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What time does school start in America? How they study in American schools

The USA is a country where there is no September 1st. Each American school sets its own start dates. school year. Local teachers are not as busy as Russian ones: there are 16 students per teacher. There are almost 50 million schoolchildren in the United States, a fifth of children are foreigners.

Primary School

Although there is no single one, the duration of the first stage - Elementary school - is the same in all educational institutions: children study in elementary school for 6 years.

Americans go to first grade at 6-7 years old. Children, as in Russia, undergo tests. But classes are created not of equal value, but in accordance with the abilities of each child. Gifted schoolchildren prepare to enter university from the first days of school.

Another similarity with Russian educational institutions is that admission to the educational institution is based on registration. American adults try to buy housing near a good school even before having children.

At the first stage of education, lessons are taught by one teacher, including physical education and creative disciplines. Basic subjects in primary school:

  • oral English language;
  • social Sciences;
  • reading;
  • letter;
  • music;
  • drawing;
  • physical training.

For the first 6 years, young Americans do not learn foreign languages. A significant plus of US schools: every child is enrolled here, regardless of race and citizenship. A student will be assigned to an open class, even if his parents only have a visitor visa to the country.

high school

At the second stage (Middle school), children continue to study taking into account their abilities and characteristics. Conditional classes are divided into 3 types:

  • academic - to prepare for entering university;
  • professional - with an emphasis on practical training;
  • multidisciplinary - for students with average academic performance, based on the results of final tests, the question of the possibility of preparing the child for admission to university is decided.

In America there are no classes familiar to Russians. Each student at the Middle school stage chooses subjects independently, the composition of the groups changes at each lesson. Disciplines popular at the second stage of secondary education:

  • foreign languages;
  • art;
  • technologies.

Required to study:

  • native language;
  • social and natural sciences;
  • mathematics;
  • physical training.

The middle stage lasts from 8th to 10th grade. Education ends with exams: approximately 30% of students enter 11th grade, the rest go to colleges or vocational institutes.

The academic year lasts an average of 9.5 months, and students study 5 days a week. Classes in the USA usually start at 8.30 and end at 16.00. There is no homework.

High school

The final stage of secondary education in America (High school) lasts 2 years. At this level, students must complete at least 20 courses and obtain credits for at least 16 of them.

6 subjects are required to study at the High school stage:

  • natural Sciences;
  • computer literacy;
  • English language;
  • mathematics;
  • Social sciencies;
  • foreign languages.

Additional disciplines are chosen at the discretion of the student; in US schools, all subjects are considered equivalent: chemistry, history, American literature, cooking, driving.

Secondary education ends with SAT exams - an analogue Russian Unified State Examination. Based on the test results, graduates are enrolled in universities. Large universities pay attention to the applicant’s extracurricular achievements: social, creative, sports.

Private schools

The US Department of Education recognizes that education received in public schools is inferior in quality to certificates from private institutions. The fact is confirmed by statistics: students of the most prestigious universities are graduates of private schools.

Parents of foreign students choose private US educational institutions because of significant advantages for citizens of other countries:

  • accommodation in a boarding house under the watchful supervision of staff;
  • small class size - 15-16 people;
  • in-depth study of disciplines, 98% of graduates enter universities.

Many private schools accept students from 2-4 years of age. If desired, you can send your child to an institution where children of only one sex are educated.

Each private school operates according to one of three programs:

  • standard state;
  • international;
  • developed by teachers of an educational institution.

Any program provides a sufficient number of hours for the creative and athletic development of students. Foreign students in private schools are actively taught to speak English fluently. By the end of their studies, their level of knowledge of English allows graduates to enter any American or European university.

Religious schools

Religious schools are a type of private school. Funded educational establishments mainly due to the parents of schoolchildren. Sometimes churches and philanthropists provide financial assistance.

In modern America, children of any nationality and religion are accepted into religious schools. The main difference from others educational institutions— students are required to attend Sunday services, which are rather educational in nature.

On average, the cost of education in institutions under the patronage of religious organizations is slightly lower than in other private schools - from 15 thousand dollars per year.

Religious schools in America enrolling Russian children:

  1. Lowell Catholic School(Lowell Catholic School) in Massachusetts. The institution is aimed at deep learning of basic subjects. Additionally, students have access to foreign language and computer literacy courses. Extracurricular activities: theater studio, singing, own printed publications, sports clubs. Price per year - $38 thousand.
  2. Capistrano Valley Christian High School(Capistrano Valley Christian High School) is a Christian school in San Juan Capistrano, California. Compulsory disciplines are supplemented by Bible study. The main goal of the institution’s teachers is to prepare children for entering university. The last 2 years of education here count as college completion, which significantly increases your chances of being accepted into university. The cost of an academic year is $20 thousand and above.
  3. Perkiomen School(Perkayomen School) in Pennsburg, Pennsylvania. In addition to basic training, the school offers advanced courses that give an advantage when enrolling in a university: history, chemistry, foreign languages, physics. The establishment operates creative and sports clubs: photography, theater, golf, baseball. The annual fee is $58 thousand.

Schools in America for Russians

Emigrants from Russia are often worried about their son or daughter’s reluctance to speak English. native language. One of the options not to lose touch with the Motherland is to send your child to a Russian school. In such institutions, basic subjects are taught in English, but the list of compulsory disciplines includes Russian language and literature.

For younger children school age analogues of extended day groups are organized: here communication takes place only in the native language. Creative and sports activities are also held in Russian.

In recent years, American employers have been interested in specialists who speak Russian; doctors and lawyers are especially in demand.

Russian schools are often opened at universities. There are also institutions of an optional nature: if you attend them, you will still have to study at a US general education institution.

Russian schools whose certificates are equivalent to American ones:

  1. Free educational institution in Jacksonville, Florida. There are 700 Russian-speaking children studying at the school. Basic subjects are taught in English, with the exception of Russian language and literature.
  2. Community Outreach Academy(Community Outreach Academy). The program includes Russian and Ukrainian languages. The school has strict morals: you can be expelled for fighting or smoking. The institution is partially funded by the state, the annual fee is about $10 thousand.
  3. Russian school in Manhattan, New York. The establishment is considered prestigious among the Slavic population. Much attention in education is paid to mathematics and music. The cost is set individually after an interview with the student’s parents.

Single-sex schools

There are 223 single-sex educational institutions in the United States. Schools are convenient for parents who want their child not to be distracted by the attention of the opposite sex. But this is not the main advantage: American teachers claim that girls who are not ridiculed by boys show higher results in the exact sciences. Young men, who are also less influenced by stereotypes in the absence of female society, do better in the humanities.

American single-sex schools:

  1. Madeira School(Madeira School) is a private girls' school in McLean, Virginia. Pupils are enrolled from the age of 14. The school ranks first in the ranking educational institutions state. The emphasis in studies is on accurate and humanitarian sciences, art, foreign languages. IN Last year While studying, the girls undergo internships at the White House. Madeira School has sports and creative clubs: students engage in horse riding, athletics, painting, and photography. An academic year costs $67 thousand and above.
  2. Grier School(Grier School) in Tyrone, Pennsylvania. Half of them are foreigners here. Girls are prepared for admission to the best English-language universities. The school has 17 advanced programs. The establishment runs one of the best riding clubs in the country. Schoolgirls have the opportunity to practice dance and art professionally. Fee per year - from 50 thousand dollars.
  3. The Fessenden School(Fessenden School) is a private school for boys in West Newton, Massachusetts. The institution’s sports, educational and creative programs are created specifically for young men. Students are accepted to the school from the age of 10, foreigners in the institution - 10%. Price per year - 70 thousand $.
  4. Chaminade College Preparatory School(Chaminade College Preparatory School) is a private school for boys in Missouri. Students are accepted from the age of 11. The institution has strict discipline and the concept of personal responsibility is instilled in the young men. The school offers 23 advanced programs that make it easier to enter university. The cost of an academic year is $39 thousand.

I will talk here about how education is organized in American public (free) schools in our state of Massachusetts (each state has its own differences).

Here are the questions and answers:

1) Is it possible to learn more about the education system in American schools? How many classes are there in American schools?

Children go to school in America for only 13 years (from 5 to 18 years old).
School in America is divided into 3 different schools:
Elementary school: from 0 to 4 grades (5 years)
Middle school: from 5th to 8th grade (4 years)
Senior classes (High School): from grades 9 to 12 (4 years).

All three schools are located in different buildings. My youngest son went to 3rd grade at Elementary school this year, and my eldest went to 10th grade at High School.

2) In Russia you can study 9th or 11th grade, is there something similar in the USA?

Yes, there is something similar. After grades 8, 9, 10 or 11, a teenager can go to study at a technical school, where, along with general education, he can receive some useful specialty, for example:
Educator in preschool institution,
Landscape designer,
Telecommunications specialist
Marketing Specialist,
and others.

3) What subjects are there in American schools that are not taught in Russia?

My eldest son is in 10th grade. Here are the subjects he is taking this year (5 compulsory and one optional).

Required subjects in 10th grade:

2. Algebra
3. Chemistry

5. American Studies. They have this instead of history (history ancient world and other states were in high school).

The elective subject at our school could be chosen from the following (usually the choice depends on the state): “Photography”, “Ceramic Making”, “Drawing”, “Painting”, “Additional course in physics”, “Additional course in history and law”.
My son chose “Photography” (this is classic photography, not digital, where photographs are processed according to all the rules: developer, fixer, clothespins, etc.). His works are very creative, especially black and white.

Compulsory subjects in 9th grade were:
1. English (as native language)
2. Social Studies includes World History and Geography
3. Physics
4. Spanish (as foreign language)
5. Geometry

4) How is education organized in American schools?

The fact is that starting from grade 9, teenagers are asked to choose their level of study in each subject. The teenager and his parents, together with teachers, choose the level of study that best suits the teenager's interests and abilities in a given area.
Each subject has 3 levels, and each teacher has 3 groups of students:
Level 1 (the easiest): College Preparation class - Preparation class for college (university)
Level 2 (more difficult): Honors class - Excellent class
Level 3 (the most difficult): Advanced Placement class - Class of increased difficulty

All children have different interests and different abilities. So someone might take English or algebra in a Tier 3 class and chemistry or physics in a Tier 1 class.

Level 2 and 3 classes cover the same material as Level 1 classes, but in more depth and their curriculum focuses on developing independent thinking and creative ideas. The class size is slightly smaller than a Level 1 class to make it easier for students to participate in class discussions and express their opinions. At the end of the year, classes of all levels take the same annual test (MCAS), and in grades 11 and 12 - the SAT test (this is something like the Russian EG).
The test is the same for everyone, and in order to pass it, you need to know the compulsory syllabus, so a student who did well in Level 1 can pass this test with flying colors. And those who studied in Levels 2 and 3 classes, if they pass the test well, will receive in addition the note “graduated with Honors” (“graduated the course with honors”), and this is a big plus upon admission! And the more of these “differences” in each subject, the better.

In elementary school, learning is organized more simply. Children learn to read, write and count in a class of 25 with one teacher. Once a day they have an additional subject: Physical Education, Art or Music. During the day they have many short breaks, as well as two long breaks, one of which is for lunch.
Lunch can be purchased at school or brought with you.

5) Chow many lessons per day?
Lessons consist of modules (blocks) of 25 minutes each.
Because all high school students attend classes at different levels, each teen has a different schedule than other students.

Here is a typical day for my tenth grade son:

Algebra: 3 modules of 25 min.
Studying America: 2 modules of 25 min.
Break: 3 modules of 25 min.
Photography: 2 modules of 25 min.
Break: 1 module of 25 minutes.
Spanish: 2 modules of 25 min.
Chemistry: 2 modules of 25 min.

6) When do children come to school and when do they leave?

In primary schools, the school day lasts from 8.40 to 14.40.
In secondary school - from 8.00 to 14.40.
In high school - from 7.30 to 14.40

Many children travel to and from school by school bus, the route of which takes into account the children's residence in a given town.
Many parents bring their children to school and pick them up by car. If parents cannot pick up a child after school, he can, for an additional fee, attend an extended day group at school, where teachers will work with him, play educational games, do crafts and help him with his homework.

Every morning, when children go to school, at several intersections located near each school, traffic controllers in yellow vests stand and stop vehicles to allow children to cross the road safely. Traffic controllers are not police officers, they work at the school.
When children arrive at school and when they go home, police are stationed outside the school to monitor the safety of children and to prevent undesirable individuals from approaching schools who may pose a threat to children.

I apologize for the quality of the photos. Teachers don't like people taking pictures at school (you need special permission to do this), so I had to secretly take pictures with my mobile phone.

In the last article we got acquainted with. This article will tell you about secondary education in the States. Namely, what documents are needed, what methods exist to get into such a school and much more, read below.

general information

The academic year in an American school is divided into two semesters. A school day can last up to 6 hours, including a lunch break, each lesson lasts 25 minutes (one module or block).

The school day lasts until 14:40, and begins differently for each school (more on this below).

A child can get to school either with the help of a free school bus or with a student brought by his parents.

Holidays such as Christmas or Easter, as well as summer holidays, children spend at home.

American schools pay enough attention to physical development, so students have the opportunity to additionally engage in swimming, basketball, tennis, golf, etc. Competitions between city and regional schools are required.

During the entire period of study, schools are required to host extensive cultural events and programs.

For an additional fee, there are “extended hours” where your child will be played educational games or helped with homework.

There are always police officers on duty at the school before the start school day and in the end. Additionally, in the mornings and at the end of the school day, school staff go to intersections and, as traffic controllers, help students cross the road.

Choose a school you can based on its rating, which is in the public domain, and is determined based on the students’ results at the end of school.

Documents for admission:

  • Visa;
  • Medical certificate in English (translated), as well as information about the last medical examination;
  • Results of English testing and interviews;
  • Some schools may also require a transcript or report card with grades for the last 1-3 years, as well as a recommendation from an English teacher.

Knowledge of English

Any student, upon admission to either a private or a municipal school, must pass an English language test. If a child does not speak the language well, he may be transferred to a preparatory class, in which such gaps will be actively made up.


School curricula may differ from state to state because America does not have a uniform curriculum. By the way, all schools are located separately from each other.

After graduating from grades 9, 10, 11, the student has the right to go to a technical school, thus, in addition to general education program, the teenager already has the opportunity to obtain any specialty (designer, preschool teacher, electrical engineer, etc.)

  • Zero grade (preschool kindergarten). Age 5-6 years.
  • Primary School(Primery or Elementary School). Grades 1 to 5, ages 6-11 years. Lessons start at 08:40.

Before the start of the school year, all children take an IQ test. Based on this test, children are divided into several groups depending on their abilities. Upon reaching third grade, each child is tested annually. There are classes for children with better academic performance, where subjects are studied in more depth and vice versa. Until the fifth grade, children are allowed to move around the class, or even conduct a circle under open air, and then they ask you to write an essay about a leaf from a tree or a beetle on a tree. Actually, this approach is one of the differences between American schools.

Most subjects are taught by one teacher, with the exception of fine arts, music and physical education. As a rule, writing, reading, natural and social sciences, and arithmetic are studied.

  • Averageschool(Middle School orJunior High). Grades 6 to 8, ages 11-12 to 14 years. Lessons start at 08:00.

By the fifth grade, all children sit at single desks, and lessons already look familiar to us. In American schools, there are compulsory subjects (mathematics, English, science, physical education, social studies and art studies) and elective subjects (each school has different elective subjects, for example, journalism, theater arts, rhetoric). Each subject is taught by a separate teacher.

By the way, every year, children are assigned to new classes, so each subsequent year, students study in a new group.

  • High School. Classes from 9 to 12 grades, age from 15 to 18 years. Lessons start at 07:30.

Students are given even more freedom to choose what subjects to study. Thus, each student studies according to a program chosen by him. That is, total attendance is checked every morning, after which the students disperse to the required classes.

Also, high school students can choose additional subjects in an in-depth course.

But in order for a student to be awarded a certificate of completion, there is a certain list of subjects that he must learn and successfully pass.

By the way, in college, as you know, you have to pay for each course you take. But not everyone knows that some subjects studied in school can be the same in college. Therefore, a student can pass such additional subjects with excellent marks after graduating from school and no longer study them in college in the future.

Schoolchildren study on a 100-point scale, where points have letter values, namely:

How to get to school

There are three ways to enroll in an American school:

  1. Private school.

Most private schools accept foreign students without any problems. In order to get into such a school, it is enough to contact the school yourself to find out all the details, or contact a private office (intermediary). The approximate cost per year can range from $10,000 (depending on the state and the school itself).

  1. Exchange program.

Selection for such a program is usually carried out in several stages: a written exam, testing and an interview. In addition to language knowledge, adaptability is also taken into account during such a competition. After successful selection, the student is given the opportunity to live in an American family and study in a public school.

Finishing school is the responsibility of any US citizen. Currently in the United States, 85% of adults have completed high school. And only 15% either do not have basic education at all, or are unfinished. Compared to other developed countries, this is a very good indicator.

The average level of American education covers ages from 6-7 to 17-18 years.

Levels of school education in the USA

Primary school

Primary school education for American children begins at the age of 6-7 years. It all depends on the laws of the specific state or school the child attends. For children who want and can go to school a year earlier, “zero classes” (KinderGarden) are provided. Here the child is prepared for classes and for communication with peers.

The Elementary School teaches writing, reading, counting, and the basics of fine arts. There are music lessons and physical education.

The tasks here are creative and interesting. For example, students might be asked to describe something they saw on the street while walking. It could be a flower, a park, some unusual tree or a house. This is how young children develop creative thinking.

The standard class size in an elementary school is 25 people. One teacher works with them. Only classes in creative or sports subjects are taught by another person.

Middle school

Children aged 11-12 years study here. In middle school, different subjects are taught by different teachers. At this stage, children are introduced to the liberalism of American school education. They can already choose the lessons they want to take. Music, foreign language, fine arts and a number of other disciplines to choose from. However, at this stage there are still compulsory disciplines: mathematics, English, history, physical education. There is another subject called "science". Here, schoolchildren gain knowledge in such fields as chemistry, biology, physics, geology, and astronomy.

At this stage of education, children are divided into two streams. One is attended by schoolchildren whose academic performance is at an average level. In the second place are those who study well. It is believed that the second stream is more honorable, since children there are given a greater workload than in the first, students learn the material better, they are more capable and smart.

High school

This is the last school stage in the life of an American child. It begins at the age of 14-15 years and lasts three years. The freedom to choose disciplines increases here. As a rule, mathematics (must be studied for at least two years), English (four years), and natural sciences (three years) are required to study. Exact disciplines can consist of branches of mathematics. Social subjects may include narrow areas of knowledge. For example, the history of a particular area or region of 19th century America, world history and so on. Each of the disciplines is taught in different levels: from the basics to a fairly serious university level. As you can see, everything here is quite individual.

In high school, students are offered a large selection of electives. Depending on his interests, a student can attend, say, music, a healthy lifestyle, or business lessons. All of them are also divided into several areas.

This type of learning scheme stimulates children's activity. You will never see the same group of children attending the same elective in an American school. Students are constantly changing. Thus, the teenager grows up comprehensively developed, sociable, open to new people and knowledge.

The subject of physical education stands apart. More precisely, there is no such discipline at all. In US schools, children play a specific sport. This could be basketball, swimming, football or track and field.

In high school, schoolchildren have semi-official names among teachers and the whole society, depending on the class in which they study. Ninth graders are called freshmen, tenth graders are called sophomores, eleventh graders are called juniors, then seniors.

Unlike the system we are familiar with, when a graduate graduates from school and only then applies to a university, the system in the USA is different. There, a student already in the 11th-12th grade knows not only where he is applying, but also the results of admission. While at school, he prepares for and takes college entrance exams (SAT or ACT).

Classification of schools in the USA

Public schools

Free secondary schools that are publicly funded.

Public schools are subordinate to school districts (with the exception of Maryland). It is an administrative unit of the United States. It is created by the government of a particular state and is a syndicate of legally independent organizations. In terms of territory, the boundaries of school districts are identical to the boundaries of counties or towns. Overall, there are nearly 15,000 school districts in the United States.

School districts set essentially all the rules for schools. This applies to training programs, rules of conduct, entrance test standards, student assessments, and so on. All these standards can be discussed and challenged at the school board. In turn, it includes the board of trustees, the board of education, school committee. Including parents of children. The school board is elected by a vote of the residents of the district.

Districts sit above America's entire Public School system. They rule primary school, middle level and higher.

Private schools

Quite a popular type of school in the USA. Training in them, of course, is paid.

Separate schools exist for children with unique abilities, talents, or gifts in the United States. However, getting there is difficult. The child needs to prove that he is better than his peers in some matter. There are also schools for children with various disabilities: in particular, this applies to children with hearing, vision, and physical development impairments.

An interesting fact is that twins study in different classes. This (like many other things) creates independence.

According to many studies, they are recognized as one of the most adapted to real life. By the time they complete secondary education, most students, in addition to a good base of theoretical knowledge, also have practical skills necessary in life.

How do they study in American schools?

It is worth noting that secondary education in the United States differs slightly from state to state, but the general scheme remains the same and consists of the following stages:

Elementary education(Elementary school) - the first stage of education begins at the age of 5-6 and lasts from zero to fourth grade inclusive. Here children are taught writing, arithmetic, and reading. Also, all subjects at this stage, except physical education, fine arts and music, usually taught by one teacher. Having reached the age of 10-11 years, the student moves on;

Secondary education (Middle school) - the second stage of education begins in the 5th grade and ends in the 8th grade. Once in the middle classes, the child can already study not only basic subjects - mathematics, English, natural sciences, social studies, arts - but also additional ones of his own choice. For example, theatrical art, journalism, rhetoric.