Abstracts Statements Story

Features of the organization of the educational process of persons with disabilities. Features of vocational training for children with disabilities Vocational education for people with disabilities health

Is to expand learning opportunities for persons with disabilities health. The Federal Law “On the Education of Persons with Disabilities (Special Education)” states that special education is preschool, general and vocational education, for which a person needs special, individualized methods of teaching and upbringing related to his physical disability. and/or mental disability.

Thirdly, how the techniques, methods and operations of professional actions are applied in practice and how the student behaves in society. Proficiency in techniques, operations, and methods of professional action is assessed; rationality of choice of methods and means of implementation professional activity; outcome forecast; possession of basic tools and production equipment. It also examines how well developed the skills of self-organization and self-government are, the understanding of the rules of communication and interaction, and the level of responsibility for one’s own behavior.

Fourthly, the level professional identity and professional independence. To what extent does the student realize the need for further growth of professional skills, demonstrate independence in professional activities, exercise self-control, and take responsibility for the work performed.

Organizing vocational training for adolescents with disabilities certainly requires material costs associated not only with the material base, but also with the training of teachers and the provision of medical and social support. Today, the problem of employing graduates, and, consequently, the process of their social and labor adaptation is becoming significantly more complicated. Training in a profession can only be considered complete if every teenager with disabilities is guaranteed the right to work.


1. Akatov rehabilitation of children with disabilities. Psychological foundations: textbook. allowance. M.: Vlados, 20 p.

2. Gin pedagogical technology: a manual for teachers. M.: Vita-Press, 2004. 87 p.

3. Selevko educational technologies: textbook. allowance. M.: Public education, 19 p.

4. Starobin training of persons with mental retardation: method. allowance. M.: NC ENAS, 20 p.

5. Unt and differentiation of teaching: M.: Pedagogy, 19 p.

On secondary and higher vocational education for persons with disabilities

The capital's system of secondary vocational education is multi-level, continuous, open and accessible to different segments of the Moscow population. The training of qualified workers and specialists for the main sectors of the urban economy is carried out by 75 specialized and 13 pedagogical colleges subordinate to the Moscow Department of Education.

Education in colleges is conducted on:

  • 100 professions of primary vocational education;
  • 133 specialties of secondary vocational education;
  • 157 vocational training occupations;
  • more than 200 programs of additional professional education for adults (advanced training, retraining) for all key areas of the economy and social sphere of Moscow.

Professional education

A large number of colleges included in the system of the Moscow Department of Education create special educational conditions for the education of persons with disabilities.

Obtaining higher professional education for persons with disabilities is possible in various forms, including distance learning. List of institutions, recommendations and online resources for implementation distance learning presented in the reference book Distance learning.

Faculties are developing programs to help students quickly adapt to new conditions, allowing them to cope with the most common problems. Read more about the training program for students with disabilities at the Faculty of Distance Learning of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow City Psychological Pedagogical University"You can check it out.

Higher education institutions

  • Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University (MGPPU)

The humanization processes taking place in society and associated with changes in the regulatory and legal field highlight in a special way the problems of creating a barrier-free educational environment for all categories of citizens. Various aspects of preparing young people with mental disabilities for professional activities are of particular relevance. For them, obtaining a professional education is one of the main and integral conditions for their successful socialization, full participation in the life of society, and effective self-realization in various types of professional and social activities. This is determined by the fact that for most graduates of special (correctional) general education schools or boarding schools, only labor training aimed at vocational training provides correction and compensation for their psychophysical development and the possibility of employment in the field of material production in modern conditions of economic development of society (G.V. Vasenkov).

Professional and labor socialization of persons with mental disorders is a set of pedagogical means aimed at developing:

basic learning activities for various educational fields and academic subjects;

readiness for an informed professional choice, taking into account cognitive and personal abilities and capabilities in the conditions of specially organized career guidance work;

a wide field of activities in the field of future professional activity through the use of potential opportunities additional education;

a holistic understanding of professional work, including knowledge about the content of work, the conditions for its implementation and experience of social interaction in the work team.

Various authors, considering the issues of professional and labor socialization of persons with disabilities, note four significant features of professional and labor socialization. First feature. Socialization is considered as the leading goal, the main process and the key result of educational and professional work. Second feature. Disabilities and social development students, pupils with mental disorders, give the teacher the right in his practical activities to determine the extent to which schoolchildren are included in mastering the profession. Third feature. Professional and labor socialization of persons with mental disorders is carried out in specially created conditions in which students are constantly expanding and expedient activity. At the same time, the teacher’s work in the direction of maximizing the development of the labor skills and inclinations of young people is recorded in a special way. Fourth feature. The organization of educational and professional training for persons with intellectual disabilities is of a deliberate nature, which ensures the future labor success of students. Intentionality sets the direction of the educational and labor process, consolidating the organizing role of the teacher in understanding the features of modern production and social life in general.

The tasks of labor training for students with disabilities are: nurturing a motivated, life-interested attitude towards work and the formation of appropriate personality qualities (the ability to work in a team, a sense of independence, self-affirmation, responsibility; correction and compensation by means of labor training for deficiencies in physical and mental development; professional preparation for productive a pile that allows those who graduate from school to work in production). These tasks are fundamental for all categories of children with disorders of psychophysical development. They are of particular importance in relation to students with intellectual disabilities, for whom the role of vocational training is associated with the need to gain experience in a range of vocational training profiles while still at school. This creates the basis for motivation for work training, contributes to the formation of the foundations of work skills and, ultimately, lays the foundation for successful socialization.

As practice shows, solving problems of labor training and provision employment persons with mental disabilities should be carried out in the educational, adaptation and rehabilitation environment of educational organizations that implement adapted educational programs for persons with mental retardation. Communication with practicing teachers and our experience prove that the conditions created in them and the content of vocational training, designed adequately for the cognitive capabilities, physical status of students and their labor needs, are capable of ensuring the student’s mastery of labor skills and abilities, professional programs, the formation general culture personality, solving multi-dimensional development problems. This environment, if possible, compensates for the limitations in the life of a mentally retarded child, allowing him, after graduating from school, to enter the labor market in areas accessible to him and achieve a certain level of socialization.

At the school level, the problems of organizing vocational training for people with intellectual disabilities are related to the existing system of their vocational training and modern market socio-economic conditions that make it difficult for them to find employment; are determined by increased qualification requirements for the training of specialists and the characteristics of the mental and physical development of students, which complicate their mastery of even professions accessible to their capabilities; are associated with a limited number of professions in which persons with mental retardation can be employed, and an even smaller number in which vocational training for students in correctional schools and boarding schools can be carried out (G.V. Vasenkov, A.N. Graborov, G. M. Dulnev, V. Yu. Karvyalis, L. S. Mirsky, etc.).

When students with mental retardation move to the next stage of education, systemic problems of their professional training are highlighted, related to the design and systematization of organizational and pedagogical conditions in institutions of various types and departmental subordination (professional rehabilitation and educational institutions, educational institutions of secondary vocational education, psychoneurological boarding schools, alternative forms of vocational training, etc.). The main set of problems is associated with the unpreparedness of engineering and teaching staff for psychological and pedagogical support for persons with disabilities high level their professional skills. A mini-questioning, carried out in February-May 2016 as part of a series of scientific and practical seminars on the issues of vocational training of persons with disabilities, showed insufficient readiness of vocational training masters to identify the characteristics of the psychophysical development of adolescents and youth with disabilities, ignorance of the basics of special psychology and pedagogy, difficulties in implementing vocational education technologies and psychological and pedagogical support for students with disabilities; difficulties in designing and implementing adapted educational programs And educational and methodological complexes, when carrying out ongoing monitoring of progress and intermediate certification of students with atypical development. The lack of competence of an adult who organizes vocational training complicates the process of socialization of students with disabilities.

A way out of this situation could be a mandatory requirement for masters of vocational training to master additional special competencies for working with persons with disabilities in the process of advanced training or professional retraining; inclusion in the staffing table of a teacher-coordinator for working with persons with disabilities from among specialized defectologists, etc. Only in this case, the processes of intellectual, personal and social advancement of students with disabilities in professional development can be considered as a process of their socialization.


  1. Vasenkov G.V. Vocational and labor training of mentally retarded schoolchildren: dissertation. ... Doctor of Ped.Sc. – Moscow, 2006. – 422 p.
  2. Dubrova T.I. Development of the integration potential of vocational education institutions // Secondary vocational education. - 2011. - Issue No. 11. – P. 55-58.
  3. Vocational guidance, vocational training and employment in mental retardation: method, manual / Ed. EAT. Starobina - M.: FORUM: INFRA-M, 2007. - 304 p.
  4. Stepanova O.A. Comprehensive rehabilitation of persons with disabilities in institutions of secondary vocational education // Innovations in professional school. - 2012. - No. 8. – 60 s.

E. M. Starobina

Specifics of vocational education of persons with disabilities

The article reveals the features of vocational education of people with disabilities, which consists of an interdisciplinary approach, rehabilitation and educational essence, taking into account the characteristics of people with disabilities, in particular limitations in the ability to learn and subsequently work.

The article describes the specific of vocational education for people with disabilities, which is an interdisciplinary approach, rehabilitation and educational essence, taking into account the characteristics of people with disabilities, particularly educational and employment opportunities.

Keywords: vocational education of persons with disabilities, rehabilitation and educational environment, rehabilitation and educational technologies, accompanying services.

Key words: vocational education of persons with disabilities, rehabilitation and educational environment, rehabilitation and educational technology, accompanying services.

Adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2007, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities recognizes the valuable current and potential contributions of persons with disabilities to the general well-being. Promoting the full enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms by persons with disabilities will enable them to achieve significant human, social and economic development society. It is necessary to recognize the right of persons with disabilities to education and work on an equal basis with others; disabled people must have access to vocational guidance, general and vocational education, adult education throughout life without discrimination and on an equal basis with others.

The Convention stipulates that states must recognize the right of persons with disabilities to education. In order to realize this right, inclusive education at all levels and lifelong learning must be ensured on the basis of equality of opportunity, while seeking to:

Towards the full development of human potential, fundamental freedoms and human diversity;

To develop the personality, talents and creativity of people with disabilities, as well as their mental and physical abilities to the fullest extent;

© Starobina E.M., 2014

Towards empowering people with disabilities to participate effectively in society.

The rules of Article 19 Federal Law RF “On social protection of disabled people in Russian Federation» our state ensures that disabled people receive basic general, secondary (full) general education, primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher vocational education in accordance with the individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person.

In accordance with the provisions of Part. Part. 5, 6 tbsp. 19 of the same law, for disabled people who need special conditions for receiving vocational education, special vocational institutions of various types and types or corresponding conditions in vocational educational institutions are created general type.

However, in practice these declarations are implemented with great difficulty.

Currently, in studies related to the study of vocational education of various categories of people with disabilities, the problems of forming a system of continuous multi-level variable vocational education for this category of students, integrating the existing system of specialized and mass institutions into a single educational space and improving specialized vocational education institutions have been raised. based on the introduction of effective rehabilitation and educational technologies and uniform educational standards.

The theory of vocational education for people with disabilities (PWD) is currently just being formed at the intersection of several sciences: pedagogy, rehabilitation, psychology, sociology, medicine, etc. The specificity of the theory of vocational education for people with disabilities lies in its interdisciplinarity, rehabilitation and education essence. It is based on taking into account the characteristics of people with disabilities, in particular, various limitations in the ability to learn and subsequently work. At the same time, it is necessary to note the high social significance of this problem.

The problem of theoretical substantiation of the system of vocational education for people with disabilities arose relatively recently due to the need to ensure access for this category of students to high-quality vocational education. At the same time, we can state the lack of special educational conditions, special educational technologies, comprehensive psychological, pedagogical and medical-social support for students with special needs, trained teaching staff to ensure the preservation of their health and

functional adaptation in the conditions of the existing system of vocational education.

As basic principles system of vocational education for persons with disabilities puts forward the principles of accessibility at all stages and levels of vocational education, the optimal content and volume of special educational and rehabilitation services, the combination of a strict vertical hierarchy and broad (developed) horizontal (regional and interregional) connections of educational institutions, regardless of their departmental subordination and forms of ownership.

The theory of vocational education of people with disabilities, being integrative in essence, in the rehabilitation aspect is characterized by specific concepts: “disabled person”, “person with disabilities”, “limitation of life activity”, “limitation of ability to work”, “limitation of ability to learn” ", "social protection", "rehabilitation of the disabled", "vocational rehabilitation".

From the point of view of rehabilitation, vocational education is one of its aspects, an element of vocational rehabilitation. Vocational training as a central link in professional rehabilitation is determined by the relationship with career guidance, choice of profession, pre-vocational training, on the one hand, and with employment and industrial adaptation as criteria for its effectiveness, on the other.

The most important categories of professional rehabilitation of disabled people are: labor potential, labor forecast, rational employment. Labor potential determines the possibility of training a disabled person in a specialty available to him and subsequent work in it, taking into account both individual and external factors and conditions. In the process of vocational education, the student is prepared for work in the conditions and forms of labor organization recommended to him. Regular and specially created production conditions are distinguished. It is mainly the disabled, people with disabilities and those with learning disabilities who need special working and training conditions in specialized educational institutions.

Vocational education is designed to solve the problems of not only mastering a profession, but also social adaptation, integration into educational and work teams, society.

The composition of the rehabilitation component of the process of vocational education of disabled people is justified by an integrated approach to rehabilitation, the concept of psychological, pedagogical medical and social support of a person during educational process(E.I. Kazakova), which defines a comprehensive method of support, including the unity of diagnostics, information retrieval,

planning, consulting and assistance in implementing the support plan, in general view the functions and areas of activity of the support service are determined.

The main elements of the rehabilitation component of the process of vocational education of disabled people include: an accessible rehabilitation and educational learning environment, special rehabilitation and educational technologies, accompanying services.

The rehabilitation and educational environment is adapted to the special needs of a disabled person in educational institution an environment that provides conditions for mastering professional programs, personal adaptation in an educational institution and in society, and solving problems associated with learning. This environment should compensate fully or partially for the disabilities of a disabled person and provide conditions for an optimal rehabilitation and educational process.

The rehabilitation and educational environment should be adapted not only to educational needs disabled person, but also to his social, social, environmental, sociocultural needs (moving around the building, communication, information, eating, performing basic hygiene procedures, etc.). The environment should create conditions for rehabilitation during the educational process and subsequent fullest integration into society and the workforce. It is also necessary to take into account that not all disabled people can be competitive in the labor market and their employment requires specially created working conditions.

The following components of the rehabilitation and educational environment can be distinguished:

Special rehabilitation and educational technologies;

An unhindered environment for learning, communication and life activities for people with disabilities through architectural and planning solutions and technical support(individual and group technical means of training and rehabilitation);

Information support of the rehabilitation and educational process for people with disabilities in a form accessible to them, their relatives, teachers and other specialists;

Psychological, pedagogical and medical-social support of the educational process;

Favorable, friendly, psychologically comfortable atmosphere in a rehabilitation and educational institution.

It is necessary to clarify that in an educational institution during the vocational training of disabled people, the rehabilitation and educational environment ensures not only unhindered communication and life activities of disabled people to overcome the difficulties of social adaptation, but also

the main thing is optimal learning conditions in accordance with the special rehabilitation and educational needs of people with disabilities.

In socio-psychological terms, the formation of a rehabilitation and educational environment, for example, an institution of primary vocational education, is decisively determined by the action of subjective factors of socio-psychological adaptation of persons with disabilities among students who are not disabled.

The environment is the most important means of rehabilitation, being at the same time a healing, therapeutic means for people with disabilities. The concept of “environment” also includes the immediate environment, the social circle of a disabled person: this is the family, and those who surround him in a specialized institution, and those who are next to him at work, study, and during leisure hours. The nature of communication and relationships (relationships) of a disabled person with people around him depends not only on the characteristics of his personal properties, but also on the perception of him by others. They cannot be interpreted as a subjective reflection human relations or take only material or organizational aspects as a basis, it is necessary to consider them as a psycho-social factor with a guided nature of relationships. At the same time, the “material environment” (interior, comfort, informal atmosphere in the institution, etc.) is also important.

Rehabilitation and educational technologies are a set of organizational forms, methods and means providing vocational education. This is a pedagogical process and an aspect of professional rehabilitation at the optimal level, taking into account the specifics of the student population and the specific conditions of the educational institution, achieving specific educational and rehabilitation results in accordance with current educational and rehabilitation standards.

Rehabilitation and educational technologies should provide:

Organic connection and unity of educational and rehabilitation processes;

Optimal assimilation of educational material, both theoretical and practical;

Physical access to educational and production equipment,

Information accessibility;

Availability of interpersonal communication;

Psychological comfort of the rehabilitation and educational process;

Access to intensive, high technologies of training, communication and rehabilitation, when access to them is difficult due to specific

life restrictions;

More complete correction and compensation (and/or replacement) of impaired body functions is possible (for example, “artificial ear” processors, programmable and digital hearing aids, etc.).

The technological base should include special material, technical, educational and methodological bases that ensure accessibility and optimal efficiency of the rehabilitation and educational process for every disabled person, the creation of a special rehabilitation environment and educational space adapted to the needs of disabled people.

The organization of accompanying services is justified by the theory of integrated development support, which is transferred to the vocational education of people with disabilities, due to a number of reasons:

Recognition of the principles of humanistic pedagogy, which proclaims the human personality to be the greatest value, obliging us to create conditions for the maximum development of this personality;

Recognition of new approaches to the goals, content and effectiveness of education;

The presence of a clearly visible trend of annual increase in the number of disabled people wishing to receive vocational education, including in general educational institutions;

A significant increase in difficulties of an organizational, legal, technical, methodological, psychological, ethical nature that arise on the path of a disabled person during the period of vocational education and after its completion.

The main goals of accompanying people with disabilities in the process of vocational education are the following: organizing psychological, methodological, technical and educational support for this category of students. As forms of organization of support, both specialized departments (at general institutions or specialized ones for accompanying students of a given educational institution) and accompanying services are offered.

Accompanying services that provide an integrated approach to the rehabilitation of a disabled person during the learning process, his psychological, pedagogical and medical-social support, include methodological, psychological, social, medical, and technical services.

The methodological service ensures the adaptation of curricula and teaching methods, the introduction of modern educational, including specialized, and rehabilitation technologies, methodological support, interaction of accompanying services, supply of adapted educational materials and benefits.

Psychological service solves the following problems: development of individual programs for psychological support of students in an educational institution; participation in professional selection and professional selection; psychological diagnostics; psychological patronage, psychological assistance in the form of psychotherapy, psychocorrection, consultations and trainings in group and individual form; teaching students self-knowledge, methods of social and business communication, psychological self-regulation and self-realization; psychological assistance to teaching staff; psychological assistance to the family.

The social service solves the following tasks: coordination and control of the work of all accompanying services, maintaining individual rehabilitation diaries; development of individual programs for social support of students in an educational institution; participation in professional selection, professional selection and enrollment, conducting social diagnostics and organizing work on registering applicants and completing groups; social diagnostics; implementation of social patronage; identifying the “at-risk” group from a social point of view, carrying out social rehabilitation measures; intermediary function between students and the institution, as well as institutions civil service rehabilitation in the implementation of personal and professional plans; consulting people with disabilities on issues of social protection, benefits and guarantees, promoting the implementation of their rights; social training (social, everyday and social-environmental skills), organization of cultural and sports activities; promoting the rational employment of graduates in accordance with the acquired specialty and qualifications, cooperating with the employment service and employers; tracking the results of employment and professional activities of graduates, identifying the difficulties and problems they encounter in professional rehabilitation.

The medical service participates in professional selection and selection by assessing the health status of applicants, clarifying indications and contraindications for a specific specialty; develops individual programs for medical support for students in an educational institution; coordinates and coordinates its activities with medical institutions; sends students to medical institutions to receive highly specialized medical care, for sanatorium treatment, prosthetics and orthotics; trains students and their parents to implement medical rehabilitation measures at home, transfers medical knowledge, skills, carries out medical advisory and preventive work, sanitary, hygienic and medical education; monitors the health status

supervision of students, medical patronage, establishment of permissible educational and work loads and training regimen; identifying “at-risk” and “high-risk” groups from a medical point of view; making decisions when emergency medical care is needed; control of the sanitary condition of the institution, quality control and recommendations for catering, including dietary; carries out medical and recreational activities.

The technical service provides auxiliary technical training aids (for example, specialized work tables, supports for sitting and changing body positions, etc.), accessibility of premises (bridges, ramps, descents, audio-speech environment, visual environment, etc.), labor safety and adaptation of educational and work places during industrial training, equipment of educational, recreational and living environments for various categories of disabled people; individual consultation on equipping students’ workplaces and homes.

Such provision of a rehabilitation component in the process of vocational education of disabled people will ensure high efficiency in mastering the profession of systemic, multidisciplinary support, its continuous nature, reliance on the positive internal potential of the child’s development, interaction instead of influence, as well as the priority of the interests of the person being accompanied, the independence and autonomy of support service specialists (always on the side child).

Long-term practice of the activities of specialized vocational education institutions of the social protection system has shown that such an organization of the rehabilitation component of the learning process, based on the principles of continuous systemic, multidisciplinary support of the learning process based on the positive internal development potential of the individual, ensures high efficiency in mastering the profession of disabled people.

Nowadays more and more educational institutions In general professional education, specialized departments and groups are created on their basis for the professional training of students with disabilities, and an integrated approach to training is gradually beginning to be implemented. However, this activity is not supported either normatively, methodologically, technically, or personnel, which does not contribute to ensuring the preservation of the health of this category of students, their functional adaptation in the conditions of the existing system of vocational education.

The problem of effective integrated vocational education of people with disabilities in accordance with international standards should be solved in line with the directions outlined above at both the federal and regional levels.


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