Biology Story Abstracts

“None of those who poured mud on us came”: What is proposed to be done with Volodarka. “None of those who poured mud on us came”: What is proposed to be done with Volodarka “None of those who poured mud on us never came”

The answers to tasks 1–24 are a word, a phrase, a number or a sequence of words, numbers. Write your answer to the right of the task number without spaces, commas or other additional characters.

Read the text and do tasks 1-3.

(1) According to scientists, the verb takes the second place after the noun in terms of frequency of use in speech. (2) But in texts of different styles, the verb is assigned an unequal role: for example, in the official business style, about 6% of verbs, in the scientific style - about 10%, while in literary texts verbs are used much more often, because with their help writers and poets can vividly and figuratively describe the action. (Z) So, _____ imperative forms of the verb serve as a means of creating emotionally vivid incentive structures.


Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the MAIN information contained in the text?

1. The verb allows you to vividly depict the action, so it is used in literary texts more often than in scientific and official business ones.

2. The verb is used in speech more often than the noun or other parts of speech.

3. In the official business style, the verb is used less frequently than in texts of other styles.

4. In the texts of scientific, business and artistic styles of speech, the verb is given an unequal role: somewhere they are used more often, somewhere less often.

5. In artistic texts, the verb is used more often than in official business or scientific styles, because it allows you to vividly depict the action.


Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in place of the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

2. maybe

5. vice versa


Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which gives the meaning of the word STYLE. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the second (2) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

STYLE, -i, m.

1. The totality of features, the proximity of expressive artistic techniques and means that determine the unity of any. directions in creativity. National s. in painting. architectural styles.

2. Method, a set of methods of some kind. work, activity, behavior. S. at work. C. guide. C. swimming. S. is a person (aphorism).

3. A set of methods for using language means to express certain ideas, thoughts in various conditions of speech practice. S. scientific. Journalistic s. High s.

4. A set of methods for using language means, as well as means in general artistic expressiveness that determine the originality of the writer's work, a separate work. S. Dostoevsky. S. Griboedov's comedy "Woe from Wit". S. Krylov's fables.

5. The commonality of artistic techniques characteristic of any. literary genre, direction, school, era. S. satirical journalism. Odic, elegiac, epic p. S. Literature of Romanticism.


In one of the words below, a mistake was made in setting the stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel is highlighted INCORRECTLY. Write out this word.

1st quarter

2. sheets

3. get familiar

4. terrains

5. Appreciated


In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONGLY used. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

In the forthcoming championship of the Second Division the team from Yakutsk will fill up the East zone.

At the book festival, everyone will have the opportunity to meet with their favorite contemporary writers and ask them questions.

In the impenetrable darkness it was impossible to distinguish even the outlines of houses.

The young footballers put on their sports uniforms and ran out onto the field to the cheers of the fans.

The first SELECT match of the tournament will take place on Saturday.


In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

1. Lie down on your back

3. five paragraphs




Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) Using car manuals, it takes a lot of time to repair a car. 1) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition
B) None of those who played on the school basketball team became professional athletes. 2) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate
C) Forest glades were covered with bright strawberries blooming abundantly this year. 3) violation in the construction of a proposal with an inconsistent application
D) Many interesting articles are published in the magazine "Rovesnik". 4) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members
E) The sisters were both well versed in music and in painting. 5) incorrect construction of a sentence with a participial turnover
6) violation in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover
7) incorrect sentence construction with indirect speech

Write your answer in numbers without spaces or other characters.


Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

1. floor..

2. before..wat

3. oz.. barreled

4. p. .points

5. p. .green


Determine the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write these words out with the missing letter.

under .. take, pr .. image

pr..light, pr..growth


o..give, p..stab

pr .. filed, pr .. fight


Write down the word in which the letter E is written in place of the gap.







Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.



fill .. sew



Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

(NOT) MANAGED to realize himself in life, Bazarov shows his best qualities in the face of death.

The keys are still (NOT) FOUND.

The Petrovs' house is (NOT) BIG, but rather small, but very cozy.

Brother (NOT) dignified Misha even with a look.

Alexey read in the eyes of a classmate (NOT) FAKE sadness.


Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

1. (FROM) THE place where they said goodbye to Brook, they were now separated by at least five kilometers, (FOR) THAT there was no point in going back.

2. And the pale toadstool THAT (SAME) is needed, (FOR) THIS is why nature created it.

3. HERE (SAME) I had to ask people I didn't know, WHAT (WOULD) call my mother.

4. The hostess could not understand (WHY) WHY I was taking so long, (IN) FOR several minutes, looking at family photos on the wall.

5. There are people who (B) CONTINUATION of their whole lives bear SOME (THAT) imprint of being chosen.


Indicate all the numbers in the place of which HH is written.

The powerful (1) marble living room of the Kerilos villa is decorated with (2) and gilded (3) furniture, created (4) by the best masters of Italy on the model of ancient Greek.


Set up punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1. The goals of astrologers and alchemists were fantastic, but their observations and experiments contributed to the accumulation of knowledge both in astronomy and in chemistry.

2. In the XII century, painters painted pictures with paints or ink on silk or paper scrolls.

3. On the street the whole of December, either snow or rain ...

4. The caravel had three masts with straight and oblique sails and could move in the right direction even with a headwind.

5. Pushkin's things live a special life and museum curators read the letters hidden in them.


We crossed the river on an unsteady raft (1) made of three logs tied together (2) and went to the right (3) keeping (4) close to the shore.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of which commas should be in the sentences.

In the past, many were (1) of course (2) well-known Aksakov's house, where everything breathed creativity, family happiness and contentment. Friends of the family, numerous guests (3) probably (4) more than once had a chance to rest in this house in body and soul from worldly squabbles and worries.


Put punctuation marks: indicate the number (s) in the place of which (s) in the sentence should (s) be a comma (s).

For abundant flowering (1) geraniums (2) seeds (3) of which (4) can be sown in summer or before winter are valued.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of which commas should be in the sentence.

At night, timber was brought to the river (1) and (2) when the white fog wrapped the banks (3) all eight companies laid boards (4) on the wreckage of bridges.


Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by excluding the extra word. Write out this word.

At the beginning of April, field larks arrive and begin to feed on the thawed patches with last year's seeds of various herbaceous plants.

Read the text and complete tasks 21-26.

(1) He was everything in the life of Anna Viktorovna, her son.

(2) She waited for him for a long time. (3) More than a year from the moment of marriage, she was treated, went for procedures. (4) The attending physician did not guarantee anything, but still inspired optimism about the prospects. (5) She not only wanted a child, she wanted a son to name him after her untimely departed, dearly beloved father.

(6) When she was already living in anticipation of a child, for all outward signs she was predicted to have a daughter, but she stubbornly insisted that she would have a son. (7) And he was born! (8) Strong, healthy and beautiful! (9) From the very first touch of his wet, warm lips to her chest, she perceived her son as a miracle that appeared to become her support always and in everything. (10) The name given to him - Victor - became not only a symbol of the memory of her father, but also a sign of her victories for the happiness of her son.

(11) From the first years, she raised him as a "little prince": with refined manners, a respectful attitude towards elders and the fair sex. (12) For the sake of her son, she excelled as best she could to cope with the tyrannical and playboy manners of her husband and save the family, so as not to condemn the child to envy of those children who live in complete families. (13) Compromises, concessions helped outwardly create an atmosphere of peace in the house, which made it possible to classify their family as quite prosperous.

(14) She knew that she was attracting the attention of men, but no one could arouse her interest, since all her thoughts and best feelings belonged to her son. (15) The son studied at the same school where she worked all the years immediately after graduation, was always in front of her eyes, but no one could reproach her for “familyness”, since Victor grew up so bright, talented and diligent that no one could think it would not have come to suspect her of using her status as a teacher for the success of her son. (16) Her only self-interest was that she knew everything about the boy that allowed her to highlight, designate his victory with a special meaning and turn his shoulder to him with joys and failures.

The architectural hackathon “The Future of Pishchalovsky Castle” has ended, where the fate of an old building on the territory of Volodarka. The Village Belarus found out whose project won and talked to the organizers and mentor of the event, Georgy Zaborsky.

Why do we need a hackathon?

For two centuries the Pishchalovsky Castle has stood in the center of Minsk. This is a unique case for Belarus when a historical building has been preserved in its original form. It has always been used as a prison, but in 2008 the castle was mothballed due to the collapse of one of the towers. After that, the structures were strengthened with screeds, special beacons were put up and the people who were in the castle were transferred to another building.

In 2014, a technical report was developed, according to which the restoration will require about 83 billion rubles, or $4.1 million. However, work can begin only in 2020 after the complete transfer of the pre-trial detention center to a new building in Kolyadichi. Three years later, the Pishchalovsky Castle will be handed over to the city, and the question of its future appointment is still open.

Who participated in the event?

This weekend, November 24-26, Ok16 hosted a 48-hour Architecture Hackathon. The organizers were FSP partner-manager, producer of the KaliLaska charity project Polina Reut; Ilya Kolchanov, head of student projects at Design Thinking Laboratory, HeadMade and AlterEdu; Head of design artel Flibustiers, graphic and web designer Anton Sidorov.

Four teams took part - Paragraph, Trio, Capybara and BZ. The organizers promise that the best ideas and projects will be presented to the Ministry of Architecture and the Minsk City Executive Committee. In addition, the winning team will travel to Berlin and Dortmund next fall on a European program that, according to Polina Reut, aims to "reconstruct and give new meaning to objects that have already lost their function." What does it mean? “I can’t give details yet, as we are at the final stage of agreeing on all the nuances. We can announce it officially in about a month,” commented another organizer, Ilya Kolchanov.

The first place winners will travel to Berlin for a study tour of the facility refurbishment program. The second place is awarded with a certificate for Soft Skills classes from TiES. And the team with the third place will receive the book by Richard Florida "The Creative Class". And, of course, all teams have free admission for a month to all events in Ok16.

Who has won?

The winner was the BZ team, which presented a project to transform a former prison into a social and cultural center with a museum, an exhibition gallery, a bakery, a coffee shop, a restaurant, workshops and an institute for the study of problems of modern society. The historical building of the castle and the authentic fence will be preserved, but the Soviet extensions will be demolished, as they do not carry historical and cultural value.

“We were deployed at the Ministry of Culture”

Ilya Kolchanov, organizer

The event went great. Well-known architects, landscape designers and restorers came to us as mentors. Georgy Zaborsky helped and supported our event a lot, since the event was held at the Ok16 site.

Yes, the participants were mostly students, but there were also adults, for example, a business analyst from an IT company, an adult. The BZ team won because they were able to assemble a team of multidisciplinary specialists and substantiate their idea in great detail.

The opinions of the jury were divided, there were heated debates. At the same time, it should be taken into account that it is unrealistic to make a detailed project in 48 hours, but all the participants gave 100%, some did not sleep at all.

As for the authorities - we went to the deputy head of the Moscow region (the area where the castle is located), Mr. Tankevich. He liked our event, and he organized a meeting for us at the Ministry of Architecture, but we were turned back there. We will try again, now that there are ready-made projects, there will be something to show.

"Some were even willing to destroy the castle itself"

Anton Sidorov, organizer

Although the direction of architecture is unfamiliar to us, we have some experience and an idea, so everything turned out even better than planned. I consider the main achievement to be the fact that they gathered venerable Minsk architects and young teams ready to work on the site. Well, they raised a socially significant problem that resonated with people.

As for BZ, you can't create a detailed project with analysis and renderings in two days. We talked about it all the time and always had it in mind. However, the teams focused more on the outside, some were even ready to destroy the castle itself and create something new in its place. And the BZ team connected the philosophy and proposed exactly the idea, the concept. This turned out to be decisive, because, having an idea, you can create a project that carries a large load of meanings.

“None of those who poured mud on us never came”

Polina Reut, organizer

Mentor Georgy Zaborsky asked a lot of weighty, right questions. And this despite the fact that mostly students participated, and architecture is still a complex, multifaceted picture for a more adult audience. He very expressively approached the task: he stopped the participants, said what was wrong, what could be changed, and what would be better to remove. But this applies not only to Zaborsky, for example, on Saturday Ivan Kravtsov (architect, lecturer at BNTU, art director of bureau 35, deputy director of the Minsk Watch Factory), Evgeny Daineko (co-founder of the architectural bureau 33 | 16 Architects), Katerina Kovaleva ( co-founder of LEVEL80 I architects) and many others.

“A very beautiful, philosophical project with a distinct business component”

Georgy Zaborsky, Project Manager Ok16, Architectural Hackathon Mentor

A very young team of very young guys won, which called itself BZ. There was a very tough struggle of different opinions in the jury - there are rarely discrepancies of this degree at hackathons. But the winners had two very significant advantages, in my opinion, and therefore I voted for them.

Firstly, they were the only ones who managed to completely change, rethink the whole situation around the Pishchalovsky Castle, at the same time not touching the object of historical and cultural heritage at all. They figured out very well what, where and how it relates, and left the castle completely preserved, and the reconstruction itself was carried out in the adjacent buildings, where, for example, the Soviet investigative complex (which they happily destroyed completely). That is, the guys analyzed the history very well and showed how it is possible to keep everything historical intact, and at the same time completely change both the profitability and the concept of the place.

And the second advantage - they were the only ones for whom ethical and philosophical aspect the fact that there really was a prison served as a starting point. If all the other teams more or less ignored this fact and just figured out what to do with the building, then the guys from the winning team started with the fact that the prison should become a museum, and a very multifaceted one. Do not forget that the prison was built by the Russian Empire in the recently conquered Minsk, it was a symbol of power Russian emperor over new lands. And this can become, in principle, the history of relations between all countries - Poland, Russia and Belarus.

Based on this, they came up with a very philosophical and ethical concept of how a center of contemporary art will appear around the museum, which will consider modern politics, geopolitics, the fate of prisoners, history through the prism of modern art.

And the third will be a scientific institute, where culturologists, anthropologists, historians, psychologists, economists will deal with questions of how, firstly, it is possible to integrate former prisoners into modern society- something that in developed countries is actively engaged in, but we are still at the very start. And, secondly, using the example of the history of this huge building, look for new humanitarian knowledge that will help fewer people go to prison. That is, to make the world more humane.

This is a very beautiful, philosophical project, and at the same time it has a distinct business component. Because the museum invented by them will be actively visited by both Belarusians and foreigners.

How much does the project cost? I would assume that for any building of this kind the price would be 1,700 euros per square meter. The total area is about 5,500 square meters.

In any case, the city authorities will not demolish the Pishchalovsky Castle, since it has already been put in line for historical and cultural monuments of republican significance. It is important here that the monument itself is the old building and the entrance. And so the guys of the winning team figured it out and saved them in their project. And at the same time, all sorts of Soviet extensions are not a monument of any significance, and, accordingly, they will be destroyed.

Text: Tamara Kolos

Quest Source: Decision 5142. Unified State Examination 2017. Russian language. I.P. Tsybulko. 36 options.

Task 7. Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and sentences in which they are made: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) violation in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover

B) an error in the construction of a complex sentence

B) violation in the construction of a proposal with an inconsistent application

D) incorrect construction of a sentence with a participial turnover

E) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition


1) None of those who played on the school basketball team became a professional athlete.

2) The road led us to a village that amazed everyone with its abandoned appearance.

3) At the literature lesson, we reasoned that in his stories A.P. Chekhov showed the type of “little” person in a new way.

4) In autumn, ears of wheat are waiting for that hour, heavy from ripened grains, when harvesters appear in the field.

5) Studying the plants of the middle zone, landscaping of the plots is used.

6) Mushroom pickers went out to a clearing where a lonely Christmas tree grew, surrounded by a round dance of oiling.

7) About the play "The Cherry Orchard" A.P. Chekhov wrote that he did not come out with a drama, but a comedy.

8) According to the rules, introductory words are separated by commas in the letter.

9) I asked our guide who is catching sables here.


Consider each of these sentences and determine if they contain grammatical errors.

1) None of those who played on the school basketball team became a professional athlete. - Difficult sentence there are no grammatical errors.

2) The road led us to a village that amazed everyone with its abandoned appearance. – The sentence is complicated by participle turnover, there are no grammatical errors.

3) At the literature lesson, we reasoned that in his stories A.P. Chekhov showed the type of “little” person in a new way. - The link “about that” is missing, a complex sentence is incorrectly constructed. (Mistake B)

4) In autumn, ears of wheat are waiting for that hour, heavy from ripened grains, when harvesters appear in the field. – The participial turnover is “torn off” from the word being defined. An error in constructing a sentence with participial turnover. (Mistake A).

5) Studying the plants of the middle zone, landscaping of the plots is used. – The subject does not perform the action “studying plants”. This cannot be. The subject must perform the action expressed by the verb-predicate, and the action expressed by the adverbial phrase. (error D)

6) Mushroom pickers went out to a clearing where a lonely Christmas tree grew, surrounded by a round dance of oiling. - Compound sentence with participial phrase grammatical errors no.

7) About the play "The Cherry Orchard" A.P. Chekhov wrote that he did not come out with a drama, but a comedy. - There is an inconsistent application (name in quotation marks), with it there is a generic word (play), so the name in quotation marks is not declined and is in the nominative case. (Mistake in)

8) According to the rules, introductory words are separated by commas in the letter. - With prepositions ACCORDING, DESPITE, THANKS, the noun is used in the dative case. According to (what?) rules. (Error D).

9) I asked our guide who is catching sables here. - A complex sentence, no grammatical errors.

Examination. Be sure to analyze each sentence from the proposed options so as not to make a mistake. The numbers in the answer are not repeated.

In response, we write out the numbers corresponding to the letters, strictly observing their order, without spaces and commas.