Abstracts Statements Story

How to train your spirit. Strength of spirit: how to develop and strengthen strong-willed qualities What exercises to do to raise your spirit

An illustrative diagram according to which your emotion training sessions should be structured, contributing to the speedy preparation of the soul for reunification with the image of youth and health.

Emotional training rocks the skidding truck of our spirit so that it can roll out of the hole in which it is stuck without hindrance.

Many of us have frayed nerves, tears are close to us, we ourselves often don’t understand why we suddenly break down and unfairly offend our loved ones. All these are signs of a violation of emotional (mental) balance. If this condition persists for a long time, it can lead to neurosis, and after some time - to more serious disorders.

We consider tears a sign of weakness, we are ashamed of them, even when they appear appropriately. This is especially true for men. We are often shackled by dubious conventions, our emotions are suppressed by false attitudes, we have become unnatural, we have forgotten how to behave. Remember how natural children are in expressing their feelings. Is this why their laughter is so contagious and their crying so unbearable?

Let us also be children for a little while - sincere, pure, absolutely free. Let us also let our emotions go free and allow our feelings to prevail over our minds, at least for a short time.

You ask: “Why do we need this?”

To find a feeling of deep inner serenity, comparable to that of a child, is the answer. Remember how easily a child transitions to peace. A second or two, the tears have dried, the face lights up with a radiant smile, the eyes shine. The baby has forgotten everything, forgiven everything and is ready for a new game. We need to restore emotional flexibility to our spirit so that, swaying like a tree caught in a whirlwind, it acquires the ability to withstand the onslaught of everyday storms and always then returns to a neutral, peaceful state.

Life is a theater, and people are actors. The maxim is well-known and common, but it invites us to a game that we will now willingly enter into.

Emotions greatly influence our internal state and, as a result, our external appearance. Therefore, in order to look good and constantly be in high spirits, we need to learn to manage our emotions. How to do it? On at this stage- using feedback.

If our emotions influence our appearance, then our appearance should influence them, and actors are well aware of this. Quite simple things help them get into the desired image.

Let's turn into actors. Let's try to play the role of a ruler embraced by boundless calm. We play honestly, without bias, physically relaxed and completely freeing the brain, for which we push all extraneous thoughts - one by one - into an imaginary square or circle, like into a trash can.

A necessary reminder. While working with figurative rows, your eyes should be closed.

So, closed your eyes, sat up straight, straightened your shoulders, raised your head, lit up your face with a slight smile... You are the fairest king (or ideal queen) in the world. You are perfection itself, you are filled with nobility and dignity. You are forgiving of everything that surrounds you and everyone who depends on you. You are proud, internally free and completely liberated: you know - everything is vanity of vanities, but you are personally removed from all this, you are absolutely invulnerable...

Now taste the bitter pie.

Remember something from your past that you can’t even think about without crying.

Help yourself get into the role... open your mouth a little, relax your lower jaw, breathe quickly, shallowly, start sobbing slightly and remember, remember, remember... Childhood, youth... Go through all your grievances, griefs, losses, disappointments... that, it seems, is what cheeks are wet - everyone has something to be sad about, something to cry over. Don’t hold back your tears... don’t be ashamed of them, remember that they are healing for you, they free you from all the stupidities and injustices of your past, from everything that tormented and oppressed you, from everything that hung like a stone on your soul... (Fix with the edge consciousness this moment - everything that oppressed and tormented you is gone forever.) Try to switch to sobs, don’t hold them back, intensify them as much as possible... Both good and enough... Tell yourself - stop!

Go to calm, tune yourself to calm... Raise your head, straighten your shoulders, don’t forget: you are an actor (actress)... What happened here? I think we cried a little? Well, nothing - all this is in the past, everything is gone forever. But how nice it is in my soul now, how peaceful it is... (Remember this moment too.)

Now let’s swallow the laugh.

Let's remember something that would... well, just make you die and not get up! (Let's allow ourselves to relax, let's tune in to a cheerful mood.) Who is the easiest to laugh at? First of all, above yourself. And also over friends, over friends, over loved ones. There is so much going on with them, so many fun things in life! We laugh sincerely, contagiously, from the bottom of our hearts. We don’t hold back, we start laughing... and again we tell ourselves - stop!

And again blessed peace. (It’s already easier, the soul is already sliding into it, like a ball into a familiar hole... a familiar, desired, basic state of the soul.)

Let's turn to sadness.

The body is relaxed, the shoulders are lowered, the head is bowed, the hands are thrown limply on the knees... Oh, why did it suddenly become so sad, where did such melancholy come from? Everything somehow doesn’t warm up, everything goes at random... and the children don’t call, don’t write, and the friend left, and life passes by... what did you do on this earth, why did you trample the soil, why did you live? Everything is hopeless, everything is meaningless - and there is nowhere to go, and no one to say a word with... Have the tears come?.. and God be with them... we don’t even wipe them away... we sit, feel sad, mope - we don’t want anything.

And they returned to peace. Everything is fine and we want everything, but without fanatical urges to jump up and run somewhere. The soul likes a state of balance, it feels comfortable; comfortable, and you would like it to always be like this.

And so (and only so!) of course it will be, but not now, not in the next couple of minutes. Because in the next couple of minutes you are going to try to get scared. And seriously - to the point of horror, to the point of tremors in every cell of your gray matter.

Enter the role of a terminally ill, desperate person. You have no way out, no choice, you are absolutely helpless, abandoned by everyone, there is nothingness in front of you. A week, a month - how much is left? No matter how much is left, it doesn’t matter, there is no way to escape. Try to physically feel this horror, every second gnawing at a doomed person. Inevitability, inevitability - real things. You used to sympathize with people in this situation, now this abyss has opened up beneath you, and there is nothing to rely on, nothing to grab onto... you are powerless, nothing will help you.

Everyone is familiar with the feeling of fear. Fear plays a useful role when it alerts us to danger by stimulating hormonal releases in the blood that encourage us to react defensively. But if you give it free rein, it will turn into a paralyzing nightmare, it will crawl into every corner of your being, nestle in every cell of your skin. Stop when despair becomes unbearable, and in this state, think about what to do? Huddle in a corner? Whine, howl, squeal? Or, having mustered all the courage, do you deserve to say goodbye to those who are dear to you and loved by you, and at the same time to everyone with whom your path has crossed in this life? Say goodbye, forgive, ask for forgiveness for everything you once did wrong, for all the suffering you brought to someone... Maybe because you once didn’t understand something, didn’t forgive, didn’t regret, turned your nose up , accumulated grievances, bent, breaking someone else’s, your own - maybe this is precisely the main reason for what is happening to you now? Maybe you are now being rewarded for your past deeds? You will see, this one thought will immediately bring relief and remove fear. On this note, without hesitation, start from the abyss upward!

You woke up, woke up, you feel incredible joy. You are young, alive, healthy, the nightmare has dissipated, it turned out to be a bad dream. And - thanks to him. The contrast seemed to renew you. Every cell of your body trembles with the desire to live. All things are seen in a new light, all roads are open, all horizons are clear! Remember this state (and value your past experience at least for the fact that it initially serves as a trampoline for your high jumps). You should always wake up in this mood. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to have nightmares in your dreams.

Moreover, you should be in this mood all the time. At first (especially when the cats are scratching your soul), learn to artificially awaken the joy of life in yourself until it begins to come to you on its own.

Train your emotions daily, adhering to the above scheme, but try to build your own imagery. You need to properly develop your spirit so that it gains flexibility, so that the pendulum of your well-being does not get stuck in extreme positions, but always comes to neutral. In addition, such activities greatly enrich a person’s inner world. Some time will pass, and you will be surprised to notice that those around you are drawn to you. Why? Because a secret has appeared in you, a riddle, because you have changed. You have become broader and deeper than the character who stood in for you while you were wandering away from yourself.

Don't be embarrassed if things don't work out for you at first. Believe in success and tirelessly activate your creativity. To increase your work efficiency, look for your own details for each training position, combining them with storylines that are close to you personally. At first it will seem difficult, but then the ice will break and you will find them with ease. Creative searches develop our imagination, helping to quickly form an image of youth and health and prepare us to merge with it.

Such a merger is best facilitated by meditation - a state of deep concentration or, in other words, a person’s special mental disposition to receive positive (light) vibrations (waves) of the macro- and microcosm that permeate the world space.

You should learn to easily, almost automatically, enter this state with the help of appropriate figurative constructions, which the next chapter will talk about in more detail.

Chapter 4. Meditation as the main factor contributing to the merging of our essence with the image of youth and health

The importance of meditation in the practice of self-healing.

Etc Examples of figurative series, mentally sorting through which the student enters an emotional state that promotes the merging of his essence with the image of youth and health.

Ancient Eastern sages believed that a person has two ways of communicating with the Almighty. The first of them is prayer, when a person speaks and the Creator listens to his words. The second way to communicate with the Creator is meditation, when a person remains silent and absorbs everything that the Lord inspires in him.

Thus, meditation - we emphasize once again - is a special state of deep concentration of a person in his mental disposition to perceive the positive (light) vibrations of the universe. A student, starting self-health training using this method, must learn to freely enter this state, because it:

a) has a calming effect on the human psyche;

b) greatly enhances the effectiveness of all exercises of the method;

c) promotes the organic fusion of the inner essence of the person being healed with his individual image of youth and health.

Meditation brings order to our inner world, straightening spiritual deformations, forcing our bodily and spiritual energy to work harmoniously, either directing it to eliminate certain defects, or directing it towards the general improvement of the body and spirit of the student.

Directed meditation aimed at improving the health of a dysfunctional organ of the body ensures the high effectiveness of all types of non-contact automassage, which will be discussed in Chapters 3 and 4 of the book. Meditation on the cleansing act of forgiveness plays a special role in the process of self-healing. This action will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 5.

General meditations create a special mood in the soul of the person being healed, without which the reunification of his essence with the image of youth and health is almost impossible. This mood is achieved through a mental journey along a series of visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory and dynamic images, arranged in in a certain order.

The return on such trips increases many times over when these figurative rows are selected by the students themselves, but at first you can use the options given below. Experience shows that many students find the last one most pleasant and close.

First meditation option

We relax our whole body, close our eyes, breathe calmly... feel a slight coolness, relax our facial muscles... Imagine that each of our cells becomes light, airy, as if weightless.

With each inhalation and exhalation, our hands move forward a little... inhale-exhale... the body becomes weightless, light... we mentally look at our hands from the side... we move our head back a little... lightness, lightness... the body becomes light. Wonderful…

Our hands move apart, then reach out to each other... Mentally we move a little to the side... How the feeling of our own body becomes dull, how it becomes easy, calm... What are we thinking about? One by one we dispel, we remove those thoughts that bother us, to one side... to another... third... fourth... Great. We remove it faster, give it lightness, airiness, weightlessness... Lightness, freedom, divine calm... We give ourselves the suggestions that we need. We imagine our face - fresh, young... our body - elastic, light... our muscles - elastic, light, free... We walk, leaning on our fingertips - this is how they walk in ballet... We smile, we are calm... Our every organ, every cell is working freely, easily... We tell ourselves: I will be healthy - and soon. I will!.. Deep sleep, good appetite. The mood is calm... Clarity in the mind... Clarity in the head... Clarity in actions... Full control... We give up... Great.

Second meditation option

On a gray background it’s vague... a square, a circle, a triangle... a brighter square, a circle... a triangle... a bright square, sharper edges, a circle...

The circle turns into a ball with cloudy edges... brighter, more distinct - the edges... We give the ball a color... gray... lighter, lighter, more... more... gray turns into blue, grayish-blue... Blue brightens, turns into blue, light blue , white - with a hint of sea color, yellowish, yellow, tangerine, tangerine... - reddish-yellow, orange, scarlet, red, purple, pinkish, pink, hot pink, lilac, greenish-lilac, light green, yellow-green, bright green, dark green, violet-green, violet, light violet…

Now it’s as if some flower is floating before your eyes... try to see and feel each petal... a bug is crawling... the ladybug is busily searching every fold with its antennae... There are fibers on the petals, there is pollen inside, a smell... below you can guess a table... old, old... with blackened legs... Tablecloth old, but clean, clean... on the table there is a pot, cast iron, old, but polished to a shine... We put a flower in the pot... A small window... a curtain... we look out the window...

We mentally look around ourselves... our bare feet are scratched, our heels are hard from walking barefoot... we look at our hands, they are surprisingly small... we open the window... sunny... The warm smell of flowers, grass... blue, clear sky... clouds here and there... We walk along the path, there is silence all around ... quiet, calm, nothing interferes... only the leaves tremble, as if someone is touching them and they rustle... the trampled earth warms the heels... There is silence in the soul... relaxation... high, high, a lark, bursting with love, singing... The singing of a lark... in the distance behind the hills there is a forest, a calm, resting forest... a cool, resting forest... We look at the clouds, at the water... crystal clear sand... We begin to slowly soar up to the clouds... any desire is subject to us... we rise up into the clouds... we look around, down... heat... cool air in the forest... We hear the mooing of cows wandering home from the field... we return to the house... Feet are dirty, dusty... At home, grandmother, grandfather, parents... do not notice, peacefully talking about something of their own...

We fall asleep, we fall asleep, there is no strength... Rough hands, calloused, take, stroke our hair, put us into a clean, cool bed... voices... the child is growing... heavy... did not reach the bed... and we dissolve... we no longer feel anything... sleep.

Having woken up, we lie with our eyes closed... There is a pot of baked milk on the table... We raise our hands... we lower them...

Childhood is the starting point, we look from childhood, we look back at our lives... Is it worth being nervous, offended, angry, tense, striving to surpass someone there?..

Life passes... with love... passes... with hatred... passes... Everything is in our hands...

There is everything in life - both joy and sorrow... We are looking for heaven - it comes... we are looking for hell - it comes... What is better - life in heaven or in hell? The choice is ours... We create difficulties for ourselves... Any riches in the world will not preserve happiness... We just were children, and now we have silver in our hair... We don’t know what happiness is... yesterday we laughed, now we suffer... what will happen in the future - love or tears? .. the choice is ours... everything is in our hands...

Third meditation option

Twilight... warmth... the seashore... the sounds of music are barely audible... as if tango... yes, a beautiful tango... the melody seems pleasant, familiar... very pleasant, very familiar - it awakens memories... A small orchestra is playing - on a tiny stage, on the very shore of the sea ... it’s late, everyone has already left... the musicians are playing only for you... You are in a light light dress, next to you is the one you have always dreamed of... you are dancing, you are almost weightless, you obey the rhythm, the music... you are happy, your soul is trembling with divine bliss ... The melody takes you higher and higher... spinning... spinning in a dance of happiness... You literally dissolve in it... You are happy.

Good books, poems, music are also able to tune a person to the desired wave, close to his inner essence. Read more, think, reflect, try to expand your horizons in every possible way.

Chapter 5. Why do we train emotions?

The importance of training emotions in the process of creating an image of youth and health.

The desire to be healed - what it should be.

Tuning fork effect.

The purifying value of the act of forgiveness.

Let's talk again about our emotions, feelings, desires, because every moment of our life is colored by them.

We already know something about them, for example, that they have a direct effect on our health, and also that between them and our posture (appearance) there is not only a direct, but also an inverse relationship. Now we need to learn the following thing: it depends on how we work with emotions whether we live on this earth happily ever after or sadly, creakingly pulling our burden, waiting for the end.

The goal of a person who decides to train according to our system is to become HEALTHY and YOUNG. “I want to become young and healthy!” - such a person says loudly to himself and thereby expresses a thought, that is, outlines the idea of ​​​​the task. “Well,” the body responds, “I really want this too. But your thought alone, master, is not enough for me to do a good job. Give me some clearer guidelines, tell me more precisely what I should strive for.” “Have it your way,” the person says and involves imaginative thinking, that is, he begins to form his personal ideal image of health and youth, so that a dry thought takes on “flesh.”

An illustration of what the image we create should be is the example of a girl who was cured of diabetes, which we talked about at the end of Section I of the book.

From the point of view of our methodology, there is nothing strange in this case. The girl was simply lucky enough to intuitively find her image of health, and she managed to completely merge with it. In other words, her personal image of health became her essence, and nature did the rest. This happened, firstly, because the girl REALLY WANTED to become healthy (“like everyone else”). And secondly, her age most likely played into her hands (that well-known “difficult” transitional period in the development of the human personality, when a person is no longer a child, but has not yet had time to grow up). At this age, teenagers are characterized by very contrasting changes in emotions and very strong movements of feelings. Plus, a biologically planned restructuring was taking place in the girl’s body, so the image of health “arrived” at the right moment.

“It still looks like a fairy tale,” you say, waving your hand. - Well, okay, girl, a young developing organism. But my body is fading, old. Where can I get strong movements of feelings? I, of course, want to get better, but I only feel one thing - that my sores can kill me today or tomorrow!

It's good that the girl's story seems like a fairy tale. This only proves once again that there is much more reality in fairy tales than we give them credit for.

As for the “strong movement of feelings” that you do not have, then by training emotions, we are precisely solving this problem. We are precisely developing, warming up our spirit, bringing it “to the required condition” so that our desire to heal and become younger reaches the desired point of intensity and helps our image of health to organically merge with the spirit and flesh of our being. “Of course, I want to get better” is a sluggish, amorphous phrase. Wanting is not easy. You have to be able to want. After all, the success of our work mainly depends on HOW we want it.

Let me, to clarify this issue, offer you a small test.

Imagine that there is a board in front of you. Stable, strong and able to support your weight. It is slightly raised above the floor. You are offered to walk along it. Can you do it? Certainly. Would you like to? Unknown. Maybe yes, maybe not. Well, okay, the company seems to be a good one, everyone is coming, and the girls (or boys) are watching. I'll pass, so be it. And off you go. But you still have doubts swirling in your brain - do I need all this?

You walked the board because you wanted to. But the desire was implicit, weak, provoked by a small target calculation (it would be nice for the girls to like him, and for the company at the same time). You had a choice: to go or not to go. And if you had not gone, you would not have lost much. Nothing would have happened if you had stumbled.

Now there's another option. In front of you is the same board, but it is already raised high (three or four meters above a pile of stones or asphalt). Can you walk around it now? Probably yes, but first think hard about whether it’s worth the risk? There is already an obvious calculation in your thoughts and reasoning, and the fear of hurting yourself in case of failure is placed on one side of the scale. If the board is thrown to the balcony of your beloved, you will undoubtedly walk on this board. The risk remains, but the winner will be rewarded. What motivates you? Pursuit ( great desire) to receive a prize. But, note, you can still refuse a dangerous walk. By doing this, you, as they say, will remain with your own people. Health is more valuable, but your loved one will die or eventually come down to you on her own. The desire is great, but sanity (or laziness) wins.

Third option. The board is thrown over the abyss. There is a child in his arms, behind his back there is a mortal threat, a fire. How long will you think about this? Yes, without hesitation, you will run (or, stepping carefully, walk) along this board. You automatically mobilize all your strength to save the baby. You have something to lose, something to save for. The desire to overcome the obstacle, in comparison with the other two options, will triple, tenfold. As a matter of fact, there will be nothing left in you except this desire (no “I can - I can’t”, “I want - I don’t want”, no ulterior or extraneous thoughts).

Capture this moment. He clearly shows HOW you should want healing, HOW you should strive for the desired goal.

This is why we train emotions. That’s why we artificially plunge ourselves into the black abysses of despair, then soar like a candle to clear heights, permeated with the joy of being. We make our desire to get healthier and look younger INTENSIVE and QUALITY. We know that there is a mortal threat behind us, a fire, but knowing is not enough, we need to become one with this knowledge for a while, we need to clearly imagine all this horror. Only in this state will our body mobilize all its resources to “run across the board”, only in this case the process of restructuring will truly become an avalanche.

But here, as in any other matter, there is a danger of both “underdoing” and “going too far.” Your desire to be healed should not be insufficient or fanatical. A weak desire provokes uncertainty; too strong a desire provokes haste. Moving slowly (board topic), you can lose your balance; hurrying, you can fly to the side. Intuition, which is developed in us by the same training of emotions, will help us find the optimum. Here is an image for you, as a rough guide: your desire is a hand, your health is a bird. The fingers should be squeezed so as not to strangle the fragile creature and at the same time not allow it to fly away.

When your artificially created ideal image of health and youth comes into line with the general mood of your body, the “tuning fork effect” will appear. Both structures will sound in unison and, having combined in all positions, will become a single whole. What does it take for such a merger to happen?

Please note that it is not for nothing that the methodology emphasizes that the image of health and youth that we create must be ideal, that is, clean, light, bright, free from foreign impurities. The state of your soul should be just as pure, free, and bright. Otherwise, the structures will not match, and the ball will not settle into the cluttered hole.

What clogs the soul? Emotional waste. Envy, anger, despair, irritation, the oppression of long-standing grievances - you continue the list yourself. Emotion training revises our emotional state, she takes away, rakes away the emotional rubble that accumulates in the nooks and crannies of our subconscious and oppresses our spirit. However, only one meditative action can free us from this rubbish, namely meditation on the act of forgiveness.

To forgive means to put an end to something wrong, unfair, bad once and for all, and thereby relieve your soul. Just as the human body needs to get rid of harmful toxins, the human soul also needs cleansing. Forgiveness is the act of this cleansing, which has a beneficial effect on the health of our soul and, consequently, on the physical health of our body. The correctness of this statement was brilliantly confirmed by Louise Hay from her own experience. “Every illness comes from unforgiveness,” she once told herself and, adhering to this postulate, she managed to independently heal from an illness against which official medicine had admitted its powerlessness.

Wise people have known about the great significance of this action since ancient times. In Christianity, for example, there is a holiday - Forgiveness Resurrection. On this day, each person can come to another and ask him for forgiveness or, in turn, forgive someone. This is a quiet, joyful, soul-enlightening holiday.

But what if our offenders (or those whom we have offended) are no longer on earth or they are so far away that they can no longer be reached? There is only one way out - to mentally imagine these people, talk to them and sincerely, from the bottom of your heart, forgive them everything (or ask them to grant you forgiveness).

If relief does not come, you should repeat the meditation and repeat it until the disturbing echoes in the soul completely subside. You should do the same with unpleasant situations, memories of which have tormented you for a long time (maybe even decades).

This refers, in particular, to those moments when you could have said something, but didn’t (or, conversely, said too much), when you could have done something, but didn’t (or, conversely, went too far), when you could have done well, but did differently. Mentally play out the flawed situation in all its details, bring it to a critical moment, and then direct it in a positive direction, that is, mentally do what seems right to you. Repeat the meditation until the pain subsides. After all, since childhood, there has been an observer in us who understands well when we do something “wrong.” The name of this observer is our conscience.

Meditation on the act of forgiveness

An example of a cleansing meditative action that removes negative layers from the soul.

Close your eyes, enter the image of a sad, unlucky person. You are in an empty cinema. The hall is in twilight. The screen is still blank, but you know that now a film about you will be shown on it. How it was built, what it will tell about - nothing is known. There is curiosity in the soul, mixed with anxiety, it grows, pain appears behind it. Everything dear to you is gone forever, and it’s as if it never existed: the past consists of nothing but troubles, disappointments, humiliations, insults... Memory sorts through these grievances, goes deeper, to youth, to childhood... first griefs... emptiness in a candy wrapper instead of candy, the neighbor's boy took away a toy... and something else, and another, and another...

The screen lights up, some silhouettes, shadows, faces are moving there... you peer, but without tension, the sharpness gradually increases, you begin to recognize someone in the line of faces. Look, these are the people you have met in life. Many of them hurt you, and you hurt someone... You didn’t call anyone here on purpose, but they came, they are here, which means both they and you need it. This means you must talk to everyone who comes.

Mentally enter the screen, become a participant in the action, say to each of your offenders something like this: “Yes, you once did something that made me feel very bad. I was very hurt, but now it’s in the past, it’s not like it never happened - I forgive you! hearts: “You are in the past, I am here of my own free will to say goodbye, my life is the present, I forgive you!..” Do not stay with anyone for a long time, go from person to person, but talk to everyone, even those who are not familiar to you, and listen to everyone, and forgive, and ask for forgiveness from those whom you yourself may have hurt. Be kind to everyone, especially to your loved ones, loved ones cause us the greatest suffering, but sometimes they themselves don’t know what they are doing... forgive them everything. If tears appear, do not hold them back... Cry and cry, tears bring relief, with them goes away everything that tormented and oppressed you, everything that will never return now.

Mentally tell yourself - enough. I visited the past, but only because I wanted it... Now I am not the same as I was before, my life is the present. Everything bad that happened has nothing to do with me, there is no place for it in me. Yes, in my life there were many mistakes, insults, griefs and disappointments, but I am LIVING, which means I had the strength to survive everything, which means I have the strength to move on, and I will never return to my old self, I will never I will become the same, I am doing everything in my power not to become the same, I want to become renewed, different... I am already different. I think, I feel, I breathe, and this alone is happiness, but before I didn’t understand it, didn’t know it, didn’t appreciate it.

Everything I need for happiness is with me and in me, I have a goal in life and nothing prevents me from moving towards it. I am young, I am confident in my abilities, I will do everything to make my life full and happy - I know that I can do this. (Clearly formulate a specific goal, the movement towards which fills your life with joy and meaning. Children, family, work... Everyone may have something different here.)

If you manage to carry out this training in the right way, if you are able to sincerely and from the bottom of your heart forgive all your offenders for all your old and recent grievances, you will feel incredible relief, similar, perhaps, even to bliss. Your soul will be freed from heavy oppression, and the “naughty” image of youth will slide into the vacant place, it will merge with you and become part of your being.

Ups and downs, ebbs and flows, day and night, heat and cold, light and darkness... The world order in which we exist is characterized by rhythmic qualitative movements of things and energies to the polar points of their states. Our moods also fall under this general law. We are either moping for no reason, then we become cheerful, we either feel like we are ready to move mountains, then we notice that the work is not going well and we scold our “leaky hands.” Our condition is subject to changes that, at first glance, do not depend on us.

Meanwhile, the quality of the healing process directly depends on a person’s mood. According to the observations of American scientists, 30% of people suffering from severe cancer overcome this scourge. Psychological research those who were healed showed that they were all optimists by nature and during their illness they not only did not mourn their bitter fate, but did not even think about the sad end. They did not fight for life, they lived (daily, hourly, every minute), rejoicing in their small successes and not losing heart in the hours of defeat. They believed that the clouds that covered their horizons would certainly go away. It is no coincidence that despondency in Christian ideology is considered one of the most serious sins.

That is why it is so important for each of us to be able to cope with the tides of melancholy (depressed state of mind). The next chapter explains how to do this using the skills gained from training emotions.

Chapter 6. Mood correction

Optimism. (How to become an optimist with a pronounced tendency towards pessimism).

Optimism, as we have said more than once, directly contributes to the speedy recovery of our body and spirit. The chapter below will tell you how you can become an optimist even with a pronounced tendency towards pessimism. Once you decide to build a temple of health and youth, drain the swamp in which your good intentions are drowning!

It is best to begin this kind of improvement when you more or less clearly understand your emotions and learn to control them more or less.

A depressed state of mind brings destruction, and in it lies the truth of death.

An optimistic mood promotes creation; it contains the truth of life.

Having thrown both of these on the scales, it is not difficult to establish whether you are wandering along the sunny or shady side of the street, and this way you can get a chance to move to the sunny side in time if it turns out that you are a pessimist.

First, let's create a work schedule. To do this, we will have to evaluate our well-being and performance every day for a month. We evaluate using a 10-point system. 10 divisions up the vertical axis from the zero mark - assessment of positive well-being (light), 10 divisions down - assessment of negative well-being (black, shadow). The horizontal axis of the graph is the time scale.

Day after day we evaluate our condition and plot the points corresponding to the estimates on the graph. By connecting them a month later with a smooth line, we get a wavy curve (the line of our mood). We find the middle line between the extreme (upper and lower) points of the graph.

It is she who will show us how we “stand” in this life. It is precisely this that we should try to raise to the proper height, that is, direct it towards creation and health.

In the course of further observations, the schedule will be increasingly refined. You can create a daily schedule in a similar way. Keep in mind that mood swings vary from person to person. U different people These cycles are different - they range from 20 to 34 days, and sometimes longer. Only you can determine your cycle.

A person, depending on the “color” of the day, reacts very differently to the same things. See the next page for examples of such polar reactions.

Mood is up (bright day) / Mood is down (dark day)

Morning: A vigorous rise, the rustling of invisible wings in the air. / We can barely open our eyes; there’s some kind of disgust in the air.

Attitude towards the universe: I love everything, I embrace everything. / The eyes would not look at anything.

Mirror: And I’m still very, very! / What a face!

Wardrobe: Choose your shirt carefully. / We get into anything.

The way to work: We look around with curiosity. / We don’t see anything. I wish I could get there soon.

Stranger (stranger): The desire to impress. / There are all kinds of people walking around here! There is no way out of them.

Conversation: Smile, complimentary. / Closedness, reluctance to talk.

Rain: God, how fresh! / This stupid drizzle again!

Eyes of the person you meet: Shine like stars! / Two hooks. If you gape, you'll eat it whole!

Arriving at work: Hello! Good morning! Glad to see you! Hello old man! / Silently we make our way to our place. In response to greetings, we mutter something incomprehensibly.

Plans for the day: A couple of witty ideas. / Gloomy contemplation of one’s own hands.

Thoughts: Soaring like birds! / My head is a mess, a confusion.

Performance: Ready to move mountains! / Everything is falling out of hand.

Discussion of a work problem: Striving for a mutually beneficial solution. / Irritation, readiness to explode and remember all the sins of someone.

Creativity: Searching for a non-standard option. / I don’t care about anything.

Lunch: Consumed with gusto. / Not soup, but slop! I should pour this mud down the cook’s collar!

Home: Laughter, kisses, cheerful chatter. / Sighs, coughs, petty quibbles.

Before bed: Tea, a pleasant, smooth feeling. / A glass, blues, a feeling of vague anxiety.

Tomorrow: In rainbow colors. / Something dim, I can’t make it out.

So, let's start correcting our mood. Strictly speaking, there is nothing extremely complicated in this work. It’s just that on “dark” days you need to take extra care of yourself and not lose the image of a calm, strong, self-confident person. Your whole appearance should indicate that everything is going well with you. Push yourself, but without much pressure.

The mood curves of both optimists and pessimists have a constant distance between the top and bottom points. Your task is to reduce from cycle to cycle the distance between the bottom point and the background line of the graph and, accordingly, increase it between the top point and the background line. Show your will, don’t let your mood line slide down. The rise should not be carried out from the lowest point of the chart, but much earlier - from a point artificially created by you. Thus, from cycle to cycle the bottom point of your graph should go higher and higher.

And a few more words. Maintaining an optimistic attitude is especially important precisely when you don't feel like it most, as well as on days of intense training. Remember, melancholy and laziness are not your thing. Your guidelines are health, youth, optimism.

So, dear readers, we hope that you have become sufficiently familiar with the principles of self-healing practice sam jong do (a school that teaches a person to resist any negative manifestations of external forces). You also gained an understanding of the importance of the image of youth and health in the process of self-healing of body and spirit, you understood what it consists of and how it is formed. Plus, you should have well understood the essence of the exercises aimed at cultivating the spirit. Emotion training, meditative constructions, meditation on the act of forgiveness, mood correction - all these are means that serve a single purpose: to awaken the dormant forces of your soul and mobilize them to the practical solution of the primary and urgent task - to return your prematurely fading (and perhaps even already and decrepit) organism. A person can live up to 120 years or more without aging; there are many examples of this in the history of mankind. (Here it is appropriate to recall our contemporary, the famous American scientist Paul Bragg, familiar to knowledgeable readers from the book “The Miracle of Fasting,” who at the age of 95 remained a lively, energetic and active person until a tragic incident cut short his life.)

Now you and I must get down to work, each stage of which will be accompanied by a specific return, namely real changes in your physical condition with subsequent healing and rejuvenation of the whole body, for which you are given a time-tested tool, which is Norbekov’s self-healing system, the use of which leads to stunning results if a person actively, diligently and relentlessly follows all its instructions and believes in success.

Author's Preface to the Second Edition

Dear readers!

I have to warn you!

Lately, dozens of different books have been published under my name: this Norbekov system, and another Norbekov system, and expanded, and supplemented, and improved, and accelerated, and God knows what else!

A few years ago, somewhere on the periphery, a book on the treatment of diabetes mellitus was published, which I DIDN’T WRITE, but my name was on the cover. Do you already understand what I'm talking about? I have a whole library of such works at home.

Another such book was recently published with the subtitle “The Complete Norbekov System.” It is beautifully published and attracts attention. But to make it clear to you, I’ll explain.

What I am trying to convey to you is not really mine. It does not and cannot belong to anyone at all. This knowledge was passed on to me from the Mentors, and to them from their Mentors. And so from century to century, from millennium to millennium. In depth, at the very basis of this system lies ancient knowledge, containing such subtleties that not everyone can comprehend!

I won’t go into details now, but I will say one thing: to become a master, a student undergoes training for forty years! Can you imagine?!

And before being sent on this thorny path, he is taught for three years how to be a student. Then they prepare for twelve years, and only after that the real study begins. The mentor imparts knowledge to the student bit by bit.

The summer of 2002 marked the thirty year anniversary of my apprenticeship.

What do I mean by this?

On the one hand, I myself have not yet completed my studies. On the other hand, I did not pass on even a tenth of the knowledge that I had already mastered to my students. Moreover, I haven’t put it on paper yet! Where then, please tell me, can the FULL COURSE appear?! I haven't even started talking about the full course yet. I prepare and prepare and prepare for this because this is my life's work.

I am grateful to the people who write on my behalf about the system and, thus, about me. But I want to say: I myself would have written COMPLETELY DIFFERENTLY!

They actually write something completely different! And I wouldn’t want to take on other people’s merits. It will be better if you form an opinion about me based on my own works. You will recognize my real books right away, from the first page.

If you are a man, you will first feel a firm, friendly handshake; if you are a lady, then the touch of my lips on your hand... and only then will you receive a blow to the head or a slap on the butt. These strange sensations of yours will precisely mean that I wrote this book myself.

“Bring back health and youth. A Practical Guide for Men and Women” is my first miserable experience of writing a book in Russian.

Following it, a revised and expanded edition was published - “The Road to Youth and Health. A practical guide for men and women." The rework was done without my consent, and the book turned out to be dead.

And here is “The experience of a fool, or the key to insight. How to get rid of glasses" - my first beloved child, my first tender, bright and pure love.

Shaking with fear, so as not to offend you with my “attacks,” I nevertheless released her as my soul told me. This is where my essence leaked out. This book is my business card and your main guide for the future! And a whole series of books is planned for the near future, in each of which I have something to say.

The book you now hold in your hands is written “based on” my first books. This is a textbook, more likely Toolkit for those who are ready to say goodbye to their illnesses, who have truly decided to work on themselves, who want to find out what the power of their spirit is capable of. Your feedback and accumulated work experience forced me to make some additions and changes to this edition. I hope you find this book useful.

There is a saying: “He who does not know how to work, teaches. He who can do neither one nor the other writes a book.” Well, what should I do if, unfortunately, I can work?!

With all my heart I am with you,

Mirzakarim Norbekov

From the editor

The practical work and creative research of the author allow us to speak of him as a healer and scientist of global scale, for his work has already helped hundreds of thousands of sufferers (including many thousands of those whose illnesses were considered incurable) to return to a full life, gaining health, youth and good spirits.

The author himself at one time suffered from a serious kidney disease, but he not only found a way to cope with his illness, but also dared to prove in practice that any person can independently overcome any disease.

A feat comparable to the feat of Prometheus. The only difference is that the mythical titan taught people to use fire stolen from heaven, and Mirzakarim Norbekov shows people the amazing properties of the “flame” of the soul, which is in everyone. The name of this “flame” is fortitude, spirit.

“Well, again you’re talking about lofty matters, but I, for example, have hemorrhoids! - some skeptic may say. “Spirit is an immaterial substance, but my hemorrhoids are real.”

Don't rush to conclusions, dear skeptic. Read this book carefully and you will understand that you can cure your hemorrhoids yourself.

Is it worth talking about such a small thing when both bronchial asthma and diabetes mellitus recede before Norbekov’s self-healing system? There are no candles, no oxygen pillows, or any other means, but magical changes occur in the patient’s condition. The blind begin to see, the deaf begin to hear, the dumb begin to speak!

The first step towards this was the book “Lessons of Norbekov”.

This book takes you further along an amazing path of self-discovery. You will continue to get acquainted with the principles of the Norbekov system, find practical instructions on improving vision, hearing, training emotions and much more, and women will be able to master the technique of non-contact gynecological automassage, which helps solve many, many problems, as well as restores the fullness of sensory perception.

All the exercises offered in this book are easy to perform and accessible to women, children, mature people, and even those who have already considered themselves old people. Taken together, they resemble graceful dance steps that bring youth and health to the performer.

However, everyone who has tried his hand at choreography knows that in dance you must not confuse movements or lose the rhythm, otherwise, at best, you will become a laughing stock for those around you, and at worst, you will fall.

If you have set out on the path of self-healing according to this system, you always need to remember this and strictly adhere to the established training regulations.

Health system M.S. Norbekova harmoniously combines the physical and spiritual principles. Maybe that's why it gives fantastic results. So there will be no mistake if you choose Mirzakarim Norbekov as your mentor.

We wish you success.

Keys to the self-healing system

Dear readers!

Chronic diseases most often occur in those who initially wrote themselves down as losers. Ponder this and try to embrace the following with all your heart, soul and mind.

You are now being given the keys both to the entire system of self-healing as a whole, and to each of its exercises separately. Please read this section carefully and always refer back to it as needed before starting class.

It was written in order not to preface each exercise of the system with similar instructions, otherwise the thin book you hold in your hands would turn into a plump volume, and, unfortunately, not many people like to read.

Usually people do not really trust lengthy reasoning and truths that seem truism to them. I never trusted them either. As a result, six intense years of persistent training were, one might say, in vain for me.

For six whole years I wandered through the wilds of my own stupidity, the support of which was the opinion that I myself knew and understood everything very well!

Once upon a time, when I was still a very young man, I sat, like you, in front of my Mentor, and he talked, talked, talked. About the fact that everyone needs to believe in their own strength, that they need to strive for success, that they always, and especially during training, need to be in a joyful mood; if it doesn’t come on its own, then you have to learn how to create it.

In general, then it seemed to me that the Mentor was talking all sorts of nonsense, hanging noodles on my ears, and I sat and thought: “When will this burden end, when will we finally do what I came here for?”

After all, I was already an old-timer in the kidney department of the city hospital, where I was given artificial blood purification two or three times a week. Without this there is death.

First, the kidneys fail, then the heart and liver begin to malfunction, then the entire body collapses. These were the prospects that awaited me, this is what I was so eager to get rid of at that moment.

Classes have started. In order not to offend the Mentor, I tried to create some kind of mood in myself. Sometimes I succeeded, sometimes I didn’t. The mentor was patient, and with his help I still cured my kidneys, but I still had a problem that men don’t talk about out loud.

Having healed my kidneys, I began to read special literature, building my own concept of self-healing, and even began to pass on grains of my knowledge to others. But my problem did not go away, despite the hard training that I did not give up.

Every day I started with a ten-kilometer run, when I returned, I plunged into an ice hole, lived (in winter) in an unheated room with a temperature below zero. I mastered yoga and slept on a board studded with nails. The training took 6–8 hours a day.

As a result, I became the silver medalist of the first USSR karate championship, as well as a master of sports in hand-to-hand combat. But my impotence remained with me. Six years of hard work brought no benefit. Why? Because I was just pumping up my muscles, eh my spirit during classes not only did not help me, but also worked against me.

At first I started studying with great enthusiasm, but after a month or two I was overcome by doubts. After a year or two, they were replaced by frenzy and embitterment at the injustice of fate, which transformed into despondency. And I continued to pull the usual strap. My stubbornness turned against me. In other words, it, so to speak, strengthened my weakness.

Doubt is our main, almost our only enemy. Start practicing with thoughts: “What if it doesn’t help? The day has passed, but where is the result? - and that’s it, you’re dooming yourself to failure.

One day my Mentor asked me:

- Why do not you get married?

27 years in the East is already maturity. I had to explain myself.

“You brainless ass,” the Mentor told me, “you have been treating other people for so many years and cannot figure out the cause of your own troubles.” Why didn't you tell me everything right away?

Yes, it’s easier for any man to hang himself than to admit it!

The mentor took charge of me again. He thoroughly shook up my spirit and made me believe in myself. Then I realized that by doing the same exercise, you can:

a) benefit;

b) achieve nothing;

c) harm yourself.

It all depends on how determined you are to win and how determined you are to achieve your goal.

When I returned home, I announced to everyone that I was getting married. Nine months later, my first son was born, and a year later, another. After that I opened small school for men with potency problems. Until now, letters come to me from all over the world.

And now, in anticipation of your numerous questions, dear men, I can tell you with full responsibility: start with the health system offered to you. Several million people have already gone through it, many of whom have restored their health, found happiness in fatherhood and motherhood, achieved success in business, and improved relationships with themselves and the world around them. And you can do it.

It is the human spirit that is the main driving force behind physical and spiritual healing, achieving goals and victories in everything.

Train your spirit, because only what is trained develops, and start doing it right now.

Illustration for what was said

“People suffer not from what happens, but from their attitude towards what happens.”

You can paraphrase this saying of Montaigne like this: your victory in a situation depends not on the circumstances that make up this situation, but on your attitude towards them.

At one time I happened to be a karate trainer. In my group there was a young man who had brilliant abilities and studied with great zeal. You could say he spent his days and nights in the gym. But he had a problem - fear.

There are no fearless people. Fear, as an instinct of self-preservation, allows us to see danger and escape from it. However, it’s bad when it starts to control us and takes over our psyche.

This is exactly what happened to my brilliant fighter. Fear deprived him of self-confidence. He mastered fighting techniques impeccably and during training did not miss a single blow, but in contact combat he was a coward and lost to almost everyone.

But in battle it is not technique that wins, but spirit.

One day, a man who was the winner of the Central Asian martial arts championship came to visit me. I asked him to hold exhibition fights with my guys, but warned that one of my guys was superior to him in all respects. What's wrong with him, they say, even such a master should keep his ears open.

In other words, I planted a spark of doubt in my own abilities in the champion’s soul. And he said to the guys:

“One arrogant guy came to us, considering himself an invincible fighter. He wants to warm up and beat the dust out of you, but I know that any of you can handle him with just your left. Even you! – and pointed to the newcomer, who still barely knew how to move. And then, as if casually, he turned to the cowardly young man:

– You are the most technical among us, intimidate the upstart, drive him a little around the hall.

The meeting took place. And what do you think? My “coward” had a great fight and defeated the champion. When he found out the name of the master he met in the dojo, he felt sick.

The lesson was not in vain. In the early nineties in Hiroshima at the Asian Olympic Games, my “coward” won first place among martial artists. As a coach, I am proud of his success to this day.

The conclusion, I hope, is clear. You can become a winner in everything only by defeating yourself. Never forget this.

Chapter 1 Health as a lifestyle

The purpose and meaning of self-health training

Components that make up the self-healing process.

The image of health and youth, its meaning and role in the practice of self-healing.

Why do we get sick? Because we live based on false attitudes. For example, since childhood we have become accustomed to considering the postulate “a healthy mind in a healthy body” as an axiom, despite the fact that it is fundamentally incorrect.

Many young and physically healthy people refute this postulate with their behavior. They are immoderate in their search for pleasure, unbridled in their passions, drink, smoke, and take drugs. In a word, they, without hesitation, do everything to weaken and prematurely age their body. Does such behavior indicate high spiritual health?

No! A person who does not care about his body, considering it as something secondary, can also be considered spiritually defective, but the body is the temple of the soul. It is no coincidence that in the East a sick person is considered a criminal.

Doctors ancient East identified many reasons leading to the development of the disease. Among the external ones are wind, cold, heat, dryness, improper lifestyle - overwork and idleness, poor diet, bad habits.

Among the internal ones are excessive emotional experiences, both positive and negative.

The health of the body is ensured by the health of the spirit, and not vice versa. The human body is provided with an eight to tenfold safety margin from birth.

If you are overcome by illness, do not panic and, most importantly, do not sit idly by. Find the strength to reconsider your attitude towards life, replenish your protective resource.

The self-healing system, which will be discussed below, has proven its effectiveness in practice. Its elements are simple and accessible. Any person, looking at the list of exercises, will say: I can do this, and this, and that, and even this...

It’s all true: each of the exercises is truly within the capabilities of each of us. Why, one might ask, does not every one of us become healthy if we take with all tenacity, but mechanically practice the proposed exercises of the system? Here is the answer: Mechanical training without meaning and purpose leads nowhere.

For example, consider a person learning to swim.

Feeling a strong bottom under his feet, he easily performs movements that can keep him afloat, but when he gets into a deep place, he drowns. What's the matter?

In the absence of the ability to cope with the situation, in the wrong attitude towards it. This kind of person:

Panically afraid of drowning (emotionally determined to lose);

Sees nothing, hears nothing (unable to correctly assess his position);

Blows bubbles, chokes (cannot breathe);

Flounders at random (does not know how to coordinate movements);

Gets tired quickly (not physically strong);

Does not imagine himself swimming (has not formed his image of a swimmer in his soul).

Conversely, a person who can swim:

Not afraid of water;

Sees waves, the shore, other swimmers, hears the splash of oars, the roar of boats, noise

waterfall (i.e., able to objectively assess the situation);

Breathes correctly;

Measured in movements;

Does not get tired (knows how to save energy);

Feels like a swimmer.

The last point is the most important of those listed, because it collects the effectiveness of all the others into a single whole.

The image of a swimmer, supported by a burning desire to freely and confidently cut through the surface of the water, helps those who are learning to swim to put together the skills acquired in training and get results.

Depending on how vividly this image is created and how great the desire to swim, a person gains the ability to either cross the Hellespont or splash lightly in calm water, holding on to the walls of the pool. Here everyone is free to choose what they like.

The patient, caught in the whirlpool of illness, has no choice. He needs to cope with his illness himself and in the shortest possible time. To do this, you need to shake yourself up physically and spiritually and tune in to the Image of health and youth, which will really help you regain both youth and health within 30–40 days.

Is this possible? After all, miracles don't happen. This health system says yes with absolute certainty. This can be confirmed by thousands and thousands of people who have overcome their illnesses that were considered incurable.

They, without resorting to drugs or any other auxiliary means, managed to gain youth and health on their own.

The system has helped many get rid of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, dysbacteriosis, bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease, auditory neuritis, optic neuritis, benign neoplasms (especially gynecological ones, such as cysts and fibroids) and many others. etc.

What is the secret of these incredible, magical, fabulous metamorphoses? In the magnificent properties of our body, given to us by generous Nature.

Our body from birth was endowed with mechanisms of self-healing and bioprotection, but they were lulled by the way of modern life, devoid of physical and spiritual dynamics. To awaken them, we will need to return to the original (baby-like) state of active comprehension of the world (as if to be born again).

However, no one can be born twice. What remains for us? What remains is to artificially demonstrate the will and desire to recover, “stir up” oneself, awaken inner strength and, with the help of specially selected exercises, restore mobility to the joints and spine, and by training emotions, cleanse the soul of “toxins”, returning it to childhood serenity.

Besides, we have to do some training imaginative thinking to gain the ability to non-contactly massage your internal organs and joints with the help of mental concentration of the sensations of warmth (T), tingling (P) and cold (X).

Such a massage, improving blood circulation and activating nerve endings in the most remote corners of our body, will eliminate interruptions in the functioning of the kidneys, liver, lungs, and intestines, thoroughly cleanse them and set them up for major repairs, activate the work of the endocrine glands, and improve nutrition of the joints and spine. It will smooth the skin, restoring its elasticity, eliminate wrinkles and scars, giving the order to rejuvenate the entire body. The result will not be long in coming.

Working on yourself using this system will improve your vision, sharpen your hearing, increase male potency, and help a woman cope with gynecological diseases, reveal and increase her sensuality.

Yes, yes, dear readers, you are absolutely right. This book gives you magic wand, Aladdin's lamp, a seven-flowered flower or something else from a number of objects that can work wonders.

This “object”, imbued with the wisdom of millennia, whatever you call it, promises each of you the fastest and most effective help, its effectiveness is similar to the effectiveness of the mythological living water.

Almost all students who have completed the full-time course unanimously declare this. The same is evidenced by numerous letters from correspondence students who independently practiced this health system and completely healed themselves.

The source of these “miracles” is within each of us, and magic will become a reality only if your desire to become young and healthy is sincere and ardent, if all your aspirations are directed towards the goal and if your whole being is permeated with the light of the Image of Youth and health, which you yourself call from the depths of your soul.

This Image, each person has his own, is like a drawing on his fingertips, it is made up of your wonderful memories and sensations.

No one can do this work for you, I can only tell you which direction to move and how to act, that is, tell you what it should be - your personal, unique Image of health and why it is needed.

Actually, we have already talked about why the Image of health and youth is needed. Any machine will quickly become unusable if it does not work in a certain operating mode; any computer requires a certain program in order for it to properly perform its functions.

A person is not a machine or a computer, but a very complex living being in which the physical, intellectual and spiritual principles are organically combined.

Intelligence is also called consciousness, reason. The spiritual principle refers to the emotional and moral manifestations of a person; they form a substance called “soul”.

The image of health and youth will help create inner harmony. It is in tune with all the bright moments of our lives that inspire us. Each of us is familiar with this feeling, and each of us has its own unique pattern.

For one, the Image of Youth may be associated with a walk through a blooming spring garden, for another - with a delightful dance at a school graduation party, for a third - with climbing shining mountain peaks, for a fourth - something else...

When embarking on a search for your ideal, tune in to a wave of joyful anticipation and always imagine yourself as you would like to be. Young, fit, beautiful - and whatever you do, do it with love for yourself and the world around you.

Create your own Image of Health and “impose” it on yourself so that you feel a “response” in your body. Remember also the sensations in your soul - light, freedom, purity, peace and harmony.

Yes, we constantly live in a world of stress. Stressful situations do their job, clogging our soul with resentment, irritation, and anger.

Improper nutrition clogs the body; false attitudes poison our minds and lead us astray from the true path. We become obese, sit in front of televisions, lose physical mobility, and stop reading.

Imaginative thinking gradually becomes dull, our spirit withers, consciousness ceases to guide the body. It is not surprising that ailments and illnesses begin to overwhelm us at this moment.

To get rid of them, first of all, you should learn to imagine your one and only ideal Image of youth and health and constantly merge with it. Then the healing process will become an avalanche and all the exercises of the system will give a fantastic result: youth and health will return to you.

It is very important to create your own specific and clear Image of health. You should be in this image 24 hours a day. Here is the story of a girl who had diabetes.

“I didn’t always feel good, so I wasn’t allowed to do a lot. When all the children were swimming and splashing in the water, I sat on the shore, looked at them and felt too weak for such games, too heavy.

I imagined walking along the beach and leaving very deep footprints in the sand. My feet seem to be stuck in the sand, and I can hardly lift them, they are so heavy. I even closed my eyes to rest...

And one day I imagined that my legs were becoming lighter and lighter, I wanted so badly to run, and for this I needed light legs... I tried to imagine myself as light as a feather, and imagined that my footprints were becoming smaller and smaller, and I I run faster and faster... like the wind, along with everyone...

Every day I went to the beach, I imagined it was really like this.

After a few days I felt better; then I began to play and run a little, like everyone else, and I kept imagining how light my legs were and how they hardly left any marks on the sand. I always imagined myself being healthy and light.”

The story of this girl is like a beautiful fairy tale. However, she recovered.

“Grow a green tree in your heart, and one day a songbird will make a nest there,” says a Chinese proverb.

The green tree is the essence, the image of health, which we will diligently and painstakingly form in the soul, and the bird of unfading youth will not hesitate to settle in its crown.

In the second chapter we will talk about training emotions, correcting mood and forming imaginative thinking, which help create a cherished image, as well as the role of forgiveness and the practice of self-immersion, which can evoke in the soul the Image of youth and health, which will open the doors to a new full life.

- What is spiritual power?

Spiritual strength is the strength of the spirit. According to the teachings of the Church, a person consists of spirit, soul and body. Man is built according to a hierarchical principle, according to which there is a main thing, there is a subordinate, and there is a subordinate to a subordinate. In other words, there is lower and higher.

Man was designed by God to be dominated by the spirit. So that the spirit rules over the soul, the soul over the body. The highest is the spirit, the lowest is the flesh. In fact, after the Fall everything became the other way around: man ceased to be spiritual, man became carnal. Very often in modern man the flesh dictates to the spirit, suppresses the spirit and controls it. That is, voluptuousness, lust and other passions often guide our actions.

I think spiritual strength is when the spirit comes into its own, when it dictates to the body and soul what to do and what not to do.

- Spirit, soul are subtle matters invisible to the eye. In order for people to understand what this means, let's look at an example. A person has some choice. Feelings and emotions lead him to one decision. And with his mind he understands that it is better to do differently. Here is the mind, consciousness - what does it refer to, the soul or the spirit?

I think to the spirit, of course.

In general, it’s really difficult to understand what is from the heart and what is from the spirit. This is how I define it for myself. Now, I have various thoughts and feelings that constantly fill me: memories, thoughts, feelings, desires, emotions. And among them there are, relatively speaking, good ones and some unkind ones. But in me there is a certain part of my “I” that evaluates this. She tells me: “I want bad things now. It would be disgusting if I did that.” That part of my “I” that can evaluate what is happening in my heart and mind, this is the spirit. The spirit knows good and evil, knows a certain value system and lives in them.

The soul is like this: “I want this,” or vice versa, I don’t want something. In general, there are “want” and “need”. “I need” is from the realm of the spirit, and “I want” is from the realm of the soul. And when a person acts precisely from the “need” and not from the “want,” he is a spiritually strong person. When “I want” prevails over “I must,” it means that spiritual strength is not at its best.

- Is the concept of “willpower” identical to “strength of spirit”?

In the world, outside the Church, these concepts are almost identical. In my opinion, spiritual strength and willpower are very close concepts. Willpower is the ability to force yourself to do something you don't want. But I would say that fortitude is greater than willpower, because I would also include the ability for courage as fortitude - this is still not quite willpower. I would classify strength of spirit as patience, perseverance in suffering, in sorrow - this is still not quite willpower. Strength of spirit is when a person rejoices in sorrows...

Therefore, I believe that where there is spiritual strength, there is usually willpower, but where there is willpower, there is not always spiritual strength. For me, fortitude is always a positive characteristic, it is a focus on the positive, on the good. And willpower... There were many scoundrels, terrible villains, who achieved great results in their atrocities precisely because they were very strong-willed people. But to say about some Stalin, although he was strong-willed and purposeful in his own way, went towards his goal, that he was a strong-willed man, I wouldn’t dare.

There are exceptions when there is strength of spirit, but there is no special willpower. So I read about a priest who was unworthy of holy orders - before the revolution he served in a small town. He was susceptible to the disease of drunkenness, and he drank so much that it was obvious to everyone around him; he was often found on the street in a state of “rest position,” as they say. People somehow tolerated him, but, nevertheless, no one respected him either as a priest or as a person. He served himself, he served when he was able, he was on the verge of being banned from serving... And then the revolution happened, and he ended up in the Cheka. He was tortured and forced to renounce his beliefs. They beat him, then threw him into a cell, and the prisoners asked: “Father, what do they demand from you?” - “They demand from me that I confirm that Christ stood for the same thing that the Bolsheviks stand for - that there be equality everywhere, etc. But I cannot confirm this, because Christ said “Give it!” they say “Take it!” “It’s a big difference.” In the end he was shot... Was he a strong-willed man? I think - strong. But is he strong-willed... If these persecutions had not happened at that time, perhaps the man would have died drunk somewhere under the fence and no one would have ever said a kind word about him. But when he had to stand up for his own faith, I think his strength of spirit manifested itself.

- Why was this power given to man - the power of the spirit? Everything that is given to us is given for a purpose.

On this occasion, I would like to recall a passage from the Gospel that we read on the days of the memory of John the Baptist. Jesus Christ says the following words about John the Baptist: “What did you go out into the desert to see—was it a reed shaken by the wind?” These words always touch me. Indeed, a person is very often “a reed (that is, a reed) shaken by the wind.” While there is no wind, this reed stands upright, but as soon as the wind begins to blow, the reed sways. And this is precisely the strength of spirit - this is the ability of a reed not to sway under the influence of the wind. When a man like John the Baptist appears, a reed that is not shaken by the wind, he conquers everyone around him with his power, because power attracts. Why did people go to John the Baptist - because they felt: “I am a wavering reed, but he is not, he has a steadfast and direct spirit that is not shaken by the wind.”

I think that being a reed shaken by the wind is a pitiful and unworthy fate for a person. A person must strive to gain firmness, without which there will be no joy. The stronger the spirit of a person following the path of good, the more joyful and cheerful the person’s soul. And weakness always entails a lack of joy in the heart, despondency, melancholy, sadness...

- How to strengthen the strength of spirit?

Just like body strength. Body strength is strengthened by proper nutrition and exercise, gymnastics. It’s the same with the spirit - proper nutrition and gymnastics. Only nutrition and exercise of the spirit and soul are still another nutrition and exercise...

A person who wants to be strong in spirit usually knows what role the people with whom you communicate play. It affects us. The kind of person I become myself largely depends on what kind of people I communicate with - “be with the venerable reverend,” as it says in the Psalter. “Whoever you mess with, that’s how you’ll gain.” Communication with spiritually strong people is also nourishment for the soul.

It is very important what books a person reads. Vysotsky has a wonderful song, it contains the words:

If the path is cut by your father's sword,

You've wrapped salty tears around your mustache

If in a hot battle I experienced what it costs,

So, you read the right books as a child...

I'll paraphrase: "If you become worthy person“It means you read the right books as a child.” This is true - I am sure that a lot depends on what a person reads as a child. Reading is also an exercise, of course, at any age...

And church people still know the word “ascetic”. What is asceticism? Its meaning, of course, is not to deny yourself everything. This is a system of exercises aimed at subjugating the soul and flesh to the spirit. That is, just for the development of fortitude. A person consciously makes certain efforts that strengthen his spirit. For Orthodox people, the main exercise is fasting. This is a very strong, serious exercise. Anyone who has experience of fasting knows that you usually come out of fasting feeling much less like a reed blown by the wind than before it.

For believers, I want to especially say: the main source of spiritual strength is participation in the Holy Spirit. Today, I think, it is no coincidence that we are talking about this topic on the day of the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles, when they received power from above. Look - the apostles - can we call these people strong in spirit before Pentecost? Hardly: we see that the people who abandoned their Teacher fled in horror - they were very good, kind, pure - but they were not strong people. And when the power from above descended on them at Pentecost, they became completely different people. Therefore, we Orthodox believe that the most important means of becoming a spiritually strong person is to acquire the grace of the Holy Spirit. How? Everything that happens in the Church, the entire mode of life of a church person - fasting, prayer, Divine services, the Sacraments - all this is aimed at acquiring the grace of the Holy Spirit. And then - according to the extent to which I am filled with this grace - to the extent I become a spiritually strong person.

- Many people believe that playing sports also strengthens the strength of the spirit, since sports also require discipline, a regime - that’s how you say, subordination of the lower to the higher, you have to endure fatigue and pain, overcome your body weaknesses...

I completely agree with this. Some Orthodox authors are critical of sports. Usually in their books the emphasis is placed on the fact that sport is a competition, that competition is always a desire to be first, and where there is a desire to be first, there is always vanity, and we, on the contrary, must be humble... I’ll be honest with you I’ll say - I don’t share this point of view and I think it’s no problem to strive to be the first. Being first is not bad, but being proud of those who are not first is bad.

Of course, sport mainly develops willpower. But, as we said, fortitude and willpower are not opposite concepts. Willpower is a wonderful quality.

In general, I am convinced that who a person will become in this life, what he will achieve, to what level of perfection he will rise, largely depends on willpower. A strong-willed person swims against the tide in this life. Victory always comes through effort. There are so many beautiful, wonderful, kind, but weak-willed people who could not become what they were called to become because they did not have the will...

That's why I have a positive attitude towards sports. I’ve never played sports myself, but I enjoy watching those young people who are seriously involved in it. When I watch a girl go to figure skating practice every morning, at 4 or 5 am, before school... What an effort you need to make on yourself - I think it’s very good.

- You spoke about the importance of willpower and fortitude for success. In principle, to all people who consider themselves losers, who can’t do anything, for them the topic of fortitude, apparently, should be very important. important topic. They should pay attention to this so they can stop being losers.

Certainly. Most of my friends who turned out to be “losers”, as a rule, believe that the reason for their failure is not in them, but in the fact that they are not cunning enough, not adapted enough... I had one friend who studied with me at the institute. When you meet him, there is always some kind of caustic sarcasm: “Well, of course, everyone has settled down, but I can’t adapt, I can’t do this, I can’t do that...” And he simply cannot pull himself together and really force himself to work. Of course, the easiest way to find the cause of failure is in circumstances. There are also unfortunate circumstances, but still I think that 90% of success is always in inner strength, which we call fortitude.

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Your feedback

The thoughts in the article are correct. But to offend Stalin at every opportunity, I see that many church ministers are happy. Comrade believers, I don’t want to offend anyone here, but to call Stalin a man of weak spirit is stupidity. The country under his leadership survived and won the war. the most terrible war in human history, has made an unprecedented leap forward. It was not the icons over Moscow or the prayers that helped to win, but the economic structure of the country, built under the leadership of Stalin. If it weren’t for this, you would now be praying according to the Catholic canons at best, and at worst, we would all be exploring the sacraments afterlife. Consider Hitler as a demon without fortitude, why don’t you cite him as an example? I understand the church’s resentment towards the Soviets, but let’s not spit on our history - choose examples more carefully. Thank you for the article.

Timur, age: 24 / 02/11/2019

It seems that in the end he confused the strength of spirit and the power of will due to his convictions, after all, he himself told the difference that the strength of the spirit does not necessarily go hand in hand with the strength of the will, the strength of the spirit is the ability to distinguish and follow the good, but the story with the drunkard showed that the strong in spirit on the material level may be weak, which means the world also needs willpower

Dfgh, age: Fggh / 10/23/2018


Edward, age: 44 / 08/06/2017

Good article, simple and insightful. Explains the topic perfectly.

Julia, age: 23 / 02/28/2017

Thank you very much for the article

Logan, age: 14 / 01/22/2017

Thank you, now something is clear

Serik, age: 27/05/25/2016

Thank you. very good and necessary words.

Igor, age: 30 / 05/14/2016

thank you great article reveals general concepts that without “work you can’t catch a fish out of a pond”

Mikhail, age: 29 / 03/29/2016

What a pity that one rarely hears in sermons such deep analyzes of the meanings and necessary concepts of life. You often hear: the history of icons, a superficial analysis of the Gospel, stereotyped calls for various spiritual things. It’s good that young people can read such wonderful articles.

Artemis, age: 21 / 03/11/2016

Thank you, very true thoughts

Faraday, age: 52 years / 05/08/2015

Very good article, thanks!

Mikhail, age: 28 / 05/06/2015

Thank you, my brother, well said, I only realized before the article that in order to achieve meekness, humility, Love, you must have willpower, and most importantly, the Power of the Spirit! I immediately typed in a search on how to achieve the power of the Spirit and found your article, it was very simple, and most importantly, explained clearly!!!

Alexander, age: 54 / 04/02/2015

Thank you, I knew that faith in God strengthens the spirit. And here everything is like confirmation.

Payne 1, age: 17/12/03/2014

How simple and clear! I took a lot of useful information from the article. Do you have any other articles? Where can I read them?

Nadezhda, age: 61 / 11/24/2014

Thanks a lot! I enjoyed reading it and will try to follow the advice.

Lyudmila, age: 41 / 10/25/2014

Great article. Huge gratitude. AND THANKS!!! You can learn a lot for yourself from this article.

Firuz, age: 49 / 09/22/2014

Thank you very much! Very good examples, everything is laid out on the shelves. Thank you very much again!

Dmitry, age: 32 / 05/19/2014

Thank you very much!! Now I understand for myself the difference between fortitude, soul and willpower and how to develop fortitude.

Sergey, age: 15 / 05/10/2014

Thanks a lot!!! Very clear!!!

Paletti, age: 45 / 03/03/2014

Many thanks for the guidance!

voin, age: 33 / 02/10/2014

Katya, age: 35 / 01/06/2014

My father was wounded during the war and lay in a hospital in Vienna, the Chief Physician then said: “If a fighter has the Power of Spirit, he will survive, even if the wound is severe, and if he has lost heart, then the doctors will not be able to help!

Vera Klishteeva, age: 58 / 12/26/2013

First concrete answer knowledgeable person. And not the stupid philosophy of idle talkers.

Ronin, age: 31/12/20/2013

After reading your article, for many of the circumstances stated in it, it was as if I saw my mirror image, took a more realistic look at my shortcomings and outlined ways to eradicate them. Thank you, I will try to exercise to strengthen my spirit, or rather, I will strengthen my spirit because it has gained control over my soul and body! To be honest, I came across this page quite by accident while searching for an answer to a prayer found in the handwritten notes of my late mother, and now I quite clearly understand that nothing just happens...

Vasily, age: 30 / 07/23/2013

thank you! good answer to my question!

love, age: 57 / 06/12/2013

Lydia, age: 23 years / 06/06/2013

Very informative and sensible, dear.

Vika, age: 17/16.11.2012

Thank you for the article, my faith in God has strengthened even more and I have a desire to develop fortitude.

Vladimir, age: 18 / 11/14/2012

Thanks a lot!

Arseny, age: 13 / 05.11.2012

Two and a half years ago, terrible grief came to my family, my home. Since then, I have weakened in faith, if not completely lost it; I have weakened in spirit and in body too. Your article is simple and powerful. Thank you.

Sergey, age: 52 / 07/04/2012

Thank you very much for the article)

Andrey, age: 26 / 06/26/2012

Thank you! Knowledge is power! God grant me, teach me how to gain spiritual strength! and cope with carnal desires!

Darling, age: 33 / 06/20/2012

Wonderful article! very inspiring! My husband especially liked it; now he looks at sports with different eyes - as an effective way to cultivate willpower and spirit.

Nadya, age: 23/05/25/2012

Interesting and informative article, thank you!

Oleg, age: 32 / 05/21/2012

Thanks a lot!!

Yura, age: 21/20.02.2012

Thank you for the article.

Oleg, age: 16/02/19/2012

Very interesting article. Thanks for it. I discovered a lot for myself.

Kirill, age: 21 / 01/18/2012

See also on this topic:
Strength may differ ( Alexander Ipatov, President of the Russian National Federation Oyama Kyokushinkai Karate-Do)
To develop fortitude, you need to set a goal and go towards it ( Yuri Borzakovsky, Olympic champion)
The story of one righteous warrior ( Pavel Okhapko)
My two victories ( Yulia Gaginskaya)
Anna German: “Why is washing floors happiness?”
The story of the legendary Valentin Dikul
Anti-Crisis Man ( Mikhail Shlyapnikov)
Alexey Nalogin: the right person ( Alexander Botov)
“I hear music with my heart!” ( Marina Korets)

Strength of spirit is the most valuable quality human character. Without willpower, a person becomes lethargic and apathetic. Firmness and inflexibility can help you win over physical desires. The weaker the willpower, the more difficult it is for a person to resist bad habits and weaknesses.

Overcoming difficulties is the first step towards victory

If you notice any shortcomings in yourself, it is best to start fighting them immediately. Without willpower, a person loses direction in life and tends to choose the wrong path in life. Willpower guides a person and becomes his guiding thread. Without strength of character and fortitude, you can miss your opportunities.

Signs of a strong will in a person

Having a strong, strong-willed character, it is easy to cope with the burden of accumulated problems. Strength of spirit helps to overcome difficulties even in the most unfavorable situations. Thanks to hidden resources, a person is ready to fall and rise again.

Only courage will help you overcome all obstacles. Believing in yourself is an excellent recommendation for those who want to become invulnerable. Patience will develop in you a strong personality, ready to withstand the blows of fate.

What to do if laziness gets in the way

We often have a great desire to do something, but are stopped by the fear of possible failure. Laziness is born where there is no specific motivation. Indifference and apathy prevent you from taking any concrete steps.

Energy reserves increase if you tend to change areas of activity frequently. For example, your favorite activity can be combined with dancing, painting, and sports training.

Exercises to develop strong-willed qualities

1. Strengthening your fortitude. The point of the exercise is constant physical activity. Morning jogging and swimming are suitable for this. Developing the body greatly trains the spirit. If sport becomes a part of your life, a lot will change.

2. Get rid of laziness. If you don't want to do something, you need to force yourself to take the initiative. If you don’t want to exhaust yourself with workouts in the gym, throw away all the “don’ts” and do it! Getting up early in the morning is also a big deal and you need to learn to develop firmness in yourself.

3. Planning things. Give yourself clear instructions on which things need to be given priority attention and what can be left for later. Planning your affairs will save you from a chaotic life schedule.

10. Search for hidden power. Train your skills. If you take something, be sure to put it back in the same place. The next day you will know exactly where it is. You allow yourself to feel the volitional tension. Success and well-being depend on this.

Do what you like correctly and clearly move towards your goal. Exercises to develop willpower require serious preparation. Training volitional qualities increases the need to change your usual lifestyle. You need to gather your willpower and force yourself to reconsider some habits. Learn to be demanding of yourself and don't forget to push the buttons and

25.07.2015 09:45

To grow above yourself and become more successful, sometimes you just need to take a few simple steps. Enough...

Psychologists often discuss problems of psychological health, but rarely address the question of precisely defining what psychological stability or fortitude is. From my point of view, fortitude means that you can manage your emotions, manage your thoughts and behave positively, despite the circumstances. Developing fortitude means finding the courage to live by your values ​​and being confident enough in yourself to define what success is for yourself.

Mental strength is more than just willpower, it requires serious work and dedication. This is about developing healthy habits and consciously choosing to dedicate your time and energy to self-improvement.

Although it is easier to feel strong in spirit when life is simple and serene, it is often in the whirlpool of tragic events that true strength of spirit is fully manifested. Developing skills that build resilience is The best way prepare for the inevitable difficulties in life.

There are many exercises that help develop mental strength. Here I present five exercises with which you can begin this work:

We all have developed core beliefs about ourselves, our lives, and the world in general. Our core beliefs develop over time and are largely influenced by our past experiences. Whether you are aware of your beliefs or not, they influence your thoughts, your behavior and your emotions.

Sometimes core beliefs limit you and are ineffective. For example, if you are convinced that you will never achieve success in life, you will simply not be ready to apply for a new job and, as a result, will perform poorly in interviews. In this way, your core beliefs can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Identify your core beliefs and evaluate them. Identify your beliefs that the world is divided into black and white, and then look for exceptions to this rule. There is very little in life that is defined by the words “always” or “never.” Changing your core beliefs takes dedicated, serious work, but it can change your entire life.

2. Spend your mental energy wisely

It is ineffective to spend all the power of your intellect constantly thinking about what is beyond your control, because... this quickly depletes your energy reserves. The more you think about negative problems that you cannot solve, the less energy you will have for creativity and creation. For example, there is no point in sitting and worrying about the weather forecast. If a strong hurricane is heading towards you, your worries will not stop it. However, you can take it and prepare for it. Focus only on what is under your direct control.

Save your mental strength to do good things, such as solving problems or setting goals. When your thoughts become ineffective, make an effort on yourself and direct your mental energy to thinking about more useful topics. The more you practice the “smart” distribution of your mental energy, the sooner it will become your habit.

3. Replace negative thoughts with useful ones.

Most of us don't think about how we think, but becoming more aware of our thinking habits can be beneficial for our mental resilience. Exaggerated negative thoughts, such as “I'm doing everything wrong,” hold you back from reaching your full potential. Keep your negative thoughts in check, do not let them get out of your control and influence your behavior.

Identify negative thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts. Helpful thoughts do not have to be entirely positive, but they must be realistic. A more harmonious formulation might be: “I have weaknesses, but I also have a lot of strengths" Changing your thoughts requires constant monitoring, but this process can become a tool that will help you become a better person.

4. Practice acceptable discomfort.

Being mentally strong does not mean that you should not express emotions. Of course, fortitude requires you to have a high awareness of your emotions in order to more adequately choose your answer and reaction. Strength of spirit is manifested in acknowledging your feelings without subjugating them.

Strength of mind also means that you understand when to act contrary to your emotions. For example, if you experience anxiety that prevents you from trying new things or taking advantage of new opportunities, try to get out of your comfort zone if you want to test your strength. Dealing with unpleasant emotions calmly takes practice, but it will become easier for you as your self-confidence increases.

Try to behave like the person you want to become. Instead of saying: “Oh, I wish I could be more sociable!”, start behaving more openly, and it doesn’t matter whether you feel like such a person or not. Often some discomfort is even necessary to achieve greater success, and a calm attitude towards such discomfort can turn your dreams into reality, this will not happen immediately, but gradually.

5. Celebrate your results daily

In today's hectic world, there is very little time for quiet, serious reflection. Set aside time for yourself daily to review your progress in developing mental strength. At the end of the day, ask yourself what new things you have learned about your thoughts, emotions and behavior. Think about what you want to improve or do tomorrow.

Developing fortitude is a constant, never-ending work. There are always things that need improvement, and at times it will feel like it's harder than ever. The habit of analyzing your successes will help you strengthen your ability to understand what success is for you while living by your values.

Posted by Amy Morin, a licensed social psychologist in Lincoln, Maine. In addition to her psychotherapeutic practice, she also holds the position of adjunct instructor in psychology at the university and is an expert on parenting adolescents on the websiteAbout.com.