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Milliliter attribute high self-confidence. Excessive confidence and great self-confidence as a human character trait

The question of why some achieve success, fulfilling all their desires, while others, no less talented and worthy, “remain behind,” is still relevant. The reason is most often simple: the first category is self-confident people; for the latter this is precisely what is lacking. The article will discuss what self-confidence is, how it can be increased, and why you should be careful with the “dosage” of a useful trait.

What is self-confidence?

Self-confidence is confidence in one's own abilities; the desire to move forward, develop, eliminate weaknesses, without self-flagellation. Quality, like other human qualities, is acquired and not innate. Its formation is influenced by various factors, including upbringing, material and spiritual benefits, status in society, environment and others.

Self-confidence can be compared to a medicine - in large “doses” it cancels out the benefits, bringing only harm. People suffering from its excess rarely achieve heights, because they lack the ability to be skeptical about themselves and the results of their activities.


This quality does not help to achieve anything - more often it interrupts good endeavors. A person with excessive self-confidence cannot be critical of himself and what he does. It seems to him that any of his creations are a priori beautiful, do not require corrections, and critics are simply jealous. In this case, it is almost impossible to admit to yourself the mistakes you have made.

It would seem that there is nothing wrong with excessive self-confidence - many would do well to become more persistent and be able to brush aside useless criticism. But there is still a problem. Criticism is not always useless; it is important to listen to it, to be able to notice the shortcomings of what has been done. It is important to adhere to the golden mean - respond to reasonable comments and ignore malicious comments.

How to become a self-confident person?

People who achieve heights in what they love are not only talented and purposeful. Being, having this quality, it helps to achieve your goals. An artist who paints brilliant paintings will remain unknown if, instead of organizing exhibitions, he is tormented by thoughts of his own mediocrity. No one will know about a talented writer if he folds his manuscripts at home, in a secluded corner.

Self-confidence is needed for an adequate response to criticism: readiness to correct mistakes and dismiss unconstructive statements from others. prevent you from moving on, prompting you to give up your favorite activity after a couple of negative comments. Confident individuals continue to study with double zeal, while considering the main goal to achieve goals, and not to prove to others their own.

There are some effective tips to help boost your self-confidence. They are more global than the recommendations to choose clothes according to your figure, take more photographs and remember compliments, but they work much more effectively.

1. Understand the essence of criticism

Criticism is considered destructive, intended to belittle. But in fact, it just represents an assessment of something (appearance, result of activity, etc.). Critical assessments can be both positive and negative. Listening to everyone's opinions is a useful skill along with developing critical thinking. Remaking everything for others is not an option, but considering yourself and your stories/drawings/photos to be flawless is also a bad idea. Criticism can be aimed at improving, correcting shortcomings; it is useful in moderation.

2. Celebrate your own victories

If in a month you managed to get rid of a bad habit, learn to go to bed earlier and wake up without an alarm clock, switch to it - this can already be considered a great achievement. Some things go unnoticed because the results are not lightning fast. But they are worth highlighting.

A complete image is made up of little things; is formed thanks to small, at first glance, changes. It is worth encouraging yourself even for minor achievements, but not stopping, but moving on. By setting the right direction and taking even small steps, you can reach heights that previously seemed unrealistic.

Every day we communicate with people who are different from each other. Some behave modestly, while others try to attract attention to themselves, one willingly carries on the conversation, the other sits quietly on the sidelines. Have you ever interacted with self-confident people? Surely the answer will be positive.

Many of us experience misconception about what self-confidence is. We often confuse it with self-confidence, arrogance or inflated self-esteem. Let's figure out who a self-confident person is.

Self-confidence and confidence: what's the difference?

Self-confidence– this is exaggerated confidence in oneself and one’s own strengths, the conviction that there are no mistakes or shortcomings in one’s character. It is necessary to distinguish self-confidence from self-confidence. Psychologists note the difference between these concepts.

  1. Excessive self-confidence is a sign of an insecure person who hides his complexes under arrogance, aggressiveness, selfishness and arrogance.
  2. Self-confidence is characteristic of people who objectively assess their skills and abilities necessary to achieve their goals. A person who is confident in himself boldly expresses his personal opinion, is not a hypocrite and does not curry favor with anyone. He responds adequately to comments and criticism. A confident person accepts people as they are.
  3. A self-confident person strives to dominate people. He is characterized by excessive pride and touchiness. He often gets into arguments and finds himself in conflict situations.
  4. Self-confident people are characterized by arrogance - an overestimation of their capabilities, behind which lies self-doubt. Psychologists call arrogance a separate mind that can do everything, knows and understands everything better than anyone else. A self-confident person realistically assesses his capabilities and uses them correctly.

For example, a person with excess self-confidence announces to his friends what he will write. interesting book, but in the end, it will never start. And a self-confident person will write and publish a book without unnecessary self-promotion.

An overly self-confident person

Numerous studies in psychology have shown that overconfidence can be the cause of many failures.

The negative aspects of this personality trait include:

  • thoughtless actions (a self-confident person first acts and then thinks);
  • inability to notice and correct your mistakes;
  • overestimation of one's abilities;
  • arrogant attitude towards people (a self-confident person considers himself better than those around him);
  • selfishness.

Sometimes excess self-confidence comes with a plus sign. This quality will be useful to those who occupy a high position. It makes a person believe in his own strength and not stop there. In addition, a self-confident person is always confident in the positive outcome of the situation and never gives up. Psychologists say that people with excess self-confidence live more fulfilling lives than people with low self-esteem.

How to increase self-confidence

To boost your self-confidence, follow these tips:

This behavior will help you become a self-confident person and gain recognition from others.

How to communicate with an arrogant and self-confident person?

People with excessive self-confidence are found everywhere: at work, public transport or the nearest store. One can sympathize with those who constantly encounter them. A person with high self-esteem is accustomed to considering himself two heads taller than those around him.

It is especially difficult to communicate with a self-confident man. His arrogance and assertiveness can disarm anyone, making them feel stupid.

How to behave with a person whose arrogance and great self-confidence are dominant qualities?

Overly self-confident people are lonely and unhappy at heart. Their desire to show themselves more successful and smarter than you is only a desire to establish themselves in front of themselves. Do not think that the other person considers himself better than you. Most likely, arrogant and self-confident behavior signals problems in life. Such people are very vulnerable, vulnerable and suspicious. Their ostentatious impudence is a kind of protective shell.

Is it worth fighting self-confidence? After all, as psychologists say, it has light and dark sides.

In this matter it is important golden mean. If your confidence doesn't overwhelm those around you, embrace it and try to make the most of it!

Why does society choose the self-confident? It turns out that confident people are considered more talented than they actually are. They are more likely to get promoted, become managers or public figures. This pattern also works in reverse side: The abilities of less confident people are usually underestimated.

A study was published in the journal PLOS ONE that explains this phenomenon. Scientists believe that it's all about the ability to deceive and be deceived. One of the authors of the work, Vivek Nityananda from Newcastle University in the UK, says:

« People do not always reward the most worthy; more often they reward the most confident»

« This feature can be explained by the so-called evolutionary theory self-deception. The point is that making others believe that you are better than you are is extremely profitable. But to do this you must first deceive yourself. This ability is the result of the evolution of the individual in society».

To confirm this theory, scientists conducted a study in which 72 British university students took part. They were invited to a freshman seminar course that included debate and discussion. After the first workshop, they were asked to anonymously guess the grades they and other participants would receive at the end of the course. The participants did not know each other and were based solely on their subjective opinions formed as a result of observing each other at the first workshop.

After six weeks of classes, the survey was conducted again, when the students had already gotten to know each other better. At the end of the semester, the scientists compared these and the first readings with the students’ actual grades. According to the results, 40% of the subjects showed excessive confidence in assessing themselves, 45% showed uncertainty, and the remaining 14% were realistic in assessing their abilities.

Comparison of predictions showed a strong correlation between how students rated themselves and their peers: Participants who overestimated their abilities were rated highly by the group, regardless of their actual performance at the end of the semester. And vice versa: unsure participants received lower scores.

Interestingly, the initial predictions were no different from later ones: overconfident people were rated highly not only in the middle of the semester, when inferences could be made based on their behavior, but also in the very first seminar, when the subjects saw each other for the first time. It means that…

...not only do people around them form an opinion about a person based on his attitude towards himself, but they need a minimum amount of time to do this: self-esteem is read immediately.

However, self-deception is not always useful. Sometimes it is expensive, and not only for the person himself. According to Nityananda and his co-author Shakti Lamba, ability bias has repeatedly led to " catastrophic consequences, including plane crashes, financial crises and wars" This happened and is happening because people easily mistake false confidence for real abilities and rely on it, and “carriers” of inflated self-esteem tend to misinterpret the situation and underestimate the risks.

« Self-confident people are more prone to risk, and on the confidence of these people we create entire institutions - banks, exchanges, armies, which also become vulnerable to risk. In turn, these institutions shape the world we live in.».

However, self-confident people have always been the standard of success, and many strive to increase their self-esteem in order to gain the favor of others. People with low levels of confidence do not go to the forefront, they are less visible to their superiors and do not strive to gain authority. But sometimes this only reflects a certain strategy of behavior: some of them pretend and deliberately underestimate their importance in order to avoid confrontation with rivals or seize the initiative at the right moment. This once again proves that a person is happy to be deceived, and that those around him will not miss the chance to take advantage of this to turn the situation in their favor.

The article was created based on materials:

  • The irritating reason why overconfident people get all the breaks. Psy Blog, August 27, 2014.
  • Susan Perry, Overconfident people tend to fool others about their abilities, sometimes with disastrous results. Minn Post, August 28, 2014.

There are two different concepts that for some reason many people confuse, believing that they are one and the same: confidence and self-confidence. However, this is not the case. Now let’s look at the whole point, from the point of view of psychologists. Excessive and great self-confidence is a rather bad and even dangerous character trait of a person. Such excessive self-confidence can lead to tragedy for both the person himself and his environment if they do not understand what exactly is happening, that is, what the person is guided by. Greater self-confidence may well be a compensation for low self-esteem, that is, a person does not realize what he is doing, it happens as an unconscious mechanism, and everything that is realized unconsciously is out of control, a person does not manage it.

Overconfidence and overconfidence as a character trait

In psychology, there are such concepts as confidence and self-confidence, if you judge them by their writing, you will see both similarities and differences even in the writing of these definitions. Let's first look at the concept of confidence. The term confidence is nothing more than a feeling, sensation, that is, a person’s reasonable confidence that he will succeed and everything will turn out right, but self-confidence is essentially a completely different phenomenon, it is when you believe not only in yourself and your success, but you also consider yourself better than others, that is, pride and compensation, as mentioned above.
Excessive and great self-confidence of a person is an extremely negative trait, but it is easy to recognize - this is a person with a proud gait; a person who looks at everyone with a condemning look and has boundless arrogance, as a rule, such a person has unhealthy and inflated self-esteem. Also, such a person is always sure that in any situation he is right, even if this is not the case, he will always think that he is right. And also such people have a very small social circle. According to psychologists, such people cannot get along with other people, they always despise shy people, and also ruin the lives of reserved people. They always look down on everyone with some kind of contempt. They can also humiliate other people. If they undertake to humiliate a person, they will do it to the end; they will humiliate him for the rest of his life. Well, about life it may not be like that, but if you give such an example, when such an incident occurred among classmates, as a rule, such self-confident people will be humiliated and bullied until they graduate from school. There are many such situations, many people know.
But psychologists believe that this can be corrected. But it all depends on whether the person himself wants it or not. You cannot force a person to change. But there are people who don’t want to do this, but they already do it themselves. They can change it, the main thing is just to want it.
The main thing is to just be confident, this is the only good character trait. Never step over, so to speak, “to the side of evil,” you don’t have to be self-confident. The main thing is to be confident in yourself, and everything will be fine, including when communicating with others. Always be kind, confident, responsive and understanding people and people will be drawn to you.

If a person has nothing but self-confidence, one can expect unpleasant life scenarios and conflict.

Most of the confident people I have met are useful and effective, provided they have certain competencies.

Such a person is not afraid to speak and act. Initiative is one of the best qualities that can be identified. There is nothing lively, inspiring or engaging about an inert group.

Such people create business, science, and they, in turn, create the infrastructure in which you and I live.

Self-confidence and self-confidence are different concepts. Self-confidence gives an illusory idea of ​​one’s own capabilities and abilities; it prevents one from looking at oneself from the outside in order to evaluate all one’s weaknesses and strengths. A person is not really aware of self-confident behavior, so in some cases he can harm himself without correctly calculating his strength.
Self-confidence is supported by a real assessment of one’s capabilities, actual knowledge of one’s abilities through testing.

Now consider the behavior of a self-confident and confident person.
A self-confident person loudly brags about his abilities, emphasizes in every possible way his power and self-confidence, while often having no evidence for his words. There are times when, after loudly proclaiming his own power, a person is asked to repeat this in practice and he suffers a complete failure.
A self-confident person does not need to prove anything to anyone, because he himself knows his abilities and his mistakes. His achievements are visible through his actions and behavior, which he does not need to declare in order to emphasize his importance.

In my opinion, self-confidence is useful in any area of ​​life, and you need to work hard on yourself to acquire it.

Now how can self-confidence come in handy? Perhaps only in order to amuse the feeling of self-importance and convince oneself of one’s strength. Or convince people even weaker in character and will to naively admire you.
Being a self-confident person does not mean being self-confident. Perhaps a person has a lot of complexes and weaknesses, and by praising himself through self-confidence, he simply does not want to see the picture of himself as real and actually take any significant actions to work on himself and fix it.

What is self-confidence anyway? Self-confidence is confidence in one’s capabilities, in oneself; over-confidence is exaggerated self-confidence and an inability to see one’s mistakes. It has both positive and negative sides. Positive aspects: self-confidence is useful for those who occupy a responsible position and, due to their line of work, communicate with a large number of people. She pushes forward and does not allow you to stop there. If a person still has rationality, then those around him may not suspect his self-confidence.

Self-confidence helps you believe in a positive outcome of any event, ignore difficulties, and protects you from stress. What is stress? This is a direct road to neuroses that slowly destroy our health. Self-confidence gives you the feeling that you are capable of anything and can handle anything. And this, you see, is better than fear, indecision and disappointment. A self-confident person shares it with others, charges them with energy, which is very necessary for the implementation of his plans. Self-confident people are constructive, they believe in their abilities and live fuller lives than people with low self-esteem. In addition, self-confidence is noticeable only when there is a lot of it.

But everything is good in moderation; excessive self-confidence pushes people to do things first, and only then to think carefully. They greatly exaggerate their abilities and easily take on new tasks that are beyond their capabilities. This attitude to business often entails negative consequences. Increased self-confidence in a person fosters arrogance in relation to others; this difference can be felt in the look, in speech and behavior. These are rather selfish people who willingly criticize others, demonstrating their superiority.

As a result, we can say that self-confidence can be both a positive side of a person and a negative one. Much depends on the person himself; if he is an egoist by nature, then self-confidence will be negative and will only worsen the situation as a whole. An egoist is fixated on his own person and his interests; self-confidence will propel him towards his desired goal and make him not pay attention to other people.
