from USA from Polis from Kveschen

(Question: USA is police?)

Mutko (laughs): No. Problems from the CONCACAF organization from New York. What's the problem from Zurich? From New York office. Twenty News Information. From criminal knowledge. Know criminality from Russia. From Rush building his open from know problems. FIFA from the Very Good Organization. From a big organization. From a sports organization. Maeby from Open, Maeby from Transparent. Today from Smekin Heath Euro Association. Maeby from recommended Euro Countryz.
Dio President Blatter, Coligs of the Economic Committee. Lets mi speak from may hart in english. (Applause). May french, today from e unique moment in time, bouf fo may country and fo fifa. Russia reprezents ny khareinzytz fo fifa. Russia minz e big promotion of aua egein. Millian's of New Heart and Mines it Allow Mines the Great Legacy af the World Cup. Great New Stadiums and Millions of Boys in Girls Imbracing Egain. Russia economy from Lach and Growin. The federal government has stable phenomenal. Russia Sports Marketin from Development Rapidly. Jast van exempel: Today Russian Company rightfully over van billion dollars in sponsor ship for thee Sochi Olympic Games. Imagine, how much investment wood bee maid intu football. Given zyt football from sport namba van. Auer bit from e nashonali priority for ze Russian Federeshen. If you giv as e chance, fifa vil neve rigret it. U Vil Bee Proud of Wi Choice. Ay guarantee it. Ay olsou promise, from in twenty atin ay"ll spik english like may friend Jeff Thomson. (Laughter, applause) Dia french. Yu ken si on ve map. Westen Europ homestead the world cap money times. Easten europ neva head zy chance. Mani yiz ego the berlin voz destroyd. Eit e new era fo the world begen. Today vi ken break symbolic Vol. New era in football tugez.

Radio components repeat Mutko’s maxim about “no criminality” and “situation from Dangeries” like a mantra. And they move on to the Reuters.
Following the sports page on the Radio Components music stand, the theme is the female component. A few words about meetings and partings.
A United Arab Emirates man has filed for divorce from his wife after he saw her without makeup for the first time.
The newly-made Emirati spouses were relaxing together on one of the beaches in the resort city of Sharjah.
As the woman-wife washed off her make-up to go into the water, her husband, whose name has not been revealed but we will call him Ali, noticed a change in her appearance.
These changes seemed contrasting to the man-husband and gave her significant dissimilarity.
In addition, the man we call Ali found out from his 24-year-old wife that she had done several plastic surgery, wears false eyelashes and colored contact lenses.
That is, it presents itself as the complete opposite of the true state of affairs.
The 30-year-old husband decided to divorce the chameleon woman and end his marriage to his werewolf wife. He felt deceived.
Let us recall that back in November 2014 it became known that a resident of the neighboring Saudi Arabia, whose name is not specified, but we will also call him Ali for short, divorced his wife after she ignored his WhatsApp messages.
She did not answer the 30-year-old man, explaining that at that moment she was talking with a friend.
Now nothing will stop her from communicating with her friend in the future.
This is how two Alis immediately remained bachelors in the Arab East

If on the Arabian Peninsula the insidious women acted separately, then in the British Isles they joined forces.
Two robbers have been jailed in Nottinghamshire for threatening to kill them by forcing their victim to twerk to rap music while wearing a Pokemon costume.
28-year-old Ana Khan and 25-year-old Tanieka Higgins attacked their neighbor, 26-year-old Christopher Pugh.
They lured old Pugh into the flat and, at knifepoint, took away his wallet containing £40, house keys, headphones, a tobacco pouch and a lighter.
Then, for an hour and a half, they forced Pugh to dance and filmed the victim twerking to gangsta rap.
Pugh managed to escape through a window and call the police. His tormentors were arrested.
It turned out that both British women had previous convictions. They were sentenced to three years and nine months in prison.
They were also banned from approaching Pugh for five years.

If two British women attacked only one Briton, then the Essenuki woman, on the contrary, attacked everyone alone.
Essentukinya tried to disrupt the fishing competitions taking place on the city lake.
The competition participants were sitting on the shore when the troublemaker, whom the emergency rescue service of the Stavropol Territory calls “a woman with strange behavior,” sailed into the fishing zone from the far edge of the lake.
Swimming along the coastline, she tangled fishing lines, swore at the fishermen, and tried to drive them away.
She declared that the lake was her property.

And at the end of the program - about sex
In the Chinese district of Beihai, a beloved couple staying at one of the resort hotels woke up half of the hotel guests with cries of intimacy.
Lei Mou and his companion were so loud in their passion in one of the rooms that a crowd of angry vacationers formed near their door.
One of the sanctimonious hotel guests named Zhang knocked on the door of the love nest and a verbal altercation ensued.
After that, the rest of the hotel guests broke into the room and almost got into a fight with the sexy Lei Mou.
Police officers conducted an investigation into the incident. As a result of the investigation, it was not the sexual giant Lei Mou who was found guilty, but the prude Zhang.
Zhang will have to pay Mou compensation in the amount of 15 thousand yuan.
Anton Oreh
Nikolay Alexandrov and the program

Radio components

They say goodbye to you and inform you that the glass from which Canadian singer Justin Bieber drank milk is up for auction on eBay.
The starting price of the lot was about 920 rubles, but buyers raised it to more than five million rubles in a few days.
Depending on when you listen to this program, the glass is either already sold or not yet.

The text is late, but always relevant.

There is another moment.
For some reason, Russians are very embarrassed about their accent. Well, VERY strong. Well, like no one else in the world at all!

DISCLAIMER: for the literalists, I call everyone who speaks and thinks in Russian Russian.

So the question is: why on earth? Perhaps from our soviet complexes, which never came out of the gene. I don't know. But I suspect something. There will be links at the end of the text. In the meantime... So

For some reason everyone remembered the famous speech of the Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation Vitaly Mutko:
"Let mi speak from may hart." This is probably already at the level of "Sit down please. Hu their absinthe in the class room." Classic like BEEE!!!

When Mutko pronounced this text in English, strange as it may seem, the entire defectiveness of the Soviet mentality surfaced. Especially those who are very ashamed of Sovietism. These ones in particular.
Everyone started shouting as one:
“What a shame - what a shame - what a terrible accent!”
Fuck, you’d think our whole country speaks the most literary English with perfect pronunciation.
But for some reason everyone felt ashamed, or found another reason to screw up something in their own country. This is probably a coincidence.
Someone even remember saying, they say, I don’t have a pronunciation and I don’t dare to embarrass myself on the podium. The fact that officials from other countries speak English with a terrible French accent, something that one could really be ashamed of, does not bother anyone.

In this whole story, of course, I must say a HUGE thank you to the impeccable native speakers of English - the KVN players and all the Mockingbirds of the comedy club. These guys, without a doubt, have every right to be ashamed of Mutkov’s accent, afraid to utter a word in foreign shops and bars. They Mutko and they promoted this topic to the fullest. As usual.

But the most important thing! To encourage your desire to communicate on foreign language, I’ll give you an example of Russian people who became significant figures in the history of the United States and world history. They lived, worked, wrote in the States. Listen to their accent!!!
You don't have to watch the entire video. 30 seconds is enough to listen to the accent!

Ayn Rand was born Alice Rosenbaum. Born in St. Petersburg in 1905, she learned to read and write at the age of 4. At the age of 20 she moved to the USA. She became an influential American writer and philosopher. Her most famous work, - a reference book for American congressmen “Atlas Shrugged”.
The book in 1991 was recognized by Americans as the second book after the Bible that led to changes in the lives of American readers!

Listen to her accent!

Vladimir Zvorykin - do you need any introductions? Engineer from Murom, inventor of modern television.

Listen to his accent!

Vladimir Nabokov - writer fluent in English. He speaks, as correctly noted in the comments, with a French accent. But it doesn’t change the essence.

In short, it's freezing!


P.S. short translation video.

“When I’m afraid that I’ll be robbed, I start speaking with a Russian accent. Because Russians instill fear the most. If a couple of gopniks come up to me at night and say:
- Yo, dude, do you know what area you ended up in?
I will answer with a Russian accent:
- Do you think THIS is a bad area?

And I will never ask a Russian how to get somewhere. Because it's creepy"
- Please help me how to get to the metro.
- Metro? Go straight and turn the corner!

UPD: In the comments, they claim that they were outraged that Mutko was reading from a piece of paper. What's criminal? Well, the man showed respect for those gathered,” he read the text in English in Russian letters. At this level this is normal practice. By the way, they sent me a link with Einstein. He also reads his speech from a piece of paper and with an accent. And nothing. . And why is it that “an official of this level” is required to know the language. To whom does he owe? To you? Do you know the language to judge him? I don’t understand your prejudices, brothers.

Vitaly Mutko has not been involved in sports for a long time and does not speak publicly in English, but the Internet remembers everything. Let's remember the most striking phrases of the former minister and figure out what's wrong with them. So that the next time you meet foreigners, you can say at least a couple of words not only “from er hart,” but also in such a way that you are understood.

Mutko-style English gave us more than a dozen memes. Among the speakers there is even a version that Russia received the right to host the World Cup thanks in part to Mutko’s unique “Russian English”: the committee was ready to do anything just to no longer hear this set of sounds.

So, here are a few legendary phrases that have gone down among the people.

1. Speak English a little

Vitaly Mutko refused to talk with the English-language journalist. He very clearly explained to her that he did not speak English: “ Speak English a little. I'll tell you how "speak English", then - songs on YouTube.”

And his sentence in English really makes little sense. Firstly, it is possible to lose the subject in spoken English, but only when it is clearly clear who is performing the action. This phrase can be supplemented with almost any noun in plural: we/you/Russians/cats speak English. Secondly, foreigners are more likely to think that you speak English not badly, but simply rarely: a little at the end of the sentence it looks more like a synonym not often.

It would be more correct to say “My English is not very good” or “I don’t speak English well”. Although Mutko no longer needs this phrase: he learned English so that it flies off his teeth (“As for the self-instruction manual, I learned it from cover to cover. That’s why I speak with these phrases”).

2. World Cup in Russia is no problem

I wanted to reassure foreigners that the World Cup in Russia would take place without incidents - instead I agreed to host the championship. The second time (you never know, maybe they didn’t understand the first time). Hold the World Cup in Russia? Yes, no problem! We have very good tempo, open new stadium.

No problem as a response can be used in two cases: when you agree to do something in response to a request/question - or when you are thanked for your help.

- Can I pay with a credit card?(“Can I pay with a credit card?”)
- Sure, no problem(“Of course, no problem”).

- Thanks for the ride(“Thank you for the ride.”)
- No problem(“Yes, no problem”).

3. Please question to me in English

It is not clear what Vitaly Mutko wants - to take part in some kind of opinion poll or ask to be interrogated. After all, the verb to question translated as “to interrogate or interrogate.” There is a word please- Alright, the request sounds quite polite.

It would be even better to use constructs like “Could you please...?”(“Could you...?”) or “Would you mind... ?(“Do you mind...?”). Translated into Russian, they sound too formal, but in English they are a standard polite form of addressing strangers. And it’s even better not to ask foreigners to switch to Russian at all if you want to give the impression of a well-mannered person.

4. I am guaranteed

Vitaly Mutko gave FIFA guarantees that the stadium in St. Petersburg will be ready on time. More precisely, he thought so, but instead said that “it is guaranteed.” Apparently a guaranteed way to throw everyone into a linguistic stupor.

Words with endings -ed in a phrase I am... describe you: I am tired- I'm tired, I am bored- I'm bored, I am interested in- I'm interested. If you happen to promise something in English, speak « I promise that..." or « I guarantee that...". In general, be careful with promises. Mutko, for example, said: “I plan to improve my knowledge of English by the beginning of the World Cup.”

5. Let me speak from my heart

One of the few catch phrases Vitaly Mutko, which is built according to all the rules of the English language. The phrase became a meme not because of an epic mistake, but because of an unrivaled Russian accent. The phrase itself to speak from the heart(“speak from the bottom of my heart”) is not a tracing paper in Russian, as many are accustomed to believe. It really existed in English long before Mutko. It is rarely used and is not included in most dictionaries, but you can still hear it from native speakers.

6. Tomorrow this meeting will be a euro association, maybe there will be nationalisation, recommendation

What Vitaly Mutko wanted to say with this phrase remains a mystery to this day. Perhaps, on the eve of the interview, he listened to the Red Hot Chili Peppers on repeat and, due to his excitement, at the right moment only the words to -ation - association, nationalization, recommendation. Probably the logic was this: “I’ll put them in one sentence. If it doesn’t answer the question, then a new verse for “Californication” will definitely work.”

Sign up for a free email course to improve your English speaking skills. You will learn template phrases for small talk, analyze examples of dialogue from films and TV series, and learn about the cultural characteristics and etiquette of English-speaking countries. Before you know it, you will be chatting freely with foreigners. And the main thing is not to be shy.

Dio President Blatter, Coligs of the Economic Committee.

Lets mi speak from may hart in english.

May franc, today from e unique moment in time, bouf fo may country and fo fifa Russia reprezents its new harizyntz fo fifa. Russia minz e big promotion of aua egein. Millian's of New Heart and Mines it Allow Mines the Great Legacy af the World Cup. Great New Stadiums and Millions of Boys in Girls Imbracing Egain. Russia economy from Lach and Growin. The Federal Government Hes Stable Fenances.

Russia sport marketing from development rapidly. Jast van exempel: Today Russian Company rightfully over van billion dollars in sponsor ship for thee Sochi Olympic Games.

Imagine, how much investment wood bee maid intu football. Given zyt football from sport namba van. Auer bit from e nashonali priority for ze Russian Federeshen. If you giv as e chance, fifa vil neve rigret it. U Vil Bee Proud of Wi Choice.

Ay guarantee it.

Ay olso promise, from in twenty atin ay"ll speak english like my friend Jeff Thomson.

Dia franc, yu ken si on ze map. Westen europe homestead the world cap money times. Isten Europ Neva head zy chance. Mani yiz zgou ze berlin wall voz destroyd. Eit e new era fo ze wold begen. Today vi ken break enaza symbolic - vol - and open e new era in football tugez.

Fankyu very much, my friends. Dio prezydent Blatter, koligz Of The egzekutiv the count.

Lec E ACNP Frome HEART John English .

May Frantz, tuday of e Unique point yn time, bouf country pho May End fo FIFA Rush reprezents ITS New harayzyntts pho FIFA. Rush Means e big promotion office aua egeyn. Millianz of New Hartz End mayndz um Olso e Means in Great legasi af e ze voldkap . In Great New stediumz End millianz office boy John gеls imbraysing egeyn. Rashas economy of Lach End grouin. Ze Federal gavenment HEZ staybl fenansez .

Rush sports marketin of developyn repidli. Zhast van ekzempel: Today screen Rushen kompaniz pravayded Over a billion van dollarz yn sponsor spike odds ze Sochi alimpik geyms .

Imedzhin, how much Investment wood bi maid Inta football. Given zyt sport of football Namba van. Auer bit of e nashonali PRIORITY odds ze Rushen Federeshen . IF GIVE th e ac Chance, FIFA lift Neveu rigret um. S Fork bi PROUD office vie Choice.

Ah um guaranteed.

Ai Olso PROMIS from yn Twenty Eutin ay"ll ACNP English May Like friend Jeff Thomson.

Dia Frantz, ken yu si ze he MEP. Westen Europe housted se Wold cap Maney Times. Isten Europe neva headliners PS Chance. Maney yiz zgou ze berlin wal WHO destroyd . Eight New Era fo e se Wold Beguin. Tudey ve ken break enaza simbolik - par - end e Open New Era yn Football tugeza .

Phanca veri mach, may frendz.

Vitaly Leontyevich stayed so that the Kremlin would not cave in

“Let me speak from may hart in Russia,” Prime Minister Medvedev quoted Vitaly Leontyevich, introducing him to the Cabinet of Ministers as the new Deputy Prime Minister for Youth Affairs, Tourism and Sports.

The position of Deputy Prime Minister for Youth Policy, Tourism and Sports was, of course, invented especially for Vitaly Leontyevich Mutko. He had to be removed from the minister, because it is impossible to have as the minister of sports a person who is denied accreditation for the Olympic Games.

But it was also impossible to demote him: this would mean that the Russian authorities caved in under international pressure.

That’s why they came up with a deputy prime minister for Mutko. On the one hand, he was promoted, on the other, he was formally removed from direct management of the sport.

This is enough for international sports organizations to give themselves a plus: we have achieved it, the Russian sports system has replaced the leadership involved in doping scandals. And no one will blame the Kremlin for deflection. Vitaly Leontievich was not handed over, he was not thrown into the trash heap.

It would be worth it though.

For the Paralympians alone, who were not allowed into Rio, it would be worth it.

Not to mention the tarnished reputation of our entire great sporting power, which now probably needs to be put in quotation marks, since during the years of Vitaly Leontyevich’s rule, Russian sport in world public opinion has become reliably associated with deception and cheating. Fair or unfair is another question. But it was Mutko who had to do everything to prevent this from happening. But he didn't.

He didn't do much at all. Even the worthy performance of our scandal-plagued team at the recent Olympic Games should be attributed not to the merits of the ministers, but to the fortitude of the athletes themselves, high level their preparation and the good work of the federations. Fortunately, the minister did not have the opportunity to personally manage all sports and all athletes. Therefore, we still have successes and glimmers of hope here and there.

But football, in which Mutko was directly involved as president of the RFU, was not lucky. There are no glimmers, no hope.

The great advantage of Vitaly Leontievich is that he is a very energetic and active person. But he is not a systems specialist. This is its disadvantage. He does not know how to build workable systems. And this is exactly what our sport needs now.

It's difficult and long. Mutko can't. He is a master of simple solutions.

Is there negativity coming from the sports system? Plug the hole. Money, promises, intrigues. Anything. This is his principle. Will it break somewhere else? Let's shut up again.

“Let me speak from may hart in Russia,” Prime Minister Medvedev quoted Vitaly Leontyevich as he introduced him to the Cabinet of Ministers yesterday as the new Deputy Prime Minister for Youth Affairs, Tourism and Sports.

“I’ll say it from the heart in Russian” - this is roughly what Mutko’s signature phrase sounds like when translated from the English-Mutkov language.

Vitaly Leontievich said it in 2010, and it forever went down in the history of Russian sports along with the failure in Vancouver, test tubes with urine, holes in the wall, Mamaev and Kokorin bursting with money in Nice, McLaren the whistleblower, trampled Paralympians and a sobbing Isinbayeva .

Mutko left behind such a bright mark like no other sports minister. But he has great potential, and as Deputy Prime Minister he will be able to do even more.

Therefore, I will say from the heart in Russian: sports - okay. There's a scorched field there. He can't be harmed much anymore. But tourism and youth affairs are nothing to envy.