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Rules for calculating derivatives. Complex function

Functions complex type It is not entirely correct to use the term “complex function”. For example, it looks very impressive, but this function is not complicated, unlike.

In this article we will understand the concept complex function, we will learn to identify it as part of elementary functions, give a formula for finding its derivative and consider in detail the solution of typical examples.

When solving examples, we will constantly use the table of derivatives and differentiation rules, so keep them before your eyes.

Complex function is a function whose argument is also a function.

From our point of view, this definition is the most understandable. Conventionally, it can be denoted as f(g(x)) . That is, g(x) is like an argument of the function f(g(x)) .

For example, let f be the arctangent function and g(x) = lnx be the natural logarithm function, then the complex function f(g(x)) is arctan(lnx) . Another example: f is the function of raising to the fourth power, and is an entire rational function (see ), then .

In turn, g(x) can also be a complex function. For example, . Conventionally, such an expression can be denoted as . Here f is the sine function, is the square root function, - fractional rational function. It is logical to assume that the degree of nesting of functions can be any finite natural number.

You can often hear a complex function called composition of functions.

Formula for finding the derivative of a complex function.


Find the derivative of a complex function.


In this example, f is the squaring function and g(x) = 2x+1 is the linear function.

Here is the detailed solution using the complex function derivative formula:

Let's find this derivative by first simplifying the form of the original function.


As you can see, the results are the same.

Try not to confuse which function is f and which is g(x) .

Let's illustrate this with an example to show your attention.


Find derivatives of complex functions and .


In the first case, f is the squaring function and g(x) is the sine function, so

In the second case, f is a sine function, and is a power function. Therefore, by the formula for the product of a complex function we have

The derivative formula for a function has the form


Differentiate function .


In this example, the complex function can be conventionally written as , where is the sine function, the third power function, the base e logarithm function, the arctangent function and the linear function, respectively.

According to the formula for the derivative of a complex function

Now we find

Let's put together the obtained intermediate results:

There is nothing scary, analyze complex functions like nesting dolls.

This could be the end of the article, if not for one thing...

It is advisable to clearly understand when to apply the rules of differentiation and the table of derivatives, and when to apply the formula for the derivative of a complex function.

BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL NOW. We will talk about the difference between complex functions and complex functions. Your success in finding derivatives will depend on how much you see this difference.

Let's start with simple examples. Function can be considered as complex: g(x) = tanx , . Therefore, you can immediately apply the formula for the derivative of a complex function

And here is the function It can no longer be called complex.

This function is the sum of three functions, 3tgx and 1. Although - is a complex function: - a power function (quadratic parabola), and f is a tangent function. Therefore, first we apply the sum differentiation formula:

It remains to find the derivative of the complex function:

That's why .

We hope you get the gist.

If we look more broadly, it can be argued that functions of a complex type can be part of complex functions, and complex functions can be components of functions of a complex type.

As an example, let us analyze the function into its component parts .

Firstly, this is a complex function that can be represented as , where f is the base 3 logarithm function, and g(x) is the sum of two functions And . That is, .

Secondly, let's deal with the function h(x) . It represents a relationship to .

This is the sum of two functions and , Where - a complex function with a numerical coefficient of 3. - cube function, - cosine function, - linear function.

This is the sum of two functions and , where - complex function, - exponential function, - power function.

Thus, .

Third, go to , which is the product of a complex function and the whole rational function

The squaring function is the logarithm function to base e.

Hence, .

Let's summarize:

Now the structure of the function is clear and it has become clear which formulas and in what sequence to apply when differentiating it.

In the section on differentiating a function (finding the derivative) you can familiarize yourself with the solution to similar problems.

Functions of a complex type do not always fit the definition of a complex function. If there is a function of the form y = sin x - (2 - 3) · a r c t g x x 5 7 x 10 - 17 x 3 + x - 11, then it cannot be considered complex, unlike y = sin 2 x.

This article will show the concept of a complex function and its identification. Let's work with formulas for finding the derivative with examples of solutions in the conclusion. The use of the derivative table and differentiation rules significantly reduces the time for finding the derivative.

Basic definitions

Definition 1

A complex function is one whose argument is also a function.

It is denoted this way: f (g (x)). We have that the function g (x) is considered an argument f (g (x)).

Definition 2

If there is a function f and it is a cotangent function, then g(x) = ln x is the natural logarithm function. We find that the complex function f (g (x)) will be written as arctg(lnx). Or a function f, which is a function raised to the 4th power, where g (x) = x 2 + 2 x - 3 is considered an integer rational function, we find that f (g (x)) = (x 2 + 2 x - 3) 4 .

Obviously g(x) can be complex. From the example y = sin 2 x + 1 x 3 - 5 it is clear that the value of g has the cube root of the fraction. This expression can be denoted as y = f (f 1 (f 2 (x))). From where we have that f is a sine function, and f 1 is a function located under the square root, f 2 (x) = 2 x + 1 x 3 - 5 is a fractional rational function.

Definition 3

The degree of nesting is determined by any natural number and is written as y = f (f 1 (f 2 (f 3 (. . . (f n (x)))))) .

Definition 4

The concept of function composition refers to the number of nested functions according to the conditions of the problem. To solve, use the formula for finding the derivative of a complex function of the form

(f (g (x))) " = f " (g (x)) g " (x)


Example 1

Find the derivative of a complex function of the form y = (2 x + 1) 2.


The condition shows that f is a squaring function, and g(x) = 2 x + 1 is considered a linear function.

Let's apply the derivative formula for a complex function and write:

f " (g (x)) = ((g (x)) 2) " = 2 (g (x)) 2 - 1 = 2 g (x) = 2 (2 x + 1) ; g " (x) = (2 x + 1) " = (2 x) " + 1 " = 2 x " + 0 = 2 1 x 1 - 1 = 2 ⇒ (f (g (x))) " = f " (g (x)) g " (x) = 2 (2 x + 1) 2 = 8 x + 4

It is necessary to find the derivative with a simplified original form of the function. We get:

y = (2 x + 1) 2 = 4 x 2 + 4 x + 1

From here we have that

y " = (4 x 2 + 4 x + 1) " = (4 x 2) " + (4 x) " + 1 " = 4 (x 2) " + 4 (x) " + 0 = = 4 · 2 · x 2 - 1 + 4 · 1 · x 1 - 1 = 8 x + 4

The results were the same.

When solving problems of this type, it is important to understand where the function of the form f and g (x) will be located.

Example 2

You should find the derivatives of complex functions of the form y = sin 2 x and y = sin x 2.


The first function notation says that f is the squaring function and g(x) is the sine function. Then we get that

y " = (sin 2 x) " = 2 sin 2 - 1 x (sin x) " = 2 sin x cos x

The second entry shows that f is a sine function, and g(x) = x 2 denotes a power function. It follows that we write the product of a complex function as

y " = (sin x 2) " = cos (x 2) (x 2) " = cos (x 2) 2 x 2 - 1 = 2 x cos (x 2)

The formula for the derivative y = f (f 1 (f 2 (f 3 (. . . (f n (x))))) will be written as y " = f " (f 1 (f 2 (f 3 (. . . ( f n (x))))) · f 1 " (f 2 (f 3 (. . . (f n (x)))) · · f 2 " (f 3 (. . . (f n (x))) )) · . . . fn "(x)

Example 3

Find the derivative of the function y = sin (ln 3 a r c t g (2 x)).


This example shows the difficulty of writing and determining the location of functions. Then y = f (f 1 (f 2 (f 3 (f 4 (x))))) denote where f , f 1 , f 2 , f 3 , f 4 (x) is the sine function, the function of raising to 3 degree, function with logarithm and base e, arctangent and linear function.

From the formula for defining a complex function we have that

y " = f " (f 1 (f 2 (f 3 (f 4 (x)))) f 1 " (f 2 (f 3 (f 4 (x)))) f 2 " (f 3 (f 4 (x)) f 3 " (f 4 (x)) f 4 " (x)

We get what we need to find

  1. f " (f 1 (f 2 (f 3 (f 4 (x))))) as the derivative of the sine according to the table of derivatives, then f " (f 1 (f 2 (f 3 (f 4 (x)))) ) = cos (ln 3 a r c t g (2 x)) .
  2. f 1 " (f 2 (f 3 (f 4 (x)))) as the derivative of a power function, then f 1 " (f 2 (f 3 (f 4 (x)))) = 3 ln 3 - 1 a r c t g (2 x) = 3 ln 2 a r c t g (2 x) .
  3. f 2 " (f 3 (f 4 (x))) as a logarithmic derivative, then f 2 " (f 3 (f 4 (x))) = 1 a r c t g (2 x) .
  4. f 3 " (f 4 (x)) as the derivative of the arctangent, then f 3 " (f 4 (x)) = 1 1 + (2 x) 2 = 1 1 + 4 x 2.
  5. When finding the derivative f 4 (x) = 2 x, remove 2 from the sign of the derivative using the formula for the derivative of a power function with an exponent equal to 1, then f 4 " (x) = (2 x) " = 2 x " = 2 · 1 · x 1 - 1 = 2 .

We combine the intermediate results and get that

y " = f " (f 1 (f 2 (f 3 (f 4 (x)))) f 1 " (f 2 (f 3 (f 4 (x)))) f 2 " (f 3 (f 4 (x)) f 3 " (f 4 (x)) f 4 " (x) = = cos (ln 3 a r c t g (2 x)) 3 ln 2 a r c t g (2 x) 1 a r c t g (2 x) 1 1 + 4 x 2 2 = = 6 cos (ln 3 a r c t g (2 x)) ln 2 a r c t g (2 x) a r c t g (2 x) (1 + 4 x 2)

Analysis of such functions is reminiscent of nesting dolls. Differentiation rules cannot always be applied explicitly using a derivative table. Often you need to use a formula for finding derivatives of complex functions.

There are some differences between complex appearance and complex functions. With a clear ability to distinguish this, finding derivatives will be especially easy.

Example 4

It is necessary to consider giving such an example. If there is a function of the form y = t g 2 x + 3 t g x + 1, then it can be considered as a complex function of the form g (x) = t g x, f (g) = g 2 + 3 g + 1. Obviously, it is necessary to use the formula for a complex derivative:

f " (g (x)) = (g 2 (x) + 3 g (x) + 1) " = (g 2 (x)) " + (3 g (x)) " + 1 " = = 2 · g 2 - 1 (x) + 3 g " (x) + 0 = 2 g (x) + 3 1 g 1 - 1 (x) = = 2 g (x) + 3 = 2 t g x + 3 ; g " (x) = (t g x) " = 1 cos 2 x ⇒ y " = (f (g (x))) " = f " (g (x)) g " (x) = (2 t g x + 3 ) · 1 cos 2 x = 2 t g x + 3 cos 2 x

A function of the form y = t g x 2 + 3 t g x + 1 is not considered complex, since it has the sum of t g x 2, 3 t g x and 1. However, t g x 2 is considered a complex function, then we obtain a power function of the form g (x) = x 2 and f, which is a tangent function. To do this, differentiate by amount. We get that

y " = (t g x 2 + 3 t g x + 1) " = (t g x 2) " + (3 t g x) " + 1 " = = (t g x 2) " + 3 (t g x) " + 0 = (t g x 2) " + 3 cos 2 x

Let's move on to finding the derivative of a complex function (t g x 2) ":

f " (g (x)) = (t g (g (x))) " = 1 cos 2 g (x) = 1 cos 2 (x 2) g " (x) = (x 2) " = 2 x 2 - 1 = 2 x ⇒ (t g x 2) " = f " (g (x)) g " (x) = 2 x cos 2 (x 2)

We get that y " = (t g x 2 + 3 t g x + 1) " = (t g x 2) " + 3 cos 2 x = 2 x cos 2 (x 2) + 3 cos 2 x

Functions of a complex type can be included in complex functions, and complex functions themselves can be components of functions of a complex type.

Example 5

For example, consider a complex function of the form y = log 3 x 2 + 3 cos 3 (2 x + 1) + 7 e x 2 + 3 3 + ln 2 x (x 2 + 1)

This function can be represented as y = f (g (x)), where the value of f is a function of the base 3 logarithm, and g (x) is considered the sum of two functions of the form h (x) = x 2 + 3 cos 3 (2 x + 1) + 7 e x 2 + 3 3 and k (x) = ln 2 x · (x 2 + 1) . Obviously, y = f (h (x) + k (x)).

Consider the function h(x). This is the ratio l (x) = x 2 + 3 cos 3 (2 x + 1) + 7 to m (x) = e x 2 + 3 3

We have that l (x) = x 2 + 3 cos 2 (2 x + 1) + 7 = n (x) + p (x) is the sum of two functions n (x) = x 2 + 7 and p (x) = 3 cos 3 (2 x + 1) , where p (x) = 3 p 1 (p 2 (p 3 (x))) is a complex function with numerical coefficient 3, and p 1 is a cube function, p 2 by a cosine function, p 3 (x) = 2 x + 1 by a linear function.

We found that m (x) = e x 2 + 3 3 = q (x) + r (x) is the sum of two functions q (x) = e x 2 and r (x) = 3 3, where q (x) = q 1 (q 2 (x)) is a complex function, q 1 is a function with an exponential, q 2 (x) = x 2 is a power function.

This shows that h (x) = l (x) m (x) = n (x) + p (x) q (x) + r (x) = n (x) + 3 p 1 (p 2 ( p 3 (x))) q 1 (q 2 (x)) + r (x)

When moving to an expression of the form k (x) = ln 2 x · (x 2 + 1) = s (x) · t (x), it is clear that the function is presented in the form of a complex s (x) = ln 2 x = s 1 ( s 2 (x)) with a rational integer t (x) = x 2 + 1, where s 1 is a squaring function, and s 2 (x) = ln x is logarithmic with base e.

It follows that the expression will take the form k (x) = s (x) · t (x) = s 1 (s 2 (x)) · t (x).

Then we get that

y = log 3 x 2 + 3 cos 3 (2 x + 1) + 7 e x 2 + 3 3 + ln 2 x (x 2 + 1) = = f n (x) + 3 p 1 (p 2 (p 3 (x))) q 1 (q 2 (x)) = r (x) + s 1 (s 2 (x)) t (x)

Based on the structures of the function, it became clear how and what formulas need to be used to simplify the expression when differentiating it. To become familiar with such problems and for the concept of their solution, it is necessary to turn to the point of differentiating a function, that is, finding its derivative.

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The operation of finding the derivative is called differentiation.

As a result of solving problems of finding derivatives of the simplest (and not very simple) functions by defining the derivative as the limit of the ratio of the increment to the increment of the argument, a table of derivatives and precisely defined rules of differentiation appeared. The first to work in the field of finding derivatives were Isaac Newton (1643-1727) and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716).

Therefore, in our time, to find the derivative of any function, you do not need to calculate the above-mentioned limit of the ratio of the increment of the function to the increment of the argument, but you only need to use the table of derivatives and the rules of differentiation. The following algorithm is suitable for finding the derivative.

To find the derivative, you need an expression under the prime sign break down simple functions into components and determine what actions (product, sum, quotient) these functions are related. Next, we find the derivatives of elementary functions in the table of derivatives, and the formulas for the derivatives of the product, sum and quotient - in the rules of differentiation. The derivative table and differentiation rules are given after the first two examples.

Example 1. Find the derivative of a function

Solution. From the rules of differentiation we find out that the derivative of a sum of functions is the sum of derivatives of functions, i.e.

From the table of derivatives we find out that the derivative of "x" is equal to one, and the derivative of sine is equal to cosine. We substitute these values ​​into the sum of derivatives and find the derivative required by the condition of the problem:

Example 2. Find the derivative of a function

Solution. We differentiate as a derivative of a sum in which the second term has a constant factor; it can be taken out of the sign of the derivative:

If questions still arise about where something comes from, they are usually cleared up after familiarizing yourself with the table of derivatives and the simplest rules of differentiation. We are moving on to them right now.

Table of derivatives of simple functions

1. Derivative of a constant (number). Any number (1, 2, 5, 200...) that is in the function expression. Always equal to zero. This is very important to remember, as it is required very often
2. Derivative of the independent variable. Most often "X". Always equal to one. This is also important to remember for a long time
3. Derivative of degree. When solving problems, you need to convert non-square roots into powers.
4. Derivative of a variable to the power -1
5. Derivative of square root
6. Derivative of sine
7. Derivative of cosine
8. Derivative of tangent
9. Derivative of cotangent
10. Derivative of arcsine
11. Derivative of arc cosine
12. Derivative of arctangent
13. Derivative of arc cotangent
14. Derivative of the natural logarithm
15. Derivative of a logarithmic function
16. Derivative of the exponent
17. Derivative of an exponential function

Rules of differentiation

1. Derivative of a sum or difference
2. Derivative of the product
2a. Derivative of an expression multiplied by a constant factor
3. Derivative of the quotient
4. Derivative of a complex function

Rule 1.If the functions

are differentiable at some point, then the functions are differentiable at the same point


those. the derivative of an algebraic sum of functions is equal to the algebraic sum of the derivatives of these functions.

Consequence. If two differentiable functions differ by a constant term, then their derivatives are equal, i.e.

Rule 2.If the functions

are differentiable at some point, then their product is differentiable at the same point


those. The derivative of the product of two functions is equal to the sum of the products of each of these functions and the derivative of the other.

Corollary 1. The constant factor can be taken out of the sign of the derivative:

Corollary 2. The derivative of the product of several differentiable functions is equal to the sum of the products of the derivative of each factor and all the others.

For example, for three multipliers:

Rule 3.If the functions

differentiable at some point And , then at this point their quotient is also differentiableu/v , and

those. the derivative of the quotient of two functions is equal to a fraction, the numerator of which is the difference between the products of the denominator and the derivative of the numerator and the numerator and the derivative of the denominator, and the denominator is the square of the former numerator.

Where to look for things on other pages

When finding the derivative of a product and a quotient in real problems, it is always necessary to apply several differentiation rules at once, so there are more examples on these derivatives in the article"Derivative of the product and quotient of functions".

Comment. You should not confuse a constant (that is, a number) as a term in a sum and as a constant factor! In the case of a term, its derivative is equal to zero, and in the case of a constant factor, it is taken out of the sign of the derivatives. This typical mistake, which occurs on initial stage studying derivatives, but as they solve several one- and two-part examples, the average student no longer makes this mistake.

And if, when differentiating a product or quotient, you have a term u"v, in which u- a number, for example, 2 or 5, that is, a constant, then the derivative of this number will be equal to zero and, therefore, the entire term will be equal to zero (this case is discussed in example 10).

Another common mistake is mechanically solving the derivative of a complex function as the derivative of a simple function. That's why derivative of a complex function a separate article is devoted. But first we will learn to find derivatives simple functions.

Along the way, you can’t do without transforming expressions. To do this, you may need to open the manual in new windows. Actions with powers and roots And Operations with fractions .

If you are looking for solutions to derivatives of fractions with powers and roots, that is, when the function looks like , then follow the lesson “Derivative of sums of fractions with powers and roots.”

If you have a task like , then you will take the lesson “Derivatives of simple trigonometric functions”.

Step-by-step examples - how to find the derivative

Example 3. Find the derivative of a function

Solution. We define the parts of the function expression: the entire expression represents a product, and its factors are sums, in the second of which one of the terms contains a constant factor. We apply the product differentiation rule: the derivative of the product of two functions is equal to the sum of the products of each of these functions by the derivative of the other:

Next, we apply the rule of differentiation of the sum: the derivative of the algebraic sum of functions is equal to the algebraic sum of the derivatives of these functions. In our case, in each sum the second term has a minus sign. In each sum we see both an independent variable, the derivative of which is equal to one, and a constant (number), the derivative of which is equal to zero. So, “X” turns into one, and minus 5 turns into zero. In the second expression, "x" is multiplied by 2, so we multiply two by the same unit as the derivative of "x". We obtain the following derivative values:

We substitute the found derivatives into the sum of products and obtain the derivative of the entire function required by the condition of the problem:

And you can check the solution to the derivative problem on.

Example 4. Find the derivative of a function

Solution. We are required to find the derivative of the quotient. We apply the formula for differentiating the quotient: the derivative of the quotient of two functions is equal to a fraction, the numerator of which is the difference between the products of the denominator and the derivative of the numerator and the numerator and the derivative of the denominator, and the denominator is the square of the former numerator. We get:

We have already found the derivative of the factors in the numerator in example 2. Let us also not forget that the product, which is the second factor in the numerator in the current example, is taken with a minus sign:

If you are looking for solutions to problems in which you need to find the derivative of a function, where there is a continuous pile of roots and powers, such as, for example, , then welcome to class "Derivative of sums of fractions with powers and roots" .

If you need to learn more about the derivatives of sines, cosines, tangents and others trigonometric functions, that is, when the function looks like , then a lesson for you "Derivatives of simple trigonometric functions" .

Example 5. Find the derivative of a function

Solution. In this function we see a product, one of the factors of which is the square root of the independent variable, the derivative of which we familiarized ourselves with in the table of derivatives. Using the rule for differentiating the product and the tabular value of the derivative of the square root, we obtain:

You can check the solution to the derivative problem at online derivatives calculator .

Example 6. Find the derivative of a function

Solution. In this function we see a quotient whose dividend is the square root of the independent variable. Using the rule of differentiation of quotients, which we repeated and applied in example 4, and the tabulated value of the derivative of the square root, we obtain:

To get rid of a fraction in the numerator, multiply the numerator and denominator by .

Examples are given of calculating derivatives using the formula for the derivative of a complex function.


See also: Proof of the formula for the derivative of a complex function

Basic formulas

Here we give examples of calculating derivatives of the following functions:
; ; ; ; .

If a function can be represented as a complex function in the following form:
then its derivative is determined by the formula:
In the examples below, we will write this formula as follows:
Where .
Here, the subscripts or , located under the derivative sign, denote the variables by which differentiation is performed.

Usually, in tables of derivatives, derivatives of functions from the variable x are given. However, x is a formal parameter. The variable x can be replaced by any other variable. Therefore, when differentiating a function from a variable, we simply change, in the table of derivatives, the variable x to the variable u.

Simple examples

Example 1

Find the derivative of a complex function

Let's write the given function in equivalent form:
In the table of derivatives we find:

According to the formula for the derivative of a complex function, we have:
Here .

Example 2

Find the derivative

We take the constant 5 out of the derivative sign and from the table of derivatives we find:

Here .

Example 3

Find the derivative

We take out a constant -1 for the sign of the derivative and from the table of derivatives we find:
From the table of derivatives we find:

We apply the formula for the derivative of a complex function:
Here .

More complex examples

In more complex examples we apply the rule for differentiating a complex function several times. In this case, we calculate the derivative from the end. That is, we break the function into its component parts and find the derivatives of the simplest parts using table of derivatives. We also use rules for differentiating sums, products and fractions. Then we make substitutions and apply the formula for the derivative of a complex function.

Example 4

Find the derivative

Let's select the simplest part of the formula and find its derivative. .

Here we have used the notation

We find the derivative of the next part of the original function using the results obtained. We apply the rule for differentiating the sum:

Once again we apply the rule of differentiation of complex functions.

Here .

Example 5

Find the derivative of the function

Let's select the simplest part of the formula and find its derivative from the table of derivatives. .

We apply the rule of differentiation of complex functions.

Let us differentiate the next part using the results obtained.

Let's differentiate the next part.


Now we find the derivative of the desired function.


See also:

On which we examined the simplest derivatives, and also became acquainted with the rules of differentiation and some technical techniques for finding derivatives. Thus, if you are not very good with derivatives of functions or some points in this article are not entirely clear, then first read the above lesson. Please get in a serious mood - the material is not simple, but I will still try to present it simply and clearly.

In practice, you have to deal with the derivative of a complex function very often, I would even say, almost always, when you are given tasks to find derivatives.

We look at the table at the rule (No. 5) for differentiating a complex function:

Let's figure it out. First of all, let's pay attention to the entry. Here we have two functions - and , and the function, figuratively speaking, is nested within the function . A function of this type (when one function is nested within another) is called a complex function.

I will call the function external function, and the function – internal (or nested) function.

! These definitions are not theoretical and should not appear in the final design of assignments. I use informal expressions “external function”, “internal” function only to make it easier for you to understand the material.

To clarify the situation, consider:

Example 1

Find the derivative of a function

Under the sine we have not just the letter “X”, but an entire expression, so finding the derivative right away from the table will not work. We also notice that it is impossible to apply the first four rules here, there seems to be a difference, but the fact is that the sine cannot be “torn into pieces”:

In this example, it is already intuitively clear from my explanations that a function is a complex function, and the polynomial is an internal function (embedding), and an external function.

First step what you need to do when finding the derivative of a complex function is to understand which function is internal and which is external.

In the case of simple examples, it seems clear that a polynomial is embedded under the sine. But what if everything is not obvious? How to accurately determine which function is external and which is internal? To do this, I suggest using the following technique, which can be done mentally or in a draft.

Let's imagine that we need to calculate the value of the expression at on a calculator (instead of one there can be any number).

What will we calculate first? First of all you will need to perform the following action: , therefore the polynomial will be an internal function:

Secondly will need to be found, so sine – will be an external function:

After we SOLD OUT with internal and external functions, it’s time to apply the rule of differentiation of complex functions .

Let's start deciding. From the lesson How to find the derivative? we remember that the design of a solution to any derivative always begins like this - we enclose the expression in brackets and put a stroke at the top right:

At first we find the derivative of the external function (sine), look at the table of derivatives of elementary functions and notice that . All table formulas are also applicable if “x” is replaced with a complex expression, in this case:

Please note that the inner function hasn't changed, we don't touch it.

Well, it's quite obvious that

The result of applying the formula in its final form it looks like this:

The constant factor is usually placed at the beginning of the expression:

If there is any misunderstanding, write the solution down on paper and read the explanations again.

Example 2

Find the derivative of a function

Example 3

Find the derivative of a function

As always, we write down:

Let's figure out where we have an external function and where we have an internal one. To do this, we try (mentally or in a draft) to calculate the value of the expression at . What should you do first? First of all, you need to calculate what the base is equal to: therefore, the polynomial is the internal function:

And, only then is the exponentiation performed, therefore, the power function is an external function:

According to the formula , first you need to find the derivative of the external function, in this case, the degree. We look for the required formula in the table: . We repeat again: any tabular formula is valid not only for “X”, but also for a complex expression. Thus, the result of applying the rule for differentiating a complex function next:

I emphasize again that when we take the derivative of the external function, our internal function does not change:

Now all that remains is to find a very simple derivative of the internal function and tweak the result a little:

Example 4

Find the derivative of a function

This is an example for you to solve on your own (answer at the end of the lesson).

To consolidate your understanding of the derivative of a complex function, I will give an example without comments, try to figure it out on your own, reason where the external and where the internal function is, why the tasks are solved this way?

Example 5

a) Find the derivative of the function

b) Find the derivative of the function

Example 6

Find the derivative of a function

Here we have a root, and in order to differentiate the root, it must be represented as a power. Thus, first we bring the function into the form appropriate for differentiation:

Analyzing the function, we come to the conclusion that the sum of the three terms is an internal function, and raising to a power is an external function. We apply the rule of differentiation of complex functions :

We again represent the degree as a radical (root), and for the derivative of the internal function we apply a simple rule for differentiating the sum:

Ready. You can also reduce the expression to a common denominator in brackets and write everything down as one fraction. It’s beautiful, of course, but when you get cumbersome long derivatives, it’s better not to do this (it’s easy to get confused, make an unnecessary mistake, and it will be inconvenient for the teacher to check).

Example 7

Find the derivative of a function

This is an example for you to solve on your own (answer at the end of the lesson).

It is interesting to note that sometimes instead of the rule for differentiating a complex function, you can use the rule for differentiating a quotient , but such a solution will look like an unusual perversion. Here is a typical example:

Example 8

Find the derivative of a function

Here you can use the rule of differentiation of the quotient , but it is much more profitable to find the derivative through the rule of differentiation of a complex function:

We prepare the function for differentiation - we move the minus out of the derivative sign, and raise the cosine into the numerator:

Cosine is an internal function, exponentiation is an external function.
Let's use our rule :

We find the derivative of the internal function and reset the cosine back down:

Ready. In the example considered, it is important not to get confused in the signs. By the way, try to solve it using the rule , the answers must match.

Example 9

Find the derivative of a function

This is an example for you to solve on your own (answer at the end of the lesson).

So far we have looked at cases where we had only one nesting in a complex function. In practical tasks, you can often find derivatives, where, like nesting dolls, one inside the other, 3 or even 4-5 functions are nested at once.

Example 10

Find the derivative of a function

Let's understand the attachments of this function. Let's try to calculate the expression using the experimental value. How would we count on a calculator?

First you need to find , which means the arcsine is the deepest embedding:

This arcsine of one should then be squared:

And finally, we raise seven to a power:

That is, in this example we have three different functions and two embeddings, with the innermost function being the arcsine and the outermost function being the exponential function.

Let's start deciding

According to the rule First you need to take the derivative of the outer function. We look at the table of derivatives and find the derivative of the exponential function: The only difference is that instead of “x” we have a complex expression, which does not negate the validity of this formula. So, the result of applying the rule for differentiating a complex function next.