Abstracts Statements Story

Ivanovo State Polytechnic. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ivanovo State Polytechnic University" (IVGPU, Federal State Educational Institution "IVGPU")

As an independent educational institution, appeared relatively recently, in 2012. This happened as a result of the merger of two largest universities in the region, which gave a very tangible result - the quality of education in the region has increased significantly.

History: IGASU

Ivanovo State Poly Technical University was created as a result of the merger of the local University of Architecture and Civil Engineering and the Textile Academy. It is noteworthy that the university was opened only in 1981, but even this time was enough to prepare a large number of qualified specialists. Over its long history, the university has managed to create an entire program for the training of technical and engineering personnel.

IGASU, having become part of the IvSPU, “took” with it the education system in the field of architecture and construction, which includes retraining, additional vocational training, non-governmental vocational training, higher vocational training, secondary vocational education and whole line other components. Previously, there was also a college at IGASU, where every year 1000 students received education under NPO and vocational education programs. Every year the university carried out a large amount of research work, research was carried out in the amount of 20 million rubles or more.

History: IGTA

The Polytechnic University (Ivanovo) consists of one more component: the Ivanovo State Textile Academy, which was created in 1932 and was called the Textile Institute. Later, the institution was renamed, which over its history has managed to turn into a huge educational and scientific base for textile design and the fashion industry.

Before the merger into a single university, almost 9 thousand students studied at the academy, there were 6 faculties and 23 areas of training. For nonresident students, places in dormitories were provided in the amount of 1,300 places. It was here that a quality management system that meets international standards was formed. The Academy had a large number of connections with textile centers and factories in Europe and the former CIS.


Ivanovo State Polytechnic University now consists of 8 internal institutes, each of which is divided into corresponding departments. Each institute employs professional teachers who strive to put as much theoretical and practical knowledge into the heads of their students as possible. The modern material base, which is updated annually, allows us to hope that students will receive the maximum of new knowledge from their teachers.

The university continues to support all those projects that were previously carried out by two universities, this also applies to the work of the system for training engineering personnel, and international relations with textile enterprises around the world. IN future plans university - an increase in the number of institutes, therefore, the number of places for students will increase. Much attention is paid to those students who apply for budget places.


IVSPU, whose departments are increasing year by year, is now one of the most popular universities in the region. The departments that belong to the Institute of Transport and Technology are extremely popular: highways, motor vehicles and vehicles, safety and traffic management. Every year, this institute receives the largest number of applicants who wish to obtain higher education in this field.

Also popular among applicants are the departments that belong to the Textile Institute and the Institute of Design. Most often, girls come there who dream of not only creating new clothes, but also showing them on catwalks in the future. The university provides them with a similar opportunity; competitions for fashion models and fashion models are constantly held within the university, as well as mini-fashion shows where the latest models are demonstrated.


The faculties of IvSPU are not so numerous, however, high-quality education is also provided there. The Faculty of Commercial Training is one of the most popular areas of study; its graduates can get a job in the financial sector, while they learn the skill of considering production facilities from a commercial point of view. Thanks to this approach, they manage to bring enterprises that are in a difficult financial situation out of the crisis in the shortest possible time.

The Faculty of Mechanics and Automation is another popular field that is in demand among applicants. All students of this faculty study technological machines, ground vehicles, automation, radio electronics and other equipment. Thanks to this, after receiving a diploma, they are specialists of a wide profile and can count on paid work.

How to proceed?

If you are not ready to pay a lot of money and enroll in universities in the capital, Ivanovo is the best option. Prices here are much lower, and there are many more places for admission. First you need to submit documents to admissions committee university: a copy of the passport, a copy of the Unified State Examination certificates, a medical certificate, several photographs. If you have additional certificates or documents certifying your right to priority admission, you must also provide them.

The history of Ivanovo State Polytechnic University began in 2012 by combining the accumulated experience and traditions of two universities - IGASU and IGTA, whose total age has exceeded one and a half centuries. Increasing the competitiveness and quality of education - this is the course, the constant and main goal of the updated university, and improving resource availability, increasing human resources and scientific potential, a maximum turn towards the real sector of the economy and the regional employer have become the key drivers of its growth. And the university demonstrates a steady growth in its position, as evidenced by the results of the annual ministerial monitoring of the effectiveness of universities and authoritative rankings. IVGPU is already successfully implementing a system of continuous and multi-level education.

Along with traditional programs for training personnel with higher education, the university, the only one in the region, offers its applicants unusual areas of professional training for highly sought-after qualified workers and employees, mid-level specialists, which are unusual for classical universities. The doors of graduate school are open to graduates who dream of a scientific career. More than two dozen advanced training and professional retraining programs await current specialists.