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Memorial personnel of the NKVD. Data on NKVD employees published

The Memorial movement published on its website a directory “Personnel composition of state security bodies of the USSR. 1935-1939", with data on 39,950 NKVD employees working in state security agencies. And the descendants of the security officers began to ask Putin to close access to the Memorial base...

The database is located at nkvd.memo.ru and is implemented as a wiki site. You can search for personalities both alphabetically and by place of service, titles and awards, as well as by the “repressed” category. The card also indicates, depending on the completeness of information about a particular person, the start and end dates of the service.

The main source for the base were orders from the NKVD regarding personnel - for example, on the assignment of special ranks or on dismissal. “Information from the orders is supplemented by biographical data from other sources - first of all, about the dead and missing during the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War, as well as about those who were subjected to repression,” Memorial reported.

The reference book will be useful to those interested in Soviet history. Thus, in particular, with the help of the directory it will be possible to attribute many state security employees of the era of the Great Terror, hitherto known only by last name […] - from signatures in investigative files or from mentions in memoir texts. The appearance of the reference book is a significant step towards a more in-depth and accurate understanding of the tragic history of our country in the 30s of the twentieth century.
“The directory contains the numbers and dates of orders for the assignment of special ranks and dismissal from the NKVD, information about the position held at the time of dismissal, as well as information about received state awards“, says a comment on the organization’s website.

Directory “Personnel composition of state security bodies of the USSR. 1935-1939" was first released on CD in May 2016. It contains information from orders on the assignment of special ranks, supplemented by data on those killed during the Great Patriotic War and those repressed. The directory is compiled by researcher Andrey Zhukov. As reported, it took him 15 years to compile the database.

It is curious that on the first day the website of the human rights organization Memorial, where more than 40 thousand dossiers of NKVD officers from the Great Terror era were published, temporarily suspended its work due to high traffic. This was reported when trying to access the resource: “The server cannot cope with the load, and we are forced to stop it until approximately 16:00 Moscow time for technical work.”
And yet, the site’s work was restored. Many people found it interesting to look at the dossier of Stalin’s executioners...

Descendants of security officers ask Putin to close access to the Memorial base

The descendants of security officers who worked during the years of the “Great Terror” are asking to close access to the database of the human rights society “Memorial”, which published information about 40 thousand NKVD employees who received special ranks of the state security system. The site has already fallen several times under hacker attacks.

Komsomolskaya Pravda claims that the descendants of NKVD employees and “a few of those who were on the list and are still alive” demand in an open letter to President Vladimir Putin that access be closed. There are no direct quotes from the letter, but the newspaper claims that the signatories “are driven by fear, because children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren may take revenge for their repressed ancestors.”
The descendants of the executioners and guards shit themselves. Although no one is going to take revenge on them...

Information about tens of thousands of Soviet state security employees appeared on the organization’s website against the backdrop of

Who and how compiled a reference book about the security officers of the era of the Great Terror, and why it is important
Thorough work by Andrei Zhukov “Personnel composition of state security bodies of the USSR. 1935-1939" (nkvd.memo.ru) contains brief information about more than 40,000 NKVD employees who received special ranks of the state security system. These “awards” were awarded for the persecution of “enemies of the people,” and the vast majority of those “awarded” were related to the organization and execution of repression. The source of the information in the directory was NKVD orders on personnel, indicating the numbers and dates of assignment of special ranks, positions held or dismissal from the NKVD. They are supplemented by biographical data from other sources - primarily from documents of victims of repression. Andrei Zhukov's directory was published in May of this year on CD. By the time the electronic version appeared, information had already been added to 4,500 biographical certificates. The creators of the project are confident that Internet users will also actively participate in the process of studying and adding to the history of the era of the Great Terror.

Yan Rachinsky, member of the board of the Moscow Memorial:

— A reference book about the security officers of the era of the Great Terror is the work of an independent researcher Andrei Nikolaevich Zhukov. For more than 15 years, he painstakingly collected information and compiled card files when there were no computers and databases. Ultimately, he set himself the task of collecting information about everyone who received the special state security ranks introduced in 1935, shortly before the Great Terror. These were not only employees of the Main Directorate of State Security, but representatives of other structures for the prosecution of so-called “enemies of the people.”

The directory covers the period from 35 to 41 and contains the names of more than 40,000 people, the main creators and perpetrators of the Great Terror. But not only them. Almost all the executioners are in this directory, but everyone who is there is an executioner.

This is a huge undertaking and a starting point for refinement and further research. The directory helps to find a specific person and associate him with specific events described in memoirs or archival documents, where sometimes initials were not even indicated.

I consider the main idea of ​​this project to be a reminder of everyone’s personal responsibility for their actions. And the message for the future - hopes of keeping crimes secret - is not justified. For me, an important task has long been the desire to make people think about that scary story what our country went through in the 20th century.

The response was very great. For many years, the conversation was mainly about victims of repression. We are, of course, far from naming all their names, but a lot of work has been done, and it does not stop. And it so happened that there were victims of crimes, but it was as if there were no criminals. There were reference books by Nikita Vasilyevich Petrov about the leaders who directed and commanded the process, but no one knew the performers. Now we know and can find out even more. Many people feel this need - to know not only the victims, but also those who caused this suffering. Of course, there is practically no one to punish, but the fact that the figures and deeds are named accordingly is extremely important.

We were counting on this response, but did not even suspect its scale. Within a few hours of the directory’s operation, users had already appeared on the Internet, actively making suggestions and clarifications from published sources or family archives. This once again confirms that the reference book is a starting point for further work.

By now (as of November 15, 2016) this investigation evidence base has been collected regarding :

  • Absolutely all the persons (employees of the NKVD structure, the USSR prosecutor's office, the Communist Party and the Communist Youth Union) guilty of the murder of Stepan Ivanovich KARAGODIN have been identified - the entire chain: from the Politburo in Moscow to specific executioners in Tomsk (including the drivers of the "black funnel" and the typists of Tomsk city ​​department of the NKVD)

  • The principle and procedure of arrest were identified according to which Stepan Ivanovich KARAGODIN was arrested and “brought in” (i.e., “anonymity” was excluded, all grounds for suspicion were removed from all “civilian” suspects being processed in this part).

  • Materials have been identified in part (in full) of the entire range of materials (documents) relating to the execution case of Stepan Ivanovich KARAGODIN (from Tomsk to Moscow).

  • Materials [secret internal orders and directives] were identified regarding the concealment of traces of mass murders by employees of the NKVD - MGB - KGB of the USSR (in terms of falsification of civil registration records in the registry office of the city of Tomsk, and in the USSR in particular)

  • Information has been revealed about the use of torture by employees of the Tomsk City NKVD to those under investigation in order to extract the “necessary” testimony...................................... .. ..........

Thorough work by Andrei Zhukov “Personnel composition of state security bodies of the USSR. 1935-1939" (nkvd.memo.ru) contains brief information about more than 40,000 NKVD employees who received special ranks of the state security system. These “awards” were awarded for the persecution of “enemies of the people,” and the vast majority of those “awarded” were related to the organization and execution of repression. The source of the information in the directory was NKVD orders on personnel, indicating the numbers and dates of assignment of special ranks, positions held or dismissal from the NKVD. They are supplemented by biographical data from other sources - primarily from documents of victims of repression. Andrei Zhukov's directory was published in May of this year on CD. By the time the electronic version appeared, information had already been added to 4,500 biographical certificates. The creators of the project are confident that Internet users will also actively participate in the process of studying and adding to the history of the era of the Great Terror.

Jan Rachinsky

Member of the Board of the Memorial Association

— A reference book about the security officers of the era of the Great Terror is the work of an independent researcher Andrei Nikolaevich Zhukov. For more than 15 years, he painstakingly collected information and compiled card files when there were no computers and databases. Ultimately, he set himself the task of collecting information about everyone who received the special state security ranks introduced in 1935, shortly before the Great Terror. These were not only employees of the Main Directorate of State Security, but representatives of other structures for the prosecution of so-called “enemies of the people.”

The directory covers the period from 35 to 41 and contains the names of more than 40,000 people, the main creators and perpetrators of the Great Terror. But not only them. Almost all the executioners are in this directory, but everyone who is there is an executioner.

This is a huge undertaking and a starting point for refinement and further research. The directory helps to find a specific person and associate him with specific events described in memoirs or archival documents, where sometimes initials were not even indicated.

I consider the main idea of ​​this project to be a reminder of everyone’s personal responsibility for their actions. And the message for the future - hopes of keeping crimes secret - is not justified. For me, an important task has long been the desire to make people think about the terrible history that our country went through in the 20th century.

The response was very great. For many years, the conversation was mainly about victims of repression. We are, of course, far from naming all their names, but a lot of work has been done, and it does not stop. And it so happened that there were victims of crimes, but it was as if there were no criminals. There were reference books by Nikita Vasilyevich Petrov about the leaders who directed and commanded the process, but no one knew the performers. Now we know and can find out even more. Many people feel this need - to know not only the victims, but also those who caused this suffering. Of course, there is practically no one to punish, but the fact that the figures and deeds are named accordingly is extremely important.

We were counting on this response, but did not even suspect its scale. Within a few hours of the directory’s operation, users had already appeared on the Internet, actively making suggestions and clarifications from published sources or family archives. This once again confirms that the reference book is a starting point for further work.

After the news about the launch of an online database on security officers from the era of the Great Terror, many had questions about the structure of the database, the possibility of it being supplemented by a third-party user, and about the project in general. We have collected the seven most frequently asked questions from social networks to some FAQ, and asked the creators of the database to answer them.

1. Is this a list of executioners, direct perpetrators of terror, or simply a list of NKVD employees of a certain historical period?

On the other hand, it is important to understand that not all executioners were security officers - the bulk of the GULAG personnel did not have special GB titles, so their names are not in the database.

2. Who is this all for? For example, Denis Karagodin found the executioners of his great-grandfather and is suing. Are you seeking restoration of historical justice?

This is for everyone who is interested in the past and wants to understand it. But this is no longer “for whom”, but “for what”. The question is not so much about restoring justice as about finding out the causes of the tragedy. It is impossible to build a rule-of-law state without finding out why the state became criminal after the October Revolution of 1917 and remained, if not criminal, then illegal for many decades.

3. Why does the site work intermittently? Is this the result of an attack or is the site unable to withstand the excess of public interest?

This is the result of an unexpected surge of interest; Now the problem has been partially solved through optimization; After transferring to a more powerful server, all difficulties will hopefully disappear.

4. Many people have already appeared who want to close the site. Why not make the disc publicly available on some torrents?

The base is unlikely to be closed. But even in this case, it is necessary to understand that the disk published at the beginning of 2016 and the online database are different. The disk was a preliminary version, and since its release several thousand edits and clarifications have been made to the database, which are now available online, but, of course, are not on the disk.

5. I have information about an NKVD employee from this time, but he is not in the database. How can I add it to your site?

6. According to my information, there is an error or inaccuracy in one of the questionnaires. What to do?

The database website is built on the Wikipedia engine and many of its features are preserved. Visitors cannot make changes directly to the personal data, but they have the opportunity to register on the site and leave their comments on the discussion page of the questionnaire in which an inaccuracy is found.

7. Are you going to continue working on the database and make other chronological sections?

A reference book on the leadership of the state security agencies of the next period has already been published (Petrov N.V. Who led the state security agencies: 1941-1954. M.: International Society "Memorial": Links, 2010). Curriculum Vitae from it are posted on the Memorial website.

Further work requires time, resources and access to sources; in addition, it is necessary to develop criteria for the selection of characters, since special ranks cannot be a criterion outside the period 1935-1943.

Readers' questions were answered:
Jan Rachinsky, Stanislav Rachinsky, Nikita Petrov

The website of the international “Memorial” “History Lessons” - about the appearance of a new disc - in response to the often repeated rhetorical exclamation: “if there are victims, then there must also be executioners?” About 40,000 certificates on the personnel of the NKVD are precisely those people who were the perpetrators, full-fledged authors of the mass political repressions of the late 30s. “Personnel composition of state security agencies of the USSR 1935-1939” today is the most complete list of NKVD employees during the Great Terror. One of the project leaders, co-chairman of the Moscow Memorial, Jan Rachinsky, talks about the database, which took 15 years to compile.

- Tell me, what exactly is on this disc?

This is a reference book on the personnel composition of the state security agencies, not the NKVD as a whole, because the NKVD included firefighters, border guards, and whole line more services, namely state security agencies, those people who had special ranks introduced at the end of 1935. These are precisely those who carried out the Great Terror, because the disc covers the period 1935-1939.

Does this cover the entire pyramid of the NKVD hierarchy or are some individual ranks, say, represented there in more or less detail?

In principle, everyone who had special ranks of state security officers is included, from sergeant to general commissioner, all ranks without exception. Of course, there may be some omissions for various reasons: either due to the fatigue of the compiler, there may be random omissions, or because some of the orders were not published, had a stamp and were not accessible. But there are very few of them. At least 90% of the staff is represented here.

- How and where were these names and data on them obtained?

The compiler of this reference book, Andrei Nikolaevich Zhukov, has been studying this topic for many years. At first he was interested in the repressions against the security officers, which are talked about a lot and which, as it turns out from this code, are very much exaggerated. But then he, as a person with a collecting streak, began to collect not only the repressed, but everyone, just to understand how this correlated with the total number, and in general he worked on a lot of sources. At first it was open sources- well, they are conditionally open, you can’t call them easily accessible. Also, at one time, Nikita Petrov worked on newspaper publications and partly on various propaganda books, but then the archives were slightly opened.

The first, of course, is personnel orders, orders for personnel of the NKVD - many volumes have been published. They exist in the original source and there are printed collections reproduced that were sent to departments, just so that they could also be compared locally.

- That is, in other words, there is no consolidated list of NKVD employees?

It sounds like a paradox, isn’t careful accounting of one’s personnel a natural part of the life of any law enforcement agency, and even more so the NKVD?

The NKVD personnel department may have some kind of file cabinets, most likely, as well as personal files of employees, which are absolutely inaccessible today, so you have to turn to such sources. I had to look through the orders in a row. Basically, orders of two types are used: orders on assigning ranks and orders on dismissal. Bringing all this together was in itself a non-trivial task - after all, in orders for conferring ranks there is a surname, name and patronymic, and in orders for dismissal there is a position from which the security officer is dismissed, but, as a rule, there is no name and patronymic, only initials. And with such a huge volume - over 40,000 characters - naturally, there are a lot of namesakes, and up to a dozen full namesakes

The second source is also seriously well-researched - this is the fund of the awards department of the Presidium of the Supreme Council, which was reviewed and where security officers were also identified. I already had to look through this all the time. Naturally, not everything has been revealed, but, nevertheless, there are a lot of these awards, and they were one of the important sources of biographical information. It is especially significant here that when awarding the Order of Lenin, the candidate filled out a questionnaire with basic biographical information, so the date and place of birth and other minimal information could be taken from there. Of course, this is only a starting point, this is the first step, very important and perhaps the most difficult.

Tell us more about Andrei Nikolaevich, who, in fact, collected all this data. After all, as far as I know, this work took him about 15 years.

It all started in the pre-computer era. The first version of his work was large notebooks, these extracts were then transferred to cards and from the cards he entered it into the computer in the form of a text file with many conventional abbreviations, which then needed to be deciphered, had to be checked carefully, because with such a volume of manual writing typos are inevitable. In general, this is a colossal amount of work, it’s even unclear how one person could handle it. He is not limited only to security officers, he has collected quite a lot of information on repressions in the army, he has very extensive information on this topic, but it still applies to those who were repressed and to the top of the command staff, if we talk about those who were not repressed.

You said that Zhukov was initially interested in the topic of repression among NKVD employees - is this somehow reflected in the database?

The database contains information about repressions, but there is currently no special section of this type - repressed employees - it will probably appear in the online version. This is partly due to the fact that this information is incomplete. In the service regulations there was a special article on dismissal 38 “b”, which meant dismissal due to arrest, that is, we already know that the person was arrested, but for a large number of those dismissed in this way we have no information, what exactly next followed because most, a noticeable part, let’s say, of the arrested NKVD employees were subsequently released. Even of those who were convicted at the beginning of the war, in the first year and a half, many were released and sent to the front, and some were left in the rear to continue working. We also know such examples. Therefore, information about repression is not yet complete enough to be presented as a separate category. Our technical role - mine and not only mine - was to bring this into a form convenient for use. This is the first version, it will be improved on the Internet.

- That is, your “function” was to turn this into a database.

Yes, process it in such a way that it acquires a certain unified structure, functionally similar to Wikipedia.

- Is there any preliminary release date for the Internet version?

We want to do this by the end of the year, since there will still be additions - it is now obvious that there will be quite a lot of them.

- How is the entry in this database arranged? Does each name have a certain set of additional information?

Yes, each name has a set of information, in the preface it is written what the maximum it can be, but for many - for a good half - it comes down to a single record of assignment of the rank - sergeant or junior lieutenant, and we have nothing more about the person today we don't know. But, nevertheless, this is at least a name and patronymic, and often also a connection to the region. This makes it possible to identify these employees, investigators, who often appear only with their last name, and nothing else is known; this is some next step towards identification. Today we have a systematization there alphabetically, by rank, by awards and by region - these are four such sections. And, in fact, when this appears on the Internet, it will become possible to add information there from a wide variety of sources, to link there both fragments of memories and some pieces of subsequent investigations into the activities of this or that character.

- That is, a kind of “Open List”?

This is somewhat different, because here our list is just closed, that is, we more or less already know the heroes who may be added a little, but the list of personalities itself is close to exhaustion. But for each person you can add a lot.