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This is what the length of your fingers says about your character. Character on your fingers

Interesting information You can tell about a person by his hand, not only by his finger, but also by the length of his fingers. Such information will be useful, for example, to girls who are going on a first date.

Relationship between finger length and character

Numerous studies, as well as the knowledge of palmists, have revealed a connection between the length of the fingers and certain human character traits. Of course, the information is generalized, but many details often coincide.

What the length of the fingers says about a person’s character:

  1. If the fingers are short, this indicates excessive emotionality and impulsiveness of the interlocutor. Such people quickly get carried away by new ideas, but their passion quickly fades. People with short fingers are active and prefer to work in a team.
  2. By the average length of the fingers, one can judge a person’s patience and conscientiousness. They cannot stay angry and irritated for a long time. For such people, it is important that work brings pleasure, otherwise they will not achieve results.
  3. Speaking about the fact that the long length of the fingers speaks about character, this indicates the balance of the interlocutor. Such people almost never make rash decisions, and they are also responsible and efficient. For them, quality is very important, not quantity.

You can judge your character by the length of individual fingers. For example, if the index finger is shorter than the ring finger, this indicates charisma and determination. Such people cope with problems easily, but at the same time they are compassionate. If the index finger is longer than the ring finger, this is a signal that the person is self-sufficient, but at the same time he lacks determination. They value the attention and praise of others very much. A person whose ring and index fingers are the same length is peace-loving and conflict-free. He is loyal and dedicated, as well as organized.

From Masterweb

08.07.2017 11:49

A simple test that can tell you a lot about you. It's very simple - look at your hand and compare the length of your index and ring fingers.

A. The index finger is shorter than the ring finger.

Such people are most often very attractive, pleasant to talk to and charismatic. They are more decisive than others, prone to risk and easily cope with emerging problems. In addition, one of their special qualities is the ability to sympathize and empathize with their interlocutor. They make excellent engineers, scientists and crossword puzzle solvers.

B. The index finger is longer than the ring finger.

These people are most often self-confident and self-sufficient. They enjoy their company and do not like to be disturbed over trifles. They are not the kind of people who will take the first step towards, be it new business or relationships. However, they appreciate attention and take praise favorably.

C. Index and ring fingers are the same length.

People with such fingers are peace-loving, good-natured and really dislike conflict situations. They are very organized in life and get along with everyone. Such people are faithful in relationships, devoted to their work and the company for which they work. However, be careful, because there is a small flame burning in them, which is better not to cause a fire. Be on their side.

If you need to quickly determine a stranger's character, look at his hands. Note the shape of his palms, how long his fingers are, and whether his hand movements are free or constrained. You will easily understand who is in front of you if you have even a little knowledge in the field of chirology - a science that studies the connection between the structure of a person’s hand and his character.

For the first time, the theory of classification of various types of hands according to morphological characteristics was created 400 years BC by the Greek philosopher Anaxagoras. He was the first to discover that people's mental abilities are determined by the shape of their hands.

For more than 2 thousand years it scientific works studied and improved. But the founder of modern chirology is considered to be the French officer Casimir D. Arpentigny, who devoted many years to studying the human hand and created a system of knowledge that explained the existence of a connection between the structure of the palm and the character of a person.

Our hands are a sensory organ just like eyes or ears; they are an organ of touch. The skin of the palms is abundantly supplied with specialized nerve endings - receptors that instantly transmit signals to the structures of the brain. The exchange of signals occurs in both directions, so the formation of the palm and its skin pattern is directly related to the work of the brain itself. The brain is the first to record all changes in our lifestyle, emotional and physical status, career preferences and transmits this information to our hands.

Understanding this pattern, knowledge of the special signs of the anatomy of the hand, the ability to read and interpret them allows the chirologist to determine with a sufficient degree of reliability the potential and prospects of any specific person.

Each of us has strong and weak fingers. Strong fingers - long and straight. Their length is determined relative to the size of the palm. Normally, the length of the middle finger is seven-eighths of the length of the palm. If a finger is comparable in size to the palm, it is considered long. The length of your fingers speaks about your character and the degree of expression of those qualities to which it corresponds:

  1. A strong thumb on a heavy hand indicates professional success and high qualifications
  2. A strong index sign speaks of a desire for dominance, power, strength of character and insight.
  3. A long average is a sign of responsibility, a sense of duty, confidence and wisdom.
  4. Nameless communicates a high degree of skill and creative expression.
  5. A long pinky finger reflects good communication skills and entrepreneurial spirit.

A finger is said to be weak if it is short or small, deformed by illness or injury, limited in movement, or tilted towards the adjacent finger. Short fingers are less than seven-eighths the length of the palm.

A test to determine the size of the free space between the fingers helps determine the psychotype of a person. You need to relax your hands and place them on a flat surface, noting at what distance your fingers are located relative to each other.

If they are widely spaced, it is probably about independence, inner freedom, openness, love of experimentation. Fingers tightly closed - a person is extremely cautious, distrustful and suspicious, prefers to act alone.

The index finger, inclined towards the middle finger or adjacent to it, promises to gain authority and make dreams come true.

The ring finger tilted towards the middle finger indicates a person who obeys social norms and follows rules and regulations. People with this sign often associate their lives with creativity.

A wide space between the ring and little fingers indicates an unreliable person who avoids serious decisions, both in work and home relationships. If the gap is medium in size, it means he has an independent mind and an adventurer at heart.

Definition of Temperament

Owners of long fingers are calm and balanced people who are not very concerned with issues of career growth. They think for a long time before making a decision or forming an opinion, so they are always in search of contacts with the outside world. They want more facts and details. They tend to comprehend the situation, but are in no hurry to act and take measures.

People with long and open fingers are free from prejudice and are not subject to the usual rules of society. They are ready to communicate and are tolerant of other people's opinions, but at the same time they adhere to their own views and do not allow anyone to control them.

It is traditionally believed that long fingers on girls’ hands are a sign of sophistication and aristocracy, but this is not always true. Excessively long and pale, thin and pointed fingers on a narrow palm speak of soullessness, selfishness and a limited range of interests.

Owners of short fingers have excellent organizational skills. They are impulsive, action-oriented and do not need advice, preferring to rely on their intuition. They often make mistakes because they act without first examining the circumstances and without considering alternative options.

Short and open fingers belong to people who choose freedom and their own course in life. If the palm is closed and the fingers are closed, this is a sign that the person does not feel safe and is not receptive to new ideas. Stiff, unbending arms show that the individual is resisting any changes in state of mind. He seems to be telling the world: “I don’t need your help! Do not disturb me!"

Relationship between form and character

The shape of the fingers is another criterion that determines character traits depending on the severity of the joints, the size and condition of individual phalanges. It is believed that the upper (nail) phalanges correspond to the level of spiritual development, the middle ones are responsible for the quality of the mind, and the lower ones allow one to judge a person’s practical skills. If the phalanx is small and undeveloped, it means that the individual’s capabilities in this area are limited. And vice versa, if the first phalanx is long, the person is possessed by ideology. A well-expressed second speaks of natural intelligence, the third indicates a practitioner, a master of his craft.

According to the severity of the joints of the finger, they are conventionally divided into smooth and knobby. Pronounced upper nail joints are called philosophical; they are characteristic of people who have logical thinking. Prominently marked nodes on the middle material phalanx speak of pedantry and love of order. The presence of philosophical and material nodes at the same time can mean talent in mathematics and other exact sciences.

Knobby hands belong to thinking people, accustomed to analyzing events and actions, improving their knowledge, and following news in the field of science, politics, and technological progress. Smooth fingers, devoid of noticeable joints, are found on the hands of people who are decisive and quick to react, but superficial and frivolous.

From the point of view of chirologists, you can learn much more from the shape of your fingertips than might seem at first glance:

What does the finger index tell you?

The index finger is given special importance in reading the palm. It is sometimes called mirror image because it describes a person's self-esteem. The long index finger indicates a natural leader, accustomed to responsibility and oriented towards high standards. A short index finger is present on the hands of people with an inferiority complex, hiding under the guise of a strong personality. In fact, they are insecure and find it difficult to express their true thoughts and feelings.

Comparing the length of the index and ring fingers adds additional touches to personality characteristics. This ratio is called the finger index and has its own designation 2D:4D, where under 2D means the second finger, and 4D corresponds to the fourth:

  1. 2D: 4D > 1 People with an index finger longer than their ring finger are confident in themselves. They are powerful but cautious, prone to introspection, and achieve success in their profession, although they prefer to work alone. They like to be the center of attention and receive compliments. They know how to appreciate what they have, but always crave more.
  2. 2D:4D< 1 Owners of such a hand are charismatic and charming. They are agile, not afraid to take risks and enter into conflicts, persistent and persuasive, capable of achieving high results in sports and financial trading. If a woman’s index finger is shorter than her ring finger, she is likely to prefer a career in a profession that requires “masculine” qualities.
  3. 2D:4D=1 If the fingers are the same length, their owners are peaceful and conflict-free, striving to get along with everyone. They are punctual and organized, faithful in relationships, caring and gentle spouses. A man with this indicator will be pleasant, polite and attentive, especially with women.

Scientific research has found that the difference in the length of the second and fourth fingers is formed during intrauterine development and is due to the effect of testosterone on the fetus. The higher the level of this hormone in the prenatal period, the longer the ring finger will be, and the greater the chance of manifestations of masculinity in the unborn child, regardless of gender.

Young people with a digital index greater than one excel in digital sciences such as physics or mathematics, and choose sports that require physical strength and endurance. They are characterized by increased levels of aggression, as would be expected from individuals with elevated levels of the male hormone. Predominant index finger length may predict good verbal communication and literacy skills, more often demonstrated by girls.

However, skeptics note that differences in finger length and corresponding behavioral traits are inherited in 70% of cases.