Abstracts Statements Story

Punctuation marks in complex sentences with different types of connections. Topic: Punctuation marks in complex sentences with different types of connection I understood that it could help us out

1. An hour later the opportunity arose to go: the snowstorm subsided, the sky cleared, and we set off.

(A. Pushkin.)

2. Although he knew the way, last time he went to the tankers during the day; at night everything seemed different, unfamiliar. (E. Kazakevich.)

3. The boys began to pull the pike by the tail, and Arseny Romanovich began to read instructions on why you should not put your finger in the pike’s mouth, even if it is sleepy. (K. Fedin.)

4. The forest is noisy, your face is hot, and a prickly cold creeps from your back. (B. Polevoy.)

5. In everything that fills the room, you can feel something that has long since become obsolete, some kind of dry decay, all things exude that strange smell that is given by flowers that have been dried by time to the point that when you touch them, they crumble into gray dust. (M. Gorky.)

6. I understood that only an accident could help us out: either the water would suddenly stop rising, or we would stumble upon an abandoned boat on this shore. (K. Paustovsky.)

7. For a long time, in the light of the moon, a white sail flashed between the dark waves; The blind man kept sitting on the shore, and then I heard something similar to a sob. (M. Lermontov.)


Complex sentences with different types of connections

OBJECTIVES: to repeat the types of complex sentences, to consolidate students’ ability to determine the type of connection in complex sentences with different types of connection, to consolidate students’ ability to place punctuation marks in sentences with different types of connection, to develop students’ logical thinking, to develop the ability to think independently, to develop the ability to schematically represent a sentence.

EQUIPMENT: computer, projector, text, application, textbook.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Individual work.

III. Teamwork

Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson: consolidate the ability to find complex sentences with various types of connections, place punctuation marks, improve spelling and punctuation skills.

I do not suggest that you open your notebooks and write down the topic; we will write not in notebooks, but on specially prepared sheets. At the end of the lesson, each of you will hand over your material to me and receive a grade.

On the board there are tasks for three students:

  1. Morphemic analysis of words:

Defenseless, huddled, on top, thoughtlessly.

  1. Parsing the sentence:

At the edge of the sea arose a cloud of yellow (lilac) clouds bordered (nn, n) with pink gold and even thicker darkness floated onto the steppe.

  1. Among the presented combinations of words in sentence 5, one is not a phrase. Tag it.
  1. fills the room
  2. dry smoldering
  3. things exude
  4. outdated

Group work with the class: (sentences 1-7 on the slide and on the handout)

Slide number 1

Indicate what is the grammatical basis in one of the parts of sentence 3. Slide No. 2

  1. the boys began
  2. pull the pike
  3. the boys began to pull
  4. pull the tail

In which phrases is communication other than control: Slide No. 3

  1. complex element
  2. obediently demolishes
  3. move continents
  4. drives her away
  5. bears reproach
  6. from the mountain slopes

- A phrase or sentence is studied in the “Syntax” section. What is the hardest part about this section?

Questions to identify the perception of theoretical material:

What sentence do we call a sentence of complex syntactic construction?

(a complex sentence that consists of several sentences, some of which can be connected using coordinating conjunctions, others - using subordinating conjunctions or allied words, and others - without conjunctions).

What do you need to pay attention to in order to correctly understand the meaning of a complex sentence?

(you need to understand what parts it consists of, because a complex sentence can consist of two, three or more sentences related in meaning)

Based on the sentences presented to you, you need to emphasize the grammatical basics and draw up a schematic dictation (sentences 1-7). Slide No. 4

Complete tasks. Projection on the task screen. Slide number 5

  1. Find a sentence with a subordinating, non-conjunctive and coordinating connection.
  2. Find a sentence in which the subordinate clause is in the middle of the main clause.
  3. Find a sentence with coordinating and subordinating connections.
  4. Find a complex sentence with an explanatory clause.

Complete tasks. Parse the first sentence (first option). (Narrative, non-narrative, complex with non-union and composing connections)

Parse the seventh sentence (second option). Slide No. 6

(Narrative, non-narrative, complex with subordinate, non-union and composing connections)

Continue the offerThe young man spoke littleto get sentences of the following types: Slide number 7

  1. Simple with homogeneous members (without conjunctions)
  2. A non-union complex, between parts of which you need to put a comma.

Constructing sentences Slide No. 8

Compose all possible types of complex sentences:

  1. It's starting to get dark.
  2. The tree trunks smelled damp and tart.
  3. The rain has stopped.
  4. Everything became quiet, as if frozen.

Three diagrams are drawn on the board for clarity. You must identify the type of sentences and match them with the diagrams. Slide No. 9

  1. I want you to hear how my living voice yearns. (A. Surkov.)
  2. When Vronsky looked at the clock on the Karenins' balcony, he was so worried and preoccupied with his thoughts that he saw the hands on the dial, but could not understand what time it was.
  3. We live in a country where everyone can get an education, where creative work is respected.

We have learned to find complex sentences with various types of connections, and now we will open textbooks and read material on this topic in order to systematize our knowledge.

What new did you learn from the textbook?

(Complex sentences can include sentences connected to each other by different types of connections: coordinating, subordinating and non-conjunctive. To correctly understand the meaning of such a sentence, you need to look at what parts it consists of and determine the types of connections)

Homework. Make three sentences with different types of connections, prepare a card where the sentences will be written, without punctuation marks. We will use your cards in our next lesson.

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Goals:generalize knowledge about complex sentences of mixed construction; consolidate the skills of placing punctuation marks in such sentences; repeat the spelling of the verb; education of linguistic sense.

Lesson type: combined lesson.

Equipment: table “Punctuation in SP with different types of communication”, tests.

During the classes.

I. Vocabulary dictation

The shadow is spreading; a wave splashes; shadows sway; the forest sleeps; will not affect, not everything will be heard; there was freshness; the clouds were pouring rain; the rain clouds melted; wipe off the dust quickly; when you dry off, rest; select the books you need; when you choose, you will say; knock or call out to someone; As soon as you knock and call, they will open it for you.

Formulate the ruleswriting verb forms, indicate the spelling of verbs.

I.Checking homework.

III. Work on the topic of the lesson.

(Reading §98 (p. 350-351). Conversation on the contents of the paragraph.)

How many parts can be in a complex sentence?

Which Can parts of a complex sentence be connected by a connection?

In what cases do difficulties arise in placing punctuation marks in a multi-component complex sentence?

notefor sentences with different types of conjunctive and non-conjunctive connections (complex syntactic constructions).

1. Composition and submission.

Tatyana Afanasyevna gave her brother a sign that the patient wanted to sleep, and everyone quietly left the room.

2. Essay and non-union connection.

There was a special reason why I did not like and was afraid of my grandfather: and with my own heads I saw once how he got angry and stamped his feet.

3. Composition, submission and non-union connection.

I realized that only an accident could save us: the water would suddenly stop rising, or we would stumble on this bank

on abandoned boat

IV. Consolidation.

1. Completing tasks.

Exercise: write down sentences from dictation, draw up their diagrams, indicate the type of connection; s - coordinating, p - subordinating, b - non-union.


[ - =], [ =], (which - =).

b p

2. The sky was so clear, the air was so fresh, the forces of life were so joyful in Nazarov’s soul when he, having merged into one being with a good and silty horse, flew along a flat road behind Hadji Murad, that the possibility never occurred to him something sad or scary.

3. First, far ahead, where the sky meets the earth near the mounds and the windmill, which from a distance looks like a little man waving his arms, a wide bright yellow stripe crawled along the ground; a minute later, the same stripe appeared a little closer, crawled to the right and enveloped the hills.

[, (where - =), (which =), = -]; I - =. = and = ].

P p b

4. A cannon shot abruptly rang out from the sea, and when the smoke fell on the waves sparkling with sparks, everything became quiet again.

[ = - ], and, (when - =). [ - = ].

s p

2. Completing exercise 493 (sentences 2,3,4,7).

V. Lesson summary.

VI. Homemadeexercise.

1. §98.

2. Compose three sentences with different types of conjunction and non-conjunction connections, bracket and block diagrams.


After the instructor’s comments (1) the guys walked faster (2) and (3) when it began to get dark (4) there were only three kilometers left to the place where they would spend the night.

1) 1,2,3,4 2) 1,2,4 3) 1,3 4) 2,3,4

II.Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

When Ivan returned home in the evening (1) all the impressions of the day washed over him (2) and (3) since he was overcome by the most contradictory feelings (4) he began to look for the reasons for his mental anxiety.

1) 1,2,4 2) 1,2,3,4 3) 2,3 4) 3,4

III.Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

We wandered aimlessly through the forest (1) and (2) when the dog running in front of us was completely lost in guessing (3) where we would turn this time (4) Zhulka looked around and looked at us reproachfully.

1) 1,2,3,4 2) 1,3,4 3) 1,4 4) 2,3

IV.Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

The chief engineer was reported several times about problems with the equipment (1) but (2) when some time passed (3) he completely forgot about it (4) and the point here was primarily his reluctance and even inability to take any energetic actions.

1) 1,2,3 2) 1,2,3,4 3) 2,3 4) 1,4

V.Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

The writer’s imagination was crowded with a variety of ideas (1) and (2) if by force of will he forced himself to stop at one thing (3) then he again did not know (4) what the beginning should be.

VI.Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

While Nikita went home to get the things he needed for the hike (1), more than an hour passed (2) and (3) when he returned to the collection point (4), he had to listen to a lot from his friends.

1) 1,2,3,4 2) 1,2,4 3) 1,2 4) 3,4

VII.Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

In his parents’ house everything was the same (1) and (2) if the home space seemed to him as if it had narrowed (3) it was because (4) that during the years of absence he had matured and grown a lot.

1) 1,2,3,4 2) 1,3 3) 1,3,4 4) 2,3,4

VIII.Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

The writer’s new novel tells about the difficulties (1) that people had to face at the beginning of their life’s journey (2) and (3) despite the fact that the heroes of the book are very young (4) they pass all the tests with honor.

1) 1,2 2) 1,2,3,4 3) 1,3,4 4) 2,4

IX.Place punctuation marks in sentences and explain their placement.

1. As long as they said pleasant things to him, he smiled and seemed simple and trusting, but if someone started topics that were unpleasant to him or accidentally offended him, then a moment later a wary and suspicious person stood in front of the interlocutor.

2. Various kinds of ideologists tried to prove that conscience is just an archaic prejudice and that if such teachings were accepted, the people had to pay for it.

3. There were several letters in the mailbox at once, and if not for the commander’s strict prohibition, it is unlikely that anyone from the detachment would have resisted the temptation to immediately check if there was any news from home.

4. As soon as my companions had laid out all their things in the rooms, we immediately decided to explore the area and since the excursion buses were leaving in two hours, everyone gathered headed to the nearest station on foot.

5. In any role, a talented actor feels free and natural, and when he expresses the character of his hero on stage, he usually reaches the full feeling that he is that very hero.

6. When he lived in Crimea, he devoted all his time to contemplating nature and if the weather was favorable for walks, he spent hours studying on the seashore the pattern of waves endlessly running one after another.

7. Olga came out to the guests on the open veranda and while all the women enthusiastically expressed admiration for her elegant outfit, she thought about how nice it would be to be far away from this boring empty bustle.

8. The discussion of the new school charter dragged on so long that when the council members left the office, they saw the sky filled with stars.

9. Our parents always think about their children and no matter what circumstances we find ourselves in, we should always remember how much they did for us.

10. It is always difficult to start doing a job we don’t like, and in order to delay the unpleasant moment at least a little, we often look for any excuses that can somehow justify our lack of will.

1. Indicate the number of commas in the sentence:
Charging a lot of money for services, the money changers helped to exchange large amounts of money, exchange one for another, and calculated how much to pay for the purchase and in what coins, since an ordinary person is not always able to navigate the huge number of different coins.
A) 6
AT 7.
C) 3
D) 5
E) 2
Correct answer: D.
2. Indicate a complex sentence that matches the pattern: […], […], and […],(…).
A) Autumn lit up with yellow lights, frequent rains, the sky began to cry and the dachas quickly began to empty, as if the continuous rain and wind were extinguishing them like candles.

C) An hour later the opportunity arose to go, the snowstorm subsided, the sky cleared and we set off.

E) I see the forest is over and several Cossacks are leaving it into a clearing.
Correct answer: A.
3. Find a complex sentence that matches the pattern: […]:[…],and[…].
A) An hour later the opportunity arose to go, the snowstorm subsided, the sky cleared and we set off.
C) Then the trees and bushes that I planted three years ago began to grow.
C) I see the forest ends and several Cossacks are leaving it into a clearing.
D) The museum is perceived as a historically established complex and its halls seem to the viewer to be a natural frame for everything beautiful that fills them.
E) The autumn rains lit up with yellow lights, the sky began to flutter, and the dachas quickly began to empty, as if the continuous rain and wind were extinguishing them like candles.
Correct answer: S.
4. Specify the number of missing punctuation marks:
The room we entered was separated by a barrier and I did not see who I was talking to or to whom my mother was bowing.
A) 3 commas.
B) 6 commas.
C) 4 commas.
D) 5 commas
E) colon, 2 commas.
Correct answer: S.
5. Choose the correct punctuation option:
No matter how prepared he was, his heart skipped a beat – it was still a big event.
A) dash, 2 commas.
B) 2 commas.
C) comma, colon.
D) comma, dash.
E) colon, 2 commas.
Correct answer: S.
6. Number of missing punctuation marks:
He sang and from every sound of his voice there was a breath of something familiar and vastly wide, as if the familiar steppe was opening up before you.
A) 2 commas.
B) 3 commas.
C) 5 commas
D) 4 commas.
E) 4 commas, colon.
Correct answer: A.
7. Select the correct number of punctuation marks:
The sun standing in the sky is shining so that if you close your eyes for a minute through tightly closed eyelids you see a fiery curtain of fire.
A) 3
AT 7
C) 5
D) 4
E) 6
Correct answer: S.
8. Specify the number of missing punctuation marks:
He began to tell why it didn’t work out, everything had already been mined and in order to break through to Salkovo there was only a narrow strip of a few tens of meters left.
A) 4 commas.
B) 4 commas, colon.
C) 6 commas.
D) 3 commas, colon.
E) 5 commas.
Correct answer: B.
9. Missing punctuation:
I understood that only an accident could help us out, or the water would suddenly stop coming, or we would stumble upon a boat abandoned on the shore.
A) 1 comma, colon.
B) 2 commas, a dash.
C) 3 commas.
D) 3 commas, colon.
E) 2 commas.
Correct answer: D.
10. Missing punctuation:
Now she herself doesn’t understand how she lost her way from the path, missing the next turn in the bushes, or perhaps she simply disappeared under the snow.
A) 3 commas.
B) 4 commas.
C) 6 commas
D) 7 commas
E) 5 commas
Correct answer: E.
11. Missing punctuation:
Some listeners took out money to give it to the old man, but did not know where to put it; the violin case was closed and the musician himself was high at the foot of the monument, almost next to Pushkin.
A) 6 commas.
B) 4 commas, colon.
C) 5 commas, colon.
D) 7 commas.
E) 3 commas, colon.
Correct answer: S.
12. Missing punctuation:
My heart fluttered with joy on every leaf, on every needle of the grass, in the crowns of inflorescences and on the tree trunks everywhere, glowing and playing drops of dew that seemed like shiny beads flickered.
A) 7 commas
B) 6 commas, a dash.
C) 5 commas, dash, colon.
D) 6 commas, colon, dash.
E) 6 commas, colon.
Correct answer: D.
13. Select the scheme that matches the sentence:
The boy listened and through the distant city noise it suddenly seemed to him that he heard the grass growing and slightly moving, hot from the sun.
A) […], and (...), (what...), (how...).
B) […]and,[…],[what…],(how…)
C) […], (what…), (how…).
D) […],[…],(what…),(how…).
E) […]and[...], (what...), (how...).
Correct answer: D.
14. Indicate punctuation marks:
What I feared happened while we were away, a collapse occurred.
A) comma, comma, colon.
B) Comma, colon, comma.
C) comma, comma, dash.
D) comma, dash, comma.
E) comma, comma, comma.
Correct answer: B.
15. Punctuation marks:
His premonitions did not deceive him; after a few minutes they saw a small village that consisted of several huts.
A) comma, comma.
B) colon, dash.
C) colon, comma.
D) comma, colon.
E) dash, comma.
Correct answer: S.
16. Indicate punctuation marks:
In general, in the living room there was a simplicity of relationships: they came in and left, whoever wanted to talk to whomever they wanted.
A) colon, comma, comma, comma.
B) comma, comma, comma, colon.
C) colon, comma, comma, colon.
D) comma, comma, comma, comma.
E) dash, comma, comma, comma.
Correct answer: A.
17. Punctuation marks:
It’s hot, but I’m still dying to sleep; we got up just before dawn and it’s time for lunch.

B) commas, commas, commas.
C) dash, comma, comma.
D) comma, comma, colon.
E) colon, comma, comma.
Correct answer: A.
18. Punctuation marks:
When Wilhelm was returning home, he was called out by the voice of the dkvushka, he looked past Dunya.
A) comma, colon, comma.
B) comma, comma, comma.
C) comma, comma, colon.
D) comma, comma, dash.
E) comma, colon, comma.
Correct answer: S.
19. Punctuation marks:
The aunt was right. Wilhelm was very much in love and all sorts of nonsense could be expected from him.
A) dash, comma.
B) colon, comma.
C) comma, comma.
D) comma, colon.
E) colon, dash.
Correct answer: B.
20. Punctuation marks:
Everyone was scattered Pushkin in exile, you are leaving.
A) colon, dash.
B) comma, comma.
C) comma, dash.
D) dash, comma.
E) colon, comma.
Correct answer: E.
21. Number of commas:
Rostov felt so awkward and unpleasant with Boris that when Boris looked at him after dinner, he pretended to be asleep and the next day early in the morning, trying not to see him, he left the tent.
A) 7
AT 4
C) 6
D) 8
E) 3
Correct answer: S.
22. Number of commas:
The general began to ask me about the fate of Ivan Kuzmich, whom he called godfather and often interrupted my speech with additional questions and moralizing, which, if they did not distinguish him as a person knowledgeable in the art of war, at least revealed his sharpness and natural intelligence.
A) 7
AT 9
C) 10
D) 8
E) 6
Correct answer: A.
23. Number of commas:
And then, when meeting the troupe, Shaken Aimanov was more than once convinced that the founders of the theater and the first Kazakh director Zhumat Shanin did not limit themselves to a purely intuitive comprehension of national traditions of aesthetic and ethical ideals, loving their native word, they understood and felt its figurative power and brought its magic to the people beauty.
A) 6
AT 5
C) 3
D) 7
E) 4
Correct answer: A.

24. Number of commas:
Be so kind as to go to the library, rummage through specialized literature, read about what interests you most, and in Italy you won’t have to ask questions to which you can find answers at home.
A) 8
AT 7
C) 5
D) 10
E) 6
Correct answer: E.
25. Number of commas:
Of course, I couldn’t find and wasn’t looking for that tavern where the driver sang songs and played the guitar with his friends, but I was in another one where he could go.
A) 4
AT 6
C) 5
D) 2
E) 3
Correct answer: B.
26. Number of commas:
It is very difficult to take part in a discussion in which there is even the most excellent translator between you, your opponents and the viewer, as for example we had.
A) 5
AT 8
C) 4
D) 7
Correct answer: E.
27. Number of commas:
A strong wind suddenly began to roar in the heights of the trees; large drops of rain began to rumble, sharply knocked, splashed on the leaves, lightning flashed and a thunderstorm broke out.
A) 7
AT 6
C) 4
D) 5
E) 3
Correct answer: D.
28. Number of commas:
The sun burned his hands and knees, the earth was breathing hotly, it was even visible that the air above it was trembling like a brazier.
A) 5
AT 6
C) 4
D) 7
E) 3
Correct answer: A.
29. Indicate the type of connection in a complex sentence:
The sun had long since set, but the forest had not yet died down, the turtle doves were murmuring nearby, and the cuckoo was crowing in the distance.
A) composition and submission.
B) essay.
C) submission.
D) subordination and non-union connection.
E) composition and non-union communication.
Correct answer: E.
30. Indicate the type of connection in a complex sentence:
The sun set, and night followed day without interval, as usually happens in the south.
A) essay.
C) composition and non-union communication.
C) subordination and non-union connection.
D) composition and submission.
E) submission.
Correct answer: D.
31. Number of commas:
Of course, in his heart he was counting on his son’s help, that’s probably why he called him by telegram, but that evening he didn’t say anything to him, hoping that he would guess to offer help himself.
A) 7
AT 5
C) 6
D) 8
E) 4
Correct answer: S.
32. Number of commas:
From childhood, Arkady knew what he needed and always stubbornly went towards the fulfillment of his aspirations, which in itself was not bad if not for one small feature: he believed that everyone else should contribute to his progress towards the goal.
A) 3
AT 6
C) 4
D) 7
E) 5
Correct answer: B.
33. Number of commas:
But this fire and this water and this silence and storm and everything that exists in nature and that we don’t even know, everything entered and united into my love that embraced the whole world.
A) 7
AT 5
C) 8
D) 9
E) 6
Correct answer: S.
34. Number of commas:
The couple came to the conclusion that the tankers are certainly good people, but the pilots are in no way inferior to them if you look closely at them.
A) 4
AT 3
C) 5
D) 6
E) 2
Correct answer: S.
35. Number of commas:
The semi-darkness came, already diluted by the gloomy dawn, mosquitoes began to ring, which were perhaps the only inconvenience of this glorious forest dwelling.
A) 3
AT 2
C) 4
D) 5
E) 6
Correct answer: D.
36. Number of commas:
Coming out into the yard, Levin, like a tree in the spring, still did not know where and how his young shoots and branches enclosed in the budding buds would grow, he himself did not know well what enterprises in his beloved farm he would now undertake.
A) 4
AT 7
C) 8
D) 6
E) 5
Correct answer: S.
37. Number of commas:
Engrossed in my book, I didn’t notice how evening fell and then night came.
A) 1
AT 4
C) 3
D) 2
E) 5
Correct answer: S.
38. Number of commas:
It is not up to us whether we are born into the world or enter the open world in winter or spring, but everyone can walk their own circle of the earth in such a way that they will not be ashamed of their initial paths in old age.
A) 5
IN 1
C) 3
D) 2
E) 4
Correct answer: E.
39. Number of commas:
The opal distance of the sea is silent, the waves melodiously splash on the sand, and I am silent, looking into the distance of the sea.
A) 1
AT 4
C) 2
D) 3
E) no signs.
Correct answer: D.
40. Specify the type of offer:
In winter, birches hide in the coniferous forest, and in spring, when the leaves unfold, it seems as if birches are emerging from a dark forest to the edge.
A) complex.
B) non-union.
C) complex with different types of communication.
D) complex.
E) simple.
Correct answer: S.

41. Number of commas:
Far, far away stretched a field covered with snow like a carpet and the stars lit up and for a month the swan floated alone over the sleepy village.
A) 4
AT 6
C) 8
D) 7
E) 5
Correct answer: B.
42. Number of commas:
Having crossed the board, the doctor also stopped because the road was busy and, looking from under the brim of his hat straight into Orlenev’s face, he smiled.
A) 5
AT 2
C) 1
D) 4
E) 3
Correct answer: A.
43. Number of commas:
Makhambet could no longer carefreely indulge in pleasures as before; he could not see the heads bowed before the khan; he was infuriated by the gloominess and depression of the servants.
A) 3
AT 2
C) 5
D) 4
E) 1
Correct answer: D.
44. Number of commas:
He drew everything that was around and the fact that no one had ever seen planes that looked like huge arrows and ships that looked like airplanes and air palaces and bridges made of glass.
A) 9
AT 5
C) 7
D) 6
E) 4
Correct answer: A.
45. Indicate the number of missing punctuation marks:
The blinking of stars, the rustling of a river wave, the rustling of grass, the clatter of horses' hooves, the mysterious sounds of the steppe and the quiet voice of Sakish - everything merged into one music.
A) colon, 2 commas.
B) 6 commas
C) 4 commas, a dash.
D) 4 commas.
E) dash, 3 commas.
Correct answer: S.
46. ​​Number of punctuation marks:
Every now and then, looking around without any need, he lazily walked along the road and apparently wondered where to go.
AT 3
C) 2
D) 5
E) 1
Correct answer: A.
47. Explain punctuation:
Now, having put down his pen, he began to paint again, his family is happy.
A) Introductory word, homogeneous members, complex non-union sentence.
C) Non-union complex sentence, introductory sentence, separate addition.
C) Isolated circumstance, non-union complex sentence.
D) Isolated circumstance, homogeneous members, introductory sentence.
E) Homogeneous members, introductory sentence.
Correct answer: S.
48. Determine the structure of the sentence:
When I was three years old, there was a song that made me cry; I can’t remember it now, but I’m sure that if I had heard it, it would have had the same effect.
A) Complex sentence with introductory words.
C) Complex sentence with different types of connections.
C) Complex with three subordinate clauses, introductory sentence.
D) Complex with two subordinate clauses, homogeneous members.
E) Compound and complex sentences.
Correct answer: B.
49. Determine the structure of the sentence:
Music in battle is necessary and useful, and it must be the loudest.
A) A simple sentence with opposition.
B) Complex sentence with homogeneous members.
C) Complex sentence with different types of connection (composition and subordination).
D) A simple sentence with isolated members.
E) Complex sentence with homogeneous members.
Correct answer: S.
50. Determine the structure of the sentence:
I believe firmly and brightly: there is such a force in the world that it will defeat any evil and will come to your aid when you weaken in the struggle.
A) Complex sentence with isolated members.
B) Complex sentence with different types of connections.
C) Compound and compound sentences.
D) Complex sentence with several subordinate clauses.
E) Complex sentence with isolation.