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Unified State Exam test in social studies. Online GIA tests in social studies (society)

Unlike last year, when materials on a number of subjects underwent revolutionary changes (the “guessing game” was excluded from them), changes in the Unified State Exam 2018 in most cases are of a “cosmetic” nature - we are talking about clarifying wording and criteria, adding individual tasks and so on. Fundamental changes await only those taking literature tests - but even in this case they relate to the assessment system, and not to the exam model as a whole.

No significant adjustments are expected in the general certification rules. Despite rumors circulating, there will be no new compulsory subjects for all subjects in 2018, and the FIPI will not announce an oral exam in the Russian language.

Will there be changes in the Unified State Examination in Russian language and mathematics?

In 2018, two Unified State Examinations remain mandatory for all eleventh-graders - in mathematics and the Russian language.

Mathematics is still divided into two levels: specialized and “lightweight” basic, and CMMs will be the same as in 2017, no innovations or additions.

The Unified State Examination in the Russian language has undergone minor changes: in the part with short answers, task No. 20 appeared, aimed at testing knowledge of lexical norms. To complete it successfully, you need to find a lexical error in a small passage of text. The level of the task is considered basic, but despite its apparent simplicity, it requires a good sense of language and can cause problems for many graduates.

The new task is worth one point, and, accordingly, the maximum possible primary score in Russian will increase slightly and will no longer be 56, but 57 points.

Changes in the Unified State Examination in Literature: a fundamentally new assessment system

Previously, FIPI announced the introduction of a radically new model of the Unified State Exam in literature in 2018 - it was planned to completely exclude blocks with short answers from it. However, this did not happen - the revolutionary model is still being discussed, and the demo versions of 2018 at first glance do not differ much from the tasks of previous years. However, the changes in the assessment system are radical and, apparently, “prepare the ground” for the transition to a new model.

The maximum primary score for literature increased from 42 to 57, and the number of points for tasks with short answers remained unchanged (maximum 12), that is, the “specific weight” of this part and its significance is significantly reduced.

Wherein assignment evaluation system with detailed answers has undergone very big changes:

  • the maximum score for tasks 8 and 15 (analysis of the work) rose from 4 to 5;

  • comparative mini-essays in tasks 9 and 16 “increased in value” from 4 to 10 points, while the requirement to justify the choice of works was excluded from the task;

  • a detailed essay in task 17 can bring the examinee not 14, but 15 points.

Thus, the ability to consider literary work“in context” and convincingly comparing the works of different authors becomes key for graduates - two comparative essays in total can bring more points than a “big” essay, which was previously the main focus.

Significantly changed and work evaluation criteria. In particular, much more attention will be paid to compliance with speech norms - this criterion is now included in all tasks with detailed answers.

And one more fundamental addition to KIMs on literature. To write a detailed essay, there are no longer three topics, but four, corresponding to three thematic blocks:

  • based on works written before the first half of the 19th century inclusive;

  • literature of the second half of the 19th century;

  • from the end of the 19th to the beginning of the 21st century.

Accordingly, one of the blocks can be presented with two topics - and for the first time within the framework of the Unified State Examination in literature, they can touch upon works of modern Russian authors. Note that the codifier does not contain a list of specific works of post-Soviet literature that are required reading, and the teaching materials directly indicate that schoolchildren can cover such topics in works of their own choice. In the demo version of the Unified State Exam in Literature 2018, the following option is given as an example: “ Pages of Russian history in modern Russian literature. (Based on the example of one or two works from the 1990s – 2000s)».

Changes in the Unified State Examination in Social Studies in 2018

The structure and content of the most popular elective exam remains the same, however, two tasks - 28 (drawing up a detailed plan) and 29 (essay) will be assessed according to new criteria, and their “cost” will increase.

When drawing up a plan for a given topic Now more attention will be paid to how specific the points of the plan are, and whether they allow the issue to be resolved on the merits. “Abstract” statements such as “history of the issue” that do not reflect the specifics of the topic will no longer be counted. Drawing up such a plan will require a deeper knowledge of the topic - but successful completion of the task can no longer bring 3 points, but 4.

Alternative mini-essay on social studies“increased” to 6 points, and the assessment criteria now make it possible to more accurately assess the graduate’s knowledge of the theory of the issue. Task 29 is now assessed according to the following criteria:

  • the meaning of the original quote is correctly revealed (1 point);

  • highlighting in the context of each thesis key concepts, basic theoretical provisions, reasoning and conclusions (2 points);

  • scientific correctness of statements (1 point);

  • quality of examples chosen to illustrate theoretical points (2 points).

The maximum primary score for this exam accordingly increases from 62 to 64.

Unified State Examination in History - no adjustments, taken by choice

KIM-2018 history will be completely consistent with last year, no additions are expected. History remains an elective subject - according to the Ministry of Education, if this subject becomes compulsory, it will not be before 2020, and only after a comprehensive discussion and “run-in”. And this will by no means be an unpleasant surprise for graduates.

Changes in the Unified State Examination in Chemistry: tasks with a single context

In KIMs in chemistry in 2018 another task will be added high complexity with a detailed answer (No. 30), total number tasks will thus increase from 34 to 35.

In this case, tasks 30 and 31 will be combined into a single context block: to solve them, you will need to select substances from a single list. The first of these tasks will be devoted to redox reactions, the second - ion exchange reactions, each can be worth 2 points.

At the same time, the maximum initial score will remain the same - 60, due to the reduction in the “cost” of several tasks from the first part of the examination materials.

Unified State Examination in a foreign language - clarification of criteria

In 2018, the “range” of languages ​​for passing the Unified State Exam still includes English, French, German and Spanish. The exam model as a whole will not change - it will still include a written and oral part, and the KIMs will remain the same. The changes will affect only the wording of the assessment criteria tasks 39 (letter of a personal nature) and 40 (essay-reasoning) - they are clarified and specified.

Unified State Exam in Computer Science - minor changes

Despite the fact that it has been discussed for several years now that it would be logical to use computer equipment, in 2018, this subject will continue to be taken the old fashioned way, in writing, without the use of additional equipment and with an emphasis on theoretical issues.

The structure of the exam will remain the same, but quests will undergo some changes:

  • when completing task 25, it will no longer be possible to choose a natural language to write the algorithm (this option turned out to be unclaimed by graduates and was used extremely rarely);

  • programs that were previously written in C are now written in the more popular C++ language.

Unified State Exam in Physics - new task added

Physics exam materials will be supplemented in 2018 another basic level task(No. 24), due to which the primary score will increase from 50 to 52. To successfully complete the task, the student must demonstrate knowledge of the elements of astrophysics.

Biology and Geography - no changes

Graduates who take these elective subjects can safely prepare for the Unified State Exam based on materials from previous years - there will be no changes in the KIMs.

What changes will there be in the OGE (GIA) in 2018

The OGE (GIA) exams, which ninth-graders take, change less frequently - for example, last year there were no changes at all, but in 2018 FIPI plans to make adjustments to the exam materials only in two subjects:

  • mathematics,

  • literature.

Mathematics(which is taken by all ninth-graders without exception), the changes will be more of a formal nature: the section devoted to real mathematics will disappear - but the tasks included in it will be distributed in “Algebra” and “Geometry”.

KIMs in literature underwent more significant revisions regarding instructions both for the exam in general and recommendations for completing specific tasks (the model itself remained the same).

The criteria for assessing tasks with detailed answers have also been reworked - now they are more consistent with the criteria of the Unified State Exam in the eleventh grade. Due to this, the maximum primary score of the OGE in literature “grew” from 23 to 29.

The authors of the assignments are leading specialists directly involved in the development teaching materials to prepare for tests measuring materials Unified State Exam.
Typical test tasks in social studies contain 14 versions of sets of tasks, compiled taking into account all the features and requirements of the Unified State Exam in 2018. The purpose of the manual is to provide readers with information about the structure and content of the 2018 test measurement materials in social studies and the degree of difficulty of the tasks.
The collection contains answers to all test options, detailed criteria for assessing tasks in Part 2, and provides samples of forms used in the Unified State Exam for recording answers and solutions.
The manual is intended for teachers to prepare students for passing the Unified State Exam in Social Studies, as well as for high school students - for self-preparation and self-control.
Order No. 699 of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation teaching aids publishing house "Exam" are approved for use in educational institutions.

Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, relate to empirical methods of scientific knowledge.
1) Experiment; 2) observation; 3) measurement; 4) survey; 5) analysis; 6) generalization.
Find two terms that “fall out” from the general series and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

Choose the correct judgments about the functions of art and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) Art, like religion, performs a compensatory function.
2) The functions of art include self-realization of the creator of a work of art.
3) The aesthetic function distinguishes art from other ways of understanding the world.
4) The value-orienting function of art is manifested in the creation of norms and rules of creativity.
5) The communicative function of art is associated with the use of works of art by the media.

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book Unified State Examination 2018, Social studies, 14 options, Typical test tasks from the developers of the Unified State Examination, Lazebnikova A.Yu., 2018 - fileskachat.com, fast and free download.

  • OGE 2020, Social studies, 30 options, Typical options, Lazebnikova A.Yu., Koval T.V.
  • Unified State Examination, 700 tasks in social studies with answers, All tasks, Closed segment, Lazebnikova A.Yu., Korolkova E.S., Rutkovskaya E.L., 2020

If you study the statistics, you can see that an increasing number of schoolchildren choose social studies and want to take it for the Unified State Exam. However, this exam is very controversial. This is evidenced by the negative reviews of those people who took this exam. The popularity of this discipline is due to the fact that it is needed in almost all higher education institutions. educational institutions states. In addition, this discipline is very often decided to be taken by graduates who for a long time could not decide on the list of required exams and did not prepare for them at all.

Certain changes are being prepared in the Unified State Examination in social studies in 2019, the latest news is clear evidence of this. Therefore, you need to know what awaits this year’s graduates and whether it’s worth taking up social studies at all.

Who really needs to take this subject?

  • It’s clear that you don’t need to immediately take up social studies. It should only be taken by representatives of certain professions.
  • However, it is worth noting that if you add mathematics and the Russian language to social studies, then the doors of almost all higher institutions in the country will open before you, and the range of areas available to you will be very large. If you can score good points, you may get the opportunity to study for free in one of the following areas:
  • management;
  • merchandising;
  • economic direction;

sociology; personnel Management. Of course, this is far from full list

all possible directions. True, the latest FIPI news on social studies in the Unified State Exam, literature in 2019 and other subjects has already managed to scare some graduates. How bad the changes turned out to be and whether they will make the exam much more difficult will be seen in the results of passing it.

The good thing is that graduates who do not score enough points to enter one of the country’s universities have an alternative in the form of a college. Eleventh grade graduates are also accepted there based on the exams they pass. As a result, these changes received very positive feedback once they were tested in action. Moreover, such feedback came not only from teachers, but also from students. Despite this, minor changes were prepared for the Unified State Exam and social studies in 2019; the latest news suggests that, in general, the tickets will be similar to those that graduates already saw in 2017. Such news pleased many graduates.

First of all, it must be said that when preparing to take social studies, you should definitely not focus on those manuals that were released for 2016 or other earlier versions. The fact is that they will not correspond to CIMs. Therefore, we can say that the preparation will be ineffective and it is better to use the new manuals.

By the way, the tickets themselves will receive certain changes. It is still difficult to judge whether they will make the exam easier or more difficult. This will be visible in the results. So here are some changes:

  • now the tickets will no longer contain the traditional test option, when you had to choose one correct answer;
  • Now all the tasks have been divided into special blocks. Blocks are formed based on a specific topic. Thus, graduates will be able to navigate the topics more easily;
  • From now on, all references to the number of correct answers in the task have been removed. This means that some tasks may have two or even three correct answers, which significantly complicates the submission procedure;
  • a special system was introduced, which is based on primary and secondary scores. A total of 62 primary points can be scored. This means that you completed all tasks correctly;
  • For each correct answer you can score from one to three points. As for the essay, you can score a maximum of five points for it;
  • At the moment, a minimum passing score for this exam has been established. It will be 43 points;
  • The social studies exam will last more than three hours. During all this time, examinees will have to complete 29 tasks, each of which will have its own complexity.

Overall, these are the most important changes that graduates need to know about. The ticket itself will necessarily be divided into two parts. The first part will contain tasks that will require a short answer. And in the second part there will be an essay and questions with a detailed answer. After reading the latest social studies news in 2019, you might think that passing this exam will be easy, but this is far from the case. In order not just, but to have the opportunity to compete for a budget place in one of prestigious universities, you need to be really well prepared.

How can you prepare for social studies?

It is very important to properly prepare for taking this subject. In fact, there are no secrets that will allow you to get a high score. It just takes hard work and perseverance. After you have become familiar with the changes in the Unified State Exam in social studies in 2019, have studied the latest news and acquired all the necessary knowledge about the upcoming exam,

just follow three simple steps:

  • Read with this news:
  • Latest news on gold price forecast for 2020...
  • start your preparation early. It is better to start studying this subject at the beginning of the eleventh grade or even in the tenth grade;
  • Get good textbooks, as well as aids to prepare for the exam. To begin with, it is best to take the benefit for 2019, as it will be the most relevant. A lot actually depends on the quality of literature;

and, finally, pay more attention to practice and solving various kinds of tasks. Be sure to check out the 2017 tickets.

In general, you need to know that this exam is aimed at testing your knowledge in five main disciplines. Their list includes economics, law, political science, sociology and philosophy. Having a good understanding of the questions from each discipline, you can score a decent score and count on admission to a university.

When will this exam be held? Approximate dates have already been announced for when the Unified State Examination in social studies will be held.

First of all, those people who had the opportunity to take this exam earlier will be able to start it at the end of March. The main delivery period is at the end of May and the beginning of July. As for additional dates for testing, they will be announced later. We must also not forget that FIPI publications are constantly being made, new in the Unified State Examination in Social Studies in 2019, the latest news often mentions this.

The Unified State Exam in social studies can easily be called the most popular among elective exams. Firstly, most schoolchildren consider this test simple, especially in comparison with the exact sciences. And secondly, a certificate with points for social studies is required for humanitarian and social studies. Among the most popular specialties are political science, sociology, cultural studies, law, psychology, economics, pedagogy, personnel management and management.

Many eleventh-graders believe that this Unified State Exam can be passed without preparation, by determining the correct answers based on a logical approach, and in the essay part simply by expressing their thoughts. Let’s say right away that such a mistake cost many students a huge number of points. Social studies is a subject in which simple knowledge of terminology is not enough. Only the ability to competently operate with concepts and understand the deep essence of social, legal and philosophical concepts will help you successfully pass this Unified State Exam.

In addition, the national examination in social studies requires a fairly high initial score, and in last years tests with the choice of one answer from several proposed options were finally removed from the tickets. However, all this is not a reason to panic! You just need to figure out what requirements the commission members put forward when evaluating work, and also find out in time everything about the changes in the 2018 CMMs.

Demo version of the Unified State Exam-2018

Unified State Exam dates in social studies

Rosobrnadzor will publish the final dates for the Unified State Examination in social studies only in January, but in preparation for Unified State Examination schoolchildren can be guided by approximate time periods allocated for testing:

  • the early stage of the Unified State Examination will take place from mid-March to mid-April and starts on March 22, 2018;
  • the main exam will begin at the end of May (05/28/2018) and will last until the beginning of June 2018;
  • The additional period for taking the Unified State Examination is scheduled for September 2018. Most likely, it will be possible to retake subjects from September 4, 2018.

Let us remind you that the following can apply to take the Unified State Exam early:

  • schoolchildren who have completed educational institution(regular or evening school, lyceum, gymnasium) until 2017/2018 school year;
  • conscripts who decided to serve in the ranks before entering a university;
  • students entering a foreign university, changing their place of residence or coming to study from abroad;
  • children leaving for national or international competitions, contests and competitions of a sports, cultural or scientific nature. In this case, you will need not only an application, but a call to the training camp (or an invitation to the event) indicating the exact dates of the event and the name of the student;
  • schoolchildren in need of treatment, rehabilitation or rehabilitation on the dates of the main exam. In this case, a document issued by a medical council or commission must be attached to the application.

Unified State Exam statistics in social studies

In 2017, 318 thousand students chose social studies, i.e. approximately half of all schoolchildren who took the Unified State Exam. However, after the exam was complicated, the number of people wishing to take social studies decreased noticeably - back in 2016 there were 40.4 thousand more such students. We also note that the proportion of children who were unable to achieve even the minimum passing score on this Unified State Exam has decreased noticeably: in 2017, such unsuccessful students were about 13.8%, which is 3.3% lower than the 2016 level.

However, in 2013, only 5.3% of students failed this Unified State Exam, and in 2011 – 3.9%. Teachers explain this by saying that several years ago schools began to abandon the practice of specialized study of social studies, although it is mandatory for admission to 1/3 of Russian universities. The tasks become more complicated, and in the school curriculum, social studies takes up only 1-2 lessons per week. However, with an average score of 59.5-60.0, the number of children who scored the maximum points is growing - last year there were about 500 such gifted graduates.

At passing the Unified State Exam in social studies the failure rate is quite high - 13.8%

Social Studies Exam Regulations

In 2018, students will have 235 minutes to complete the exam questions. The regulations strictly prohibit bringing any foreign objects into the examination room. These include not only cheat sheets, but also smartphones, cameras, headphones, tablets, smart watches and any other equipment. And don't think you'll be able to use anything on the list above if you go to the restroom or aid station! It will be possible to leave the audience only with an observer.

Remember: you may be taken out of the classroom and your test result will be canceled if you not only cheat, but also change seats, consult with your neighbors, or turn your head to peek at the answer in someone else's work. About 20,000 teacher observers will monitor order in the exam rooms, and it is unlikely that anyone will be able to hide from their watchful gaze.

Ticket structure and contents

This discipline studies all possible aspects of life. modern society. Students will have to demonstrate their knowledge in the following sections:

  • "Human and society". This section studies the biosocial evolution of people, modern society, factors and stages of socialization, principles of functioning of society and the place of the individual in social relations;
  • "Social Relations"– here you will need to demonstrate an understanding of the problems of interaction between various social groups, knowledge in the field of conflict management and the systemic structure of modern society;
  • "Economy"– one of the most difficult blocks of the exam. Students will have to demonstrate their skills in reading graphs, knowledge of entrepreneurship and market economy, ability to calculate economic indicators and analyze information;
  • "Right". This section will require you to be able to operate with the laws of the Russian Federation, understand various branches of law and the peculiarities of regulating legal relations, including basic norms and mechanisms;
  • "Policy". In this section you need to demonstrate an understanding of modern government, political regimes and institutions.

There are no assignments in social studies KIMs for choosing one answer from the provided options. Basic level tasks will test students’ ability to recognize, reproduce, extract, classify, systematize and compare information, evaluate it and explain trends. In tasks of an increased level of complexity you will need to show your skills in a comprehensive manner. cognitive activity. The ticket, consisting of 29 tasks, is structurally presented in two parts:

  • Part 1 – consists of 20 tasks to which you need to give a short answer in the form of a word, several words or numbers. 10 tasks relate to basic level difficulty, 10 more tasks - to advanced. For this part of the work you can score 35 primary points, which is 54.7% of all test points;
  • Part 2 – consists of 9 tasks to which you need to give a detailed answer. Tasks numbered 21 and 22 are basic, and numbers 23 to 29 are tasks with increased complexity. For this part you can get 29 points (45.3% of all points). This part also includes writing short essay on one of 5 topics given to the student’s choice.

Innovations in new type CMMs

The social studies exam has not undergone significant changes in content, but some structural aspects have been optimized.

  1. The evaluation system for task number 28 has been changed;
  2. The wording of task number 29 has been revised, changes have been made to its assessment system;
  3. The maximum number of primary points per ticket has been increased by 2 points and is now 64.

Preparation for the Unified State Exam in social studies includes mastering a number of disciplines. These include political science, economics, sociology and law.

How do scores translate into grades for the certificate?

In 2018, the points received for the Unified State Exam will have an impact on the final mark in the certificate. Students who want to enter a university or simply increase their average score must prepare well for the exam. The distribution and transfer of points is carried out as follows:

  • 0-41 points scored on the Unified State Exam means that the student “wiped his pants” throughout his entire education. These points are equal to an “unsatisfactory” rating;
  • 42-54 points indicate satisfactory knowledge. The graduate deserves a grade at the school “C” level;
  • 55-66 points is a good result, which is equivalent to a “good” rating;
  • 67 points and above mean that the student passed the subject with “excellent” marks.

The minimum score required to pass the test is 42, which is equal to 19 primary points. The experience of past years has shown that for this you need to solve at least 13 basic tasks. The maximum number of points for the Unified State Exam is 100. As statistics from last year show, to enter a university you need to score at least 55 points in this subject. Unfortunately, this does not guarantee your budget income. Only applicants who have a certificate with 84 points or more can apply for budget places at prestigious universities.

How to prepare for the exam?

Experts from FIPI say that the first thing you should pay attention to when preparing is knowledge and understanding of the terms of such disciplinary blocks as economics, philosophy, law, sociology and political science. Very often, a student cannot correctly solve a task because he does not relate it to a specific scientific field, using the wrong method of analysis.

Another important point– selection of sources of methodological and educational nature. Today, many authors are trying to make money by publishing materials to prepare for the Unified State Exam in certain subjects. But don’t rush to buy everything! Choose books published in 2015-2017 and received a recommendation from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. FIPI specialists recommend using the developments of L.N. Bogolyubov and A.I. Kravchenko.

Be sure to take the time to study the demo version of the Unified State Exam - this will help you understand the structure of the ticket, understand the requirements of the examiners and reduce the time spent working with the real ticket. You can download a demo version of the Unified State Examination in Social Studies using the links at the beginning of the article. In addition, specialists from the educational department determined the amount of time it would take to solve each of the proposed tasks:

  • tasks numbered 1-3 and 10 are solved on average in 1-4 minutes;
  • tasks numbered 4-9 and 11-28 require from 2 to 8 minutes;
  • for task 29 you need to leave about 45-55 minutes.

What should you consider when preparing your essay?

Practice writing essays often to create a decent essay.

Writing a short essay – exam task, which causes the greatest difficulties for schoolchildren. This is because it requires both fundamental knowledge of the subject and the ability to express one’s thoughts competently and beautifully. You can write a mini-on one of the five topics proposed in the ticket. The topic is formulated in the form of a statement made by a famous representative in the field of social activity, politics, science or culture. There are a few things to consider when writing an essay:

  • leave at least 50 minutes for this part of the work;
  • do not write a full-fledged essay on a draft - no one checks this form anyway. If you get too carried away with the rough work, you may not have enough time to rewrite the text. Just sketch out theses, which you will then arrange into a single whole;
  • do not rush to choose a topic - take only the one that will be easier for you to argue;
  • It is important to immediately determine what branch of knowledge your chosen topic represents. Students are not prohibited from expressing thoughts based on several social sciences, but examiners really do not like it when essays are written in vague phrases and generalized formulations;
  • don't forget to make an introduction. It should emphasize the relevance of the problem;
  • Demonstrate your knowledge by briefly talking about the author of the statement. Describe other approaches to this problem, indicate alternative points of view, or provide supporting statements;

The Unified State Exam in Social Studies 2018 for 11th grade students is a serious test that requires deep and conscious knowledge. These are terms and concepts, judgments and abstract concepts, social science and economic processes, etc.

Social studies is one of the candidates for inclusion in the list of compulsory exams in 2018 (along with history and physics). Why society? The fact is that this particular subject is the most chosen among graduates.

What is social studies today?

This course has existed at the school since the early 90s. At first it was experimental and replaced the “Social Studies” course, which was studied only in the 10th graduating class. Now this is a really serious subject that is studied starting from primary school and throughout high school.

The school social studies course is an integrative course that includes the following sciences as its constituent elements:

  1. philosophy;
  2. social Psychology;
  3. sociology;
  4. economy;
  5. political science;
  6. jurisprudence.

Social studies is a subject that operates in a modern democratic state, characterized by political diversity and pluralism. The main emphasis of the course is on socialization, that is, on helping a student who is a citizen of Russia master all the necessary knowledge needed in order to be successful in society.

A person has different roles in society:

  • family member;
  • worker, worker;
  • consumer, etc.

Social studies is the only course that gives the student knowledge for socialization:

  • knowledge about family;
  • about the foundations of moral relations;
  • about how the economic sphere of society is structured;
  • what the consumer should know and what problems he may encounter (for example, whether to take out a loan or not);
  • how to get a job;
  • how to write a statement when getting married;
  • which marriage is recognized as official in our country and which is not, etc.

All this knowledge will help the graduate to be a full-fledged citizen upon entering society and to feel confident in various social roles.

Structure of the Unified State Examination by society

Total 29 tasks

Part 1 tasks

20 short answer questions 9 long answer questions
The work time is 235 minutes.
The maximum primary score is 62.
More information about the tasks of part No. 1
Insert the missing word - No. 1.
Find a generalizing concept - No. 2.
Remove 2 extra terms – No. 3.
Find 2 correct judgments – No. 4, No. 6, No. 17.
Establish correspondence – No. 5, No. 8, No. 14, No. 18.
Find correct judgment – № 7, №11, №13.
Question and search for correct statements - No. 9, No. 15, No. 16, No. 19.
Economics chart – No. 10.
Problem-diagram – No. 12.
Text with missing words – No. 20.
To cope with the first part of the society exam, it is important to know, understand the theory, understand it and practice different types of tasks.

Tasks of part No. 2

Working with text (No. 21–No. 24):

No. 21 – reproduction of information from the text;
No. 22 – you need not only to reproduce information orally, but also to interpret it;
No. 23 is a certain characteristic plus additional tasks for this text;
No. 24 – use of social science knowledge;
No. 25 – you need to write a concept and make 2 sentences for it;
No. 26 – specification of the above provisions;
No. 27 – practical task;
No. 28 – drawing up a complex plan (5–7 points, 2 of which should be covered by sub-points);
No. 29 – essay (the most expensive in terms of points in social studies work – 5 points).

Which universities require a certificate in society?

Due to the specific integrative nature of the social studies course, any humanitarian specialties in universities:

  • economic;
  • legal;
  • sociological;
  • Some pedagogical schools require a certificate of passing the Unified State Exam in this subject.

You should start preparing for the exam like this: take demo version of the Unified State Exam and decide on your own, at the same time calculating your real points. This must be done in order to understand how prepared you are for the exam.

All main documents are published on the FIPI website:

  1. specification;
  2. codifier;
  3. demo version;
  4. guidelines.

In the unified open federal bank of tasks you can find the main standard models of exam questions.
Traditionally about everyone changes to the Unified State Examination becomes known in August of the current academic year. The exam date will be known in early January 2018.

Deepen your knowledge in the subject “Social Studies” and practice solving various options for test materials for each of the studied codifier topics, and the result will not be long in coming! Good luck everyone!

Structure of the Unified State Examination by society

Total 29 tasks
1 part part 2
20 short answer questions 9 tasks with detailed answers