Abstracts Statements Story

Why no one understands native speakers or global English. I applied aspects of foreign languages ​​English as a world language of communication

English language as international.

English language English is popular all over the world as the global language of the world community. Already today, English occupies a very special position and is becoming a linguafranca - the language of interethnic communication of all mankind. But half a century ago, English was just one of the international languages, along with others, accepted among the languages ​​of communication in the United Nations.

As the biblical legend says, the construction of the grandiose Tower of Babel stopped due to a lack of mutual understanding between people who spoke different languages. It seems that today humanity again has a chance to find a common unified language, in the role of which English already serves for a large part of the world’s population.

More precisely, not real English, but simplified global English, since most of those who use global English today have never been to countries where English is their native language.

Global English Initially, the English language became widespread in all corners of the world due to the expansion of influence and colonial conquests of the powerful British Empire. However, in the twentieth century, English acquired an even more significant international status due to the growing influence and power of the United States. Nowadays, English is the generally recognized language of international communication, the language of the modern global economy, the language of advanced science and high technology.

English is the universal language of communications, from the international language of aviation and tourism to email, the Internet, and the language of computers. About 400 million people on Earth consider English their first language, and another 500 million consider it their second language. A total number There are billions of people who are more or less familiar with the English language today. English is effectively becoming the language of humanity.

English is the main language not only in the United States, but also in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, but it is also the main official language of many countries in Africa and the Caribbean, on the islands of the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic oceans. English is second official language India.

Of course, due to such a wide geographical distribution, there are many local differences in the pronunciation and vocabulary of different versions of English in different parts of the world. However, these differences are usually not so deep that English speakers cannot understand each other. New Zealanders communicate freely with Indians, and Scots easily understand Kenyans. Moreover, the speed at which the English language spreads across the globe is such that today English belongs to all humanity, but is not a “linguistic colonialism” of the countries where the English language comes from and where the speakers of this language live. The result of using English mainly in countries where it is not the native language will inevitably lead to such changes in the global English language (apparently towards simplification) that it will soon have little in common with the original English roots. However, it is important to consider that lack of knowledge of global English may soon prove to be a serious obstacle for social adaptation and personal development in the new global world. Thus, global English is gradually becoming the most widely spoken language on the planet and will probably soon become the second language of all humanity.

Why and how English became international For Europeans, discussions about the globalization of the English language and securing its international status are by no means empty talk. Many questions still remain open. Is modern English really the optimal means for communicating between people of different nationalities? Or is it becoming a threat to the diversity of national cultures and languages? Are there other ways (languages) of communication in the global community?

This topic is also relevant for Russia, which is also trying to feel like part of an integrated world, and it is very important whether Russia finds a common language with this world.

Interestingly, the term “global” in relation to English is only used in English! This fact only emphasizes the uniqueness of the English language. But this does not mean that it should become the same for everyone.

Note that global, or international, English differs significantly from British English. It turns out that it is not the official language of any European country. At the same time, ironically, international English has isolated the British in Europe; they seem to have fallen out of the general European context.

Most English people, because they speak the most universal language, rarely feel the desire, and even less the need, to learn any European language. But it is multilingualism and cultural diversity that is the quintessence of both Europe and Russia.

History of the spread of the English language The answer, as always, lies in history. The English language was taken by English emigrants to North America and other parts of the world. In addition, England spread its language to all conquered countries, former colonies of the British Empire. Figuratively speaking, England stretched a cultural and linguistic bridge across the ocean, connecting continents.

But the United States was created by emigrants not only from Great Britain. People from all over Europe and other countries have flocked to this country. The new nation needed a unifying element that would help overcome national and linguistic differences. This role was fulfilled by the English language.

English as a universal international language The surest factor in accelerating the development of a universal way of life is the spread of the English language. If English becomes the main language of communication, the consequences of this are obvious: the cultures of English-speaking countries will dominate throughout the world.

English becomes the world's first universal language. It is the mother tongue of about 500 million people in 12 countries. This is much less than the estimated 900 million Mandarin speakers. Chinese language.

But another 600 million speak English as a second language. And several hundred million more have some knowledge of English, which has official or semi-official status in some 62 countries. While there may be as many people who speak different dialects of Chinese as there are English speakers, English is undeniably more widespread geographically, indeed more universal, than Chinese. And its use is growing at an amazing rate.

English as a Global Language of Communication

Everyone knows the answer to the question: “What language is used for business communication between the representatives of different countries and continents over the last decades?” The common usage of English language for business has affected on the speed of its spoken form expansion.

At present time 90% of information in the global Internet is in English, at 85% international organizations and conferences used English, 50% scientific and research publications are written in English. The figures speak for themselves. Why English has become one of the most widespread universal language in the world? Initially, this semiotic system has simple grammatical structure. The national mentality of native speakers is oriented on the business relations formation; consequently the vocabulary is perfectly suitable for business communication.

Such dominance of one language may cause not only advantages, but also the negative aspects for the development of the rare languages.

The main positive aspect of high popularity of English is obvious. The appearance of common world language makes the communication processes faster and more effective. If you have the Intermediate level of English, you can travel around the world and every door will fly open before you and walls of misunderstanding will melt away. As for business, many large multinational corporations use English as a common language for documentation, forums, working meetings and daily communication. The universal semiotic system aids understanding and contributes to the successful interaction between employees.

However, less is more. The dominance of English language suppresses on the minor languages. There are several semiotic systems, which became extinct in the period of English prosperity.


Everyone knows the answer to the question: “What language has been used for business communications between representatives of different countries and continents over the past decades?” The widespread use of English for business has influenced the rate of spread of its spoken form.

Currently, 90% of the information on the world Internet is stored in English, 85% of international organizations and conferences use English, 50% of scientific and research work written in English. The numbers speak for themselves. Why has English become one of the most common, universal languages ​​in the world? First of all, this sign system has a simple grammatical structure. The national mentality of English-speaking people is focused on building business relationships; as a result, the vocabulary is ideal for business communication.

Such dominance of one language can cause not only positive aspects, but also negative ones for the development of rare languages.

The main positive aspect of the high popularity of the English language is obvious. The emergence of a single global language makes communication processes faster and more efficient. If your English level reaches intermediate, you can travel around the world, and all doors will open for you and walls of misunderstanding will dissipate. On the business side, many large multinational corporations use English as the common language for documentation, forums, work meetings and daily communication. A universal sign system facilitates mutual understanding and promotes successful interaction between employees.

However, everything is good in moderation. The dominance of English suppresses the development of less common languages. There are several sign systems that became dead during the period of English prosperity.

Today, more than a billion people speak English around the world. The fact is that both England and America became powerful powers in their time. The same thing happened with in Latin when the Roman Empire gained its dominance.

Experts attribute the spread of English to British colonization and American culture, not to any miraculous properties the language itself. Today, English dominates because the golden age of the British Empire gave way to American superpower at the end of World War II. The influence of the United States as a cultural giant can be seen in medical research, innovative developments, the film industry and, of course, rock and roll. In the 17th and 18th centuries, English was the language of the leading colonial nation, Britain. In the 18th and 19th centuries - the leader of the industrial revolution, again - Britain. At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, English became the language of the leading economic power - the United States.

Scientists also argue that the sudden rise of the United States as a military and technopower, as well as the withering of the British Empire, determined the world’s choice of the American option as an international one.

Unfortunately, there are also opponents to this “internationality, internationality” of the English language. They argue that, being a language of international communication, English has lost its purity by borrowing many foreign words. There will be objections to this remark. "Linguistic purity" is a myth. Each language absorbs the words of its “neighbors”. Of course, some languages ​​do this to a greater extent than others. But it is precisely this “feeding” that makes the language alive and natural. And this process cannot be stopped. After all, we cannot stop the French language from absorbing English words.

There is one more useful remark. How can we call English an international language if every nation speaks it differently? There is the following objection to this comment. Variations of the English language are a generally accepted fact; everyone who is in any way connected with the world of linguistics knows about it. But the whole point is that the carriers of these variations are in contact with each other, and do not live in isolation in some remote corner of the world. Therefore, we have long adapted our ears to various sound options.

With so many variations, a logical question arises: are there any rules or standards to regulate such a diverse and international phenomenon as the English language? Well, attempts have been made, namely in the European Union. The result is a new variation - Euro-English. This made for a funny anecdote. Read it yourself - we won’t deprive you of pleasure and convey the text in Russian.

As part of the negotiations, Her Majesty's Government conceded that English spelling had some room for improvement and has accepted a five year phase-in plan that would be known as ‘Euro-English’.

In the first year, 's' will replace the soft 'c'. Sertainly, this will make the sivil servants jump with joy. The hard ‘c’ will be dropped in favor of the ‘k’. This should clear up confusion and keyboards kan have 1 less letter.

There will be growing publik enthusiasm in the second year, when the troublesome ‘ph’ will be replaced with ‘f’. This will make words like ‘fotograf’ 20% shorter.

In the 3rd year, publik akseptanse of the new spelling kan be ekspekted to reach the stage where more complicated changes are possible. Governments will enkorage the removal of double letters, which have always ben a deterent to accurately speling. Also, al wil agre that the horible mes of the silent ‘e’s in the language is disgraceful, and they should go away.

By the fourth year, peopl wil be reseptiv to steps such as replacing ‘th’ with ‘z’ and ‘w’ with ‘v’. During ze fifz year, ze unesesary ‘o’ kan be dropd from vords kontaining ‘ou’ and similar changes vud of kors be aplid to ozer combinations of leters.

After zis fifz yer, ve vil hav a reli sensibl riten styl. Zer vil be no mor trubl or difikultis and evrivun vil find it ezi to understand ech ozer. Ze drem vil finali kum tru! And zen world!

But seriously, there are two types of grammar. The first type exists in the form of standard phrases that are fixed in the head of every language user. They are also called collocations. For example: ‘spend a vacation’, ‘go on business’, ‘What’s up?’, ‘How are you?’ These phrases are international and universal for all versions of the language, which is why they regulate the “internationality” of the English language. The second type is the so-called “prescriptive” grammar, that is, a set of grammatical rules that we are all taught from school. Now think: how often, following all the rules of grammar, have you been able to say exactly what you wanted to say? And how often were you understood? Here is the answer to the question: the first type of grammar is more suitable for managing international English.

Finally, we can say that international English is such a generally accepted and widespread phenomenon (what is called common place) that you should not be afraid to use it in a wide variety of situations: both business and everyday.

Today, several languages ​​are the most widespread in the world - they are spoken in many countries and over vast territories. These are German, French, Spanish, Arabic and even Russian. However, only English among them ranks first in terms of distribution. It is a native or foreign language for a huge number of people on the planet. And there are several reasons for this.

Historical background

At all times, conquering countries that conquered other cities and states tried to instill in them their culture and language. This was the case during the Roman Empire, which spread Latin to the entire coast of the conquered Mediterranean. The same thing happened during the era of British supremacy at sea. Spreading its influence further and further - from Malta and Egypt to the countries of America, Australia, New Zealand, Sudan, India - Great Britain imposed its rules on the conquered territories from the 17th century. Thus, dozens of states emerged around the world whose native language became English.

In many of them, it later turned into a state one; this happened mainly in those territories that the British conquered from local savages, for example, in the USA, New Zealand, and Australia. Where statehood had already been formed, or another country took an active role in the conquests, state languages there were several - this happened in India and Canada. Now Great Britain is no longer considered the main colonial country, but its historical and cultural heritage still lives in previously conquered states.

Globalization and economic power

The world is on the verge of globalization, distances are being shortened by rapid transport, borders are becoming more open, people have the opportunity to travel around the world, do business in different countries, engage in global trade. All countries are connected with each other in one way or another, so they need a common means of communication - a single language. In the context of developing globalization, English is recognized as the most convenient language as the ideal language.

Its spread is also helped by the fact that since the 19th century, the United States has taken up the policies of Great Britain in the economic and political aspects, and today they are carrying out a fairly tough conquest of the economic market and strengthening political influence in other countries. The language of the strongest country, as a rule, becomes the language of universal communication.

Ease of communication

English is the first language of more than 400 million people and a foreign language for more than 1 billion people on the planet. The number of English learners is constantly growing. In addition, this particular language is relatively simple, which makes it convenient for quick learning and, of course, this also contributes to its mass distribution. Today, only the British themselves do not allow themselves to actively study a foreign language at school or university, because everyone around them knows English. For inhabitants of other countries, such neglect is not typical - they begin to learn languages ​​from the very beginning. younger age, sometimes with kindergarten and first grades of school.

Annotation. Penetrating into the educational space of Russia, the English language as a global phenomenon begins to influence the organization of educational issues. In this regard, there is a need for a certain revision of the content of language education for students. Proficiency in English opens up opportunities for expanding exchange programs in the field of education and contributes to enriching the professional and global outlook of the pedagogical and scientific community.

Invading Russia's educational space, the English language as a global phenomenon starts influencing the organization of the educational issues. In this connection there is a particular need to review the contents of language education for students. English language proficiency opens the possibilities for expanding exchange programs in the sphere of education, as well as promotes enrichment of professional and global outlook of pedagogical and scientific public.

Keywords. Global phenomenon, English language, grant, educational space, professional and scientific activities.

Global phenomenon, English language, grant, educational space, professional and scientific activity.

In matters of globalization and the construction of global education, a number of important aspects are closely connected: informational, cultural, educational and linguistic. The information side is reflected in the growth in volume and rapid transfer of information thanks to the introduction of the latest information technologies. The cultural aspect comes into contact with issues of multicultural and interethnic interaction between young people from different countries. The educational moment is expressed in an attempt to build European and global educational spaces that will and already play an important role in the international arena. And finally, the linguistic or linguistic variable of the globalization phenomenon is manifested in the “emergence” of the language of international communication - English, which, as we all observe, is gradually displacing other important foreign languages ​​from school and university curricula, and not only in Russia.

You can agree or disagree, give reasons for or against, but the “invasion” of the English language in different countries of the world, the surge in human motivation to study and use it in professional and everyday life, its transformation into an important means of oral, written and computer communication between peoples different continents and, finally, its transformation into a global phenomenon of modern times, a kind of “supergiant language” that displaces other European languages ​​from the international arena - all this is caused by natural, objective factors and reasons.

What signs indicate that the English language is becoming a global phenomenon of the new century?

Firstly, the prevalence of this language in the world. English has official status in more than 50 countries around the world. It is considered the native or first language of 328 million people on earth. We conditionally exclude Chinese (over 1 billion people consider it their native language), which is mainly spoken in a single country - China. It should also be noted that in many countries of the world where English is not an official language, p. 90

cial language, large share The population speaks it quite fluently or, at least, can express itself in it in necessary situations of social contact. If we take Europe, then many citizens of the Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Norway, and Finland speak this language to a necessary and sufficient extent. Thus, in the Netherlands, almost every high school student, university student and almost every adult can speak English.

Other languages ​​that account for a large share of cross-cultural communication, but which are inferior in their global function to English, are Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, German and French. In this list, you should pay attention to the Russian language, which bears a powerful social burden in the territories of the former Soviet republics Soviet Union and a certain burden - in former socialist countries, especially for people who have passed the 40-year age limit.

Secondly, the motivational aspiration of an ever-increasing number of students to study it. This focus is due to the fact that English is becoming an important means of communication in professional and other areas. human activity. Seeing it as a means of communication with citizens of almost any other state, many young people in different countries of the world, including Russia, study it independently or with the help of other people. A certain number of young people do this for prestige, so as not to “lag behind progress” and to be a citizen of the so-called “Global Village”, or “a member of the globalizing elite”. A significant number of secondary schools, lyceums and gymnasiums in Russia are being completely rebuilt or have already been restructured to teach English, which, in turn, cannot but negatively affect the prestige of other languages ​​- French, Spanish and German, which an impressive number consider their native or first language inhabitants of the planet, not to mention the fact that Russia maintains good relations with France, Spain and Germany, as well as with many other countries in which one of these languages ​​has been elevated to the rank of official or state language.

The motivational orientation towards learning English is also caused by a kind of “attractiveness” of English-speaking countries and Anglo-American culture for a certain part of young people and adults who are little familiar with this culture. Enough high level life and “attractive” socio-economic infrastructure (even outwardly and at first glance), relatively free conditions for creative activity attract people to these countries (especially in the USA) from different parts of the globe, if not for permanent residence, then at least for a short trip to “see it all with my own eyes.” It is believed, for example, that the United States is a country where dreams and hopes can come true and where, supposedly, everything is permitted. Many still do not understand that in the same States, the concepts of freedom and permissiveness are closely related to the category of necessity, and such personal qualities as law-abiding and honesty are valued first of all, although they are often violated.

Thirdly, increasing the share of English in written and electronic communication. Along with orally, in non-English-speaking countries, an increasing number of young people and adults in the field of education strive to master written speech in English - p. 91

sk language. For example, many students, graduate students, university teachers and researchers taking part in international conferences, seminars and symposiums or wishing to publish their scientific works abroad, you have to be able not only to speak, but also to write in English. English is often the working language of these types of conferences and other forums, in preparation for which the necessary information is provided in advance in writing in English. In addition, a “self-respecting” scientist will try to publish his work abroad and will use the English language.

The ability to write and read in English is directly related to the ability to use Internet services and correspond with foreign colleagues via electronic communications. Today, not only students of secondary and higher educational institutions, but an ever-increasing number of schoolchildren have their own email addresses. Many of those who correspond with foreign peers on this network tend to use English as a means of cross-cultural interaction.

Fourthly, the penetration of English into the active vocabulary of many nations. Having acquired the appropriate pronunciation coloring in different languages, a certain number of English words have found their niche in almost all non-English-speaking countries. Thus, among schoolchildren and teenagers, especially in urban conglomerates, expressions such as wow (exclamation of joy or unexpected delight), hello (hello), thank you (thank you), good bye (goodbye), all right (good) are often used. , O.K. (everything is fine), no problem (no problem), boyfriend (friend), girlfriend (girlfriend), very well (very good), I love you (I love you), party (party), present (gift), drink (drink), sandwich (sandwich), hot dog (sandwich with sausage or sausage), music (music), email (e-mail), baby or babe (cutie, beauty, friend), money (money), etc. In youth circles you can sometimes hear English words and phrases with indecent content.

The benefits of the language of a global society are significant and undeniable. But there are also dangers. As D. Crystal notes, the existence of a language of international communication may contribute to the emergence of a certain elite monolingual group of people who will be arrogant and disdainful of other languages. People who speak such a language as their first language “will be able to think faster and work better - and therefore gain an advantage at the expense of those who do not speak it, thereby exacerbating the differences between rich and poor.”

It should also be noted that in connection with the development of the ideas of multilingualism and multiculturalism, on the one hand, and the formal onslaught of the ideas of globalization and the English language, on the other, in many countries of the world, especially in European ones, a lot of work is being done to preserve the role and share of all languages: those who are strictly in an official position, and those who have less workload. Much work in this direction is being carried out in Belgium, where the official languages ​​are Danish, French and German, in Switzerland, where German, French, Italian and the Romansh dialect of eastern Switzerland occupy official status. Under massive pressure from the English language, many problems arise with preserving and enhancing the functions of the French language in Canada. In Italy, attempts are being made to preserve German, French and Slovenian among the unofficial languages, on page 92

In Luxembourg - French and German, in Spain - Catalan and Basque, in Greece - French.

In connection with the “expansion” of the English language in Russia and the emerging global changes in education systems in European countries and throughout the world, there is a need for a certain revision of the language policy in the country. In this case, we are talking about the need to further improve the language education of the younger generation in the country, taking into account integration processes. Taking into account the entire multicultural society of the country, we can say that the linguistic situation in the country in general and autonomous entities in particular is not favorable enough. For example, graduates of Russian nationality experience certain difficulties in expressing thoughts in their native language, especially in written speech. Many teenagers of Bashkir, Tatar, Chuvash, Mari and other nationalities, born and studying in urban conditions, have little or no command of their native language and forget their native culture. As a result, in some societies, an essentially Russian-speaking system is developing, causing some representatives of the non-Russian-speaking population to feel discomfort towards native language and native culture. Graduates of rural schools, especially those remote from regional centers, village settlements, on the contrary, are distinguished by their poor command of Russian, the national language that serves the needs of the entire society. A low level of proficiency in the Russian language and incorrect Russian speech dull the linguistic sense of a bilingual student, interfere with the development of speech, and in conditions of free contact of languages ​​they also affect the national speech.

Study situation foreign languages At school and other educational institutions it happens in two ways. On the one hand, there is a desire among young people to learn and speak English. On the other hand, many school graduates do not speak a foreign language in accordance with program requirements. Insufficient number of hours to study it, lack of a language environment, proper methodology, communicative approach, poor competence of teachers - this is an incomplete list of reasons that fill the pages of pedagogical literature of recent decades.

When building language policy within the state, it is simply impossible and not wise not to take into account English as a means of global communication. Despite the fact that it has become an important international means of oral, written, electronic and satellite communication, we do not underestimate the role of other foreign languages ​​(for example, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Arabic, Turkish), each of which is used by enough a large number of inhabitants of the planet and each of whom plays and will play a significant role in introducing the younger generation of Russian citizens to humanitarian and global values. That is why today it is necessary to simultaneously resolve the issue of the number of foreign languages ​​to be studied in educational institutions of various ranks. It is absolutely clear that abandoning other foreign languages ​​only in favor of English is a completely futile task in a country where there is extensive experience in learning many European and other languages.

Language policy begins at school, so the basis of this policy is undoubtedly the correct approach to the language education of students. There is reason to believe that in the multicultural educational space of modern Russia, language- p. 93

Your policy may be determined by the following basic requirements.

1. Graduates of Russian nationality must study and master their native language in all types of speech, English within the school curriculum and a second foreign language (optional). Studying the language of any other non-Russian nationality (for example, learning by Russian children the titular language of the corresponding autonomous republic) can either be determined by the relevant laws of the republic, or be an optional matter for Russian students and carried out taking into account the wishes of the students themselves and their parents.

2. Graduates of non-Russian nationality (bilinguals) must study and speak their native, Russian, English and a second foreign language. It becomes quite obvious that if we strive to achieve interethnic unity in the country, a single socio-economic space, then in relation to bilingual students it is necessary to implement a unified language policy, according to which the native language should act as the language of national unity, and Russian should act as the official language , and as a means of intersocial (universal) unity - English (first of all) and second foreign. Knowledge of all four languages ​​by bilingual graduates (foreign languages ​​within the limits of recommended programs) becomes an important cultural and socio-economic necessity in the context of the transition to new forms of human interaction. No bilingual student should be disadvantaged in learning any of these languages.

As for a second foreign language, its study is practiced today in many countries. The nomenclature of the second can include not only Romano-Germanic languages, but also other languages, for example, Arabic, Turkish, Chinese, Japanese, depending on their sociocultural and economic need in the corresponding region or autonomous entity.

A fair and correct approach to language education of the younger generation is a condition normal development society as a whole, since such a policy is one of the indicators of the real equality of citizens, affects the degree of their participation in decisions on local, federal and global problems world civilization, determines the general level of development of society, its cultural level, the degree of development of science and technology. A correct language policy cannot but influence the development of each individual. The higher the language and speech competence of an individual, the more opportunities he has for self-realization in the modern world. The ability to maintain high etiquette in oral and written forms of communication is an integral part of the general culture of the individual.

The study of any language should be accompanied by familiarization and familiarization of students with the culture of native speakers of the language being studied. In this regard, English can help introduce children to world culture, because a lot of global information is presented in the mass world press and via the Internet in this language. A second foreign language will also take its important place in the cultural education of schoolchildren.

There is every reason to believe that in the new millennium, when significant changes are taking place in all spheres of the state’s life, learning a foreign language acquires a specific humanitarian and psychological significance. The education of a school graduate can hardly be considered complete if he has not studied at least one foreign language (and today we are talking about the need to study two). page 94

Schoolchildren deprived of this right suffer not only educational, but also psychological damage; they develop a kind of “humanitarian-linguistic inferiority complex.” Graduates deprived of learning a foreign language, entering secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, and then master's, postgraduate and, possibly, doctoral studies, experience great psychological and academic discomfort among their peers who have completed a full course of a foreign language at school.

Proficiency in English opens up great opportunities for expanding exchange programs in the field of education between schoolchildren, students, teachers, professors and scientists in Russia and other countries. For example, one of such programs is the Fulbright Program - the largest international exchange educational programs, funded by the US government and aimed at improving relations and understanding between the US and Russia. Over the entire period of its existence, a huge number of Russian scholarship holders visited the United States and, conversely, many American teachers and scientists completed internships in our country.

The Fulbright program provides grants on a competitive basis to graduates of Russian universities, graduate students, teachers and scientists to conduct scientific research, training, lecturing and internships in higher education institutions in the United States. Annually Moscow State University with the support of this program conducts classes summer schools in English. A prerequisite for participation in this program is proficiency in English at a level that would allow the participant to communicate with American colleagues, carry out research activities or give lectures in the United States. The program pays the fellow's travel expenses, a monthly stipend, and provides limited health insurance.

At the same time, the Fulbright Program provides grants to American scientists in the humanities, social sciences, and socio-political sciences to stay in Russia. It also provides grants to graduates of American universities for internships and research activities at Russian universities. Not forgetting its former participants, the program also provides them with small grants that allow them to organize various bilateral events.

The ability to read and speak English helps expand the professional and global horizons of the pedagogical and scientific community, because a fairly large proportion of scientific information, including materials on educational issues, is presented in literature and electronic media in English. A significant part of this information has not been translated and, it seems, will not be translated into Russian: such a possibility simply does not exist due to the rapid updating of knowledge and information. People who do not have the ability to read English, even with the help English-Russian dictionary, do not have access to such information. True, computers have a special program for translations from one language to another, but it often provides such translation services, after which the resulting translation must be thoroughly corrected or even “translated again.”

Proficiency in oral speech in this language allows students of various educational institutions, teachers and scientists to enter into live communication with colleagues not only from English-speaking countries p. 95

countries (USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand), but also from other countries where English is not the state or official language. For example, the average high school student and student living in Western Europe, one way or another can express themselves in this language both within everyday topics and situations of social contact, and teachers of higher educational institutions and scientists can discuss various professional and scientific issues. The author of the article had to give lectures in English to student audiences in Germany. Almost all students understood English and the content of the material presented. They boldly asked questions and engaged in conversation in English. In terms of English language proficiency, Dutch students are not inferior to their peers from Germany.

Today, an important task of the Russian education system is the need to ensure its competitiveness in the global educational space. This attitude is especially acute in relation to the system higher education. In this regard, one of the main tasks of the Russian high school is to invite leading teachers and scientists from other countries to give lectures and conduct joint research activities. At the same time, teachers and scientists from Russian universities should visit other countries more often and share experience with their foreign colleagues. It is possible to fully implement these tasks only if during such communication and cooperation a language (or languages) is used that is understandable to both interested parties. And here English can serve as one of the main languages.

In conclusion, we note once again that, speaking about the global function of the English language, we cannot in any way discount other foreign languages. At the right time and place, they can all play an important role and contribute to the organization of cooperation in the field of education between different nations. Therefore, it would be commendable if, for example, a teacher Russian university during an internship in France will be able to give a course of lectures on French or when a teacher from Germany communicates with his Russian colleagues and students in Russian.


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