Abstracts Statements Story

Theater production for March 8 at school.

7th grade students
Shurik is the leader of all the boys in the class, long, with short hair;
Vasek is Shurik’s best friend, short and fussy;
Red - a sworn C student, short, red-haired, with a cunning look;
Vanechka is an excellent student, wears glasses, is very modest and tactful;
Andryukha Golovanov is a good-natured good-looking guy, lazy, constantly smiling;
Serega Golovanov - Andryukha's brother, a gloomy type;

Act one.
Change. All the students left the class. Only Shurik, Vasek, Ryzhiy, Andryukha and Seryoga remained.

Shurik: Vasek, prop the door with a chair so that the girls don’t get through.
Vasek: Yeah! He runs, closes the door, inserts a chair leg into the doorknob.
Shurik: Guys, who remembers what day is approaching?
Red: Test tomorrow. In physics.
Shurik: And also?
Andryukha: Petka’s birthday is coming soon.
Shurik: And also? Well?
Everyone looks at each other silently.
Shurik: Yes-ah... The eighth of March is coming soon, dunces! What day is this?
Andryukha: Petka Pupkin’s birthday.
Shurik: Yes. And also International Women's Day.
Red: Why is it international?
Shurik: Because it is celebrated all over the world.
Red: Why is it celebrated all over the world?
Shurik: Because it is considered Women's Day. There are women all over the world, that's why they celebrate.
Red: Why on the eighth of March?
Shurik: Because... Red, now I’ll hit you in the forehead! Don't be smart!
The door is being pulled from the outside.
Vasek (looking at the door): Oh, the girls are breaking in.
Shurik: They will be patient. In short, we need to figure out what we will give to the girls.
Andryukha: And Petka Pupkin.
Red: Well, let's give flowers.
Seryoga (gloomily): Red, do you know how much flowers cost now? You’ll save on dining room costs for a year so you can buy flowers for everyone! There are twenty of them, and there are only six of us with Pupkin, but he is sick.
Vasek: Why six? Didn’t you count Vanya?
Seryoga: Okay, six and a half. Anyway, nothing will work with flowers.
The door is pulled even harder.
Red: You can buy postcards and write all sorts of wishes.
Shurik: You need to write in beautiful handwriting. Who has beautiful handwriting?
Andryukha: At Vanechka’s.
Seryoga: Everything needs to be done in secret. And to trust Vanechka with secrets - it’s easier to tell everyone right away.
Shurik: Yes, it’s better not to mess with Vanechka.
Red: Let's just give cards.
Vasek: In the nearest stall all cards are only Happy New Year! and Happy Defenders of the Fatherland Day!.
The door is pulled again. There is a knock.
Vasek (addressing the one who knocks): Knock with your head!
The knocking stops.
Red-haired (uncertain): Well, you can draw the postcards yourself...
Shurik: Wow! You will draw it! Draw some swans there.
Redhead (indignantly): Why me? What am I, a redhead or something?
Shurik: Yes. You are red.
Red: Well, yes... Red... Okay, I'll draw it. But, in my opinion, only postcards are not enough.
Seryoga: And in my opinion there are even a lot of postcards! What did they give us for February 23rd? Nothing! Just congratulations! And we give them something!
Shurik: Seryoga, don’t be petty. We are men after all! What about them? They are girls!
There's a knock on the door again. Quite strong this time.
Vasek: For some reason they were raging...
Shurik: Okay, let Red draw postcards, and then we’ll see what to do next. Vasek, go let these elephants in! Otherwise the door will be broken down.
Vasek shouts: Calm down, you elephants! opens the door. Standing outside the door is a physics teacher who hasn’t been able to get to class for ten minutes. Curious girls peek over her shoulder.

Act two.
March 7. Same class. The door is locked with a chair. In the class, everyone is the same and Vanechka.
Vasek (walks along a row of desks, lays out postcards and arranges cups for Fanta): Red, well, you have handwriting! (Looks at the postcard) What does it say here? Like a chicken paw!
Redhead (with resentment in his voice): I wrote it as best I could! You didn't do anything at all! Do you think it’s easy to draw twenty postcards?
Shurik (quietly): Red, why did you draw elephants on the postcards instead of swans?
Red-haired (also quietly): I’m not good at drawing swans. And my brother taught me to draw elephants. I think it turned out well.
Vasek (approaches them): It turned out okay, Red. And who will speak the words?
Red: Look, Vanechka is rehearsing.
Vanechka walks along the back wall of the classroom and mutters something under her breath.
Seryoga and Andryukha approach the boys.
Seryoga: Oh, I smell Vanechka saying something today!
Andryukha: Don't be afraid, bro. I wrote the words to him myself! Everything will be okay!
Seryoga: What should I be afraid of?.. It’s a shame for him (nods at Vanechka).
Vasek: Andryukha, did you see the postcards that Red drew?
Andryukha: Nope. Then I'll look.
Shurik: Okay, let’s open Fant, it’s time to open the door.
Just at this moment there is a light, intelligent knock on the door.
Vasek: Wait! You've been waiting a whole year, and you'll still have to wait!
The boys open bottles of Fanta and pour the drink into glasses. The knocking from behind the door gets louder and giggling can be heard.
Shurik: Vasek, open the doors! Otherwise these elephants will break down the door.
Vasek runs to open the door. The boys line up near the window. The door swings open. Dressed up girls come in and take their places. They giggle, glance sideways at the postcards, but don’t pick them up yet.
Vanechka comes to the board, adjusts his glasses on his nose and begins in a solemn voice:
Vanechka: Our dear girls! On behalf of all the boys in our class, I want to congratulate you on the upcoming eighth of March! We wish you...
Andryukha pushes Shurik in surprise and fear and whispers in his ear:
Andryukha: Shurik, why are there elephants on postcards and not swans?
Shurik (also in a whisper): Red doesn’t know how to draw swans. And he knows how to take elephants.
Vanechka: ...happiness, health, good luck, success in everything...
Andryukha (whispering): Shurik, we’re in trouble.
Shurik (whispers): Why?
Vanechka: ...study straight A's, obey teachers and parents, always do homework...
Andryukha (in a whisper): Well, when I wrote the text, I thought that there would be swans on the postcards...
Vanya (very loudly): ...and always be as beautiful and graceful as these beautiful birds on your postcards!
Vitek (in a whisper, turning to Andryukha): What birds? Are elephants birds?
There is a pause in the class. The boys are silent, surprised unexpected turn events, the girls are silent, surprised by the impudence of the boys, Vanechka is silent because he finished reading the speech.
Excellent student Lena rises from the first desk.
Lena: So to be as beautiful and graceful as these elephants?.. Oh, you GOATS!
Cups of Fanta are thrown at the boys and the drink is splashed all over the class.

Every year, on the eve of everyone’s favorite holiday, March 8, the same question arises: how to congratulate women in such an unusual, humorous, cheerful way that everyone would like it, and at the same time, without wasting much time on preparing festive events.

And so that the program does not drag on: they congratulate, give gifts, and - we ask you to come to the table... And then, after a good snack - competitions, fun, laughter!

What to think of? What to surprise?

Don't rack your brains! We thought of everything for you: we offer 9 cool skits for corporate parties on March 8th! Suitable for a mini-performance at the workplace, and for a holiday organized on a grand scale.

All that remains is to choose good gifts, a few competitions for the feast (or buffet), and that’s all - International Women’s Day can be considered a success!

Scene No. 1

"Gift Lottery"

The performance involves 7 men, but the number of participants can be reduced.
Five men come out with a rose in their teeth and perform a short free dance to S. Mikhailov’s song “Everything for you.”
Then the women are presented with flowers and tokens with serial number by the number of women.

Man 1: Dear women, gifts are waiting for everyone today! But we have 5 super prizes, and we are ready to give them to those who are lucky today!

Man 2: It’s simple, my lucky hand will look for one number here, and whoever comes up will take the super prize!

He spins the drum and pulls out one number.

Man 1: Hooray! Please come out to us! We are announcing a super prize, here it is!

A man enters the hall to the music; a large poster is attached to his chest, on which is written “I’m not working today! He does everything for me!”
Amid applause and laughter, the woman whose number was drawn by the presenter is given a poster.

Man 2 pulls out the next number. A man comes out to the music, also with a poster that says “Ready to discuss this!”

Man 1 (giving poster to winning woman): Oh yes, he is ready to discuss anything with you! Right down to discounts on tights in the store and a new manicure for the secretary!

Man 1: We invite our incomparable, courageous and wonderful chef (name) to get the next number! He has a lucky hand!

As soon as the number is drawn, a man comes out, wearing a poster with the inscription “5 compliments from the boss!” The manager compliments the woman whose number was drawn from the drum.

Man 2: I'm getting the next number! Hurray, (name of winning woman)! Come out please! He will perform his famous song “Oops!” for you. world-famous star Britney Spears, whom we invited especially for this performance!

Three men come out, one of them plays Britney (brightly painted lips, a short fluffy skirt over trousers), the rest are dressed as backup dancers (for example, in tights). The group performs the song “Oops!” to the soundtrack, the funnier the better, for example, standing motionless, folding their hands on their stomachs, looking at one point on the ceiling, and only opening their mouths wide.

Man 1: And, the last number in our holiday lottery!

The man diligently spins the drum, then, as if accidentally, pours all the numbers onto the floor, at this time all the other men take out firecrackers, explode them and shout: “This prize is for all of you!” Our declaration of love! We simply adore you!”
To the music of the song that opened the holiday (S. Mikhailov “Everything for you”), pre-prepared gifts are presented to the women, and everyone is invited to the table.

Scene No. 2

"Serious Test"

Leading: Dear ladies! Let us join you for a while, feel what it’s like to be a woman?! Our bravest volunteers, to amuse you, agreed today to become women in order to get into the most terrible female situations! Help them cope with this, dear ladies!

A dressed-up Man 1 comes out with shoes on his feet. He stumbles as if he breaks his heel. He freezes, raising his hands to his face in theatrical horror.

Leading: So, option 1: I'll go barefoot! What do you say?

The women shout: “No!”, Man 1 also shakes his head negatively.

Leading: Option 2: I’ll call my relatives and friends, let them bring me other Louboutins! Will it work?

Women shout “No!” (or “Yes!”), but Man 1 shakes his head anyway.

Leading: Should I go up to that cute stranger over there and ask for a ride?

Man 1 happily nods his head, runs up to any of the men, shakes a shoe in front of his nose, and, making eyes, says: “Save the lady, please!”

Leading: Ewww...We successfully completed one task, let's move on!

To the music, Man 2, dressed as a lady, comes out into the hall, and a normally dressed man walks towards him.

Man 2: Darling, give me 5 thousand!

Man: Where are you going with all the money?! I just gave it to you yesterday!

Man 2 sadly dulls his eyes, The man looks at him menacingly.

Leading: We are looking for options for the correct answer: “Okay, don’t give it up! But know that I spent all the money on charity!” - will it go?

The women shout “No!”, Man 2 also shakes his head.

Leading: And like this: “Don’t you want your wife to look beautiful?! Marigolds, hair, eyebrows, eyelashes - all this beauty, do you know how much money it costs?!!

The women shout out their answer and Man 2 shakes his head.

Leading: The option is: “You! Me! Not! Love you!”

Regardless of the women’s promptings, Man 2 agrees with this option, vigorously shaking his head and moaning “He doesn’t like it!” He doesn’t love me!” To which the Man, in fright, shouts: “Of course I love you!” Adore! Sorry! I agree to everything!” The men of the team join them to the music to congratulate the women

Man 1:

It is not possible for us to understand how you
So tender
Do you know how to be strong?
A hundred times stronger than us!

Man 2:

On a wonderful spring day, we
Ready to give you gifts
Flowers, compliments,
And do everything for you!


Please, please
May you never be sad
And also an insult, and an extra-kilogram-gainer
Won't meet you!

You are dear, beloved,
You are the most beautiful
So allow us today

To the music, men present gifts, after which women are invited to the table.

Mini-scene No. 3

Oh! What will we give?!

The participants in the scene are sitting at tables or simply standing in a group, expressing complete perplexity.

Man 1 (runs frantically back and forth, screams): Colleagues! Colleagues! Well, what are we going to decide? Give us suggestions for gifts!! What will we give to our ladies?!

All: Candies!

Man 1: Trite!

All: Postcard!

Man 1: Actually it sucks!

All: Diaries!

Man 1: It already happened!

All: Shaving foam!

They look questioningly at the speaker and talk among themselves: “No, so what! They need it too!”

Man 1: I won’t even comment!

All: Shower gels!

Man 1: It happened too!

Solemn music sounds (you can march), a man dressed in white clothes enters the hall, with wings behind his back.

Male angel: I am a beautiful angel who flew to you from heaven, because I see that without me things are going hard here! But your prayers have been heard, and here are gifts for your lovely women!

The angel places a basket in front of the men - it contains bouquets of flowers and gifts. The men shout “Hurray!”, break into a dance in joy, then give the ladies flowers and gifts and invite them to the table.

Scene No. 4

Beauty and intelligence

Suitable for a team of 15 to 30 people.
Women are asked for a moment of attention and invited to the “Beauty and Intelligence” program.

The presenter introduces the “heroines of the holiday”: 2-3 men dressed as women, and the outfit can be quite conventional: a hat, an apron, a paper fan, large beads - the more ridiculous, the better.

1. Ivanova Daria Mikhailovna- honored (profession of choice).
2. Petrushkina Agrafena Muratovna- People's Artist of Cinema Lovers.
3. Listopadova Mirabella Izmailovna- Honored consultant on any issues.

The presenter tells that today, in honor of the March 8th holiday, these women will participate in the “Beauty and Brains” competition, and the one who becomes the winner may receive an early pension.

Competition program:

1. Leading offers assignments on the topic "Who knows more".
For example, the topic is “flowers”, “cosmetic companies”, “jewelry”.
Participants' task: name words in random order related to this topic.
The participant who says the last word gets one point.

2. Leading offers tasks for verification ability to think logically. Names several objects. “Women” must name the item that is superfluous on this list and explain why. The more serious the questions and the more ridiculous, inappropriate answers, the funnier it will be to watch.
Examples of tasks:
Hair coloring with basma, Vella dye, henna. (The extra one is Vella paint).
Vanilla crackers, breadcrumbs, raisin crackers (extra breadcrumbs).
Viscose, cotton, polyester (polyester is unnecessary).
Eau de toilette, lotion, perfume (extra lotion).
Basting, machine stitching, overlock (basting is extra).
In order for the competition to maintain a completely “beyond logic” style, the presenter awards victory and one point to the participant who, in his opinion, is “the prettiest of all.”

3. Competition task on the topic “Cosmetics bag”.
Leading“scatters” cosmetics items (nail polish, eye shadow, mascara, lipstick hygienic, bright lipstick, lip pencil, eye pencil, eye cream contour, nail polish remover, eyelash brush, cosmetic milk, foundation, powder compact, face toner).
The presenter gives each participant a task, according to which she must choose the correct item “from the cosmetic bag”. Time is limited.
Suggested tasks:
wash off your makeup,
tint lips for a business meeting,
hide your freckles,
paint your nails,
paint your eyes,
wash off nail polish,
line your eyes, etc.
The presenter vividly comments on his actions and the actions of the participants.
For the correct answer, the participant receives a point.

4. The presenter offers non-standard situations to the participants. We need to find an original way out of them.
For example:
Let's say that you meet an extraordinary man. It seems to you that he is “head over heels” in love with you and is about to propose marriage. You come to your friend to tell her your joy. But then you see a photo of your lover on her desk. What are your actions?
Before an important date for you, you visited the hairdresser. As a result of a terrible mistake, your hair was dyed green. What will you do?
You came to a business buffet meeting in a knitted dress. You are communicating with your partner and suddenly notice that one of the visitors has caught his jacket button on a thread of your dress. Moving further and further away from you, he unravels your dress. What will you do in such a situation?
The winner in the opinion of the presenter receives one point.

Based on the results, having counted the points, the presenter announces the winner of the competition. And gives the prize: the right to turn into a man again and congratulate the real heroes of the occasion on March 8th!
The “woman” transforms into a man, congratulates the female team with beautiful words, the losing participants remain women and are used “at their beck and call” - they hand out gifts.
The host invites everyone to the festive table.

Scene No. 5


Suitable for a team of 10-15 people.

1. Men should ask the employees in advance for their childhood photographs. Each one should be framed and hung as an exhibition.
2. At the appointed time, the men gather the women and invite everyone to the opening day.
3. Slow music plays and those gathered must guess their colleagues in childhood photos.
4. After guessing, the photo is given to the women. On back side Each photo shows numbers.
5. They hold a cool holiday lottery.

Examples of raffle prizes:
Room for personal archive (photo album).
Without her photo, the desktop is empty. (photo frame).
Disposable cosmetics (set of napkins).
A necessary part for a mink coat (hanger).
A tool for keeping your figure in the right tone (spoon).
Love potion (spices).
A universal gel from the past (laundry soap).
A washcloth for my husband (brush).
Incense (insect repellent).
3D gloves (rubber gloves).

It will be necessary to draw all the numbers so that each woman receives her own gift.
At the end, the men give flowers and invite everyone to the table to celebrate the holiday.

Short scene No. 6

flying ship

1. Women are invited into the room for congratulations to the melody from the cartoon “The Flying Ship.”

2. If this is not possible, then men change clothes in a secluded place and appear at the workplace already at in the right form cheerful Babok Yozhek: sundresses, scarves, brooms (brooms). In hands are toy accordions.

3. A congratulation song is performed to the soundtrack of the song Babok Yozhiek from the cartoon “The Flying Ship”.


* * *
Stretch your furs, accordion,
Eh, play and play!
Congratulations to the women,
And don't talk!

* * *
I walked along the forest side,
The holiday followed me!
I spat on his baldness
And she sent it to the devil!

* * *
I tell him: Pour it!
You are a holiday, not a villain,
Even though I don’t believe it myself,
I'm into these superstitions!

* * *
Stretch the fur accordion,
Eh, play hard!
Our women are beautiful
Dazh, don’t persuade me!

* * *
We have known them for many years
This is the secret of beauty!
Everyone will always be twenty -
Even at eighty years old!

* * *
I was walking back home
The holiday is still following me!
What is the reason for this?
Is this the devil?!

* * *
Stretch the fur accordion,
Eh, play, have fun!
We congratulate all women!
Persuade me to sit at the table!

Men escort women to the festive table, make toasts, congratulate them, and present gifts.

Congratulations sketch No. 7

Self-assembled tablecloth

Men prepare a large gift box in advance and decorate it colorfully.
When the women appear, each is given a flower.

The men take turns talking:

1. Congratulations, congratulations!
2. Tomorrow came quickly.
3. We have gathered you today
4. To congratulate you on March 8th!
5. And our gift is in a box,
6. So that you can guess,
7. What took a long time to pick up
8. What we will give!
9. He is undoubtedly very cute!
10. We’ll even give you a hint:
11. He will definitely make you happy!
12. Because it’s... a fairy tale?
13. No, you didn’t guess!
14. This is home decoration!
15. And it will come in handy today!
16. Is this the right... bench?
17. We didn’t hit, well, it happens!
18. Where is your ingenuity?
19. To receive and respect guests
20. Would a miracle (pauses) rolling pin come in handy?
21.Missing, even very passing
23.You need it
24. Drink coffee, meet guests
25. Set the table beautifully
26.Treat your neighbor with tea
24. Super - we’re giving you a tablecloth!
25.All together (or one congratulating): after presenting gifts, we invite you to the festive table!

They give gifts and invite you to the table.
The first toast is to the festive mood, to the best housewives, to the laid tables and to women's hands, which can even create a miracle!

Scene No. 8


The men are talking to each other.

Man 1: Hello everyone, well, March 8 is just around the corner. Our women need to chip in for gifts.

Man 2: What’s the point of chipping in, let’s read them poems and sing different songs. Creative gifts are the most desirable and inexpensive!

Man 3: Come on, let's buy flowers. All women love flowers! We'll give you a flower and that's enough. They didn’t bother us with gifts. Foam and socks again!

Man 4: What kind of mercalistic guys you are? After all, we are so lucky with the girls. And the beauties and smart girls bake pies, and always treat you, say a kind word, and lift your spirits. You look at any one and immediately want to sing.

Man 1: Yes, yes I agree with (name of Man 4). Our girls deserve to be given unusual gifts. But what to give as a gift?!

Man 4: Let's think! We need something beautiful and romantic!

Man 1: How about a movie ticket for each?

Man 3: Why should everyone, let’s take them to an evening session. Very romantic!

Man 2: Yeah, what will the wives say? I can’t even imagine how I’ll get home after watching it together in the evening!

Man 1: Yes, and husbands won’t be too happy. They'll also hit you in the head!

Man 4: It is necessary that the evening be connected, and that everyone be delighted!

Man 1(thoughtfully): I'll give you a star!

Man 2: Exactly! Stars must be given! And cheap and beautiful and romantic!

Man 4(dreamy): Each of our girls is a star! Or maybe even a constellation! Let's give them a night shower of stars! Each girl is comparable to a constellation!

Man 1: It's decided! Speak!

Man 4(clears throat): Our dear girls! For us, you are like celestial stars united in constellations! Allowed on the eve of the International women's day March 8 identify you with the beautiful heavenly bodies and give each of us our modest gift, forming a shower of stars!

They name the girls' names and the constellation that matches their name.


Irina - North Star(praise and compliments);
Anna - Andromeda (praises, compliments);
Maria - Big Dipper,
Ella - Chapel,
Bella - Betelgeuse and so on.

After the entire list has been announced and gifts have been presented, women are invited to the table.

Game mini-scene No. 9

Long live women!

Suitable for a team of 15-20 people.

1. Men prepare balloons of different shapes in advance.

2. They invite women to the room where the congratulations will take place (or do this at their workplaces).

3. The presenter announces that men are capable of anything for their female colleagues! And as proof, exact copies of the employees will be made immediately, immediately!

4. Now the men will have to create female figures from balloons using tape within a strictly defined time. The funnier and more absurd the “creations” turn out to be, the better.

5. Women count out loud in chorus and help with advice. Or the music turns on for the right time.

6. As soon as the time is up, the men take turns demonstrating their “masterpieces,” telling the best about the woman whose “copy” is presented, and presenting a gift.

The host invites everyone to the table (or a small buffet). Where games and giveaways can continue.

In conclusion, I would like to note that when preparing for the holiday, especially in small groups, attention should be paid to each woman, using humor, ingenuity, but in no case offending or insulting!

Try to joke and say congratulations with ease. Use skits, a pre-prepared program of table and outdoor games. Let small souvenirs be present in your congratulations.
The funnier the scenes, the greater the impression you will make on the female half of the team.

When using materials from this site - and placing a banner is MANDATORY!!!

Before the curtain.

So we decided to show a few comic skits and read funny poems to bring pleasure and joy to all the women who came to the performance.

Watch the play called "Mother's Day."

The curtain opens. The stage is divided in half. On one side is the parents' room, on the other is the boys' room. Early morning. The mother, in a robe and slippers, unkempt, rushes around the apartment. The sounds of morning exercises are heard from the radio.

Alyosha, get up, it’s already seven.
Father (wakes up, yawns).
Five more minutes.
Mother (goes to the boys' room).
Valera, get up.
Valera (he is the eldest, wakes up, yawns).
Five more minutes.
Petechka, get up, my dear. It's already seven.
Petya (he is the youngest, wakes up, yawns).
Five more minutes.
Get up now. Five minutes and five minutes, and then everyone goes to the bathroom together.
Let Valerka go, I'm small.
Valerik, get up!
Let Petka get up, he needs to do gymnastics.
Well, that's enough, get up and go wash yourself, otherwise your father will take the bathroom.
Petya (gets up, without opening his eyes, goes to the bathroom).
Since I'm small, everyone can make fun of me.
Mother (kissing him).
Well, well, don't grumble, son. (Petya leaves. She wakes up her father again.) Alyosha, get up, you'll be late.
Father (stretching).
Is the bathroom already available?
In the meantime, have breakfast. (Pours tea). Drink, or it will get cold.

The father sits down at the table, leaning a book against the sugar bowl, absorbed in reading.

Guys, who doesn’t wash your face, go have breakfast. Grab some milk along the way.
Valera (from his room).
Mom, I won't have milk, I want coffee.
Petya (from the bathroom).
Me too! Me too!
There is nothing to invent. Children need to drink milk in the morning.
Children? Let Petka drink.
Petya (from the bathroom).
I'm already big!
Well, you're a cunning guy, boy. When it’s profitable for you, you’re small, and other times you’re big.
Don't argue, boys, go have breakfast.

While there is an argument between the children, the mother manages to clean the bed and put the scattered things back in place. She doesn't sit down for a minute.

Mom, tell him to get out of the bathroom.
Petka, get out of the bathroom, otherwise I’ll pull you out myself.
Don't bother me! I wash my ears and neck. Today we have a commission.
What is the commission? What is he talking about?
Didn't you hear? Once every two weeks, a sanitary commission comes to the class and examines whether their ears and necks are washed.
Father (finished eating).
Well, is the bathroom free?

Valera comes in dressed and grabs a bun from the table, chewing it as she goes.

Valera, sit down at the table.
Petya (from the room).
Mom, he didn’t wash at all!
And we no longer have commissions. (Suddenly stops dead in his tracks.) Listen, listen! Today is the eighth!
So what?
Women's Day!
Father (from the bathroom).
That's the thing, Tatyana!
Mother (absorbed in preparing breakfast).
Terrible cottage cheese, it crumbles all the time.
Again, mom, you forgot to remind me about the holiday. I forgot last year too. Where can I get flowers now?
Why do you need flowers?
For the teacher.
For what reason? Why?
Father (enters, tying his tie).
Because because. Today Women's Day March 8. (Takes out money). Peter, quickly go to the flower shop, buy what you can get.
I'll buy it for my teacher.
Dad, let him buy me one for my teacher.
Wow! This is already three bouquets of flowers. Tanyusha, do you have any money?
Where? You know, payday is a long way off.
Well, at least a little.
For what?
Well, mom, we've said it a hundred times. I am for the class teacher, Petka is for the teacher, and Dad is for his principal. Flowers!
Ah, indeed, Women's Day! That's what they would say. I foresaw all this. (Takes out three boxes of chocolates and proudly places them on the table.) Here!
Come on, Tanyusha, I can’t give my boss just candy. Everyone will come with flowers.
Mom, I need flowers too. The teacher warned - no gifts.

Well, great.
Yes, all the teachers say - don't. And they bring everything. And we won’t bring it alone. That's great!
Children! What are you talking about? Firstly, flower shops are still closed for now, and secondly, there are queues on such a day.
What to do?
Listen. I have a suggestion: draw flowers on greeting cards. And put it like this, under the lace. (Points to a box of chocolates).
That's great! Thank you, mommy. (Runs away).

Mom, draw for me. I still need to call Vavilov.
Petya (runs in with a can of water and paints).
I will draw. Oh, mom, Valerka pushed me.

Hush, hush, sit down next to me and let's draw. What can you come up with? (Takes two postcards and draws).
Valera (dials a number on the phone).
Hello! Olezhka! Hello! Listen, what were they asking us about literature? Wait, not so fast, I'll write it down now.
Mother (hurriedly draws, writes, saying out loud).
Dear class teacher...
Mom, we don’t have a class teacher yet.
Yes, yes, dictate further.
Father (in front of the mirror).
Tatyana, and you allow him to copy his lessons. And this one spilled water on the floor. This very minute, go to the kitchen for a rag!
Petya (looks pleadingly at mother).
Mom, wipe it yourself.
Well, okay, son, let's finish. You take this one, and give Valera the other one. At recess you can color it in with colored pencils.
Olezhka, just a minute. Mom, I have to copy math during recess. You know, yesterday I watched a movie on television. Color it please! Hello, Oleg? Well, I write, dictate.
Petechka, color it!
Damn it!
What's happened?
Need a white shirt. I will probably be forced to speak at a gala meeting.
Take it there, in the box.
Mom, if the teacher doesn’t take the chocolates, I’ll eat them myself, and I’ll tell her that you didn’t want to give money. Can?
Mother (not listening).
Okay, son.
Tatyana, there is no button here.
Let me sew it on. Children, you still haven't had breakfast. Valera, end the conversation.
We ate, mom, I drew the flower green. Maybe make the leaves red?
Mother (not listening).
Okay, son! (Gives the shirt to his father).

Finally, I might have thought earlier that today was Women’s Day, and not at the last moment.
Valera, stop talking!
Mom, I don't want a sandwich with cottage cheese.
Half past seven! Wow! (Grabs briefcase). Well, I'm running.
Dad, what about the jacket?
My God, you can leave this house naked, no one will pay attention.
How can he not? The first policeman would have brought you back. Valera! Don't eat this sandwich, you have to take it with you.
Can't even eat a piece of bread? Mom, give me some money, I’ll buy myself something to eat on the way.
And me, and me? I also want to buy something.
I hope you don't let them in on Women's Day in those dirty sweaters.
Yes, sure. (He takes out two white shirts, gives one of them to Petya, who quickly dresses). Valera, shirt!
Where's my ballpoint pen? Did you pull it off? (Hit his brother).
Mom, he's hitting me!
Father. (Takes a box of chocolates).
I'm finally leaving. Goodbye. (Leaves).

Stop fighting, otherwise I’ll add more to you... (Puts a second shirt on Petya.)
Mother! What are you doing?
Wait, I'll get to you eventually.
Mom, where is my white shirt?
Petya (helplessly).
Mom pulls it on me.
Mother (gives Petya a slap and pulls off his other shirt).
Couldn't tell before. He stands and is silent.
Mom, give me money!
I won't give anything. Finally, go! I'll be kicked out of work because of you. I haven't started getting dressed yet.
You're good, you're going to nine. Okay, I don't have breakfast. I'll stay hungry. (He takes his bag and wants to go out.)

Wait brother. Petya, finally go! (Takes out money). Here's a ruble for you, Valera. You spend your week's money on Monday, and then sit without money all week.

He has debts of honor.

Receives a slap on the head from his brother.

Oh, mom, he's fighting again!
Goodbye, mom!
Goodbye. (Leaves).
(she holds Valera’s shirt in her hands).
Valera! Put on a clean shirt! Today women's day! (Door slams).
Mother (falls into a chair in front of the mirror).
Oh my God, I'm a woman too! (Begins to comb his hair and put himself in order.)

Blackout. Then the stage is brightly lit again and Mother appears in front of the curtain. She is dressed festively, holding flowers and a box of chocolates.

It was amazing! What a concert! What actors! All the women were presented with flowers, and I was also given a box of chocolates, it’s really a holiday for me, my day, women’s day. (And then suddenly she remembers her husband and children). Oh my god, it's so late and they're not home yet? Where are they?

The curtain opens. The table is beautifully set. A father and two boys are at the table.

Our dear mother! Congratulations from March 8! (They kiss her and present her with flowers. At this moment Petya spills the milk, Valera pushes him, the father runs for a rag and, humming something cheerfully, wipes the floor). May there always be sunshine, may there always be mother!

The performers line up in front of the curtain and read poetry.

You only know your mother at home;
Native hands take care
Homely affectionate comfort,
So familiar and familiar.
And you don't always see your mother
In her labor worries.
Don't you send telegrams with her?
You don’t treat the sick with her.
Don't rush with her on a steam locomotive,
You don’t see her at the machine,
And her glorious deeds on the collective farm
You don't share yet.

But if mom sometimes
She'll come home tired from work,
Warm her with your care,
Help her with everything then!

The end of a humorous play.

Very touching video. do good...

A comic school play for March 8: "Mother's Day"

Did you like it? Please thank us! It's free for you, and it's a big help to us! Add our website to your social network: Ved.: One day on the eve of March 8, when everyone fairy-tale heroes We were preparing for the holiday, the girl Thumbelina became sad.
Thumbelina comes out. Thumbelina Dance

Thumbelina: There is such a day in March,
With a number, like a pretzel.
Everyone is happy about him, of course.
I'm the only one sad.
I would like to get married.
Where can I find a groom?

Ved.: Her friend, the Field Mouse, heard Thumbelina’s words and came running to give practical advice.
Mouse comes out. Dance of the Mouse. (P. Dranga. “Quadrille”)

Mouse: Don’t be sad, friend, stop. I know the answer is simple -
I looked at the suitors on the Internet,
They came to get married, just as you wanted.

Thumbelina: Thank you, friend, you helped me out.
The Mouse and Thumbelina sit on the chairs.

Ved.: Here on the threshold appeared the first groom - the swamp king, the storm of mosquitoes and flies - Mr. Toad.

Toad comes out. Dance (music in Latin style)

Toad: I am the smartest in the swamp and you won’t find anyone wiser.
I know the answer to everything, my assistant is the Internet.
The toad sits down next to Thumbelina.

Ved.: I heard the news about the matchmaking of the Forest Handsome - the winner of contests and competitions - Mr. Beetle. To make it more fun, invite your friends with you.
The Beetle and the Grasshoppers come out. Dance of the Beetle.
(music from the film “Home Alone. In New York. Part 2)
After the dance, the Grasshoppers go backstage.

Bug: I am the cutest, prettiest and slimmer of all in the world.
I am the best groom in the world, believe me, my beauty.
The beetle sits down near Thumbelina.

Ved.: Such an event could not do without the attention of the richest groom - the fabulous oligarch and millionaire - Mr. Mole.
Mole comes out. Dance of the Mole. (“Mani-mani” group “Abba”)

Mole: I am the richest in the world: yachts, villas and apartments.
And of course, for me money is my best friend.
Who is the best here is clear to everyone, because there are no problems with wealth.
The Mole sits down next to Thumbelina.

Ved.: Oh, how many suitors came to woo the beautiful Thumbelina. Who will she choose?..
Thumbelina and Mouse come out.

Thumbelina: Grooms are a choice, I can’t resolve the dispute.
Mouse: Grooms are good, but they are not for the soul.
The toad brags a lot, the beetle only loves himself strictly,
About Mole, the answer is simple - greedy, forever single
Thumbelina and Mouse step aside.

Ved.: Thumbelina and Friend Mouse are confused and don’t know what to do. But suddenly another groom appeared - the Prince of Butterflies and Moths.
The Prince comes out. Dance of the Prince, (“This whole world”, F. Kirkorov).
takes Thumbelina by the hand and leads her to the center of the hall.

Prince: I've walked around the whole world, but you are no more beautiful.
The soul-maiden is ready to marry you even now.

Thumbelina: Well, of course I agree. We'll have a wonderful life with you.
Dance of Thumbelina with the Prince. (“This whole world”, F. Kirkorov).

Ved.: Thumbelina and the Prince found their happiness and together with their friends decided to celebrate March 8th.
Everyone comes out to bow to the music.

28.02.2019 | Looked at the script 641 Human

She came, smiled - the snowstorms subsided,
The river has awakened, the ice has melted,
The gardens put on a snow-white outfit,
With a roar, the tractors got to work,
And the birds sang, “It’s time to build nests!”

Spring has come. Guys, you've probably noticed that on the street...

Scenario for March 8 for elementary school

28.02.2019 | Looked at the script 655 Human

The month of March and the eighth day.
The smell of spring was in the air.
We will praise spring
And allow me to congratulate you
Happy International Women's Day

The snow sparkled from the sun's spray,
And the wind sings recklessly.
In March, nature is not at all strict...

An interesting scenario for the holiday dedicated to March 8

26.02.2019 | Looked at the script 1673 person

The presenter appears on the TV screen:

HOST: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! We are pleased to welcome you to our festive evening. The holiday program of the “2B” channel is on air.

Attention! The information program “Vesti” is on air, the results...

An interesting holiday scenario for March 8 “Dedicated to beautiful women”

26.02.2019 | Looked at the script 1390 Human

1: Under the leaden sky with embraces
Filling the poor roads
Flickering around, differing in dresses,
All beautiful and long-legged.

2: Their flickering never ends
Beyond any cataclysms and turmoil
They are called women
And for this they are loved and respected.

It is impossible to argue with the fact that this holiday is a holiday of eternity. From generation to generation, for every person, mother is the most main man in life. On this day I would like to say words of gratitude to all Mothers who give their children love, kindness, ...

Scenario for the holiday dedicated to March 8 “Dear grandmothers and mothers”

24.02.2019 | Looked at the script 903 person

(To the sounds of a march, boys enter the hall and line up against the central wall).

1 boy:

Today is the brightest holiday,
Birds chirp in the yards,
All guests are dressed festively.
March 8th is Mother's Day!

2nd boy:

Today the sky is blue
Cheerful streams...

Scenario of the matinee dedicated to March 8 for elementary school

22.02.2019 | Looked at the script 798 Human

On the first of March
Spring is beginning.
Mother's Day - March 8th
The whole country celebrates.

And although it's frosty,
And the snowdrifts under the window,
But fluffy mimosas
They are already selling all around.

Mothers of all nations of the world
Lasting peace...

Scenario for the holiday March 8

20.02.2019 | Looked at the script 1535 Human

Ring, joyful songs, -
Today is the holiday of our mothers.

On this March day we invited our friends,
They seated their mothers and grandmothers in the hall.

Dear grandmothers and...

Scenario of the matinee dedicated to March 8

19.02.2019 | Looked at the script 884 person

I. Teacher's opening speech.
Congratulations on the holiday.

II. A student dressed as a magpie runs into the hall.
- I heard! I heard! I know everything! I know everything! What will happen now!

III. Children enter the hall to the music. Flowers in hands.
Our school is bustling and noisy:
- Soon...

Celebration scenario for March 8th

19.02.2019 | Looked at the script 2132 person

Fanfare. The presenters come out

1B: Good afternoon! Hello!

2B: Hello, our dear, charming, most beautiful women, girls, girls!

1B: Surely you all felt how something changed in nature and mood.