Abstracts Statements Story

Table of characteristic features of correctional work. Features of correctional work with children

Educational process elementary level education is structured in accordance with the age, psychological capabilities and characteristics of children, which offers possible necessary correctional work with students, which should ensure:

  1. identification of the special educational needs of orphans and children without parental care due to deficiencies in their physical and (or) mental development;

  2. implementation of individually oriented psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance to orphans, taking into account the characteristics of the psychophysical development and individual capabilities of children (in accordance with the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission);

  3. the possibility of development by children and children left without parental care, the main educational program primary general education.

Purpose of the program

The correctional work program in accordance with the Standard is aimed at creating a system of comprehensive assistance to orphans and children without parental care in mastering the basic educational program of primary general education, correcting deficiencies in the physical and (or) mental development of students, and their social adaptation. The correctional work program provides for the creation of special conditions for education and upbringing, allowing for the special educational needs of orphans and children left without parental care to be taken into account through individualization and differentiation educational process. The correctional work program may provide for various options for special support for orphans.

The degree of participation of support specialists may vary, as well as organizational forms work.

Program objectives

Timely identification of students experiencing difficulties in adapting to the institution and the team;

Determining the special educational needs of orphans and children without parental care, taking into account their physical and mental characteristics;

Determination of the features of the organization of the educational process of boarding school No. 15 in accordance with the individual characteristics of the child, the structure of the developmental disorder and the degree of its severity;

Creation of conditions conducive to students’ mastering the basic educational program of primary general education, their psychological rehabilitation and adaptation;

Implementation of individually oriented psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance to pupils, taking into account the characteristics of mental and (or) physical development, individual capabilities of orphans (in accordance with the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission);

Development and implementation of individual curricula, organization of individual and (or) group classes for pupils with severe disabilities in physical and (or) mental development,

Providing opportunities for training and education of orphans in subjects additional education and receiving additional educational correctional services;

Implementation of a system of measures for social adaptation orphans and children left without parental care;

Providing advisory and methodological assistance orphans and children left without parental care on medical, social, legal and other issues.

- Systematicity. The principle ensures the unity of diagnosis, correction and development, i.e. a systematic approach to the analysis of the developmental characteristics and correction of disorders of orphans and children without parental care, as well as a comprehensive multi-level approach of specialists in various fields, interaction and coordination of their actions in solving problems child; participation in this process of all participants in the educational process.

- Continuity. The principle guarantees an orphan and a child without parental care continuity of assistance until the problem is completely resolved or an approach to solving it is determined.

- Individuality. The principle involves the creation of individual conditions for education for orphans and children without parental care who have various disabilities in physical and (or) mental development.

Areas of work

The program of correctional work at the level of primary general education at the state educational institution “Boarding School No. 15 of a circus profile for orphans and children left without parental care named after Yu.V. Nikulin” includes interrelated areas. These directions reflect its main content:

- diagnostic work ensures timely identification of orphans in need of corrective measures, conducts a comprehensive examination of them and prepares recommendations for providing them with psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance in the conditions of boarding school No. 15;

- correctional and developmental work provides timely specialized assistance in mastering the content of education and correction of deficiencies in the physical and (or) mental development of pupils in general conditions educational institution; promotes the formation of universal educational actions in students (personal, regulatory, cognitive, communicative);

- advisory work ensures continuity of special support for orphans and children left without parental care on the implementation of differentiated psychological and pedagogical conditions for training, education, correction, development and socialization of pupils;

- outreach work is aimed at explanatory activities on issues related to the characteristics of the educational process for this category of children, with all participants in the educational process - students (both those with and without developmental disabilities) and teaching staff.

Content characteristics

Diagnostic work includes :

Timely identification of pupils in need of specialized assistance;

Early (from the first days of a child’s stay in an educational institution) diagnosis of developmental disorders and analysis of the causes of adaptation difficulties;

Comprehensive collection of information about an orphan child based on diagnostic information from specialists in various fields;

Determining the level of current and zone of proximal development of the pupil, the characteristics of his health, identifying his reserve capabilities;

Studying the development of the emotional-volitional sphere and personal characteristics pupils;

Study of the social situation of development and conditions of family education of an orphan child before entering boarding school No. 15;

Studying the adaptive capabilities and level of socialization of an orphan and a child left without parental care;

Systematic, comprehensive monitoring of specialists over the level and dynamics of student development;

Analysis of the success of correctional and developmental work.

Correctional and developmental work includes :

Selection of optimal correctional programs/techniques, teaching methods and techniques for the development of orphans and children without parental care in accordance with their special educational needs;

Organization and conduct by specialists of individual and group correctional and developmental classes necessary to overcome developmental disorders and learning difficulties;

Systemic impact on the child’s educational and cognitive activity in the dynamics of the educational process, aimed at the formation of universal educational actions and the correction of developmental deviations;

Correction and development of higher mental functions;

Development of the emotional-volitional and personal spheres of an orphan child and psychocorrection of his behavior;

Social protection of pupils of boarding school No. 15 in cases of unfavorable living conditions under traumatic circumstances.

Advisory work includes:

Consulting by specialist teachers on the choice of individually oriented methods and techniques for working with students in need of corrective measures;

Advisory assistance to teachers and educators on the choice of upbringing strategies and methods of corrective education for an orphan child.

Information and educational work includes :

Various forms of educational activities (lectures, conversations, information stands, printed materials) aimed at explaining to participants in the educational process - educators, teachers, additional (circus education) teachers - issues related to the characteristics of the educational process and accompanying orphans and children, left without parental care;

Conducting thematic presentations for teachers and educators to explain the individual typological characteristics of this category of children.
Main tasks to achieve goals:

1. Improving movements and sensorimotor development:

Development fine motor skills hands and fingers;

Development of calligraphy skills;

Development of articulatory motor skills.

2. Correction of certain aspects of mental activity:

Development of visual perception and recognition;

Development of visual memory and attention;

Formation of generalized ideas about the properties of objects (color, shape, size);

Development of spatial representations of orientation;

Development of ideas about time;

Development of auditory attention and memory;

Development of phonetic-phonemic concepts, formation of sound analysis.

3. Development of basic mental operations:

Correlative analysis skills;

Grouping and classification skills (based on mastering basic generic concepts);

Ability to work according to verbal and written instructions, algorithm;

Ability to plan activities;

Development of combinatorial abilities.

4. Development of different types of thinking:

Development of visual-figurative thinking;

Development of verbal-logical thinking (the ability to see and establish logical connections between objects, phenomena and events).

5. Correction of disturbances in the development of the emotional and personal sphere (relaxation exercises for facial expressions, dramatization, role reading, etc.).

6. Development of speech, mastery of speech technique.

7. Expanding ideas about the world around us and enriching the vocabulary.
8. Correction of individual knowledge gaps.
Organization and main directions of individual and group correctional classes.

The plan is not so much to achieve a separate result (for example, to learn the multiplication table), but to create conditions for improving the development opportunities of the child as a whole.

Corrective classes are conducted with students as the teacher, psychologist and speech therapist identify individual gaps in their development and learning.

When studying schoolchildren, the following indicators are taken into account:

1. Physical state and child development:

Dynamics of physical development (history);

Condition of hearing, vision;

Features of the development of the motor sphere, disorders of general motor skills (general tension or lethargy, imprecision of movements, etc.);

Coordination of movements (features of gait, gestures, etc.);

Features of performance (fatigue, exhaustion, absent-mindedness, satiety, perseverance, pace of work; an increase in the number of errors towards the end of the lesson or during monotonous activities; complaints of headaches).

2. Features and level of development of the cognitive sphere:
- features of perception of size, shape, color, time, spatial arrangement of objects;

Features of attention: volume and stability, concentration, ability to distribute and switch attention from one type of activity to another, degree of development of voluntary attention;

Features of memory: accuracy, constancy, the possibility of long-term memorization, individual characteristics of memory; predominant type of memory (visual, auditory, motor, mixed);

Features of thinking: level of mastery of the operations of analysis, comparison, synthesis (the ability to isolate essential elements, parts, compare objects in order to identify similarities and differences; the ability to generalize and draw independent conclusions; the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships);

Features of speech: defects in pronunciation, volume of vocabulary, development of phrasal speech, features of grammatical structure, level of formation of intonation, expressiveness, clarity, strength and pitch of voice);

Cognitive interests, curiosity.

3. Attitude towards educational activities, features of motivation:
- features of relationships, the student’s reaction to comments, assessment of his activities; awareness of one’s failures in studies, attitude towards failures (indifference, difficult experiences, desire to overcome difficulties, passivity or aggressiveness);

Attitude towards praise and blame;

Features of self-control, the ability to monitor one’s own activities using a visual model, verbal instructions, algorithm;
- ability to plan your activities.

4. Features of the emotional and personal sphere:

Emotional-volitional maturity, depth and stability of feelings;

Prevailing mood (gloominess, depression, anger, aggressiveness, isolation, negativism, euphoric cheerfulness);


The presence of affective outbursts, a tendency to refuse reactions;

The presence of phobic reactions (fear of the dark, closed space, loneliness, etc.);

Attitude towards oneself (disadvantages, opportunities);

Features of self-esteem;

Relationships with others (position in a team, independence, relationships with peers and elders);

Features of behavior during and after school hours;

Behavioral disorders, bad habits.

5. Features of the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities provided for by the program:
- general awareness of everyday concepts, knowledge about yourself and the world around you;

Formation of reading, counting, writing skills according to age and class;

The nature of errors in reading and writing, counting and problem solving.

Studying the individual characteristics of pupils allows us to plan the timing of correctional work.

Individual and group correctional classes are conducted by the main teacher of the class.

During individual lessons, a teacher, speech therapist, and psychologist work with free students.

In accordance with Curriculum in elementary grades, 2 hours a week (afternoon) are allocated for correctional classes.

The duration of classes with one student or group should not exceed 20 minutes. A group can include 3-4 students who have the same gaps in the development and assimilation of the school curriculum or similar difficulties in educational activities. Working with a whole class or large numbers of students is not permitted in these classes.

When organizing correctional classes, it is necessary to proceed from the child’s capabilities. The goal and results should not be too distant in time from the beginning of the task, they should be significant for students, therefore, when organizing corrective action, it is necessary to create additional stimulation (teacher’s praise, competition, etc.).

At a time when the child cannot yet get a good grade in class, it is important to create situation of success in an individual-group lesson. For this purpose, you can use a system of conditional qualitative and quantitative assessment of the child’s achievements. When preparing and conducting correctional classes, it is also necessary to remember about the peculiarities of perception by orphans and children without parental care of educational material and the specifics of their motivation for activity. It is effective to use various types of game situations, didactic games, game exercises, and tasks that can make learning activities more relevant and meaningful for an orphan child.

Corrective work is being implemented in stages. The sequence of stages and their targeting create the necessary prerequisites for eliminating disorganizing factors.

Information collection and analysis stage

(information and analytical activities).

The result this stage is to assess the student population to take into account the developmental characteristics of children, determine the specifics and their special educational needs; assessment of the educational environment in order to meet the requirements of software and methodological support, material, technical and personnel base of the institution.

Planning, organizing, coordinating stage

(organizational and executive activities).

The result of the work is a specially organized educational process that has a correctional and developmental orientation and a process of special support for orphans and children left without parental care, under specially created conditions for training, education, development, and socialization of the category of children in question.

At this stage, specialists working with students create programs of correctional and developmental work, which are a variable part of the general program.

Stage of diagnosis of correctional and developmental educational environment (control and diagnostic activities).

The result is a statement of compliance of the created conditions and the selected correctional, developmental and educational programs with the special educational needs of an orphan child.

Regulation and adjustment stage (regulatory and corrective activities).

The result is the introduction of necessary changes into the educational process and the process of accompanying orphans and children left without parental care, adjusting the conditions and forms of education, methods and techniques of work.


One of the main mechanisms for implementing correctional work is the optimally structured interaction of specialists from boarding school No. 15, which provides systematic support for orphans and children without parental care by specialists of various profiles in the educational process. Such interaction includes:

Comprehensiveness in identifying and solving a child’s problems, providing him with qualified assistance from specialists in various fields;

Analysis of the child’s personal and cognitive development;

Compilation individual programs general development and correction of individual aspects of the educational-cognitive, speech, emotional-volitional and personal spheres of the pupil.

The most common and effective forms of organized interaction between specialists at the present stage are consultations and support services boarding school No. 15, which provides multidisciplinary assistance to orphans, as well as educational institutions in resolving issues related to adaptation, training, upbringing, development, and socialization of this category of children.

Another mechanism for implementing correctional work should be identified social partnership, which involves professional interaction of boarding school No. 15 with external resources (organizations of various departments, public organizations and other institutions of society). Social partnership includes:

Cooperation with educational institutions and other departments on issues of continuity of education, development and adaptation, socialization, health protection of orphans and children left without parental care: Children's State Educational Institution, Center for Children's Education and Religion "Peasant Outpost", Center for Children's Education and Culture "Rainbow of Life", International Center for Children's Education "Perspective", etc. .

Cooperation with public organizations, charitable foundations, etc.


Psychological and pedagogical support:

Providing differentiated conditions (optimal training load, individual forms of education and specialized assistance);

Providing psychological and pedagogical conditions (taking into account the individual characteristics of the child; maintaining a comfortable psycho-emotional regime; using modern pedagogical technologies, including information and computer ones to optimize the educational process, increase its efficiency and accessibility);

Providing specialized conditions (introducing special sections into the content of training aimed at solving the problems of development of an orphan child, using special methods, techniques, teaching aids focused on the special educational needs of this category of children; differentiated and individualized education taking into account the specific development of orphans);

Ensuring health-preserving conditions (health and protective regime, prevention of physical, mental and psychological overload of pupils, compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules and norms);

Ensuring the participation of all students in educational, cultural, entertainment, sports and recreational and other leisure activities;

Software and methodological support

In the process of implementing a correctional work program, correctional and developmental programs, diagnostic and correctional and developmental tools necessary for the implementation of the professional activities of a teacher, educational psychologist, social educator, and speech therapist can be used.


Corrective work should be carried out by appropriately qualified specialists with specialized education, and teachers who have completed mandatory coursework or other types of professional training within the framework of the designated topic.

In order to ensure that orphans and children left without parental care master the basic educational program of primary general education, and correct deficiencies in their physical and (or) mental development, pedagogical rates (speech therapists, teachers) should be introduced into the staffing schedule of boarding school No. 15 -psychologists, social educators, etc.) and medical workers. The level of qualifications of employees of an educational institution for each position held must correspond to the qualification characteristics for the corresponding position; it is necessary to improve the qualifications of these employees.

Logistics support

Logistical support consists of creating an appropriate material and technical base to ensure the correctional and developmental environment of boarding school No. 15.

Information Support

A necessary condition for the implementation of the program is the creation of an open information educational environment for boarding school 15 using modern information and communication technologies.

Creation of a system of wide access for pupils, educators, teachers to network sources of information, to information and methodological funds that require the availability methodological manuals and recommendations in all areas and types of activities, visual aids, multimedia, audio and video materials

Working programm.

Explanatory note.

Conclusion: NWNR

(mild general underdevelopment of speech

Working with children with speech disorders)

Purpose of the work program:

Timely identification of those in need of specialized assistance;

Creating conditions conducive to the study, correction and further development of students’ speech in a speech center.

General tasks of the work program:

  1. Prevention (prevention) of difficulties in learning and adaptation of children at school.

  2. Development and improvement of fine motor skills of the hands.

  3. Development of articulatory motor skills (static, dynamic organization of movements, switching movements, volume, tempo, accuracy, coordination).

  4. Development of auditory perception and attention.

  5. Development of visual perception and memory.

  6. Development of rhythm.

  7. Formation of pronunciation skills.

  8. Correction of disturbances of isolated sounds; automation of sounds in words, phrases, sentences, coherent speech; differentiation of sounds.

  9. Correction of the syllabic structure of a word.
10.Formation of skills in sound analysis and synthesis.

  1. Improving lexical and grammatical means of the language

  2. Development of coherent speech skills.

  3. Correction of dysgraphia, dyslexia.

Speech correction work, despite a certain specificity, is based on general pedagogical principles:

1. The principle of development, which stands in the analysis of objective and subjective conditions for the formation of a child’s speech function.

A comprehensive examination of the child from these positions allows us to identify the leading speech defect and the mental development deficiencies caused by it. This will be taken into account in the future when planning corrective work.

2. Principle systematic approach, which involves analyzing the interaction of various components of speech.

This principle is implemented in the process of interconnected formation of phonetic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical components of the language. Correcting violations of the pronunciation of sounds and the syllabic structure of words allows you to achieve the desired clarity and intelligibility of speech. At the same time, the development of phonemic perception prepares the basis for the formation of a grammatical and morphological system of word formation and inflection.

3. The principle of connection between speech and other aspects of mental development, which reveals the dependence of the formation of individual components of speech on the state of other mental processes.

Identifying this connection underlies the impact on those psychological characteristics of children that directly or indirectly interfere with the effective correction of speech activity.

4. The principle of clarity.

5. The principle of gradual transition from easy to difficult.

6. The principle of taking into account age characteristics.

Taking into account the characteristics of children, the most effective method is play. All correctional work is carried out through didactic games and exercises.

Characteristics of the group

Children in this category experience persistent difficulties in mastering the primary education program of a general education school due to insufficient development of speech function and psychological prerequisites for mastering full-fledged educational activities.

I. Violations of the phonetic-phonemic component of the speech system.

  1. Defective pronunciation of 2-5 sounds, extending to one or two groups of oppositional sounds. In some children who have undergone preschool correctional education, the pronunciation of sounds may be within the normal range or insufficiently intelligible (“blurred”).

  2. Insufficient formation of phonemic processes.

a) insufficient formation of prerequisites for the spontaneous development of skills in analysis and synthesis of the sound composition of a word;

b) insufficient development of prerequisites for successful mastery of literacy;

c) difficulties in mastering writing and reading (the presence of specific dysgraphic errors against the background of a large number of various others).

II. Violations of the lexico-grammatical component of the speech system.

  1. The vocabulary is limited to everyday topics and is qualitatively defective (illegal expansion or narrowing of the meanings of words; errors in the use of words; confusion in meaning and acoustic properties).

  2. The grammatical structure is not sufficiently formed. There are no complex syntactic structures in the speech; there are multiple agrammatisms in simple sentences syntactic constructions.
As a result, children in this category experience:

a) insufficient understanding of educational tasks, instructions, instructions of the teacher;

b) difficulties in mastering educational concepts and terms;

c) difficulties in forming and formulating one’s own thoughts in the process academic work;

d) insufficient development of coherent speech.
III. Psychological characteristics.

  1. Unstable attention.

  2. Lack of observation in relation to linguistic phenomena.

  3. Insufficient development of switching ability.

  4. Insufficient development of verbal and logical thinking.

  5. Insufficient ability to memorize predominantly verbal material.

  6. Insufficient development of self-control, mainly in the field of linguistic phenomena.

  7. Insufficient formation of voluntariness in communication and activity.

a) insufficient development of psychological prerequisites for mastering full-fledged skills of educational activities;

b) difficulties in developing educational skills (planning upcoming work; determining ways and means to achieve an educational goal; monitoring activities; ability to work at a certain pace).

Program sections

  1. Development sound side of speech . Formation of full-fledged ideas about the sound composition of a word based on the development of phonemic processes and skills in analysis and synthesis of the syllabic sound composition of a word. Correction of pronunciation defects.

  2. Development of vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech:

  • clarification of the meanings of words existing in children and further enrichment of vocabulary both by accumulating new words related to various parts speech, and due to the development in children of the ability to actively use different ways word formation;

  • clarification of the meaning of the syntactic constructions used; further development and improvement of the grammatical design of speech through children’s mastery of word combinations, the connection of words in a sentence, and sentence models of various syntactic structures.

  1. Formation of coherent speech:

  • development of skills in constructing a coherent statement; programming the meaning and semantic culture of the statement;

  • establishing logic (connectivity, consistency), precise and clear formulation of thoughts in the process of preparing a coherent statement; selection of linguistic means adequate to the semantic concept for constructing a statement for certain purposes of communication (proof, reasoning, conveying the content of the text, plot picture).

  1. Development and improvement of psychological prerequisites for learning:

  • stability of attention;

  • observation (especially to linguistic phenomena);

  • memory abilities;

  • switching abilities;

  • self-control skills and techniques;

  • cognitive activity;

  • arbitrariness of communication and behavior.

  1. Formation of full-fledged educational skills:

  • planning upcoming activities: (acceptance of the educational task; active comprehension of the material; highlighting the main, essential in educational material; determination of ways and means to achieve the educational goal);

  • control over the progress of one’s activities (from the ability to work with samples to the ability to use special self-control techniques);

  • work at a certain pace (the ability to write, count quickly and efficiently; carry out analysis, comparison, comparison, etc.);

  • application of knowledge in new situations;

  • analysis, assessment of the productivity of one’s own activities.

  1. Development and improvement of communicative readiness for learning:

  • the ability to listen carefully and hear the speech therapist teacher without switching to extraneous influences; subordinate your actions to his instructions (i.e. take the position of a student);

  • the ability to understand and accept a learning task posed in verbal form;

  • the ability to be fluent in verbal communication in order to clearly perceive, retain and concentrate on completing a learning task in accordance with the instructions received;

  • the ability to purposefully and consistently (in accordance with the task, instructions) perform educational actions and adequately respond to the control and assessments of the speech therapist.

  1. Formation of communication skills that are adequate to the situation of educational activities:

  • answering questions in strict accordance with instructions and assignments;

  • answering questions during academic work with adequate use of learned terminology;

  • answers in two or three phrases in the course and results of educational work (the beginning of the formation of a coherent statement)

  • application of instructions (diagram) when preparing a detailed statement on the course and results of educational work

  • the use of acquired educational terminology in coherent statements;

  • contacting a speech therapist or group mate for clarification;

  • explanation of instructions, learning tasks using new terminology;

  • a detailed report on the sequence of completing educational work, summing up the lesson;

  • formulating tasks when performing collective types of educational work;

  • conducting a differentiated survey and evaluating the answers of your comrades (in the role of leader of various types of educational work);

  • compliance with speech etiquette when communicating (request, dialogue: “Please tell me,” “Thank you,” “Be kind,” etc.);

  • composing oral coherent statements with elements of creativity (fantasy).

Classes for children are held:

IN individual form– 20-25 minutes

In group form – 45 minutes
The forms of control are:

Written works

Reading short stories

E.V. Mazanova “Documentation, planning and organization of correctional work”

A.V. Yastrebova “Correction of speech disorders in secondary school students”

I.N. Sadovnikova “Violations of written speech and their overcoming in younger schoolchildren”




Number of hours

Reading words, sentences, texts with the letters Ш, Ш

Promote the development of competent speech.

Reading words, texts with studied letters.

The letters Zh, zh, denoting a consonant sound (zh).

Differentiate sounds (zh, w), consolidate the concept of voiced and voiceless consonants.. Introduce objects that answer the questions “who?” So what?".

Reading words and sentences with letters Zh. Sh. Spelling combinations zhi - shi

To teach the ability to work with text, to correctly write zhi-shi combinations.

The letters Ё, ё, denoting two sounds (th o)

Promote the development of competent speech. To consolidate knowledge about the hardness and softness of consonants.

The letters J, y, denoting the consonant sound (th).

Introduce children to new sounds and letters.

Promote the development of competent speech. To develop syllabic, correct, expressive, and fluent reading skills.

Sound (th), letter Y. Repetition and generalization.

Continue to introduce children to the sound and letter Y.

Learn to correlate sound with symbol and letter; develop kinesthetic sensations and optical perceptions; enrich and clarify children's vocabulary.

The letters X, x, denoting the consonant sounds (x), (x).

Learn to perform sound-letter analysis; work on the development of coherent speech, develop attention, logical thinking.

Reading sentences and texts with the letters X, x.

Promote the development of competent speech.

To develop syllabic, correct, expressive, and fluent reading skills.

Repetition and generalization of what has been learned.

Summarize knowledge about hard and soft consonants.

To develop correct, expressive, and fluent reading skills.

The letters Yu, yu, denoting two sounds (y y).

Introduce children to new letters representing two sounds.

To promote the development of literate speech, develop phonemic perception, sound and syllabic analysis skills, clarify and enrich children's vocabulary.

Reading sentences and texts with the letters Yu, yu. The letter Yu is an indicator of the softness of a consonant sound.

Improve correct reading skills.

The letters Ts, ts, denoting a consonant sound (ts).

Introduce children to new sounds and letters.

Promote the development of competent speech. Observe the peculiarities of writing the letters I, Y after C.

Reading sentences and texts with the letters Ts, ts.

Promote the development of competent speech.

To develop syllabic, correct, expressive, and fluent reading skills.

The letters E, e, denoting the sound (e).

Introduce children to new sounds and letters.

Develop attention, phonemic hearing, memory, thinking, sound analysis and synthesis skills, auditory and visual attention.

Reading words and sentences with the letters E, e.

Promote the development of competent speech

To form children's knowledge that the vowel letter E is not written after the consonant letters Ch, Sh, Ts, Zh.

The letters Ш, Ш, denoting a consonant sound (ш).

Introduce children to new sounds and letters

Develop skills of syllabic analysis and synthesis, develop logical thinking, develop skills in working with generalizations, develop visual memory, attention and perception.

Formation of reading skills.

Promote the development of competent speech.

To develop syllabic, correct, expressive, and fluent reading skills.

The letters F, f, denoting the consonant sounds (f), (f).

Introduce children to new sounds and letters.

Learn to differentiate the sounds being studied, enrich children's vocabulary, develop phonemic hearing and perception, develop phonemic analysis skills, learn to work with deformed text.

Reading words and sentences with the letters F, f.

To develop correct, expressive, and fluent reading skills.

Develop attention, phonemic hearing, memory, thinking.

Introducing the letter "hard sign"

Introduce a new letter that does not indicate a sound, which serves to separate the pronunciation of a consonant and vowel sound.

Develop attention, phonemic hearing, memory, thinking.

Form an idea of ​​when a dividing hard sign and a dividing soft sign are written.

Develop attention, phonemic hearing, memory, thinking.

Hard and soft dividing marks.

To develop correct, expressive, and fluent reading skills.

Develop attention, phonemic hearing, memory, thinking.

Bread is the head of everything.

To develop correct, expressive, and fluent reading skills.

Develop attention, phonemic hearing, memory, thinking. Cultivate a caring attitude towards bread.

How good it is to be able to read!

consolidate knowledge about the letters studied.

Develop a desire to master reading skills as best as possible and become active readers

The letters L, N, M, R, Y are always voiced consonants.

Strengthen children's knowledge of voiced consonants.

Form children's ideas about what letters L, N, M, R, Y always denote voiced consonants.

Reading texts with learned letters.

Reinforce all the material you have learned and check your reading technique.

To develop correct, expressive, and fluent reading skills.

Working programm.

Explanatory note.

Conclusion: Cognitive impairment
Main goals of the work

1. Creating conditions for solving age-related development problems, support and, if necessary, assistance in solving these problems.

2. Assisting the teaching staff as a whole, and each teacher individually, in improving knowledge about effective optimization methods school education.

3. Contribute to the creation of psychologically favorable conditions for the full development of students and ensure the psychological health of school-age children.

Job Objectives
1.Development and implementation of a set of thematic psychological trainings, each of which is aimed at supporting and solving development problems;

2.Creating a psychological climate favorable for the development of students, realizing the opportunities and reserves for the development of early school age;

3.Increasing the general psychological culture of students;

4.Organization of productive interaction between participants in the educational process, provision of timely psychological assistance by teachers, students and their parents;

5.Creating conditions for productive and harmonious communication with peers and adults;

6.Promote the full development and adaptation of students at every stage school life;

7. Prevention and correction of deviations in the development, behavior and activities of students.
Characteristics of the group

Children from this group experience disturbances in mastering the primary school curriculum due to insufficient development of the cognitive and emotional spheres and high anxiety.

  1. Attention disorders.
The child is unable to concentrate and involuntarily switches his attention from one object to another.

II. Memory impairment.

The child is not able to reproduce more than 40% of information during auditory and visual memorization.

III. Thinking disorders.

Violation of the transition from visual-effective to visual-figurative and verbal-logical.

Classes for children are held:

In group form – 35 minutes

Planned results:

At the end of the program, it is planned that children will fully adapt to school life, with no anxiety and high learning motivation. High indicators of the cognitive sphere.

Results control:

Since the work of a psychologist involves a non-judgmental attitude towards each child, the results of the program are revealed through diagnostics.

Software and methodological materials

Features of work with bulbar dysarthria.

For flaccid paralysis and paresis, the goal of speech therapy work is to improve tissue nutrition, conductivity of nerve tissue, muscle excitability and reactivity, and induce reflexes. This can be achieved through tonic massage and gymnastics. Gymnastics is first passive, then active - passive, then active.

Respiratory muscle training is a must. With flaccid paralysis of the muscles of the soft palate and pharynx, it is necessary to select exercises to train these muscles.

To activate vocal cords, it is useful to give the child the opportunity to experience the sound of his voice with a speech therapist. The child puts his hand to the speech therapist’s larynx and feels the tension of the sounding voice and the vibration that occurs. At the same time, the child is taught to distinguish between turning the voice on and off by ear. Then the child himself is taught to produce his voice while exhaling. In the beginning, voice exercises are recommended to start with sound M, since this sound is simple in articulation, but requires the active supply of an air stream into the nasal cavity and the inclusion of the voice. Voice exercises also begin with practicing vowel sounds and use elements of singing and music.

Features of work with pseudobulbar dysarthria.

In the presence of spastic paralysis and paresis at the preparatory stage of work, the main task is muscle relaxation and a decrease in tone in the speech muscles.

Relaxing massage techniques and voluntary muscle relaxation techniques are used - relaxation. Passive gymnastics techniques are used; movements are initially slow and smooth with a gradual increase in amplitude. For pseudobulbar dysarthria, the technique of forming voluntary movements on the basis of involuntary and intact ones is used. For example, they use the cough reflex, an involuntary smile, and eating skills. With pseudobulbar dysarthria, the most impaired sounds, as a rule, are those that require precise and subtle movements of the tip of the tongue. Therefore, the greatest attention should be paid to the development and training of these movements.

Features of work with subcortical or extrapyramidal dysarthria.

The biggest problem is overcoming hyperkinesis. The leading disorder is the asynchrony between the supply of the respiratory stream, the inclusion of the voice, the contraction of the soft palate and the necessary movements of the lips and tongue.

Speech correction is closely related to general measures to reduce hyperkinesis, since hyperkinesis, as a rule, manifests itself not only in the muscles of the articulatory apparatus, but also in other muscle groups. Medication measures and a relaxing massage are used. Smirnova I.A. notes that there are two possible options for the manifestation of hyperkinesis in children: on the one hand, hyperkinesis intensifies with an increase in motor and emotional tension, on the other hand, the child can control them at a crucial moment and reduce them to a minimum. Therefore, it is possible to work on managing your emotions, training your will and controlling hyperkinesis. The most important factor is the positive attitude of others towards the child, towards his speech successes, consolidation of positive results. The child is taught not to react to the critical remarks of others. They teach voluntary muscle relaxation, relaxation techniques, select the optimal speech rate at which hyperkinesis is minimally manifested, and teach him to pause if he feels the onset of hyperkinesis.

Since intelligibility, unity, and fluency of speech suffer most of all, the work is carried out mainly on the development of breathing, tempo, rhythm, melody and possible clarity of speech.

Features of work with cerebellar dysarthria.

In this form of dysarthria, disturbances in general and articulatory motor skills are determined by low muscle tone, lack of precision and proportionality of movements, and disturbances in synchrony and rhythm. Gross violation of intonation of speech, its monotony. Speech is unsmooth, lacks coordination, is fragmentary, without rhythm.

The cerebellum and its functions can develop during training, and the higher voluntary level of movement regulation carried out by the cerebral cortex should be used as much as possible. Thus, when teaching a child any movements, consciousness is included and they are taught to control their movements with the help of vision.


(AFERENT form of cortical dysarthria).

The main problem is ORAL APRAXIA with a characteristic search for the desired movement. The task of a speech therapist is the formation of articulatory patterns. To do this, the speech therapist explains what needs to be done, uses visual teaching techniques, shows articulation by the speech therapist, uses drawings, articulation profiles, and dummies. A person needs to be given the opportunity to see and feel the position of his lips and tongue. To do this, use the patient's hand to feel the vibration of the larynx when the voice is turned on or the sensation of an air stream. They use tactile, vibration, auditory and visual sensations. Work is being done to differentiate and distinguish similar articulatory patterns, and subtle details and differences are explained. All of these techniques are also used when working with children with other forms of dysarthria.


(EFFERENT form of cortical dysarthria.)

The main syndrome is apraxia of the kinetic type - the collapse of the temporal organization of articulatory movements and the difficulty of switching from one movement to another.

There is no need to practice articulation patterns; the task is to teach how to combine individual articulation patterns. There are no smooth mergers of syllables, the word breaks up into a number of open syllables, and there are overtones of vowels after the consonants are pronounced. Therefore, the main task is to teach how to combine articulatory patterns sequentially into syllables and words. Paying attention to the quality of pronunciation is harmful; it leads to aggravation of tension. The subject of practice is not sounds, but syllables, whole words and short phrases. Work is being done on reproducing the rhythmic structure of the word and intonation. It is recommended to speak in a quiet voice, relax your muscles, and start with short words that are simple in syllable structure.

For dysarthric disorders, training in logorhythmics, which complement traditional speech therapy sessions. In these classes, comprehensive work is carried out on the development of general and fine motor skills, the development of speech breathing, voice, tempo - the rhythmic and intonation side of speech. Classes must be conducted with musical accompaniment, including elements of singing, dancing, dramatization, and active musical games. In these classes, children have the opportunity to move freely in the hall, and not in a cramped speech therapy room, music creates the necessary emotional background, and the game situation allows them to better stimulate the child to perform exercises.

Number of blind children worldwide last years is decreasing, but the number of children with low vision is increasing. Most children with visual impairments also have other health problems. Most often, visual impairment is accompanied by motor impairment.

Types of visual impairment

Myopia (myopia)- decreased visual acuity in the distance - parallel rays coming from distant objects connect in front of the retina, falling on it in the form of a scattered beam. Children with a high degree of myopia are contraindicated in heavy physical labor, heavy lifting, frequent tilting of the head and body, and intense visual work.
Farsightedness (hypermetropia)- decreased visual acuity near - the image of the objects in question is projected not onto the retina, but behind it, which leads to a lack of complete relaxation of the accommodative muscle. The result of excessive tension of the accommodative apparatus is a feeling of rapid visual fatigue (asthenopia) and headaches.
Astigmatism- Lack of a clear image of a luminous point on the retina. The reason is a combination in one eye of different types of refraction or different degrees of refraction of the same type. For example, in one direction there is low myopia, and in the other direction there is moderate myopia. The consequence of astigmatism is often decreased vision, rapid eye fatigue during work, headaches, and sometimes chronic inflammation of the edges of the eyelids.
Anisometropia-different eye refraction. For example, myopia in one eye and farsightedness in the other, or their unequal degree in both eyes. If the difference in the refraction of the eyes is significant, binocular vision becomes almost impossible and the object is fixed alternately with one or the other eye,
Strabismus- deviation of one of the eyes from the common point of fixation. The visual acuity of a squinting eye decreases, and the ability to correctly determine the distances between objects, their sizes and volumes deteriorates. When strabismus occurs in one eye, the entire visual load is transferred to the healthy eye, and the diseased eye, having stopped exercising, gradually ceases to function, which leads to amblyopia - partial or complete loss of vision in the squinting eye.
Nystagmus- spontaneous oscillatory movement of the eyeballs (eye tremors).
Optic atrophy- a consequence of various diseases leading to damage to the optic nerve, which manifests itself in a decrease in visual acuity, changes in the field of vision and color perception.
Glaucoma- dysregulation and increased intraocular pressure, decreased visual function and optic nerve atrophy. It manifests itself as blurred vision, the appearance of rainbow circles before the eyes when looking at a light source, headaches, pain in the eye, and increased intraocular pressure. Leads to a gradual decrease in acuity and a narrowing of the field of vision.
Retinal diseases- visual acuity decreases, a portion of the visual field may fall out. With lesions in the central region of the retina, the perception of the size and shape of objects and images is distorted, color perception is impaired, the discriminating ability of the eyes deteriorates, and reading becomes impossible. Peripheral retinal lesions are characterized by deterioration of vision in the evening and at night, and difficulties in orientation in space.
Retinal disinsertion- manifests itself as a sudden sharp drop in vision, which can lead to complete blindness.
Retinopathy- the general name for diseases of the retina of a circular metabolic nature and damage to the retina.
Retinal angiopathy- changes in the vessels of the fundus.
Upper eyelid ptosis- drooping of the upper eyelid. Hypoplasia (discs, optic nerve)- a developmental defect consisting in underdevelopment of a tissue, organ, part of the body or the whole organism.

Characteristics of people with visual impairments

Problems arise with the perception of objects, the completeness, integrity and speed of perception decreases. For example, it is difficult to perceive pictures of nature. In the visually impaired, differentiation and visual concentration are reduced. Also, people with visual impairments may experience serious problems in determining the color, shape, size and spatial arrangement of objects. It can be difficult for them to navigate in space and on the work surface, which leads to difficulties in mastering practical work skills.
The memory of the visually impaired is different in that they remember slowly (and at the same time become more tired), but information is retained in their memory longer. Visual memory is often significantly weakened or absent.
In addition, the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships between objects and phenomena deteriorates. This, in turn, leads to a deterioration in the ability to develop mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization).

Thus, for this category of persons with disabilities, the following are characteristic:

  • Limited ideas about the world around us.
  • Insufficient level of ability to holistically, in detail and consistently perceive the content of a plot picture or composition that includes a large number of characters or details.
  • Difficulty in distinguishing the first and second plans of an image.
  • Low level of ability to recognize objects depicted in various versions (outline, silhouette, model).
  • Difficulties in spatial orientation.
  • Insufficient level of development of visual-motor coordination, leading to disorders of fine motor skills and coordination of movements.
  • Inability to distinguish configurations of letters, numbers and their elements that are similar in spelling. Poor memory of letters and numbers.
  • Insufficient ability to follow instructions.
In addition, the formation of the personality of a person with impaired vision is influenced not only by biological, but also by social factors: unfavorable family conditions, social environment, over- and under-care, limited opportunities to communicate with other people.

These features of personal development appear already in junior school, gradually leading to a decrease in academic performance. The situation of failure is already initial stage learning becomes a source of constant negative emotions, which often develops into a chronic negative emotional state.
Thus, taking into account the characteristic features of persons with disabilities in the learning process improves the quality of their education, making the training of persons with visual impairments successful and preparing them for subsequent vocational education.
Corrective and compensatory work with persons with visual impairments should be carried out in interaction with specific conditions surrounding reality. Corrective influence should be considered as a process of targeted influence on persons with visual impairments, aimed at creating personality qualities and skills that allow them to adapt to the social environment.

Organization of the learning process

Learning begins by explaining and showing certain material. This material should be organized in such a way that students with visual impairments can perceive it in the best way, while the teacher assists them in mastering this material. Visual aids used for people with visual impairments should have increased color saturation - orange, red, green. Demonstration material should be shown on a background that contrasts with color, and illustrative material should have a clear form. It is not recommended to use materials with a shiny surface. Tables or pictures hanging in the classroom should not be glass and should be hung at eye level of the students. Tables or visual aids should not be overly cluttered with details that make them difficult to view and understand.
The best lighting standard for a classroom where children with visual impairments study is lighting of 700-1000 lux. The light should be diffused throughout the room, but there should be no bright, blinding glare in the classroom. Correct fit and height-appropriate furniture are of great importance.
It is desirable that the chalkboard be gray-green in color. It is not recommended to line the board with white chalk, since the perception of such lines strains the eyes, especially in children suffering from astigmatism. When demonstrating visual educational material frontally, it is better for students with visual impairments to be asked to come to the board, which will ensure the most complete and correct perception of the picture. It is recommended to use silhouette drawings that are simple, have a minimum of detail and therefore are well perceived by low vision.
To work with children with visual impairments, special technical means, attachments and devices are needed for working with visual and other material, for taking measurements during independent and practical work, drawing drawings. Electronic, phonic and optical equipment can also be used, providing the opportunity to use intact analyzers, making program material accessible for perception and study.
The computer provides ample opportunities for teaching people with visual impairments. Computer technology training for students in this category must be carried out using special methods and educational materials based on the formation of an adequate understanding of the location of objects on the screen and on the special functionality of non-visual access to information programs. When preparing an educational process using a computer, the first stage should be diagnostics, which allows you to determine the degree of impairment of visual acuity and field of vision. This information makes it possible to configure the student's computer in accordance with his personal physical capabilities. The final adjustment of the image is carried out with the participation of the student already at his workplace according to his personal feelings.
For the visually impaired, it is important not only to enlarge the image for comfortable work, but also to its contrast, the color relationship between the background and the object on it, as well as the graininess of the monitor screen, the screen scanning frequency, which prevents image “shaking”. The basic requirements for monitors for the visually impaired: grain size from 0.24 mm, frequency from 70 Hz and a diagonal of at least 17. The equipment for the educational process also includes tables of “hot” keys for working mainly with the keyboard, and not with the “mouse”, so how the cursor is hard to see for these children.
When teaching people with high myopia, nystagmus and convergent strabismus, the book should not lie on the table. It should be held in a slight inclined position, at an angle of 15 degrees. For divergent strabismus, it is better to place the visual material on the table. The normal distance from the eyes to a book or notebook when reading and writing should be 30-33 cm. The color of the paper, font size, coloring and quality of illustrations should be taken into account when choosing textbooks. It is advisable to use soft pencils and pens with dark ink.
Also, in the process of teaching the visually impaired, it is necessary to use special equipment and modified visual aids, which can improve the quality of perception of educational material. Work with students with visual impairments is carried out according to a model (standard) with a certain sequence, stages and tempo load.
Properly organized corrective intervention included in the learning process helps to overcome the shortcomings of mental development associated with a visual defect (deficiencies in sensation, perception, ideas, thinking, memory, speech, imagination, etc.), as well as shortcomings in physical development (in orientation in space , posture, motor skills, coordination of movements, etc.). As a result, a compensation effect occurs - a compensatory restructuring occurs, new temporary connections arise and are formed in the cerebral cortex, “bypass paths” (according to L.S. Vygotsky), along which information is sent through intact analyzers (hearing, touch, smell, joint-muscular sensitivity).
Another important requirement is the equipment and equipment of the training room. A large screen should be visible from all sides of the room, displaying information and multimedia presentations necessary for work. The lighting in the room should be combined: artificial and natural, regulated using curtains and blinds.
It is advisable to use multimedia presentations during the learning process. Using a presentation has a number of advantages for the visually impaired over displaying information “live” on the board: the quality of the image on the screen is clearer, brighter, and more colorful.

Work with psychological characteristics visually impaired

It is difficult for visually impaired students to adapt to the external environment and to fully communicate with healthy people. Training should help them feel the influence of the external environment, find “their own” and join them, and get rid of the feeling of loneliness. Strengthening the effectiveness of their communicative orientation is a means of integrating the individual into the social environment. To do this, during the learning process they should develop the ability to ask questions and formulate answers to them; listen carefully and discuss ideas; comment and evaluate the statements of interlocutors, argue your opinion in the group and adapt to other participants in communication.
The visually impaired should develop so-called optical attention. To do this, it is necessary to introduce new objects into the classroom setting and present unexpected visual aids. Students can be asked to focus on new details of the drawing, diagram, drawing being performed. They can be asked to describe one or another multi-subject picture, diagram, table.
It is also necessary to develop the ability to exercise optical control over the movement produced. It is useful to denote such a movement with a word corresponding to it.
To develop the necessary stereotypes of motor skills, one should give great importance performing movements in a certain sequence and accurately reproducing the movement pattern from memory. As a result of strict adherence to the scheme, the necessary skills of activity are developed, brought to automaticity.

V.A. Solntseva

Features of correctional work with children,

having mental development disorders

Municipal educational institution Secondary school No. 4 is located at: Belgorod region, Alekseevka, st. Komsomolskaya, 51. It is located in a standard building built in 1976.

Today the school has 23 classrooms, 2 laboratories, 1 specially equipped classroom for classes with children with developmental disabilities, a medical office, an office for a psychologist, speech therapist, social teacher, a sensory room, 2 workshops, 2 gyms, and a dining room.

The school has the necessary equipment technical means and educational equipment for organizing the educational process, a computer science and ICT room is equipped, and there is a local network.

Central heating, water supply, energy supply meet the standards.

The school is located in a favorable socio-cultural environment. Founders of the school: Department of Education and Science of the Administration of the Municipal District “Alekseevsky District and the City of Alekseevka” of the Belgorod Region.

There are 42 teachers working in Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 4, higher education have 38 teachers.

The number of students is 438 people. In Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 4, among the students of healthy children, there are 8 children with limited health capabilities, therefore work is being carried out with them on psychological correction,which represents a set of influences aimed at correcting and compensating for shortcomings and deviations in the mental development of the child.

Psychological correction is a targeted impact on certain psychological structures in order to ensure the full development and functioning of the child. This is a reasonable impact on inner world a person in which the psychologist deals with specific manifestations of the child’s desires, experiences, cognitive processes and actions.

The age of schoolchildren with mental disabilities ranges from 7 to 14 years.

To begin with, we note that the diagnosis of mental disorders in children begins already with kindergarten, where a psychologist, interacting with educators, identifies children with mental development disorders and informs parents about this.

When determining the main goals and objectives of psychological correction, the social teacher first of all takes into account the provision on the creation of a zone of proximal development of the child’s personality and activity as the main content of correctional work. In this regard, psychological and pedagogical correction is constructed by her as the purposeful formation of psychological new formations that constitute the essential characteristics of age. Exercises and training of the child’s existing psychological abilities do not make correctional work effective, since training in this case follows development, improving abilities only in a quantitative direction.

During the psychological correction of children with mental disabilities, the following types of work are carried out:

1. Game therapy is used not only for correctional purposes, but also for preventive and psychohygienic purposes. There are two forms of play therapy: individual and group. If a child has communication problems, then group therapy is more beneficial than individual therapy. In play therapy, various play materials are used:

Family games;

Games with puppets;


Exercise games.

2. Art therapy is a specialized form of psychotherapy based on art - visual and creative activity. Its goal is the development of self-expression and self-knowledge of the child through art.

Art therapy is used as a means of communication between a social teacher and children on a symbolic level. Images of artistic creativity reflect all types of subconscious processes, including fears, internal conflicts, memories, dreams. The art therapy technique is based on the inner conviction - “I”, which is reflected in visual images when a person draws, sculpts (spontaneously). The place of art therapy classes is a specially equipped classroom, where children can make noise, move freely, and the social teacher does not interfere with their activity.

3.Group psychotherapy is based on the conditions under which children will be active. The room should be equipped with various tools, materials, and items that stimulate individual activity. Therefore, a social teacher conducts group psychotherapy in a specially equipped class, during classes in which each child is given the opportunity to do what he wants, but at the same time he should not limit the activities of other children. All children - members of the group are not bound by any rules or conditions for performing activities and control. The practice of group psychotherapy determines that the emergence of group dynamics in a children's group is a negative phenomenon that prevents everyone from self-disclosure. Each child must achieve results at the cost of his own efforts, his own means and capabilities.

Correction of a child’s intellectual development in younger years school age Municipal educational institution Secondary School No. 4 includes the tasks of developing the perception of sensory abilities, visual-figurative thinking and sign-symbolic function, initial forms voluntary attention and memory. Children with mental retardation complete correction and compensation of defects in their development are necessary, as well as bringing the entire mental development as close as possible to a normal state. A decisive role in the prevention of mental development disorders is played by the earlier start of correctional work, which will prevent secondary deviations in the development of the child.

Due to their developmental characteristics, mentally retarded children need the targeted teaching influence of a social teacher, because spontaneous assimilation of social experience, especially at the age of 7-10 years, practically does not occur in them. To organize training and education, it is necessary to develop interest in the environment in such children. Therefore, didactic games are conducted with children that attract attention and interest, during which children create a positive emotional attitude towards the activity.

Games and exercises in which children act by trial and error develop their attention to the properties and relationships of objects and form a holistic perception. For the correct and timely inclusion of speech in the communication process, it is necessary at first to become familiar with the object, its quality, and properties, to teach the child to distinguish these properties from other objects, to recognize and perceive them, and only then to give the word as a model.

For correction, the development of tactile-motor perception is important, which also begins with recognition and ends with the formation of ideas. Equally important is the development of auditory perception, which helps a mentally retarded child navigate the space around him, creates the ability to act on a sound signal, distinguish many important objects, etc. The correct development of holistic perception also prepares some aspects of causal thinking. When a child correctly imagines an object with its parts, he can understand the reason for the violation of the whole. The path from perception to thinking influences the development of visual-figurative and logical thinking. The correct and timely organization of work on the formation of all types of thinking acquires special importance, since intellectual impairment is the main defect in the development of such children.

The main directions and tasks of correction of mentally retarded children within the framework of the individual development program of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 4:

1. Formation of emotional contact with an adult and a peer, teaching a child how to assimilate social experience, forming emotional communication with an adult and following basic instructions, developing attention, developing imitation, mastering actions according to a model.

2. Development of visual-motor coordination of the hands to prepare for writing, performing work tasks, development of grasping, development of correlative actions, imitation of hand movements, development of finger movements, development of hand movements.

3.Sensory development. Formation of visual correlation, perception of shape, size, color, formation of a holistic image of an object, perception of space and orientation in it, development of tactile-motor perception, development of auditory perception, development of non-speech hearing, speech hearing.

4. Development of thinking, transition from perception to thinking, to generalization, transition from perception to visual-figurative and elements of logical thinking, development of elements of causal thinking, visual-figurative thinking.

5.Speech development. Development of speech communication (basic business communication), development of the cognitive function of speech (expansion, clarification and generalization of the meaning of words).

At primary school age, the personal sphere begins to actively form. The main directions of correction of the personal sphere in preschool age is the correction and prevention of negative behavioral traits, the occurrence of which is due to critical periods of ontogenesis.

Prevention of negative behavior during periods of age-related crises:

Crises of age-related development - the emergence of negative behavioral traits;

Correction of emotional development, correction of existing disorders of emotional and mental development;

Prevention of neurotic development, emotional distress;

Correction of the motivational-need sphere - through the development of the required motives and needs;

Behavior correction;

Correction and development of individual typological properties and personality traits.

Along with corrective tasks, it is also necessary to allocate preventive tasks for parents. Experience shows that in advisory practice, in a number of cases, setting actual correctional tasks turns out to be inappropriate due to the absence of significant deviations from typical options for normative development. Therefore, in this case, the social teacher is faced with the task of determining preventive measures to prevent possible deviations in the development of the child. The active involvement of parents in participation in correctional work is dictated by two circumstances:

1. The system of relationships of a child with close adults, features of communication, methods and forms of joint activities constitute the most important component of the social situation of the child’s development, and largely determine the zone of his proximal development. Full implementation of correction goals is achieved only if the child’s life relationships change, which requires targeted and conscious efforts from adults as active “builders” of these relationships.

2. The widespread involvement of parents, educators and teachers in the implementation of targeted corrective action on deviations in the mental development of the child is due to the still clearly insufficient level of development of the psychological service system in our country.

An important component of working with parents in the work of a social teacher is informing them about the characteristics of the child’s development, about the probabilistic prognosis of development and the development of specific recommendations. Providing parents with complete and objective information about the characteristics of the child’s development, taking into account parental attitudes and the characteristics of the social situation, is a mandatory stage in providing psychological assistance in the counseling process.

The formulation of a conditionally variable forecast of child development in the form of possible forecasts for the near future performs a number of functions:

Reveals a problematic alternative field to parents;

Provides motivational readiness of parents to participate in joint work with a social teacher to develop specific recommendations and their implementation;

Makes the search for goals and means of correction more reasonable and “conscious”;

Allows us to extend some recommendations to the area of ​​prevention of developmental disorders.

The practical result of correctional work should be the development of recommendations for overcoming and preventing deviations and negative trends in the development of the child. It is important that parents themselves become active participants and authors of the recommendations formulated. Only in this case can you count on making the right choice in raising children. However, the leading activity here belongs to social educator who has the necessary professional competence to make the right decision and choose the path for its implementation.

When a child enters the primary grades of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 4:

Firstly, he must have intact motor skills or a state of the musculoskeletal system in which basic motor functions could be performed relatively easily (grasp and hold an object, manipulate it, move freely, sit, lie down, stand up, chew, swallow), in - secondly, children should have access to everyday activities carried out together with an adult and with his help;

Children should not be dangerous to others. This is a specific requirement. The child must understand the words “no”, “don’t”;

Children must have the necessary stock of elementary ideas about the environment. The emphasis of the requirement is determined by the fact that the entire process of primary school education is based on the knowledge that children have;

Children must understand spoken speech and have their own. Firstly, teaching and upbringing are “oral”, and secondly, children must understand the simplest verbal instructions, such as: bring, close, eat, give, etc., without which it is impossible to organize a successful educational process in a local secondary school No. 4;

Children must be somatically healthy, since the productivity of the educational process is largely determined by the level of physical health.

The main goal of school correctional education is to create conditions for the development of the emotional, social and intellectual potential of the child, the formation of his positive personal qualities. One of the important conditions that determine the adequate organization of correctional educational work is relatively easy adaptability in the children's team, both educationally and socially. The team is considered as one of the most important means of pedagogical influence, but only if the psychophysical development of the child is in accordance with the level of development of the team. Otherwise, one can observe the manifestation of negativism in the child, his isolation, decreased self-esteem, lack of self-confidence, consolidation negative traits character and behavior. In addition, the child must be able to take care of himself socially and at an elementary level, since there is simply not enough time to provide assistance to every child.

In pedagogy, the concept of correction is defined as the correction (full or partial) of deficiencies in mental or physical development in children with disabilities health with the help of a special system of pedagogical techniques and activities. Training in primary school has a practical and correctional orientation, one of the conditions of which is strict adherence to the norms of the maximum permissible load, a differentiated approach to each child, taking into account the leading disorder in his development, the state of neuropsychic activity and intact functions.




In the Pedagogical Encyclopedia, the concept of “ correction" defined as“correction (partial or complete) of deficiencies in mental and physical development in abnormal children using a special system of pedagogical techniques and activities.”

Solving the important social task of bringing the development of children with health problems closer to the level of normal schoolchildren, the specialists of our school see correctional work as main goal - eliminating or reducing the discrepancy between established (normal) and real (deviating) activities.

The current system of special education in our country for children with health problems solves specific problems, which include creating the most favorable conditions for correcting the child’s abnormal development and his social adaptation. Deviations, or anomalies, in the development of children are very diverse. They can relate to different aspects of the child’s psychophysical development: the speech system, sensory, intellectual, emotional-volitional, motor spheres, manifest themselves to varying degrees and be caused by various reasons. A teacher working with such children needs to know the nature and nature of the children’s deviations, the features of their manifestation, techniques and methods for their correction and compensation.

Education in primary school is practical and correctional in orientation, which consists of using specific teaching methods and techniques in order to correct the psychophysical deficiencies of children with developmental disabilities. One of the main conditions for successful correctional work is strict adherence to the norms of the maximum permissible load, a differentiated approach to each child, taking into account the leading disorder in his development, the state of neuropsychic activity and intact functions. For this purpose, the psychophysical capabilities of students are studied, a multi-level differentiated approach to learning is planned and implemented through lessons, club and extracurricular activities. A comprehensive plan for correctional work is being developed, taking into account the recommendations of a school psychologist, defectologist, and speech therapist.

The main tasks of correctional work in the lesson include:

Correction of personal qualities;

Correction of cognitive abilities;

Formation and development of the communicative function of speech;

Correction of sensory and motor deficiencies;

Correction of intact mental functions: attention, perception, memory, thinking, taking into account the zone of proximal development;

Correction of general motor skills, fine motor skills of the hands, articulatory motor skills;

Correction of the emotional-volitional sphere, ensuring an adequate perception of reality;

Preparation for independent work in a social environment.

Correctional and developmental education is a system of differentiated education measures that allows you to solve the problems of timely assistance to children experiencing difficulties in learning and school adaptation.

Experts involved in the training and education of schoolchildren with health problems have come to the conclusion thatCorrective work in the classroom should be carried out on the educational material that is the content of a particular subject.

The main task of correctional work in the classroom issystematization of knowledge aimed at increasing the general level of development of the child, filling the gaps in his previous development and learning, developing insufficiently developed skills and abilities, correcting deviations in the child’s cognitive sphere, preparing him for adequate perception of educational material.

The main principle of correctional work in the classroom– practical orientation of specially organized, purposeful interaction between teacher and students, aimed at solving developmental and educational problems.

The features of the corrective impact on the child depend on the nature of the defect he has, on the age and compensatory capabilities of the child, on the living conditions and upbringing of the child. This indicates the need for early diagnosis of developmental disorders, since the earlier a child’s developmental defect is identified, the more effective the corrective work to overcome it will be. It is important to consider not only what children know and can do at the time of research, but also their learning capabilities -"zone of proximal development".

Corrective training is implemented using a set of basic educational subjects: such subjects, in addition to mathematics and the Russian language, include development oral speech(based on familiarization with the outside world), labor training. Introduction of specially designed training courses allows you to ensure maximum immersion of the child in an active speech environment, enrich his motor activity, correct emotional tone, makes it possible to form the main stages of educational activity, and increase the motivation of educational and cognitive activity.

The main correctional task that I set for myself is to introduce elements of correction into all types of activities and the development of all mental processes through the formation of fundamental knowledge, skills and abilities that contribute to the successful adaptation and socialization of students, preparing for the equal participation of children in various types of activities. Almost every task performed by children during the lesson is corrective - it promotes the development of memory, volume and switchability of attention, holistic object-visual, visual-spatial and tactile perception, visual-figurative, verbal-logical, visual-practical thinking, motor skills, development the child’s personality, his potential and abilities. A major role in correctional work is played by visualization, demonstration material, games, reference tables, subject-related practical activities - this creates opportunities for the formation of spatial concepts, the ability to compare and generalize objects and phenomena, analyze words and sentences of various structures, develop skills in planning one’s own activities, control and verbal report. During correctional work with children in the classroom, I use special exercises aimed at development:

- motor sphere, strengthening hand muscles, fine motor skills of fingers(modeling from plasticine, untying and tying knots, tracing along the contour, shading, coloring, cutting, etc.);

- orientation in space(determination of the right and left sides in oneself, in a mirror, in a picture, orientation on the plane of a sheet of paper, symmetrical drawing of an object, etc.);

In memory (find presented objects among others, lay out patterns from memory, repeat words, numbers, teach memorization techniques, etc.);

- all types of thinking;

- development of the child’s sensory abilities;

Activation of cognitive activity;

All types of speech activity.

In the course of individual work with students in the classroom, I correct insufficiently or incorrectly developed individual skills and abilities: calligraphy, reading techniques, cursive writing, cheating, learning how to use certain teaching aids, diagrams, and memorization techniques.

Corrective work in the classroom should not be limited only to the development of individual mental processes, the formation of certain skills and abilities,it should be aimed at correcting the entire personality.

Of no small importance in correctional work is the educational work that the teacher conducts through the lesson.

. The purpose of this work is:

Socialization of pupils;

Development of positive qualities;

Formation of a correct assessment of others and ourselves, a moral attitude towards others;

Increasing the regulatory role of intelligence in the behavior of students in different situations and in the process of different types of activities.

Let's look at some types of correctional work that I use in my lessons in elementary school in accordance with general learning objectives and individual programs for correcting the development of younger schoolchildren.

1. In each class there are children with speech disorders,who usually also have various motor disorders, imbalance, coordination of movements, they quickly get tired, become irritable, are characterized by increased excitability, motor disinhibition, and are emotionally unstable. It is difficult for such children to maintain perseverance, efficiency, and voluntary attention. Typically, such children have a low level of memory, understanding of verbal instructions, and impaired cognitive activity. Children with underdevelopment of the speech sphere due to the immaturity of the sound and lexico-grammatical aspects of speech activity are among the persistently unsuccessful in the Russian language, reading, and mathematics. In the course of correctional work with this group of children, I select exercises that stimulate cognitive activity, speech-thinking activity, the development of motivation of speech action, clarification of the pronunciation of sounds, the development of phonemic perception, the enrichment of vocabulary and grammatical structure, and the development of coherent speech. Correctional work is aimed at expanding passive and active vocabulary, clarifying the understanding of the meaning of words, and mastering the ability to express one’s thoughts. To this end, I offer children tasks such as learning and clearly pronouncing various tongue twisters, syllables, solving riddles, letter puzzles, crosswords, various didactic games with letters and words during which children learn to listen to the sounds of speech and distinguish vowels in it and consonants, compare words by sounds, determine the presence and place of a sound in a word, determine verbal and logical stress. Corrective exercises on the development of speech cannot stand apart from the development of other mental functions and imply a simultaneous corrective effect on memory, perception, thinking, motor skills, sensory skills, and the elimination of anomalies in the structure of the articulatory apparatus. Correction of defects in sound pronunciation is inextricably linked with the development of cognitive activity, the formation of operations of analysis, synthesis, comparison; much attention in lessons is paid to the development of general and speech motor skills, work is carried out on correct speech breathing, the formation of a long, smooth exhalation through the use of various game exercises. Children are offered various exercises to differentiate sounds.

2. For children with motor impairmentscharacterized by unformed visual-motor coordination (inconsistent work of the hand and eye), which is especially important at the initial stage of learning to read, when the child follows the finger with his eye, which determines the sequence of letters, syllables, and words. These students are often unable to maintain a line of work when reading and writing because they slip from one line to another. As a result, they do not understand the meaning of what they read, cannot check what they have written; during labor lessons, such children find it difficult to correctly arrange the material and attach a pattern; persistent difficulties are caused by design and mastering self-service skills. Children find it difficult to determine the right and left sides, to add a whole from parts. The lack of formation of spatial representations is reflected at the initial stage of learning mathematics: when studying the composition of a number, children cannot imagine it in the form of separate groups of objects. To correct these violations, I select the individual volume and methods of completing the task, taking into account motor disorders, rapid fatigue, varying the forms of completing the task: using cards, lined albums, writing with a pencil, using the hand-in-hand writing technique. I often use corrective tasks for coloring cells with pencils of different colors, shading, tracing a picture with dots, “mirror drawing”, lacing, working with templates and stencils. When teaching reading, I use special bookmarks with slots that allow you to fix a word, line, sentence and prevent your eyes from wandering off the line. Corrective work in this case is aimed at the formation of voluntary motor skills under the organizing beginning of speech.


The following tasks help me carry out correctional work in the classroom:


  1. The starting point in the development of spatial orientation is children’s awareness of their own body diagram, determination of directions in space, orientation in the surrounding space, determination of the sequence of objects or their images.
  2. The next most difficult task is to isolate one of the links in a chain of homogeneous objects, images, graphic signs. I often use the following game tasks and exercises:

« What is missing in these drawings?”, “What objects are hidden in the drawings?”, “Labyrinths”, “Corrector”, “Set up the sequence”, “Placing a set of toys according to verbal instructions”, “Placing a set of toys based on visual instructions”, “Whose shadow?”, “Find a fragment”, “Cheerful mime”, “Recognize objects by dotted images”, “Name images crossed out with additional lines”, “Name images with missing details”, “Show and name images superimposed on each other” friend”, “What numbers does a little man consist of”, “Determine the direction”, “Patches”, “Find errors in a sequential image”, “Game of the week”,

TARGET: to form ideas about the size, shape, size of an object, perception of direction, distance, holistic perception of an object, phenomenon.


“Learning 10 words”, “A series of signs, objects”, “What has changed”, “Disorder”, “Pick up another word”

TARGET: training of voluntary auditory, visual, motor memory.


“Cut pictures”, “Elimination of the superfluous”, “Find similarities and differences”, “By what characteristics can objects be combined”, “4 extra”, “What grows on what”, “Name the opposite characteristics”, “Recognize letters from a mirror image "", "Show the correct letter in a mirror image", "Which letter is hidden in the pictures", "Show and name all the numbers in a certain numerical sequence", "Jumble", "Classification based on two characteristics", "Comparison of objects", "Comparison plot pictures”, “Identification of artist’s mistakes”, “Formation of conclusions” (which figure is missing in a row, labyrinths)

TARGET: the formation of methods of synthesis, analysis, generalization, exclusion, the development of visual-figurative, practical-effective, verbal-logical thinking, the establishment of interdisciplinary connections and relationships, classification, inference.


“Find 10 differences”, “Find a fragment of the picture”, “Unravel the message”, “Find identical objects”, “Select images of objects among geometric shapes", "Determine whose silhouette", "Find a similar image", "Place objects in their places"

TARGET: development of volume, switchability of attention, its concentration, ability to establish connections between objects, phenomena, relationships.


"Grouping items by common feature", "Selection of items according to a given general concept", "Exclusion of words that are not related to this concept", "Compiling sentences based on a sample", "Compiling sentences with a given word", "Compiling sentences with words that have the opposite meaning", " Verbal drawing”, “Making sentences using reference words”, etc.

TARGET: formation of speech activity, organization of speech practice, training of speech activity, formation of concepts.


“Completing the drawing of the symmetrical half of the image”, “Exercises to reproduce static movements (praxis of poses), “Exercises to develop the dynamic organization of movements”, “Finger games” (with speech accompaniment; spreading and bringing palms together; alternately changing hand positions; without speech accompaniment) , “Exercises using object-based practical activities” (constructing from cubes, sticks according to a model and from memory; unfolding and folding disassembled toys; folding from matches; working with mosaics; winding threads onto a spool, a ball; unfastening - fastening buttons, lacing; coloring, sculpting, cutting out; tracing contours; finishing drawing of object images).


“Exercise on reproducing rhythmic structures”, “Recognizing rhythm based on a visual model”, “Reproducing rhythm”.


“Articulatory gymnastics”, “Reading syllable tables” (reflected reproduction, sequential reading, reading separately), “Sound recognition”, “Determination of the presence of a sound”, “Selection of words for a given sound”, “Adding a missing sound to a word”, “Chain” words”, “Find errors in the poem”, “Change words according to the model”, “Pure words”, “Syllable lotto”.

TARGET: development of sound analysis of words, development of phonemic perception, differentiation of phonemes with similar characteristics.

Children are interested in tasks that require active mental activity and long-term concentration of attention, for example, composing a problem based on a drawing, a sentence according to a given scheme, coloring a drawing in accordance with color notations, coloring a drawing with preliminary solutions to examples, solving number chains, folding pictures from fragments, making a drawing from geometric shapes based on a sample.

So, the choice of exercises aimed at correcting mental functions and personal qualities is determined by specific learning conditions, the psychophysical characteristics of students, the availability of visual and technical means, and must meet the goals and objectives of a particular lesson.