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Class hour on the topic: “To protect nature means to protect the Motherland.” To protect nature means to protect the homeland Essay To protect nature means to protect the homeland

Everyone really likes to relax in nature. After a noisy and polluted city, it’s so nice to stretch out on the green grass, inhale the smell of wildflowers and clean air. There are trees rustling around, birds singing and a stream babbling or a river roaring. And how nice it is when the grass is clean, without rustling debris underfoot. Air without chemical impurities and smog. And the water is fresh, spring water, without oil stains and islands of plastic bottles.

Unfortunately, such corners come across less and less often on the way of a vacationer. Before settling down for such a vacation, you have to walk around with a garbage bag and free up a patch of clean land for yourself.

For some reason, people don’t think about how we pollute the planet and destroy everything beautiful that is on it. No, of course, in a global sense it is heavily polluted by plants and factories with their pipes and waste, which are discharged into rivers and lakes. The atmosphere of the planet is spoiled by gasoline cars and cars, releasing harmful exhaust into the air. Corporations mindlessly cutting down forests - the lungs of our planet. States that uncontrollably extract minerals from the bowels of the earth, depleting it. We scold this and worry about the future generation.

But why don’t we each start with ourselves? If we cannot influence civilization as a whole, why not try to influence ourselves personally? Don’t grill kebabs on an open fire in the forest and then forget to put it out. Do not throw garbage after yourself, but carefully collect it and throw it in a specially designated place. If everyone contributes at least a little, then the overall attitude towards nature conservation and ecology will improve.

7th grade, Russian language

Essay Nature Conservation

Does nature need protection? People of primitive times, and even representatives of more or less developed civilizations of antiquity, were unlikely to ask such a question. Nature conservation has become a fairly pressing topic only relatively recently in connection with technological progress.

It was the active development of various technologies that led to the need to take care of nature. People do not have the opportunity to control their own ways of running various households. Factories poison the air, chemicals poison the earth - this is the modern world.

It seems to me that people in the modern world are like foolish children who were given some objects that they cannot and do not know how to handle. After all, if people had reason, they would initially think about the consequences of their own actions. In fact, now people provide for their own needs first and only then think about what consequences come after that.

Oddly enough, but now nature really needs to be protected from people themselves, both in small and large ways. We need to start with the basic education of children and instilling a reasonable attitude towards nature, starting from collecting waste and cleaning the territory. We should also talk about global processes that affect the masses of people and instill reasonable habits, a normal attitude towards nature and limit people somewhere.

Just recently in Russia there was talk in the news about a waste site in the Moscow region. Due to this test site, people could not breathe normally, have normal air in their own city. They just brought so much waste, such a huge amount of dirt was collected that they simply couldn’t process.

Isn’t this situation similar to the situation with a child who cannot even change his own diaper and suffers from it? It seems similar to me, and this fact speaks about the general level of people’s behavior regarding their treatment of nature. Therefore, in this direction it is necessary to initially develop people and provide people with normal education, which will become the reason for reasonable behavior.

Option 3

People try to maintain cleanliness and order in their homes and treat things and household items with care. But for some reason, these truths have little relevance to the world around us, although from early childhood we are taught that the Earth is our common home, and it is necessary to preserve and protect nature.

Indeed, nature is the Mother who raised humanity in her cradle, gave us a home, food, taught us to live, allowed us to develop and make new discoveries. So why do people treat their Mother so irresponsibly and carelessly?

In the twenty-first century, industry is developing by leaps and bounds, sometimes trampling everything around - deforestation, emissions of toxic waste into water bodies, air pollution - all these factors negatively affect wildlife. People can see more and more representatives of flora and fauna only in the Red Book.

It is man's duty to care for and preserve natural resources. After all, how nice it is to walk through the nearby forest, breathe in the aroma of herbs, observe the life of insects and birds, and drink spring water from a living spring. It becomes scary that all this beauty may gradually disappear from the face of the earth, and in its place will be destruction, chaos, and environmental disaster. In such conditions, all living things will perish, and with it humanity.

Thanks to natural wealth and resources, which have been depleted in recent decades, people's existence is ensured. We must remember that people's lives are possible only in harmony with the world around them. It is necessary to preserve nature for our descendants so that they can fully enjoy it and live a full life.

Essay Protecting nature means protecting the homeland

Essay plan.

  1. The wealth of nature is the heritage of the Motherland.
  2. The importance of caring for nature.
  3. Caring for nature as an indicator of culture.

Homeland and nature are inextricably linked. Nature is the pride of my country, I use its resources, enjoy the scenery and can contribute. No country can boast of such wealth as the nature of my Motherland. Abundance of minerals, fertile soil, vast areas of land, forests and rivers. Water is the most precious treasure, the basis of life.

Productive and careful use of nature's gifts can help prevent our wealth from becoming depleted. Nature feeds us. She is our mother and our father. And if she is not stingy and gives us all the blessings, why shouldn’t we be grateful to her?

First of all, nature requires careful treatment and respect. All people are an integral part of it, and in order for the connection not to be broken, we must act ourselves and make our contribution. If we don't turn the earth into a garbage dump, we can continue to enjoy its beauty. If we stop widespread deforestation, the trees will thank us with endless oxygen.

People throw garbage out of windows, forget to put out fires, test nuclear weapons, and dump chemical waste into the sea. But this is a powerful blow to nature.

Looking into the blue sky, we rarely remember Chernobyl, where after the atomic explosion the sky lost its purity and color for a long time. Perhaps many people are accustomed to consuming and not giving anything in return. Who then will pass on all our wealth to our children? I think they would like to see what we see today: a ray of sunshine, cornflowers in the meadow, the buzzing of insects, a rainbow...

By caring for our nature, we prove our love to it and show our culture. A cultured person will not allow himself to throw a bottle on the sidewalk or leave trash near a bench in the park. A person who destroys the planet is an ordinary barbarian and has nothing to do with culture. Cleaning up trash in the forest, planting a tree, and at least somehow trying to preserve it is, in a way, a culture of environmental management. Take, but also give as much as possible.

The cultural level of a country can be recognized by the state of its natural resources. The earth is completely in the hands of man and directly depends on his attitude towards it. An inquisitive mind and curiosity can turn a young man into a biologist, ecologist, landscape designer, or just a traveler. The more professions related to nature, the greater the chances of preserving it. By preserving nature, a person shows true love for his homeland.

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    Since 1600, about 150 animal species have become extinct on our planet, more than half of them in the last 50 years. With few exceptions, all these animals became extinct due to human fault.

    Previously, nature always managed to heal wounds. Over time, man began to use nature more and more for his own purposes. And now it has become difficult for her to “heal the wounds” that people inflict. Therefore, many animals and plants are found in nature less and less often, and some have completely disappeared. Unfortunately, human economic activity changes the living conditions of animals and plants. For example, in place of a forest, people build factories, cities, or in place of a meadow they set up a farm. Many plants die in this case. Birds and animals are forced to look for a new place to live. And during this relocation, chicks that have not yet hatched or become strong, as well as young animals, die. Old, weak animals die. Many plants are becoming rare because people pick them for their beautiful flowers. Such plants will not produce fruits and seeds, and, therefore, no offspring. Picked plants quickly wither, but in nature they could delight us for a long time!

    This may seem like an exaggeration to some, but the question is really very pressing: if we fail to save our forests, our land, our lakes and rivers, then Russia will inevitably turn into a desert. At the same time, each of us must understand that a lot depends on his attitude today, and if someone thinks that cutting down relict forests and poisoning the air and rivers is, of course, bad, but does not concern him personally, then this , alas, a big mistake.

    “To protect nature means to protect the Motherland,” wrote M. Prishvin. It seems to me that this statement is not entirely accurate. Does it follow that we should protect only our native nature, nature as part of our Motherland? But what about nature outside our homeland? It turns out that nature, which is not included in the concept of the Motherland, or is located outside its borders (non-native nature), has no special value and, possibly, can be destroyed.

    “Protection of nature” and “protection of the Motherland” cannot be equated. Protecting the Motherland involves more than just protecting nature. This also includes the protection of local cultural monuments, folk traditions, protection from external enemies, protection of economic interests, etc. Moreover, any of the listed areas of protecting the Motherland in some situations may come into conflict with nature conservation. For example, the military proposes, for defensive purposes (to protect the Motherland), to cut down a unique old-growth forest to create an airfield. Nature and its protection do not respect state borders.

    The protection of the nature of our Motherland has a thousand-year history; it is reflected in Russian chronicles, decrees, and orders. At first, only animals were protected - the hunting fauna - hunting was the main source of human existence; later, forests, soils, water, air, and fossil resources began to be protected, which reflected the development of human economic activity, the emergence of its diversity, as well as the need to use natural resources for the needs of the country's defense. Even then, a kind of forest reserves, the so-called zaseki, were created. In order to block the path of the advancing enemy.

    Through thoughtless farming, man himself created environmental problems. Nature is seriously ill. Some numbers can even be scary. 11 million hectares of forest disappear every year. Many countries are faced with problems of lack of clean fresh water. The most polluted rivers are the Danube, Rhine, Seine, Mississippi, Volga, and Dnieper. The Volga was formerly called Ra, which means joy, the river of the Sun God. From time immemorial it has been the cradle, the bearer of life. And now its water can become a raw material for any chemical plant. Factories that do not have treatment facilities dump all their waste into it, which causes the death of valuable fish species - sturgeon.

    Due to human economic activity and excessive hunting, some animals and plants have disappeared forever, and many others have become rare. They are listed in the Red Book. This book is called that because the color red is a danger signal. The Red Book was established by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources in 1966.

    "Red Book" - Red!

    This means nature is in danger!

    This means you can’t waste even a moment

    All living things are called to be preserved.

    Let him not call in vain

    "Red Book".

    And the anxiety for life is tireless,

    So as not to perish in the cosmic darkness:

    All oceans are exhaustible,

    Everything on Earth is exhaustible.

    We offend forests and fields.

    The rivers groan from bitter grievances.

    And we forgive ourselves

    And we forgive ourselves

    But the future will not forgive us.

    Caring for nature and anxiety for its fate is what is able to preserve the health and forces of nature not only for contemporaries, but also for many future generations who need green forests, clean rivers and lakes, and especially springs, rainbows over the fields, the singing of a nightingale in the spring, when apple and bird cherry trees bloom.

    The remarkable writer and nature connoisseur K. G. Paustovsky wrote: “I will not believe anyone that there are boring places on our earth that do not provide any food for the eye, the ear, or human thought. Only by exploring some piece of our country can one understand how good it is, and how our hearts are attached to every path, spring, and even the timid squeaking of a forest bird.”

    Whoever loves and protects nature must be a conscious, cultured person; he will not allow himself to desecrate nature or destroy plants. Every reasonable person must understand for himself, whether he is a simple person or a lover of nature, that it is impossible to use nature spontaneously, without completely preserving it and restoring what was borrowed from it. There is feedback here.

    The beauty of the surrounding world is also the beauty of nature. It will remain with us only when we take care of nature and protect it.

    Love for the surrounding world, native nature, being an integral part of patriotism.

    Ecological lesson

    (for students in grades 5-6)

    Protecting nature means protecting the Motherland.

    Design: poster: “To protect nature means to protect the Motherland” - M. Prishvin,

    poster: a globe with a large daisy and a butterfly, an exhibition of student works on the topic “Native Nature”.

    “Nature is the only book, content

    which is equally significant on all pages.”

    "Let's people love the planet,

    there is nothing like it in the entire Universe.”

    Librarian: Dear friends! Konstantin Paustovsky, our wonderful writer, said: “A person cannot live without his homeland, just as he cannot live without a heart.”

    (The music of I. Dunaevsky “Wide is my native country” sounds and the librarian reads the first verse of the song)

    My native country is wide,

    There are many forests, fields and rivers in it.

    I don't know any other country like this

    Where a person breathes so freely...

    1st reader:

    Near the river in the fog

    The poplars are ringing a little...

    Maybe they are luring

    Human Earth?

    2nd reader:

    Or curly birch

    Not stingy with words?

    Or sycamore?

    Sycamore - the head of all forests!

    3rd reader:

    Or the dancing viburnum,

    What's shaking the earring?

    Or the first blade of grass,

    Breaking ice?

    4th reader:

    Why is the Earth attractive?

    Or this, or that?

    Getting to the heart of the matter

    I think so - everyone!

    5th reader:

    And rowan bushes,

    And a meadow of water,

    And mushroom rains,

    And not mushroom rain.

    6th reader:

    The first ringing drop

    And dew on your lips

    Nightingale's trill

    In the nightingale bushes

    7th reader:

    And native places

    Where have you lived, where have you been?

    And flowers, flowers -

    I almost forgot about them!...

    8th reader:

    Beckoned by the will of the river

    And the expanse of the field...

    Will not deceive forever

    Human Earth!

    (A. Prokofiev)

    Librarian: Yes, our small planet Earth is kind to us. Let us respond with warmth for warmth, love for love. Many poets and writers devote their works to nature. Let's listen to what the poet Sergei Vikulov writes about.

    1st reader:

    Will I hear the noise of the pine trees at midday,

    The murmuring of streams among the pebbles near the ford,

    Oh, people, I think, we all have

    There is only one mother, named Nature!

    She has enough kindness for everyone

    And we live, capturing forever

    There are beautiful features in her soul -

    fields, meadows, forests, seas and rivers.

    2nd reader:

    Nature has three treasures:

    Water, earth and air are its three foundations.

    No matter what trouble comes -

    Everything will be reborn again.

    3rd reader:

    But if…

    However, in our cruel age

    Is it clear to everyone what this “if” means?

    O Man!

    Mother Nature, no rivers or seas

    does not hide from your eyes.

    No dewy grass, no blue lakes...

    Appreciate her trust, Nature!

    Don't deceive him!

    And enter the dark forest,

    Like being in a temple under marble vaults.

    Librarian: The poet Nikolai Rylenkov in his poem claims that all the wealth of Russian nature belongs to the people, and that means to you, the children.

    1st presenter:

    All the riches of the Russian landscape

    We are given full possession of:

    Silver yarn of blizzard winters,

    Green spring lace.

    Summer afternoon in the blanket of heat,

    Evening looking into the stream

    Colored meadow pattern,

    Warm wax of yellowing fields.

    Painted leaf fall wings

    Above the bottomless blue lakes.

    It's all yours, and your heart is happy

    Make the whole world fall in love with its native space.

    Librarian: But not all of us, unfortunately, truly love and cherish natural treasures - forests, fields, rivers, gifts of nature and its living inhabitants.

    2nd presenter:


    A stream flowed along the outskirts.


    But we loved her, children,

    She was the first for us,

    And, therefore, the best in the world.

    Now there's all sorts of rubbish in it,

    And rust and green slime

    And the horsetail came out...

    It’s as if people have set a goal

    Kill her -

    And they achieved their goal.

    (S. Vikulov)

    Librarian: The poet Gleb Gorbovsky had to write a poem

    "Dead forest".

    3rd presenter:

    The fire broke out and died

    And the forest died and turned green...

    Calculated the tragedy in total

    One economic department.

    The bear left, the hares ran away,

    The mosquitoes have had enough of their grief.

    Eggs were boiled in the birds' homes

    From the unnatural heat.

    Stood like a mass grave

    Armless, hairless forest.

    No matter the fir, its strength has dried up,

    And every larch is a cross!

    I left this horror

    With sick concern for people...

    It was not people who burned the forest, not people!

    Not a man...Villain, villain.

    Librarian: But man owes a lot to the forest! Why is the forest so dear to us?

    1st reader: The forest is our wealth!

    2nd reader: The forest is the air of the lungs, moisture and shade.

    3rd reader: The forest is our friend: by retaining moisture, it helps people grow a good harvest.

    4th reader: The forest is a pantry that gives away its gifts for free - nuts, berries and mushrooms.

    5th reader: The forest is the green outfit of our planet.

    6th reader: The forest is a home for animals and birds.

    Librarian: Everything in the world is interconnected: human life and the life of the forest with its inhabitants.

    Do you know that?...

    1st presenter: Each owl kills 1,000 rodents in just one year. If you consider that each mouse can eat a kilogram of grain per year, then one owl saves a ton of bread per year!

    2nd presenter: The cuckoo has an extraordinary appetite. She can eat 100 caterpillars in an hour. If a large number of insect pests appear in the forest where the cuckoo lives, it deals with them within a few days.

    3rd presenter: Bats bring great benefits by destroying harmful insects. In some places they clear the area of ​​malaria mosquitoes. A bat weighing 7-8 grams gains 1 gram in an hour of night hunting. During this time, she can catch and eat 160-170 mosquitoes.

    Librarian: Nature is our wealth: preserving this wealth for future generations is our task and our duty. Think about the content of the writer Mikhail Prishvin’s call to you “To protect nature means to protect the Motherland.”

    Fish need clean water - we will protect our reservoirs.

    Various valuable animals live in forests, steppes, and mountains - we will protect our forests, steppes, and mountains.

    For fish - water, for birds - air, for animals - forests, steppes, mountains.

    But a person needs a homeland. And protecting nature means protecting the Motherland.

    Motherland, native nature... These words are filled with deep meaning for us.

    7th reader:

    If they say the word Motherland,

    Immediately comes to mind

    Old house, currants in the garden,

    Thick poplar at the gate.

    Virgin gold...

    Homeland is different

    But everyone has one.


    (Song about the Motherland)

    8th reader:

    Everyone knows that beetles

    They buzz with frustration and melancholy

    But among friends there are bugs

    Freaks and goodies.

    I'm friends with a bug

    I've known him for three years

    It's lucky if the beetle

    And you are not an enemy, but a friend.

    (K. Zavoisky)

    (Song “Good Beetle”)

    1st presenter:

    In the world,

    Needed in the world!

    No less needed than elephants.

    Can't get by

    No ridiculous monsters.

    And even without predators

    Evil and ferocious.

    We need everything in the world!

    We need everything -

    Who makes honey

    And who makes the poison.

    Bad things

    A cat has no mouse.

    A mouse without a cat

    No better business.

    Yes! If we are not very friendly with someone

    We still really need each other.

    (B. Zakhoder)

    (Song "Don't tease the dogs")

    1st reader:

    Tree, grass, flower and bird

    They don't always know how to defend themselves.

    If they are destroyed

    We will be alone on the planet.

    (V. Berestov)

    2nd reader:

    I want there to be a lot of light in the world,

    I want the world to have a lot of summer,

    And there is green dew on the grass.

    I want there to be less crying in the world.

    And more laughter, joy, good luck.

    Children's smiles, like blossoms, unsteady,

    Flowers comparable to a child's smile.

    (S. Akhmatova)

    3rd reader:

    Come on people

    Be friends with each other

    Like birds with the sky

    Like the wind through the meadow.

    4th reader:

    Like a sail with the sea,

    Grass with rain,

    How the sun is friendly

    With all of us.

    5th reader:

    Come on people

    Love the planet.

    Throughout the Universe

    There is no similar one.

    6th reader:

    Throughout the Universe

    One for all,

    What will it do

    Is she without us?

    1st presenter:

    You, my friend,

    Be careful not to let us down!

    To be truthful

    And promise good things!

    Do not offend either the bird or the cricket,

    Don't buy a butterfly net.

    Love flowers, forests,

    The expanse of fields -

    Everything that is called
    Your homeland.

    2nd presenter:

    Take care of the earth! Take care

    Lark at the blue zenith,
    Butterfly on dodder leaves.

    There are sun glares on the blades of grass.
    A crab playing on the stones,
    Over the desert the shadow of the baobab tree,
    A hawk soaring over a field
    A clear month over the river calm.

    A swallow flickering in life
    Take care of the Earth! Take care!

    3rd presenter:

    Save time on sharp turns,
    The joy of inspiration and work,

    Ancient kinship living properties
    Tree of hopes and worries,
    Revelation of Earth and Heaven,
    The sweetness of life, milk and bread,
    Take care of kindness and pity,

    So that they fight for the weak,
    (M. Dudin)


    There are many of us, guys!
    Everywhere we live
    Let's plant trees and create gardens!

    And we will do all this from the bottom of our hearts and in the name of our beloved Motherland.

    (The song by M. Plyatskovsky, music by V. Shainsky “Smile” sounds)

    Types of predicates: verbal nominal simple verb in the form of some mood Linking verb + nominal part The girl went to the store. Write this sentence in your notebooks. That day my father was happy. composite auxiliary verb infinitive (expresses the grammatical meaning + meaning of the predicate) She likes to walk in the park in the evenings.

    Ways of expressing the subject Nominative case of a noun The bird cherry tree is sleeping in a white cape (S. Yesenin). Nominative case pronoun What sings to me? What's ringing to me? (A. Blok); Since then, no one has spoken to Tatyana (I. Turgenev); These seem to be our opponents? (M. Lermontov) Other parts of speech used in the meaning of a noun New things in life require new names (S. Sergeev Tsensky); The dancers crowded and pushed each other (A. Kuprin); Tomorrow will not be like today (I. Goncharov); Even “hey” presupposes a second one who can turn around (B. Shklovsky). Numeral And again there are twelve... (A. Blok); Seven do not wait for one (proverb). Indefinite form of the verb (infinitive) Living is just a habit (A. Akhmatova); To say nothing now meant to insult her (L. Tolstoy). Syntactically integral phrases In the sandy steppes of the Arabian land, three proud palm trees grew high (M. Lermontov); Each of us will stand at the very edge of the site (M. Lermontov); Rostov immediately imagined something romantic in this meeting (L. Tolstoy); Phraseological (stable) combinations Even further, almost on the edge of the horizon, the Sparrow Hills are blue (N. Karamzin).

    Two-part sentences contain two main members - subject and predicate. The boy is running; The earth is round. One-part sentences contain one main member (subject or predicate). Evening; It's getting dark. Sentences with one-part structure are complete sentences. They do not omit the second term: the second main term is not needed to understand the meaning of the sentence.

    Types of one-part sentences Definitely personal sentences Predicate verb in the 1st or 2nd person form (there are no past tense or conditional forms, since in these forms the verb has no person). I love the storm in early May. Run after me! Vaguely personal proposals. Verb-predicate in plural form. part of the 3rd person (in the past tense and conditional mood, the verb is the predicate in the plural). They knock on the door. There was a knock on the door. Generalized-personal sentences action can be attributed to any person; Chickens are counted in the fall (by shape - indefinitely personal). You can’t get rid of the spoken word. You’ll have a snack at the rest stop, and then you’ll go again. Impersonal sentencea) It is getting light; It was getting light; I'm lucky; b) Melts; c) I (dat. case) can’t sleep; d) The wind (creative case) tore off the roof.