Abstracts Statements Story

Knights of Malta. Interesting facts about the Order of Malta How the Order’s activities are financed

The Order arose in Jerusalem in 1048 thanks to merchants from Amalfi (a town south of Naples) as a receiving house (“hospital” in Latin) for Christian pilgrims. In 1099, after the capture of Jerusalem on July 15 by the crusaders under the leadership of Godfrey of Bouillon, it was transformed into a spiritual knightly Order. It received its name from the temple erected by the Order in Jerusalem in the name of St. John the Baptist. In 1113, Pope Paschal II officially approved the Order.

In 1118 the Order became military-monastic and at the beginning of the 13th century. was the main military force of Christians in Palestine, holding back the onslaught of Muslims. But the forces were unequal and in 1187 the Hospitallers left Jerusalem and settled in Akka, and in 1291 they completely left Palestine.

Initially, the Order settled on the island of Cyprus, and in 1307-1310. - in Rhodes, which was recaptured from Byzantium.

For the next 214 years of their history, the Ionite knights waged a difficult, almost continuous struggle with the Turks, in which they not only strengthened their glory, but also became a naval power. From that time on, the struggle of Christian states with the Turkish fleet was not complete without the participation of ships of the Order of St. John.

After the fall of Constantinople in 1453, the Order of St. John remained the only enemy of the Turks in the eastern Mediterranean. The Turks tried several times to defeat the Order, whose fleet until the end of the 18th century. ensured the safety of navigation in the Mediterranean Sea, fighting pirates and Muslim fleets.

In 1480, the Johannites, led by Grand Master Pierre d'Aubusson, repelled an attack by a 70,000-strong Turkish army. However, in 1522, Sultan Suleiman besieged Rhodes with a force of 700 ships and 200 thousand troops (against 600 knights and 5 thousand soldiers of the Order). For more than a year, the knights held the island, but, having received no help from Christian countries, Grand Master Philippe Villiers de Lisle Adam began negotiations with the Turks to save the remnants of his order.

The Sultan offered honorable terms of surrender, which were accepted and on the night of January 1, 1523, the surviving knights left Rhodes on 50 ships.

In May 1523, the knights of the Order arrived in Messina, but the plague forced them to leave the city. Then Emperor Charles V, seeking to strengthen his influence in the Mediterranean, gave the Order the eternal possession of the city of Tripoli on the coast of northern Africa, recently conquered by the Spaniards, and the islands of Malta, Gozo and Comino. The Order took possession of the Maltese archipelago on October 26, 1530 and from that time began to be called the Sovereign Military Hospital Order of Malta.

The Johannites were able to hold Tripoli only until 1551, but the rocky island of Malta became a reliable stronghold not only of the order, but of everything Christendom in the center of the Mediterranean.

The first battle off the coast of Malta, which ended in the defeat of the Turks, took place in July 1551. And from May 18 to September 8, 1565, the Order (400-700 knights and 6-7 thousand soldiers), under the command of Grand Master Jean Parisot de la Valette, whose name the capital of Malta currently bears, withstood the siege of 100 thousand Turkish army and navy. On October 7, 1571, the Order's fleet inflicted a major defeat on the Turkish fleet in the Gulf of Lepanto.

In May 1698, boyar B.P. arrived with his retinue on the island of Malta to visit the Knights of St. John. Sheremetev is a confidant of the Moscow Tsar Peter Alekseevich. Although the tsar’s letter stated that the boyar was going to Malta “on his hunt,” and he himself explained his trip to the island with the desire to “increase his military ability to accept the hunt,” it is obvious that he had diplomatic assignments for the kingdom’s entry into the anti-Turkish alliance . Apparently, for the same purpose, the royal steward P.A. visited the knights in July 1698. Tolstoy. However, then contacts between Moscow and Malta ceased.

Only in 1764, Empress Catherine II instructed Prince D. A. Golitsyn, her envoy in Vienna, to select a Maltese knight knowledgeable in the construction and management of galleys. Later, Russian military sailors were sent to study with the Knights of Malta and spent several years there.

However, despite the activity of the Russian fleet in the Mediterranean during the Russo-Turkish War, Russia did not show much interest in Malta, although the first chargé d'affaires, the Marquis of Cavalcabo, appeared here in January 1770.

When presented to the Grand Master Pinto, the Marquis of Cavalcabo immediately handed over two letters from Empress Catherine II, in which she asked for assistance to the squadron of G. A. Spiridov and thanked him for accepting officers for training.

Although the knights refused to help the Russians in the war with the Turks, contacts continued: Count Maze was accepted into Russian service; Count A.G. Orlov sent the Grand Master of the Order 86 captured Algerians to exchange for Christians captured by pirates; Russian ships came to Malta for repairs; in August 1772, Count A.G. visited Malta incognito. Orlov.

From the beginning of the 18th century. The decline of the Order began, as the need for its naval service began to disappear, and the French Revolution, by Decree of 1792, confiscated all the property of the Order in France.

In this situation, contacts between Russia and the Order of Malta resumed and on January 4, 1797, the “Convention concluded with the Sovereign Order of Malta and its Preeminence Grand Meister - on the establishment of this Order in Russia” was signed, which established the Russian Roman Catholic Grand Priory as part of the "rank of the Great Priory and of the ten Commanderies." On November 17, 1797, the Additional Articles of the Convention were signed, establishing three more commanderies.

However, the Convention only partially compensated for the losses of the Order of Malta from the French Revolution and could not protect against an immediate threat to the Order itself.

On June 10, 1798, on the way from the port of Toulon to Egypt, the French fleet, on whose ships there was an army under the command of General Bonaparte, dropped anchor off the island of Malta. Bonaparte acted decisively, and since, according to the rules of the Order, it is forbidden to raise arms against Christians, the knights were forced to sign a convention on June 12, according to which Malta came under the sovereignty of France, and the knights had to leave the island within three days.

In response to this, on August 26, 1798, gentlemen of the Grand Priory of Russia gathered in the “castle of the Knights of Malta” on Sadovaya Street in St. Petersburg. They protested against the seizure of Malta, condemned the Grand Master Baron Gompes for surrendering the island without a fight and announced his deposition, and also decided to appeal to Emperor Paul I with a request to accept the Order of St. John under his patronage.

On September 10, Paul I accepted “all well-meaning members of the order under his highest leadership” and St. Petersburg was declared the headquarters of the Order of Malta, knights of all “languages” and priories were invited to Russia, and the President of the Academy of Sciences, Baron Nicholas, was instructed to designate the island of Malta as "Province Russian Empire».

On October 27, members of the Russian Grand Priory and the Knights of Malta, who were in Russia, proclaimed Emperor Paul I Grand Master of the Jerusalem Order of St. John, and on November 13, 1798, the emperor announced his consent to accept this title. However, some of the great priories, in particular Catalonia, Navarre, Aragon, Castile and Rome, refused to recognize Paul I as Grand Master.

Coat of arms of the Russian Empire with the Maltese cross

Nevertheless, at the initiative of the emperor, complex negotiations began with the British regarding the fate of Malta after its liberation from the French. However, after September 5, 1800, when the French garrison capitulated, England did not meet the wishes of the Russian emperor, which deeply offended him and Russia withdrew from the second anti-French coalition, and soon a rapprochement between Paul I and Napoleon began. But on the night of March 12, 1801, the Russian emperor was killed in the Mikhailovsky Castle by conspirators, among whom were many holders of the Order of Malta.

Following this, the rapid decline of the Order in Russia began. Already on March 16, 1801, a Manifesto was issued on the acceptance by the new Emperor Alexander I of only the title of Protector of the Order. On April 18, 1801, a decree was issued to exclude the “Grand Master” from the title of the emperor; on April 26, a personal decree ordered the Senate to remove the Maltese cross from the Russian state emblem, and in 1817 the Russian Order of St. John of Jerusalem was abolished and Russian subjects were forbidden to wear the Maltese crosses.

Despite the fact that the Order's sovereign rights to Malta were confirmed by the Treaty of Amiens (1802), the Order was unable to return to the island. Since 1834, after a temporary stay in Messina, Catania and Ferrara (in Italy), the Order finally settled in Rome, where, with the rights of extraterritorial ownership, it owns the Magistral Palace on Via Condotti 68 and the Magistral Villa on the Aventine Hill, and the Order itself is actually charitable organization.


The state flag of the Order depicts a white straight cross, the so-called. Latin.

But the so-called knightly flag, used in the everyday needs of the Order, depicts a white eight-pointed cross, the so-called. Maltese. It has been used in the Order for as long as the Latin and symbolizes the Order's ancient ties with the Amalfi Republic.

The Order's official website states the following about the history of the flag: “It is called the flag of St. John and has been used since ancient times. In the “History of the Order” by Giuseppe Bosio (1589) there is a record that in 1130 Pope Innocent II issued the order: “... Monasticism must fight under a flag with a white cross on a red field.”

After the bull of Pope Alexander IV (1259), allowing fighting Knights to wear a red mantle with a white cross, the Order began to use the Latin cross as its emblem. In 1291 the Order moved from the Vatican to Cyprus, where its vocation for navigation flourished. From that time on, over the next six centuries, knightly flags flew over the ships of the Order.”

Main residence: Palazzo di Malta in Rome

Official languages: Latin and Italian.

The head of the Order is the Grand Master, who has the title of Prince of the Holy Roman Empire, who governs the Order with the assistance of the Sovereign Council, headed by him. The Council consists of the four highest officers of the Grand Mastery, elected by the General Chapter: the Grand Commander, the Grand Chancellor, the Grand Hospitaller and the Holder of the General Treasury; as well as six members of the Council.

History of the Order of Malta from its creation to the beginning of the Great Siege

The land of Palestine, where Jesus lived, died and rose again, has always been considered the Holy Land. For centuries, people from the West have made pilgrimages to the Holy Sepulcher and other holy sites. Even when Jerusalem first fell into Muslim hands in the 7th century, and obstacles arose for pilgrims, especially individual pilgrims, the pilgrimage continued. Charlemagne opened shelters in Jerusalem for such pilgrims. However, at the beginning of the 11th century, with the arrival of new Muslim rulers, the situation changed. The pilgrims began to be mistreated and harassed in every possible way. In the end, Caliph Hakim Fatimit, a fanatic and insane tyrant, razed the Holy Sepulcher to the ground in 1009 and destroyed all Christian shrines.

Thirty years after Hakim's death, several merchants from Amalfi (in Italy) managed to restore the shelters and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. However, the obstacles on the way of pilgrims and Christians in Palestine were not removed. This situation disturbed Europe, and many European princes - adventurers, incited by the fiery calls of the English preacher Peter the Hermit and Pope Urban II, were tempted to go on a Crusade and recapture holy places from the Saracens. The first attempt at the Crusade, undertaken in 1096, ended sadly, but a new army followed and continued the fight in 1097. This time the campaign was successful and two years later Jerusalem fell at the feet of Christians.

This fortuitous turn of events inspired the Amalfi congregation to become Hospitallers, ministers of the Jerusalem Benedictine hospital dedicated to St. John the Baptist, and to rally around their leader, Brother Gerard of Saxony. He was a Benedictine who expanded the congregation into the Order of St. John of Jerusalem (1110-1120). Grateful lords and princes, having healed their wounds in the hospital, soon began to place part of their property in the newly founded Order, not only locally, but also in subsidiary branches later formed in different parts of Europe. In 1113, Pope Pascal II took the Order under his protection and, as a reward for its service, gave it a new, more militant status in the person of Brother Gerard. The original document certifying this important point in the history of the Order, located in the Malta Library. It reads: “Pope Pascal II grants to his venerable son Gerard, founder and provost of the Hospital of Jerusalem, a charter establishing the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem on both sides of the sea, in Europe and in Asia.”

With the renewal of the war with the Saracens, some of the Order's knights became warriors, and together with new followers they formed the basis of the Order of the Knights Templar or Templars. This Order soon gained greater strength and importance when its knights were called upon to directly combat the Muslims. Many of the forts and castles built by the Templars in Palestine, Syria and Jordan during the years of this struggle remained of great strategic importance.

However, the Crusade of 1147 ended in failure, and the necessary forces for the next one were gathered only by 1189. This time, among other leaders was King Richard I of England, soon named the Lionheart, thanks to whom, basically, success was achieved . However, the infighting between the leaders harmed the Order more than battle fatigue. The knightly valor that had been at the heart of the Crusade began to fade, and soon Richard was left alone in his struggle. His firmness and desire for his goal, together with enormous energy and self-sacrifice, led to victory in the Battle of Acre. However, this was the last thing he could do. Richard soon left Palestine, and his departure meant the end of the entire Crusade.

After the Templars moved to Cyprus in 1191, the Knights Hospitaller, more concerned with caring for the wounded and sick, took up arms to protect pilgrims on their way to the Holy Land. The military importance of the Order was strengthened by its second head, Raymond de Puy. He was the first to be called Grandmaster (1125-1158) and continued to increase the strength, influence and power of the Order. Now the Order began to have a knightly character, but its members took three monastic vows: chastity, obedience and poverty.

However, after the Muslims, having launched yet another active campaign, captured the last possessions of Christians in 1291, and staying in Palestine became impossible, the Order moved to Cyprus. However, this was an unfortunate decision, since in Cyprus the Order did not have the opportunity to reorganize and improve. Moreover, the situation was worsened by the fact that the Templars, who had moved to the island a century earlier, were seized by a thirst for power, professed the ideas of Freemasonry, and weaved secret intrigues, running counter to the ideals of the Order. All this forced the Knights of the Order to look for a new refuge.

It took 19 years, and in 1308 they found an ideal location on the Byzantine island of Rhodes and achieved territorial independence. A year after the Knights of St. John moved to Rhodes, in 1309, the Templars were so mired in their intrigues that their organization was banned, and five years later, in 1314, their last grand master, Jacques de Molay, was burned in Paris. The Hospitallers inherited a significant part of their property. More importantly, however, the Order of St. John was able to attract young European aristocrats and move forward with the necessary reorganization.

The Order was given to Rhodes, a very fertile and one of the most beautiful islands in the Mediterranean. Another important factor was that its geological structure provided many places where the knights could build the necessary fortifications, as well as a large number of strong building material. With the settlement in the new place, the then Grand Master, Fouquet de Villaret (1305-1319), completely coped with the reorganization, and the Order continued to develop, based on the same old vows of chastity, obedience and poverty.

The Knights of the Order were divided into five groups. The first were the Knights - Warriors of Justice (Military Knights of Justice), who predominated in the Order. All of them were aristocrats, at least in the fourth generation, which was confirmed by the fact that they were the sons of the most famous families in Europe. All of them, without exception, were called into the Order only after careful consideration. Candidates who passed the test were inducted into Knighthood with great pomp. Accompanied by the Knight Grand Cross who conducted their initiation, they walked bareheaded into the armory and dressed themselves according to their new status. Their comrades invited them to the courtyard hall, where they sat on a carpet laid on the ground and received bread, salt and a glass of water. The Knight who led the ceremony later gave a banquet in honor of the new Knights and their friends, which also allowed for a sense of the asceticism appropriate to the ceremony. New initiates became novices for a year, after which they were attracted by the Convention - the main structure of the Order for military service. Each year of service was called a “caravan.” After three such “caravans” the Knight received a place in the Convention for at least two years. Having thus fulfilled his duties in the Order, the Knight was free to return home to Europe, but could be summoned by the Grandmaster if necessary. Knights from the first group could advance to the high positions of Bailiff, Commander or Prior.

A second group of Knights remained for spiritual service as Chaplains of Obedience. It was common for them to serve in hospitals or order churches, however, they were not completely exempt from serving in the “caravan”. These Knights could be elected to the position of Prior or even Bishop of the Order.

The third group were the Serving Brothers, conscripted for military service from respected, but not necessarily aristocratic, families.

The fourth and fifth were the Honorary Knights, distinguished by degrees - Knights - Masters (Magisterial Knights) and Most Serene Knights (Knights of Grace), elected by Grandmasters.

Another classification was based on nationality, in which the Knights belonged to one of eight "Languages". These were: Aragon, Auvergne, Castile, England (with Ireland and Scotland), France, Germany, Italy and Provence. The presence of three French “Languages” was no coincidence, since the French greatly dominated numerically in the Order.

Leadership was carried out by the Grandmaster, who was elected by the Knights on the basis of many years of successful service in senior positions. The Grand Master was also the President of the Supreme Council, which also included: the Bishop of the Order, Priors, Bailiffs, Knights Grand Cross and Deans of the "Languages". While the Supreme Council performed the usual administrative functions, the General Assembly of the Order's members was convened every five years, and sometimes every ten years. These meetings were reported a year in advance, allowing the Tongues and individual Knights to prepare reform projects for consideration.

The emblem of the Order was an eight-pointed cross, introduced by Grand Master Raymond de Puy, symbolizing the eight virtues (Beatitudes), the four sides of the cross also signifying the four virtues: Prudence, Temperance, Courage and Justice. The oaths taken by the Knights upon joining the Order gave it a religious character. New initiates were expected to hug and kiss each other as a sign of friendship, peace and brotherly love. From now on they called each other “brothers.”

With the transfer of Rhodes from the Byzantines to the control of the Order, the Knights began to seek recognition of their independence. All Christian powers and Catholic nations began to regard the Order in its full definition as the Sovereign Military Order of St. John of Jerusalem. In this regard, the Grandmaster began to be called the Prince of Rhodes. The Order continued to grow into a more powerful and wealthy organization of nobles, bound by celibacy and obligations to help the poor, heal the sick, and wage constant war against the Muslims in the Mediterranean. It was impossible to strictly observe this last oath, since, being located on the island, the Knights could not continue successful operations on land. Despite this, they continued to stockpile and preserve their weapons, including chain mail and plate armor, both for themselves and for their horses. Each Knight had three horses: war, racing and pack, and also kept servants who carried a shield and banner. In addition, the Knights soon began to build more galleys and other vessels, making it possible to intensify attacks on enemy sea routes from and near Turkey. After some time, the Knights acquired seafaring experience and other abilities that allowed them to turn into Christian corsairs.

Although the spirit of the Crusades was long lost, and the Christian states began to maintain peaceful relations with the Muslims and the Mongol invaders, the Order never lost the sense of danger to Christianity, and it kept its oath to fight Islam, regardless of the presence or absence of allies. The first naval operation on the account of the Knights of Rhodes was the destruction in 1312 of 23 Turkish coastal ships by a small detachment led by Grandmaster Fouquet de Villaret himself, who had previously been one of the admirals of the Order. Soon, in competition with him, Grand Commander Albert Schwarzburg, supported by Genoese corsairs, led a combined fleet of 24 galleys and defeated 50 Turkish ships from Ephesus. Less than a year had passed before he, with eight ships of the Order and six Genoese galleys, defeated a fleet of 80 Turkish ships.

In 1334, an alliance was concluded at Avignon between the King of France, Venice, the Pope's fleet and the King of Cyprus to attempt, under the banner of the Knights of the Order, to kindle the fire of the Crusade. Meanwhile, in a naval battle they destroyed the Turkish fleet in the Gulf of Smyrna and forced the city itself to surrender. It seemed that the XIV century. Each of the nations on the side of the Christians sought to rush against the Muslims, and the order led these actions or provided its ships. The galleys of the Knights of the Order, in which they made swift and fearless attacks, avoiding the possibility of defeat, were popular in Europe. Reports of their exploits were published on large sheets in Naples, Marseilles and Venice and became legendary. But the galleys required strong men. They were filled with slave-oarsmen, warriors, sailors, and were also loaded with weapons and provisions, so that there was often nowhere to sleep. There was no protection from the scorching sun, rain and sea water. Food flooded during a sudden storm became unfit for consumption, people got sick. After successful operations, the galleys became even more crowded with prisoners and trophies. The exploits of the Order of those times continued to amaze, even taking into account the weakening of the Order in opposition to the power of Islam. In 1347, Fra Arnaldo de Perez Tores of Catalonia burned hundreds of Turkish ships at Imbros. Ten years later, the combined fleet of the Order and Venice under the command of Raymond Berenger (future Grand Master in 1365-1374) destroyed 35 Muslim ships. In 1361, one of the admirals, Ferlino d'Airasca, at the head of a squadron, with the help of Christian corsairs, captured Adalia. But his greatest success came in 1365, when with only 16 galleys he sacked Alexandria.

Not all of the Order's actions were exclusively military in nature. Knights often became Christian corsairs and attacked and captured Muslim ships returning to their ports with cargoes of spices, silk, gold and precious stones. The booty was captured, the crews turned into slaves for the galleys. In 1393 and 1399 The Order's galleys broke into the Black Sea and attacked the hornet's nests of Muslim corsairs that had long existed here. The first time the Knights failed, they lost Grandmaster Heredia and many Knights who fell into the hands of enemies. However, on the second attempt, success was achieved.

However, all these attacks, no matter how much damage they caused to the Muslim fleet and their pride, could not prevent the steady increase in their power in the 15th century.

The beginning of the turning point was the capture by the Egyptian Mamelukes of Castelrosso, an isolated post of the Knights in 1440. Enemies on 19 ships besieged Rhodes itself, but the Knights, led by Grandmaster Jean de Lastik (1437-1454), repelled the attack and pursued the enemy to Anatolia, where they landed on shore and killed 700 people. In 1444, a new attempt was made to besiege Rhodes, which the Knights also repulsed. However, at this moment Christianity was under threat from the Turks under the leadership of Mehmed II Fatih the Conqueror. Beginning with the capture of Constantinople in 1453, within four years he also captured the islands of Kos, Lemnos and Lesvos.

These Muslim successes created a number of potential bases around Rhodes for attacking the island and the Knights' headquarters. In 1462, the General Assembly of the Order met specifically to discuss this situation. The conclusion was that Rhodes was well fortified and these fortifications were good support for the fleet. Two years later the Pope attempted to raise a united fleet against the Muslims. However, due to internal disagreements, all Christian powers refused. From now on, the Order was left alone in the face of the Islamic threat.

In 1480, Rhodes was again besieged, but the knights managed to survive, although they suffered significant losses.

The Order received a respite when, after the death of Mehmed II in 1481, his sons began to fight each other. Under the leadership of Grand Master Pierre d'Aubusson (1476-1503), the Knights used this time to strengthen their forces as much as possible. This was confirmed by the capture of a large number of Turkish ships by Admiral Ludovicus di Scalenge in 1502. Five years later, the Order achieved its goal greatest victory in a merciless battle with the combined Muslim fleet at Alexandretta. However, this was the last victory of the Knights and the end of the Order's stay in Rhodes, which lasted more than two centuries.

Suleiman the Magnificent, grandson of Mehmed II, the powerful Ottoman Sultan did not forget about the Order for a minute. He always admired the valor of the Knights and, after ascending the throne, respected them and their new Grand Master, Philippe Villers de l'Isle Adam (1521-1534). However, such feelings did not prevent him from continuing the work of his ancestors, seeking to throw off the Knights from Rhodes. He bided his time, gathered forces and launched his attack on Rhodes in 1522. The Order's fleet at this moment was in a state of retraining and was weakened. In order not to scatter his forces, l'Isle Adam removed his knights from the ships and strengthened the garrison of the island. Suleiman besieged Rhodes. The huge Turkish army was opposed by 600 knights and about 7,000 soldiers. After six months of siege, the exhausted and half-starved Knights, who had lost most of the soldiers and 240 “brothers” betrayed by one of them, d'Amaral, were forced to capitulate on Christmas Day 1522. The brave defense awakened the nobility of Suleiman, and he not only allowed the Grandmaster along with the remaining The knights were free to leave Rhodes, but also showed them honors when they left the island to their galleys.

The Order was defeated, but not dishonored. Its high prestige was preserved, and although the Order was in disarray, it offered a chance to recover and continue the fight. But there was one urgent matter - to find a new shelter.

Emperor Charles V of Spain, who also wore the crown of the Holy Roman Empire, under whose rule were also Castile, Aragon, Burgundy, the Austrian possessions of the House of Habsburg, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Sardinia, Sicily, most of Italy and Spanish possessions in northern Africa and the New World, invited The Order of St. John used Sicily as a temporary refuge while searching for a new home.

The knights hoisted their banner in their temporary monastery in Syracuse. They took with them everything they could take from Rhodes, including galleys, many of which were privately owned by the knights. Both the Order and individual knights used various European shipyards to build their large ships, and it so happened that on January 1, 1523, when the evacuation from Rhodes took place, the Santa Anna carrack, which was built for the Order, was launched in Nice . She was sent to Syracuse and joined the remnants of the fleet there. It would be useful to talk in more detail about this karakka, since it had to play an important role in the history of the Order.

Carracks were heavy ships used to transport troops and equipment, as well as other cargo that could not be carried on galleys. They were, of course, not as mobile and fast, but they were better armed, which made them very useful as an addition to the main fleet. "Santa Anna" had 132 ft. (40.2 m) long and 40 ft. (12.2 m) wide, the superstructures rose 75 feet above the waterline. (22.9 m). She could take on board 4 tons of cargo and supplies for a six-month voyage. Among other things, this ship had a metal workshop, a bakery and a church. The armament consisted of 50 long-barreled cannons and a large number of falconets and half-guns; the arsenal could accommodate personal weapons for 500 people. The ship had a crew of 300 people, but could accommodate an additional 400 light infantry or cavalry. However, the most important feature of the Santa Anna was its metal shell, which was resistant to cannonballs. This was the first ship armed and protected in this way in those days. The Order also had three other carracks: “Santa Caterina”, “San Giovanni” and “Santa Maria”, previously captured from the Muslims.

Since all the Knights could not gather in Syracuse, other temporary camps arose, organized in Candia, Messina, Civitavecchia, Viterbo, as well as in neighboring France in Villefranche and Nice. The council met periodically in Syracuse on board the Santa Anna. Naturally, the most frequently discussed issue at these meetings was the search for a new refuge. However, Grandmaster de l'Isle Adam believed that before looking for a new place, help and support should be found to attack and liberate Rhodes. In search of such support, he moved from one European court to another. Since the representation of the French Knights in the Order was the largest, they were the first to turn to the King of France for help. However, Francis I was more interested in gaining Suleiman's support against his opponent, Charles V. Wherever l’Isle Adam applied, he was always refused. It seemed that although respect for the Order remained, it was no longer popular. Perhaps because the Order, which remained faithful to the Pope and its oath to fight only infidels, could not be useful in solving anyone's national interests. Moreover, nationalism at that time was becoming the main dominant factor in European affairs. On the other hand, all of Europe trembled in fear of Suleiman the Magnificent, who, during his reign, not only conquered the peoples of the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea coast, but also reached Belgrade and Budapest with his armies, bringing his Ottoman Empire to the pinnacle of glory. Only when l'Isle Adam reached King Henry VIII of England did he receive a slightly different answer. His position was no different from others, besides, the English monarch was about to get married and, regarding his matrimonial affairs, had already begun his litigation with the Pope, so the Order appeared in England in a bad light. However, Henry VIII received l'Isle Adam with great honor at St. James's Palace and at the end gave him weapons and ammunition worth 20,000 crowns. The amount was significant, but it was very little help for the project, since the Grandmaster expected help with ships and troops. Later, 19 guns, given by the King of England, were taken to Malta by the Knight Sir John Sutter in January 1530, and then used to defend Tripoli. Recently, one of these guns was recovered from the bottom of the harbor of Famagusta (Cyprus). It was identified because, along with the Tudor emblem, it also bore the Grandmaster's coat of arms.

L'Isle Adam returned to Sicily very disappointed. He understood that he would have to abandon plans for an attack on Rhodes, and also that the Knights were becoming increasingly interested in worldly affairs and breaking their vows. Idleness led their organization to decline. He realized that if a new home was not found soon, the Order would most likely disintegrate.

Charles V also became aware of his worries and disappointment, shared by the Knights. After several years of the Order's presence in Sicily, it seemed inconvenient for him to leave the Knights without his attention. Then someone convinced him to transfer Malta and the neighboring island of Gozo to the Order. The Emperor was inclined to agree. He knew that he could not make any use of these deserted rocky islands, devoid of vegetation, with poor soil and lack of water. However, he wanted to get something in return. He didn't mean money, but he wanted to take a heavy burden off his shoulders. Malta has always been a target for pirate raids, which made owning it even more useless. But Tripoli gave him an even bigger headache, and he made great efforts to support this Christian enclave among the Muslim states of North Africa. Why not give his protection to the knights as payment for resettlement to Malta? This idea came to him and was proposed to the Order.

L'Isle Adam was not happy about this proposal. He immediately realized what problems it would bring. But he didn't give up completely. Time passed quickly, and even his very stay in Sicily depended on the emperor’s disposition. Finally, he asked for time to gather information about Malta. However, when he received them from the expedition, which was immediately sent to Malta, he was even more alarmed. The island of Malta, as stated in the report, is a mountain of soft sandstone about seven leagues (30 km) long and three or four leagues wide (15 km). Its desert surface is covered with 3-4 feet (approx. 1.5 m) of soil, very rocky and unsuitable for agriculture. Where possible, the Maltese grow cotton and cumin, which they trade for grain, and also cultivate some fruits. Apart from a few springs, there is no running water, and the 12,000 people in Malta and another 5,000 in Gozo are mostly peasants living in primitive villages. There is only one city here, which is the capital. For protection, there are only two castles where the inhabitants take refuge during pirate raids. The gloomy picture presented had only one bright spot; the report convinced that the island of Malta has two extensive harbors capable of accommodating a large number of galleys. This gave the Order's naval forces a good base, and l'Isle Adam could not help but think that the Order's property could now be replenished mainly through corsairship. This required ships and, accordingly, a harbor. This circumstance was the only positive thing in his thoughts. However, l'Isle Adam would not have accepted the emperor's proposal under other circumstances, but now they were putting great pressure on his decision. Another circumstance that could not be ignored was that some Knights were already beginning to leave the Convention, returning to the weakened subsidiary branches (Commanderies) in Europe, and this could serve as the first sign of disintegration of the Order. The impoverishment of the Order left no choice; l’Isle Adam accepted the offer.

A document in the form of a rescript of Charles V, currently on display in the National Library of Malta, provided by l'Isle Adamou, read: "transferred to the Knights in order that they may freely perform their Sacred Duty for the benefit of all Christianity and employ their forces and troops against the treacherous enemies of the Holy Faith, - the islands of Malta, Gozo and Comino in exchange for the provision of a falcon annually on All Saints' Day (November 1) to Carlos, Viceroy of Sicily." An obligatory, although not specifically noted, dubious “gift” in the form of Tripoli was also implied.

When the Maltese learned of this, they were rightly indignant, for in 1428 King Alfonso V of Aragon confirmed their ancient privileges, paid 30,000 gold florins, the sum for which the needy monarch pledged the islands to Don Gonsalvo Monroy, and swore on the four Gospels that The Maltese Islands will never be transferred to another owner. Funnily enough, this Magna Carta of Malta is now also on display in the Library of Malta, next to the aforementioned rescript of Charles V. The Maltese sent an embassy to protest to the Viceroy of Sicily, but when it arrived, the galleys of the Order were already in Syracuse, and Grandmaster l'Isle Adam had already been exposed to power over Malta through his representative, the bailiff. On October 26, 1530, Grand Master l'Isle Adam and his Knights departed on the carrack "St. Anne" for the Grand Harbor of Malta, their new home.

Much of the Maltese population was then going through difficult times. Their life was a routine, grueling struggle for existence, accompanied by constant attacks by Muslim corsairs who captured people as slaves. These people didn't care who ruled their country. However, there was also a minority, including most of the noble families and citizens who grew up free, who quickly realized that with the rise of the Knights they could lose their political rights. They immediately began to look at the Knights with suspicion. This position of the Maltese was also reflected in the “arrogance of the Knights” who arrived in Malta, noted by the Maltese historian. Most likely, this can be explained by the fact that some were expecting the arrival of the Knights, crowned with the laurels of numerous exploits, but rumors quickly spread that many of them were breaking their vows and celibacy, leaning toward Freemasonry, as happened with the Templars. Such ideas were partially supported by the clergy, who feared the new rulers who were under the direct protection of the Pope. In addition, the Knights did not take much of their property to Malta; they brought only the holy icon containing the hand of St. John, a silver processional cross kept in Mdina Cathedral, and some ritual vestments and objects. The most important things that they could not leave and that came with them are now stored in Malta. The Knights were supposed to start over. And so they began.

For over 400 years, the Maltese governed the country themselves through an autonomous commune called the Universita, represented by four members bearing the title of "Giurati" (senior members of the municipality), presided over by the Captain of the Rod (della Verga). He was so called because of the staff that the page always carried in front of him, and was also called in Arabic by the title Hakem. This position was elective, but it became practically hereditary in the De Nava family, the owners of Fort San Angelo. The presence of parliament was supposed to guarantee the privileges of the Maltese, and they hoped that this situation would not change.

Grandmaster l'Isle Adam officially took over Malta in Mdina, the medieval city that was then the capital of the island. The investiture procedure was carried out with great pomp and ceremony, in which important members of Maltese society also took part. But the climax came when l'Isle Adam proceeded to the city gate under the canopy carried by the Giurati, and swore on the great cross of the cathedral and the cross of the Order to maintain the privileges and treat the islands as promised by the king of Aragon and Sicily. After this, the Captain of the Rod knelt down, kissed the Grandmaster's hand and handed over the silver keys. This meant that the gates of the city were open, and the Grandmaster could enter them to the sound of fireworks and the ringing of bells.

Mdina was the only Maltese city. Its name meant a fortified city in Arabic. But in 1428, after the Maltese expressed dissatisfaction with their ruler, King Alfonso V of Aragon and Sicily, because he, in need of money, mortgaged the island to his aristocrats, the king accepted their protest and confirmed their ancient privileges. On this occasion, he called Mdina "the noble jewel in his crown", and the Maltese began to call their city Notabile, although the name Mdina remained in common use.

It was assumed that the Knights would make the only city their headquarters. But instead, they settled in Birgu, a small village located, however, on the shores of the Grand Harbor under the protection of Fort San Angelo. They made their choice because Birgu could keep its ships and maritime services on hand in case of need. Although the village of Birgu was inconvenient and unsuitable for their buildings, this did not stop the Knights, and they immediately began to do everything necessary. In the narrow streets of Birgu they began to build their own Farmsteads, one for each Language. Where possible, they rented premises, as they did in Rhodes. They also continued to build fortifications and equip them in case of a possible attack. Birgu already had the magnificent Church of St. Lawrence, built in 1090 at the court of Roger of Normandy and decorated over the years. The Knights turned it into the main church of the Order.

L'Isle Adam, realizing the need for defensive structures, began work to strengthen Fort San Angelo. This fortress, which protected the Great Harbor, served this purpose even under the Carthaginians, and then under the Romans, Byzantines, Normans, Angevins and Aragonese. The Grand Master attached great importance to this fort, settled in it himself, living in a house built about a hundred years ago for the De Nava family, owners of the fort, and also rebuilt the old chapel, dedicating it to St. Anna. Work was also carried out on the walls of Mdina, which, while remaining the capital of the island, also needed to be strengthened.

This was a good start, no doubt discussed among the majority of the islanders, who remained doubtful about the prospects of the Order in Malta. However, after some time the attitude began to improve.

The Candlemas holiday especially helped bring the Knights and the Maltese closer together. At this annual event on 2 February, the parish priests of Malta and Gozo met the Grand Master and presented him with decorated candles. The Grandmaster addressed the audience about pressing matters and discussed with them the possibilities of cooperation between secular authorities and the church for the benefit of the people.

The Order began minting coins: scudo, tari, carlino and grano. These names survived in Malta five centuries later.

Construction gave the Maltese a lot of work, although each Order Language had its own knights, warriors, priests, mechanics, military engineers and sailors. All these new arrivals mixed with the people, but brought new meaning to the life of the islanders.

L'Isle Adam must have been pleased, since the Order's move to Malta seemed to be going well. But he was not satisfied, because he could not get Rhodes out of his mind and hoped that one day he would be able to recapture his former house. His hopes were strengthened when his galleys first sailed from Malta to confront the Muslims. Five galleys of the Order under the command of Admiral Bernardo Salvati with two Genoese ships suddenly attacked the Turkish fleet off Modon and destroyed it. They then captured the city and returned to Malta with the spoils and 800 Turkish prisoners. A little later, Salvatti, together with the great Genoese admiral Andrea Doria, attacked Coron.

These two naval actions raised the spirit of l'Isle Adam and proved the valor of the Order, which was especially important for its future in Malta. However, difficulties of a different kind began to arise. After disputes with the Pope, the English king Henry VIII in 1532 proclaimed himself the head of the Anglican Church and began to create obstacles for further development English branch of the Order. This was reflected in the fact that young English aristocrats sent by the Supreme Prior began to arrive in Malta. Members of the English "Language" were aristocrats born in England, Scotland or Ireland and who contributed part of their property to the corresponding commandery or monastery. However, some of the knights who arrived in Malta at this time could not document this. For those who joined the Order of l'Isle Adam gave the opportunity to receive such documents within six months, but for candidates and newcomers the General Assembly demanded the immediate presentation of such documents. As a result, many were forced to return, and the transportation costs had to be paid by the High Prior.

However, what worried l'Ile Adam most of all was the insubordination among some of the young Knights, who were no longer trained under the strict authority of the Order and were getting out of hand. Some of them crossed all acceptable limits with their recklessness. In this regard, the General Assembly added additions to the disciplinary code. The article read: “If anyone enters a citizen’s house without an invitation and without the consent of the owner, or disturbs the order during folk festivals, dances, weddings and similar occasions, he will be deprived of two years of seniority (“length of service”) without hope of forgiveness. In addition, if anyone, day or night, breaks the doors or windows of citizens’ houses, he will also serve a punishment, such as will be imposed by the Grandmaster.” It was practically impossible to prevent duels among the hot-tempered and quarrelsome youths, always ready to insult their opponents and who valued personal courage over all other virtues.

L'Isle Adam died on August 21, 1534. He was succeeded by the Italian Pietro del Ponte, who also died a year later. The same thing happened with the next Grandmaster, the Frenchman Didier de Saint Jayet, who died in 1536.

The new Grandmaster (1536-1553) was the Spaniard Juan d'Omedes. This was a Knight of the “old style”, who, like l’Isle Adam, in his soul did not accept his expulsion from Rhodes, but was fully aware of the inevitability of the Order’s presence in Malta. Just like l’Isle Adam, he was a adherent of strict discipline, however, unlike his predecessor, he did not allow the Knights any liberties. He punished when necessary. Punishments in the Order were not easy. When Knight Oswald Messingbeard fought with John Bebington during the As

The original was taken from

The Order of Malta retains its sovereignty within the framework of international law and has been granted permanent observer status at the UN. It has the right to issue its own passports, stamps and mint coins. The Military Order of Malta has diplomatic relations with one hundred countries, its sovereignty is recognized by 105 states.

The Knights of Malta are called upon to cooperate with the Black Nobility, the Vatican and various papal and royal orders, in particular the Jesuits. The core of the Order of Malta is the Order of the Garter and its subordinate Society of Pilgrims.

World Business

  • Control over central banks and financial structures subordinate to them. Examples: Bank of Great Britain (1694), Bank of France (1716/1800), US Federal Reserve (1913), Vatican Bank (1942), German Central Bank (1948/1957), European Central Bank (1998).

  • Shareholding in the US Federal Reserve: M.M. Warburg & Co (1798, Germany), Chase Manhattan Bank (1799, USA), N M Rothschild & Sons (1811, London), Lazard Brothers Bank (1848, USA), Israel Moses Sieff (Italy), Lehman Brothers (1850, USA ), Kuhn (1867, now part of Lehman Brothers) and Goldman Sachs (1869, USA).

  • Banks. Examples: Citibank, Bank of America (under the control of the Jesuit order),

  • Secret transactions and placement of capital in offshore zones

  • Insurance companies

  • World funds: Rockefeller Foundation (1913). Founded (by the Pilgrim Society and the Knights of Malta) by John D. Rockefeller, Sr., and his son, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., and their advisor, Fredrick T. Gates, in New York in 1913.

  • Ford Foundation (1936)

  • International Monetary Fund (1944)

  • World Banking Group (1945)

“The World Bank was formally created on December 27, 1945, following the ratification of the Bretton Woods Agreement, which resulted from the United Nations Monetary and Fiscal Policy Conference (July 1 - July 22, 1944). In fact, the World Bank is part of the UN system.

World Bank divisions:

  • International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (1945)

  • International Finance Corporation (1956)

  • International Development Association (1960)

  • International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes (1966)

  • Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (1988)

  • World Movement for Federalism (1947, Switzerland)

  • European Investment Bank (1958, Luxembourg)

  • UN Capital Development Fund (1966) (part of the UN Program for International Development, 1965)

  • The Heritage Foundation (1973), which is supported by about one hundred major corporations, including Chase Manhattan Bank, Dow Chemical Company, Ford Motor Company, General Motors, GlaxoSmithKline, Mobil, and Procter & Gamble.

  • Asia Fund (1974), funded by the US Agency for International Development, the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, UN Development Programs, Australia, Canada, the Netherlands and the UK

  • UN Foundation (1998), in which CNN founder Ted Turner plays a special role.

  • The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (2000) is the largest and most transparent "charitable" foundation whose trustees are Bill Gates, Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett. Some members of the Trilateral Commission are also involved in this “charitable” project.

Information corporations: Media, Software/IT, Electronics, Telecom.

Entertainment industry: propaganda of fear and manipulation of consciousness, information repression (strict compliance with copyrights, monopolies on ideas, control over the information policy of media mass media), user supervision social networks, Internet censorship.

  • Military corporations

  • Energy and mining corporations (oil, coal, metals, diamonds, water)

  • Transport corporations: water transport, road transport, airlines, aircraft manufacturing, rail transport.

  • Pharmaceutical corporations

  • Food corporations

  • and many others

At the annual meetings of the secretive Bilderberg Group (founded by the Knight of Malta, Joseph Retinger), deals are made with geopolitical considerations in mind.

Intervention in politics and legal issues

  • Managing Global Control Structures

  • Political structures

  • Global financial structures

  • UN (1919/1945, formerly called the League of Nations)

  • The Order of Malta has permanent missions to the UN and specialized commissions and agencies of the UN: UNESCO (education, science, culture), World Food Programme, Food and Agriculture Organization agriculture, World Health Organization, High Commission for Refugees, High Commission for Human Rights, Industrial Development Committee.

  • Permanent Court of Arbitration (1899)

  • The Carnegie Foundation (1903) donated $1.5 million for the construction and operation of the Peace Palace (1913). It houses the Permanent Court of Arbitration and the library of international law. Since 1922, this building has also housed a completely separate structure, the Permanent Court of International Justice, which was later named the International Court of Justice within the UN system (1945).

  • European Court of Human Rights (1950)

  • World Trade Organization (1944)

  • The Order of Malta is also a member of the following international organizations:

  • International Committee of the Red Cross (1863, Geneva)

  • International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (1919, Geneva)

  • International Committee on Military Medicine and Pharmacy (1921, Brussels)

  • International Institute for the Unification of Private civil law(1926, Rome)

  • Council of Europe (1949, Strasbourg)

  • European Commission (1951, Brussels)

  • European Council (1961, Brussels)

  • International Organization for Migration (1951, Geneva)

  • Latin Union (1954, Santo Domingo, Paris).

  • Inter-American Development Bank (1959, Washington)

  • International Institute of Humanitarian Law (1970, Sanremo, Geneva)

  • Participation in the global intelligence service (including ECHELON) and in the intelligence services of various countries in order to promote the interests of the Vatican, Jesuits and Freemasons.

  • Military structures: NATO, UN troops, private military company"Black water"

  • Creation of fronts of mercy. This is a favorite pastime of the Catholic Churches and the Jesuit Order. This is how they try to hide their reactionary nature from people and disguise their current activities. Sometimes these seemingly harmless charities use the information they receive to conduct espionage in other countries. Examples:

  • Rotary International (1905). More than 32,000 clubs in 200 countries.

“Rotary Club members are like Scouts who have grown up and become successful.” This short phrase indicates the source of origin of Rotary Club members.

Order of Malta

The Order of Malta (Ionites, Hospitallers, Knights of Rhodes) is a spiritual knightly order of St. John, which was founded around 1070 as a brotherhood. The symbol of the Order of Malta is an eight-pointed white cross (Maltese) on a black cloak (Appendix No. 5).

At the moment, the Italian Republic recognizes the existence of the Order of Malta on its territory as a sovereign state, as well as the extraterritoriality of its residence in Rome (Palace of Malta, or Magisterial Palace at Via Condotti, 68, residence, and Villa Magistral on the Aventine). Since 1998, the Order also owns Fort Sant'Angelo, which also has extraterritorial status for 99 years from the date of the agreement with the government of the Republic of Malta. Thus, the Order formally has a territory over which it exercises its own jurisdiction, but the question of the actual status of this territory (the Order’s own territory or the territory of a diplomatic mission temporarily transferred to its needs) is a subject for abstract legal discussions.

Scientific works There are not so many Russian scientists regarding the international legal status of the Order of Malta. The candidate reveals this question most fully historical sciences V.A. Zakharov. In this paragraph we will rely specifically on his articles.

Since the creation of the Order of Malta, its history has been inextricably linked with such a legal category as sovereignty. Its entire history is a struggle for recognition as a sovereign state.

As V.A. writes Zakharov, “we are accustomed to the phrase “Order of Malta” in relation only to the Catholic “Sovereign Order of Malta.” But at the beginning of its existence, this structure was called the Order of the Hospitallers, later also the Order of the Ionites, then they added geographical names territories owned by the order. The Order of Malta began to be called only after it took possession of Malta. Subsequently, no longer having territories, he retained precisely this name."

The modern name of the Order of Malta sounds in the Italian language officially recognized by the order: “Sovrano Militare Ordine Ospedaliero di San Giovanni di Gerusalemme di Rodi e di Malta”, which is translated into Russian: “Sovereign Military Order of the Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and Malta”.

The fundamental law of the Sovereign Order of Malta since 1961 has been its Constitution, which was drawn up with the close participation of Vatican strategists after the crisis that erupted in the Order at the end of the Second World War.

Article 1 of the 1961 Constitution contained a brief and categorical definition: “The Order is a legal entity and is solemnly recognized by the Holy See. It has the legal qualification of a subject of international law.” Article 3 states: “The close connection between the two qualities of the Order, which is both religious and sovereign, is not in conflict with the autonomy of the Order both in relation to the exercise of sovereignty and the associated prerogatives of the Order as a subject of international law in relations with states ".

Let's consider some historical moments of the creation of the Order of Malta.

Between 1052 and 1066 A wealthy citizen from the Italian city-republic of Amalfa, Constantino di Pantaleone, together with other ascetics, built in Jerusalem on the site of an old hospice house from the time of Abbot Probus, next to the Church of St. John the Baptist, a new home for sick pilgrims. This is where the name Hospitallers came from.

In 1099, the Brotherhood of Hospitallers was transformed into the Manashic Order. The political situation that developed following the creation of the Kingdom of Jerusalem by the crusaders prompted the Order of the Hospitallers to assume military responsibilities to protect not only pilgrims and the sick, but also the territories obtained as a result of the Crusades. This is how the spiritual knightly order was formed.

The first document representing the Order of Malta as a subject of international law is the bull Paschal II of 1113. This document allowed the order to “freely elect its head” regardless of any secular or spiritual authorities.

The legal status of the Order as a member of the international legal community was recognized by states Western Europe no limits. In this capacity, the Order was represented at the Westphalian Peace Congress (1643-1648), as well as at the Nuremberg negotiations of sovereigns. He also takes part in the conclusion of peace treaties in Nijnmegen (1678) and Utrecht (1713), in the signing of international legal agreements with Poland (1774-1776) and with Russia (1797).

From the middle of the 19th century. The order's activities focus on medical and charitable activities. National associations of knights appear: 1859 in Rhine-Westphalia, 1875 - in England, 1877 - in Italy, etc.

Since from the end of the 19th century. The residence of the Sovereign Order of Malta is located on the state territory of Italy, the Italian state and its courts have more than once dealt with the issue of the international legal status of the Order.

The Council of State of Italy, in its opinion of November 10, 1869, stated that the Order of Malta is a sovereign institution, therefore the decrees of the Grand Master of the Order do not require an exequatur of the King of Italy.

The sovereign position of the Order of Malta is also confirmed in the Convention of the Italian War Ministry and the Order of February 20, 1884 and in the legislative decrees of the Italian government of October 7, 1923, November 28, 1929 and April 4, 1938.

In the history of the Order of Malta of the twentieth century. there was a period that could well have ended with the loss of the order, both its sovereignty and its religious, spiritual and knightly character.

The question of the sovereignty of the Order of Malta was considered after the Second World War. In 1953, the Commission of the Grand Tribunal adopted a verdict that once again reaffirmed the sovereignty of the Order of Malta.

In order to declare its sovereignty on a global scale, the Order of Malta made an attempt in the 30s of the twentieth century. then, for the first time, diplomatic relations were established with the Holy See. In 1937, similar relations were formalized with Francoist Spain.

In the second half of the twentieth century. between the Order of Malta and with a large number of countries Latin America and Africa, diplomatic relations were established.

However, in 1960 the Order of Malta was declared a corporation which, from the point of view of international law, cannot be considered a religious, military, aristocratic or sovereign community. Salvation came from the Italian government. The relationship between the Italian Republic and the Order of Malta was finally determined by diplomatic notes exchanged between the parties on January 11, 1960.

Thus, the Italian Republic recognized the existence of the Order of Malta on its territory as a sovereign state with which it maintains diplomatic relations. However, state recognition from not only European, but also major world powers still did not follow.

The issue of the sovereignty of the Order of Malta was finally resolved with the adoption by the Supreme Court of Italy of a ruling that stated, in particular, the following. "In January 1960, 32 years ago, S.M.O.M. and the Italian government signed an agreement in which S.M.O.M. was recognized as a state. But this agreement never received the agreement of the Italian Parliament and never had the status of a treaty. In any case, S.M.O.M. cannot be a state , since it has no territory, no citizens, and as a result, there is no required compliance."

The life and work of the order was until recently regulated by a constitution approved by the Holy See (apostolic letter of June 24, 1961) and a code (code of laws) that came into force on November 1, 1966, with amendments approved by Pope John Paul II in May 1997 .

S.M.O.M. has its own courts of first instance and courts of appeal with chairmen, judges, guardians of justice and assistants with the right of advisory vote of the Sovereign Council.

Currently, the Order maintains diplomatic relations with more than 120 states.

In the 20th century The Order of Malta never acquired sovereignty; according to experts in international law, it is currently a state-like entity, “Its sovereignty and international legal personality are a legal fiction. A similar opinion is shared by the UN.”

The closed organization The Order of Malta, which appeared at the dawn of Christianity and is still functioning today, raises a lot of questions among the common man. Especially considering the international recognition of the Order as a state with its own ruler, banknotes, passports and influence in international organizations.

With the spread of Christianity in Europe, more and more people made pilgrimages to the holy sites in Jerusalem each year. The pilgrims walked overland. The road was difficult and long.

By the time they arrived in the Holy Land, the people were already severely exhausted and sick. In order to somehow help the pilgrims, the first hospital was created in Jerusalem. It was a complex of buildings with a Christian monastery named after St. John (the Baptist) and a medical institution. Travelers here were given shelter, food and treatment.

Subsequently, other hospitals were built along the route of the pilgrims. Several of them were located in Palestine. The 9th-10th centuries were the time of military victories of the Egyptian caliphs, who recaptured lands with Holy Places from Christians.

At the beginning of the 11th century, they managed to come to an agreement with the Egyptians and revive the hospital near Jerusalem. The Christians who worked there began to be called the Brotherhood of Johnites, after the name of the monastery. Another name is Hospitallers. Their service consisted of caring for the sick and helping the poor. They should have been merciful to everyone.

Many in Europe, inspired by the lives of the Johannite brothers, followed their example, entered the brotherhood and took vows to live in poverty, chastity and service to God.

Since at this time there was an endless confrontation between Christians and Muslims, which either subsided or flared up again, gradually the Hospitallers began to take on security and defensive functions. Already by the middle of the 12th century. a clear distinction appeared within the organization between those who treated and those who fought. So the Hospitallers turned into a powerful paramilitary organization.

Each member of the brotherhood had to serve the same spiritual ideals. Women were also accepted into it. They became novice sisters. The only prohibition was the inclusion in the organization of people who themselves or whose relatives were involved in trade and banking.

The Order of Malta had many privileges. He obeyed only the Pope. Representatives of the organization could take tithes from the land they owned and not report to the local authorities. The Order was governed by the Grand Master. That is, each member of the organization had to answer for their actions before the Pope and the Master.

The Hospitallers, on equal terms with other armies and orders, such as the Templars, participated in the crusades, the purpose of which was to fight the advancing Muslim world.

Not forgetting their main purpose - to heal and help - the Knights Hospitaller successfully repelled the attacks of the Saracens in Palestine and other countries through which the pilgrims walked.

Fortresses were built on the highest points of the terrain in order to see the enemy long before the attack. In addition, they often had two levels of defensive structures. Clean water flowed into the fortress through the aqueduct. In the fortresses in especially important directions, the supplies of food and weapons were such that the Hospitallers could withstand an enemy siege for up to several years.

During the entire existence of the Hospitallers, not a single fortress was conquered by the enemy without fierce resistance from the knights.

Thanks to the military exploits of the Order, the organization received significant cash injections and land to support its activities from European states.

Also, individual knights received generous thanks in the form of money and plots of land. Many of the knights firmly believed and lived according to the main principles of brotherhood, denying luxury and money, so they gave everything during their lifetime or bequeathed it to the Order after death in battle.

On the lands received for merit, the brotherhood built new hospitals. The largest landholding was located in Palestine - the city of Acre. At that time, the city was considered the capital of the Hospitallers.

Acre fell to the Turkish army in 1291. This was preceded by 8 crusades. The victories of the first campaigns were gradually replaced by increasingly frequent defeats. The Muslim armies became stronger and were often much more numerous than the Christian armies.

After Acre was abandoned by the Crusaders after fierce fighting (where 1 Christian was forced to fight 7 Muslims), Christians lost the Holy Land.

After a crushing defeat, the remaining Knights Hospitaller settled in Cyprus. The King of Cyprus gave them land on which they settled and immediately began to engage in their usual activities - building a hospital and helping the poor and sick. At the same time, they rejected any proposals to move to other countries, since they hoped to return to the Holy Land, and from Cyprus there was shortest way.

Christian pilgrims, even after the Holy Places came under Muslim control, continued to travel to Jerusalem, and the Hospitallers tried their best to protect them.

This was impossible on land, so they began to send ships to sea and take control of the waterway. At the same time, they cleared the Mediterranean Sea of ​​pirates, and soon their services at sea became as significant as they had once been on land.

The Order of Malta lived in Cyprus for 20 years, and would have lived longer, but the Grand Master’s disagreement with the demands of the Cypriot king did their job. The king wanted to receive tribute from everything the Order did.

20 years were enough for the Hospitallers to gain the power they had lost after the last crusades. During this time, the order's treasury was regularly replenished with contributions from European states for various merits, in addition, with trophies received after the defeat of pirate and Muslim ships in the Mediterranean Sea.

Over the course of 2 decades, many new members joined the organization, impressed by the glory and courage of the Order.

In 1309, the Order moved to Rhodes and placed its headquarters on the island. The move was not completely problem-free, since the local population, sympathizing with the Byzantines, who had a garrison here, fought in every possible way against the Hospitallers for some time.

For two centuries, the Order was engaged in protecting the Mediterranean Sea, preventing Muslims from North Africa and the Middle East from entering it, and also fought against piracy. During this time, the Order of the Templars was liquidated, and Constantinople could not withstand the power of the Ottoman army.

The Ioanite Order remained the only combat-ready army in Europe. Therefore, the next campaign of the Ottomans under the leadership of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent was to Rhodes. In 1522 the army of the Hospitallers was defeated. This was preceded by a months-long siege of the fortress and fierce battles. The Turks released the surviving Hospitallers.

For several years the Hospitallers wandered around Europe until the Spanish king gave them Malta. A little more than 30 years will pass and Sultan Suleiman will again try to attack the restored army of the Hospitallers, but will be knocked out of Malta and suffer heavy losses.

The feat of brotherhood becomes a breath of fresh air for Europe, since it was the first victory over the strong army of the Ottoman Empire. This event will go down in history as the Great Siege of Malta. And the Order will be better known as the Order of Malta, thanks to the victory and more than two hundred years of presence of the Hospitallers on the island of Malta.

Donations from European rulers flowed like a wide river to the victors. With this money, the capital, Valletta, was founded and rebuilt. But not all was so well. The river of money soon began to dry up, and the tasks for which the Order had once been created were no longer achievable.

New generations of Hospitallers no longer considered it necessary to worship Christian virtues; they began to trade in robbery at sea and the seizure of ships. There was a slave market in the port.

There was unrest in the army's minds. Little remains of the former might of the brothers' army. Therefore, when Napoleon’s army attacked Malta in 1798, the knights of the Order capitulated and were expelled from the island by the French.

The most persistent and ideological members of the brotherhood could not accept defeat and did not give up, hoping to restore the Order, starting all over again, as had happened more than once. For some time they lived in Russia at the invitation of Paul 1, but with his death they had to flee the country.

The Order began to revive at the end of the 19th century. It was no longer a powerful and rich organization, but still it continued to perform its main functions. In the 20th century, Hospitallers helped people during world wars. It was medical and humanitarian assistance. But it turned out to be local.

The Order of Malta is still recognized at the diplomatic level as a sovereign state, regardless of the fact that in addition to recognition, disputes about the legality of such an entity do not subside.

Location of the state on the world map

The Order of Malta is located on the territory of 2 states - Italy and Malta. It sounds serious, but in fact we are talking about only three buildings.

The main building of the state is located in Rome and is called the Magistral Palace. It is open to tourists on all days except Sunday. It would be more correct to say that only part of the building is open, since the other is rented out to shops and restaurants.

Inside and outside the building you can see the symbols of the Order. There is a Post Office here, which has connections with 60 countries. Numismatists are happy to buy postage stamps.

In the palace you can also buy state money - scud. They are printed from precious metals. Therefore, it is a useful souvenir.

In addition to the palace in Rome, there is the second most important building of the Order - the Maltese Villa. This building is closed to curious tourists. However, the villa does not lose its value as a landmark.

The last building of the Order is a fort in Malta in the city of Birgu. Both Italy and Malta recognize the sovereignty of the Order of Malta as a country.


The capital of the order is considered to be the Magistral Palace. He received this title in 1834. However, the independence of the Order and, accordingly, its capital was recognized in 1869.


The flag of the Order is a white cross on a red background. The eight-pointed cross symbolizes the bliss that a Christian will receive in heaven. Christ described these beatitudes in the Sermon on the Mount.

The four directions of the Maltese cross mean the main virtues revered by Christians:

  • strength of mind,
  • justice,
  • prudence,
  • abstinence.


There are more than 13 thousand people in the micro-state, as well as thousands of volunteers. However, only about 600 people have passports. These are government officials. There is a clear hierarchy within the state, which is regulated by a code.

Thus, there are 3 classes of “citizens” of the order:

  1. Those who vow to live in poverty, obedience, and chastity.
  2. Those who promise to live in piety and fulfill the requirements of the leadership of the Order.
  3. The rest are people who are required to be in accordance with Christian canons, help the poor, and engage in medical and humanitarian activities.

Economics of a subject of international law

The annual flow of money into the budget of the Order of Malta is 200 million euros. The treasury is replenished from the rental of existing real estate. In addition to the palace part in Rome, this is real estate in Austria and Italy.

Donations from all over the world are transferred to the state. This occurs when volunteers or citizens of the Order of Malta participate in helping other countries during disasters. In addition, coins and state postage stamps are in demand among numerous tourists. The country uses its own Maltese scud and the European euro.


The main position in the Order is the Grand Master, who heads the country and the Sovereign Council.

There are 4 figures lower in rank in the hierarchy:

  • Great Commander.
  • Great Chancellor.
  • Grand Hospitaller.
  • Guardian of the General Treasury.

The Sovereign Council meets annually at least 6 times at the Maltese Palace.

Prince and Grand Master

The head of the Order - the Grand Master - in addition to being the supreme commander-in-chief, bears the highest religious rank, the title of prince. The Pope gives him the rank of cardinal.

Giacomo Dalla Torre del Tempio di Sanguinetto - Grand Master of the Order of Malta

The ruler has a lot of power. It can adopt legislative acts that are not regulated by the code. The master manages the treasury and is responsible for international relations.

This position is for life. If after the death of the Master there is no opportunity to choose another to take the place of head, then the Lieutenant of the Master becomes acting ruler for a year.

Grand Commander

The commander is responsible for religion in the state. He regularly reports to the Vatican on the activities of the state. His responsibilities include instructing and teaching citizens about Christian values.

In the event that the Master is unable to perform his duties due to illness or death, the Commander temporarily takes over his work.

Grand Chancellor and Minister of Foreign Affairs

The Chancellor simultaneously serves as head of government and foreign minister. His task is to oversee relationships with other states and organizations of the Order in the world. He must monitor the implementation of the instructions of the head of state.

Grand Hospitaller

The Grand Hospitaller has the status of a minister and deals with charitable and humanitarian issues in the state and organizations of the Order around the world.

Guardian of the General Treasury

Within the Order, the Minister of Finance and Economics is the Guardian of the Common Treasury. He is responsible for all cash flows in the state. Prepares annual reports on available finances and real estate.

Submits proposals for investment, sale and purchase of real estate for consideration to the government and then to the Grand Master. The Guardian also oversees Postal communications and any financial flows between international organizations related to the Order.

Who are the Knights Hospitallers?

Knights among the Ioanists appeared when the need arose not only to heal and support pilgrims on the way, but also to protect. These were wars that were ready to prove their devotion to Christian virtues through service.

To become a knight, one had to belong to a noble family and take an oath of devotion to the Grand Master, the values ​​and virtues revered in the organization, as well as take a vow of chastity and poverty.

It is forbidden to give the rank of knighthood to those associated with obscene activities, such as trade.


By importance legal acts The Order of Malta is divided into:

  1. Constitution and Code.
  2. Laws passed by the Grand Master.
  3. International agreements.

International relationships

The Order of Malta has representations in 107 countries. It officially serves as an observer to the United Nations as well as the Council of Europe.

However, even within the European Union there are states that do not maintain diplomatic relations with the Hospitallers. These are Scandinavian countries, except Norway, the Netherlands, Greece and Iceland. Russia and the Order of Malta are participants in diplomatic relations.

Members of the Order

Awards of the Order

The Order of Merit, as the name suggests, is given for services rendered to the Order of Malta. Moreover, it is not necessary to belong to an organization and it is not necessary to be a Christian.

The award does not imply automatic entry into the organization of the recipient.

The white cross of the order varies depending on who is being awarded. This could be a civilian or military person, a woman or a priest.

The history of the Order of Malta is a series of ups and downs. At the same time, over its centuries-old history, the organization has been able to preserve ideas and tasks that it continues to follow to this day.

Article format: Vladimir the Great

Video about the Order of Malta

History of the Knights of Malta: