Abstracts Statements Story

Methods and forms of teaching preschoolers traffic rules. Forms and methods of training students on road safety Basic forms of conducting classes on traffic rules


1.Preparing preschoolers for safe behavior on the roads as a pedagogical problem.

1.1. Organizational and pedagogical conditions that contribute to the effective organization of the pedagogical process.

1.2. Organizing classes to teach preschoolers how to behave safely on the street.

1.3. Methodology for constructing a system of work for preschoolers to learn traffic rules.

2. Forms and methods of teaching preschoolers traffic rules.

2.1. Game as a leading method of teaching children safe behavior on the roads.

2.2. Methods of preparing classes in a playful way.

2.3. Targeted walks as a form of prevention of children's road traffic injuries.

2.4. The relationship between preschool educational institutions and parents in the education system for preschool children.





We all live in a society where we must comply with certain norms and rules of conduct in a traffic environment. Often, the culprits of road accidents are children themselves, who play near roads, cross the street in the wrong places, and incorrectly enter and exit vehicles. However, children preschool age- This is a special category of pedestrians and passengers. They cannot be approached with the same standards as adults, because for them a literal interpretation of the Rules of the Road is unacceptable, and the normative presentation of the responsibilities of pedestrians and passengers in road vocabulary inaccessible to them requires abstract thinking from preschoolers and complicates the process of learning and education.

That is why, from a very early age, it is necessary to teach children safe behavior on the streets, roads, in transport and traffic rules. Both parents and preschool institutions should take part in this, and in the future, of course, schools and other educational institutions.

Today kindergarten strives to provide its students with a high-quality, universal education, to ensure a high level of general culture, including culture on the road. Compliance with the rules of safe living should become a conscious necessity. To do this, it is necessary to change the established traditions of perceiving the problem: move away from episodic activities to a system of work carried out with children and their parents; go beyond traditional forms and methods of work - both organizational, methodological, and educational.

It is known that habits established in childhood remain for life. That is why it is necessary to teach children the rules of the road from a very early age. Parents, preschool institutions, and subsequently schools and other educational institutions, as well as all people surrounding the child should take part in this. One of the important problems in ensuring road safety is the prevention of child road traffic injuries in preschool institutions.

The main task of educators is to clearly explain the rules to the child, and when choosing a form of education, to convey to children the meaning of the danger of non-compliance with the rules, without distorting their content. Children need to be taught not only traffic rules, but also safe behavior on the streets, roads, and in transport.

We chose this topic because we consider it relevant and vital for children raised in the modern world. It is important to teach children the rules of behavior on the streets and roads as early as possible. It is necessary to introduce the ABCs of traffic before school, then the child begins to understand the world, is able to remember what adults say and show.

It is at this age that children should receive their first information about the rules of the road.

Goal: to reveal the specifics of teaching preschool children

Safe behavior on the road.

1) study psychological and pedagogical, methodological literature dedicated to the problem being studied;

2) analyze the forms and methods of guidance when teaching children traffic rules;

3) identify the significance of the construction unified system teaching children safe behavior on the road.

1. Preparing preschool children for safe behavior on the roads as a pedagogical problem.

1.1. Organizational and pedagogical conditions that contribute to the effective organization of the pedagogical process.

Organizational and pedagogical conditions that contribute to the effective organization of the pedagogical process include:

1) creation and organization of a system of continuous training of preschool children for safe behavior on the roads;

2) special training for educators on the basics of road safety and technology for teaching children safe behavior on the road and in transport;

3) availability of the necessary educational and methodological base and material and technical support for the educational process;

4) organization of the educational process in the general work plan of the preschool educational institution;

5) constant interaction with the socio-pedagogical environment when organizing and conducting events aimed at preparing preschool children for safe behavior on the roads (families of pupils, traffic police, kindergartens in the region, city, sports sections, circles and clubs at the place of residence, etc.);

6) creation of a road safety office and related equipment in the preschool educational institution.

Organizing the process of continuous training of preschoolers for safe behavior on the road can only be effective if the following principles are observed:

Continuity, systematicity and consistency of training;

Visibility and accessibility; unity of theory and practice of teaching and education;

Taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children;

The leading role of the educator in the independence and activity of students;

Children's cooperation in the learning process.

In this case, the teacher must know:

1) physiological and mental qualities that are of paramount importance for safe movement on the road;

2) factors influencing the psychophysical state of a child on the road;

3) the most common mistakes of child pedestrians associated with ignorance of their own capabilities;

4) the concept of “risk” and the associated behavior of children on the road;

5) psychophysiological differences in the behavior of children and adults on the road;

6) psychophysiological differences in the behavior of boys and girls on the road;

7) features of the behavior of preschool children in yards, on roads and outside the city;

8) the most common mistakes of pedestrians associated with ignorance of the psychology of drivers;

9) methods of work to prevent child road traffic injuries;

10) factors influencing the effectiveness of traffic rules classes;

11) methodological techniques used in traffic rules classes and their specifics;

12) educational, visual and methodological aids, 13) situational and other practice-oriented teaching methods;

14) the main reasons for violating traffic rules by children;

15) typical mistakes children on the road

16) the main places and times of road accidents involving children;

17) features of the road situation depending on the time of year and day.

1.2. Organizing classes to teach preschoolers how to behave safely on the street.

Children are the most vulnerable category of road users. It is the responsibility of parents and educators to protect them as much as possible from possible harm. Therefore, training in safe behavior on the street should be carried out already in younger age. At the same time, the teacher must clearly know all the features of developing road literacy in preschoolers. The high level of children's road traffic injuries is largely due to shortcomings in the organization of education and training of preschool children to behave safely on the street. An innovative approach to organizing didactic classes with preschoolers on road topics consists of simultaneously solving the following tasks:

1. development in children of the cognitive processes they need for correct and safe orientation on the street;

2. teaching preschoolers road vocabulary and including them in independent creative work, which allows, in the process of performing tasks, to study and understand the danger and safety of specific actions on the streets and roads;

3. formation in children of skills and stable positive habits of safe behavior on the street.

In most preschool institutions, the outdoor safety program is part of the overall child education program. However, it is recommended to study issues related to road safety as separate areas in general program education. For example, when introducing preschoolers to the outside world, you can study the road environment. Developing the skills of correct behavior in public places also includes studying the rules for safe actions of preschool children on the streets, roads and in transport. Speech development includes issues of studying words, expressions, including on the topic of road safety, etc. The general education program for preschoolers should include questions that reveal the content of the terms “danger” and “safety.”

The main goal of educational work to teach children the basics of road safety should be to develop in them the necessary skills and abilities, to develop positive, sustainable habits of safe behavior on the street.

Through direct perception of the road environment during targeted walks, where children observe the movement of vehicles and pedestrians, road signs, traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, etc.;

During special developmental and training sessions on road topics.

It is especially important to develop such skills and habits as a conscious attitude towards one’s own and others’ actions, that is, the child’s understanding of what is right or wrong. Also great importance the preschooler develops the habit of restraining his impulses and desires (for example, running when it is dangerous, etc.).

When raising preschoolers, the teacher uses methods such as suggestion, persuasion, example, exercise, and encouragement. At this age, children are especially susceptible to suggestion. They need to be taught that they cannot leave the kindergarten on their own. You can only be outside with an adult and be sure to hold his hand. Children should be raised constantly: during games, walks, special exercises that develop motor skills, when performing tasks in sketchbooks on drawing, tracing, shading, designing, making appliqués, etc. on road topics, in classes on speech development using road vocabulary, when analyzing dangerous and safe road situations.

The principle of visibility is especially important, which is traditionally used in working with preschoolers, when they must see, hear, touch everything themselves and thereby realize the desire for knowledge.

Thus, the program of education and conducting didactic classes is aimed not so much at teaching preschoolers directly the rules of the road (by the way, the teacher himself should know them well), but at forming and developing in them the skills and positive sustainable habits of safe behavior on the street.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the following pattern: the more useful skills and habits of safe behavior on the street a preschooler has developed, the easier it will be for him to gain knowledge on road topics in educational institution.

In general, the plan for conducting didactic classes with preschoolers should provide for the development of their cognitive abilities necessary for them to be able to navigate the road environment.

The main ones:

The ability to notice dangerous places and approaching vehicles in time;

Ability to distinguish the size of transport;

Ability to determine the distance to approaching transport;

Knowledge of traffic lights, symbols on road signs and their meaning;

Understanding of traffic patterns; the fact that he cannot stop instantly when he sees a pedestrian (child) on his way;

Understanding the potential dangers of transport; the fact that there may be accidents on the roads resulting in death and injury;

The ability to coherently express your thoughts.

All these issues should be reflected in the overall child-rearing program.

Each lesson should have its own goals and objectives. For example, the lesson “Foreseeing danger on the streets” has the following tasks:

Introduce basic concepts of road vocabulary into the active vocabulary (pedestrian, driver, passenger, traffic light, sidewalk, curb, roadway, road signs, pedestrian crossing, underground pedestrian crossing, overhead pedestrian crossing, zebra road markings, danger, safety , accident (traffic accident));

Introduce the main types of vehicles;

Identify dangerous places around the preschool institution, in the neighborhood, in the yard, on the streets on the way to the kindergarten;

Together with the children, create a safe route to the preschool;

Explain to children typical mistakes in behavior on the street that lead to accidents and collisions with pedestrians;

Talk about dangers on streets and roads associated with weather conditions and lighting;

Teach to be attentive, be able to see and hear what is happening around, behave carefully in the courtyards, on the sidewalk, when moving in a group, when riding a bicycle, roller skates, skateboard, scooter, sled;

Teach quick orientation in a traffic situation: look around when leaving the house, while in the yard, on the street, do not go onto the roadway due to obstacles and structures; do not stand close to the corners of the intersection, on the curb; do not play near the roadway.

Also, the teacher independently determines what classes on road topics can be conducted in the junior, middle, senior, preparatory groups and the group of short-term stays of children in a preschool institution. Considering that preschoolers have different levels individual development, classes should be conducted taking into account their interests.

We must not forget that in each kindergarten group there are preschoolers who are at risk. These may be children who are overly active or, conversely, too inhibited. The teacher conducts classes with them, taking into account their individual characteristics and without fail organizes work with their parents.

Modeling of dangerous and safe road situations;

Independent work in sketchbooks or specially designed notebooks, forming and developing children’s cognitive processes;

Interactive survey;

Collective activities of children to study, comprehend and understand traffic rules, danger and safety in the road environment.

The use of an interactive teaching method aimed at actively involving children in dialogue is especially effective. Using this method, the teacher can help children visually imagine the movement of vehicles and pedestrians, understand dangerous and safe actions in specific situations, develop their ability to observe, compare, analyze, summarize visual information and ultimately transfer it to real road conditions.

When moving from one age group to another, a child must have certain knowledge of the basics of safe behavior on the street. It is necessary to begin training already from early preschool age, gradually increasing the knowledge of preschoolers so that by the time they reach school they can already navigate the street and clearly know the rules of the road.

IN younger group Classes are best done on walks (for better clarity).

On them, the teacher shows the children the sidewalk, the roadway, and explains their meaning. Children learn who is called a driver, pedestrian, passenger. When studying a traffic light, they are explained the meaning of the red and yellow signals as prohibiting movement and the meaning of the green signal as allowing movement.

Preschoolers also observe the movement of vehicles, pedestrians, learn to distinguish vehicles by name and size (large/small): passenger car, tram, bus, trolleybus, etc. It is important for the teacher to explain to children how much more dangerous real cars are compared to the toy cars they know.

In group classes, it is useful to resort to visual modeling of traffic situations. The best way- encourage preschoolers to play with cars, during which they will say each action out loud (the car turned around, reversed, increased speed, etc.).

To develop children's correct orientation in space, they need to be taught to determine the location of objects (right, left, in front, behind, above, below), their sizes, and also learn to compare objects according to these parameters.

As a result of such activities, preschoolers gain knowledge about what a traffic light, transport, and road are. They get used to holding an adult's hand while outside.

Didactic classes on road topics can be carried out in the form of drawing in albums or in special notebooks with tasks on shading, tracing, completing drawings of objects that develop fine motor skills hands

On walks with children of middle preschool age, you need to start learning how to navigate the area, namely on the territory of the kindergarten. Also, the teacher must definitely explain that you cannot go beyond its limits on your own.

On walks outside the territory of the preschool educational institution, it is necessary to expand the knowledge of preschoolers about vehicles, their types and design features. The teacher shows the children those parts of the street where pedestrians are safe: the sidewalk, pedestrian crossings along which, holding an adult by the hand, you can cross the roadway.

It is useful to carry out exercises on the street to develop the eye and lateral vision. Thus, the children develop the ability to sense and distinguish hidden threats in the road environment.

In group classes, the teacher can give the task to write a story about a traffic situation. For example, the guys can tell how they were traveling in a car (bus, tram, etc.). Or how they walked to kindergarten. At the same time, the teacher unobtrusively reinforces in preschoolers an understanding of which places on the street are dangerous, and also finds out how well the children speak road vocabulary.

In explanations it is useful to use illustrative material: books and posters that depict dangerous situations, for example, in the yard, as well as various instructions on behavior near the roadway.

Thus, by the age of five, children’s understanding of the rules of safe behavior on the street expands and the skills of observing what is happening in the road environment are formed.

In the older group, children continue to become familiar with the peculiarities of road traffic and pedestrians. The children’s ability to freely navigate the area around the kindergarten in the presence of teachers is strengthened. Children should be able to explain what public transport their parents use on the way to kindergarten. You also need to continue to introduce children to the basic concepts of road vocabulary.

When walking outside the territory of a preschool institution, it is recommended to draw the attention of preschoolers to the correct and incorrect actions of other pedestrians. At the same time, the teacher needs to monitor whether the children themselves can tell what exactly some pedestrians are doing wrong, why their actions are dangerous and what needs to be done to be safe.

Both on walks and in group classes (with the help of illustrative material), you need to draw the attention of preschoolers to the features of the movement of large and small vehicles. The teacher explains what a “closed review” is. During the walk, the teacher clearly shows preschoolers the movement of vehicles: large trucks, buses, trolleybuses and cars, motorcycles, which are not visible behind large vehicles. He explains that if a pedestrian crosses the road in the wrong place, he does not see that a motorcycle or a passenger car may be driving behind a large vehicle at high speed. In turn, the driver of a car (motorcycle) also does not see a pedestrian if he crosses the road in a place where visibility is blocked. As a result, collisions occur.

An interesting and effective form of work will be the organization role playing games, in which children will bring to automaticity the skills of safe behavior on the street.

If a kindergarten has a model of a microdistrict with streets adjacent to the territory of the kindergarten, then the teacher, placing children around the model, can tell them about the city, streets, traffic lights: transport and pedestrian, pedestrian crossings, etc. Using figures of pedestrians and transport , clearly show what can happen if you break traffic rules. And also explain how to behave correctly on the streets and roads, show dangerous turns of vehicles at intersections, etc.

Thus, in the older group, the understanding of the rules of safe behavior on the street is expanded, and preschoolers’ awareness and understanding of dangerous and safe actions is tested.

You need to be especially attentive to children in the preparatory group, because they are future schoolchildren who will very soon have to cross the road on their own and perform the duties of a pedestrian and passenger. With them, classes continue to develop cognitive processes: attention, perception, imagination, thinking, memory, speech.

Preschoolers of this age group need to develop the ability to perceive spatial segments and spatial orientation. They must be able to independently assess the actions of the driver, pedestrian and passenger, and anticipate danger on the street.

Also, by this age, preschoolers should be able to observe, assess the road situation using vision, hearing (saw a traffic light signal, heard a warning sound given by the driver of a car, etc.), and explain with understanding dangerous places in the surrounding road environment.

Classes on traffic rules are also conducted in short-term groups. Taking into account the time limit, the teacher can selectively give children tasks in drawing books that develop their cognitive abilities and activate them independent work on learning the rules of safe behavior on the street.

Principles of education and training




Availability, etc.

Sample topics for classes with preschoolers

. "The road to preschool."

. "Dangerous places in the area adjacent to the preschool institution."

. "Foreseeing danger on the streets."

. "Types of vehicles."

. "Rules of conduct on the sidewalk, in the yard, on the playground."

. "Being on the street with adults and rules for crossing the road."

. "Dangerous and safe actions of pedestrians and passengers."

. "Types and signals of traffic lights."

. “Pedestrian crossing (underground, overground and ground - “zebra”).”

. "Road signs for pedestrians."

. "Development of an eye sensor to determine the distance to approaching vehicles, determine the direction of their movement, dangerous turns of cars."

When teaching children, the following research data should be taken into account:

Preschoolers of the younger group are able to remember only two or three bright features of objects;

Children in the middle group can remember three or four characteristics of an object;

Children from senior group remember no more than five-six features of an object.

This means: color, shape, structure, proportions, size, purpose of the object.

When implementing a program for the education and training of preschoolers, the teacher is recommended to determine goals and guidelines for each age group (from 3 to 7 years), which he should strive for, forming and developing their skills for safe behavior on the street.

1.3. Methodology for constructing a system of work for preschoolers to learn traffic rules.

The purpose of organizing the work is to form and develop in children the skills and abilities of safe behavior in the surrounding road transport environment. This educational process is quite complex and lengthy, requiring special exercises and the use of a number of didactic methods and techniques. This training system should solve the following tasks:

Teaching children safe behavior on roads.

Formation in children of skills and abilities to monitor the road situation and anticipate dangerous situations, the ability to avoid them.

Fostering discipline and conscious compliance with traffic rules, a culture of behavior in the road transport process.

Enrich children's understanding of health. Children need to be taught not only traffic rules, but also safe behavior on the streets, roads, and in transport.

When building a system of work for preschoolers to learn traffic rules, three aspects of interaction with the city’s transport system should be kept in mind:

The child is a pedestrian;

The child is a passenger of public transport;

A child is a driver of children's vehicles (bicycle, snow scooter, sled, rollerblades, etc.).

In this regard, the work of teaching children safe behavior skills on the streets should in no case be a one-time event. It must be carried out planned, systematically, constantly. It should cover all types of activities so that the child passes the acquired knowledge through productive activities and then implements it in games and Everyday life outside the kindergarten.

This work should not be separated into a separate section, but should be included in all sections and areas of the education program in kindergarten:

Organized forms of learning in the classroom,

Joint activities of an adult and a child,

Independent activity of the child,

Developing behavioral skills

Getting to know your surroundings

Speech development,




A special place in the education system for children should be given to the study of common causes of road accidents involving children

1. Entering the roadway in an unspecified place in front of nearby traffic (few of our children have the habit of stopping before crossing the roadway, carefully inspecting it before crossing the roadway, carefully inspecting it with a head turn and monitoring the situation on the left and right while driving ).

2. Entering the roadway because of a bus, trolleybus or other obstacle (our children are not used to walking to a pedestrian crossing after getting out of a vehicle or inspecting the roadway before leaving from behind bushes or snowdrifts).

3. Playing on the roadway (our children are used to the fact that all free territory is a place for games).

4. Walking along the roadway (even if there is a sidewalk nearby, most children have the habit of walking along the roadway, most often with all sorts of violations).

Children's behavior on the road is affected by whole line factors from which it is necessary to emphasize the special importance of the age characteristics of children:

1. A child under 8 years old still does not recognize the source of sounds well (he cannot always determine the direction from which the noise is coming), and hears only those sounds that are interesting to him.

2. A child’s field of vision is much narrower than that of an adult; a child’s field of view is much smaller. At the age of 5, a child can navigate at a distance of up to 5 meters. At the age of 6, it becomes possible to evaluate events in a 10-meter zone. The remaining cars on the left and right remain unnoticed behind him. He sees only what is opposite.

3. The child’s reaction is significantly slower compared to adults. It takes much more time to react to danger. The child is not able to stop immediately while running, so he reacts to the car signal with a significant delay. Even to distinguish a moving car from a stationary one, a seven-year-old child needs up to 4 seconds, while an adult only needs a quarter of a second.

4. Reliable left-right orientation is acquired no earlier than at the age of seven.

To develop safe behavior skills on the road in preschoolers, it is not necessary to lead the child to the roadway. This can be done in a group, when conducting classes on traffic rules, with a minimum of road symbols and attributes.

So, in the first younger group, children are taught to distinguish between red and green colors. It can be explained to children that red and green colors correspond to traffic light signals for pedestrians. A red signal prohibits movement, and a green one allows it (it is advisable to show them first traffic lights with circles, and then with people). When playing the “Red - Green” game, the teacher explains that if he shows a red circle, you need to stand, and if it shows a green circle, turn your head left and right, and then walk. This establishes the habit of looking around before entering the roadway, even when the traffic light is green.

In the second younger group, children continue to get acquainted with various types of vehicles: trucks and cars, route vehicles (buses, trolleybuses, trams). The children look at illustrations of cars and watch transport while walking. They already know that vehicles have different “dimensions”. Here it is appropriate to practice the child’s ability to “see” a large vehicle (standing or slowly moving) as an object that may hide danger behind itself. Using various illustrations and visual aids, it is important to teach children to find such objects on the road themselves (vehicles, trees, bushes, snowdrifts). And then, during practical exercises, develop the habit of getting out from behind objects that interfere with your view, carefully looking around.

Talking about the purpose of route vehicles, the teacher introduces children to the rules of behavior in public transport, subsequently consolidating the acquired knowledge in practice. The ability to behave correctly in public transport should become a habit.

IN middle group, reinforcing the concepts of “sidewalk” and “roadway”, children get acquainted with the places where cars and people move, practice the skill of walking on the sidewalk, sticking to the right side).

It will be new for them to talk about the pedestrian crossing and its purpose. Children must learn to find it in illustrations in books and on models. Then you should explain to children the importance of correct behavior at the pedestrian crossing itself and when approaching it (stop at some distance from the edge of the roadway, carefully examine the roadway, turning your head to the left and then to the right, when moving to the middle of the road, control the situation on the left, and from the middle of the road - on the right).

Both in the middle group and further in the senior group, it is necessary to regularly practice the skills of crossing the roadway during practical classes. The easiest way to do this is in the game. In a group or on a playground, mark the roadway, sidewalks and pedestrian crossing. Each child should approach a pedestrian crossing, stop at some distance from it, carefully examine the roadway, turning his head to the left and then to the right, making sure that there is no traffic, go to the pedestrian crossing, when moving to the middle of the road, control the situation on the left, and the middle of the road is on the right. All children’s actions should be brought to automaticity; correct behavior at a pedestrian crossing should become a habit.

In high school, then in preparatory group children should receive a clear understanding that traffic rules are aimed at preserving the life and health of people, therefore everyone is obliged to comply with them.

It is necessary to develop a positive attitude towards the law in children. It's like a smallpox vaccination, only at the mental level.

So, in the first junior group, children get acquainted with vehicles: trucks and cars, public transport. Determine what parts the machines consist of. Learn to distinguish between red and green colors. Therefore, the play corner should have

Vehicles set

Illustrations depicting vehicles

Red and green circles, model of a pedestrian traffic light.

Attributes for the role-playing game “Transport” (multi-colored steering wheels, hats different types cars, badges, vests with the image of a particular type of transport, etc.)

Didactic games “Assemble a car” (of 4 parts), “Put the car in the garage”, “Traffic light”.

In the second junior group, children continue to work on recognizing vehicles, become familiar with the rules of behavior in public transport, consolidate the ability to distinguish between red, yellow, and green colors, and become familiar with the concepts of “sidewalk” and “roadway.” Therefore, to the items available in the road safety corner of the first junior group, you should add:

Pictures for the game on classifying modes of transport “What passengers are traveling on”, “Find the same picture”.

The simplest street layout (preferably large), where the sidewalk and roadway are marked

Layout of a transport traffic light (planar).

For the middle group children, it will be new to talk about the pedestrian crossing and its purpose, right-hand traffic on the sidewalk and roadway. In addition, children 4-5 years old should clearly understand that when the traffic light turns green for pedestrians and allows them to move, for drivers at that time the red traffic light turns on - prohibiting. When the green light for drivers turns on and allows cars to move, the red light flashes for pedestrians. The road safety corner must include:

Battery operated traffic light with switching signals

Didactic games “Find your color”, “Assemble a traffic light”

A pedestrian crossing must be marked on the street layout.

In the older group, children learn a lot of new things about road traffic. It is at this age that one gets acquainted with such large and complex topics as “Crossroads” and “Road signs”. Therefore, in the road safety corner the following should appear:

A mock-up of an intersection, with the help of which children will be able to solve complex logical problems on road safety and practice the skills of safely crossing the roadway at an intersection. It is desirable that this model has removable objects, then the children themselves will be able to model the street.

Also, a set of road signs is required, which necessarily includes such road signs as: informational signs - “Pedestrian crossing”, “Underground pedestrian crossing”, “Bus and (or) trolleybus stop”; warning signs - "Children"; prohibitory signs - “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited”, “Bicycle traffic is prohibited”; mandatory signs - “Pedestrian path”, “Bicycle path”; priority signs - “ the main road", "Give Way"; service signs - “Hospital”, “Telephone”, “Food station”. It's good to have small signs on stands for working with the layout, and larger signs on stands for creative, role-playing games.

Didactic games: “What do the signs say?”, “Guess the sign”, “Where is the sign hidden?”, “Crossroads”, “Our street”

In addition, for children in the older group, they are introduced to the work of a traffic controller. This means that in the traffic police corner there should be diagrams of the traffic controller’s gestures, a didactic game “What does the baton say?”, and the attributes of a traffic police inspector: baton, cap.

In the preparatory group, children encounter problematic situations on the roads (so-called road “traps”), and children’s knowledge about the Rules of the Road is already being systematized. The contents of the corner are more complicated:

A file of “dangerous situations” is being collected (you can make an improvised TV or computer to display them)

A window is being organized for issuing driver's licenses to those who have passed the traffic rules exam.

In all groups it is good to have a flannelgraph - for simulating situations on the road, as well as a set of transparencies on various topics.

The corner can be designed like this:

1. A single stand (dimensions depend on the availability of free space and the amount of information placed, but not less than 30*65 cm).

2. A set of components, each of which is designed to contain separate information

3. Folding book

To attract the attention of parents when decorating a corner, it is recommended to use bright, attention-grabbing slogans, for example:

. “The price of haste is the life of your child”

. “Attention - we are your children!”

. “The child has the right to live!”

. “It’s stupid to save your time at the expense of the child’s life”

Considering the important role of parents in teaching children traffic rules, the corner for parents should contain:

1. Information about the state of road traffic injuries in the city

2. Causes of road accidents involving children

4. List and description of games aimed at consolidating children’s existing knowledge of traffic rules

5. Children's stories about behavior on the road when driving to kindergarten and back with their parents

Thus, teaching children the rules and safety of road traffic is a systematic and purposeful process during which students acquire the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for safe movement.

2. Forms and methods of teaching preschoolers traffic rules.

2.1. Game as a leading method of teaching children safe behavior on the roads.

Play is one of the most important activities of a child, his self-expression, and a way of his improvement. During the game, attention, memory, imagination are developed, skills and habits are developed, and social experience is acquired. The game is not only entertainment. It makes leisure time meaningful, teaches creativity, the ability to navigate difficult situations, and speed of reactions. Play is “children’s way to understand the world in which they live and which they are called upon to change” (M. Gorky)

From a psychological point of view, a game as an activity reflects a practical approach to mastering theoretical knowledge, as well as skills and abilities. In the study of traffic rules, it is especially important for students to acquire specific skills and behaviors in real traffic conditions during game activities.

The game is a recreation social relations between people, their behavior and decision-making in the conditions of modeling real situations and social life. The variety of forms and types of activities mastered by a child determines the variety of his games. The game is educational and developmental in nature, therefore it is widely used in the educational process.

The most intelligible form of explaining traffic rules to children is a game. Training, testing and consolidation of knowledge on the rules of road behavior are effectively carried out in a playful way.

When teaching a child the Rules of the Road, an adult must clearly understand what needs to be taught and how to do it more effectively. He himself must have a good understanding of road situations: you cannot teach him well by learning together with the child. Unfortunately, the games produced on this topic by various manufacturers do not clearly describe and depict the various rules of safe behavior on the road. Therefore, before you start teaching your child using educational games, you need to familiarize yourself with the content of the game and the methodological recommendations for its use. How adults can teach a child to behave safely on the road and make the right decisions in this specific situation sometimes not only his health, but also his life depends. Any game manual must contain methodological recommendations for its use, a description of the game itself, as well as comments on road situations used in this game. The teacher conducting classes using this game aid must be absolutely clear about the situations in which children may find themselves during the game.

2.2. Methods of preparing classes in a playful way.

To properly conduct a lesson in a playful way, it is necessary to set a goal and explain the rules of the game. In addition, to effectively achieve the goal of the game, in addition to its clear organization, the following conditions must be met:

Emotional and psychological mood, stimulating positive attitude and the initiative of the players;

A positive attitude towards the game, eliminating stiffness and tightness;

Formation of confidence among players in their abilities and in the success of the game.

The content of the game must be thoughtful and meet its goals and objectives. This largely determines the effectiveness of the strategic task of teaching safe behavior on the roads. The game scenario should be based on current and real traffic situations. The rules of the game should include elements of competition and stimulate cognitive motives. Failure to comply with these conditions makes the game meaningless.

But the choice of game should be very careful. The game should under no circumstances be an end in itself! The teacher should always be clear about what specific goal he wants to achieve with this or that game. This goal should be formulated very clearly based on a specific topic traffic rules programs and strictly comply with the specific content of the relevant paragraphs of the Traffic Rules and specific road situations.

2.3. Targeted walks as a form of prevention of children's road traffic injuries.

Teachers must remember that in the process of teaching children the Rules of the Road, one cannot limit oneself to verbal explanations only. A significant place should be devoted to practical forms of education: observation, excursions, targeted walks, during which children can learn in practice the rules for pedestrians, observe road traffic, and consolidate previously acquired knowledge on correct behavior on the road. A very interesting form of preventing children's road traffic injuries are targeted walks with kindergarten students.

Targeted walks are aimed at preschoolers consolidating the knowledge acquired during traffic rules classes in groups. In each of age groups targeted walks to teach a child the correct behavior in traffic situations have their own tasks, themes and frequency.

Thus, when organizing targeted walks to prevent children’s road traffic injuries in the younger group, the teacher needs to draw the children’s attention to the operation of the traffic light, to different types of transport: cars, trucks, buses, trams. In the process of observation, learn to distinguish and name the cabin, wheels, windows, doors. Learn to answer questions, as well as observe older children playing outside.

Approximate topics of targeted walks

Junior group:

Getting to know the road;

Monitoring the operation of traffic lights;

Preparatory group:

In the older group, targeted walks to prevent child road traffic injuries are organized several times a month. They reinforce children’s ideas about the roadway; children become familiar with the intersection, some road signs, and gain more complete knowledge of the rules for pedestrians and passengers.

On targeted walks for the prevention of children's road traffic injuries in the preparatory group, preschoolers observe the movement of traffic, the work of the driver, and traffic lights. Children's knowledge of the work of traffic police inspectors, who control and regulate traffic on the street, is expanding. Familiarity with the purpose of road signs and their design continues. The correct use of spatial terminology is reinforced (left - right, top - bottom, front - back, next to, towards, on the opposite side, in the middle, opposite, along, etc.). Children must learn to navigate the road situation, its changes, and react correctly to them.

Methods and forms of teaching preschoolers traffic rules

The main goal of educational work to teach children the basics of road safety should be to develop in them the necessary skills and abilities, to develop positive, sustainable habits of safe behavior on the street.

N.N. Avdeeva points out that the educational process is recommended to be carried out:

Through direct perception of the road environment during targeted walks, where children observe the movement of vehicles and pedestrians, road signs, traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, etc.;

In the process of special developmental and training sessions on road topics.

It is especially important to develop such skills and habits as a conscious attitude towards one’s own and others’ actions, that is, the child’s understanding of what is right or wrong. Also of great importance is the formation in a preschooler of the habit of restraining his impulses and desires (for example, running when it is dangerous, etc.).

O.A. Skorolupova argues that when raising preschoolers, the teacher must use methods such as suggestion, persuasion, example, exercise, and encouragement. At this age, children are especially susceptible to suggestion. They need to be taught that they cannot leave the kindergarten on their own. You can only be outside with an adult and be sure to hold his hand. Children should be raised constantly: during games, walks, special exercises that develop motor skills, when performing tasks in sketchbooks on drawing, tracing, shading, designing, making appliqués, etc. on road topics, in classes on speech development using road vocabulary, when analyzing dangerous and safe road situations.

The principle of visibility is especially important, which is traditionally used in working with preschoolers, when they must see, hear, touch everything themselves and thereby realize the desire for knowledge.

Thus, the program of education and conducting didactic classes is aimed not so much at teaching preschoolers directly the rules of the road (by the way, the teacher himself should know them well), but at forming and developing in them the skills and positive sustainable habits of safe behavior on the street.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the following pattern: the more useful skills and habits of safe behavior on the street a preschooler has developed, the easier it will be for him to gain knowledge on road topics in a general education institution.

ON THE. Avdeeva believes that in general, the plan for conducting didactic classes with preschoolers should include the development of their cognitive abilities necessary for them to be able to navigate the road environment.

The main ones:

The ability to notice dangerous places and approaching vehicles in time;

Ability to distinguish the size of transport;

Ability to determine the distance to approaching transport;

Knowledge of traffic lights, symbols on road signs and their meaning;

Understanding of traffic patterns; the fact that he cannot stop instantly when he sees a pedestrian (child) on his way;

Understanding the potential dangers of transport; the fact that there may be accidents on the roads resulting in death and injury;

The ability to coherently express your thoughts.

All these issues are reflected in the general program for raising children.

Each lesson should have its own goals and objectives. For example, the lesson “Foreseeing danger on the streets” has the following tasks:

Introduce basic concepts of road vocabulary into the active vocabulary (pedestrian, driver, passenger, traffic light, sidewalk, curb, roadway, road signs, pedestrian crossing, underground pedestrian crossing, overhead pedestrian crossing, zebra road markings, danger, safety , accident (traffic accident));

Introduce the main types of vehicles;

Identify dangerous places around the preschool institution, in the neighborhood, in the yard, on the streets on the way to the kindergarten;

Together with the children, create a safe route to the preschool;

Explain to children typical mistakes in behavior on the street that lead to accidents and collisions with pedestrians;

Talk about dangers on streets and roads associated with weather conditions and lighting;

Teach to be attentive, be able to see and hear what is happening around, behave carefully in the courtyards, on the sidewalk, when moving in a group, when riding a bicycle, roller skates, skateboard, scooter, sled;

Teach quick orientation in a traffic situation: look around when leaving the house, while in the yard, on the street, do not go onto the roadway due to obstacles and structures; do not stand close to the corners of the intersection, on the curb; do not play near the roadway.

Also, the teacher independently determines what classes on road topics can be conducted in the junior, middle, senior, preparatory groups and the group of short-term stays of children in a preschool institution. Considering that preschoolers have different levels of individual development, classes should be conducted taking into account their interests.

A.V. Gostyushin believes that we must not forget that in each kindergarten group there are preschoolers who are at risk. These may be children who are overly active or, conversely, too inhibited. The teacher conducts classes with them, taking into account their individual characteristics and without fail organizes work with their parents.

Modeling of dangerous and safe road situations;

Independent work in sketchbooks or specially designed notebooks, forming and developing children’s cognitive processes;

Interactive survey;

Collective activities of children to study, comprehend and understand traffic rules, danger and safety in the road environment.

The use of an interactive teaching method aimed at actively involving children in dialogue is especially effective. Using this method, the teacher can help children visually imagine the movement of vehicles and pedestrians, understand dangerous and safe actions in specific situations, develop their ability to observe, compare, analyze, summarize visual information and ultimately transfer it to real road conditions.

Junior preschool age, gradually increasing the knowledge of preschoolers so that by school they can already navigate the street and clearly know the rules of the road.

In the younger group, classes are best conducted on walks (for better clarity).

On them, the teacher shows the children the sidewalk, the roadway, and explains their meaning. Children learn who is called a driver, pedestrian, passenger. When studying a traffic light, they are explained the meaning of the red and yellow signals as prohibiting movement and the meaning of the green signal as allowing movement.

Preschoolers also observe the movement of vehicles, pedestrians, learn to distinguish vehicles by name and size (large/small): passenger car, tram, bus, trolleybus, etc. It is important for the teacher to explain to children how much more dangerous real cars are compared to the toy cars they know.

In group classes, it is useful to resort to visual modeling of traffic situations. The best way is to encourage preschoolers to play with cars, during which they will say each action out loud (the car turned around, reversed, increased speed, etc.).

To develop children's correct orientation in space, they need to be taught to determine the location of objects (right, left, in front, behind, above, below), their sizes, and also learn to compare objects according to these parameters.

As a result of such activities, preschoolers gain knowledge about what a traffic light, transport, and road are. They get used to holding an adult's hand while outdoors.

Didactic classes on road topics can be carried out in the form of drawing in albums or in special notebooks with tasks on shading, tracing, finishing drawings of objects that develop fine motor skills of the hands.

On walks with children of middle preschool age, you need to start learning how to navigate the area, namely on the territory of the kindergarten. Also, the teacher must definitely explain that you cannot go beyond its limits on your own.

On walks outside the territory of the preschool educational institution, it is necessary to expand the knowledge of preschoolers about vehicles, their types and design features. The teacher shows the children those parts of the street where pedestrians are safe: the sidewalk, pedestrian crossings along which, holding an adult by the hand, you can cross the roadway.

It is useful to carry out exercises on the street to develop the eye and lateral vision. Thus, the children develop the ability to sense and distinguish hidden threats in the road environment.

In group classes, the teacher can give the task to write a story about a traffic situation. For example, the guys can tell how they were traveling in a car (bus, tram, etc.). Or how they walked to kindergarten. At the same time, the teacher unobtrusively reinforces in preschoolers an understanding of which places on the street are dangerous, and also finds out how well the children speak road vocabulary.

In explanations, it is useful to use illustrative material: books and posters that depict dangerous situations, for example in the yard, as well as various instructions for behavior near the roadway.

Thus, by the age of five, children’s understanding of the rules of safe behavior on the street expands and the skills of observing what is happening in the road environment are formed.

In the older group, children continue to become familiar with the peculiarities of road traffic and pedestrians. The children’s ability to freely navigate the area around the kindergarten in the presence of teachers is strengthened. Children should be able to explain what public transport their parents use on the way to kindergarten. You also need to continue to introduce children to the basic concepts of road vocabulary.

When walking outside the territory of a preschool institution, it is recommended to draw the attention of preschoolers to the correct and incorrect actions of other pedestrians. At the same time, the teacher needs to monitor whether the children themselves can tell what exactly some pedestrians are doing wrong, why their actions are dangerous and what needs to be done to be safe.

Both on walks and in group classes (with the help of illustrative material), you need to draw the attention of preschoolers to the features of the movement of large and small vehicles. The teacher explains what a “closed review” is. During the walk, the teacher clearly shows preschoolers the movement of vehicles: large trucks, buses, trolleybuses and cars, motorcycles, which are not visible behind large vehicles. He explains that if a pedestrian crosses the road in the wrong place, he does not see that a motorcycle or a passenger car may be driving behind a large vehicle at high speed. In turn, the driver of a car (motorcycle) also does not see a pedestrian if he crosses the road in a place where visibility is blocked. As a result, collisions occur.

An interesting and effective form of work will be the organization of role-playing games, in which children will bring the skills of safe behavior on the street to automaticity.

If a kindergarten has a model of a microdistrict with streets adjacent to the territory of the kindergarten, then the teacher, placing children around the model, can tell them about the city, streets, traffic lights: transport and pedestrian, pedestrian crossings, etc. Using figures of pedestrians and transport , clearly show what can happen if you break traffic rules. And also explain how to behave correctly on the streets and roads, show dangerous turns of vehicles at intersections, etc.

Thus, in the older group, the understanding of the rules of safe behavior on the street is expanded, and preschoolers’ awareness and understanding of dangerous and safe actions is tested.

According to O.I. Prokopovich, you need to pay special attention to children in the preparatory group, because they are future schoolchildren who will very soon have to cross the road on their own, perform the duties of a pedestrian and a passenger. With them, classes continue to develop cognitive processes: attention, perception, imagination, thinking, memory, speech

Preschoolers of this age group need to develop the ability to perceive spatial segments and spatial orientation. They must be able to independently assess the actions of the driver, pedestrian and passenger, and anticipate danger on the street.

Also, by this age, preschoolers should be able to observe, assess the road situation using vision, hearing (saw a traffic light signal, heard a warning sound given by the driver of a car, etc.), and explain with understanding dangerous places in the surrounding road environment.

Classes on traffic rules are also conducted in short-term groups. Taking into account the time limit, the teacher can selectively give children tasks in drawing books that develop their cognitive abilities and activate their independent work in learning the rules of safe behavior on the street.

As noted by T.A. Pukhov, when teaching children, the following scientific research data should be taken into account:

Preschoolers of the younger group are able to remember only two or three bright features of objects;

Children in the middle group can remember three or four features of an object;

Children from the older group remember no more than five to six features of an object.

This means: color, shape, structure, proportions, size, purpose of the object.

When implementing a program for the education and training of preschoolers, the teacher is recommended to determine goals and guidelines for each age group (from 3 to 7 years), which he should strive for, forming and developing their skills for safe behavior on the street.

So, when raising preschoolers, the teacher must use methods such as suggestion, persuasion, example, exercise, and encouragement. At this age, children are especially susceptible to suggestion. They need to be taught that they cannot leave the kindergarten on their own. You can only be outside with an adult and be sure to hold his hand. Children should be raised constantly: during games, walks, special exercises that develop motor skills, when performing tasks in sketchbooks on drawing, tracing, shading, designing, making appliqués, etc. on road topics, in classes on speech development using road vocabulary, when analyzing dangerous and safe road situations.

Thus, the analysis of scientific literature on the research topic allowed us to draw the following conclusions.

The educational program and didactic classes are aimed not so much at teaching preschoolers directly the rules of the road, but at forming and developing their skills and positive sustainable habits of safe behavior on the street.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the following pattern: the more useful skills and habits of safe behavior on the street a preschooler has developed, the easier it will be for him to gain knowledge on road topics in a general education institution.

1. Game as a leading method of teaching children safe behavior on the roads.

Play is one of the most important activities of a child, his self-expression, and a way of his improvement. During the game, attention, memory, imagination are developed, and skills and habits, social experience is acquired. The game is not only entertainment. She makes leisure sodaneighing, teaches creativity, the ability to navigate difficult situations, quicklythat reactions. Play is “children’s way to understand the world in which they live and which they are called upon to change” (M. Gorky)
From a psychological point of view, a game as an activity reflects a practical approach to mastering theoretical knowledge, as well as skills and abilities. In the study of traffic rules, it is especially important for students to acquire specific skills and behaviors in real traffic conditions during game activities.
The game is a recreation of social relationships between people, their behavior and decision-making in a simulation of real situations and social life. The variety of forms and types of activities mastered by a child determines the variety of his games. The game is educational and developmental in nature, therefore it is widely used in the educational process.
Play is the main activity of a preschooler, during which he exercises his strength, expands his orientation, and acquires social experience.
Therefore, the most important task is: creating unified approaches to the development and organization of didactic games for preschool children; creating the conditions necessary for the wider introduction of didactic games into the educational process of teaching children the rules of safe behavior on the roads in preschool institutions.
Games can be classified according to several criteria:
1) volume educational material in a game situation;
2) educational goals;
3) types of children’s activities;
4) - forms of organizing the game;
5) - the subject of the simulated situation.

These game criteria allow us to divide them into types and types.
I. According to the volume of educational material used:
- thematic game – the content of one topic being studied is implemented;
- complex – the content of the game covers educational material from two or more topics.
II. For educational and cognitive purposes:
- diagnostic – its goal is to control the assimilation of knowledge, skills, abilities;
- educational – assimilation of new knowledge on the basis and updating of previously learned;
- developing – development personal qualities child (speed of reaction, orientation, attentiveness, etc.).
III. By type of cognitive and practical activity of children:
- creative - during the game, children independently look for ways to solve roads no situation;
- algorithmic - the task of children is either to perform or to select the most productive algorithm of actions in traffic conditions;
- combined - children act according to the chosen algorithm, up to a certain stage, and then complete the activity independently.
IV. According to the form of organization of the game:
- individual - each child decides independently (or with a teacher) a certain traffic situation;
- group – children are divided into two or more subgroups; in this composition the whole game or part of it is played;
- frontal - all children act as performers of the same role and strive for a single goal of the game.
V. On the subject of the simulated situation:
- interpersonal - a simulated situation of relationships between people in traffic conditions and the child plays in close contact with other people;
- role-playing - a child, playing with a model, a simulator, puts himself in conditions of performing various roles (driver, pedestrian, traffic light, etc.).
The most intelligible form of explaining traffic rules to children is a game. Training, testing and consolidation of knowledge on the rules of road behavior are effectively carried out in a playful way.
When teaching a child the Rules of the Road, an adult must clearly understand what needs to be taught and how to do it more effectively. He himself must have a good understanding of road situations: you cannot teach him well by learning together with the child. Unfortunately, the games produced on this topic by various manufacturers do not clearly describe and depict the various rules of safe behavior on the road. Therefore, before you start teaching your child using educational games, you need to familiarize yourself with the content of the game and the methodological recommendations for its use. Sometimes not only his health, but also his life depends on how adults are able to teach a child to behave safely on the road and make the right decision in a given situation. Any game manual must contain methodological recommendations for its use, a description of the game itself, as well as comments on road situations used in this game. The teacher conducting classes using this game aid must be absolutely clear about the situations in which children may find themselves during the game.

2. Methods of preparing classes in a playful way.

To properly conduct a lesson in a playful way, it is necessary to set a goal and explain the rules of the game. In addition, to effectively achieve the goal of the game, in addition to its clear organization, the following conditions must be met:
emotional and psychological attitude, stimulating the positive attitude and initiative of the players;
a positive attitude towards the game, excluding stiffness and tightness;
developing confidence among players in their abilities and in the success of the game.
The content of the game must be thoughtful and meet its goals and objectives. This largely determines the effectiveness of the strategic task of teaching safe behavior on the roads. The game scenario should be based on current and real traffic situations. The rules of the game should include elements of competition and stimulate cognitive motives. Failure to comply with these conditions makes the game meaningless.
Of particular importance in conducting the game according to the GSD is the relationship between the teacher and the students. The absence of emotional coloring on the part of the teacher in the process of preparing and conducting the game, the predominance of negative assessments leads to a decrease in children's incentives for gaming activities, fettering and suppression of initiative and loss of interest in the game.

Game preparation stages
1. Determination of specific goals (teaching, educating, developing and controlling) and tasks.
2. Definition of a specific simulated situation.
3. Game selection.
4. Planning the game, a list of possible right and wrong decisions, time allotted for the game.
5. Drawing up a game script, preparing the necessary materials for its implementation.
6. Distribution of roles.

Carrying out the game
1. Determining the participants’ readiness for the game (preliminary conversation and knowledge control).
2. Instructing players.
3. Direct statement of the problem and its implementation.
4. Current control of the progress of the game with timely coordination of the actions of the participants (possible consequences of correct and incorrect actions).

1. Determining the level of assimilation of new and assimilation of previously studied material.
2. Summing up the results of the game with the participation of children.
3. Methodical analysis of the game (level analysisI achieve the pedagogical goal set for this game).
Play is one of the most attractive, vibrant and emotional forms of children’s activity in learning the rules of behavior in various fields life. Play initiated by a child is a form of self-expression. The game, initiated by the teacher, is directed (as it should be)be) to master specially selected, pedagogically appropriate knowledge and skills. Such knowledge and skills, of course, include those that teach the student how to behave safely on the road.
But the choice of game should be very careful. The game should under no circumstances be an end in itself! The teacher should always be clear about what specific goal he wants to achieve with this or that game. This goal must be formulated very clearly based on the specific topic of the traffic rules program and strictly correspond to the specific content of the relevant paragraphs of the Traffic Rules and specific road situations.

3. Targeted walks as a form of prevention of child road traffic injuries.

Teachers must remember that in the process of teaching children the Rules of the Road, one cannot limit oneself to verbal explanations only. SignificantA special place should be given to practical forms of education: observation, excursions, targeted walks, during which children can learn in practice the rules for pedestrians, observe road traffic, and consolidate previously acquired knowledge on correct behavior on the road. A very interesting form of preventing children’s road traffic injuries are targeted walks with kindergarten students. th garden.
Targeted walks are aimed at preschoolers consolidating the knowledge acquired during traffic rules classes in groups. In each age group, targeted walks to teach a child the correct behavior in traffic situations have their own tasks, themes and frequency.
Thus, when organizing targeted walks to prevent children’s road traffic injuries in the younger group, the teacher needs to draw the children’s attention to the operation of the traffic light, to different types of transport: cars, trucks, buses, trams. In the process of observation, learn to distinguish and name the cabin, wheels, windows, doors. Learn to answer questions, as well as watch older children play outside.
Approximate topics of targeted walks
Junior group:
getting to know the road;
monitoring the operation of traffic lights;
transport surveillance;
Middle group:
getting to know the road;
comparison of cars and trucks;
traffic light monitoring;
rules for crossing the roadway at a controlled pedestrian crossing.
Senior group:
road elements;
rules of conduct on the road;
transport surveillance;
pedestrian walk;
traffic lights;

walk to the bus stop, rules of behavior at the bus stop.
Preparatory group:
streets and intersections;
Traffic Laws;
monitoring the movement of vehicles and the work of the driver;
monitoring the work of the traffic police inspector;
meaning of road signs;
rules of conduct at bus stops and in public transport;
pedestrian crossing (underground, overground and ground);
pedestrian crossing, regulated and unregulated;
The program of targeted walks to prevent child road traffic injuries in the middle group is becoming wider. Children are introduced to residential and public buildings, the road next to the kindergarten, transport that moves along this road, specific traffic rules, and the concepts: “roadway”, “one-way and two-way traffic”, “pedestrian”, “crossing”, "traffic light", etc.
In the older group, targeted walks to prevent child road traffic injuries are organized several times a month. They reinforce children’s ideas about the roadway; children become familiar with the intersection, some road signs, and gain more complete knowledge of the rules for pedestrians and passengers.
On targeted walks for the prevention of children's road traffic injuries in the preparatory group, preschoolers observe the movement of traffic, the work of the driver, and traffic lights. Children's knowledge of the work of traffic police inspectors, who control and regulate traffic on the street, is expanding. Familiarity with the purpose of road signs and their design continues. The correct use of spatial terminology is reinforced (left - right, above - below, front - behind, next to, towards, on the opposite side, in the middle, opposite, along, etc.). Children must learn to navigate the road situation, its changes, and react correctly to them.




Children can run out onto the road in front of a stopped car, ride a bicycle, or start a fun game on the roadway. They know that they shouldn’t do this, but the process of developing children’s skills for safe behavior on the road is long and long-term; children are much more interested in crossing the road in front of a moving vehicle. a car or near a traffic light, without thinking about the consequences and responsibility.

How can we make the streets and roads safe for our children?

Of course, tell them about the rules of the road, road signs and other subtleties, carrying out preventive measures in various forms to teach traffic rules to preschool children. Moreover, most of them should be illustrated, theatrical, musical, and playful. Working with children on traffic rules will be effective only if theory is closely related to practice.

The most effective method of conveying to children the basic rules of behavior on the road is a role-playing game in which they themselves are participants. Being carried away by the game, children learn the basic requirements of the rules and understand who pedestrians, drivers, and traffic controllers are. Children have a very well developed imagination, and only bright moments remain in their memory. necessary knowledge. Any child will quickly understand and master traffic rules presented not only in an ordinary conversation, but also in a fairy tale, quiz, or game.

Target the work of our kindergarten team:

To improve the forms and methods of work to promote a safe lifestyle in the field of road traffic in preschool educational institutions among children, teachers, and parents.


Increasing the level of professional competence of teachers by teaching them traffic rules and methods of conducting classes and other activities to instill in children the techniques of safe behavior on the road.

Children learn practical skills of behavior in various urban traffic situations through a system of educational activities, games, and trainings.

Intensification of propaganda activities among parents of preschool educational institutions on traffic rules and safe behavior on the road.

Organization of work with teachers

It is known that in order to achieve the goals of developing safe road behavior skills in preschoolers in the educational system, the main role is given to teachers and preschool educators.

When organizing in Preschool work for the prevention of road traffic injuries, the tasks of the senior educator include ensuring methodological support teachers. Teachers need to know the traffic rules for pedestrians and the requirements for moving with a group of children on the streets, roads and in transport.

For the effectiveness of teaching children, it is necessary that every teacher high level mastered the content and methodology of the fundamentals of road safety. Work to intensify activities to develop the competence of the teaching staff on the prevention of children's road traffic injuries can be organized in several directions.

Teachers periodically become familiar with the peculiarities of conducting preventive work at pedagogical councils, production meetings, methodological associations, which are a kind of advanced training school. They play a leading role in improving pedagogical excellence educators.

Consultations, as one of the most common forms, provide a comprehensive discussion of the issues that educators have.

Along with traditional forms, new forms of work with the teaching staff are being used, for example - trainings, business games. The effectiveness of these forms largely depends on preparation, which should be aimed at creating a creative environment.

Participation in competitions on road safety at the regional and district levels contribute to the generalization and dissemination of modern pedagogical technologies, experience in the most effective work in organizing the educational process in the field of road safety.

Introspection promotes the activation of teacher activities in teaching children the rules of safe behavior on the roads.

The main rule of all work is “Children must learn the rules not only theoretically, but also practically.” Close interaction between all teachers in their work is important.

Organization of work with parents

No training will be effective if the closest people (parents) do not comply with traffic rules. For children, parents are models of behavior on the roads and in transport. Only in cooperation between kindergarten and family can children develop the necessary skills for road behavior. For this purpose, preschool institutions use:

Visual information on stands, in mobile folders;

Workshops at which parents are introduced to the scope of knowledge and skills offered to children (traffic rules, traffic lights; pedestrian crossings, responsibilities of pedestrians);

Business games and trainings with listening to audio recordings of conversations with children;

- « open days» for parents to watch traffic literacy classes;

Oral journals and discussions, where the experience of family education is heard, various situations that may arise on the road are discussed;

Parent meetings, conversations with the participation of a teacher-psychologist, traffic police inspector and other interested parties;

Joint celebrations and entertainment;

Publishing a wall newspaper for parents, etc.

Parents must constantly remember the responsibility for their minor children, due to whose careless behavior, and sometimes quite deliberate violation of traffic rules, a traffic accident may occur.

In our kindergarten, we conducted a survey of families of pupils in order to obtain information about how parents introduce their children to the rules of the road. We received the following result: even in intact families, parents find it difficult to explain the rules of the road to their children; they do not have books or games this topic. Despite the fact that it is easier to explain the rules of the road on the street (most parents do this), it is more correct to do this at home in the form of a game due to the psychological and age characteristics of preschoolers. And secure them on the street, during walks and trips.
Adults, primarily parents, need information about traffic rules no less than their children. Psychologists argue that mastering traffic rules should be brought to automaticity, i.e. decision-making in a momentary traffic situation should occur on a subconscious level. This means that a constant visual reminder of the rules of behavior on the road is necessary.

Analysis of parents' opinions showed that, having become active participants in “social” life and the process of teaching their children the rules of safe behavior on the street, mothers and fathers feel like “good parents”, since they contribute to learning and education, and acquire new skills.

Parent questionnaire:

The need to continue work in this direction:

When working with parents, we pay the main attention to the content and active methods of presenting pedagogical knowledge on road literacy issues, choosing democratic forms of communication and taking into account the pedagogical activity of parents. All this requires the teacher to have a certain flexibility in using various forms of interaction with families.

The importance of family education lies in the fact that it is carried out constantly, starting from the birth of a child, and is built on the basis of close emotional contacts between parents and children. The primary task is to develop a unified approach, uniform pedagogical requirements for the child on this issue on the part of kindergarten teachers and parents.

The search for new forms of methodological work with the teaching staff that help improve professional competence led to the fact that in the practice of our preschool institution the method of project activity began to be widely used, which made it possible to change the style of working with children:

increase children's independence, activity, curiosity, develop creative thinking in children, the ability to find a way out of a difficult situation, become more confident in their abilities, help the child successfully adapt to the changed situation of schooling, involve parents and other family members in educational process preschool institution.

Presenting the results of their work to preschool colleagues becomes an important incentive for members of creative groups and helps improve their professional and personal status.

Directions for working with parents to prevent child road injuries:

- attracting the attention of the parent community to the existing problem, explaining to parents the need to comply with the Traffic Rules and involving them in creating conditions conducive to the development of pedestrian knowledge and skills in children;

Development of a joint action plan;

Promoting safe behavior on the street for all road users using visual information: posters, wall newspapers, booklets, magazines, videos, photo stands in order to prevent dangerous behavior on the street;

Increasing the level of competence of adults in knowledge of traffic rules and behavior on the street;

Intensifying the introduction of child restraints in cars;

Familiarization with the psychophysiological and age-related characteristics of the perception of information on the basics of road safety by preschoolers and first-graders;

Informing about the forms and methods of instilling in a child respect for traffic rules and their implementation;

Intensifying the participation of parents in the pedagogical process of a preschool institution: in organizing and conducting joint events using their professional experience as a medical worker, a police officer;

An invitation to cooperate in organizing a subject-development environment indoors and outdoors at a preschool institution;

Familiarization with the results of monitoring the dynamics of road traffic injuries in the region, city, region;

Studying public opinion on road safety issues and the implementation of measures to prevent child road injuries;

Involvement in propaganda campaigns aimed at developing stable stereotypes of law-abiding behavior among road users;

Increasing the role of the parent community in carrying out preventive measures with children, parents and kindergarten staff;

Improving forms of interaction between kindergarten and family to prevent children's road traffic injuries.

Educating parents on teaching children traffic rules.

At meetings and in conversations, with the help of visual propaganda, we remind parents of the moral responsibility that lies with adults. By unconditionally submitting to the requirements of road discipline, parents should set an example for their children, since preschoolers learn to break the rules of behavior, first of all, from adults. Only in the close collaboration of kindergarten and family can children develop solid skills of cultural behavior on the street, that discipline that encourages them to obey order. Then the habit of walking correctly on the street will become the norm for children.

Forms of enlightenment:

Information stands where parents are given recommendations on how to behave on the city streets with their children, taking into account the age of the children;

Reminders and leaflets appealing to parents about the need to comply with traffic rules;

Travel folders containing material about traffic rules that is necessary for learning by both children and adults;

Reminders for teaching children safe behavior on the roads and in transport.

Thematic discussions and seminars on road accident prevention;

Parent meetings (“Child and the road”, “Discipline on the street is the key to pedestrian safety”);

Current information on the state of child injuries in the city from the traffic police for parents;

Questioning parents

Exhibitions of methodological and fiction literature on the road alphabet to introduce people to reading literature about the culture of behavior on the roads;


- “How to teach a child not to fall into typical road traps”

- “You, the child and the car”

“Road rules - everyone should know” pedagogical education of parents through

Publishing of leaflets under the heading “We are all supposed to know the rules of the road”

Display of open events

Parent meetings (with the invitation of traffic police officers)

Comprehensive planning of the month “Attention – Children!”

Release of the wall newspaper “Let's talk about traffic rules”

Organization of work with children

It is impossible to instill the skills of safe behavior on the road only by talking about caution. A child should be taught safe behavior and traffic rules from the moment he begins to walk independently. When teaching children the basics of “traffic literacy”, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules:

Do not mechanically memorize traffic rules with children, but instill in preschoolers a culture of behavior on the road,

Combine the study of rules with the development in children of coordination, attention, observation,

Use all available forms and methods of work, not considering some forms to be primary and others to be secondary. A story and a game, a quiz and drawing, a practical lesson and showing videos, reading a book and an excursion, everything must be put at the service of educating children in safe behavior on the road.

Forms, methods and means of familiarizing children

with the rules of safe behavior on the street.

Our teachers use such forms as reading fiction to children, looking at illustrations, paintings; modeling of road situations; educational and developmental games; making attributes and toys with children for activities on the topic of road safety; artistic and creative activities of children; theatrical performances on this topic and others.

Game activity:

Outdoor games;

Didactic games;

Board and printed games;

Role-playing games;

Dramatization games and theatrical games;

Game workshops on the street playground.

Cognitive activity.


The topic of introducing preschoolers to the rules of the road can be a part of a lesson in any section of the program or a lesson on familiarizing themselves with the surroundings in full.

In speech development classes, various methods and techniques are used to introduce the rules of safe behavior, the main types and characteristics of movement, the reasons and methods for measuring them:

Examination of paintings and illustrations;

Compilation descriptive stories according to the picture;

Compiling stories from personal experience;

Learning poems

Playing out game training situations of correct and incorrect behavior on the street, in public transport, etc.

Solving problematic problems and situations

Listening to audio recordings of songs and fairy tales

Watching cartoons and slides.

In classes on productive activities, individual and collective work on relevant topics is performed, using a range of opportunities for modeling with various materials; color pictures in coloring books;

In constructive activities, using building materials, you can build roads, crossings, intersections, various buildings, and transport.

In classes on the development of elementary mathematical representations conditions are created for mastering traffic rules related to the differentiation of spatial directions (which side of the sidewalk you should walk on, how to bypass standing vehicles, where to cross the street); we teach how to use plans, diagrams, models (find the road using a verbal description, a drawing, a diagram); solve logical problems, joke problems.

Conversations, quizzes.

These forms of work are carried out in order to identify the existing knowledge and ideas of children, determine the areas in which special training needs to be carried out in the future. Sample topics for conversations and quizzes:

“Why can’t children go outside without adults?”

“Why can’t we play on the sidewalk?”

“What rules must be followed when crossing the road?”

“What do you know about the work of traffic police inspectors?”

“Who are the road signs for?”

“How should you behave on public transport?” etc.

Game projects: “The Good Road of Childhood”, “Road ABC”, “Traffic Light School”, “Pedestrian ABC”.

The projects include:

Security actions that are planned in accordance with climatic and seasonal conditions: “Caution, ice!”, “Attention, snowfall (fog)!”, “Day of polite pedestrians and drivers,” “Safe path to kindergarten,” etc.

Photo reports;

Holidays, quizzes, performances;

Photo stands are being set up.

Artistic activity.

Reading fiction.

Teachers select works that most clearly describe the rules of safe behavior on the street.

As part of artistic and visual activities, we organize drawing competitions;

Exhibitions of models, layouts;

Production of attributes for games.

Within the framework of artistic and speech activities the following are carried out:

Mystery evenings;


Poetry and short story competitions;

Entertainment, holidays;

Performances, theatrical performances.

During games, dramatizations, and quizzes, children learn and reinforce important pedestrian rules. Holding holidays and entertainment is an effective form of work to prevent children from road traffic injuries and teach traffic rules.

But one of the most effective ways to develop safe behavior on the roads in a preschooler is to observe road situations directly during targeted walks, i.e. obtaining accessible, objective information from adults (both teachers and parents) in real situations.

We conduct walks and excursions along the roads of the neighborhood at different times of the year, observing how pedestrians and transport interact, its diversity, introducing children to the operation of traffic lights and the purpose of road signs. From the older group we study in detail the condition of the road and sidewalk under the influence of the time of day, natural and seasonal phenomena.

Children make up stories and fairy tales. Topics: “Difficulties of my way home”, “I am a good pedestrian”, “The tale of a good and an evil car”, etc. Mnemonic tables are used in the work to retell a fairy tale (story, poem) based on symbols (images).

The rules of safe behavior are also reinforced in gaming activities. In didactic, active and role-playing games, children can realize themselves as active participants in a traffic situation.

To better assimilate new material, spatial modeling techniques are used. Using a building set or mosaic, children are invited to model a road or crossing.

Throughout the year, exhibitions of handicrafts from older children are held: “Such different cars”, “Me and the road”, etc. At the end school year A competition is being held “For the best drawing on road safety”, the obligatory requirement of which is the participation of an adult and a child.

When organizing various forms of work with children, we use modern information Technology(electronic games, computer presentations according to traffic rules).

Thanks to the targeted choice of forms and combination of methods and techniques for children to learn the rules of safe behavior on the roads, we ensured a higher quality of their acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities.

To identify the level of education of children in road traffic knowledge, pedagogical diagnostics are carried out. The assessment results are compared with acceptable criteria so that educators plan further individual work with each child.

Integration of the activities of an educational institution

with other institutions

Educational work with preschoolers to prevent road injuries has united our teaching community and allowed us to expand the educational space.

Significant assistance in promoting road safety is provided by traffic police inspectors, who, together with teachers, conduct educational and educational classes with preschoolers.

Traffic police inspectors provide invaluable assistance in preventing road accidents involving children and preventing child road traffic injuries. Interaction between teachers and traffic police officers takes place in different forms:

A visit by inspectors to a preschool educational institution for the purpose of inspecting and providing methodological assistance in identifying the most significant topics in the fundamentals of road safety;

Inspection of the territory adjacent to the institution for the presence (absence) and compliance (non-compliance) with GOSTs with the necessary road signs, road markings, traffic lights, etc.;

Participation in the creation of a play area on the kindergarten site with markings for teaching traffic rules to preschool children;

Development of schemes for safe routes to a preschool institution;

Providing assistance in the development of information “Safety Corners” to promote road safety;

Giving lectures and conducting preventive conversations with parents;

Conducting conversations with children;

Participation in holidays and entertainment.

Children's knowledge of traffic rules is consolidated through cooperation with the children's library of the Leninsky district. Here, employees help children overcome difficulties in matters of the road alphabet through educational conversations, logical tasks, and interactive surveys.

It should be noted the role of the district open competition children's creativity“The Road through the Eyes of Children,” held annually in conjunction with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, where students and their parents can take part. The competition is designed to promote road safety; involving children in learning and observing traffic rules and safe behavior on the roads; popularization of children's creativity.

Using the capabilities of a single educational space, interacting with the family and other social institutions, using different types of activities when working with children, introducing effective and modern methods and techniques allows us to conclude that the system for developing safe behavior in children on the road is effective and efficient.

An important role in the implementation of program tasks is played by the monitoring process, which is aimed at the integrated use of control means, systematic and planned activities of the teacher.

Our achievements

We consider our achievements :

For 10 recent years Not a single case of road accident involving pupils of the M BDOU has been registered.

Monitoring the development of ideas and skills for safe behavior on the roads among preschoolers in our kindergarten showed positive dynamics. Children's interest in this topic has increased.

More than 70% of the parents of our students actively and consciously participate in joint work with teachers on the prevention of DDTT, according to own initiative offer a variety of assistance in implementing assigned tasks, and participate in creative competitions.

The theoretical level of teachers' knowledge of organizing work on teaching children traffic rules has increased, and the quality of organizing the educational process has improved.

The bank of pedagogical information has been replenished with thematic folders, card files, and methodological recommendations on this problem.

Every year kids come to us, and our task is to prepare them for life in society, to warn them from danger on the roads. For us, it is important not so much to teach the rules of the road (the teacher should know them well), but to educate the child in safe behavior on the road and in transport.

Despite the successes achieved, we continue to search for effective ways, forms, means and content to ensure the safety of people on the roads, summarize our experience in ensuring road safety and strive to convey it to interested people and organizations.

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for conducting traffic safety classes

Organization of classes on formation and development

preschoolers have skills and habits of safe behavior

on the streets and roads.

The inspector and other employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate are not obliged to personally conduct special classes on road topics with preschool children, but they, together with teachers, can take part in them at the invitation of the administration of the preschool institution. Rules for safe behavior on the streets and roads are studied in the process special developmental and educational activities, which should be based on a game: figurative-role-playing, plot-role-playing or a game with rules. The forms of conducting classes are organized by the teacher. These can be various exercises that develop motor skills, hand motor skills when modeling from plasticine, drawing, designing, making appliqué, etc. Issues of ensuring road safety are also considered when reading books, poems, memorizing them, looking at pictures, guessing riddles, holding competitions, etc. Methodically, all classes are organized only by a teacher who knows the individual and age characteristics of each child. The inspector can, while participating in the lesson, supplement and explain certain provisions of the rules of behavior on the streets and roads. At the same time, under no circumstances should preschoolers be overloaded with information with terminology they do not understand. The inspector should not “impose” on the teacher his forms, methods and techniques in conducting play activities with children according to the rules of the road, since in pedagogy there are certain didactic principles, patterns, forms, methods and techniques of working with preschoolers. The volume of educational material used in each lesson must correspond to the psychophysiological characteristics of the development of preschoolers of different age groups.

Disadvantages in the organization of teaching preschoolers safe behavior

on the streets and roads.

Disadvantages in the organization of training and education are largely due to the fact that some educators who do not know traffic rules make typical mistakes, giving preschoolers incorrect and sometimes dangerous behavioral guidelines, such as crossing the roadway, avoiding traffic in front or behind , focusing children's attention only on the signals of three-color traffic lights for transport drivers, without explaining that there are also pedestrian traffic lights, etc. Educators often overload children with unnecessary and incomprehensible information on road topics. Thus, in some preschool institutions, traffic vocabulary that is difficult for preschoolers is introduced by teachers not gradually (in doses), but immediately, with a heavy load on the child’s consciousness and without appropriate explanations. Preschoolers are given, for example, information about groups of road signs for drivers and pedestrians, without any connection between the signs and traffic situations. When organizing such classes, teachers require children to mechanically memorize the symbols depicted on the signs. There are classes where preschoolers are asked to complete difficult tasks to find the “extra” road sign from 15 different signs intended for drivers. Preschoolers are forced to pronounce and remember terms such as “elements” of roads, “regulated and unregulated” intersections, “residential area”, “barrier” and others. Very often, educators practice and memorize with preschoolers the gestures of a traffic controller, who nowadays is rarely seen on the road. Knowledge of these gestures, which are difficult for preschoolers to understand, does not in any way affect their behavior on the street, where they should be with adults. It is also wrong that in relation to the road environment, there is practically no emphasis on the child’s attention to dangerous (safe) behavior. There are no classes to develop children's lateral vision, which is necessary for orientation in traffic situations, color perception, auditory and visual perception. Not everywhere children learn the ability to watch, see and hear what is happening on the street, to determine the ratio of the sizes of cars (large, heavy, truck and small, passenger car, etc.). There are no classes to develop the eye, sense of danger, sense of time when assessing the speed of cars, etc. Today, when conducting classes with preschoolers, educators, as a rule, use outdated methodological literature on traffic rules. IN fiction, poems, fairy tales, scripts for plays written for preschoolers, there are also quite a lot of mistakes regarding traffic rules. Errors can also be pedagogical, when images on posters are made by artists without taking into account the pedagogy and psychology of how children perceive them. Incorrect images give a distorted perception and dangerous attitudes in the behavior of preschool children on the streets and roads. Disadvantages in the organization of training and education are largely due to the fact that educators do not always know what is most practically significant when drawing up a program on road topics.

"Language" of the Rules of the Road

and typical mistakes in their teaching.

Studying the rules is a necessary thing, but the main task is still not this. The point is to instill in children stable skills of safe behavior in any road situation. Yes, excellent knowledge of the rules in itself does not guarantee a child’s safety on the road. There is a lot of talk about the need to teach children how to behave safely on the road. Unfortunately, much less is being done. One of the areas of activity could be preparing children to participate in road traffic. Traffic is the same for children and adults. A number of road situations are equally dangerous for both. And the traffic rules are the same for adults and children. They are written in “adult” language, without any consideration for children. Therefore, the task of teachers and parents is to clearly explain traffic rules to the child. However, when choosing a form of education (game, competition, quiz...), the main thing is to convey the meaning to children without distorting the content. It is important for a teacher to pay serious attention to the basic concepts and terms used in the Rules. Unfortunately, in practice, both some teachers and authors teaching aids According to traffic rules, they use terms and concepts that were removed from traffic rules decades ago:

    “street” instead of “road”; “bridge” instead of “roadway”; “car” instead of “car” or “vehicle”; “row” instead of “lane”; “light” or “color” (traffic light) instead of “signal”; “guard” instead of “traffic policeman” or “traffic police inspector”, etc. There is no concept of a “safety island”.
Often teachers confuse the terms “pedestrian path” and “pedestrian crossing”, “parking” and “stop”, which have independent meaning. But the use of non-existent concepts leads to a distortion in understanding the requirements of traffic rules. In an effort to clearly convey to children the content of the Rules, some teachers and authors of manuals address children in the so-called “children’s” language, consisting of nouns with diminutive suffixes, and other words and expressions that are soothing to the ear. This not only does not make the Rules clear, but also distorts the real picture of traffic. After all, it’s cars, not little cars, that are dangerous on the road! You need to address children, even small ones, in normal, everyday language. These are the conclusions of psychologists who believe that communication between teachers and students, parents and children should be a partnership, involving a conversation between an adult and an adult. For the same reason as “children’s” language, “children’s” pictures made in the style of cheerful and funny comics are hardly acceptable as illustrations for teaching aids. Funny pictures attract and entertain children, but at the same time they distract from the main task - to see and understand the real danger on the road and the opportunity to avoid it. At the same time, children should not be intimidated by dangers on the road. A reasonable sense of caution should not develop into panic fear. In practice, teachers very often, even to the detriment of other topics on traffic rules, spend too much time on road signs, involving students in superficial memorization of names large quantity signs, are carried away by various poems about signs, games using only signs, without other elements of traffic rules, and even in isolation from the real road situation. It should be remembered that road signs are mainly intended for drivers. Children, of course, need to know the meaning of road signs, but, first of all, these should be signs that work to ensure the safety of pedestrians: “Pedestrian crossing” (underground and overground), “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited,” “Pedestrian path,” “ Children”, “Bicycles are prohibited”, “Crossing with a bicycle path”, “Bicycle path”. An analysis of the results of testing children and teachers on traffic rules showed that gross mistakes are still made during training. Here are some of them:


Walk around the tram in front and the bus behind. This rule has long been outdated and does not save, but, on the contrary, creates emergency situation, since when a pedestrian exits behind or in front of the vehicle, neither the driver nor the pedestrian can see each other, and a collision may occur. The procedure for crossing the roadway is strictly stipulated by the Rules of the Road, and it is not related to bypassing the route transport port! The last mention of bypassing a tram or bus was in the Rules for Traffic and Pedestrians in 1958! Go to the nearest pedestrian crossing and cross there. If there is no crossing, wait until the bus or other vehicle moves to a safe distance or cross in another place where the road is clearly visible in both directions.
When crossing the street, look to the left, and when you reach the middle of the road, look to the right. This rule is also outdated and creates a dangerous situation. Before crossing the road, stop, look in both directions and, having made sure it is safe, cross the road, constantly monitoring the situation.
Red - stop, yellow - get ready, green - go. By following this rule, children gain confidence in the safety of crossing with a green signal. And this is very dangerous, because this is not true at all! After all, the traffic rules say that red and yellow signals prohibit movement, while green signals allow it. And no more! However, not a word is said that the green signal guarantees traffic safety! The practice of road traffic does not exclude the danger of crossing the roadway when the traffic light is green if the pedestrian does not take the necessary precautions. In addition, children often confuse the location of traffic lights: they do not understand that when the traffic light is green for a pedestrian, the red one for the driver is on the other side, and vice versa. The red traffic light is prohibitive, since on the other side the green light is on for cars. Yellow - not only to get ready, but a sign of attention, warning about the change of traffic lights. For a pedestrian, the yellow signal is also prohibitive, since cars are allowed to finish passing the intersection when the yellow signal is given. Green - allows movement, but before entering the roadway, you must make sure that all cars have stopped. A flashing yellow traffic light indicates that the intersection is unregulated. Therefore, before crossing the road, make sure you are safe.

If you do not have time to cross the road, stop at a “safety island” or in the middle of the road.

There is no concept of a “safety island” in the Road Traffic Rules. There are only islands that inform the driver about the direction of movement in places where traffic flows separate or merge, and they are called “guiding islands”, which do not guarantee the safety of a pedestrian. Stopping at the dividing line is possible, but not recommended. After all, the pedestrian remains between two traffic flows moving towards each other. The slightest carelessness or accident can lead to an accident.

It is necessary to calculate the transition so as not to stop in the middle of the road and cross the roadway in one go. But if you find yourself in such a situation, then stand in the middle of the road, on the center line dividing traffic flows opposite directions, or on the “guide island” and do not take a step forward or backward without assessing the situation so that the driver has time to decide how best to go around you.
The meaning of the “Children” road sign is incorrectly explained. It does not at all provide for crossing the road exactly at the place where it is installed, but only informs the driver that children may unexpectedly appear on the road, since there is a school, kindergarten or other institution nearby.
Do not play on the road or by the road, but play in the yard of the house. But there are also roads in the courtyards, when driving along which vehicle drivers must comply with the rules of the road in a residential area, i.e. the speed of travel should not exceed 20 km/h, but this rule is not always observed. And although pedestrians in residential areas have priority, they should not forget about their own safety. When leaving the entrance, be attentive and careful. Play away from the road, where there are no cars.

To avoid possible mistakes when conducting traffic rules classes:

    Do not conduct a single lesson or lesson without checking the material prepared for it with the text of the “Road Rules”, no matter how confident you are in its accuracy.
    For work, use only those textbooks and manuals, the content of which does not have any contradictions with the “Road Rules” in force in the Russian Federation. Therefore, the teacher must have the official publication of the “Road Rules”, which were approved by a resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Government of the Russian Federation.
    You can get recommendations or consult about the quality of a particular book with experienced traffic rules teachers, driving school methodologists, or competent traffic police officers.
    Please note that the rules for pedestrians in the current traffic regulations are concentrated not only in section 4 “Responsibilities of pedestrians”. Points directly or indirectly related to pedestrians are also available in sections: 6, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16 and 17.
    All books about traffic rules intended for children and teachers published before 2000 do not comply with the current rules. Using them as educational and methodological manuals Not recommended! Use this literature, as well as determining the quality of a book, is possible only if you have good knowledge of traffic rules.

Deputy Director for Water Resources Management MOUDOD "CDT"

Negrey N.V.

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