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P red sulin. City of Krasny Sulin (Russia)

City, district center, Rostov region. In 1797, Colonel Andrei Sulin founded a farm named after his last name Sulin. In 1920 for the revolution. Thanks to his achievements, the village was given the name Krasny Sulin, and in 1926 it was transformed into a city. Geographical names... ... Geographical encyclopedia

- (until 1925 Sulin) city (since 1926) in the Russian Federation, Rostov region. Railway station (Sulin). 43.2 thousand inhabitants (1992). Metallurgical plant, food industry. GRES. Founded in the 60s. 19 at... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

KRASNY SULIN, a city (since 1926) in the Rostov region, is located on the eastern spurs of the Donetsk Ridge, on the river. Kundryuchya (Don basin). Sulin railway station. 44.3 thousand inhabitants (1998). GRES. Metallurgical plant, food industry, production... ... Russian history

Exist., number of synonyms: 2 city (2765) sulin (2) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

- (until 1925 Sulin), city (since 1926) in Russia, Rostov region. Railway station (Sulin). 44.3 thousand inhabitants (1998). Metallurgical plant, food industry. GRES. Founded in the 60s. XIX century * * * RED SULIN RED SULIN (until 1925... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Red Sulin- city, district center, Rostov region. In 1797, Colonel Andrei Sulin founded a farm named after his last name Sulin. In 1920 for the revolution. merit, the village was given the name Krasny Sulin, and in 1926 it was transformed into a city... Toponymic dictionary

- (until 1926 Sulin) a city in the Rostov region of the RSFSR. Located in Donbass, on the river. Kundryuchya (Don basin). Railway station (Sulin) on the Millerovo Rostov-on-Don line, 133 km northeast of Rostov-on-Don. 45 thousand inhabitants (1972).… … Great Soviet Encyclopedia

In the Rostov region, regional subordination, 100 km northeast of Rostov-on-Don. Located on the eastern spurs of the Donetsk Ridge, on the river. Kundryuchya (Don basin). Railway station (Sulin) on the Millerovo line Rostov-on-Don ... Cities of Russia

Red Sulin- Krasny Sulin, a city in the Rostov region, the center of the Krasnosulinsky district, 100 km northeast of Rostov on Don. Located on the eastern spurs of the Donetsk Ridge, on the river. Kundryuchya (Don basin). Sulin railway station. Population… … Dictionary "Geography of Russia"

Red Sulin 1- 346351, Rostov, Krasnosulinsky, city ... Settlements and indexes of Russia


  • We sew soft toys, Elena Borisovna Putyatina. The manual was written based on the experience of the children's association "World of Toys" at the Children's Art Center in Krasny Sulin, Rostov Region. It talks about the manufacturing technology...
  • We sew soft toys, E. Putyatina. The manual was written based on the experience of the children's association “World of Toys” at the House of Children’s Art in Krasny Sulin, Rostov Region. In him…

The official biography of Krasny Sulin begins with the founding of the Sulin farmstead on the Cossack Kundryuchya River at the end of the 18th century. Let's open the yellowed documents. “Sulin on the Kundryuchya River, at the confluence of the Bolshaya Gnilusha River on the left side, was founded by Colonel Andrei Sulin by determination of the Military Chancellery, held on September 25, 1797, which allowed him, Sulin, to take a place for the construction of a farm for the settlement of Little Russian subjects.”
The land found an owner, and soon a small farm of a dozen decent peasant houses arose here. Let us add that this was not the only such event - with the formation of the Don Army region, mass settlement began on the eastern spurs of the Donetsk Ridge. Today, when Krasny Sulin is a regional center, we can remember that the first settlement in the region was the Sadki farmstead, formed in 1749 by the famous Don military foreman Fyodor Krasnoshchekov.
What has changed since then? Let's look around! The same elevated plain, intricately dissected by river valleys and gullies. From the west, the eastern part of the Donetsk Territory is wedged into the territory of the region in an irregular triangle. The territory of the district extends from west to east for 60 km, and from north to south - 53 km. In the west it borders with the Sverdlovsk district of the Lugansk region of Ukraine and the Radionovo-Nesvetaevsky district, in the north with the Kamensky district and the city of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, in the east with Belokalitvensky, in the south with the cities of Shakhty and Novoshakhtinsk, and the Oktyabrsky district. On the Sulinsky land there are the cities of Gukovo and Zverevo - of regional significance, as well as the villages: Talovy, Ayutinsky and Sokolovo-Kundryuchensky, formerly part of Krasny Sulin.
The geographical location of the area is quite convenient. Railways and highways of federal and international importance pass through the Sulina land. They connect the Don with the Center of Russia, Moscow, the Volga region, the Caucasus and Ukraine.
The current map of the area was formed by the middle of the last century. Its territory was then divided into four volosts: Sulinskaya, Gukovskaya - Cherkassy District, Bolshaya Fedorovskaya - 2nd Don District, Chernetsovskaya - Donetsk District. Each volost consisted of eight villages in which rural communities were formed. Ten of the forty settlements were Cossack farms: Pavlovsko-Kudryuchevsky, Sokolovo-Kudryuchevsky, Sulinovsko-Kudryuchevsky, all yurts of the village of Novocherkasskaya, Platovo and Nizhne-Kovalevsky yurts of the village of Gundorovskaya, Likhay yurt of the village of Vladimirovskaya, Tatsin yurt of the village of Kamenskaya. Sounds like music!
Centuries in Russia under peasant existence dragged on slowly, and only the construction of the Voronezh-Rostov railway in the mid-60s of the century before last stirred up the silence of the farmsteads. The whole way of life began to change rapidly. With the advent and growth of the Sulin railway station, the peasant settlement of Sulinovskaya began to develop noticeably - that was now the name of the expanded farmstead, which turned into the center of the Sulinovskaya volost with 308 residents in 59 households.
At the same time, the experienced Ural industrialist Dmitry Aleksandrovich Pastukhov, an intelligent and enterprising man, put forward the promising idea of ​​​​creating a metallurgical plant in the south of Russia, in the Donetsk basin, rich in coal in the immediate vicinity of an iron ore deposit. “The First Anthracite Iron Smelting and Iron Making Plant of D.A. Pastukhov,” as the enterprise was officially called, produced its first smelting in the fall of 1872. At the same time, new workshops were erected: rolling, crutch, mechanical, model, forging, boiler. Production expanded, directly related to the general revival of the country's economic life. They built it soundly - so that even now the century-old red brick walls built by our ancestors inspire respect! In the Don Army Region it was then the first and only plant producing more than 70% of all industrial products.
In the spring of 1888, the great Russian scientist D.I. visited the plant and examined it with interest. Mendeleev, who made a long trip around the Donetsk region.
Later, in his article “The Future Power Resting on the Banks of the Donets,” he described his impressions as follows: “... I saw a blast furnace in action and excellent cast iron obtained from a mixture of local ores with Krivoi Rog, and a number of rudling furnaces for producing iron. The plant produces private orders (water pipes, cast iron ingots, long iron, machines for coal mines, etc.) and smelting directly on anthracite, practiced only in America - all constitute an obvious, major success of Russian metallurgy."
Blast furnace smelting using anthracite was a new business in Russia that required the involvement of scientific forces. Among others, the outstanding Russian metallurgist M.A. also actively worked here. Pavlov, later the founder of the Soviet school of blast furnace workers: Academician, Hero of Socialist Labor, winner of state prizes, author of the famous book “Cast Iron Metallurgy”. Thanks to its innovations, the plant was awarded a Gold Medal in 1896 at the All-Russian Industrial and Art Exhibition in Nizhny Novgorod.
At the beginning of the 20th century, over 3 million pounds of cast iron were smelted annually in the blast furnaces of the plant, up to 8 million pounds of ore were smelted, and up to 4 million pounds of various types of metal were produced. The only plant in vast Russia - Sulinsky - used anthracite from its own mines as a combustible material. Of great importance were the rich deposits in the vicinity of the plant - iron ore,
The inevitably growing plant raised the future city with it. The population of Sulin and the adjacent factory villages in 1913 exceeded 20 thousand people, of which more than 5 thousand worked directly at the plant and in supporting industries - in mines and coal mines.
The growth of industrial production in turn stimulated the expansion of agricultural production. Peasants and Cossacks of the hamlets and settlements of the region were actively engaged in agriculture and livestock raising. In crop production at the turn of the century, there was a transition to winter wheat and barley instead of spring crops, the crops of barley and oats increased significantly, and new promising crops appeared: corn, sunflower, potatoes, sugar beets. From half to one third of rural land was under arable land, about a third was under grazing, and the same amount was under haymaking. There was a constant increase in draft animals, meat and dairy herds and sheep flocks became richer.
In the memorial book of the Don Army for 1900 we read: “Sulinovo volost 3008 acres of land. Indigenous population 7801 people, non-resident 2602 people. The peasants of the volost keep 5714 horses, 1090 oxen, 140 camels, 1350 cows, 240 goats, 2385 pigs and 19747 sheep. .."
Some of the residents were involved in the handicraft production of simple equipment, wooden furniture, and household items.
Life is not only work. People should study, go to the cinema, play sports, relax and have fun. Sulin did not lag behind these demands! In 1913, there were 8 schools, a gymnasium, 35 medium and small trading establishments, 5 teahouses, a private cinema, a people's house with a workers' theater, a library, commercial and sports clubs, and a garden for festivities.
The First World War, the tragic flames of the revolution, the Civil War swept over our city like a whirlwind and, like all great shocks, sank into eternity.
The year 1920 brought the workers' settlement the honorary title of “Red” at that time. And in 1926, by a resolution of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of March 1, Krasny Sulin was named a city. At the same time, the revival of the metallurgical plant, coal industry, and construction industry began. The city slowly emerged from chaos and destruction. During the difficult years of the shock pre-war five-year plans, the metallurgical plant was significantly reconstructed. A new large modern brainchild has also grown - the Nesvetai State District Power Plant. In addition, a number of new mines for the local fuel industry were opened, and the railway junction and locomotive depot were significantly expanded. Active work has begun on the construction of a powerful aluminum smelter. Large socialist production was supplemented by local industry: a bakery, a dairy factory, an industrial plant, 6 different artels, 2 steam mills.
The city was built, streets and squares were improved, parks were laid out, in particular, the city park of culture and recreation in the village of Nesvetai State District Power Plant. The city had 2 hospitals, 3 clinics, 12 schools, a workers' faculty, branches of a technical school and an institute, 11 kindergartens, 4 clubs, a cinema, 5 libraries, and the city House of Pioneers.
The Great Patriotic War broke out. Krasnosulino residents, at the call of the Motherland, changed their working tools. for military weapons, usual overalls for army ammunition. Yesterday's metallurgists and miners, railway workers and builders, collective farmers and teachers became infantrymen, pilots, artillerymen, intelligence officers, and sailors. The Cossacks, having removed their father's sharp sabers from the walls, joined the ranks of the newly revived cavalry corps and divisions.
In the very first days, all labor collectives of the city and region switched to the wartime regime. The metallurgical plant hastily produced anti-tank hedgehogs to stop Guderian's armored hordes rushing towards Moscow, casings of hundred-kilogram aerial bombs, parts for BM-14 and Katyusha multiple rocket launchers. Vtorchermet produced 5 thousand horse-drawn sleighs. The workers of the "Free Path" artel sewed linen and clothing, and cotton sweatshirts for the soldiers of the Red Army. No one was left behind.
More than five thousand Krasnosulin residents worked from dawn to dusk on the construction of defensive fortifications around their hometown, as well as near Novocherkassk and the village of Bessergeevskaya. For their dedicated work, three hundred of them were awarded the medal “For the Defense of the Caucasus.”
Thousands of Krasnosulin residents distinguished themselves in battles for their Motherland, showing courage, heroism, and ingenuity. Order-bearing pilots N. Ma-kagonenko, V. Maksimovich, G. Zhuravlev, P. Gerasimov desperately defended their native sky, repeating the feat of Captain N.F. Gastello. Infantryman P. Dernov, following Alexander Matrosov, covered the enemy embrasure with his chest, covering his comrades. Eight of our fellow countrymen were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union, here are their glorious names: A.I. Alekseev, A.M. Galatov, P.S. Dernov, N.P. Evsyukov, A.S. Kravtsov, F.V. Kalinin, I.K. Prosandeev, P.P. Ledenev, and V.F. Samokhin is a full Cavalier of Glory! More than half a century has passed since those times, but generations of Krasnosulin residents remember the cost of the Victory. The names and exploits of warriors are immortalized by obelisks and monuments on graves.
For almost two years, Krasny Sulin was in the front line and for about 7 terrible months - under fascist occupation. During this time, the Nazis physically destroyed more than 400 people and forcibly deported 1,500 to hard labor in hated Germany.
On February 14, 1943, troops of the Southwestern Front under the command of Army General N.F. Vatutina city was liberated.
The very next day, the first meeting of the executive committee of the City Council took place, discussing issues of restoring government and administrative bodies, city institutions, industrial and agricultural enterprises. It was necessary oh start all over again. And people not only revived their hometown, but made it even more beautiful, more elegant, and more convenient for work and leisure.
The post-war decades have passed - and today Krasny Sulin is unrecognizable! Firstly, Krasny Sulin is a city of Dela with a capital D, that is, a city with a wide industrial infrastructure. On its territory there are 14 enterprises of metallurgical, energy, coal, processing and other industries.

Founded in 1797 by Cossack Colonel Andrei Sulin as a farm.

In 1797, the Cossack Colonel Andrei Sulin was granted 400 acres of land by the Military Chancellery on the land of the Don Army at the confluence of the Bolshaya Gnilusha River and the Kundryuchya River. The estate consisted of a farmstead on the banks of the river. Kundryuchya, which later received the name “Sulinsky” (later called Sulinovsko-Kundryuchevsky) and a stud farm with a large herd of horses located several miles to the north. In 1816, 30 households were already located on the territory of the farm, in which 111 residents lived, cultivating 10 thousand dessiatines of land.

The location of the future city of Krasny Sulin, as it turned out later, was distinguished by many advantages: large reserves of coal - anthracite of coking grades, partly - iron ore and stone. An equally significant advantage is the close, convenient connection with the Grushevsky mountain settlement (the future city of Shakhty), where (in its village “Kamenolomni”) there was the main junction of the railway connecting the Eastern Donbass with the ports of the Black and Azov Seas. At the same time, this place was distinguished by the special aesthetic and artistic expressiveness of the natural landscape. Initially, it was this dignity that served as the reason for the choice of places for the location of their estates by the commanders of corps and regiments who distinguished themselves in campaigns - Suvorov, Potemkin, Platov.

The Sulin farm is only the first settlement. It did not receive any special territorial development in the agglomeration of neighboring estates and farms. The second settlement was the Skelevatsky farm - the center of the estate of Major General Evtey Cherevkov - the builder of the new capital of the Don Cossacks - the city of Novocherkassk, an associate of the campaigns of Ataman M. Platov.

In 1806, Evtey’s son, Fyodor Cherevkov, a participant in Suvorov’s Italian campaign, founded a nearby village. Sulina and H. Skelevatsky owns his estate and the Maly Cherevkov farmstead (now the village of Verbensky) on the left bank of the Kundryuchya River. In the 70s of the 19th century, it merged with the village of an iron foundry, built on the basis of local iron ore deposits. In 1926, the village of Sulin received the status of a city and a new name - Krasny Sulin. In 1936, the construction of the Nesvetaisk power plant began. Its commissioning coincided with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. In the summer of 1942, the Nazis bombed the city and destroyed the metallurgical plant.

On July 21, 1942, Soviet authorities and troops left the city occupied by German troops,

On February 14, 1943, he was liberated from Nazi German troops by Soviet troops of the Southwestern Front during the Voroshilovgrad operation:

  • 5th Tank Army consisting of: part of the troops of the 47th Guards. SD (Major General Ostashenko, Fedor Afanasyevich),

The occupation of Krasny Sulin lasted seven months (July 21, 1942 - February 14, 1943). After the war, the city and the plant were actually rebuilt.


As of January 1, 2016, the city ranked 402nd out of 1,112 cities in the Russian Federation in terms of population.


Sulin railway station on the Millerovo-Rostov-on-Don line, 133 km northeast of Rostov, also the Krasny Sulin stopping area 135 km. Trains stop at Sulin station, and express and regular electric trains stop at Krasny Sulin station. A national railway runs through the center of the city of Krasny Sulin and the region, connecting the south of Russia with the central and northern parts of the country. A railway runs through the north of the Krasnosulinsky district, connecting the eastern part of the region with Ukraine.


For many decades, the city-forming enterprise for Krasny Sulin was the Sulinsky Metallurgical Plant, which employed almost 6 thousand citizens.

On the territory of the city and region there are 11 large and medium-sized industrial enterprises - OJSC Krasnosulinkhleb, OJSC Stroymetkon, OJSC Sulinsky crushed stone plant MPS, OJSC Cascade, OJSC Vladimirovsky quarry of refractory clays, CJSC Expanded clay-concrete parts plant ", OJSC "Experimental TPP", LLC "Company Sulinugol", CJSC "Poultry Farm Krasnosulinskaya", LLC "Sulinanthracite", 151 small enterprises, including "Trading House No. 1".

In 2012, a plant for the production of sheet glass and coated glass, Guardian Glass Rostov, was built, the second in Russia after the plant in Ryazan, owned by Guardian Industries, one of the largest glass manufacturers in the world, but the first among the company’s plants in terms of production volume products, with a furnace with a capacity of up to 900 tons of glass per day. This is one of the major investment projects in the region, which created jobs and updated infrastructure (major repairs of adjacent roads).

Social sphere

The healthcare system of the city and district includes 7 hospitals and 43 FAP-LAPs, the general education system of the city and district contains 34 educational institutions, including the Krasnosulinsky College of Industrial Technologies, a vocational school, a gymnasium, which took first place in the region in terms of education, and a lyceum as well won the competition for the presidential program.


  • Monument to V.I. Lenin.
  • Monument to the postman.
  • Monument "Clock of Life". Opened in honor of the 200th anniversary of the city. It is a sundial showing the time.
  • Memory Alley.
  • Memorial "Victory" (1975) with an eternal flame sculpture of a Soviet soldier. For the 40th anniversary of the Great Victory, a Walk of Fame with bas-reliefs of heroes was opened next to the memorial.
  • A monument at the mass grave of partisans shot by White Cossacks in 1918, as well as communists and Komsomol members - members of an underground group operating in the city. Krasny Sulin and shot by the Germans on September 1, 1942. The two-figure reinforced concrete monument is 3 meters high. Sculptures of soldiers with a flag rise on a stone pedestal lined with tiles. The monument was erected in November 1957 by the Sulina Metallurgical Plant. On the pedestal there is a memorial plaque with the inscription: “ETERNAL GLORY TO THE HEROES WHO FALLED IN THE STRUGGLE FOR FREEDOM AND INDEPENDENCE OF OUR MOTHERLAND IN THE CIVIL AND PATRIOTIC WARS.”


Museum of Cossack Culture located at Metallurgov Street, 41. The museum's exposition includes exhibits dedicated to the life and everyday life of the Don Cossacks.


  • - the only one of the 3 Orthodox churches (there were also St. Andrew's Church in the village of Sulin and Alexander Nevsky near the Pastukhov plant) preserved on the territory of the city. The architecture resembles a miniature copy of the Ascension Cathedral in Novocherkassk. It is a monument of history and culture of the Russian Federation of regional significance (Decision of the Small Council of the Regional Council No. 325 of December 17, 1992).
  • - was opened on May 10, 2013 in the village of Sulin. The foundation stone was consecrated on March 30, 2012, on December 4, 2012 the domes were consecrated by Bishop Ignatius of Shakhtinsky and Millerovsky. On Friday, May 10, 2013 of Bright Week, Bishop Ignatius of Shakhtinsky and Millerovsky performed the minor consecration of the temple.
  • - opened in the Golonok area in December 2012. The building was originally used as a club. At the beginning of 2012, the club was transferred to the Russian Orthodox Church.

Previously, the city had a large Alexander Nevsky Church, designed to accommodate up to 1,000 parishioners at a time. The temple was built for the spiritual nourishment of parishioners of the Sulinovsky factory settlement and surrounding farmsteads. On March 5, 1898, a petition was written to the Archbishop of Don and Novocherkassk for the construction of a temple in the Sulinovsky factory settlement. Attached to the petition were drawings from the manager of the “iron foundry and ironworks” Pyotr Pastukhov. The petition stated that “the need to build the Temple is obvious, both as a result of the constant growth of the population at the plant, currently reaching five thousand people, and as a result of the remoteness of the nearest temple from the plant.”

The iron foundry and ironworks at that time were located in the territory then called the Don Army Region, which occupied the modern Rostov and Volgograd regions of the Russian Federation. Hereditary Honorary Citizen, owner of the Sulina Metallurgical Plant Nikolai Petrovich Pastukhov, used two plots of military land under a contract that he concluded with the administration on August 17, 1892. Nikolai Petrovich Pastukhov decided to build a church in the settlement using his own funds. After the end of the land lease, the constructed temple was to become the property of the Don Army. In 1898, the construction of a stone church was approved by members of the Don Spiritual Consistory. The plan for the construction of the church was signed by the Diocesan Architect, who was supposed to supervise the construction.

Construction of the stone church continued until 1900, when it was consecrated. The built Alexander Nevsky Church could accommodate up to 1000 people praying. The construction of the temple and the maintenance of the clergy took place at the expense of N.P. Pastukhov.

Utility outbuildings were built next to the temple and are still preserved today. A parochial school was built and operated next to the church. It taught children whose parents worked at the iron foundry and ironworks of Nikolai Pastukhov. The school was taught by clergy from the Alexander Nevsky Church.

The temple existed from 1900 to 1931. Services continued after 1917 until the 1920s. Then the temple was closed. The temple gradually deteriorated and was partially destroyed. During the Great Patriotic War, a bomb fell on the church building and exploded. After the liberation of the settlement by Soviet troops, the temple was looted and soon dismantled.

Located on the Kundryuchya and Gnilusha rivers, 78 kilometers from the regional center. The area of ​​the settlement is 93.6 square kilometers.

General data and historical facts

In 1797, on the site of the modern city, the Cossack farm of Sulinsky was formed. In 1816, there were about 30 houses and 111 people living on the territory of the farm.

In the 1870s, the settlement was merged with a village at an iron foundry located on an iron ore deposit.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the iron foundry giant produced more than 3 million pounds of products annually.

In 1913, more than 20 thousand people lived in the Sulina agglomeration, 5 thousand of whom were employees of the plant and related industries.

In 1926, the village was transformed into a city called Krasny Sulin.

In 1936, a decision was made to build the Nesvetaiskaya power plant, which was put into operation in 1941.

In the 1930s, new mines, a bread factory, a dairy factory, two steam mills and an industrial plant were opened in Krasny Sulin. New social facilities were built: 12 schools, 11 kindergartens, a cinema, 5 libraries, the House of Pioneers, two hospitals and three clinics.

At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the metallurgical plant began producing casings for air bombs and parts for multiple launch rocket systems.

From July 1942 to February 1943, the city was under occupation by German troops. At this time, the German invaders destroyed Krasny Sulin and the metallurgical plant.

In mid-February 1943, troops of the Southwestern Front liberated the village from Nazi interventionists.

In the post-war years, the city had to be rebuilt literally from ruins. New apartment buildings and social and administrative buildings were erected at a rapid pace.

Industrial enterprises: Sulinsky Metallurgical Plant, OJSC Krasnosulinkhleb, CJSC Expanded Clay Concrete Parts Plant, CJSC Krasnosulinskaya Poultry Farm, OJSC Sulinsky Shchebzavod MPS, OJSC Experimental TPP, LLC Sulinanthracite.

The telephone code of Krasny Sulim is 86367. Postal code is 346350.

Climate and weather

A temperate continental climate prevails in Krasny Sulin. Winters are long and mild. The average temperature in January is -5.5 degrees.

Summer is hot and short. The average temperature in July is +24.8 degrees. Average annual precipitation is 485 mm.

Total population of Krasny Sulin for 2018-2019

Population data was obtained from the State Statistics Service. Graph of changes in the number of citizens over the past 10 years.

The total number of residents in 2017 is 38.6 thousand people.

The data from the graph shows a steady decrease in the population from 42,900 people in 2007 to 38,567 people in 2017.

As of January 2018, in terms of population, Krasny Sulin ranked 408th out of 1,113 cities in the Russian Federation.


1.Memorial "Victory"- this memorial with an eternal flame was opened in 1975.

2.Monument "Clock of Life"- the opening of the monument was timed to coincide with the 200th anniversary of the founding of Krasny Sulin.

3.Monument at the mass grave of partisans- the monument was erected in the fall of 1957. The monument is made in the form of a sculpture of soldiers with a flag on a stone pedestal.


In Krasny Sulin there are 3 railway stations connecting the city with Shakhty, Novoshakhtinsk, Zverevo, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Belaya Kalitva, Gukovo, Novocherkassk, Aksai, Rostov-on-Don.

Public transport consists of municipal buses and minibuses.

From the city bus station there are bus routes to Novoshakhtinsk, Shakhty, Rostov-on-Don, Saratov, Novocherkassk,

The city of Krasny Sulin is located in the Rostov region, not far, just 100 km, from. Lying on the banks of the Bolshaya Gnilusha River, it is a small, cozy town in a picturesque location. ( 62 photos)

Basic data

The territory of the city is 94 square meters. km Population 38 thousand people. Together with the region of 80 thousand, Russians - more than 94%, Ukrainians - 4%, and others.

Railways and highways of federal and international importance pass through Sulin.

The city and district are one of the most industrially developed administrative units of the Rostov region. In terms of the absolute volume of commercial products in industry, the region was among the top 10 in the Rostov region. Industries: metallurgy (stopped), fuel and energy, production of building materials, food. More than 250 small businesses and individual entrepreneurs. More than 20 agricultural enterprises. More than 300 farms.

Don Institute of Distance Education, metallurgical college, vocational school, gymnasium, 28 secondary schools, 5 junior high schools, a boarding school, 2 orphanages, 2 children's sports schools, 3 Palaces of Culture, sports complex.

Of course, the hero of this article looks modest compared to other cities we talked about, for example: ,. But Krasny Sulin is also worthy of attention, if only because its founders were Cossack generals, and it is also where the metallurgical plant, which was the largest in the south of Russia, is located.

Krasny Sulin was founded on September 25, 1797. Then, the Cossack colonel was allocated land on the bank of the Gnilusha River, with a farm due to him. At that time, about 100 people already lived here. Gradually, other Cossacks began to settle in these areas.

Fyodor Evteevich Cherevkov, a Russian colonel, one of the founders of the capital of the Don Cossacks, the city of Novocherkassk, built his estate. Also in Sulina, Evtey Ivanovich Cherevkov, a Russian major general, received an estate; he was awarded the estate for his zealous service.

Later, these estates grew into farms and then into the villages that we know, the village of Sulin, Skelevatka, Verbenka, Kazachiy, Rakovo. Mass settlement of the picturesque banks of the Kundryuchya and Gnilushi rivers began at the beginning of the 19th century. Following Sulin, the villages of Skelevatsky and Verbensky, Kazachiy and Rakovo appeared.

It is noteworthy that the village of Rakovo was named so because local residents literally raked crayfish from Kundryuchya to the shore. The first inhabitants were landless peasants and Cossacks of the Novocherkassk village. On plots of land rented from rich Cossacks, they built their kurens from reeds. And at the end of the same 19th century, wealthy Cossacks from Novocherkassk began to build their dachas here.

Gradually the village grew and developed. As it turned out, Sulin is located not only in a picturesque area, but also rich in coal and iron ore deposits. In addition, it is located not far (30 km) from the Grushevskoye Mountain settlement, now Shakhty, where the railway line connecting Voronezh with Rostov is located.

In this regard, the famous capitalist, owner of the Rostov Mechanical Plant, Dmitry Aleksandrovich Pastukhov, decides to build a metallurgical plant here. Hoping to get cheap raw materials for his factory.

Dmitry Alexandrovich buys local mines and in 1870 receives permission from the Tsar to build a plant. Leases land for 99 years. YES. Pastukhov promises to complete construction in 3 years, and by the way, he fulfills it. The construction of the plant and its further work became a center of attraction for people from all over the region.

At first, builders came here from Ukraine and the central regions of Russia. Then other workers sought to get jobs at the plant, and a working class was formed. The bulk of the workers were poor peasants. The work was hard and there were no living conditions. Many lived in holes that they dug themselves in rocks and other places. Gradually, the plant expanded and along with it, housing was built for plant workers.

Krasny Sulin, photo of the city.

Setting up and setting up the plant took a huge amount of time and money. The blast furnace that melts metal was set up only 24 years after its start-up!

The Sulina Metallurgical Plant is a city-forming enterprise. More than 5,000 people worked there. Most of the buildings and all the infrastructure in the city were built thanks to him.

Today the city has slowed down the pace of its development. Economic growth is proceeding moderately. Two factories were built and launched in Sulina. One specializes in glass blowing, Guardian, and a foreign company became investors. And the other produces insulation in the form of mineral wool - TechnoNIKOL. Russian holding company for the production of thermal insulation materials.

Unfortunately, the economic condition of the city today is not entirely favorable; most of the residents are forced to work on a rotational basis. The main specialty is a monolithic builder. It is difficult to count, but quite a few multi-storey, monolithic houses in Rostov-on-Don were built by Sulina workers.

The city's population has decreased by 4 thousand people over 10 years. Krasny Sulin could use some major investments.

The city of Krasny Sulin, photo of one of the central streets.

Krasny Sulin is divided into several districts and villages: Yurkin Kut, Center, Skelevatka, Verbenka, Vlasovka, State District Power Plant, Sotsposelok, Kazachiy, Sulin, Rakovo, Golonok, Udarnik, Klevtsovo, 50 Let Oktyabrya, etc.

The architecture of the city is mostly pre-revolutionary in nature, although there are also multi-storey buildings from the Soviet period. The center is predominantly made up of one-story, massive, stone buildings. The sleeping areas are not large; the main part of the city is private households.

In memory of the many working mines in Sulina, picturesque waste heaps remain.

Sulina television tower, height - 70 meters.

One of the main attractions of the city is the Holy Protection Church. It is the only one that has survived from a composition consisting of 3 temples that were located in the city. It is a miniature copy of the famous Ascension Cathedral in Novocherkassk.

Two temples that have not survived to this day were located: in the village of Sulin and in the city center, next to the square on Lenin Street.

Holy Intercession Church

Holy Intercession Church

In 2013, the Church of the Great Martyr Catherine was opened. Made from log wood. Located at the entrance to the city from the M4 federal highway, in the village of Sulin. Also in 2012, the Alexander Nevsky Church was opened in the village of Golonok.

Photos of cities – Krasny Sulin

On the territory of the city there are natural attractions, for example. People from all over the Rostov region come to visit it on vacation. Recreation centers located on the Kundryuchya River are also a magnet for vacationers.

Perhaps in the near future Sulin will become a large industrial city. Or a tourist center, for which, by the way, there are all the prerequisites.

Monument to the founders of the city (Clock of Life).

There are a large number of sports sections in Sulina, including swimming, tennis, badminton, basketball, volleyball, 5 boxing sections, wrestling, karate, taekwondo, 3 gyms, etc. Sulina athletes successfully perform at regional and all-Russian competitions.