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English topic “Appearance. English topic “Appearance” Crossword puzzle on the topic of appearance in English


  1. This person doesn't like to share information with other people.
  2. This person is always pleasant and helpful towards other people. He easily makes friends.
  3. This person is boring. He is not intelligent.
  4. This person doesn't tell lies and he never cheats.
  5. This person is pleasant, people like him.
  6. This person is happy and energetic.
  7. This person is able to wait for a long time without getting angry.
  8. This person doesn't feel shy or frightened. He believes in his own abilities.
  9. This person doesn't care about other people. He thinks only about himself.
  10. This person thinks about other people and considers their needs to be important.
  11. This person likes doing new and exciting things and going to unusual places.
  12. This person behaves in an angry way, often argues with people or attacks them.
  13. This person doesn't talk much and doesn't make much noise.
  14. This person likes sharing things and giving presents to other people.
  15. This person is relaxed. He doesn't get excited or show strong emotions.
  16. This person doesn't like to work.
  17. This person is clean and always puts things away in the right places.
  18. This person is not afraid of difficult or dangerous situations. He is courageous.
  19. This person easily understands other people's emotions.


  1. This person is interested in everything that happens around him, and wants to find out about different things.
  2. This person enjoys talking a lot in a friendly way.
  3. This person behaves towards others in a pleasant way and doesn't forget to say "please" and "thank you".
  4. This person enjoys being with other people.
  5. This person feels worried or anxious and easily gets excited. He doesn't feel relaxed.
  6. This person is good at learning and understanding things.
  7. This person likes doing things on his own. He doesn't like asking for help.
  8. This person wants more money, things, or power than he needs.
  9. This person cares about other people and wants to help them.
  10. This person puts a lot of effort into his work.
  11. This person supports his friends even in difficult times and never betrays them.
  12. This person doesn't often worry and never really gets angry.
  13. This person always says what he really means. It isn't double-faced.
  14. This person is impolite. He tries to offend other people by his speech or behavior.
  15. This person enjoys causing pain to other people or making them unhappy or upset.
  16. This person is determined to become successful, rich, famous, etc.
  17. This person often becomes unhappy or angry for no particular reason.
  18. This person doesn't like meeting new people and hates going to parties.
  19. This person has a lot of imagination and new ideas.

These English words will help you learn to describe appearance in English. It could be a person or some creature. And colloquial phrases on the topic “Appearance” will help you ask questions and keep the conversation going.

So, we will learn to answer simple questions on this topic, which are divided into two groups, and learn to describe a person's appearance in English:

If you want to know what does a person look like, then ask the following questions:

1. What does he/she do look like? - How he / she looks?

2. What is his/her appearance like? — What is his/her appearance like?

3. What do you do like about her / his appearance? — What do you like about her/his appearance?

You need to answer these questions something like this:

  • He is a handsome young man of average height with short hair and brown eyes.
  • She is a tall blonde with long hair and blue eyes.

1. Appearance. Appearance (general impression)

So, let's get acquainted with the vocabulary. But first, check yourself.

Exercise 1. Remember the words on the topic Appearance. Man's face.

First we need to learn the words, and then we will learn to write descriptions of different people. By the way, your vocabulary should increase by 30 words.

Appearance. Appearance. English words for beginners (list No. 1)


  1. like about- like in
    What do you like about her?
  2. look like- to look like
    What does she look like?
  3. be like- pretend to be
    What is her appearance like?

Don't confuse expressions with verbs like:

1. like - like

2. be like - represent oneself

3. look like - look like

Adjectives (general impression):

  1. nice - cute
  2. pretty - pretty
  3. beautiful - beautiful (about a woman)
  4. handsome - handsome (about a man)
  5. good-looking - pleasant appearance
  6. plain - simple, unremarkable appearance
  7. ugly - unpleasant appearance, ugly

To answer, use construction with the verb BE:

I am...
She/He is...

I am good-looking. - I have an attractive appearance.
She is beautiful. - She's beautiful.
He is handsome. - He is beautiful.

Task 2. Describe the appearance of your relatives and friends in general terms.

2. Human appearance (detailed description)

Now let's move on to detailed description of appearance in English. First try to describe yourself and answer the questions:

  1. What is your height? - What is your height?
  2. What is your build like? -What is your body type?
  3. What is your hair color? - What is your hair color?
  4. What is your hair like? -What kind of hair do you have?
  5. What are your eyes like? - What eyes do you have?
  6. What is your face like? -What is your face like?
  7. What is your nose like? -What kind of nose do you have?

and so on... If you don’t know the words in bold, then study a list of English words on the topic “Appearance”. These are the nouns and adjectives you will definitely need when describing appearance in English.

English words on the topic “Appearance. Appearance" (list No. 1 continued)

  1. appearance - appearance
  2. height - height
    tall - tall
    short - low
    middle - sized - medium height
  3. build - physique
    thin - thin
    fat - thick
    slim - slender (about a girl)
  4. hair color - hair color
    fair - light
    dark - dark
    black - black
    brown - brown
    red - redheads
    blond - very light
  5. hair - hair
    short - short
    long - long
    straight - straight
    wavy - wavy
    curly - curly
    thick - thick
    thin - rare
  6. eyes - eyes
    big - big
    little - small
    green - green
    blue - blue
    brown (hazel) - brown
  7. face - face
    round - round
    oval - oval
  8. nose - nose
    long - long
    straight - straight
    turned up - turned up
  9. mouth - mouth
  10. lips - lips
  11. teeth - teeth
  12. ears - ears
  13. forehead - forehead
  14. neck - neck
  15. legs - legs
  16. feet - feet
  17. hands - hands (hands)

In addition to the verb BE, to describe appearance you need to use the verb HAVE:

  • I have...
  • She/He has…

Example with BE: He is middle-sized. - He is of medium height.

Example with HAVE: He has medium height. — He is of average height. (He is of average height.)

MORE EXAMPLES with have:
I have a round face.
She has long straight hair.
He has little green eyes.

The simplest description of appearance could be like this:
This is a girl/ boy/ woman/ man/ creature.
I think she / he is….
She’s/ He’s got…..eyes.
Her/ His face is….
Her/ His hair is…..
I like her/his…..


Susan is a short girl. She is thin. She has got long dark hair and a round face. Her eyes are blue and her nose is turned up. She looks pretty.

She has a brother. His name is John. John is a tall boy. He has got short fair hair and an oval face. His eyes are big and brown. He has big ears and his face looks funny.

Exercise. Rewrite the given descriptions using complex sentences.

SAMPLE. Susan is a pretty, thin, short, fair-haired girl with a round face, blue eyes and a snub nose.

Questions on the topic “Appearance” that you should be able to ask:

1. What does he/she look like?

2. What is his/her appearance like?

3. What do you like about his/her appearance?

Description of appearance in English (practice)

Exercise.Practice and describe Shrek first and then Fiona.

Crossword on the topic “Appearance” Subject: English Nomination: Traditional crossword Age group: 7th grade Author: Olga Vladimirovna Pugacheva Full name of the educational institution: Municipal budgetary educational institution Gymnasium No. 1 of the city district of Strezhevoy, Tomsk region. The purpose of creating a crossword puzzle: to consolidate lexical material on the topic “Appearance”. Brief summary: it is obvious that when studying the topic “Appearance”, 7th grade students are faced with a large amount of vocabulary, both new and previously encountered. In addition to remembering the pronunciation of new words, you also need to learn how to write them correctly. Then the learned vocabulary must be used correctly when describing a person’s appearance, which means it must be fluent. In my opinion, a crossword puzzle is one of the most suitable ways to consolidate vocabulary, as well as expand your vocabulary on a particular topic, and a foreign language is a limitless space and a huge resource for composing this kind of lexical tasks. A crossword puzzle on the topic “Appearance” can be used in an English lesson (or in extracurricular activities) at the stage of consolidating the studied lexical material. The crossword puzzle will help the teacher to work in a relaxed manner on one of the main competencies formed when teaching English - communicative competence, as well as to develop competence in the field of independent cognitive activity. The crossword was created in the MS Word software environment. CROSSWORD “APPEARANCE” 16 17 A C G 1 3 F A H C 2 E 4 6 G R E 24 11 G Y 7 O S U L N I N M 14 B G L 9 P E D E R I G H L 5 Y M N 26 E O C 27 U E S G C L T U S 28 E D T P C A L K C L M E P S D 15 H E R 12 B 25 A R A I N A A L O N L B A T 20 D E N 19 A F I L 23 R I U H E 22 R U E C T P A 21 H 18 R B Y 8 G E E L R O U N D E 10 S H O R L 13 W A V Y T Across: 10) Mary isn't tall, she is... Her height is 1.5 meters 1) May be round, oval, cute, ugly... What is it? 2) He isn’t fat, he is... only. 11) - Her hair is brown. 3) Jack is so tall! His... is over 2 meters! And what's about her? 4) - What hair does she have? 12) 5) This dress is short: My brother is a … (age). And this? 6) When it’s raining the sky is… (colour). 13) She has long, ..., blonde hair. 14) Skinny, heavily built, plump, thin ... – what is it? 7) My Grandma is... (age) 8) It’s a ball. What shape is it? 9) Scar, beard, moustache... What is it all together? 15) - She has long, straight, ginger... (what?) Down: 16) Teenager, child, elderly, in his twenties... - what is it? 17) - Who is it? (age) 18) Mark is 14 years old. He is... 22) This is long brown moustache and long brown... (what?) 23) Guess, what is it: 24) My mum isn’t plump, she is... (her build). 25) Baba Yaga isn’t pretty, she is... (what?) 26) Every spring I have many... on my face. 19) The sheep is short, and the giraffe is... 20) My grandpa is... (age). 27) My brother strongly cut his finger last year. Now he has a… on it. 28) This woman isn’t slim, she is... (her build). 21) him! Our dad is… (age) and strong. We love Instructions for filling out the crossword: The cells in the crossword grid are highlighted in different colors for a reason. Each color represents words that belong to a particular category (for example, age, height, build, etc.) By guessing the words, you can gradually guess which color belongs to which category - this is significant will simplify the task. In the center there is only one word open (its cells are highlighted in red), which coincides with the name of the crossword puzzle and sets its theme. Some letters of this word can help you solve other words faster. All words in the crossword are arranged as follows: words 1-15 horizontally, words 16-28 vertically. Numbering goes from top to bottom, left to right. The tasks for the crossword puzzle are made according to the same principle: first there are tasks for words horizontally (Across), then vertically (Down). In some tasks, not only descriptions are given, but also pictures that will also help you guess the word. When filling out a crossword puzzle, you need to be careful not to skip or confuse letters in words, otherwise it will be difficult to solve it. Good luck! List of information sources used:  The crossword was compiled based on the textbook “Spotlight-7” (Student’s book) edited by Evans V., Duley J., Podolyako O., Vaulina Yu.  Illustrative material from the Internet was also used.

character traits, human appearance

Alternative descriptions

Appearance, outline, appearance

Appearance, appearance

Moral appearance


Human appearance


Appearance or character

A person's appearance

Soul Warehouse

And the appearance, appearance, and character, mental makeup of a person

M. salary and facial features, common appearance and facial expression, physiognomy. his appearance is good-natured or intelligent; stupid, secretive. She has a pretty appearance. and I haven’t seen his face, I don’t know him by sight: he doesn’t even show his face, he doesn’t appear to the eye. Appearance cf. the same, appearance; image, appearance, likeness of a person, photograph, or a list from it, police; bust, mask removed, portrait. The marble appearance of Suvorov. Obvious, obvious, related to the face, appearance, guise. An excellent painter. Convict, convict adv. or blaming the church. and old face to face, being present. Give them a confrontation and judge them in person. Convict and hand over, old man. Become confrontational with him, and speak, and not behind the eyes. To expose, to expose, to expose, to show, to manifest, to reveal. Deeds, not words, expose a person, show his true face and personality. This book exposes the deep learning in the writer. A dog's training reveals its memory and intelligence. someone of what, to incriminate, to accuse with evidence, to expose. The denial is confused, the witnesses are exposed red-handed, and the one exposed, confessing, is guilty. -sya, show up, manifest; to be revealed or exposed. We are exposed to coal, its signs are revealed. Ivan was exposed for a bad deed and got caught. The guilty person is exposed by the entire course of the case. Every untruth will be exposed and come out. Put on your hats, psk. hard exchange error, mix. Reproof cf. appearance m. appearance, appearance f. about. action according to the verb., incrimination, evidence. A good conscience loves reproof, psk. appearance Appearance, psk. face, front side. An accusatory act, accusatory. An accusatory essay or denunciation, controversial, polemical. Accusatory, related to the accuser. Accuser, -nitsa, accuser. She denounced about. accuser, accuser, prover, informer. The disguise guise cf. Psk. hard face, front side. To veneer, to veneer something, to put on, from the face, from the outside; cover with turf (shaft), sheathe with planks, plaster (house). -sya, to be lined; tiling your house. Our owner is now facing himself. Cladding cf. will graduate facing about. valid according to verb. Cladding, building clothing, cladding, plaster

Moral "appearance" of a person

Moral appearance

Moral... of a person

Moral view


Human appearance

External view


Lose your moral...

Human exterior

What does habitus hide?

What is habitus

Poetic image

Appearance, appearance

Appearance - appearance

Pretty - cute


Charming - charming

Beautiful - beautiful

Handsome - handsome (about men)

Ugly- ugly

Unpleasant - unpleasant

Attractive - attractive


Straight - straight

Wavy- wavy

Curly - curly

Thick- thick

Thin - rare, thin

Long- long

Shoulder length - up to the shoulders

Black hair - black hair

Red hair - red hair

Brown hair - brown hair

Blonde, fair - blond hair

Brunette- brunette, brunette

Brown- brown-haired (ka)

Blond, blonde (blonde, blonde)

Red - red, raging


Round - round

Square - square

Oval- oval

Angular - angular

Wrinkles - wrinkled

Freckled - freckled

Pale- pale

Fair - light

Swarthy - dark


Blue- blue


Green - green

Dark - dark

Grey- gray


Broad- wide


Low- low

Narrow- narrow

Large- big

Small- small


Straight- straight

Snub - snub-nosed

Long- long

Pointed - pointed





Chubby (plump) - plump

Hollow (sunken) - sunken

Constitution (Build)

Slim - slender

Skinny - thin

Fat - thick

Plump - full


To have a good figure - to have a good figure


- Look at that slim girl with fair hair, full lips and blue eyes

Yes, she is good-looking. I know her. She`s sister of my friend

May be you introduce me to her


Look at that slender girl, with blond hair, plump lips and blue eyes

Yes, pretty girl. I know her, she is my friend's sister

Maybe you can introduce me to her


- I want to dye my hair

Which color would you like? Brown, red or black?

I don`t know. Can we help me to choose?

I think, brown is better for you


I want to dye my hair

What color would you like? Brown, red or black?

I don't know. Could you help me choose?

I think black suits you better


- I think I`m too fat. I`m going to go to the sport club

You`re not fat. You're a little plump

And I have a very long nose. I need a plastic surgery

Are you crazy?

No, I'm joking

- I think I'm very fat. I'm going to go to the sports club

You're not fat. You're a little overweight

And I have a very long nose. I need plastic surgery

You are crazy?

No, I'm kidding