Abstracts Statements Story

In the Vladimir region, residential buildings along the route will be demolished. On the main route: how will the high-speed railway pass through Kazan? Why is the project being criticized?

Today, at the Russian Railways information center, another consultation was held for citizens whose land plots are located on the territory through which the Moscow-Kazan high-speed highway will be laid.”

Residents of the Vladimir region again came to find out how and when the land seizure would take place, and most importantly, how they would be paid off. But, to their common regret, representatives of JSC “High-Speed ​​Railways” did not have answers to such questions.

Instead of specific answers “here and now,” all owners were asked to fill out a questionnaire in which they had to enter all the questions that interested them. Representatives of the SCM gave themselves thirty days to respond.

“I found out that the expressway will pass 176 meters from my site. And I invested more than four million in the dacha! Why do I need such a neighborhood? They don't have clear answers right now. The only thing I could clarify was the distance from my fence to the new railway line. they can’t even name how much will be allocated for the sanitary zone,” complained Tatyana Kryuchkova from the Sobinsky district, SNT “Tonus”.

The Moscow-Kazan high-speed railway is a major infrastructure project that involves the construction of a new railway line for the movement of high-speed trains at speeds of up to 400 km/h. Its construction, as the leadership promises, will solve the country's need to develop connections between cities.

“Along the entire length of the highway, the number of land plots with residential facilities located on them proposed for seizure is 0.2% of the territory of the planned location of the high-speed railway. The upcoming procedure for the purchase of land plots in favor of the state will be carried out in strict accordance with legal norms Russian Federation, ensuring preliminary and equivalent compensation while maximizing the interests of the rights holders of the seized real estate,”- reported the press service of JSC High-Speed ​​Railways.

In addition to private territories, the proposed construction of high-speed tracks will also affect the territories of enterprises and agricultural lands. It is already known that settlements with the owners will be made after the land is assessed in accordance with the cadastral value. The exact amount that is due to each owner will be announced by experts. If the owner is not satisfied with the proposed amount, he will face a re-examination and a trial. Even though the project is being developed by a commercial organization, it is state-owned, which means the land plots will still be seized - for state needs.

“I own agricultural land. I purchased the plot in 2011, when there was no talk about any high-speed railway. Now I have information that they plan to cut off 7 hectares of my land for the highway. In principle, I am ready to agree to an acceptable price. But here another question arises - what to do with the part that will remain with me. Now the exit to my site passes through the village of Filippushi, and takes 15 meters. They will build a high-speed railway, and the ride will increase by 700 meters, while it will be on someone else’s land. It is unclear how the roads will be organized and who will bear these costs.”, - said Mikhail Dubovsky, owner of a plot of land for agricultural purposes.

Moreover, according to the owner, due to the fact that the exact start date of construction is unknown, it is unclear what to do with the land. Should I invest money in sowing and fertilizing? Since, according to Mikhail Dubovsky, it is unlikely that these

Industrial enterprises in the region may also suffer from new construction. One of them is located in the village of Staroye Perepechino in the city of Pokrov. According to the presented scheme, the highway will be adjacent to the existing production of vital medicines.

Photo: The territory of the enterprise is closely adjacent to the HSR

“I currently employ 250 people at my company. If we are crushed by a piece of iron, then their families will also be left without income. I prepared for the meeting - I attracted lawyers, we raised all the cards, possible options solutions. No answers yet. As I was told, there is no point in waiting. Only the governor can resolve this issue. Here I was advised to contact her directly. Svetlana Orlova was at our enterprise, I really hope for her help", - Gennady Borovikov, general director of a medicine production company.

The transfer of the enterprise, according to the general director, is impossible. It has existed in this place for 15 years. During this time, sewers, treatment facilities, wells, buildings, and a clean zone were built.

Glavgosexpertiza has already approved a project for the construction of a section of the Moscow-Kazan high-speed railway from Moscow to Nizhny Novgorod. The Moscow-Kazan HSR in the Vladimir region will pass next to settlements Babaevo, Strukovo, Mosino, Filippushi, Snovitsy, Sodyshka, Novoe, Dobrynskoye, as well as along the Lesnoy microdistrict and the village of Gatikha. The Vladimir station on the highway is planned to be built near the village of Sukhodol. Will they be protected? local residents The noise that the highway will bring with it is still unknown. There is no such information yet.

This is not the last meeting with land owners. The next one is scheduled for August 10th.

Hello, construction site

After listening to the reports of experts on the impact of the future mega construction on nature, the air and water environment, the residents of Nizhny Novgorod, who will be directly affected by all this, went on the offensive against the guests: “Why are you telling us about birds and plants? Think about the people. Otherwise there will be war!” - future neighbors of the HSR warned Moscow guests.

The super highway will literally pass through the “residential stock”: through the streets adjacent to the Strigino airport, the village of Novoye Doskino, several gardening partnerships at the Avtozavod and other inhabited areas, even next to the famous Sartakov.

“Environmental impact assessment (EIA) is intended to identify the nature, intensity, degree of danger of the impact of any type of planned economic activity on the state of environment and public health,” recalled one of the key speakers, Maxim Normov, head of the environmental design department of the Scientific Research Institute of FDI. He talked about how carefully and carefully the work would be carried out in relation to wildlife. How they will carefully and harmlessly destroy garbage and other waste from a grandiose construction project. Provision is made for soil reclamation and compensation measures for plant and water resources.

The high-speed railway will cross the Oka River and pass through several specially protected natural areas of protected areas: “Malyshevsky Grives”, “Smirnovsky Dachas”, “Zheleznodorozhnye Dachas” and “Striginsky Bor”.

Within the borders of Nizhny Novgorod, the route crosses the city district from north to south, running parallel to the existing railway track between residential buildings and the airport territory. The length of the Nizhny Novgorod district section is 7 km along the main route (409 – 417 km of the route) and 5 km - the entrance to Nizhny Novgorod with the location of the Depot and Station. It is planned to locate the main station at Strigino Airport.

The seagulls will fly away, but they promise to return

In your report it was stated that compensatory measures are envisaged, including the replanting of rare plants,” stated Askhat Kayumov (Dront environmental center). - But today there is no procedure in legislation regulating the transplantation of Red Book species? What will guide you?

There really is no methodology, but there is the experience of the Sochi Olympics,” answered Maxim Normov. - Transfer is possible subject to availability necessary conditions. Perhaps such events will not be necessary.

What happened in Sochi is a disgrace to the country! - Kayumov said. – First they destroyed the Red Book species, and then they tried to restore them! and you want to continue to duplicate that negative Sochi experience throughout the country?

Well, what should I explain to you? “You understand everything yourself,” the specialist answered humbly.

An employee of Nizhny Novgorod State University asked what will happen to the colony of gulls, which is based in the moist lowlands, more precisely, the swamps of Petryaevka, which will also be cut by the High Speed ​​Rail? Where should they go?

We can only promise to maintain the hydraulic regime. It is clear that during the construction work, the seagulls will fly away and we will not be able to do anything. But the seagulls, apparently, have already adapted to the ordinary railway that runs there and will return after construction is completed, the expert hoped.

For reference

The width of the right of way ranges from 20 to 60 meters. Temporary occupation of land is required to organize the construction process: passage of construction equipment; organization of construction sites; organization of rotation camps; storage of building structures and materials.

Under the noise barrier

Most people in the risk zone (and this is several hundred houses) have already become acquainted with the EIA materials, which are posted on the official website of OJSC “High-Speed ​​Railways”. printed out maps and came to the discussion with specific questions.

You told about everything about the birds, about the trees. How can we continue to live there, five meters from your road? – Nadezhda Frolova from Novy Doskino could not stand it. - We have a well there. You will put this noise barrier there for us. But he will cover everything, the whole sun, the whole garden. How can we live there? You take care of dogs and animals. But you don’t think about us. We are retired old people, we have grandchildren. How can we live there? Answer.

Five meters or 50 meters is still a question,” says Yuri Kotlov, director of the technical department of OJSC Express Highways. – Yes, there is a sanitary protection zone. In the absence of noise protection measures, this is one hundred meters; if there are, it is 50. During the development of project documentation, after a state examination, it will be determined whether residential buildings will remain in this strip or whether they are subject to demolition and resettlement - this is the legislative procedure. But when will this be known? We expect approvals from the Russian Government in the third quarter of this year. You are unlikely to stay five meters away.

Today we didn’t see the calculated points for sanitary protection zones for our residential buildings, you take the noise level by territory, but no one took measurements in the apartments in our buildings,” another resident was indignant.

The design documentation has not yet undergone state examination, and if there are any comments, we will correct all errors and measure them directly in your homes, the scientists reassured.

Agree to be demolished for money

Will residential buildings be demolished in the village of Komsomolsky, Bogorodsky district, Natalya Davydova wondered. - When will the lists for resettlement be known? What lands and plots will be confiscated? Why should the HSR pass through our streets? How will it be assessed at market or cadastral price? (And by the way, some Nizhny Novgorod residents say that they are being refused privatization of the site). When will construction start?

Another problem that worried Nizhny Novgorod residents living in the risk zone was the construction of stormwater embankments and drainage canal structures.

If you are going to change the directions and flows of groundwater, as you mentioned in the report, then we are very worried, because our village and gardens are supplied with water from wells.

Muscovites noted that no special movements of groundwater are planned in the bed of the Vyunitsa River; all wishes will be taken into account and the condition of the soil and water will be monitored.

The visiting experts could not answer most of the specific questions, because the land survey has not yet been approved and none of the officials can officially confirm which areas will fall within the right of way. Today the design documentation is just being developed. And construction, judging by statements by senior leaders in the media, should begin next year. But provided that all procedures are completed.

But Moscow officials described the legislative procedure in detail. How and within what time frame will the copyright holders of real estate be determined? And, by the way, not all the owners have been found today. The legal inventory of plots and real estate continues. Therefore, it is too early to even talk about resettlement lists. The decision to withdraw is valid for three years. The withdrawal price, the redemption price, is determined based on the results of a market assessment; moreover, not only the cost of the site is compensated, but also lost profits. And if there are also buildings there, then they are assessed and included in the total amount of the seizure. Many residents were happy to agree to the seizure under such conditions, but - here's the problem - they did not end up being demolished. They will live on the road.

MK Help

The Moscow-Kazan high-speed railway with a length of 770 km is planned to be laid across the territory of seven regions of the Russian Federation. There are 15 stops along the route, including in Vladimir, Nizhny Novgorod and Cheboksary. Travel time from Moscow to Kazan should be reduced to 3.5 hours. As reported on the website of High-Speed ​​Railways OJSC, the first projects of high-speed railway sections are planned to be submitted for examination in July 2016. the total cost of construction exceeds 1 trillion rubles. The Moscow-Kazan high-speed railway (HSR) will be put into operation in accordance with the project in 2020, the first vice-president of Russian Railways (RZD) Alexander Misharin recently said. “We are finishing the design this year and then We are starting construction. The schedule is for launch in 2020. But the line will be launched in parts. The Moscow-Kazan section in the future may become part of the Moscow-Beijing high-speed highway, the construction cost of which is estimated at 7 trillion rubles, and the Silk Road project, which will connect China with the markets of Europe and the Middle East.

China intends to provide 400 billion rubles for the Moscow-Kazan high-speed rail project on credit for 20 years, more than 100 billion rubles as a contribution to the authorized capital of a special project company. At the same time, China no longer requires sovereign state guarantees for the project; we are talking about a concession format in which the state assumes obligations as a grantor.

The first stage of organizing high-speed rail traffic in the Russian Federation will be the construction of the Moscow-Kazan section of the VSM-2 line, which will pass through the territory of 7 constituent entities of the Russian Federation: Moscow and the Moscow region, Vladimir and Nizhny Novgorod Region, Chuvash Republic, Mari El Republic and Tatarstan Republic. Further development line provides for its extension to Yekaterinburg.

The launch of the section will reduce the travel time between Moscow and Kazan by 4 times: from the current 14 hours (using the existing railway infrastructure) to 3.5 hours, and the travel time between Nizhny Novgorod and Kazan will be reduced by 7 times - from 10 hours 32 minutes . up to 1 hour 37 minutes The Moscow-Kazan HSR will help increase the connectivity of Russian territories and population mobility, and the average travel time between regional capitals will be 1 hour.

Main characteristics of the Moscow-Kazan HSR project:

· Route length - 770 km

· Travel time - 3 hours. 30 min.

· Maximum speed up to 400 km/h

· Track width - 1520 mm

· Implementation scheme - PPP

Construction of the Moscow-Kazan high-speed railway is planned to begin in 2019. In parallel with the high-speed railway, they are going to build a high-speed highway.

The first stage of construction work on the Moscow-Kazan high-speed railway project is planned to begin in 2019.

As Russian Transport Minister Evgeny Dietrich told reporters on the sidelines of the “PRO//Movement.1520” forum, the Ministry of Transport had previously begun work together with Moscow to prepare the construction site. “We already have a foundation,” added the head of the Ministry of Transport.

The Moscow-Kazan high-speed railway is planned to be laid across the territory of 7 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, where more than 25 million people live. The Russian-Chinese consortium consisting of Mosgiprotrans OJSC, Nizhegorodmetroproekt OJSC and China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group is completing design work by HSR. A memorandum on forms of cooperation and a model for financing the Moscow-Kazan high-speed railway project as a priority section of the Eurasian transport corridor Moscow-Beijing was signed in 2015 in Moscow.

The total cost of the project is about 1 trillion 7 billion rubles, of which 700 billion rubles are expected to be a capital grant. “In the model presented by Russian Railways, it should be provided free of charge by the state,” Alan Lushnikov, who then held the post of deputy head of the Ministry of Transport, reported in September. In addition, according to him, “200 billion rubles of investment from Russian Railways is provided - a capitalized loan, the rest should be attracted by private business.” “The draft main plan is currently being discussed. His project was submitted to the government by the Ministry of Economic Development. There is a high-speed railway project “Moscow - Gorokhovets”: the road runs along new tracks, and from Gorokhovets (Vladimir region) it enters Nizhny Novgorod along the existing railway,” the official specified.

In fact, the new line will go from the city of Zheleznodorozhny (Moscow region), to which additional tracks will be laid from the center of the capital. The cost of the work is estimated at approximately 621 billion 500 million rubles, of which 200 billion rubles will come from a capital grant from the federal budget, 200 billion rubles from Russian Railways, and the rest from private money, Lushnikov reported.

By the way, VTB has already announced the availability of funds for the construction of the first section of the high-speed railway. “Investors are lined up,” Kommersant quotes Yuri Solovyov, First Deputy President and Chairman of the Board of VTB.

Participants of the “Belousov list” were invited to invest in the creation of a high-speed highway “Moscow-Kazan”. This list includes large private mining, metallurgical and chemical companies, part of whose profits the assistant to the President of the Russian Federation Andrei Belousov proposed to redirect to the implementation of the May decrees of the head of state.

The construction of a high-speed railway was proposed to investors as one of two large-scale railway projects (the second was the construction of a transport crossing to Sakhalin with the construction of a port on the island).

The highway plan was considered on September 24 at a meeting of the Presidium of the Council for Priority Projects chaired by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. It is associated with the long-term development program of Russian Railways until 2025.

Meanwhile, in parallel with the project for the construction of the Moscow-Kazan high-speed railway, Avtodor plans to implement a project for the construction of the Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod-Kazan high-speed highway. As Sergei Kelbakh, chairman of the board of the state-owned company, told reporters, Avtodor Group of Companies intends to announce a competition in October for pre-design work on the construction of a new highway. “We are already starting pre-design work. In terms of procurement for this year, pre-design work and planning decisions are already in place. Now a competition will be announced in early October,” Kelbakh said.

According to him, the section of the Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod - Kazan highway was included in the six-year activity plan of the state company and is an integral part of the Europe - Western China corridor. Kelbakh clarified that we are talking about the construction of a section of the new highway “Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod - Kazan” with a length of 729 km. “We know the route, it will go north of Nizhny Novgorod,” he added, noting that the work ordered by the state company is divided into three sections.

The chairman of the board of the state-owned company said that the method of implementing construction is concession agreements, while extra-budgetary funds, according to a pessimistic forecast, are planned at a minimum level of 30. “According to restrained but optimal (estimates - approx.) - about 39%, from 30% to 40 %". “We will finish (construction - approx.) in 2024,” added Kelbach. At the same time, he noted that the planned Moscow-Kazan high-speed railway and the highway in question coincide “in the general direction.” “But at the stage of financial and economic feasibility study, we carefully studied freight traffic, passenger traffic - that is, the mutual influence of the high-speed railway on the Moscow-Kazan expressway and vice versa. These roads - railway and road - carry completely different loads. There is, of course, mutual influence, but it is absolutely insignificant. Because high-speed rail is the transportation of passengers, and highway“This is cargo traffic in the first place,” Kelbakh explained, recalling that in the area of ​​Noginsk and Balashikha “we are generally moving in the same direction.”

The Ministry of Transport estimated the cost of construction of the Moscow-Kazan highway at 540-550 billion rubles. At the same time, First Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Innokenty Alafinov clarified to journalists on the sidelines of the Intelligent Transport Systems of Russia forum, this amount does not include the construction of a bypass of the city of Tolyatti, which has independent transport significance. According to Alafinov, at least 30% of these funds will come from private investments. “We have such experience in the Russian Federation, our state company (“Avtodor” - approx.) is finishing the creation of a new Moscow-St. Petersburg road, the length is approximately the same, the cost parameters are also clear, the volume of investments is clear, we have experience,” said the deputy minister.

At the same time, he emphasized that there is no longer any doubt about the possibility of implementing this project, “provided that we start very quickly, literally from the end of December in the active phase,” and confirmed that the road will be built within a six-year period.

A high-speed railway (HSR) is a specialized dedicated railway line that provides train traffic at speeds exceeding 250 km/h. As part of the implementation of the Program for the Organization of Express and High-Speed ​​Rail Links in the Russian Federation until 2030, the implementation of 20 projects is envisaged, which will make it possible to organize more than 50 high-speed routes with a total length of more than 7 thousand km. The main promising HSR projects in Russia are the Moscow - Kazan - Yekaterinburg lines with the connection of Ufa and Chelyabinsk, Moscow - St. Petersburg and Moscow - Sochi.

The goal of the Program is to accelerate the rate of economic growth and improve the quality of life of the Russian population through the creation of a network of high-speed and high-speed railway communications, providing an optimal ratio of speed, comfort and fare for passengers. The Program focuses on projects for the creation of new dedicated high-speed lines, or the reconstruction of existing tracks, providing route speeds of more than 100 km/h. The high-speed railway is also called the regional metro because, thanks to its speed, high speed of movement and accessibility of terminals and stations, it connects regions and makes intercity travel accessible, including daily ones. The construction of high-speed railways stimulates economic development— every ruble invested in high-speed rail gives 1.43 rubles of investment in other industries.

Implementation stages

Russia has unique preconditions for the development of high-speed and high-speed railway communications. Since the launch of Sapsan trains in 2009, they have transported more than 16 million people between Moscow and St. Petersburg. Compared to the same period last year, 40% more passengers used the service, and the demand for high speed travel continues to remain unsatisfied.

When developing the Program, an approach was used that allows minimizing public investment in projects. The costs that are still required will be carried forward during the life of the project when the budgetary effects exceed the budgetary costs. In total, the increase in revenues of the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation from the implementation of the program is estimated at 7.8 trillion. rubles in 2015 prices.

The program is divided into three stages. The first stage (2015-2020) involves the design and implementation of the first lines of high-speed highways, the most effective for the state and other project participants.

The key project of the first stage will be the construction of the Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod-Kazan high-speed railway, which is currently in the design stage. In parallel with this, it is planned to begin the implementation of other large-scale HSR development projects, in particular the construction of the first section of HSR 3 (Center - South) from Moscow to Tula. In addition to creating high-speed communications between Moscow and Tula, it will significantly speed up communications with Orel, Kursk and Belgorod.

It is planned to implement the Ekaterinburg-Chelyabinsk high-speed rail construction project on the territory of the Ural test site. The highway will connect the two largest and fairly close cities of the Urals with high-speed rail. Currently they are connected Railway with a complex profile and low speed. Also on the territory of the Ural test site, it is proposed to modernize the existing railway line Ekaterinburg - Nizhny Tagil. On the territory of the Siberian test site, it is planned to launch high-speed communication on the Novosibirsk-Barnaul section.

At the second stage, a significant expansion of the high-speed railway network and high-speed transport is proposed. In the period from 2020 to 2025, 9 projects are planned to be implemented:

  • Extension of HSR-2 from Kazan to Elabuga station, in the zone of influence of which there are big cities— Naberezhnye Chelny and Nizhnekamsk.
  • Extension of the High Speed ​​Rail Center - South from Tula to Voronezh, as well as construction of a section from Rostov-on-Don to Adler.
  • Organization of high-speed transport on the Moscow-Yaroslavl route on the territory of the Central training ground. This will require the construction of a new high-speed track on the section from Pushkino to Yaroslavl, and the launch of a high-speed line in the existing profile by modernizing the infrastructure on the Moscow-Krasnoe section. It is also proposed to build a high-speed double-track highway in a new profile from Vladimir to Ivanovo on the territory of the Central Test Site.
  • To design and build the Ekaterinburg-Tyumen expressway on the territory of the Ural test site.
  • Organize high-speed traffic on the territory of the Siberian test site on the sections Novosibirsk - Kemerovo, Yurga - Tomsk and Kemerovo - Novokuznetsk. This involves both the construction of tracks in a new profile and the modernization of existing infrastructure.

In the period until 2030, the formation of the network's supporting framework will be completed:

  • The largest project in at this stage will become the Moscow-Ekaterinburg HSR. HSR-2 will be extended from Yelabuga to Yekaterinburg.
  • The construction of the Voronezh - Rostov-on-Don section will make it possible to connect the previously built sections of the HSR-3 Center - South into a single highway.
  • A major project will be the construction of a high-speed line from HSR-2 Cheboksary - Samara, which will connect large cities such as Ulyanovsk, Samara and Togliatti with the HSR support frame.
  • A separate project will connect Stavropol and the resorts of the Black Sea coast by high-speed rail.

Removing bottlenecks

The implementation of express and high-speed traffic projects will make a significant contribution to eliminating bottlenecks in the Russian transport system by switching part of long-distance passenger traffic from existing lines to high-speed ones. This transfer will free up busy lines for cargo transportation. In addition, this will remove a number of restrictions on economic growth by increasing budget revenues and gross regional product, developing mechanical engineering, tourism and other sectors of the economy.

The implementation of high-speed rail projects will create the basis for dynamic economic growth. Such projects, along with their own efficiency, act as a catalyst for the development of industries, small and medium-sized businesses, and regional development.

The large-scale project has moved one step further

Glavgosexpertiza of Russia approved the project for the construction of a section of the high-speed highway “Moscow – Kazan – Yekateringburg” from the capital to the city of Vladimir. A message about this appeared yesterday on the official website of the institution. Experts studied the project documentation and came to the conclusion that it complies with all regulations, and the cost estimate is not inflated.

The Vladimir and Moscow sections of the high-speed railway with a length of 172 km are assigned to stages No. 3 and No. 4. As part of the third stage, preparatory work will take place on this section of the highway, and then, at the fourth stage, construction of the branch itself, overpasses and stations will begin. In our region, four stations for high-speed trains are planned - in Petushki, Vladimir, Kovrov and Gorokhovets, but at this stage of the project only the first two will be built. Stations will also appear in Orekhovo-Zuevo and Noginsk.

According to the Glavgosexpertiza website, the station complex in Petushki will occupy an area of ​​81 hectares and will be designed for 200 passengers. In Vladimir, only 66 hectares are divided into the facility, but it can already accommodate 1,800 people.

As for overpasses and transport interchanges, then, according to the project, the construction of the following related facilities is provided:

— in the Petushinsky district - two overpasses, as well as an overpass across the river. Shitka, bridges over the river. Kirzhach, Chernaya, Tanka, etc.;

— in the Sobinsky district - railway overpasses on the Nazarovo-Stukovo highway and on the P-57 - M-7 highway (Kolchugino-Vladimir);

- in Vladimir - a road overpass on the Mosino-Volosovo highway. Later, a railway overpass will be built near Vladimir at the intersection with the Bogolyubovo-Vtorovo highway.

In total, in the 33rd region, for the sake of the HSR, 25,688 hectares of forest will be cut down (the area is 98 Druzhba parks), 200 bridges, 20 overpasses, 10 overpasses, 7 animal pipelines and dozens of livestock runs will be built. The total length of the regional section will be 247 km, in the territory of Vladimir – 5 km. Citizens will be able to get to the capital in an hour. According to the designers, high-speed trains will transport 5.1 million people a year and run 40 times a day in each direction.

HSR station in Vladimir

Let us recall that last year the projects of four high-speed rail stations in region 33 were considered at the urban planning council in the White House. However, officials did not like the presented sketches, and they were sent for revision. In particular, it was noted that access roads were not developed, a sufficient number of parking spaces were not provided, and appearance objects did not fit into the surrounding landscape.

And the Vladimir authorities have already begun to prepare for the construction of a high-speed highway and even ordered a new version of the general plan, in which the development of the city will be adjusted taking into account this object.