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Video magazine "school of psychics". Extrasensory perception

Word "extrasensory perception" literally means "super feeling" those. perception of information in a supersensible (extrasensory) way.

As a rule, a person receives information about the outside world through his senses, of which, as we know, there are five. You can also receive new information by logical conclusions, for example: twice two is four. And you can receive information without using either the senses or logic. Then this information simply appears in our head. This phenomenon is called “extrasensory perception,” and a person who has such abilities is called, accordingly, “psychic.”

This information can appear in our head in different ways: sometimes it’s pictures, visions, and then it’s called “eidetic (figurative) clairvoyance”, sometimes it’s sounds, voices that convey information (as it was with Vanga), sometimes it’s sensations, smells , and sometimes it’s just clairvoyance: a person simply knows that it is so. All this includes extrasensory perception, that is, we can say that extrasensory perception is a broader concept compared to clairvoyance, it includes clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and claircognizance.

It must be emphasized that extrasensory perception has nothing to do with numerous hallucinations and “fantasies on the topic...” Extrasensory perception means obtaining necessarily reliable, and therefore verifiable, information in an extra-sensory way, because verification is the only way to understand whether it is extrasensory perception or just imagination.

Sometimes the concept of extrasensory perception also includes abilities not only for extrasensory perception, but also to extrasensory influence on living or inanimate objects, future events, etc. In such a broad understanding, extrasensory perception can include not only clairvoyance, but also bioenergy, healing, magic, telepathy, dowsing, psychokinesis, etc., and in this sense it approaches more general concept"parapsychology".

Psychic abilities to one degree or another inherent in all living beings from birth. And man is no exception. All children are psychics. But, unfortunately, no one trains these abilities in children. Others train: thinking, logical. And when they begin to dominate, they suppress the extrasensory ones. Therefore, we can say that our extrasensory perception lives in us in a half-stifled state. If you let her out and let her frolic on the grass, she comes to life.

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Firstly, before you start clairvoyance training at our academy, you must pass an interview. Selection will be made only on the basis of the interview results.

The purpose of the interview is to identify the applicant's abilities. The training time depends on this.

If a specialist sees a capable applicant, then the training will last less time.

Training will continue a little longer if it is necessary to improve the potential of the applicant to some extent and develop his abilities.

And clairvoyance training will not be carried out if a person has absolutely no abilities.

Perhaps the question will arise, in what way should these abilities be manifested?

First of all, in order to undergo clairvoyance training at our academy, you must have a fairly well-developed intuition. That is, the applicant must have at least some ability in foresight. Moreover, the presence of strengths character, because they allow you to better master it psychic art.

In addition, the presence strong-willed qualities has a positive effect on the awakening of abilities that are genetically endowed. Thus, learning extrasensory perception will occur faster and more effectively.

For students at the academy, not only classes on developing clairvoyance are provided. You will also be able to take additional classes that will help improve and develop the acquired skills.

Some applicants may encounter a number of difficulties during their studies. The cause of these difficulties can be all kinds of fears and phobias, as well as the fear of facing responsibility. There is a possibility to solve this problem, for this we use a special technique regressive hypnosis. After completing it, all the students’ problems immediately disappear. The main condition for successful learning is faith in yourself and your own strengths.
During the interview, the teacher finds out whether the applicant has abilities and to what extent they are expressed. If the abilities are strong enough, the listener learns quite quickly. If the abilities are present, but they are small, training takes longer, since it is necessary to develop the student’s potential. If you don’t have the ability, the academy won’t accept you for training.

What are the abilities for magic, clairvoyance, and healing?

Must have been there initially strong intuition, the ability to sense or anticipate events. A person should also often see prophetic dreams. The energy component is also important - the more vitality and strong-willed qualities - the easier it is to master occult capabilities.

It’s good if there were ancestors in the family who were involved in magic, clairvoyance or healing. Then you can awaken your genetically endowed abilities.
For people who have the ability, but did not receive the desired result in the process of studying in other schools, the Mother Sophia center offers additional developmental techniques.

Difficulties in learning clairvoyance

There are cases when, with strong abilities, a person cannot master magic, clairvoyance, healing due to certain karmic complexes- uncertainty, fear of responsibility, unconscious fear of death.

Regressive hypnosis technique, developed at the academy specifically for students, helps to cope with this problem.

What does successful training in clairvoyance or extrasensory perception depend on?

From so many factors. The key to understanding the occult sciences lies in the Old and New Testaments. Remember the main thing: “ According to your faith you will" And " Faith the size of a mustard seed moves mountains».

That is, if you, while studying magic, clairvoyance, healing, going to a magician or trying to create something yourself from a book, have doubts deep down in your soul - be prepared for your doubts to come true. When you are sure that you will get a result, then you will get it, even if the magician is weak or the ritual in the book is described inaccurately.

If you trust your teacher, he will give you much more than others. The stronger your faith in the result, the faster it will come. Here another law comes into force - the power of faith is directly proportional to the speed of achieving what you want. The mustard seed is the smallest, but its shoots are larger than others. The strength of faith depends on the inner strength of a person. A person’s inner strength is his innate energy reserve capabilities. Simply put, the power of a magician. The power of a magician must initially be present in a person, at least in small quantities. Then it can be developed.

The development of clairvoyance does not always happen quickly. This is painstaking, but very rewarding work.

According to their innate energy capabilities, people are divided into four categories:

1- there is only enough energy to maintain the physical body.
2 - there is enough energy to maintain the physical body and achieve results in the field of creativity
3 - enough energy for the body, hobbies, career and social growth
4 - a lot of energy. Enough for everything. The excess spills out one way or another.
You can always increase your potential. For this purpose, there are sports, meditation, and occult practices. Stress, illness, prolonged psychological or physical stress reduce a person’s energy capabilities.

People with low energy potential find it difficult to achieve goals. People with a lot of energy and self-confidence attract good luck. They often have unconscious premonitions or predictions about the future. It is faith in one’s strengths and great energy potential that determine the possibility learn magic, clairvoyance, healing.

Learning magic is not only learning rites and rituals, it is also learning how to gain magical powers and bioenergetic cleansing, since the magician must be strong and periodically cleanse himself.
List of main courses:

  • Clairvoyance
  • Tarot cards
  • Development of extrasensory abilities
  • Bioenergy healing
  • Magic
  • Cosmoenergetics
  • Hypnosis
  • Astral healing
  • Astral travel
  • DNA correction
  • Reiki

Svetlana Samekh teaches only individually.

An individual approach is the main thing in successful training in esoteric practices.

Extrasensory perception is a form of perception that does not use conventional senses. Information comes in the form of thoughts, sometimes it can be pictures or voices. All this is individual and can manifest itself in different ways. Varieties of manifestations of extrasensory perception are clairvoyance, telekinesis, telepathy, vision of aura and others.

Often the tendency to demonstrate extrasensory abilities is associated with the size of the psychics’ biofield. It is much larger than the field of an ordinary person. People with developed extrasensory perception can see the aura of living beings, various objects, and also influence them. If there is some kind of negative program in a person’s field, psychics can help get rid of it safely.

Extrasensory perception has become quite widespread among ordinary people over the past decade. This is no longer surprising and many people want to study it. Not everyone wants to heal people, but to use such a gift for your healing as an alternative to pills, then why not?

We all have extrasensory abilities from birth, but as we grow up and socialize, these abilities are forgotten and lost. And all because parents do not contribute to the development of this gift. It is not enough to have it; the development of extrasensory perception must be regular and systematized. If you forget about such development for some period, you will have to catch up not only with new skills, but also with old ones that have become forgotten. This applies to both adults and children.

Extrasensory perception will become even more commonplace in the future, and the majority of the population will own it. Now, at the moment of transition of the planet Earth, its vibrations, and at the same time the vibrations of people, increase significantly. And discovering beyond your abilities is a bonus and goes without saying. It's not as simple as it might seem. To raise their vibrations, each person must undergo difficult work on himself, observe asceticism as much as possible and pacify his ego.

At this time, the development of extrasensory perception and telepathy is widespread in esoteric circles, but will soon gain even greater momentum. If a person wants to have such abilities, but the development of extrasensory perception has not yet been observed, you can turn to professional psychics for help. Many of them pass on their knowledge through courses, lectures, and lessons. Some open entire schools where extrasensory perception and its teaching are the main idea. In them you can develop your extrasensory perception, but also learn the basics of healing and energy work.

If you notice that you have some inclinations and you have extrasensory perception, learning will be much easier and faster. Also, well-developed intuition will facilitate learning.

If you are interested in extrasensory perception and where to start learning, then the first thing, of course, you need to try to work on yourself. Practice all kinds of practices and meditations, cleanse your chakra energy channels. Dry fasting can be a big leap forward. In this case, a person’s sensitivity increases significantly. Vegetarianism and a raw food diet are favorable for such development. In general, everything that contributes to spiritual growth and development.

It also happens that a person suddenly develops extrasensory abilities after a lightning strike, an accident, or other difficult extreme situations. It is very important to remember for everyone who is interested in how extrasensory perception develops and where to start, what is consumed for this work a large number of energy. It is important to be able to replenish stock correctly and in a timely manner. This can be done with the help of the sun, earth, trees. Energy storage is also facilitated by sustainable nervous system.

On the Internet you can find a lot of auxiliary materials for everyone who is interested in extrasensory perception - videos, books, articles, forums with like-minded people. You can find a lot in them useful information and exercises for development.
It will be very exciting and educational for you to watch a video on the topic of extrasensory perception with stereo images or fractals. Such videos develop the imagination, expand consciousness, and contribute to the vision of a person’s aura. There are a large number of feature films on this topic, they are being filmed more and more in last years.

Extrasensory perception can be difficult for beginners, for example, for those who have reduced sensitivity. An excellent activity for developing such sensitivity and extrasensory perception in general is qigong. By practicing it, you will quickly learn to feel energies; for you they will become easily perceived, almost like material objects.

No less important in the development of extrasensory perception for beginners is the ability to distinguish and hear one’s inner voice, or in other words, intuition. There are numerous tests to train it. Equally important is the expressed intention to develop extrasensory perception, and devote a small amount of time every day to visualizing this process. After all, what a person focuses his attention on is what he receives in the future.

Extrasensory perception and clairvoyance

Extrasensory perception and clairvoyance are closely related concepts. Clairvoyance is one of the types of manifestation of extrasensory abilities. This is a hypersensitive perception in which information is perceived by astral vision. Information about upcoming events, current or those that occurred in the past. Clairvoyants describe the process of vision as seeing before your eyes a semblance of a film on which you can view any area of ​​interest in a person’s life.

In order for extrasensory perception and clairvoyance to develop without obstacles, it is important to practice awareness in every moment, which is also a condition for raising vibrations. Only working on yourself will help you achieve better results. high level life, become a sensitive being with super abilities.