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Families of Mongolia. Family among the Mongols Mongolian family 3 letters crossword puzzle

Family among the Mongols

The first letter is "a"

Second letter "i"

Third letter "l"

The last letter of the letter is "l"

Answer for the question "Mongolian family", 3 letters:

Alternative questions in crossword puzzles for the word ail

Among the Kyrgyz and Altaians, rural locality

Adm.-terr. unit in Kyrgyzstan

Nomadic family group among the Mongols

Village in Kyrgyzstan

Settlement among nomads and semi-nomads Central Asia

Mongolian peoples have a nomadic family group

Nomadic village in Kyrgyzstan

Definition of the word ail in dictionaries

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova. The meaning of the word in the dictionary New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.
m. A settlement of nomadic or semi-nomadic type, consisting of one or more yurts or tents inhabited by relatives (among some peoples of Central and Central Asia). A separate yurt with an adjacent area. Nomadic family group (among the Mongolian peoples)....

Wikipedia Meaning of the word in the Wikipedia dictionary
Ail Ail - among the Kyrgyz and Altaians in the past, a settlement of a nomadic or semi-nomadic type, usually consisting of relatives of various degrees. Among the Altaians, ail also called a separate dwelling (yurt or hut) with a manor. Ail - Mongolian peoples have a nomadic family...

Big Soviet Encyclopedia The meaning of the word in the dictionary Great Soviet Encyclopedia
═ ═ among the Kirghiz and Altaians in the past, the settlement was of a nomadic or semi-nomadic type, usually consisting of relatives of various degrees. Among the Altaians, A. was also called a separate dwelling (yurt or hut) with an estate. Mongolian peoples have a nomadic family group. IN...

Examples of the use of the word ail in literature.

I bought meat, teertpeks, kurut, araki from the shepherds, hastily built myself a small ail, covering the bundled poles with spruce paws, and gave free rein to his stomach, which was always greedy for food.

Ergesh and Kubatkul were detained for several days in aile- they were thrown in for help, to harrow winter crops, in order to have time to close up the moisture in the soil.

The beginners caught one or two vipers each, but after a trip to ail Bostandyk they were happy about that too.

We’ll still have time for Or, but for now let’s check if there are vipers nearby aila Bostandyka.

Why didn't you stay then? aile nephew, didn’t wait for Uchur to come from the ritual, didn’t help Baragaa and her girl?

In every nation any an important event in a person’s life takes place with the use of some of his customs and traditions. Compliance with all these customs and traditions suggests that our life will become better and more beautiful.

However, at present, many national traditions have changed, lost their original meanings and forms, and are now performed only as a formality.

Mongols have long led a nomadic lifestyle, constantly finding themselves in difficult living conditions. Being in constant movement and difficult conditions, the Mongols have developed character traits such as modesty, friendliness, and there is absolutely no sense of bitterness in them. Mongolian families are very strong, because the very conditions of their life dictate their rules ongoing support each other.

The Mongols are very hospitable people; they greet guests very cordially, and if a person comes to them after a long journey, he is received with special honors, since the Mongols understand what a long and difficult road means. Long story Mongolian nomads formed their principles social behavior and rules among the population.

It is this way of life that most supports all national and religious traditions in the family. Mongols also live in cities, but most cannot give up their nomadic lifestyle and continue the traditions of their ancestors.

The Mongolian wedding ceremony is very interesting. According to tradition, if the ritual is performed correctly, then the life of the young people will be long and happy. Moreover, the young people must match each other according to the eastern calendar, the years of their birth must be appropriate.

Parents agree among themselves about when the wedding ceremony will take place and what exactly will happen on that day. Many countries have similar principles for holding weddings.

Among the Mongols, the groom's parents look for a bride for him, and, having found a suitable girl, they send matchmakers to her house. Having asked the consent of the parents of the girl and the youngest, the parents are already agreeing on the further holding of the wedding.

Although nomadic families living nearby in the same territory are not at all against their children meeting and communicating, and if both parties are satisfied with the relationship of their children, then everything happens in the same order when matchmakers are sent to the girl’s house.

When everything is decided, the groom's parents should build a new yurt for the newlyweds, and the bride's parents will fully furnish it with furniture and necessary utensils. The groom's mother dresses her son in beautiful new clothes, and the same happens in the bride's house.

On the same evening, the bride bids farewell to her home. The next morning, the groom arrives at the bride's house, accompanied by matchmakers who play the role of witnesses.

The bride must bring the guests food, of which a lot is prepared, despite the fact that there may be only a few guests. It is customary among the Mongols to treat guests with rich food even very early in the morning. After the treat, the bride is asked to leave her parents' yurt, they help her mount her horse, then they ride around her parents' yurt on horseback and then head to the newlyweds' new home.

In the yurt, the young bride has her hair braided, as married women do, and she must prepare her first tea, after which she will be considered a wife. Next, the girl is taken to her father-in-law’s yurt, where she will have to bow to the hearth, and to the father-in-law and mother-in-law themselves, and the young groom becomes a husband only after cutting the lamb into regular, even pieces.

Only after all this does a wedding feast take place, at which songs are sung and many kind words are spoken, wishes for happiness. At the end of the feast, the young husband sees off his wife’s mother, who gives her daughter some final instructions as she leaves. For three days the young wife has no right to leave the house or appear in public; after this time, the bride’s father comes and raises the canopy of the yurt, lifting the ban.

However, only after a month the bride can visit her parents, they give their blessing, giving the young couple the right to leave their place and begin their independent nomadic life of a traditional Mongolian family. Sometimes young people go so far that they cannot see their parents for a very long time, so rare meetings are very warm and last several days.

The life of young people is indeed made somewhat easier by the fact that their parents immediately arrange separate housing for them. Mongolian yurts are not suitable for living in a large number of people.

Even when they receive guests in a yurt, the owners themselves have to huddle in order to make the guests comfortable. On the table, or rather even on the floor of the yurt, all the treats that the owners can offer to their guests are always displayed.

In Mongolian families, it is customary to display all their supplies in front of the guests, despite the fact that the owners themselves always make do with little, and if the guests also come with gifts, then they receive an even higher status as welcome guests. Favorite gifts for Mongols can be matches and tobacco, which are always in short supply.

Mongolian weddings take place only on those days that are most favorable for this event. These days are determined by the religious calendar, and it is believed that a wedding held on a strictly established day will bring happiness and longevity to the family and their children.

Leading independent life, children cannot count on the help of their parents due to too long distances and can only provide for themselves. Currently, children born into nomadic families often continue their lifestyle.

True, some go to cities, get a good education and get a promising well-paid job, and already living in the city, children strive to always help their parents whenever possible.

Most of all, the desire of children who want to leave their parents to move to the city is determined precisely by the desire to provide all possible assistance to their parents, knowing in what difficult conditions they have to live.