Abstracts Statements Story

Alexander sviyash reasonable world how to live. Alexander Sviyash: Intelligent world

The time for miracles has passed, and we

We have to look for reasons

Everything that happens in the world.

W. Shakespeare

So, dear reader, you are holding this book in your hands. Why this one? Maybe your choice was unconscious? Or were you attracted by the title? Or maybe you are already familiar with our works and they have left some kind of mark on your soul?

In any case, we are glad to welcome you to the pages of this book and hope that you will not only have the strength and patience to read it to the end, but also put into practice the ideas and recommendations contained in it. We are confident that this will bring you tangible benefits.

What is our book about? Let's answer this question right away so that you understand whether it is worth reading such a voluminous work or will it be a waste of time?

It is human nature to strive for something. A successful career, prosperity, love, family, children, education, recreation, creativity - this is not a complete list of our everyday needs. I want everything to be fine. But, unfortunately, not everyone succeeds. Maybe you have sometimes stopped the mad rush through life towards these or similar goals and asked yourself: why am I doing all this? And have you found the answer to this question?

Unfortunately, most of us live in a world of problems and experiences (mostly of a negative nature). Why is all this happening? And is it possible to make sure that problems are solved easily and quickly, the necessary goals are achieved and life brings only pleasure? How to learn to live calmly and joyfully, without unnecessary worries?

If this and other questions have crossed your mind, then our book is for you.

This book is the first step into the Intelligent World. To begin with, let us explain what an unreasonable or irrational world is. This is the world in which most of us live. This is a world in which people are unhappy with life and with each other. They are constantly striving somewhere, often without realizing where. They want something all the time, but most goals remain pipe dreams.

This book will give you a chance to get out of this irrational world and take a step into the Reasonable World, where you yourself will be the master of your life. A rational world is a world in which you can make informed decisions, because you know the causes and consequences of certain life events. Not the hectic and unpredictable world in which most people live. If something doesn't work out for you, you will know why. If you want something, you will know how to achieve it.

Is all this really possible? We claim that this is accessible to almost anyone. In any case, to those who do not consider it difficult to read our book to the end.

You can find some of the thoughts presented here in three earlier books: “How to shape the events of your life with the help of the power of thought”, “What to do when everything is not the way you want” and “How to cleanse your court of karma”. Here we have stacked these blocks into unified system views, allowing a person to understand the reasons for most of the events that happen to him and learn to manage them. How successful this turned out is for you to judge.

Experiences - from an unknown future. Since you will learn to make informed decisions after mastering the ideas presented here, you will have no reason to worry. After all, any experience is a lack of understanding of the underlying causes of the problems you have. And forecasting your future troubles arising from this uncertainty.

You do not know the patterns by which certain events in your life occur. And the unknown is always scary. Previously, people were afraid of thunder, lightning, and fire that they did not understand. Today they are frightened by the unpredictable future, which, it seems, does not depend on the will, desires and practical efforts of man.

In fact, this is not true at all. We create our own future! Well, of course, not entirely ourselves. Many forces unknown to us are actively involved in this. And if you know the laws and requirements that guide these forces, you will be able to consciously predict your future. It will become known, and you will have no reason to worry!

This book is the rules for moving through life. We hope that this book will become something like rules for you traffic- only rules for moving through life. Here you will find those unspoken laws that govern our entire lives. These are the very traffic lights, signs and indicators that people often do not notice or do not want to notice. In this book we will try to make them visible and understandable.

How you use the information received is your own business - a person has great freedom of choice. You can, of course, rush through a red light. You can go to where the “brick” hangs. Take risks if you have health! But if you want to remain safe and sound, then you cannot do without following the rules. Moreover, if you meet certain requirements that the Higher Powers place on us, then you can count on receiving support from them. Sounds tempting, doesn't it?

Our theory is only the first step towards big goals. The book sets out a system of views on the world, which we called the General Theory of Karmic Interactions. It reveals the requirements that are presented By higher powers to a person coming into this world. Fulfilling these requirements makes a person’s life calmer and more comfortable.

Of course, our General theory..." so far contains only a small fraction of the knowledge system that could lay claim to this loud name. These are only the first and timid steps towards systematizing the knowledge that a person needs to consciously manage his life.

Someday a person will learn all the rules and laws of the existence of our material and immaterial worlds and will consciously manage his life. Life of the current and, possibly, the future. The development of such a system of intelligent relationships between man and the forces of the Unmanifested World is our distant and great Goal.

Worlds Manifested and Unmanifested. We would like to apologize in advance to those of our readers who adhere to atheistic views on life, because in this book we will use a number of special terms, including the concept of “The Unmanifested World.” What does it mean. Our world is the Manifested world. That is, one that can be touched, measured, seen or heard. But this, as you understand, is not the whole world.

Our senses are limited in their capabilities, so scientists and inventors are constantly coming up with new devices or ways to get to know our Manifested World better. But the capabilities of the devices are limited by our level of knowledge, technology, etc.

Every year (or even day) we learn something new about our world. And apparently, this will continue for quite some time. That is, in addition to our Manifested world, there is also an Unmanifested world, which we have not yet learned to sense or measure.

What is this Unmanifested World? Yes, everything that is unknown to us today. And much more is unknown than is known. For example, each of you is visited from time to time by questions: is there a God, angels, demons, aliens, etc.? If so, what are they? What are the limits of human capabilities? Why do we live? Will there be a Last Judgment? Why did something suddenly happen to me that couldn’t happen, because it could never happen? And so on.

Anyone can come up with many questions for which there are no answers with evidence. There are as many versions as you like, but no exact answers.

Therefore, in the book we will use the term “Unmanifest World”, into which we will put the broadest meaning. With this term we denote everything that is unknown to man. This is in a broad sense.

Alexander Grigorievich Sviyash



The time for miracles has passed, and we

We have to look for reasons

Everything that happens in the world.

W. Shakespeare

So, dear reader, you are holding this book in your hands. Why this one? Maybe your choice was unconscious? Or were you attracted by the title? Or maybe you are already familiar with our works and they have left some kind of mark on your soul?

In any case, we are glad to welcome you to the pages of this book and hope that you will not only have the strength and patience to read it to the end, but also put into practice the ideas and recommendations contained in it. We are confident that this will bring you tangible benefits.

What is our book about? Let's answer this question right away so that you understand whether it is worth reading such a voluminous work or will it be a waste of time?

It is human nature to strive for something. A successful career, prosperity, love, family, children, education, recreation, creativity - this is not a complete list of our everyday needs. I want everything to be fine. But, unfortunately, not everyone succeeds. Maybe you have sometimes stopped the mad rush through life towards these or similar goals and asked yourself: why am I doing all this? And have you found the answer to this question?

Unfortunately, most of us live in a world of problems and experiences (mostly of a negative nature). Why is all this happening? And is it possible to make sure that problems are solved easily and quickly, the necessary goals are achieved and life brings only pleasure? How to learn to live calmly and joyfully, without unnecessary worries?

If this and other questions have crossed your mind, then our book is for you.

This book is the first step into the Intelligent World. To begin with, let us explain what an unreasonable or irrational world is. This is the world in which most of us live. This is a world in which people are unhappy with life and with each other. They are constantly striving somewhere, often without realizing where. They want something all the time, but most goals remain pipe dreams.

This book will give you a chance to get out of this irrational world and take a step into the Reasonable World, where you yourself will be the master of your life. A rational world is a world in which you can make informed decisions, because you know the causes and consequences of certain life events. Not the hectic and unpredictable world in which most people live. If something doesn't work out for you, you will know why. If you want something, you will know how to achieve it.

Is all this really possible? We claim that this is accessible to almost anyone. In any case, to those who do not consider it difficult to read our book to the end.

You can find some of the thoughts presented here in three earlier books: “How to shape the events of your life with the help of the power of thought”, “What to do when everything is not the way you want” and “How to cleanse your court of karma”. Here we have combined these blocks into a single system of views that allows a person to understand the reasons for most of the events that happen to him and learn to manage them. How successful this turned out is for you to judge.

Experiences - from an unknown future. Since you will learn to make informed decisions after mastering the ideas presented here, you will have no reason to worry. After all, any experience is a lack of understanding of the underlying causes of the problems you have. And forecasting your future troubles arising from this uncertainty.

You do not know the patterns by which certain events in your life occur. And the unknown is always scary. Previously, people were afraid of thunder, lightning, and fire that they did not understand. Today they are frightened by the unpredictable future, which, it seems, does not depend on the will, desires and practical efforts of man.

In fact, this is not true at all. We create our own future! Well, of course, not entirely ourselves. Many forces unknown to us are actively involved in this. And if you know the laws and requirements that guide these forces, you will be able to consciously predict your future. It will become known, and you will have no reason to worry!

This book is the rules for moving through life. We hope that this book will become for you something like the rules of the road - only rules for moving through life. Here you will find those unspoken laws that govern our entire lives. These are the very traffic lights, signs and indicators that people often do not notice or do not want to notice. In this book we will try to make them visible and understandable.

How you use the information received is your own business - a person has great freedom of choice. You can, of course, rush through a red light. You can go to where the “brick” hangs. Take risks if you have health! But if you want to remain safe and sound, then you cannot do without following the rules. Moreover, if you meet certain requirements that the Higher Powers place on us, then you can count on receiving support from them. Sounds tempting, doesn't it?

Our theory is only the first step towards a great Goal. The book sets out a system of views on the world, which we called the General Theory of Karmic Interactions. It reveals the requirements that the Higher powers place on a person coming into this world. Fulfilling these requirements makes a person’s life calmer and more comfortable.

Of course, our “General Theory...” so far contains only a small fraction of the system of knowledge that could lay claim to this loud name. These are only the first and timid steps towards systematizing the knowledge that a person needs to consciously manage his life.

Someday a person will learn all the rules and laws of the existence of our material and immaterial worlds and will consciously manage his life. Life of the current and, possibly, the future. The development of such a system of intelligent relationships between man and the forces of the Unmanifested World is our distant and great Goal.

Worlds Manifested and Unmanifested. We would like to apologize in advance to those of our readers who adhere to atheistic views on life, because in this book we will use a number of special terms, including the concept of “The Unmanifested World.” What does it mean. Our world is the Manifested world. That is, one that can be touched, measured, seen or heard. But this, as you understand, is not the whole world.

Our senses are limited in their capabilities, so scientists and inventors are constantly coming up with new devices or ways to get to know our Manifested World better. But the capabilities of the devices are limited by our level of knowledge, technology, etc.

Every year (or even day) we learn something new about our world. And apparently, this will continue for quite some time. That is, in addition to our Manifested world, there is also an Unmanifested world, which we have not yet learned to sense or measure.

What is this Unmanifested World? Yes, everything that is unknown to us today. And much more is unknown than is known. For example, each of you is visited from time to time by questions: is there a God, angels, demons, aliens, etc.? If so, what are they? What are the limits of possibilities?

The book will give you a chance to get out of the world of problems and worries and take a step into the Reasonable World. A world where you...

Read completely

It is human nature to strive for something. Love, family, children, education, a successful career, prosperity, recreation, creativity, health - this is not a complete list of our everyday needs. However, most of us live in a world of problems and worries. Why is this happening? And is it possible to make sure that problems are solved easily and quickly, the necessary goals are achieved and life brings only pleasure? How to learn to live calmly and joyfully, without unnecessary worries? If these and similar questions have crossed your mind, then our book is for you.
Perhaps it will become for you something like the rules of the road - only movement through life. In it you will find those unspoken laws and rules that govern our entire lives. These are the very traffic lights, signs and indicators that people often do not notice or do not want to notice. Our task is to make them visible and understandable to you.
The book will give you a chance to get out of the world of problems and worries and take a step into the Reasonable World. A world in which you can make informed decisions because you know the causes and consequences of certain events. If something doesn't work out for you, you will know why. If you want something, you will know how to achieve it.
You will become the real master of your life.
Is all this really possible? Yes, this is available to almost anyone. In any case, to those who do not consider it difficult to read this book to the end.


Alexander Grigorievich Sviyash



The time for miracles has passed, and we

We have to look for reasons

Everything that happens in the world.

W. Shakespeare

So, dear reader, you are holding this book in your hands. Why this one? Maybe your choice was unconscious? Or were you attracted by the title? Or maybe you are already familiar with our works and they have left some kind of mark on your soul?

In any case, we are glad to welcome you to the pages of this book and hope that you will not only have the strength and patience to read it to the end, but also put into practice the ideas and recommendations contained in it. We are confident that this will bring you tangible benefits.

What is our book about? Let's answer this question right away so that you understand whether it is worth reading such a voluminous work or will it be a waste of time?

It is human nature to strive for something. A successful career, prosperity, love, family, children, education, recreation, creativity - this is not a complete list of our everyday needs. I want everything to be fine. But, unfortunately, not everyone succeeds. Maybe you have sometimes stopped the mad rush through life towards these or similar goals and asked yourself: why am I doing all this? And have you found the answer to this question?

Unfortunately, most of us live in a world of problems and experiences (mostly of a negative nature). Why is all this happening? And is it possible to make sure that problems are solved easily and quickly, the necessary goals are achieved and life brings only pleasure? How to learn to live calmly and joyfully, without unnecessary worries?

If this and other questions have crossed your mind, then our book is for you.

This book is the first step into the Intelligent World. To begin with, let us explain what an unreasonable or irrational world is. This is the world in which most of us live. This is a world in which people are unhappy with life and with each other. They are constantly striving somewhere, often without realizing where. They want something all the time, but most goals remain pipe dreams.

This book will give you a chance to get out of this irrational world and take a step into the Reasonable World, where you yourself will be the master of your life. A rational world is a world in which you can make informed decisions, because you know the causes and consequences of certain life events. Not the hectic and unpredictable world in which most people live. If something doesn't work out for you, you will know why. If you want something, you will know how to achieve it.

Is all this really possible? We claim that this is accessible to almost anyone. In any case, to those who do not consider it difficult to read our book to the end.

You can find some of the thoughts presented here in three earlier books: “How to shape the events of your life with the help of the power of thought”, “What to do when everything is not the way you want” and “How to cleanse your court of karma”. Here we have combined these blocks into a single system of views that allows a person to understand the reasons for most of the events that happen to him and learn to manage them. How successful this turned out is for you to judge.

Experiences - from an unknown future. Since you will learn to make informed decisions after mastering the ideas presented here, you will have no reason to worry. After all, any experience is a lack of understanding of the underlying causes of the problems you have. And forecasting your future troubles arising from this uncertainty.

You do not know the patterns by which certain events in your life occur. And the unknown is always scary. Previously, people were afraid of thunder, lightning, and fire that they did not understand. Today they are frightened by the unpredictable future, which, it seems, does not depend on the will, desires and practical efforts of man.

In fact, this is not true at all. We create our own future! Well, of course, not entirely ourselves. Many forces unknown to us are actively involved in this. And if you know the laws and requirements that guide these forces, you will be able to consciously predict your future. It will become known, and you will have no reason to worry!

This book is the rules for moving through life. We hope that this book will become for you something like the rules of the road - only rules for moving through life. Here you will find those unspoken laws that govern our entire lives. These are the very traffic lights, signs and indicators that people often do not notice or do not want to notice. In this book we will try to make them visible and understandable.

How you use the information received is your own business - a person has great freedom of choice. You can, of course, rush through a red light. You can go to where the “brick” hangs. Take risks if you have health! But if you want to remain safe and sound, then you cannot do without following the rules. Moreover, if you meet certain requirements that the Higher Powers place on us, then you can count on receiving support from them. Sounds tempting, doesn't it?

Our theory is only the first step towards a great Goal. The book sets out a system of views on the world, which we called the General Theory of Karmic Interactions. It reveals the requirements that the Higher powers place on a person coming into this world. Fulfilling these requirements makes a person’s life calmer and more comfortable.

Of course, our “General Theory...” so far contains only a small fraction of the system of knowledge that could lay claim to this loud name. These are only the first and timid steps towards systematizing the knowledge that a person needs to consciously manage his life.

Someday a person will learn all the rules and laws of the existence of our material and immaterial worlds and will consciously manage his life. Life of the current and, possibly, the future. The development of such a system of intelligent relationships between man and the forces of the Unmanifested World is our distant and great Goal.

Worlds Manifested and Unmanifested. We would like to apologize in advance to those of our readers who adhere to atheistic views on life, because in this book we will use a number of special terms, including the concept of “The Unmanifested World.” What does it mean. Our world is the Manifested world. That is, one that can be touched, measured, seen or heard. But this, as you understand, is not the whole world.

Our senses are limited in their capabilities, so scientists and inventors are constantly coming up with new devices or ways to get to know our Manifested World better. But the capabilities of the devices are limited by our level of knowledge, technology, etc.

Every year (or even day) we learn something new about our world. And apparently, this will continue for quite some time. That is, in addition to our Manifested world, there is also an Unmanifested world, which we have not yet learned to sense or measure.

What is this Unmanifested World? Yes, everything that is unknown to us today. And much more is unknown than is known. For example, each of you is visited from time to time by questions: is there a God, angels, demons, aliens, etc.? If so, what are they? What are the limits of human capabilities? Why do we live? Will there be a Last Judgment? Why did something suddenly happen to me that couldn’t happen, because it could never happen? And so on.

Anyone can come up with many questions for which there are no answers with evidence. There are as many versions as you like, but no exact answers.

Therefore, in the book we will use the term “Unmanifest World”, into which we will put the broadest meaning. With this term we denote everything that is unknown to man. This is in a broad sense.

And in a narrow sense, we use this term to designate the place where, perhaps, there are intelligent entities that help (or hinder) us in moving through life. We will put forward some versions about the structure of this very Unmanifested World. Moreover, we will not invent everything from scratch. And we will try to somehow rely on the Christian tradition, that is, on the knowledge (or theories) that humanity has developed over the millennia of its existence.

Jujit W. Wallerstein and

Joan B. Kelly

Consequences of parents' divorce:

The child's experiences during the period of late latency

Translation by E. Egorova

For some reason, the problem of the latent development of a child has not been studied deeply enough by psychologists, in contrast to the development of his younger and older brothers and sisters - during infancy and adulthood. Although no one disputes the special importance of latency for the formation of personality, which Erikson described as “a very decisive stage in the social formation of the child,” much less is known and understood about the relationships between parents and children during this intermediate period of development than the relationships in previous periods. or subsequent years thereafter. Moreover, relatively little attention has been paid to the various consequences of interrupted or inhibited development during latency. Although many children undergo treatment school age, the focus of researchers is usually on cases of unsuccessful attempts to resolve conflicts that arose at earlier stages of development. Very little information about latency is contained in works devoted to the problems of adults; the condition of a person during this age period is almost not transmitted and is not restored in most of these studies. The fact that “we learn relatively little about latency from studying adults” is explained by Bornstein by the distorted and idealized picture that adults recreate in their memory when they recall the “ideal of latency,” namely the successful inhibition of instinctual impulses during this period.