Abstracts Statements Story

Prevention council in kindergarten minutes of meetings. Council for the Prevention of Crime in Educational Institutions

3.3. Drawing up minutes of the meeting of the Prevention Council
Protocol No. 1

Meetings of the Prevention Council of Municipal Educational Institution No. ________
from _____________20____

Chairman of the Prevention Council ___________________________________ Director of Municipal Educational Institution

Secretary of the Prevention Council ___________________________________ social teacher

Members of the Prevention Council _____________________________________deputy. Director of VR

Deputy Director of HR

Educational psychologist

ODN inspector (by agreement)

Chairman of the CTP (as agreed)

District police officer (by agreement)
Meeting agenda:

1. Organization of the work of educational institutions within the framework of the “Education for all children” campaign

2. Analysis of the student’s personal file ____ grade. FULL NAME.
Progress of the meeting:

1. On the first question the director spoke (deputy director for HR. Social teacher, ...) she announced the order ...., the approved action plan working group, action plan for organizing and conducting the action, ... in the current academic year. Etc.

Decision: accept the work schedule and action plan for organizing and conducting the action in the current academic year for strict execution. Etc.

2. On the second question The homeroom teacher of the _____ class spoke. She voiced a characterization of a student summoned to the Prevention Council.

On this issue ____ Full name, position, added (informed, took the floor, noted, drew attention, stated, reminded, stated...)

Solution: oblige parents (legal representatives) to monitor academic progress and attend educational institution, (collect a package of documents for... etc.).
Members of the Prevention Council:

Director of the Municipal Educational Institution

Deputy Director of VR

Deputy Director of HR

Educational psychologist

ODN inspector

Chairman of the CTP

District police officer

Parents (legal representatives) ______________________ (they can sign if they wish)
Secretary of the Prevention Council ______________________________social educator


Note: The folder on the work of the Council for the Prevention of Educational Institutions should contain the following documents:

1. Every year an Order is issued for the educational institution on the creation of a Council for the prevention and organization of work on the prevention of neglect and crime in the 20___ - 20___ academic year, indicating the composition: chairman - director of the educational institution, deputy - deputy director for VR, permanent members of the commission. Indicating the number of meetings per year. With the appointment of a person responsible for monitoring the work of the Prevention Council. A footnote to the approved Regulations on the Prevention Council, which is not developed every year, is required. Appendix to the order: Work plan of the Council for the Prevention of Educational Institutions for 20___ - 20___ academic year.

2. Regulations on the Prevention Council, approved by the director of the educational institution.

3. Cyclogram of joint activities to prevent delinquency and juvenile crimes of the educational institution with the ODN OM No. 6 of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the city of Chelyabinsk.

For example:


joint activities of OU No. ____ with ODN OM No. 6 of the Department of Internal Affairs for the city of Chelyabinsk on the prevention of delinquency and juvenile crimes



Conducting conversations and lectures with students


Conducting meetings and conversations with parents


Participation in the work of the Prevention Council


Public order protection

According to a separate schedule

Speaking at parent-teacher meetings

1 time per quarter

Reconciliation of registered students

Monthly on the 10th

Identifying and working with dysfunctional families


Analysis of work based on the results of _________ academic year.

May 20______

4. Regulations on pedagogical registration of students at educational institutions.

The schedule of visits to the educational institution by the inspector of the ODN OM No. 6 of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the city of Chelyabinsk, approved by the director of the MOU and agreed upon with the head of the ODN OM No. 6 of the Internal Affairs Directorate, indicating:

6. Work plan of the Prevention Council of the Municipal Educational Institution No. ____ for 20___ – 20___ academic year. year, approved by the director of the educational institution

  1. Plan of preventive work to prevent offenses among students of educational institutions for the 20___ - 20___ academic year.

3.4. Approximate Regulations on placement in pedagogicalregistration of school students
Regulations on pedagogical registration of students of educational institution No. _____
1. General Provisions

1.1. This provision has been developed in order to organize targeted individual work with students who are in a state of school maladaptation and requiring increased attention.

1.2. A social teacher places children and adolescents with learning problems and behavioral deviations on pedagogical registration, i.e. able social maladjustment on the recommendation of the class teacher with subsequent approval by the Prevention Council.

1.3. Lists of students registered as teachers are compiled by a social teacher at the beginning of the school year.

1.4. Additions and changes are made to the data bank (lists of students registered as teachers) throughout the academic year.

2. Criteria for registration as a social teacher

2.1. School maladjustment:

Problems related to school attendance (absenteeism, tardiness);

Problems related to academic performance (difficulties in learning, low motivation to study).

2.2. Deviant behavior:

  • vagrancy;

  • drunkenness, alcoholism;

  • substance abuse, drug addiction;

  • other forms of deviant behavior: aggressiveness, cruelty, predisposition to suicidal behavior (suicidal attempts).
2.3. Children and adolescents who:

  • have frequent violations of discipline in lessons and during extracurricular activities(based on reports from teachers, class teacher, duty administrator);

  • committed an offense or crime;

  • humiliate the human dignity of participants educational process;

  • commit gross or repeated violations of the school charter.
2.4. Students can be deregistered by a social teacher in
during the school year at the request of the class teacher, by decision of the Prevention Council.
3.5. Supervision technology

One of the most effective types of assistance to students and families is the work of an interdepartmental team of specialists. The composition of the team is determined by the individual support plan or rehabilitation program. The key figures in the team’s work are a social teacher and a supervisor for accompanying a student at risk or a family supervisor.

Supervision technology– a set of socio-psychological forms, methods, techniques and means implemented by a specialist, curator, in the process of interaction with a minor and family.

Curator of a minor - a specialist accompanying a minor in the process of correcting behavioral deviations.

The purpose of the juvenile's supervisor- creating conditions for building an effective process for correcting behavioral deviations of a minor.

Tasks of a minor's curator:

    1. Build constructive interaction with the child;

    2. Identify problems, developmental features and potential of a minor;

    3. Provide constant support child towards positive changes;

    4. Organize specialized comprehensive assistance in accordance with an individual support plan;

    5. Provide individual pedagogical assistance to teenagers by involving them in various activities in order to develop their social competence;

Family curator– specialist of the MU KTsSON, accompanying the family in the process of its correction or rehabilitation. The curator can be a social teacher or another teaching worker who has undergone special training. A curator is appointed if the family is assigned the status of SOP or “risk group”.

The purpose of the family curator– creating conditions for effective interaction between family members in situations of alcohol, toxic or drug addiction and a team of specialists, in which the family begins to accept the help of society and takes responsibility for solving its own problems.

Tasks of a family curator

  1. Build constructive interaction with your family.

  2. Identify problems, features of development and family potential.

  3. Motivate family members to resolve the problem of addiction and turn to specialists.

  4. Provide ongoing support for the efforts of the family as a whole and its individual members towards positive change.

  5. Organize specialized comprehensive assistance taking into account the individual needs of the family.

  6. Coordinate interdepartmental and interdisciplinary interaction in working with families.

  7. Provide individual pedagogical assistance to children and adolescents by involving them in various activities in order to develop their social competence.

  8. Organize an assessment of the effectiveness of interaction between specialists and families, as well as adjustments to this process.
Principles of work of the curator:

  1. Non-judgmental attitude towards minors and members of their family. Instead of evaluating and judging, it is necessary to understand the situation and accept each family member.

  2. The humanistic orientation presupposes a consistent attitude of the teacher towards the teenager as a responsible and independent subject of his own development.

  3. Search for resources. When helping a minor and his family make positive changes, it is important to look for things in him and his family that can help him cope with the problem.

  4. Focus on the future. When assisting a minor and his family in making positive changes, it is important to focus efforts on finding possible ways out of a problematic situation, rather than looking for someone to blame for what happened.

  5. Sharing of responsibilities. In order to act professionally and constructively, the curator must constantly ask himself: have I done everything to help the family make the right decision. However, it is the family members who are responsible for whether positive changes actually occur.

  6. Voluntariness. The family voluntarily uses the help of a curator and at any time, at any stage of work with specialists, can refuse to participate in the support program.

  7. Confidentiality. The curator, as well as the participants in the consultation (or meeting of the Prevention Council), must maintain confidentiality when using information obtained as a result of interaction with the minor and his family.

  8. Mediation. Most of the work of the curator is mediation (or mediation) both within the family and between the family and specialists whose competence is to provide assistance in resolving specific problems.

  9. Inclusion of the community in the normalization of family relationships. By assisting the family in making positive changes, the curator uses the opportunities of the neighborhood and encourages the participation in the support program of people who can provide support and assistance to the family.

3.5.1. General scheme of curation technology individual plan accompanying a minor or family

The general supervision scheme is a sequence of stages:

  1. Forming an idea of ​​specific goals (orientation stage);

  2. Execution (implementation of methods, techniques and means of the curator in the prescribed sequence);

  3. Evaluation of results;

  4. Adjustment of execution or improvement of the goal;

  5. Supportive accompaniment.
The orientation stage begins at the stage of discussion of the reasons for the child’s deviant behavior or family problems, diagnosis; setting goals and objectives for working with the child and his family. At this stage, the curator establishes a trusting relationship with the child or family, identifies possible intra-family problems, and a system of intra-family relations.

Evaluation of the results allows you to determine the results of accompanying a minor or family, identify problems in the interaction of the family and the team of specialists, make adjustments at the execution stage or adjust the tasks. If tasks are adjusted, work with the family continues. In a situation where the goal has been achieved, the interaction moves to the stage of supportive support, which the family and the curator agree on in advance (however, it should not last more than six months).

An integral component in organizing the supervision of a student at risk is pedagogical reflection which includes:

  • the teacher’s awareness of the true motives of his own actions (whether they are performed in the interests of the child’s personal development, his own prestige, to please the authorities, instructions, etc.);

  • the ability to distinguish your own difficulties from the child’s difficulties;

  • the ability to put oneself in the student’s place;

  • the ability to adequately evaluate one’s own actions.
Important components of supervision are:

  • Respect for the dignity of one’s own personality and that of the child;

  • Trust and understanding in relationships with the student;

  • The ability to flexibly change behavior and attitude in the name of developing the student’s personality;

  • Recognition of a teenager's right to freedom of choice;

  • Willingness and ability to be on the child’s side, recognizing his right to make mistakes.
Below is suggested detailed description algorithm of activities of the curator of the individual support plan and the family curator.

It should be noted that the curator of the individual support plan for a minor is most often the student’s class teacher. If the Prevention Council decides that it is necessary to organize family supervision, then a social teacher most often becomes the family supervisor.

Table 2. Stages of work of the curator of an individual support plan and a minor



Forms and methods of work, means

Orientation stage


Orientation in the situation

Determining the goals and objectives of supervising a minor Determining methods and techniques of interaction with the child

Developing a child care plan


Establishing trusting contact with the child.

Restorative conversation

Responsibility sharing technique


Reaching an agreement on joint goals and results of correctional work

Execution stage


Interaction with the child

Organization of the supervision process

Planning activities together with the child for 1-2 weeks and discussing the results


Coordination of actions of teachers, specialists and children

Working meetings with teachers and specialists


Providing positive leisure activities

Search for the child’s sphere of success, formation of abilities and interests

Diagnosis of interests

Joint search for leisure facilities

Involvement in school and extracurricular activities

Results assessment stage


Summing up the results of supervision

Analysis of the effectiveness of supervision of a minor

Preparation of a certificate of supervision results

Speech with the results of accompanying a minor at a consultation


Organization of support

Collaborative planning for student development

Conversation with a student, individually oriented lesson on a sample topic: “Me and my future”

Adjustment stage


Adjustment of tasks, forms, methods of working with students

Making adjustments to the IPS

      1. The work of a curator using the example of a curator’s work with a family
Table 3. Stages of work of the curator with the family



Forms and methods

work, means

Orientation stage


Orientation in the situation

Gathering information about the situation in the family.

Consultations with the deputy director of the school for educational work, with the class teacher, the school’s social teacher, and the PDN inspector about the child and the situation in the family


Interaction with family

Establishing contact with family

Reaching an agreement on leaving the family

The first call and or conversation with family members in order to introduce the family curator or the role of the curator (if this is a social worker at the school).


Interaction with family

Establishing trusting relationships with family members.

Going out to the family.

Conversation about family situation, problems, resources.

Filling out a questionnaire on the symptoms of the family situation


Interaction with family

Motivating the family and team of family situation specialists to work together

Going out to the family.

Inviting the family to the Prevention Council to conclude a cooperation agreement with the family


Participation in the Prevention Council

Motivation of parents to cooperate

Conclusion of a cooperation agreement

Execution stage


Organization of diagnostic research by a family psychologist

Ensuring the possibility of in-depth diagnostics of family members

Determining the time and place of diagnosis

Participation in a consultation of specialists

Clarifying the causes of family dysfunction, developing a strategy for intervention in the family system

Speech at a consultation of specialists on the results of interaction with the family


Development of an individual support plan (IPS)

Determining the tasks of working with families, forms and methods of work of a team of specialists

Registration of IPS


Coordination of the IPS with family members

Acceptance of IPS by family members, division of responsibilities between family members and specialists

Going out to the family

Discussing IPS items with family members


Implementation of IPS

Coordination of actions between family members and a team of specialists (psychologist, leading EP, narcologist, psychiatrist, psychotherapist)

Calls and visits to family.

Working meetings with specialists

Monitoring the implementation of IPS activities

Results assessment stage


Assessing changes in the family system

Analysis of the effectiveness of team and family collaboration

Conversation with family members


Organization of diagnostics by a family psychologist

Speech with the results of family support at the consultation

Preparation of a final conclusion on the situation in the family

Adjustment stage


Identifying Execution Issues

Adjustment of tasks, forms, methods of working with families

Making adjustments to the IPS

Supportive support stage


Family support

Providing supportive assistance to the family

Periodic visits to family.


      1. Methods, techniques and tools for a curator
Methods of pedagogical support

Pedagogical support from the curator is a system of actions aimed at preserving and strengthening physical, social and psychological potential in vital situations of its development. These are the actions of a teacher in a system of relationships that involve providing assistance in the “here and now” situation for the purpose of the child’s personal development.

Every person can be supported. To do this you just need to constantly see him strengths. Here are some examples of support methods:

Establishing contact. We can distinguish visual (the teacher, when meeting a student with interest, looks into the child’s eyes with a smile), auditory (the teacher is interested in the well-being of the teenager, the state of his affairs; does not forget to express approval and admiration for the positive qualities and actions of the child) and tactile contact (when communicating with child, trying to attract his attention, the teacher lightly touches the student’s shoulder, as praise, he can shake the teenager’s hand, stroke the child’s head). As a rule, first the teacher uses visual contact, when visual contact is achieved, the teenager himself looks for the teacher’s eyes to receive support, you can move on to other types of contact, depending on the characteristics and preferences of the teenager.

Listening. The supervisor, using active listening techniques, or simply listens with interest and attention to his supervised teenager. In appropriate cases, he may be asked to evaluate the situation that the student is talking about from different positions, the actions of the participants and their feelings. Active listening involves:

  • Interested attitude towards the interlocutor.

  • Clarifying questions.

  • Paraphrasing the interlocutor's statement.

  • Getting an answer to your question.

  • Reflection of the speaker's feelings.
When talking with a teenager, try to talk less and listen more.

Request for help. The curator asks the teenager to help him in some simple and interesting activity for the teenager.

Life strategy. The curator and the student discuss plans for the future, opportunities and ways to implement them.

My ideal. The curator and the student talk about the teenager’s ideas about justice, ideals and his positive qualities. At the same time, the process of identifying and understanding the needs and aspirations of the teenager’s personality takes place.

Often, we cannot influence the student’s behavior; he continues to destroy his own life. Remember, a bad tactic is to insist on your own where it is useless, in a situation where you have no real power, where you cannot do anything, and have already tried everything possible. When faced with such a situation, we use the technique transferring responsibility to the teenager. These are several rehearsed, calmly spoken phrases in a situation where you have the teenager’s attention, plus the teacher’s consistency and determination.

The technique of transferring responsibility is implemented provided that all possible methods of psychological and pedagogical support are used, the relationship with the teenager is good, trusting (no conflict), the teenager is carried away in communicating with the teacher by the psychological scenario “policeman - thief” or “you mean nothing to me.” you will do" and the like.

Active listening techniques.

Active listening techniques are divided into reflective and non-reflective.

Non-reflective listening is, in essence, the simplest technique and consists of the ability to remain silent without interfering with the speech of the interlocutor. This is an active process that requires attention. Depending on the situation, the supervisor can express understanding, approval and support with short phrases or interjections. Sometimes unreflective listening becomes the only way to maintain a conversation, because the client is so excited that he is of little interest in other people’s opinions, he wants someone to listen to him. “Yes!”, “How is that?”, “I understand you,” “Of course,” - such answers invite the client to speak freely and naturally. Other phrases also express approval, interest and understanding: “Continue, this is interesting.” “Are you worried about something?”, “Did something happen?”, “Your voice is sad,” “Good to hear,” “Can you tell me more about this?” etc. On the other hand, there are phrases that, on the contrary, are an obstacle to communication: “Who told you that?”, “Why is that?”, “Well, it can’t be that bad!”, “Let’s hurry up,” “Speak, I’m listening,” etc.

Non-reflective listening is best suited to tense situations. People experiencing an emotional crisis often look to us for a sounding board rather than for an advisor.

Reflective Listening is objective feedback for the speaker and serves as a criterion for the accuracy of perception of what was heard. This technique helps the client express his feelings more fully. To be able to listen reflectively means to decipher the meaning of messages, to find out their real meaning. Many words in Russian have several meanings, so it is important to correctly understand the speaker, to understand what he wants to communicate. Many clients have difficulty expressing themselves openly and often test the waters before diving into emotionally charged topics. The less self-confidence, the more a person beats around the bush until he gets to the main thing.

Now let's briefly touch on the techniques of reflective listening, which a curator must master when working with a family.

Clarification of the situation. This is an appeal to the speaker for clarification: “Please explain this”, “Is this the problem as you understand it?”, “Will you repeat it again?”, “I don’t understand what you mean” and etc.

Paraphrasing. It consists in the fact that the curator expresses the client’s thoughts in other words. The purpose of paraphrasing is to formulate the speaker's message yourself to check its accuracy. The curator’s phrase can begin with the following words: “As I understand you...”, “If I understand correctly, you are saying...”, “In your opinion...”, “Do you think...”, “You you can correct me if I’m wrong, I understand...”, “In other words, do you think...”, etc. You need to be able to express someone else’s thought in your own words, since literal repetition can offend the interlocutor and thereby serve as an obstacle to communication .

Reflection. By reflecting feelings, we show that we understand the speaker's state of mind, and also help him to realize it emotional condition. Introductory phrases can be: “It seems to me that you feel...”, “You probably feel...”, “Don’t you feel a little...”, etc. Sometimes the intensity of feelings should be taken into account: “You somewhat (very, slightly) upset.”

Summary. It is used in long conversations in order to bring fragments of conversation into semantic unity. To summarize means to summarize the main ideas and feelings of the speaker. This can be done using the following phrases: “As I understand it, your main idea is ...”, “If I now summarize what you said ...”, “What you just said could mean ...” and etc. Summarizing is appropriate in situations that arise when discussing disagreements, resolving conflicts, and solving problems.

Retelling a statement in your own words of what the interlocutor said; it can be more complete at the beginning, and later more concise, highlighting the most important. Keywords: “As I understand...”, “In other words, do you think...”. Repetition should be empathetic, that is, used when necessary and meet the needs of the interlocutor. Retelling is a kind of feedback: “I hear you, listen and understand.” The difficulty in developing the skill of retelling lies in the fact that in doing so it is necessary to focus on the thoughts of others, disconnecting from our own, and the words of others usually evoke in us our own memories and associations. The ability to distribute attention while simultaneously maintaining the internal structure of your thoughts and the train of reasoning of another person is a sign of the formation of active listening skills.

Clarification (inquiry) refers to the immediate content of what the other person is saying. Clarification can be aimed at specifying and clarifying something (“You said that this has been happening for a long time. How long has this been happening?”, “You don’t want to go to school on Thursday?”). Clarification can also refer to the entire statement of the other person (“Please explain what this means?”, “Will you repeat it again?”, “Perhaps you can tell us more about this?”). Clarification should be distinguished from questioning (“Why did you say that?”, “Why did you offend him?”). During the listening stage, questioning can destroy the speaker's desire to communicate anything. This often leads to a breakdown in contact between people, which is best maintained during a conversation.

Speaking subtext - pronouncing what the interlocutor would like to say, further development thoughts of the interlocutor. Parents often understand well what is behind the child’s words and what kind of “voice-over translation” can be done. For example, the phrase “Mom, haven’t you noticed what kind of cleaning I did today?” the subtext could be: “You would praise me” or even deeper: “I wish you would let me go to the disco.” Pronunciation of subtext should be carried out for better mutual understanding and further progress in the conversation, but pronunciation should not turn into evaluation. Evaluation blocks any person’s desire to talk about the problem.

These simple techniques will help the curator not only avoid getting into conflict situations, but also establish trusting, friendly relationships with a wide variety of families. However, it should be noted that simple knowledge of these techniques is often insufficient; training in practical skills is necessary. The curator does not see himself from the outside, does not notice the moments when he interrupts the interlocutor, raises the tone of his voice, and other “interference” in communication. In addition, the curator needs targeted supervisory assistance.

I-statements . A way of expressing feelings that arise in tense situations. A constructive alternative to the You statement, which is traditionally used in conflicts through the expression of a negative assessment towards another, while responsibility for the situation is shifted to this other. A way of identifying a problem for yourself and at the same time realizing your own responsibility for solving it.

I-statement scheme:

1. Description of the situation that caused the tension:

When I see that...

When this happens...

When I am faced with...

2. The exact name of your feeling in this situation:

I feel…

I don't know how to react...

I'm having...

3. Statement of reasons:


Due to the fact that…

“Three-stage rocket” technique (another technique of I-statements):

1. Describe the behavior of the interlocutor: “When you do (say) this and that...”.

2. Reflect yours own feelings related to this situation.

3. Make a request for what you want to receive.

For example:

“I see that you are enthusiastically discussing something (without me) ....”

“This makes me feel confused (resentful) ....”

“Therefore, I want to ask you to follow the rules of the meeting. One speaks, the rest are silent.”

If the I-statement used several times does not lead to a result, the technique is used infusion.

Insistence is used on the condition that your demands are fair, and on your part this destructive behavior of the teenager was not provoked consciously or not, that the teenager knows and understands the meaning of the rules of conduct established in the institution, knows his rights and responsibilities, and has the opportunity to choose a method of behavior in this situation.

In any case and situation, when managing a student’s behavior, do not forget about positive reinforcement, as the main technique for shaping behavior. The habit of listening, observing and understanding your students opens up a creative person with the opportunity for daily joy, for a sense of the fullness of his life as a teacher.

Work with objections.

Objections are anything but “yes.” “I don’t have time, I’m too busy...”, “I don’t know what to do, I don’t know how,” etc. These can be treated as a lack of information; to an indicator that the parents' feelings were hurt during your message (for example, feelings of fear, guilt); to the possibility of identifying a topic for subsequent discussion.

Therefore it is important:

  • React to objections calmly.

  • “Separate” a person and his “objecting” behavior.

  • Let them “blow off steam”: do not interrupt, look into the eyes, nod, etc.

  • After letting off steam, join the feelings of the parents. For example, “I understand your feelings; if I were you, I would probably experience the same thing.”

  • Thank you for asking questions and expressing objections. For example, “Thank you, this is important... It’s good that you raised this issue.”

  • Do not criticize, do not argue, do not interrupt, wait for pauses in the objector’s speech.

  • Sincerely ask: “I want to consult (discuss) with you...”, “Please help me figure it out.” Ask: “What should I do in this situation?”

  • Return to the purpose of the meeting if statements go too far from the topic.

  • If they say: “This is not possible!”, then the continuation of the question may be: “What could happen if we do do this?”

  • Ask: “What needs to happen for you to say yes?” What do I need to tell you so that you agree?

  • Ask clarifying questions: “What do you mean? I didn't quite understand you. Will you repeat it again?"

  • Paraphrase, summarize, reflect feelings.
How to prevent objections?

  1. Don't lower your parents' self-esteem. Don't imply that they are bad or have bad parents. Criticism of parents or their children includes feelings of fear or guilt. The thought: “I am a bad parent” leads to defensiveness, i.e. to objections.

  2. Increase your self-esteem

  3. Thank you for your participation, activity, sincerity, patience, attentiveness, etc.

  4. Reflect your feelings more often, thanks to this you become clearer and safer for your parents: “I’m worried, I’m embarrassed, I feel confused, I’m annoyed, scared, worried...”

  5. Use the “mind reading” technique: talk through possible objections before they arise and respond to them. For example, “Perhaps you think that our joint efforts to change the situation will not yield anything?” "I'd like to talk about it now"

  6. Instead of “You”, you often say “We”.

  7. Motivate by showing positive results. For example, “If we teach a child to cope with stress, teach him to consciously refuse all temptations, improve our family relationships, then our children grow up healthy, in a safe atmosphere, able to cope with difficulties.” All people are more easily motivated to achieve a positive outcome than to avoid a negative one.

  8. If possible, eliminate the word: “No.” Use formulations like: “I think it’s different...”, “Think about this option...”, “It seems to me that it’s better...”.

  9. Replace the “Why” question with the “How” question.

  10. Remember about the boomerang effect, when strong pressure on a child’s feelings or parental duty is perceived as an attack on one’s own choice, and as a result, you can get resistance and pressure on you.
Algorithm for restorative conversation.

  1. Introduce yourself completely and establish trust.

  2. Listen to the person's personal story.

  3. Understand and accept the experiences of a family member, remove strong negative emotions and, together with him, navigate problems and needs.

  4. Find out and discuss suggestions from a family member to change the situation.

  5. Offer to participate in joint work.
Joining the family system. The task of the curator at the joining stage is to move from the role of an “outside observer” to the position of one of the elements of the system (“the one who speaks like us,” “the one who, it turns out, has the same problems, but has already solved them”). Joining promotes compliance with an important rule - maintaining the family status quo. If there is a clear leader in the family who strictly prescribes certain behavior to others, who is used to speaking for others, then all appeals to the family must be directed through such a leader. "Can I ask your wife?" – appeal to a male leader, etc. The family as a system reveals to the curator a certain language of verbal and non-verbal behavior, with the help of which its members ensure their integration and integrity. With the help of imitation (mirroring) techniques, it is possible to enter into communication in a language familiar to the family.

Organizing the first meeting of the family with specialists.

Includes several important points: relieving emotional stress and anxiety about the upcoming meeting (through articulating the needs and responding to the current feelings of the parents); analysis of educational measures in relation to the child (“What measures have you already taken?”; “What were the results?”); building a perspective (“Do you want something to change in your child’s behavior, the situation in your family?”); motivation to work with a team of specialists (can be strengthened due to the context of exclusivity (only for you such help is free, do not miss this opportunity to get advice), urgency (time passes very quickly, we have many clients, we value your time, we only have three months to fulfill our plan with you), benefits (they will be deregistered, stop annoying, learn to understand each other), quality (professionals work with you, we have special programs, computer simulators), responsibility (if you can’t, please warn us yourself, we value our time). In addition, it is important to discuss the extent of responsibility of both parties for the results of work and the right to terminate the contract in case of violation of its terms by any party.

An approximate sequence of concluding contractual relations and a team of specialists with a family:

  • Creating a welcoming environment and atmosphere for conversation.

  • Presentation of those present.

  • A message about the purpose of the meeting.

  • Clarifying the parents' point of view on the situation; consequences of the situation for the school, family, child; needs.

  • Non-judgmental definition of the problem.

  • Proposal for joint discussion and solution of the problem.

  • Detailed description of experience in solving similar problems.

  • Sharing responsibility with parents for work (Do you want to participate in this program? How do you see your role? We can change the situation and help only with your consent and with your help. Do you understand everything?).

  • Answers to parents' questions, activation of their questions.

  • Summing up the meeting, determining the timing of subsequent meetings, expressing words of gratitude.
To determine the symptoms of a family situation, diagnostic methods can be used, which are filled out by parents and the student.

Socially oriented impact

Individually oriented impact

Order - passivity

Request - activity

The solution is lack of independence

Advice - independence

Interrogation - secrecy

Confidential conversation - frankness

Criticism - anxiety

Emphasis on strengths - confidence

Labels - aggressiveness

Sympathy - goodwill

Threat - fear

Result projection – responsibility

Morals - resistance

Take the position of another - community

Avoiding the problem - alienation

Joint discussion of the situation as equals – security

Overprotection - immaturity

Empowerment - initiative

3.5.4. Approximate Regulations on the curator using the example of the Regulations on the class curator
Regulations on the class curator
I. General provisions

1.1. The curator is appointed by the director of the educational institution by order in order to organize effective interaction between participants in the educational process, promptly familiarize them with administrative information, and organize assistance to class teachers (as a rule, from among young specialists).

1.2. The main tasks of the curator:

– rendering methodological assistance class teacher;

– consulting the class teacher on issues of effective interaction between participants in the educational process;

– adjustment of the organizational and pedagogical actions of the class teacher;

Organization of interaction between class groups.

II. Rights and responsibilities of the curator

2.1. The curator has the right:

– attend lessons and extracurricular activities in a supervised class;

– request from the class teacher of the supervised class information about students and their parents (persons replacing them) of the supervised class;

– bring up for discussion by the school staff issues of effective interaction between participants in the educational process in the supervised class;

– make proposals for the school administration to optimize the system of work in the supervised class.

2.2. The curator is obliged:

– know the regulatory documents of the federal, regional, municipal and school levels that regulate the work of an educational institution and the organization of the educational process;

– promptly communicate the necessary administrative information to the supervised class and demand that participants in the educational process implement it;

– organize your work in interaction with other deputy school principals, teachers working in the supervised class, and support services;

– timely report to the director on the results of work in the class under supervision, on comments and shortcomings in the work of the class teacher and on the assistance provided to him;

– have information about the characteristics of the students of the supervised class, know the personal composition parent committee supervised class;

– know the work plan of the class teacher of the supervised class, the plan for holding parent meetings, the list of issues considered at each parent meeting;

– if necessary or at the request of the class teacher of the supervised class, participate in parent-teacher meetings;

– competently advise the class teacher of the supervised class on issues within the competence of the educational institution;

– resolve conflict issues with participants in the educational process of the supervised class within their competence;

Anninsky municipal district
Voronezh region

from 09/24/2015

Total Council members - 7


1 . Approval of the Prevention Council for the new academic year.
2. Approval of the composition of the bank of students and their families by category.
3. Planning the work of the Prevention Council. Organization of cooperation with law enforcement agencies.
4. Analysis of the work of the Prevention Council for the 2014 - 2015 academic year.
5. Consideration of materials received by the Prevention Council.

Deputy Director for HR Kuzmina L.A., she spoke about the work of the Prevention Council in the 2014-2015 academic year and introduced those present to the members of the Council. Next, Lyudmila Aleksandrovna proposed for discussion the work plan of the Prevention Council for the new academic year, the distribution of responsibilities. (Annex 1)

Approve the plan for joint work of the Prevention Council and the ODN OUUP and PDN (the plan is attached) and the composition of the Council.

Full name
Job title
Status in
public formation
Contact coordinates (address, telephone)

Deputy Director for VR

Head teacher
Council member

social teacher
member of the Council,

Council member

educational psychologist
Council member

Council member

Council member

A social educator, she spoke about the collected bank of families by category. Introduced those present to families who require special attention(where are children with disabilities). She talked about benefits for children.
Next, Tatyana Yuryevna told those present that as of September 1, 2015, there were 5 teenagers registered with the KDN and ZP and PDN. Currently, F.I. has been removed from the register. All families were visited by the commission, and housing inspection reports were drawn up. Applications for deregistration of F.I. were submitted to the PDN and KDNiZP. and F.I..
During the autumn holidays, assign teacher-mentors to students who are registered:
Full name, technology teacher, for full name.
Full name, teacher additional education, for F.I.
Class teachers will continue to work during the holidays with students who have been deregistered and those who are registered.

Secretary ____________ Full name

Anninsky municipal district
Voronezh region

dated October 29, 2015
meetings of the Prevention Council

Attendance – 32
Total Council members – 7
Class teachers - 25

1. The role of family and school in education moral qualities teenagers
2. Employment of students from “disadvantaged families” and “at-risk” students during the autumn holidays.
3 Consideration of materials received by the Prevention Council. Registration and deregistration.

On the first question, information from an educational psychologist. She said that in modern conditions the situation is such that the family and school are the main responsible for all the failures associated with raising the younger generation. Today's children, says Antonina Vasilyevna, unfortunately or fortunately, grow up much earlier. The school is faced with the fact that the problems associated with the maturation of students concern not only the older school age, but also teenagers. This is a very important problem that affects not only the child’s learning, but also his entire lifestyle, his actions and behavior. What role should family and school play during this period in a teenager’s life? How can they help their child go through the stages of growing up with minimal losses for him and for his parents? First of all, this is all-round emotional support for the child. No matter what torments a child suffers, no matter how absurd these tossings may be from the point of view of an adult, parents must empathize, understand, accept and support their child simply because they are his parents. Many parents make the mistake of blaming their child for growing up. “Since you are such an adult, that means I will talk to you like an adult,” they say. An attempt to manage a child, the desire of parents to “once and for all” put everything in its place often leads to the collapse of parent-child relationships.
On the second question of the social teacher... Tatyana Yuryevna spoke about how work is carried out with students registered in the PDN and KDN to involve them in various events. As of 10/01/2015, there are 2 students registered at MCOU Anninskaya Secondary School No. 3. This is F.I., student 3 “B” class (socially dangerous act, theft), class teacher Full name, full name, student 9 “B” » class (drinking alcoholic beverages) class teacher, full name. Both students are involved in extracurricular activities in their free time. Class teachers monitor the attendance of teenagers in educational and extracurricular activities. During the autumn holidays, teenagers plan to visit additional education associations.
On the third question, we listened to the Deputy Director for VR. She said that in May 2015, teenagers from our school committed 4 offenses. Three teenagers committed petty hooliganism. These are FI, FI and FI. These teenagers have not received any comments over the past period and are characterized positively by their class teachers.
Next, Lyudmila Aleksandrovna proposed removing FI, FI and FI from the school’s internal records. Olga Aleksandrovna P also suggested deregistering FI (unauthorized leaving home). Ivan did not miss school, did not leave home. Of particular interest to extracurricular activities I haven't experienced it. During the autumn holidays, the family moves to the Podgorensky district for permanent residence.

Continue monitoring the attendance of lessons by students who are in a socially dangerous situation, involving them in clubs, sections, class and school events. Class teachers 3 "B" class Full name and class teacher 9 "B" class Full name. monitor attendance at FI classes. and FI.
Deputy Director for VR Full name. prepare documents for removal of financial statements (3 “B” class from preventive accounting).

Chairman ____________ Full name
Secretary_________ Full name

Anninsky municipal district
Voronezh region

dated November 26, 2015
meetings of the Prevention Council

Attendance – 32
Total Council members – 7
Class teachers - 25

1. Prevention of injuries. Prevention of violations of discipline, fights, and obscene language.
2 Consideration of materials received by the Prevention Council.

On the first question, we heard the full name, deputy director for water management. She told those present about the prevention of childhood injuries. Childhood injuries seem to be a necessary evil, especially during the holidays, when it is difficult to control the child and protect him from danger. In fact, most injuries and dangerous situations can be avoided. And the prevention of childhood injuries naturally falls on the shoulders of parents and teachers. Childhood injuries are much more common than adult injuries, and this is not surprising. Children are very inquisitive and actively try to learn. the world. But at the same time, they still have few everyday skills, and they do not always know how to assess the danger of a situation. Therefore, childhood injuries, alas, are not uncommon. Childhood injuries can be divided into five types depending on the place where the child can get injured: domestic (injuries that occur at home or in the yard); street (primarily transport, but also not related to transport); school; sports; other.
Full name, class teacher of class 5 “A”. She made a presentation on the topic “Laws school life in the teaching and education of schoolchildren."
She told those present about what had happened class hour, in which, in a form accessible to children, she said that the School cannot be good if all its inhabitants do not like it. Loving your school means being kind, treating children and adults with respect, being ready to help your home school and your teachers, never breaking anything, growing your own flower at school and leaving a good memory of yourself. Galina Stanislavovna shared her material with her class teachers.
The social teacher spoke on the second issue. She talked about visiting the families of FI, FI and FI.

Continue monitoring the attendance of lessons by students who are in a socially dangerous situation, involving them in clubs, sections, class and school events.
Post materials Full name. on the school website.

Chairman ____________ L.A. Kuzmina
Secretary_________ T.Yu.Klimenko

Anninsky municipal district
Voronezh region

dated December 24, 2015
meetings of the Prevention Council

Attendance – 32
Total Council members – 7
Class teachers - 25

1. Prevention of smoking, drunkenness, use of toxic and narcotic drugs.
2. Employment of “at-risk” students during the winter holidays.
3. Consideration of materials received by the Prevention Council.

Regarding the first question, full name, social teacher. She talked about negative impact bad habits on the human body, especially children, and what the use of such drugs leads to, as well as the prevention of smoking, drunkenness, use of toxic drugs and drug addiction. She introduced those present to statistical data for the region. She told about different cases of our schoolchildren.
The full name invited the children to show a film about the effects of drugs on the body. Deputy Director for HR Full Name told those present about the participation of school teachers in the regional preventive action “Teenager”. That the commission visited four families registered with the PDN and KDN and ZP. Appropriate preventive work has been carried out on them. It was also talked about what responsibility comes for the use and distribution of narcotic and toxic substances and at what age.
Next, Lyudmila Aleksandrovna spoke about the situation in families registered on preventive measures in the PDN and KDN and ZP. These are the families FI, FI, FI and FI. In days school holidays class teachers Full name, Full name, Full name, Full name, Full name keep the employment of children from these families under control. Lyudmila Aleksandrovna said that one student from our school is still registered with the PDN and KDN and ZP - this is FI, 9 “B” grade. With this teenager, preventive work is constantly carried out by school teachers: Full name, Full name, Full name.

Continue to work on the prevention of smoking, drunkenness, use of toxic substances and drug addiction. Class teachers carry out according to plans cool watch on this topic.
The school social educator should continue to monitor the whereabouts of students in a socially dangerous situation during the winter holidays.

Chairman ____________ Full name
Secretary_________ Full name

Anninsky municipal district
Voronezh region

from 01/28/2016
meetings of the Prevention Council

Present – ​​25 class teachers
Total Council members - 7


1 . Difficulties in learning and communicating with a child and ways to eliminate them.

1.Teacher-psychologist, full name, she said that behind the underachievement of a particular student is a complex individuality with a unique developmental history inherent in it. But what about those who, for subjective or objective reasons, cannot or do not want to study better? As sad as it is, the number of such students increases every year. What needs to be done so that they do not lose faith in themselves, do not become embittered, and maintain a positive attitude towards school and teachers? Visibility, sensory perception And Practical activities, is the basis for the conscious acquisition of knowledge, the best means of children’s development. Antonina Vasilyevna gave teachers some advice When communicating with a teenager, remember: 1. A conversation with a teenager should begin in a friendly tone.2. When communicating with a teenager, show sincere interest in him.3. The best word, which predisposes a teenager to communicate is his name.4. Dialogue with a teenager should begin on those issues on which opinions coincide.5. During the communication process, try to conduct the dialogue as equals.6. Try to keep the initiative of communication in your hands. 7. Learn to see things through the eyes of a teenager.
2. Deputy Director for VR Full name, she said that in 2015, students of our school committed 7 offenses. In comparison, in 2014, 12 offenses were committed. As of January 1, 2016, 1 teenager is registered with the PDN, KDN and ZP, 4 families are registered with preventive care. In comparison, as of 01/01/2015, 4 teenagers were registered with the PDN, KDN and ZP, 5 families were registered with the preventive register. The teaching staff is seriously engaged in preventive work with school students and the parent community.


Class teachers, social educators, and educational psychologists will continue preventive work with students and parents to prevent crime.

Chairman of the Council ___________ Full name

Secretary ____________ Full name

Anninsky municipal district
Voronezh region

from 03/17/2016
meetings of the Prevention Council

Present – ​​25 class teachers
Total Council members - 7

1 . The tasks of the family in the formation of moral qualities of the individual. Parental control over the child’s progress and upbringing.
2. Employment of “at-risk” students during spring break.
3. Consideration of materials received by the Prevention Council.

1. Full name, teacher-psychologist, she said that recently she has been faced with complaints from teachers and parents about a “sharp”, “sudden” decline in academic performance in children and adolescents for no apparent reason. Usually, both teachers and parents say approximately the same words: “Lately I’ve started to study poorly, he doesn’t do anything, he can sit over lessons for hours, staring blankly at the ceiling.” Or: “The boy is smart, he always studied well, but recently he stopped studying altogether.” When there is a visible reason - for example, went into new class(school), had a serious quarrel with classmates, fell in love, new friends appeared, a hobby, etc., then parents and teachers, first of all, declare precisely this problem that worries them. Then the question about the decline in academic performance becomes secondary, since everyone understands the reason (or seems clear). In the case we are considering, it is the decline in academic performance itself that causes bewilderment and anxiety. Unfortunately, not seeing objective reasons, both parents and teachers are in no hurry to seek help from a school psychologist, hoping that this decline is temporary and will “go away on its own.” Sometimes, however, this happens, children often study unevenly, and can reduce their performance without any serious reasons, but not in all subjects at once and not in a short period of time. Working with parents in such cases is extremely difficult. While agreeing with the need to transfer responsibility for the learning process, parents do not agree with the need to transfer responsibility for the result. The most common objection is that then the child “will not graduate from school, will not go to college, nothing will come of him and his life will go to ruin.” At the same time, they ask the psychologist to “apply pressure, explain to the child the need to study on his own, influence him, etc.” The reasons for the categorical reluctance to transfer responsibility to the child himself may be different. Sometimes parents simply don’t know how to do it, what’s best, and what needs to be done for this. In this case, they are open to new experiences and receptive to the analysis of limiting reasons. Then even one consultation can help parents look at the problem differently and outline steps to resolve it. Antonina Vasilievna introduced the class teachers to the schedule for receiving parents for consultations.
2. Full name of the social teacher, she spoke about the employment of teenagers who are on preventive registration in the PDN and KDNiZP during the spring holidays. Tatyana Yuryevna recommended assigning male teachers to registered teenagers.

Please take note of the information received.
Class teachers, social educators, and educational psychologists will continue preventive work with students and parents to prevent crime. Class teachers Full name, Full name, Full name. monitor the employment of registered teenagers during spring break.
Assign male teachers to registered teenagers. FULL NAME. for full name, full name. for full name, full name for full name.

Chairman of the Council ___________ Full name

Secretary ____________ Full name

Anninsky municipal district
Voronezh region

from 04/28/2016
meetings of the Prevention Council

Present – ​​3 class teachers of 9 classes
Total Council members - 7


1. The importance of choice in a person’s life. The role of the family in shaping children’s interests and choices future profession.
2. Consideration of materials received by the Prevention Council.

1.Teacher-psychologist full name, she said that family plays a huge role in choosing a future profession, although teenagers themselves may not realize this. They often focus on the professions of relatives. We all know examples of labor dynasties, when several generations of one family work in the same specialty, and cases when someone becomes a “doctor, like mom” or “a driver, like dad.” On the one hand, family tradition may limit the likely choices. The teenager, as if by inertia, does not try to understand to what extent the profession of his parents really corresponds to his own interests and inclinations. On the other hand, he represents this profession very well and is aware of what qualities it requires. For example, children of doctors know very well that the medical profession involves urgent calls and overtime work, as well as requests for help from friends and neighbors, and children of teachers know that it is necessary to prepare for lessons and check notebooks. Thus, if a teenager chooses his parents’ profession, it is important to discuss with him the motives for his choice and understand what motivates him. Antonina Vasilievna offered all the prepared material to the class teachers for use in their work.

2. Social teacher Full Name, she introduced those present to the material from the PDN on FI, a student of grade 9 “B” and that this teenager was registered on preventive measures in both the PDN and the KDNiZP.

Please take note of the information received.
Class teacher, full name, social teacher, full name, teacher-psychologist, full name, deputy director for VR, full name. draw up a plan for preventive work with FI.

Chairman of the Council ___________ Full name

Secretary ____________ Full name

Anninsky municipal district
Voronezh region

from 05/20/2016
meetings of the Prevention Council

Present – ​​3 class teachers
Total Council members - 7


1. Organization of recreation and health improvement for students at risk during the summer.
2. Consideration of materials received by the Prevention Council.

1. Full name of the social teacher, she said that all students registered with the PDN and KDNiZP, as well as children from families registered with the PDN and KDNiZP, were invited to spend their holidays in summer health camps during the school holidays. (The children's planned holiday schedule is attached)

2. The deputy director for VR Full name spoke about the situation in the family of FI, a student in grade 9 “B”, and proposed to petition for his removal from the preventive register. The class teacher gave a positive description of Mikhail.

Please take note of the information received.
Class teacher, full name, social teacher, full name, educational psychologist, full name, deputy director for VR, full name. petition the PDN, KDNiZP to remove a student of 9 “B” class FI from the preventive register.

Chairman of the Council ___________ Full name

Secretary ____________ Full name


MOBU secondary school from Nizhneulu-Elga from 09/01/2016.

Chairman: Ibatullina N.N.

Deputy: Ilyina M.S.

Secretary: Kryukova I.V.


    Analysis of the work of the Council for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency of the Municipal Budgetary Institution Secondary School in Nizhneulu-Elga for the 2015-16 academic year.

    Formation of a data bank on “difficult” teenagers, teenagers at risk, teenagers from disadvantaged families. Approval of a preventive work plan at school. Organization of cooperation with law enforcement agencies.

    Knowledge lesson “Family. Family values" (for parents and children).

    Involving students in clubs.


1. On the first issue, we listened to the chairman of the school Council for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency analyzing the work for the 2015-2016 school year.

2. On the second issue, we listened to the chairman of the school prevention council, Ibatullina N.N., who proposed for approval the work plan of the Council for the Prevention of Neglect and Delinquency among Minors for the 2016-2017 school year. Recommended that students with deviant behavior and families in difficult life situations who have problems raising children, she also proposed a plan for the school’s preventive work for approval.

3. On the third question with the demonstration of the Knowledge Lesson “Family. Family Values” (for parents and children) was presented by class teachers.

4. On the fourth issue of attracting students to clubs, the deputy chairman of the school Council for the Prevention of Neglect and Crime, Ilyina M.S., spoke. with a proposal to attract students to clubs.


1. Work with children and disadvantaged families who are registered within the school:

1) Bochkareva A. (8th grade)

2) Bayazitov R. (8th grade)

List of “at-risk” families included in the internal school register of the secondary school in Nizhneulu-Elga in the 2016-2017 academic year:

    Vanyushin (village Nizhneulu-Elga)

    Garifullins (village Nizhneulu-Elga)

2. Approve the work plan of the Prevention Council and the school’s preventive work plan.

3. Organize participation in the work of DDT and SDK circles and in extracurricular activities.

4. Involve class teachers, parents, and law enforcement agencies more widely in the work.


meetings of the Council for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency

MOBU secondary school from Nizhneulu-Elga from 10/03/2016.

Chairman: Ibatullina N.N.

Deputy: Ilyina M.S.

Secretary: Kryukova I.V.


    Causes of adolescents' educational difficulties. The role of family and school in developing the moral qualities of adolescents.

    Attending classroom hours.

    Autumn holidays.


1. On the first question, we listened to the report of the class teacher to I.V. Kryukov. about the reasons for the difficulty of raising adolescents and about the role of family and school in nurturing the moral qualities of adolescents.

2. On the second question, we heard the chairman of the school Prevention Council Ibatullina N.N. after attending classroom hours in grades 5, 7, 8, 9, she suggested adhering to the school’s preventative work plan, continuing to conduct conversations, discussions, debates, and classroom hours on the prevention of difficult-to-educate adolescents.

3. On the third issue on drawing up a plan for working with children during the autumn holidays, N.N. Ibatullina spoke.


1. Involve parents more widely in the prevention of educational difficulties in adolescents.

2. Approve a plan for working with children during the autumn holidays.

3. Continue to conduct conversations, discussions, debates, and classes on the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency.

4. Entrust the organization of the child’s leisure and employment during the autumn holidays to school teachers and their parents.

Chairman: ________Ibatullina N.N.

Deputy:___________ Ilyina M.S.

Secretary:_____________I.V. Kryukova


meetings of the Council for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency

MOBU secondary school from Nizhneulu-Elga from 02.11.2016.

Chairman: Ibatullina N.N.

Deputy: Ilyina M.S.

Secretary: Kryukova I.V.


1. Problems of aggressive children. Prevention of injuries, prevention of violations of discipline, fights, obscene language;

2. Inviting parents, students, violators of discipline at school, organizing fights, insulting children and teachers;

3. The status and implementation of plans to help children in socially dangerous situations.


1. On the first question, we listened to the report of the class teacher Ilna M.S. about the problems of aggressive children, about the prevention of injuries, about the prevention of violations of discipline, fights, and obscene language.

2. On the second question, we listened to the chairman of the school Prevention Council, Ibatullina N.N., who introduced the invited Garifullin parents to the school’s preventive work plan. She introduced me to a guide for parents “How to deal with a difficult child,” and also introduced me to the classification of difficult-to-educate children.

3. On the third issue, class teachers A.A. Filippova spoke. and Kryukova I.V. with a report on the status and implementation of plans to help children in socially dangerous situations.


    Intensify work with teenagers (and their families) who have not yet broken the law, but are showing a tendency towards antisocial behavior;

    Improve early preventive work with families raising children;

    Create a data bank of visitors and single-parent families (with children from 0 to 18 years old) in order to prevent antisocial behavior not only of children, but also of parents;

    Qualitatively improve the work of consolidating the efforts of public organizations, families, schools, medical and cultural institutions, labor collectives, and law enforcement agencies;

    Qualitatively improve the diversity and content of the organization of teenagers’ free time, taking into account society;

    Protect the rights of minors and social patronage for families in socially dangerous situations, their social rehabilitation.

Chairman: ________Ibatullina N.N.

Deputy:___________ Ilyina M.S.

Secretary:_____________I.V. Kryukova


meetings of the Council for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency

MOBU secondary school from Nizhneulu-Elga from 12/02/2016.

Chairman: Ibatullina N.N.

Deputy: Ilyina M.S.

Secretary: Kryukova I.V.


1. The child’s health is in your hands. Prevention of smoking, drunkenness, use of toxic and narcotic substances;

2. Invitation of parents, students detained in a state of alcoholic or toxic intoxication, violators of discipline and order at school and in public places.

3. Planning work with students during the winter holidays.


1. On the first question, we listened to class teacher A.A. Filippova. with a report-presentation on child health and the prevention of smoking, drunkenness, use of toxic and narcotic substances;

2. On the second question, we heard the chairman of the school Prevention Council Ibatullina N.N. She said that as a result of the raids carried out in the evening, no children were found to be under the influence of alcohol or toxic substances.

3. On the third issue on drawing up a plan for working with children during the winter holidays, Deputy Director for Education and Resource Management N.N. Ibatullina spoke.


1. Parents should assist in creating an environment of psychological comfort and personal security for students in the family and in the surrounding social environment.

2. Prevent antisocial behavior and crime, protect the life and health of families.

3. Coordinate the interaction of teachers, parents (persons replacing them), representatives of administrative bodies to provide assistance to students.

4. Approve the plan of activities for the winter holidays.

5. Entrust the organization of the child’s leisure and employment during the winter holidays to school teachers and their parents.

6. Organize duty during the holidays at night from 9 to 12 at night for parents and teachers of the school.

7. Continue preventive conversations with students, parents,

8. Continue home visits by class teachers and members of the Council for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency

Chairman: ________Ibatullina N.N.

Deputy:___________ Ilyina M.S.

Secretary:_____________I.V. Kryukova


meetings of the Council for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency

MOBU secondary school from Nizhneulu-Elga from 01/11/2016.

Chairman: Ibatullina N.N.

Deputy: Ilyina M.S.

Secretary: Kryukova I.V.


1. Difficulties in learning and communicating with a child and ways to eliminate them;

2. Inviting parents, students who missed classes without a good reason, parents who lack control over the child, parents of disadvantaged families;

3. Conversations with students who are unsuccessful based on the results of the 1st half of the year.


1. On the first question, we listened to the report of the class teacher O.L. Andreeva. about difficulties in learning and communicating with a child and ways to eliminate them.

2. On the second question, we listened to the deputy of the school Prevention Council Ilyina M.S. She said that Tatyana Turaeva, a 7th grade student, often misses class. She has absences without good reason. Class teacher Artemyeva E.O. had a conversation with the parents. Introduced me to the memo for parents “About the child’s daily routine.”

3. On the third issue, Deputy Director for Water Resources Management N.N. Ibatullina spoke. She said that according to the results of the 1st half of the year there were no underachievers. But there are students who can study better: Turaeva T., Ermolaev N., Ivanov A., Ivanov N., Urunov T.. These students need to be extra work.


1. Reduce the number of unjustified student absences as a result of the introduction of a new attendance control system.

2. Strengthen parental control over children.

3. Follow the child’s daily routine.

4. Constant monitoring of progress and attendance at school;

5. Continue to involve the teenager in educational activities class and school.

Chairman: ________Ibatullina N.N.

Deputy:___________ Ilyina M.S.

Secretary:_____________I.V. Kryukova


meetings of the Council for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency

MOBU secondary school from Nizhneulu-Elga from 02/01/2016.

Chairman: Ibatullina N.N.

Deputy: Ilyina M.S.

Secretary: Kryukova I.V.


1. The role of the family in the development of the moral qualities of a teenager. Law and responsibility;

2. Invitation of parents, students violating the school charter. Prevention of theft, damage to school and personal property;

3. Inviting parents of children who are in a difficult social situation.


1. On the first question, we listened to the report-presentation of the class teacher

Vanyushina A.I. about the role of the family in the development of moral qualities of a teenager, law and responsibility.

2. On the second question, we listened to the chairman of the school Prevention Council, Ibatullina N.N., who talked with invited 8th grade parents, conducted a training, and gave psychological and pedagogical recommendations for parents on communicating with children.

3. On the third issue, the deputy chairman of the school Council for the Prevention of Neglect and Crime, Ilyina M.S., spoke. with a conversation with invited parents of children who are in a difficult social situation about the state of affairs in the families of the Vanyushins, Gusarovs, Garifullins.


1. Continue to qualitatively improve, diversify and meaningfully fill the organization of free time for teenagers, taking into account society;

2. To protect the rights of minors and social patronage of families in a socially dangerous situation, their social rehabilitation.

3. Continue individual preventive work with students and their parents.

Chairman: ________Ibatullina N.N.

Deputy:___________ Ilyina M.S.

Secretary:_____________I.V. Kryukova

Voronezh region


from 24 .09.201 5 of the year

Total Council members - 7


1 . Approval of the Prevention Council for the new academic year.

2. Approval of the composition of the bank of students and their families by category.

3. Planning the work of the Prevention Council. Organization of cooperation with law enforcement agencies.

4. Analysis of the work of the Prevention Council for the 2014 - 2015 academic year.

5. Consideration of materials received by the Prevention Council.


Deputy Director for HR Kuzmina L.A., she spoke about the work of the Prevention Council in the 2014-2015 academic year and introduced those present to the members of the Council. Next, Lyudmila Aleksandrovna proposed for discussion the work plan of the Prevention Council for the new academic year, the distribution of responsibilities. (Annex 1)


Approve the plan for joint work of the Prevention Council and the ODN OUUP and PDN (the plan is attached) and the composition of the Council.

Full name

Job title


Status in

public formation

Contact coordinates (address, telephone)

Deputy Director for VR




Head teacher


Council member


social teacher


member of the Council,





Council member


educational psychologist


Council member





Council member




Council member



Social teacher..., she talked about the collected bank of families by category. I introduced those present to families that require special attention (including children with disabilities). She talked about benefits for children.

Next, Tatyana Yuryevna told those present that as of September 1, 2015, there were 5 teenagers registered with the KDN and ZP and PDN. Currently, F.I. has been removed from the register. All families were visited by the commission, and housing inspection reports were drawn up. Applications for deregistration of F.I. were submitted to the PDN and KDNiZP. and F.I..


During the autumn holidays, assign teacher-mentors to students who are registered:

Full name, technology teacher, for full name.

Full name, teacher of additional education, for F.I.

Class teachers will continue to work during the holidays with students who have been deregistered and those who are registered.

Secretary ____________ Full name



Anninsky municipal district

Voronezh region


dated October 29, 2015

meetings of the Prevention Council

Attendance – 32

Total Council members – 7

Class teachers - 25


1. The role of family and school in developing the moral qualities of adolescents.

2. Employment of students from “disadvantaged families” and “at-risk” students during the autumn holidays.

3 Consideration of materials received by the Prevention Council. Registration and deregistration.


On the first question information from a teacher-psychologist..... She said that in modern conditions the situation is such that the family and school are the main responsible for all the failures associated with raising the younger generation. Today's children, says Antonina Vasilyevna, unfortunately or fortunately, grow up much earlier. The school is faced with the fact that the problems associated with the maturation of students concern not only high school age, but also teenagers. This is a very important problem that affects not only the child’s learning, but also his entire lifestyle, his actions and behavior. What role should family and school play during this period in a teenager’s life? How can they help their child go through the stages of growing up with minimal losses for him and for his parents? First of all, this is all-round emotional support for the child. No matter what torments a child suffers, no matter how absurd these tossings may be from the point of view of an adult, parents must empathize, understand, accept and support their child simply because they are his parents. Many parents make the mistake of blaming their child for growing up. “Since you are such an adult, that means I will talk to you like an adult,” they say. An attempt to manage a child, the desire of parents to “once and for all” put everything in its place often leads to the collapse of parent-child relationships.

On the second question social teacher ....... Tatyana Yuryevna spoke about how work is carried out with students registered in the PDN and KDN to involve them in various events. As of 10/01/2015, there are 2 students registered at MCOU Anninskaya Secondary School No. 3. This is F.I., student 3 “B” class (socially dangerous act, theft), class teacher Full name, full name, student 9 “B” » class (drinking alcoholic beverages) class teacher, full name. Both students are involved in extracurricular activities in their free time. Class teachers monitor the attendance of teenagers in educational and extracurricular activities. During the autumn holidays, teenagers plan to visit additional education associations.

On the third question listened to the Deputy Director for HR……. She said that in May 2015, teenagers from our school committed 4 offenses. Three teenagers committed petty hooliganism. These are FI, FI and FI. These teenagers have not received any comments over the past period and are characterized positively by their class teachers.

Next, Lyudmila Aleksandrovna proposed removing FI, FI and FI from the school’s internal records. Olga Aleksandrovna P... also suggested deregistering FI (unauthorized leaving home). Ivan did not miss school, did not leave home. The FI did not have any particular interest in extracurricular activities. During the autumn holidays, the family moves to the Podgorensky district for permanent residence.


    Continue monitoring the attendance of lessons by students who are in a socially dangerous situation, involving them in clubs, sections, class and school events. Class teachers 3 "B" class Full name and class teacher 9 "B" class Full name. monitor attendance at FI classes. and FI.

    Deputy Director for VR Full name. prepare documents for removal of financial statements (3 “B” class from preventive accounting).

Chairman ____________ Full name

Secretary_________ Full name



Anninsky municipal district

Voronezh region


dated November 26, 2015

meetings of the Prevention Council

Attendance – 32

Total Council members – 7

Class teachers - 25


1. Prevention of injuries. Prevention of violations of discipline, fights, and obscene language.

2 Consideration of materials received by the Prevention Council.


On the first question we listened Full name, Deputy Director for Internal Affairs. She told those present about the prevention of childhood injuries. Child injuryIt seems like a necessary evil, especially during the holidays, when it is difficult to control the child and protect him from danger. In fact, most injuries and dangerous situations can be avoided. AND prevention of childhood injuries, naturally, falls on the shoulders of parents and teachers. Childhood injuries are much more common than adult injuries, and this is not surprising. Children are very inquisitive and try to actively explore the world around them. But at the same time they still have few everyday skills, and they are not always able to assess the danger of a situation. Therefore, childhood injuries, alas, are not uncommon. Childhood injuries can be divided into five types depending on the place where the child can get injured: domestic (injuries that occur at home, in the yard); street (primarily transport, but also not related to transport); school; sports; other.

Full name, class teacher of class 5 “A”. She made a presentation on the topic “The laws of school life in the teaching and upbringing of schoolchildren.”

She told those present about the class hour, in which she spoke in a form accessible to children that the School cannot be good if all its inhabitants do not like it. Loving your school means being kind, treating children and adults with respect, being ready to help your home school and your teachers, never breaking anything, growing your own flower at school and leaving a good memory of yourself. Galina Stanislavovna shared her material with her class teachers.

On the second question she spokesocial teacher . She talked about visiting the families of FI, FI and FI.


    Continue monitoring the attendance of lessons by students who are in a socially dangerous situation, involving them in clubs, sections, class and school events.

    Post materials Full name. on the school website.

Chairman ____________ L.A. Kuzmina

Secretary_________ T.Yu.Klimenko



Anninsky municipal district

Voronezh region


dated December 24, 2015

meetings of the Prevention Council

Attendance – 32

Total Council members – 7

Class teachers - 25


1. Prevention of smoking, drunkenness, use of toxic and narcotic drugs.

2. Employment of “at-risk” students during the winter holidays.

3. Consideration of materials received by the Prevention Council.


On the first question Full name, social teacher . She spoke about the negative impact of bad habits on the human body, especially children, and what the use of such drugs leads to, as well as about the prevention of smoking, drunkenness, use of toxic drugs and drug addiction. She introduced those present to statistical data for the region. She told about different cases of our schoolchildren.

Full name invited the children to show a film about the effects of drugs on the body. Deputy Director for VRFull name told those present about the participation of school teachers in the regional preventive action “Teenager”. That the commission visited four families registered with the PDN and KDN and ZP. Appropriate preventive work has been carried out on them. It was also talked about what responsibility comes for the use and distribution of narcotic and toxic substances and at what age.

Next, Lyudmila Aleksandrovna spoke about the situation in families registered on preventive measures in the PDN and KDN and ZP. These are the families FI, FI, FI and FI. During school holidays, class teachers Full name, Full name, Full name, Full name, Full name. keep the employment of children from these families under control. Lyudmila Aleksandrovna said that one student from our school is still registered with the PDN and KDN and ZP - this is FI, 9 “B” grade. With this teenager, preventive work is constantly carried out by school teachers: Full name, Full name, Full name.


    Continue to work on the prevention of smoking, drunkenness, use of toxic substances and drug addiction. Class teachers conduct class hours on this topic according to plans.

    The school social educator should continue to monitor the whereabouts of students in a socially dangerous situation during the winter holidays.

Chairman ____________ Full name

Secretary_________ Full name



Anninsky municipal district

Voronezh region


from 01/28/2016

meetings of the Prevention Council

Present – ​​25 class teachers

Total Council members - 7


1 . Difficulties in learning and communicating with a child and ways to eliminate them.


1.Teacher-psychologist Full name, she said that Behind the underachievement of this or that student there is a complex individuality with a unique history of development inherent in it. But what about those who, for subjective or objective reasons, cannot or do not want to study better? As sad as it is, the number of such students increases every year. What needs to be done so that they do not lose faith in themselves, do not become embittered, and maintain a positive attitude towards school and teachers? Visualization, sensory perception and practical activity are the basis for the conscious acquisition of knowledge, the best means of children’s development. Antonina Vasilievna gave teachers some adviceWhen communicating with a teenager, remember: 1. A conversation with a teenager should begin in a friendly tone.2. When communicating with a teenager, show sincere interest in him.3. The best word that encourages a teenager to communicate is his name.4. Dialogue with a teenager should begin on those issues on which opinions coincide.5. During the communication process, try to conduct the dialogue as equals.6. Try to keep the initiative of communication in your hands.7. Learn to see things through the eyes of a teenager.

2.Deputy Director for HR FULL NAME, she said that in 2015, students at our school committed 7 offenses. In comparison, in 2014, 12 offenses were committed. As of January 1, 2016, 1 teenager is registered with the PDN, KDN and ZP, 4 families are registered with preventive care. In comparison, as of 01/01/2015, 4 teenagers were registered with the PDN, KDN and ZP, 5 families were registered with the preventive register. The teaching staff is seriously engaged in preventive work with school students and the parent community.


    Class teachers, social educators, and educational psychologists will continue preventive work with students and parents to prevent crime.

Chairman of the Council ___________ Full name

Secretary ____________ Full name



Anninsky municipal district

Voronezh region


from 03/17/2016

meetings of the Prevention Council

Present – ​​25 class teachers

Total Council members - 7


1 . The tasks of the family in the formation of moral qualities of the individual. Parental control over the child’s progress and upbringing.

2. Employment of “at-risk” students during spring break.

3. Consideration of materials received by the Prevention Council.


1.Teacher-psychologist Full name, she said that last timeis faced with complaints from teachers and parents about a “sharp”, “sudden” decline in academic performance in children and adolescents for no apparent reason. Usually, both teachers and parents say approximately the same words: “Lately I’ve started to study poorly, he doesn’t do anything, he can sit over lessons for hours, staring blankly at the ceiling.” Or: “The boy is smart, he always studied well, but recently he stopped studying altogether.” When there is a visible reason - for example, he moved to a new class (school), had a serious quarrel with classmates, fell in love, new friends appeared, a hobby, etc., then parents and teachers first of all declare precisely this problem that worries them. Then the question about the decline in academic performance becomes secondary, since everyone understands the reason (or seems clear). In the case we are considering, it is the decline in academic performance itself that causes bewilderment and anxiety. Unfortunately, not seeing objective reasons, both parents and teachers are in no hurry to seek help from a school psychologist, hoping that this decline is temporary and will “go away on its own.” Sometimes, however, this happens, children often study unevenly, and can reduce their performance without any serious reasons, but not in all subjects at once and not in a short period of time. Working with parents in such cases is extremely difficult. While agreeing with the need to transfer responsibility for the learning process, parents do not agree with the need to transfer responsibility for the result. The most common objection is that then the child “will not graduate from school, will not go to college, nothing will come of him and his life will go to ruin.” At the same time, they ask the psychologist to “apply pressure, explain to the child the need to study on his own, influence him, etc.” The reasons for the categorical reluctance to transfer responsibility to the child himself may be different. Sometimes parents simply don’t know how to do it, what’s best, and what needs to be done for this. In this case, they are open to new experiences and receptive to the analysis of limiting reasons. Then even one consultation can help parents look at the problem differently and outline steps to resolve it. Antonina Vasilievna introduced the class teachers to the schedule for receiving parents for consultations.

2. Social teacherFull name , she spoke about the employment of teenagers who are registered with the PDN and KDNiZP during the spring break. Tatyana Yuryevna recommended assigning male teachers to registered teenagers.


    Please take note of the information received.

    Class teachers, social educators, and educational psychologists will continue preventive work with students and parents to prevent crime. Class teachers Full name, Full name, Full name. monitor the employment of registered teenagers during spring break.

    Assign male teachers to registered teenagers. FULL NAME. for full name, full name. for full name, full name for full name.

Chairman of the Council ___________ Full name

Secretary ____________ Full name



Anninsky municipal district

Voronezh region


from 04/28/2016

meetings of the Prevention Council

Present – ​​3 class teachers of 9 classes

Total Council members - 7


1. The importance of choice in a person’s life. The role of the family in shaping children’s interests and choosing a future profession.

2. Consideration of materials received by the Prevention Council.


1.Teacher-psychologist Full name, she talked about how family plays a huge role in choosing a future profession, although teenagers themselves may not realize this. They often focus on the professions of relatives. We all know examples of labor dynasties, when several generations of one family work in the same specialty, and cases when someone becomes a “doctor, like mom” or “a driver, like dad.” On the one hand, family tradition may limit the likely choices. The teenager, as if by inertia, does not try to understand to what extent the profession of his parents really corresponds to his own interests and inclinations. On the other hand, he represents this profession very well and is aware of what qualities it requires. For example, children of doctors know very well that the medical profession involves urgent calls and overtime work, as well as requests for help from friends and neighbors, and children of teachers know that it is necessary to prepare for lessons and check notebooks. Thus, if a teenager chooses his parents’ profession, it is important to discuss with him the motives for his choice and understand what motivates him. Antonina Vasilievna offered all the prepared material to the class teachers for use in their work.

2. Social teacherFull name , she introduced those present to the material from the PDN on FI, a student of grade 9 “B” and that this teenager was registered as a preventive in both the PDN and the KDNiZP.


    Please take note of the information received.

    Class teacher, full name, social teacher, full name, teacher-psychologist, full name, deputy director for VR, full name. draw up a plan for preventive work with FI.

Chairman of the Council ___________ Full name

Secretary ____________ Full name



Anninsky municipal district

Voronezh region


from 05/20/2016

meetings of the Prevention Council

Present – ​​3 class teachers

Total Council members - 7


1. Organization of recreation and health improvement for students at risk during the summer.

2. Consideration of materials received by the Prevention Council.


1. Social teacher Full name, she said that all students registered with the PDN and KDNiZP, as well as children from families registered with the PDN and KDNiZP, were invited to spend their holidays in summer health camps during school holidays. (The children's planned holiday schedule is attached)

2. Deputy Director for HRFull name spoke about the situation in the family of FI, a student in grade 9 “B”, and suggested petitioning for his removal from the preventive register. The class teacher gave a positive description of Mikhail.


    Please take note of the information received.

    Class teacher, full name, social teacher, full name, educational psychologist, full name, deputy director for VR, full name. petition the PDN, KDNiZP to remove a student of 9 “B” class FI from the preventive register.

Chairman of the Council ___________ Full name

Secretary ____________ Full name

Protocol No. 7

prevention council meetings

from 01/01/01

Present: Chairman of the Prevention Council -

Members of the Prevention Council:

Deputy director for water management -

Social teacher -

Deputy Director of VR –

Specialist in working with youth of the Severo-Lubinsk rural settlement -


K.K.D. with daughter A., studying 10th grade, B.L.S. with daughter K. 9th grade student B.L.A. with son I., 7th grade student, 7th grade class teacher, OR. with son E., 8th grade student,

B.N.V. with son S., 9th grade student, C.T.W. with daughter N., full-time and part-time education, E.A.Sh. with son D., 8th grade student, 8th grade class teacher.


1. Implementation of decisions of the meeting of the Council of Prevention №6 dated November 27, 2012

2. Student failure based on results II quarters.

3 . Systematic absences from classes without good reason:

I., a 7th grade student, E., an 8th grade student, D., an 8th grade student.

4. Attendance at evening school and further education.

Heard: On the first issue, a social teacher spoke: “At the last meeting of the Council of Prevention, an 11th grade student was invited to the Council of Prevention regarding violations of discipline at school and outside of school. Behavior P. diligent, without comments or violations. WITH. missed 3 days without good reason, 4 days due to illness, 01.0. passed a medical examination. AND. invited to today's meeting. TO. my mother and I didn’t come to the prevention meeting, cause: Mom is at work in Omsk, and TO. I forgot about the invitation. K.K.D. with daughter A., ​​studying 10th grade, could not come to the meeting, but came to school on 12/03/13.”

The first to be invited to the meeting room were K.K.D. with daughter A., studying 10th grade. Mom couldn’t come because brother A. is sick. The class teacher gave a presentation to A., in which it is clear that N. is not certified in two subjects - German language, computer science, in three subjects - algebra, geometry, biology - they get two grades. SOLUTION #1: until 02/18/13 correct and pay off debts, otherwise, collect a package of documents for OKDN at the North Lyubinsk Rural Administration.

The second to be invited to the meeting room were T.V. and her daughter N. For the 2012-13 academic year. g. did not attend evening school classes. Behavior outside of school began to worsen. We tried to visit the family several times, but the house was always locked. Mom explains this by saying that she is at work, and she does not know what is happening at home in her absence. During the conversation, N. promised to attend classes and pay off all debts. Wants to train as a cosmetologist.

DECISION No. 2: from Monday 02/04/13 start classes, monitor class attendance for a month. In the event that he misses classes, then collect a package of documents for OKDN at the North Lyubinsk Rural Administration.

Next, EA and her son D., an 8th grade student, were invited into the meeting room. The class teacher provided a presentation on D., which reflected academic performance at the end of 2 quarters, behavior at school, attitude towards learning, towards teachers, and towards classmates. Mom couldn’t come, at work, in Omsk. SOLUTION #3: daily monitoring attendance, recording lateness and unauthorized departures from lessons, monitoring the accumulation of grades in subjects. In the absence of positive dynamics in studies, behavior, 03/01/2013. invite you to the Prevention Council regarding admission to the HSC.

K., a 9th grade student, was invited to the meeting room. Mom was unable to attend, since L.S. works and lives in the city of Omsk. The class teacher K spoke out. She is not certified in almost all subjects. In response, K. said that she had taken assignments for some subjects and was completing them, and promised to pay off her debts. SOLUTION #4: attendance control (daily), up to 08.02.2013 d. hand over debts, otherwise collect a package of documents for OKDN at the North Lyubinsk Rural Administration, notify parents on the decision of the Prevention Council.

Invited B.L.A. with my son I., a 7th grade student, BNV with his son S., 9th grade students did not attend the meeting. SOLUTION #5: visit families, clarify the reasons for non-appearance, invite them to school for an individual conversation. In the event that they do not come to school, they will be re-invited to the Prevention Council. LI with his son E., 8th grade students, who were unable to attend due to family reasons, were promised to come to school on Monday, i.e. 02/04/2013. SOLUTION#6: conduct an individual conversation about academic failure and reasons for absences. In the absence of positive dynamics, collect a package of documents for OKDN at the North Lyubinsk Rural Administration.
