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What documents are required for admission to the university. What documents are needed for admission to a higher education institution or university as a full-time or part-time student? What are needed for admission to a university?

Standard package

For the full-time department, you need to collect a package of the following documents:

  1. Photocopy of passport. Notarization is not required even when sending documents by mail. Data is verified against admissions committee when submitting consent for enrollment, and for those who brought documents in person - immediately on the spot.
  2. School certificate. Also a photocopy or scan. The original is required for enrollment. Applicants who are determined to participate in the competition only at a certain university can immediately submit the original.
  3. Application for admission. The form is established by the admissions committee of each university.
  4. Photos. Provides from 2 to 6 photographs in 3x4 format. Usually, when submitting an application, only those who participate in the competition based on the results of internal entrance tests need them. The rest attach a photo to the application for consent to enrollment.
  5. Certificate of registration. If available - military ID (for guys).
  6. Medical certificate, if it is required for admission to certain areas or specialties. Usually it is also needed by those who plan to live in a hostel.
  7. College/technical school diploma(for college graduates).
  8. Documents confirming the right to benefits(if any) or certifying individual achievements(also subject to availability).

Paper certificates or any other evidence of Unified State Exam results are not required when submitting documents. It is enough to indicate your scores in the application (there are special blocks for this in the form) and clarify which year’s results should be taken into account during the competitive selection, since the scores obtained on the unified state exam are valid for 5 years (in the year of passing + 4 following years) .

Data on the results of the Unified State Examination are stored in a unified federal system (FIS State Examination and Admission), to which all admissions committees have access, and they are required to check the information provided by applicants. Moreover, you can use the results different years: for example, Russian language - for the current year, and physics or any other subject - for last year or even the year before.

Documents from candidates with disabilities

What documents are needed for admission to the university for applicants with disabilities health?

Often such candidates are physically unable to pass exams in the Unified State Exam format, so special internal tests are provided for them, which are carried out directly at the university, where special conditions are organized taking into account the physiological disorders of applicants. The list of subjects taken will depend on the chosen specialty.

In order for the university to organize appropriate conditions for passing entrance exams, applicants with disabilities must attach a certificate of disability to the standard package of documents. Since 2017, a medical report from the Psychological and Pedagogical Commission (PMPC) on the opportunity to study at the chosen university and an individual rehabilitation program (IPR) are no longer needed.

From disabled people of groups 1 and 2

Since 2019, people with disabilities since childhood, as well as groups 1 and 2, and disabled children can enter five universities in three areas of training in each. Like other beneficiaries, applicants with disabilities can take advantage of the right to enroll within the 10% quota in only one educational organization. The original documents are submitted to the institute or university (for a specific field) in which the applicant intends to take advantage of the benefit. In other universities, disabled people of all categories can participate in the competition on a general basis.

Please note: the right to admission within the framework of special quotas can also be used by disabled people of group 3, if the documents submitted upon admission contain the wording “disabled since childhood” or “disabled due to war injury”.

Keep in mind: quotas (usually 10 percent) are established within the budget places allocated to the university, and if they are not provided to the educational institution, then there can be no talk of enrolling in a free form of education.

For admission to the master's program

Master's degree applicants need to submit the following documents to the university:

  1. A diploma confirming higher education (bachelor's level - for those entering for the first time).
  2. Application for admission to a university for master's programs (its form is approved by the educational institution).
  3. Identity document (original and copy).
  4. 3x4 photographs (from two to six photographs).
  5. Certificate from the clinic (only for some specialties).
  6. If there are benefits, a corresponding certificate.

For correspondence department

The list of documents in this case is identical to the list for admission to full-time studies if the applicant is entering the university for the first time.

If an applicant enrolls by correspondence with the goal of receiving a diploma, he only needs to write an application and present the original diploma to the admissions committee (only a copy of it is submitted). Some institutions insist on having a certificate from your place of work.

Second higher education programs

  1. Statement.
  2. Photocopy of passport.
  3. Diploma confirming first higher education. If the document does not correspond to the state standard, you must attach a copy of the university license and a copy of the accreditation of your specialty.
  4. A document with a list of subjects you have already studied.
  5. Photos in 3x4 format (from four to six pieces).

If the last names in the diploma and the application do not match (which is not uncommon for those entering universities for evening studies, and especially for the second higher education already at a fairly mature age), you must submit a document confirming the reasons for changing the last name. A copy of it can be certified by the admissions committee.

Methods of submitting documents to the university

There are three officially permitted ways to apply to a university:

  1. Personally. The most common method is when applicants come to the admissions committee, fill out an application and hand over the entire package of documents to its members.
  2. Sending documents by mail. A very convenient way for those who are going to study in another city. But we must keep in mind that correspondence is often delayed, so it is better to send documents as early as possible, since the acceptance of applications ends at a strictly established time (for example, for full-time applications for applicants for the Unified State Exam - July 26 at 18:00 Moscow time), no matter how they are served.
  3. Sending documents via the Internet. The fastest way possible, which is welcomed by an increasing number of universities, but some educational institutions, including the presenters, still insist on the personal appearance of candidates. Therefore, check in advance whether the university accepts documents in electronic form. If such an opportunity is provided, there are instructions on the educational institution’s website on how to do everything correctly - send to email admissions committee, through Personal Area applicant or from a special page.

In May 2019, the Ministry of Education and Science announced the start of the development of a unified federal electronic complex “Online University Admission”. On the portal it will be possible not only to submit an application to a university remotely, but also to get acquainted with the interim results of the admission campaign. The service will begin work in stages: over the course of two years - from 2020 to 2022 - it will be tested during admission to some specially selected universities. According to the plans of the Ministry of Education and Science, in 2024 it will be possible to submit documents via the Internet to all higher education institutions. educational establishments Russia.

School is over, all the exams have been passed, the results have been received, but there is no time to rest and relax, the time has come to choose a future specialty, professional activity, and, consequently, places to receive specialized education. Young people often have questions: What documents are needed to enter a university? What is the deadline for submitting a package of documents for admission to the institute? How many universities can I apply to? Are there any benefits for admission and for which category of citizens? In this article we will try to answer these and some other questions in detail.

Mandatory list.

  1. Statement. Each university has its own application form. It is filled out by the applicant and contains information about the applicant’s personality, selected specialties (directions), Unified State Exam results, consent to the processing and verification of the provided data.
  2. A copy of your identification document. As a rule, a copy of your passport. You can also use a foreign passport, driver's license, military ID and other documents that replace a passport as an identification document.
  3. A copy of the state-issued education document. That is, a school leaving certificate. The original is provided directly upon enrollment at the university.
  4. Photos. Every educational organization determines how many photographs are needed for admission to the university. As a rule, it varies from 4 to 6 pieces, measuring 3x4 centimeters in black and white.
  5. Medical certificate in form 086/у, which certifies the absence of contraindications for training. This certificate can be obtained from your clinic to which you are assigned, or from paid medical examination clinics.

This is a general list of documents for all higher educational institutions in our country. It is important to remember that when providing a copy of any documents (passport, certificate, diplomas and others), you must have the originals with you to certify the copies!

Additional documents.

  1. Military ID (if available) or registration certificate for young people subject to conscription for military service.
  2. Certificate of disability of group I or II, death certificate of one or both parents, if you are applying for a quota for disabled people and orphans.
  3. Portfolio. It must include documents confirming the individual achievements of the applicant (diplomas and certificates of participation and winning prizes in school Olympiads in general education subjects different levels, sports competitions, confirming the presence of a GTO badge, etc.), which may serve as the basis for the accrual of additional points upon admission.
  4. The original of the target direction from the organization carrying out similar work and the agreement with this organization.
  5. List of additional documents for admission to medical school not established, the set corresponds to all other specialties.

A special, additional list of documents may be established for admission to military specialties, universities of the Ministry of Defense, Federal Law Service, Ministry of Internal Affairs and others with access to state and official secrets. Details of admission to these educational institutions can be found on their websites.

Procedure for submitting documents

Certificate of passing the Unified State Exam no longer required! All information about your results on Unified State Exam Universities will receive from a single database to which they are given access. However, some universities may require a certificate from the school confirming that you have passed the Unified State Exam.

According to the admission rules approved by the Ministry of Education and Science, documents can be submitted in person at the university admissions committee, as well as by registered mail. In this case, all copies of documents must be notarized!

Documents can be submitted to no more than 5 different universities, in each of which you can choose no more than 3 specialties (directions).

Deadlines for submitting documents

The period for accepting documents for admission to a higher education institution and conducting entrance tests is established at each university individually and must be posted on the information stand of the admissions committee and also on the university’s website. As a rule, reception begins in late June and continues until the end of July. In early August, students are enrolled and training contracts are drawn up on a paid and budget basis.

Admission without exams

According to the Law of the Russian Federation on Education and the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia on approval of the procedure for admission to study programs higher education, without passing entrance examinations, the following categories of citizens have the right to be enrolled in a university to undergo training at the expense of the budget: winners and prize-winners All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren and other Olympiads of the first category (according to the Procedure for holding Olympiads for schoolchildren, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science), participants of the Russian national team in international Olympiads in general education subjects, winners and prize-winners of the Olympics, Paralympics, Deaf Olympics, world and European champions (in the specialty of physical education and sports ).

Admission information

In mid-to-late July, each university creates lists of those recommended for enrollment and posts them on information stands and on the organization’s website. For final enrollment you must: submit an application for consent to enrollment and provide original documents (certificate, diplomas, diplomas, etc.).

So, the Unified State Exam and graduation are over, it would seem that applicants can sigh. But it was not there. Now they may face a test even more terrible than the state exams. A time begins that will forever be remembered not only by applicants, but also by their parents, because they are often even more worried than graduates.

All useful information for university applicants can be found in this article.

What do university applicants need to know?

So, you've successfully passed your exams, but you don't know what to do next. First, let's understand the terminology for readers:

  • Applicants are school graduates entering a higher or secondary educational institution.
  • Unified State Examination is a Unified State Exam, which is taken in the 11th grade for admission to higher educational institutions of the country.

Before deciding on the subjects for the Unified State Exam, you probably thought about what you want to become. If the choice was random, then you will have to look for a university and specialty that accepts the results of the subjects you passed.

If you don’t know how to decide on five universities to enroll in, sit down and think about what you would like to do, what profession you see yourself in. Write down on a piece of paper all your skills, abilities and personality traits, analyze what kind of job all this would be useful. Based on this you will choose desired university, in which you can receive an education suitable for your future profession.

In addition, there are Unified State Exam calculators that can be used to select a university based on the total exam scores of applicants. This greatly simplifies life for graduates and helps solve the problem of choosing institutes and specialties.

Once you have decided on universities, study in detail all the information about them. Institute applicants must clearly know the answers to the following questions:

  • What kind of university is this?
  • What do they teach there?
  • Are there budget places? How much does commercial training cost?
  • Does the university provide deferment from the army?
  • Are there any famous alumni?
  • What is the scholarship?
  • Do students, teachers and alumni respond positively to the place of study?
  • What opportunities does the university give to an applicant during his studies?
  • Is there a dormitory (for out-of-town applicants)?
  • What are the prospects after graduation?
  • What type of diploma is issued?
  • Find out about the accreditation of the university and the availability of a license if the university is non-state, in order to avoid unpleasant situations.

These questions will help you make informed choices. You're crossing the threshold adult life and move on to the next stage, in which it is undesirable to make mistakes. Therefore, you should think about the university and specialty more carefully. Moreover, out of five universities, you need to select one priority one, to which you will send the original certificate. This will give you a huge advantage in the race.

Familiarization with the admission rules

Remember that the Unified State Exam system allows applicants to apply for admission to five different universities at once in three directions each. You can apply to only one university, but for three specialties. If you want to file in five different cities, you are also free to do so. The most practical option is to submit documents to hometown and the one in which you would like to study. If you are not accepted in another city, you will have the opportunity to live at home in a familiar place and think about how to build your destiny further.

Some areas (mainly creative) have their own entrance tests, which the university conducts independently. Many applicants forget this. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify in advance what will need to be submitted and when.

You also need to know exactly how the competition is held, about beneficiaries and applicants who have advantages upon admission.

Submit documents

You also need to know:

  • Deadlines for accepting documents.
  • Opening hours of the admissions committee.
  • What documents are required for admission?

What documents are needed for admission?

1. To submit an application to the admissions committee:

  • Passport, citizenship and its copy.
  • Certificate and its copy.
  • Application for admission to study, which is filled out at the admissions office.
  • Several photographs 3 x 4 cm.

2. For enrollment:

  • Original certificate (for applicants on a budget).
  • Statement of consent to enrollment.

3. After the order for enrollment:

  • Photos 3 x 4 cm (if required by the university).

We participate in the competition

The competitive stage is the most exciting time for applicants. Many cannot sleep, eat or function normally, since their dreams and thoughts are only about admission.

Every applicant must know this: enrollment takes place in two waves. The first will enroll 80%, mainly those who have submitted the original certificate to the university, the second will include the remaining 20% ​​of applicants. Therefore, almost everyone has a chance to enroll. The main thing is to believe! But it’s better to take care of your budget place in advance and pass the Unified State Exam with high scores. Then even the competitive stage will go smoothly for you, and you won’t even have to worry.

Don’t forget also about the target direction and beneficiaries who can take those same 80% of places in the first wave. Moreover, you can go to the second wave if any incoming applicant does not provide consent for enrollment on time. In this case, the likelihood that you will enter a budget place will increase. Study the competition lists throughout the competition stage and keep track of those who bring the original certificate. A situation may arise that at the last moment they bring too many originals and you will be pushed out of the 80% of those received in the first wave.

The final stage, after which the applicant can finally relax, is the publication of the order for the applicant’s enrollment. Good luck with your application!

This article will look at what documents are required for admission to the university. Here is only relevant information. As soon as something changes in the list of documents or procedure, it will be updated here. So add it to your bookmarks, let’s work.

In addition to the documents that are required by everyone, we will consider the necessary documents for people with disabilities and other applicants who are not included in the bulk of applicants.

I already wrote about documents for the target:

So, what documents are needed for admission in 2019?

  • Statement;
  • Document on complete general education(original or copy);
  • Original or photocopy of documents proving his identity and citizenship;
  • 6 photographs measuring 3x4 cm (black and white or color photograph on matte paper, taken in 2015);
  • Applicants who have special rights for admission to higher educational institutions established by law Russian Federation, provide at their discretion the original or photocopy of the relevant documents.
  • Medical certificate in form 086-U or 026-U*

What documents do disabled people need to enter a university?

In addition to the above:

  • conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission;
  • certificate of disability issued federal agency medical and social examination.
Children with disabilities of groups I and II provide, at their discretion, an original or a photocopy of a certificate of disability and a conclusion on the absence of contraindications for studying at a university, issued by the federal institution of medical and social examination.

What documents are needed for admission to the master's program?

In addition to the basics, you need a bachelor's, specialist's or master's degree.

What documents are needed for correspondence admission (+ part-time or evening)?

For those who enroll part-time or part-time:

  • document on complete general education (original or copy);
  • passport or other document proving identity and citizenship
How to send documents to the university by mail?

You have the opportunity to send by registered mail the required package of documents, which includes:

Documents listed at the very beginning of the article.

All this must be sent using any postal operator. Moreover, the departure date will be = information about the shipment taken from the postal operator. Acceptance of documents by mail ends on the same day that the acceptance of documents at the university ends.

If you send an incomplete set of documents, it will not be accepted.