Abstracts Statements Story

Project: What a school library can tell you about. The School Library

I choose books with pleasure

On the shelves, in the silence of libraries,

Either joy will suddenly overwhelm you, then excitement,

After all, every book is like a person.

One of the main places in our school is the library. This is a bookish country with its own structure and order. Here the guys take care of paper residents, big and small, thick and thin. They live in comfortable homes - on a shelf. Younger schoolchildren learn not only to read little books, but also to take care of them: gluing and smoothing the pages, arranging them in places. School students often come for advice to smart and kind friends - books. Our librarian Raisa Vasilievna is a consultant. She often organizes a review of new literature (with books displayed on stands). It’s comfortable to sit at the comfortable library tables and leaf through new encyclopedias. It's nice to dream in silence. I really love visiting our school library!Yakhinova Arina, 4v

I'll tell you about my library. Raisa Vasilievna works in the school library. She gives us books. We read them and return them. I read books at home with pleasure. The library has a lot of different and interesting books: short stories, science fiction, fairy tales and humorous stories. I have read many books and continue to read. At the moment I am reading two books: “The Flying Aunt” and “In the Land of Unlearned Lessons”. At home we take care of books, and now we are donating several books to the library. This is our wonderful school library.

Kupriyanova Daria, 4v

A library is a place where books are stored. A library is needed so that people can borrow any book to read. Books are carefully stored and protected so that they can serve people for a long time. Each book has its place in the library, there are scientific books, science fiction books, works of modern writers. We have a library at school, and there is a very good, kind librarian working in it. Our librarian's name is Raisa Vasilievna. You can borrow any book you need from her. The library has a computer, internet and printer. If the book you need is not in the library, you can find it on the Internet and print it out. Zotov Danil, 4v

We have a library at school. She is very beautiful, luxurious. There are a lot of books in the library, they are always neat, beautiful and have a lot of pictures. This year we have received free textbooks. There are always a lot of guys in the library. When I'm in the library, my classmates and I play school. We want to become teachers. We always read books and do homework. I put money in the library's "Help a Book" piggy bank. There are also a lot of different fakes from the Murzilka magazine in the library; we make them after school in the “I am a Master” club. The library hosts many different competitions and book exhibitions. Lots of beautiful flowers. I also perform with my classmates and put on small performances. We make fairy tales, recite poems. And all this thanks to our beloved library. Medvedeva Nastya, 5b

Our gymnasium No. 8 has a school library. She is small and not small. But there are a lot of shelves with books and it is always very cozy. The librarian Raisa Vasilievna helps us show our love for books. She tells you which books to take. She is kind and attentive to us and that is why we love to come to the library to read books, but also just sit in the reading room and look at magazines. At the library we can take a book home and return it when we have read it. There are readers who return books in poor condition. Therefore, if we took a book from the library, we need to take care of it and treat it with care. After all, in the library we can find the book we need. I really like going to our school library. Kurkova Polina, 4v

Several centuries ago, books were rare; only rich people could afford such luxury. Now every book lover can find the book he needs in the library. I go to my school library, and a wonderful land of books opens up before me. There are not hundreds of them here, but thousands. Books stand neatly on shelves, waiting for their readers. As soon as I name the book I need, Raisa Vasilievna has already found it. I love my school library, I want to read all the books here. “There is no teaching better than good reading!” - words of the magnificent writer Vladislav Petrovich Krapivin.

Korolev D., 4v

You can find so many interesting books in the library that sometimes you don’t even know what to read and what next. I love going to the library and finding books there that interest me already when I notice it from afar on the shelf; but I found my favorite book in the library. It was a large book with a dark red cover, the book “Lelek and Bolek”. A book I've never heard of. From the very first pages I was captivated by this book. Probably everyone reads their favorite books this way. This was the first book that I liked. The content of the book impressed me. The world is not interesting without a library!

Soldatova Anastasia, 4b

We have a library at school. It is big and bright. There are many very diverse books on any topic. There is also a very kind librarian there. She will always tell you what is better and more interesting to read. She always holds various competitions, quizzes in the library, and also organizes various exhibitions, and there are also events held there. Our class often attends extracurricular events. I really love the school library.Makarov Sergey, 4v

In gymnasium No. 8 there is a place where the world of books is open to you. Our kind librarian Raisa Vasilyevna Ivanova will help everyone choose a book to their taste. Interesting events take place there. I have already taken part in events many times, there were a lot of interesting things. After all, by opening a book or taking part, we open up. This is my third year as reader of the year. I go to the library very often, helping Raisa Vasilyevna. I feel good in the library, you can find any activity here! I will always help our library.Babanin Danila, 5b

My name is Sasha Krasnov. I recently moved to the city of Shumerlya. I study at gymnasium No. 8. I like studying here. This school has various clubs. I love to design, so I attend robotics and aircraft modeling clubs. The gymnasium gives me a high-quality and diverse education. IN free time I enjoy reading. I like to read various books, magazines, newspapers, but especially books about technology. We have a library at school. There are many interesting books here, there is a reading room where children read books and magazines, do group work, and complete assignments. In our school library you can do work on the computer, write and prepare abstracts, and prepare scientific reports. For quality work, the library has office equipment, which allows students to expand their capabilities. Our school librarian Raisa Vasilievna holds interesting events and presentations. We recently held an event for first-graders called "ABVGDeyka", where the heroes Dunno and Pinocchio talked about the Russian language, and about letters, how they are written and read, and about the rules of behavior at school and in the library. We learned a lot of interesting things about our city from the librarian’s stories. Thus, I concluded that the work of a school librarian is not easy, but interesting. Krasnov Sasha, 4a grade

“The book reflects existence, teaches a person with every line. Feel free to draw knowledge from it, To become a mighty creator in life.” Zh. Seitnazarov There is a library in every school. And there is not a schoolchild who would not cross its threshold. The library is a world of books where you can find any book and the information you need. When we enter the library, the door to this wonderful land of books opens to us. The library has shelves with books. There are not hundreds of them, but thousands. At the library we can take a book home and return it back after a while. The library is a place where you can come and just sit, relax and just read interesting book. For me, the library at school is communication with smart and kind person Raisa Vasilievna. Raisa Vasilievna taught me to want to be in the library. She helps me choose the books I need or just interesting. I believe that working as a librarian is a very serious and responsible job, because many schoolchildren today consider reading to be a useless activity and their further desire to get acquainted with literature depends on what book they get into their hands. I am very glad that our school has a library, because there are so many interesting and fascinating books in the world that it is impossible to have them all at home. Therefore, welcome to the library!

Leontv Roma, 4a kl.

I enjoy visiting the library because there you find yourself in some other world. When entering the library, your eyes fall on the illustrated shelves, and your nose smells the smell of books. Standing shelves filled with books look like an alley where you can walk and imagine yourself in some kind of fairy-tale paradise. Our school library is very beautiful, the librarian is friendly, and she often selects the books I need. There are shelves of books arranged by age and genre. First children's literature with beautifully illustrated pictures, then shelves with school literature, after modern literature, history and everything like that. Raisa Vasilievna the librarian tells us about different holidays. We play small roles there, draw pictures, and then we make an exhibition and choose the best drawings. When I come too early, I go to the library, take books there and read. When we need to print something, we go to the library. This is my favorite library.

Stepanova Sofia, 4a kl.

A library is a world where silence reigns, and you can go into the reading room in complete peace and read any books that interest you. We have a library at school, and there is a very good librarian there. Our librarian's name is Raisa Vasilievna. You can take any book home from her to read, and then return it. It often happens that we do not take care of books, we tear the covers, draw on the pages, tear out the sheets. I really want each of us to be more careful with books. If necessary, I could glue them, if the page is covered with pencil, erase it with an eraser. I try to treat books with respect and reverence. Our library hosts various events, quizzes and competitions. Once I was lucky enough to take part in the drawing competition “From the Magic good fairy tales to funny stories..." in honor of the 100th anniversary of the birth of S.V. Mikhalkova. I took an honorable 3rd place and was very happy about it. Many of us use e-books and visit the school library less and less, but I want us to remember that only real interaction with books can bring real pleasure from reading to a person.

Krylov Andrey, 4a kl.

Literary reading. 2nd grade. A collective project.

Project goals and objectives:

- organization of joint activities of children and adults. I will upload the presentation for the lesson later.



Research project

2nd grade


With. Parfenovo

Project topic:

“What a school library can tell you about”

Project goals and objectives:

Formation of initial skills of a system of intellectual and special knowledge, skills and abilities for the preparation and presentation of one’s own projects;

Education of communication skills;

Cultivating a love for children's books;

Organization of joint activities between children and adults.

Subject of study:

What can a school library tell you?

Object of study:

Library MKOU Parfyonovskaya Secondary School


1 month

Project plan:

  1. Find out what a library is and what its purpose is, what types of libraries there are.
  2. What is a library catalog and how to use it.
  3. What books looked like in the old days, and what is the value of books and reading.
  4. Have an idea of ​​new types e-books- readers.
  5. Poems and proverbs about the book.
  6. What thematic exhibitions were and are in the school library.
  7. Prepare a defense for your projects.

Research methods:

* conduct a lesson-excursion to the school library:determine what encyclopedias, reference books and periodicals are in the library; find out in which book you can find information about the history of storage of books; find out how the books are arranged, how you can find the book you need, where you can get information about the contents of the book;

* prepare a slide presentationthematic exhibitions of our school library;

* choose poems about the book, proverbs; will prepare ь separate “pages” for the lesson;

* be active readers of the school library; Learn to find the information you need for any lesson.


“A book is the greatest miracle of all the miracles created by man”

A.M. Bitter

New knowledge page

"Library" - 1. An institution that collects and stores printed and written works for public use, as well as carries out reference and bibliographic work.Public library. Science Library. Children's library. Mobile library.

2. A collection of books, printed works, as well as the room where they are stored.School library. Home library. Scientist's library.

3. The name of a series of books, united thematically or by purpose, genre.Travel Library. Poet's Library".

S.I. Ozhegov I N.Yu. Shvedova " Dictionary Russian language". Moscow, LLC “A TEMP”, 2010. P. 47.

The word "library"of Greek origin. “Byblos” means “book”, “teke” means “warehouse, storage”.

Libraries appeared a long time ago. They were created in order to collect and store books.

Libraries first appeared in Ancient East. The first library is considered to be a collection of clay tablets. A box of papyri can also be considered one of the oldest collections of books that have reached us. The largest library is the Library of Alexandria. It was created in the 3rd century BC. Ptolemy 1. In the Middle Ages, the centers of book learning were monastery libraries.

"Literary reading". Textbook for 2nd grade. M., Education, 2011. p. 6.

The art of book design in medieval Russiaplayed no less a role and was no less original than, for example, icon painting or architecture. The vast majority of books of that period were of spiritual content.

The book came to Rus' along with Christianity. The book was treated with great care, as if it were a real spiritual treasure.

Books were then created on parchment - thin sheets of calfskin treated in a special way; parchment was extremely expensive. The book was decorated by skilled craftsmen. The main elements of the artistic design of books are miniatures, headpieces and initials.

IN Ancient Rus' The books were bound using wooden boards called covers. The boards were covered with leather, on which ornamental designs were imprinted with hot metal stamps. Expensive bindings were different from simple themes that instead of leather, the lids were covered with velvet or other beautiful fabric. The edges of the book's pages were gilded and a stamp was stamped on it - an image of grape bunches, flowers and leaves.

Some such precious book bindings of excellent work can be seen in the halls of the Armory Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin or in the Patriarchal Sacristy.

"Encyclopedia for children." T. 7. Art. Part 1. M., Avanta +, 1998, pp. 378-393.

2. Poetic page

Who will learn what

What's first?
Will the cat learn?
- Grab it!
What's first?
Will the bird learn?
- Fly!
What's first?
Will the student learn?
- Read!
(V. Berestov)

How would we live without books?

We are friends with the printed word,
If it weren't for him,
Neither old nor new
We didn't know 6 anything!

Just imagine for a moment
How would we live without books?
What would a student do?
If there were no books,
If everything disappeared at once,
What was written for children:
From magical good fairy tales
Until funny stories?..

You wanted to relieve boredom
Find the answer to the question.
He extended his hand for the book,
But it’s not on the shelf!

Your favorite book is missing -
"Chippolino", for example,
And they ran away like boys
Robinson and Gulliver.

No, you can't imagine
For such a moment to arise
And you could have been left
All the heroes of children's books.

From the fearless Gavroche
To Timur and to Krosh -
How many of them, guys friends,
Those who want the best for us!

A brave book, an honest book,
Let there be a few pages in it,
In the whole world, as is known,
There are no boundaries.

All roads are open to her,
And on all continents
She speaks many
Most different languages.

And she can go to any country
Through all the centuries it will pass,
Like great novels
« Quiet Don" and "Don Quixote"!

Glory to our children's book!
Swim across all the seas!
And especially Russian -
Starting with the Primer!
(S. Mikhalkov)

Book holiday

The snow is melting, the waters are bubbling,
The birds are calling loudly.
It's like spring today
The children's eyes brightened.
They love holiday books very much
Both girls and boys.

The book is faithful
The book is the first
A book is a child's best friend.
We can't live without a book,
We can't live without a book! –
All the guys are talking.
(Z. Bychkov)

Read, children!

Read it, boys!
Girls, read!
Favorite books
Search the website!
On the subway, on the train
And the car
Away or at home,
At the dacha, at the villa -
Read it, girls!
Read it, boys!
They don't teach bad things
Favorite books!
Not everything in this world
It comes easy to us
And yet persistent
And the wise one will achieve
The one for which it is good
The heart strives:
He will open the cage
Where the bird languishes!
And each of us
He will breathe a sigh of relief,
Believing that it is wise
Time will come!
And wise, new
Time will come!
(N. Pikuleva)

3. What is an alphabetical directory?

The alphabetical catalog contains cards arranged in alphabetical order. Each card bears the author's last name and initials. And then the title of the book is written. If we know the author of a work, then it can be quickly found in the alphabetical catalog. Each card also contains a code (several numbers and letters), which indicates where, in what place and on what shelf the required book is located in the library. If we have any difficulties, the librarian, Valentina Anatolyevna, will help us.

A story about one of the thematic exhibitions of our library

this exhibition is dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Altai Territory

Altai... Locals they call it “golden”, pointing to the Altai word “altyn”. Translated into Russian it means “gold”. Artists paint Altai with transparent azure, and poets also see it blue.

Altai is our home, and your own home is always beautiful. This is a huge territory in the south of Western Siberia. A passenger train takes almost 12 hours from the regional center of Barnaul to Burla station.

Our region is famous for its golden sea of ​​grain. Warm healthy climate. The abundance of vegetation has long attracted people to Altai. Altai is generously endowed with natural resources. The lands of the Altai State Nature Reserve are located in the Pritelets taiga. The Tigirek Nature Reserve, located in the southwestern part of our region, has existed for 12 years.

The unique nature of Altai. And concern for its preservation in the thoughts and deeds of our fellow countrymen, for the surrounding beauty ennobles human hearts.

In August 1980, the city of Barnaul turned 250 years old. And at the same time this new town with a population of half a million, developed industry, universities, theaters, philharmonic societies, cultural centers, cinemas, stadiums, museums, swimming pools, schools, gardens, parks...

This year, residents of our district celebrated the 80th anniversary of the Topchikhinsky district.

The district center is the village of Topchikha. Rivers such as the Ob, Alei and many other rivers and streams flow through the region. There are 260 lakes in the region.

In the 18th century, the oldest villages were formed, including our village of Parfenovo, named after the first resident of Parfyon, Kazantsev. This was due to the emergence of fortresses and the development of mining in Altai.

The people of our region and village experienced many tragic years, and the years of the Great Patriotic War became years of difficult trials. More than 10,000 people were called up to the front, more than half of them were awarded orders and medals. Five received the title of Hero Soviet Union. Among them is our fellow countryman D.P. Mamatov. More than half of our fellow countrymen did not return home from the war.


"My favorite book"

Conversation with older children preschool age(5-7 years)

Dvoretskaya Tatyana Nikolaevna
GBOU secondary school No. 1499 SP No. 2 preschool department
Description: The conversation introduces preschool children to the world of book culture and the rules of conduct in a children's library

Target: Introducing preschoolers to the world of book culture, raising a literate reader
1. Develop cognitive interest in the book
2. Foster the need to communicate with a book
3. Form a caring attitude towards the book
4. Attract new readers to the children's library

Progress of the conversation:

Educator: Guys, today we will talk about books. What is a book? (children's answers)
Educator: A book is an ancient human invention, with its help people wrote down and saved useful and important information. The book was kept like a treasure and passed on from generation to generation.
Books meet a person from an early age and accompany him throughout his life. Many centuries ago, before the invention of paper, books were made from birch bark (birch bark), then from parchment (thin animal skin).

Ancient books were large and heavy. They took up a lot of space. Why did it take a lot of effort and expense to produce one book?
Educator: Guys, what does the book tell us about? (Children's answers)
Books give people a huge, tempting, interesting world. The book surprises readers with different genres. Fairy tales, stories, stories, epics, poems, nursery rhymes, proverbs, sayings. People's wisdom books are carefully preserved.

Not a bush, but with leaves,
Not a shirt, but sewn,
Not a person, but a storyteller.

Educator: Guys, what else do we know about books? Among the people, people who could read were respected and revered. The Russian people have composed many proverbs and sayings about the book.

If you play with a book, you will gain intelligence.

The book is your friend - without it it’s like having no hands.
Without a book it’s like without the sun, and during the day the windows are dark.

Educator: Tell me guys, where are the books kept? (Children's answers)
Educator: Every person has favorite books at home that neatly stand on bookshelves. But imagine that a lot of books have accumulated. And they no longer fit at home.
Where then should we store books? (children's answers)
Educator: It turns out that our faithful friends - books - live in a special house called a library.

What is a library? (Children's answers) Who was in the library?
Educator: A library is a place for carefully storing books. But books in the library are not only stored, but also given out to read at home. A person who comes to the library to get a book is called a reader.
Poem about the library:

One Hundred Miracles for Man
Save the library!
Shelves are located against the walls
Waiting for change.
Interesting books
Famous writers
Exhibitions, museums,
Miracles, ideas.
Kind-hearted team
Readers are welcome, of course.
Little children -
For those who love books!

Educator: A special document is created for each person in the library - a reader's form. The form records: the reader’s last name, first name and address. The form will indicate those books that the reader chooses for home reading, indicating the number of times the book will be returned.

In the library, all books are stored on special shelves. These are such large bookshelves, from floor to ceiling.

Educator: Guys, think and tell me what is the name of the profession of people who work in the library? (children's answers)
Educator: The profession of a person who works in a library and helps children find an interesting book is called a librarian.

The library has two large halls:
The first hall is called a subscription. A special place where children and their parents choose what they want to read, and then take the book they like home for a while.
The second room is called the reading room. Think and tell me why? (children's answers)
The reading room is a place where children can take an interesting book and read it without taking it outside the library. Rules of silence are observed in this room so as not to disturb readers.
The library is a socially significant place, so you need to be able to follow the rules of behavior. What do you think should not be done in the library? (Children's answers)

Educator: DO NOT talk loudly, run, shout or play;
DO NOT tear, throw or dirty books;
DO NOT draw or write in books;
DO NOT bend or wrinkle the pages of books;
DO NOT tear out sheets;
DO NOT cut pictures from books
Educator: Tell me guys, how should we treat books correctly? (Children's answers)
Educator: Books must be treated with care. Library books are read by different children. These books are passed from child to child, and therefore you need to try to ensure that the book remains clean and tidy after you.

You need to remember the rule: read a book, return it to the library.

Educator: What should we do if we suddenly receive a book with a torn page? (Children's answers)


Friends, let’s not become sad,
We'll get some transparent glue.
Let's work with our hands
And we'll fix the book ourselves!

Educator: Guys, today we learned a lot of new and interesting things about the wonderful world of books. I hope you guys will be true friends of books! And remember, the doors of the children's library are always open for little readers, that is, for you!

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide description:

WHAT A SCHOOL LIBRARY CAN TELL ABOUT Completed by the teacher primary classes Sturova Svetlana Nikolaevna MBOU "Secondary School No. 4"

2 slide

Slide description:

What is a library? This is the place where books are kept. For this purpose, there is a separate room in which there are racks and shelves, where books are lined up in even rows. Moreover, each book should occupy strictly its place so that it can be easily found. The library has a special alphabetical catalog in which each student quickly and easily finds the literature he needs, the main thing is to know the author and title of the book.

3 slide

Slide description:

Project goal: to develop the need for regular visits to the library, systematic reading, and compliance with the rules for using the library. Shape moral qualities friendship, mutual assistance, responsibility, honesty, willpower. Develop expressive reading skills; Cultivate an interest in reading, a love for a good book Project objectives: · provide practical assistance to the school library; improving the condition of the book fund; · training of students primary school to project activities in middle management

4 slide

Slide description:

Who is a school librarian and what are his functions? A librarian is a person who knows a lot; knows the names of all books, new literature; smart, creative, educated person; interesting, will always come to the aid of the reader - a standard set found in most questionnaires. And the librarian will help if suddenly difficulties arise in finding the necessary book.

5 slide

Slide description:

Why do schoolchildren need libraries? When you read books, you can learn a lot of interesting and educational things. At the same time, the level of culture increases, horizons broaden, and it is interesting to communicate with a well-read person. In a quiet, calm environment, you have the opportunity to prepare a report or essay on a given topic.

6 slide

Slide description:

What rules should a student follow when using the library? There are very rare books in one copy, they are not given out. In this case, such a book can be used in a specially designated place called a reading room. It is very important to maintain silence, since those present are busy with their own affairs, and noise is distracting and interferes with concentration, so we must respect each other. Books must be loved and protected, because they are intended for mass use. Therefore, you cannot outline them, bend or wrinkle the pages. You should not enter the library with food or drinks; greasy stains may remain on the books. You must remember that someone else will use this book after you. If you take a book home, you must not lose it or forget it in transport or anywhere else. Then you will have to buy the same one, but most often it is very difficult to find such a book, so you will have to return its cost. While in the reading room, you can go up to the bookshelves and look for necessary literature. But it is necessary to remember in which place this or that book stood in order to return it there, since the next reader or librarian will look for the book where it stood.

7 slide

Slide description:

What is a reader form? Some books can be taken home for a certain period of time; for this, it is recorded in the reader’s form, which was created for the student. But at the same time, you need to know that the book must be returned no later than the specified date, otherwise other children will not have time to read it.

8 slide