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How to explain commas in a sentence. Punctuation marks in a complex sentence: rules, examples


Dash between main clauses

Didactic material for in-depth study in high school

Exercise 1

Read an excerpt from V.I.’s Explanatory Dictionary. Dalia.

A dash is one of the punctuation marks in a letter, as if the writer is thoughtful here or requires a guess, addition, or omission.

In fifth grade, you became acquainted with the main rule in this topic and can explain why a dash is written in the given sentence. Both the subject and the predicate are expressed in it by nouns in the nominative case, and the linking verb is omitted There is .
Can you explain the presence or absence of a dash in the following examples?

The word is the clothing of all facts, all thoughts. The word is the first sign of conscious, intelligent life. The word is not a sparrow: if it flies out, you won’t catch it. Word to word is different. The word doesn’t hit you hard, it doesn’t hit you in the forehead. The word is white, but the deed is black. An affectionate word, as they say in Dahl's dictionary, is the key to any heart. Empty words are like nuts without a kernel. To talk to a fool is like sculpting peas into a wall.

The choice of option - whether or not to write a dash - depends on a number of conditions: ways of expressing the main members, word order in the sentence, the presence of minor members and ways of expressing them, the presence of particles, conjunctions between the subject and the predicate. Let's return to these examples later, after we consider the rules for placing a dash between the main parts of a sentence.

A dash is written between the main parts of sentences when a linking verb is omitted in the following cases:

1. If both main members of the sentence are expressed by nouns in the nominative case:

6. If one of the demonstrative particles is in front of the predicate this, this, this means, this means :

However, if the predicate is expressed by an infinitive, the dash is usually retained:

7. If there is a circumstance or addition before the nominal part of the predicate:

Task 2

From these words, make up catchphrases in which a dash should be written between the main parts of the sentences:

1. Gold, silver, silence, word.
2. Berry, flower, proverb, saying.
3. Snow, speeches, deeds, soot.
4. Harm yourself, smoke.
5. Powerlessness, anger, sign.
6. Mean, understand, half, forgive.

Task 3

Explain the punctuation marks in the following popular expressions and their meaning:

The earth is a plate: what you put in is what you take out.
Woe is like the sea: you can’t swim across it, you can’t cry out.
One son is not a son, two sons are half a son, three sons are a son.
It's good when a dog is a friend, but bad when a friend is a dog.
The tongue is the banner, it leads the squad.
Sadness is no help to trouble.
A friend who has achieved power is a lost friend.
Love, according to the definition of the French writer Fontenelle, is the most morning of our feelings.

Task 4

Place the missing punctuation marks in the following sentences, explain the presence or absence of a dash in them.

A. Braid maiden beauty. Stubbornness is a vice of a weak mind. Brother is not a decree for sister in cooking. Without an owner, the house is an orphan. I’m the birthday boy, but I don’t even have a cake. Promise the master's work, fulfill the servile one. Anger lives like ice until it warms. We are illiterate people, we eat unwritten gingerbread. To live without anything is just to smoke the sky. The head is crazy like a basket. The sheep are safe and the wolves are well fed. A bast shoe is not a match for a boot. A sharp tongue is a gift, a long tongue is a punishment. A moonlit night is like a stormy day. Humility to a well done necklace. Smart travel companion half way. Two are one's army. The best secret is the one you keep to yourself. The story is like resin, but the story is like water. Summer is provision, winter is tidy.

B. Happiness is not a stick: you can’t take it in your hands. Everyone is the smith of his own happiness. The day is long, but the century is short. There is safety in numbers. Without a vocation, work is a craft; by vocation, work is a skill. Talk to a smart guy about drinking water. Baking bread is the baker's job. Gold is not yet a virtue, but the mind is wealth. Without an owner, the earth is like an orphan. Lead the house without weaving bast shoes. Fun is the salvation from all troubles. Slander is to the ear what wormwood is to the tongue. Old age is forgetful, youth is inexperienced. The goose is no friend to the pig. Teach a fool how to heal the dead. Bread on the road is not a burden. Youth is frivolous, old age is cautious. Clean water is bad for illness. A man without friends is like a tree without roots. Knowledge in youth is wisdom in old age. The forehead is like a shovel, but not enough intelligence. The heart is a falcon, and the courage is a crow. The truth is not iron, it does not bend.

Task 5

Do you know the entire proverbs? Add them.

1. Hunger is not a big deal...
2. It’s not a problem to endure...
3. Trying is not torture...
4. The word is not an arrow...
5. Old age is not joy...
6. The tongue is not a spatula...
7. Love is not a fire...
8. The word is not a sparrow...
9. It's not a bear...
10. True story is not a fairy tale...
11. Someone else’s mouth is not a garden...
12. The stump is not the outskirts...

Key: 1. : he won’t slip the pie. 2. – it would be something to look forward to. 3. , demand is not a problem. 4., and it hits like an arrow. 5. Poverty is not self-interest. 6. – knows where it’s sweet. 7. If it catches fire, you can’t put it out. 8.: If it flies out, you won’t catch it. 9. – won’t go into the forest. 10. – you can’t erase a word from her. 11. – you can’t put up the gate. 12. – empty speech is not a proverb.

Task 6

Why is there a dash in front of a particle in some cases? Not is written, but not in others?

The word is not an arrow, but it hurts. The first powder is not a sledding path. To shrink a century is not to sew fur. Talking is not working, there is no need to rush. The word is not a knife, but it leads to a knife. To run a household, don’t shake a handkerchief. There is no harm in getting married, just as there is no danger in getting married. Bragging - don't cough: your back doesn't hurt. Breaking is not building. One speech is not a proverb. There is safety in numbers. A person on foot is not a traveling companion.

Task 7

Rewrite these sentences so that they contain a dash.

1. Hatred is a coward’s revenge for experienced fear.
2. Hypocrisy is called the tribute that vice pays to virtue.
3. What a pleasure it is to respect people!
4. To live honestly, you have to struggle, get confused, fight, and make mistakes.
5. War is one of the greatest sacrileges against man and nature.
6. This great quality of the soul is courage!
7. Tatyana, according to Dostoevsky, is the main character of Pushkin’s novel.
8. One, three, seven are considered magic numbers.
9. Marshmallow, in my opinion, is just a degraded type of jam.
10. These are the main components in human life truth and beauty.
11. Jack London defined mercy as a bone shared with a dog when you are as hungry as he is.

Task 8

Divide these sentences into two groups: non-union complex and simple ones with main members expressed by nouns in the nominative case. To do this, restore the linking verb in the sentence There is or conjunctions, for example:

Sleepy and lazy there are (will be, were) two brothers.
Sleepy and lazy - two brothers. - Simple sentence.

If you call yourself a milk mushroom, then climb into the back.
Gruzdev called himself get in the body. - Non-union complex sentence.

1. Red summer - green mowing.
2. Volga is the mother of all rivers.
3. A dry year means empty bread.
4. A man without a homeland is a nightingale without a song.
5. A person’s face is his deeds.
6. Horse oats - earth manure.
7. Without a mistress, a house is an orphan.
8. Live forever and learn.
9. Live wisely - cherish every minute.
10. Long farewells mean extra tears.
11. The rain will soak you, but the sun will dry you.
12. Keep the field in the hallway - it will give more.

Task 9

Write examples by inserting comparative conjunctions between the main parts of the sentence (as if, as if, as if, exactly), or negative particles (no, not at all, not at all, far from it), or connecting conjunctions (and, too, also), or particles (just), or introductory words. How will the punctuation marks change in these sentences?

1. Life without benefit is an untimely death.
2. Russia is a vast and mysterious country.
3. Is Pechorin an extra person?
4. To orate means to speak eloquently, to orate.
5. Envy is poison for the heart.
6. The arrival of cranes is a sure sign of spring.
7. A liner is a large fast ship, and a large passenger aircraft is a liner.
8. Having legible handwriting is the first rule of politeness.
9. Cold morning dew in August is a harbinger of autumn frosts.
10. People endowed with the ability to fall in love are dreamers.
11. Dilapidated - shabby, old, decrepit.
12. Age is an obstacle to the strength of feelings.

Task 10

Sort the following examples into sentence parts. Why is a dash written in some sentences and not in others?

1. The only path leading to knowledge is activity.
2. The biggest waste you can make is wasting time.
3. Tyranny is always a sign of weakness.
4. Alexey is her cousin.
5. A huge evil is the negligence and indifference of people.

Task 11

Complicate these sentences with definitions or subordinate clauses, placing them between the main parts of the sentences.

Simplicity is the main condition for moral beauty.
Eloquence is the painting of thought.
Argument is a dangerous thing.
Goodness is not a science, it is an action.
Books are a spiritual testament from one generation to another.
Courage is a great quality of the soul.
Modesty is not only an ornament, but also a guardian of virtue.
Excessive modesty is nothing more than hidden pride.
Justice is truth in action.

Task 12

Write sentences, expanding them with additions or adverbials and placing them between the main parts of the sentences.

1. The face is the mirror of the soul.
2. Lena is a student, and Sasha is a schoolboy.
3. April is the best month.
4. Talent means a gift from God.
5. The local residents are strange people.

Task 13

As you know, a dash is not written between the main parts of sentences if they are separated by an introductory construction or address. Write down the following sentences, rearranging them, placing an introductory word, introductory phrase, introductory sentence or address between the main parts of the sentences.

1. A bird in a cage is not even half a bird.
2. Equality is the holy law of humanity.
3. Difficulty is an excuse never accepted by history.
4. Every person is a story unlike any other.
5. Brevity is the sister of talent.
6. History is the science of what does not repeat itself.
7. Seeing and doing new things is a great pleasure.
8. Dogmatism is one of the clearest manifestations of lack of education.
9. A fact is something from which doubt bounces off like a rubber ball from iron.
10. Education is a great thing; it decides a person’s fate.
11. Accept good advice- this means increasing your own capabilities.
12. Man is the whole world.

Task 14

If the sentence contains inversion - indirect word order, in which the predicate is before the subject, a dash is not written between the main members of the sentence. Wed:

Swap the subjects and predicates in the following sentences, explain how and why the punctuation changes in them.

1. Time is the most precious of all.
2. This is the greatest weakness: excessive fear of looking weak.
3. It is the school that is the foundation of the future.
4. Belief – main road human education.
5. The best relief in trouble is peace of mind.
6. Hypocrisy is the tribute that vice pays to virtue.
7. Truly no small benefit for a family is the expulsion of a scoundrel from it.
8. It is a sign of flattery to praise a person to his face, and not at all a sign of sympathy!
9. What a blessing to have shelter in such bad weather!
10. Music is the best consolation in sadness.
11. How terrible it is to be a coward at the most crucial moment!

Task 15

Explain the presence or absence of a dash in the following sentences.

Apogee - the highest point in the development of something, peak, blossoming.
Aggressive - means aggressive, warlike and threatening.
Outsider , translated from English, a person who could not stand the competition, dropped out, last.
He arbitrator , that is, a mediator, an arbitrator.
Altruism - this is the antonym of the word selfishness.
Axiom , as written in the dictionary, is an indisputable truth.
Vanguard and the part of the army going ahead, and at the same time the advanced social group.
Word advocate , derived from the Latin participle meaning “invited,” is an animate noun.
Adventure seems like a risky venture.
Assembly not only the name of some governing bodies in international organizations, but also a ball during the time of Peter I.
Word amulet , which is often confused with the word rarity, is a noun denoting an object that is believed to protect against harm.
Arbitrator in French only an observer, spectator, and in Russian - a judge.

Task 16

Based on the example of the previous task, create a similar one using a dictionary. Provide all examples of using a dash between the main parts of a sentence, as well as cases when a dash is not written between the subject and the predicate. 1. Epithet, conflict, lyrical hero, plot, composition, alliteration, hyperbole, inversion, gradation, epic, antithesis, metaphor, anaphora, plot, short story, litotes, allegory, collision.

2. Badge, blockbuster, paparazzi, know-how, laptop, PR, ergonomics, monitoring, ufology, remake, poster, label, blazer, blanch, default, cloning, apotheosis.

3. Vassal, bestseller, depression, innovation, ghetto, rack, mission, hobby, shopping, thriller, terror, palazzo, pressing, repress, pessimist, appeal, immigrant, annexation.

Task 17

Parse the following aphorisms one by one and explain the punctuation marks in them.

1. Respect for people is respect for yourself. (Galsworthy)
2. Life without benefit is untimely death. (Goethe)
3. Slander is to the ear what wormwood is to the tongue. (Rustaveli)
4. To admit that you are wrong is to be smarter than you were. (Buast)
5. The only path leading to knowledge is activity. (Show)
6. The most intolerable thing is to live in the world is useless. (Karamzin)
7. Life is not a spectacle or a holiday; life is a difficult task. (France)
8. What a wonderful activity, working for the benefit of humanity. (Saint-Simon)
9. Small sorrows are talkative, deep sorrow is silent. (Seneca)
10. A young man without talent is an old man. (Renard)
11. Wisdom is for the soul what health is for the body. (La Rochefoucauld)
12. The best thing I keep within myself is a living feeling for good people. (Prishvin)
13. Reading and not understanding is the same as not reading at all. (Comenius)
14. Shame and honor are like a dress: the more shabby they are, the more careless you treat them. (Apuley)
15. The most wonderful gift given to people after wisdom is friendship. (La Rochefoucauld)
16. Friendship and love are two great feelings, they are something that completely changes a person. (Jean Paul)
17. It is wise to water the wheel of friendship with the oil of delicate politeness. (Collet)

Task 18

Among the examples given, highlight sentences in which a dash is written between the main parts of the sentences. Explain the placement of the dash in the remaining examples.

Peace and harmony is a great contribution. Living with someone else's mind means no good will come of it. Under-salting on the table - over-salting on the back. Envy and stinginess are human stupidity. Years are like water: they will pass and you won’t see them. Fish looks for where it is deeper, and man looks for where it is better. Learning is the path to skill. Everywhere: on the ground and in the air, you can feel the approach of autumn. Caesar—that’s the name of the lion in the menagerie—is sleeping and seems completely tame. Three times three is nine. Valleys, forests, and hills - everything here was familiar to him. The need to simplify is our childhood disease. The desire to control minds is one of the most powerful passions. If you work, bread will be born. The wise man blames himself, and the ignorant blames his friend. Do it quickly - redo it. The Georgian villages that we remembered are complete gardens. To live means to feel, think, suffer. The wolf's eyes sparkle - the coals are burning. Telling the truth means losing friendship.

Task 19

Copy the sentences using missing punctuation marks. Provide examples in which the dash is written not between the main parts of the sentence, but according to other rules.

1. Don’t offer people any help or advice until they ask you for it. 2. In the chaise lay an old small suitcase, skinny evidence of not very sufficient condition. 3. He fell painfully and got up great. 4. The seriousness behind the joke is humor. 5. The madness of the brave is the wisdom of life! 6. Not being loved is just failure, not loving is misfortune. 7. I know you write articles, include them in the list of references. 8. Silence that takes away thoughts The best way our communication. 9. From his childhood he never went hunting without Dubrovsky, an experienced and subtle connoisseur of canine virtues and an infallible resolver of all kinds of hunting disputes. 10. In my opinion, sensations are an unstable thing, and if you don’t support them, they will soon disappear. 11. Fighting alone cannot change your life. 12. It’s one thing to know something about yourself, it’s another to suddenly read about it as something that already objectively exists. 13. It’s no wonder to fold your head and put it down. 14. The dry crack of a rocket launcher and a scattering of green lights flashes in the sky. 15. They would say that my sudden arrival, my appearance, my words, my actions are all disgusting to you. 16. To create means to kill death. 17. Knowledge and power are one and the same - this is what F. Bacon believed. 18. A bad teacher presents the truth, a good one teaches you to find it. 19. Having everything and having nothing are the same thing. 20. Any interest, personal or material, is a great incentive.

Task 20

Explain why in some cases a dash is written between the main parts of a sentence, and in others it is not.

A. 1. The hero of our time, my dear sirs, is like a portrait, but not of one person. 2. Taman is the nastiest town of all the coastal cities in Russia. 3. Grushnitsky - cadet. 4. His goal is to become the hero of a novel. 5. His arrival in the Caucasus is also a consequence of his romantic fanaticism. 6. Making an effect is their pleasure. 7. My soldier’s overcoat is like a seal of rejection. 8. These Asians are terrible beasts! 9. These mountaineers are a vengeful people: do you think that they don’t realize that you partially helped Azamat? 10. Strange thing the human heart in general, and the female heart in particular! 11. “You are a strange person!” - she said later. 12. This morning the doctor came to see me; his name is Werner, but he is Russian. 13. Werner is a wonderful person for many reasons. 14. He is a skeptic and a materialist, like almost all doctors. 15. Everything is mysterious here. 16. Passions are nothing more than ideas in their first development: they belong to the youth of the heart. 17. Mountain rivers, the smallest ones, are dangerous, especially because their bottom is a perfect kaleidoscope. 18. This valley is a glorious place! 19. Is it really possible, I thought, that my only purpose on earth is to destroy other people’s hopes? 20. Your speeches are like a sharp knife... 21. Is he a cadet? 22. Grushnitsky is more noble than his comrades. 23. Isn’t the expectation of violent death already a real illness? 24. According to local scientists, this failure is nothing more than an extinct crater. 25. This Princess Ligovskaya is an incredible girl! 26. We are fellow travelers, it seems?

(From the works of M. Lermontov)

B. 1. In my opinion, modern theater is a routine, a prejudice. 2. According to my passport, I am a Kiev tradesman. 3. What kind of person is this fiction writer? 4. My mother is a psychological curiosity. 5. You are a talented person, you need to continue. 6. You are a doctor and you know very well that damp air is harmful to you. 7. All nonsense. Hopeless love is only in novels. 8. What an eccentric this Petya is... 9. The fear of death is an animal fear. 10. Catching a ruff or perch is such bliss! 11. In this city, knowing three languages ​​is an unnecessary luxury. 12. I repeat, she is an honest, noble person. And all your displeasures, sorry, are just whims. 13. Still, what a joy it is to visit abroad! 14. I am a member of the zemstvo council and I’m proud of it, if you want to know... 15. Bypassing those small and illusory things that prevent you from being free and happy is the goal and meaning of our life. 16. The cherry orchard is now mine! 17. Dachas and summer residents - it’s so vulgar, sorry... 18. You, Epikhodov, are a very smart person and very scary; Women should love you madly. 19. The house in which we live is no longer our home, and I will leave, I give you my word. 20. All Russia is our garden. The earth is great and beautiful, there are many wonderful places on it. 21. It’s a pleasure for you to tell me troubles.

(From the works of A. Chekhov)

IN. 1. The work of a pianist is a sweet hard labor that begins at six years old and continues ad infinitum. All childhood, adolescence, youth and maturity are keys, fingers and soul. 2. The bird sings. And without this, she is not a bird, but a bat. 3. The cry was similar to that of an animal, and it became obvious that the man was also an animal. 4. Now doctors are like crazy people. 5. What a pleasure it is to drive through empty Moscow at dawn! 6. Their happiness is like a glass on a magician’s head. The water doesn't move. However, everything is so unstable. 7. Alcoholism is also a mental illness. 8. She is a young, gorgeous woman. 9. Life is fair if you think about it. 10. What a blessing to meet a woman like you. 11. And this whole personality is nothing more than self-affirmation at the expense of others. 12. Igor’s mother believed: Elya is also an artist, she just has different means at hand. 13. Love for loved ones is her talent. 14. The main thing about the herbalist is that he didn’t take money. 15. Envy is not a harmless feeling. 16. Unexpected, unprepared joy is also a lot of stress. 17. Anna suddenly thought that not to speak or do bad things, in essence, are Christ’s commandments, the same ones: do not kill, do not covet your neighbor’s wife... 18. Movement and a positive feeling are what will save the world.

(From the works of V. Tokareva)

Task 21

Place the missing punctuation marks, explain by what rules the dash is written or not written in these sentences.

A. 1. Wonderful person your cousin! 2. Sin is not a problem, rumor is not good. 3. You are a spoiled person, these faces suit you! 4. And the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us! 5. It is not my desire to prolong arguments. 6. Oh, my God! he's a carbonari! 7. You, sir, are stone, sir, ice. 8. I am not a dream teller. 9. Who is this Skalozub? 10. That beggar, that dandy friend, is a notorious spendthrift, a tomboy. 11. Taste, father, excellent manner. 12. You are a cheerful creature! alive! What a face! 13. The houses are new, but the prejudices are old. 14. All this is a conspiracy, and he himself and all the guests were in the conspiracy. 15. The ball is a good thing, but bondage is bitter. 16. Learning is a plague, learning is the reason that now there are more crazy people, deeds, and opinions than ever. 17. Oh, deafness is a big vice. 18. Old ladies are all angry people. 19. I am not a reader of nonsense, but more than exemplary. 20. Satire and morality - the meaning of it all? What a miracle is this? 21. I am strange, but who is not strange? 22. Who is this merry fellow? And what rank?

(According to A. Griboyedov)

B. 1. Your father is a kind fellow, but he is a retired man, his song is over. 2. Yes, Bazarov began, “man is a strange creature.” 3. What is Bazarov? 4. He is a nihilist. 5. A nihilist is a person who does not bow to any authority, who does not accept any principle on faith. 6. His main subject is natural sciences. 7. These old romantics are amazing! 8. The son is not a judge to his father, and especially not to a father like you. 9. “Isn’t the owner here German?” - it occurred to him. 10. Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it. 11. I am a soft, weak person, I spent my life in the wilderness. 12. Aren’t you a hunter? 13. Personality, dear sir, that’s the main thing. 14. We break because we are strong. 15. Is this establishment of your father also a moral phenomenon? - said Bazarov, pointing his finger at the tavern, past which they were passing at that moment.

(From the works of I. Turgenev)

IN. 1. The work is something extremely expedient, precise, even narrow in some sense. 2. Playing a bad role, according to Ranevskaya, is the same as spitting into eternity. 3. Working with such an actor is a pleasure. 4. Ranevskaya was not often told that she was a great actress. 5. The theater is a very strange institution. 6. This new performance is no less magnificent than the last one. 7. Bringing Chekhov back to Chekhov is probably a good idea. 8. The amount of energy spent is not yet work. 9. “The Seagull,” I am convinced of this, is a very daring, disturbing play. 10. The general Chekhovian tone is, of course, good, but the tone is not the meaning. 11. One of our most unpleasant properties is that we push time. 12. Stanislavsky’s book is a storehouse of professional subtleties; it is something without which the director’s work is unthinkable. 13. Khmelev’s best role, according to critics’ recollections, is the role of Alexei Turbin. 14. The play “Tartuffe” is also an argument in their dispute. 15. “Don Juan” is like a drama of unbelief. 16. Arriving at rehearsals on time is not a privilege, but an obligation of actors. 17. Ethics is not just politeness and discipline. 18. We often like to say that our age is ungraceful and that is why our artistic thinking is tougher than Chekhov’s.

(According to A. Efros)

Task 22

In the author's speech, writers often do not comply with the restrictions listed in the rules for placing dashes between the main parts of sentences. Explain which rules are violated in the following fragments from the works of S. Yesenin.

1. I am a shepherd, my mansions are
In the soft green fields.

2. Last year's leaf in the ravine
Among the bushes - like a heap of copper.

3. Clouds are like lakes
The month is a red goose.
Dancing before my eyes
Wild Rus'.

4. Poets are all of the same blood.
And I'm Asian too
In actions, in thoughts
And the word.

5. I'm talking about my talent
I know a lot:
Poems are not very difficult things.

Task 23

Find similar examples of deviations from the strict norms of using dashes in works of art created in the last decade.

Task 24

Place the missing punctuation marks, conduct a full syntactic analysis of the following sentences, draw up sentence diagrams, and explain the punctuation marks in them.

1. I know everything about myself, I’m a talented designer and it’s happiness to see me every day. (Tokareva) 2. A true writer is the same as an ancient prophet; he sees more clearly than ordinary people. (Chekhov) 3. We must keep in mind that the peoples of the Caucasus were repeatedly deceived by their own and others, and that today religious and national problems only a screen for economic problems and the fact that the death of a person is always a tragedy, no matter whether this person is a Chechen Russian or any other. (From newspapers) 4. What a strange institution the theater is and what controversial people there are! (Efros) 5. It is an amazingly pleasant feeling to belong to Medea’s family, to such a large family that you don’t even know all its members by sight and they are lost in the perspective of the past, the non-former and the future. (Ulitskaya)

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Task 25

Write this text under dictation, then check what is written with the original, explain the punctuation marks in the text.

One day Grishka Garin brought to work a questionnaire from the English magazine Life. Based on the results of the questionnaire, the characters were revealed: Sashka is a fighter for truth with a philistine bias, Zheleznov is, without a doubt, a gloomy tyrant, Irka is just a child with undeveloped taste, Grishka is an Arab by nature, without philistinism, I am an offended philistine. There was one more character that I lacked one plus - an intelligent person. The most I can do is run away from work and go to a movie matinee.
My wife’s name is Masha, my daughter’s name is Vitka. Vitka is different from other children in that she is my daughter. I don’t doubt for a second that my daughter is a most talented creative being and in the future something will come out of her that didn’t come out of me. I love Vitka, and she loves me. For her, I am the smartest and most beautiful, and she will never exchange me for anyone. Vitka is a reliable person.

(According to V. Tokareva)


Between parts of a complex sentence a comma is added .

At the same time, connecting relationships are established between them (unions and, yes meaning "and" no no), adversatives (conjunctions ah, but, yes meaning "but" however, on the other hand, otherwise, however), dividing (unions or, or, whether... or, whether... or, whether... either, that... that, not that... not that), connecting (unions yes and, and besides, also, also, means) and explanatory (conjunctions namely, that is, or meaning "that is"):

A) My narration turns out to be strictly documentary,And further I must follow the chosen path(Chiv.); AND the water will glisten lonely again,And looks into her eye night star (Sick.); Neither I can't see the light of the sun,neither there is no room for my roots,neither the breezes around me of freedom(Wing.);

b) Mother was traveling with father from Siverskaya station,A we, children, went to meet them(Eb.); The Leningrad blind light shone in the windows of the house,But for both of us this place and this light seemed sacred(Paust.); Expensive,but a good thing; Anton Semenovich, allow me to escort the girls from Pirogovka,otherwise they are afraid(Poppy.); His comrades treated him with hostility, the soldierssame truly loved(Cupr.); All the guys wanted to wait for you here,Yes I dissuaded(Fad.); This year he failed to go to college,however everything was still ahead ;

V) heardwhether the city and monastery bells were ringing through the open windows, shoutingwhether there's a peacock in the yard,or If someone coughed in the hallway, everyone could not help but think that Mikhail Ilyich was seriously ill(Ch.); Will flashwhether the day behind the blue mountain will risewhether night with the autumn moon, I’m still looking for you, distant friend(P.); Not that the rain is drizzling,not that snow pellets are falling;Either I don't like being a typisteither I didn’t like this Filimonov(Sim.); That he was going to go to the zoological garden to study to become a lion tamer,That he was drawn to firefighting(Kav.);

G) I took it into my head to turn under the shed where our horses stood to see if they had food;and besides caution never hurts(I.); I was getting ready to leave, my brother was also packing his things; The warmth and dampness made him sleepy,Yes HeAnd didn't try to resist(Sim.); The clouds are approachingMeans it will be raining ;

d) It is necessary to get bread,that is you need to plow, sow, mow, thresh(Ch.); The father always tried to keep the children busy with interesting things,namely he bought new books, came up with funny games .

In a complex sentence with single conjunctions and, yes(meaning “and”), or, or no comma in the following cases:

1) if parts of a complex sentence have a common minor member or a common subordinate clause: Into the wind the forests are noisy with the great ocean roarAnd the tops of the pine trees bend after the passing clouds(Paust.); Through the rain the sun was shiningAnd the rainbow spread from edge to edge(Priv.); By noon black clouds will almost touch the ground, a damp wind will blowAnd languid, sleep-inducing rains will pour down(Paust.); When the sun rose , the dew has driedAnd the grass has turned green; if the subordinate clause refers only to one of the parts of a complex sentence, then its second part is separated by a comma: When I firmly moved my skis down the mountain, a cloud of cold snow dust rose towards me, and two parallel tracks were cut correctly and beautifully across the entire pristine white, fluffy slope ;

2) if parts of a complex sentence have a common introductory word, a common isolated member or a common part of a complex sentence explained by them: In a word , time had already expired and it was time to leave;Contrary to weather forecasters' predictions , the sky has already cleared and the rain has stopped;Anna had an inexplicable feeling : a little more and this whole story will end(Shcherb.); It was impossible to stop : legs were sucked in and footprints filled with water(Paust.);

3) if the parts of a complex sentence are nominative sentences: Do you hear?A hoarse groan and an angry rattle! (P.); however, if there are more than two nominative sentences, and the conjunction And is repeated, then commas are placed - according to the rule that applies when distinguishing homogeneous members of a sentence (see § 26): The hiss of underwater sand, the awkward movement of a crab,And flight of seagulls,And steer run,And round jellyfish ice(Bagr.); AND blue smoke,And the first meetings, vague anxiety,And a scarf thrown over the shoulders, a government house and a long road(Sim.) (in the last part - state house and long road– there is no comma, since this part is perceived as a single whole; repetition of the conjunction And interrupted before part government House);

4) if the parts of a compound sentence are impersonal or indefinitely personal sentences with the same form of the predicate: The trees were dripping and there was a smell of leaves all around; The spectators were placed around the arena and the performance participants were brought into the arena ;

5) if parts of a complex sentence are imperative, interrogative or exclamatory sentences; what unites here is intonation, and in incentive sentences there may be common particles: Where will the meeting take place?And who is its chairman?– general interrogative intonation; How quiet it is aroundAnd how pure the starry sky!– general exclamatory intonation; Let The sun is shining and the birds are singing!– common particle.


semicolon, especially if its parts are significantly common and have commas inside (more often in the presence of conjunctions a, but, on the other hand, also, also, also): The heart feels horror in this brief moment, which divides the roar of thunder into blows;A they thunder and the clouds burst, throwing golden arrows of lightning from their ranks to the ground(M.G.); This seemed like a paradox to me, and it took me a while to understand the meaning of his words;But he’s like this: the Kilda king has a cultural country...(Priv.); I grabbed his hand;But he looked at me quietly and proudly(Adv.); – We are talking seriously;A If you don’t want to honor me with your attention, then I won’t bow(Adv.); – Here is your salary; you see, I'm giving away;but you have to save me(Adv.); ...Last time I went to the tankers during the day; at nightsame everything seemed different, unfamiliar(Kaz.); For some time the noise of the larches could still be heard through this veil, then it too fell silent, as if crushed by thick snow; windSame subsided(Cor.).


Between parts of a complex sentence is placed dash, if the second part of the sentence contains the meaning of a result, consequence, sharp opposition (usually before the conjunction And, less often before conjunctions but, ah): We need to have time to write it down. The slightest delayAnd the thought flashes and disappears(Paust.); At first I tried not to scoop up water or dirt into my shoes, but I stumbled once, stumbled again -And it didn't matter anymore(Sol.); He pretended to listen to the hostess, was amazed at the simplest things, patted himself on the knee -And again talking only about himself(Boon.); Let's cross the stream along the oak tree -And to the swamp(Priv.); Put a stick on the water -And she will go with the flow(Priv.); She breathed in a little air -And smelled of the cold sea(Street); The soul, as before, is filled every hour with languid thoughts -But the fire of poetry went out(P.); I'm hurrying there -A the whole city is already there(P.).

Note. Between parts of a complex sentence there can be comma and dash as a single punctuation mark: (Boon.);

Punctuation marks in a complex sentence


In the subordinate parts of a complex sentence, conjunctions and allied words are used as if, where, for nothing what if (if... then), for, why, as if, as soon as, how, which, when, which, who, where, only, only, rather than, from where, why, while, since, why, as if, since, so, just, exactly, although, whose, than, what, in order etc. The subordinate part in a complex sentence is highlighted commas on both sides, if standing inside the main part; if the subordinate part comes before or after the main part, then it is separated from it comma : Double skywhen the clouds were moving in different directions , ended with rain for two days(Priv.); When it got dark , I lit the lamp(Priv.); It is common knowledgethat everyone who left Russia took with them the last day (Ahm.); Green askedso that his bed is placed in front of the window (Paust.); There was a white veil ahead,as if the river had overflowed its banks (A.T.); I'll comealthough very busy ; If I'm in the way, then I'll leave(Paust.); Below lay the third layer,where there were many remains from Roman times (Paust.); It was hard to believethat there is a war at sea (Paust.); It became audiblehow the fire roars inside the building (Shuksh.).

A comma between the main part and the subordinate clause, attached by a simple conjunction or allied word, not placed :

A) if the subordinating conjunction or allied word is preceded by coordinating conjunction And(or particle): He didn't return the book to meand when I read it ; Will be known soonand who will come to the holiday ;

b) if there is a particle not before a subordinating conjunction or allied word: Need to prepare for examsnot when the session will begin, and long before that (no... but);

V) if the subordinate clause is truncated to one conjunctive word (a conjunctive word used alone loses the function of a subordinate clause): The students were scheduled for an exam, but did not specifyWhen ; Someone was walking from the direction of the avenue - it was unclear from a distanceWho (Pelev.);

G) if the subordinate part, thanks to conjunctions and, or, is included in a number of homogeneous members: During workand when the movie came out , I didn't really understand it(gas.); And I remembered the unforgettable “Frigate “Pallada””And How Grigorovich rolled into Paris eighty years ago!(Bulg.); He suddenly wanted warmthand so that the winter was also warm(Ard.); Come back in a weekor whenever you want .


If a simple subordinating conjunction is preceded by intensifying-restrictive words (particles, conjunctions or their combinations, introductory words) especially, even, in particular, including, in particular, namely, and also, and (But) only, just, only, exclusively, only etc., then a comma is placed before them, and not before the conjunction: Yaroslavl is unique, you can’t confuse it with any other city,especially when you will see the city from the Volga(M. Rapov); It's nice in the forest in spring,especially when (If ) the buds on the trees are just beginning to open; She promised to comebut only when exams will end; He came to the city to go to exhibitions,and also to visit your relatives; It's good to relax in the village in the summer,in particular if a fruitful year for mushrooms and berries; He arrived on timejust when classes were about to begin; A ravine appeared before them,only when the fog cleared; He came to Moscowsolely to get to the Bolshoi Theater; I found out about the exhibition late,namely when it's already closed .


In complex sentences complex conjunctions can be used: due to the fact that, in view of the fact that, instead of, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, in case of, while, due to the fact that, based on the fact that, meanwhile, despite the fact that, because, before, likewise, in proportion as, because, before, for the sake of, before, in order to, since, for the purpose of, just as, so that, especially since and etc.

Conjunctions can be included entirely in the subordinate clause, and then a comma is placed before the first part of the conjunction: He[day] seemed huge, endless and active,although on the way we didn't even talk to each other(Paust.); It was impossible to read in the diffused glare of the white night,as well as it was impossible to turn on the light(Paust.); The roar of the storm is heard nearby, beyond the cape,whereas in Balaklava Bay, the water, filled level with the old embankments, stands motionless(Paust.); You should change girls at posts more often,because In the evening the frost gets stronger(B.P.); I just got boredas the train was approaching Kruzilikha(Pan.).

But unions can be dismembered - depending on the meaning of the sentence, the logical selection (strengthening) of the first part of the union. In this case, a comma is placed before the second part of the conjunction, and the first is included in the main part as a correlative word: Because of we got up very early and then did nothing, the day seemed very long(Ch.); Thanks to the summer is very hot and dry, it was necessary to water every tree(Ch.); Fedor has changed a lotearlier than mother thought(Av.); It's hard for young people to understandbecause this Russia no longer exists(Paust.). Wed: It's hard for young people to understandbecause this Russia no longer exists .

Do not dismember complex alliances whereas, as if, as if, meanwhile: The construction manager ordered the construction of the dam in a native way,whereas , according to Ivin and other workers, it was necessary to erect a concrete(ABOUT.); It was very similaras if a car was walking in the distance(Priv.); There was a rustling sound,as if as a cat ran across the roof .

Unions while, as, before, if the subordinate clause comes before the main one, usually are not dismembered : As the snow in the pot turned gray and turned into a milky-cloudy liquid, Pavel added snow from a bucket(Bergg.); While I was gutting and cleaning bright sea fish, a woman of about sixty stopped next to me(Sol.). Wed: As the sun was rising, the day was warmer and cheerful(Boon.); After the household lost its leader, not only Fyodor was confused, but also his mother(Fad.); – The noise died downas the news penetrated to all corners of the hall(Leon.); Here's what happened at the last minutebefore as he followed Elizaveta Alexandrovna into the hallway(Fad.).

The dismemberment of the union while is detected only when the temporal meaning is enhanced, especially when words are included just, yet, most, exactly: I asked my grandfather about thisjust at the time he swung his second felt boot(Priv.). Such sentences are close to sentences with the conjunction When (during the time when): The mushrooms are really starting to growduring the time when rye shoots an ear(Tendr.).

Union So is not dismembered if it has the value of a consequence: He swayed in three steps, and suddenly, having described a full circle with his whole body,So for one moment his legs were directly above his head, he pushed off the bars with force<…>and deftly, like a cat, sat down on the ground(Kupr.) – subordinate part of the investigation; Wed with sentences that have the meaning “thus” in the subordinate clause: ...describing a full circle with your whole bodySo for one moment his legs were directly above his head– the meaning of the word in the main part of the sentence is concretized by the subordinate part of the manner of action.


The dismemberment of a complex union is mandatory:

A) in the presence of words adjacent to the first part of the conjunction and logically highlighting it: when using negation, intensifying, restrictive and other particles, introductory words, adverbs. All these words pull the emphasis on the first part of the conjunction, contributing to its transition into a correlative word: Pastukhov became friends with Tsvetukhinnot because gravitated toward actors(Fed.); And the sun seems to be shiningjust to before her gaze, without disappearing, shone a window with a motionless black silhouette(Fed.); The young grouse did not respond to my whistle for a long time,probably because I didn't whistle naturally enough(T.);

b) when including the first part of a conjunction in a homogeneous series of sentence members: Romashov blushed to real tearsfrom his powerlessness and confusion, and from pain for the insulted Shurochka, and because through the deafening sounds of the quadrille he could not get a single word in(Cupr.);

V) when contrasted: Melodies, mixed with tears, flow straight along your nerve to your heart, and you crynot because you're sadbut because the path to you inside is guessed so correctly and insightfully(B. Past.).


In complex sentences with several homogeneous subordinate clauses punctuation marks are placed according to the rules in force when separating homogeneous members simple sentence: it is taken into account whether the subordinate parts are connected by coordinating conjunctions or not, whether the coordinating conjunction is repeated or not repeated; The number of repeated coordinating conjunctions also matters (see § 25, 26).

1. A comma is placed between homogeneous subordinate clauses not connected by coordinating conjunctions: I remember,how we ran through the forest, how the bullets buzzed, how the branches they tore off fell, how we made our way through the hawthorn bushes (Garsh.) – four explanatory clauses, not connected by coordinating conjunctions.

2. Between two clauses connected by single connective or disjunctive conjunctions and, or, either, yes(in the meaning of “and”), a comma is not placed (in this case, the subordinating conjunction or allied word may not be repeated): Approaching the house, I rememberedthat nearby, in a spruce forest with juniper, he scared away an old black rooster more than once, and there also lived a queen with one young cockerel And; Her mother, Zinaida Vitalievna, evoked exactly the same pity.when, forgetting about her saleswomen, hairdressers and masseuses, she was tired and went to bed for the night, or when she taught a girl to tie bows (White) – two subordinate clauses connected by a conjunction or .

Note. Sentences with homogeneous subordinate clauses connected by a conjunction And, which is not preceded by a comma, must be distinguished from sentences in which the conjunction And after the subordinate clause, adds a new part of the complex sentence. Wed: I believe that nothing passes without a traceAnd that every smallest step we take matters for our present and future life(Ch.). – The carriage rumbled and swayed, and the fan of the carriage hummed intermittently, and one could hear the fine afternoon rain chirping in it,And A wide empty lowland, water meadows, and a winding river opened up ahead...(Bun.) – comma before the conjunction And (and opened) indicates that the last part the sentence is not subordinate.

3. If there are several homogeneous subordinate clauses and the last of them is joined by a coordinating conjunction And, then before the union And comma not placed :…Mom said,What Uncle Kolya insists that I move to Bryansk with him for a while,What he will get me into a Bryansk gymnasiumSo what this is absolutely necessary...(Paust.) – three explanatory clauses, the third of which is joined by a conjunction And .

4. Between two subordinate clauses connected by adversative conjunctions, a comma is put : We have been connected with this Vaska for a long time,when he had Karai, and my dog ​​Anchar was shot while hunting (Priv.) – two subordinate clauses connected by a conjunction A; And we also thought about wood grouse,that the cattle probably got in here and scared [birds] , otherwise, perhaps, in a clearing from above, a hawk looked at them, rushed, dispersed (Prishv.) – two explanatory clauses connected by a conjunction otherwise .

5. For repeated coordinating conjunctions, a comma between homogeneous subordinate clauses is put : In late autumn, gathered around the fire, we remembered with pleasure,how we recently picked mushrooms and berries in these places, and how friends from the city came to visit us, and how fun and carefree everyone was (gas.) – three explanatory clauses connected by a repeating conjunction And .

6. If homogeneous subordinate clauses are connected by different single coordinating conjunctions, commas between them are not placed : However, it is very important to think aboutwhat was double in my eyes or was the mark actually double and how could it be that there was a double trail from one bird - I didn’t have time(Prishv.) – three explanatory clauses connected by conjunctions or And And .


Between homogeneous common subordinate clauses, as well as between common homogeneous members of a sentence, a semicolon can be placed (cf. § 30): Davydov felt a little sad because a lot had changed there now; that now he will no longer be able to sit all night long drawings; that now they have apparently forgotten about him(Shol.).


If a complex sentence has two or, less often, several main parts with a common subordinate part, the signs are placed according to the rules that apply to homogeneous members. In particular, two main parts connected by a connecting conjunction are not separated by a comma: By the time we got to Nikitsky Boulevard, where the Printing House was located,the evening ended and Blok left (Past.) The non-union connection of the main parts entails the use of a comma: As soon as Svezhevsky left Nina,how a mountain student ran up to her, followed by someone else (Cupr.).


With sequential subordination in a complex sentence, commas separate all subordinate clauses: Levinson looked around with a silent, still damp gaze, this spacious sky and earth, promising bread and rest, these distant people on the current,whom he would soon have to make as his own, close people, as were the eighteen who silently rode behind (Fad.).


In a complex sentence with several subordinate clauses, as well as in a complex sentence with composition and subordination, two conjunctions (or a conjunction and a conjunction word) may appear side by side: two subordinating conjunctions (or a subordinating conjunction and a conjunction word), a coordinating and subordinating conjunction (or a coordinating conjunction and a conjunctive word). Conjunctions are separated or not separated by a comma depending on the following conditions.

1. Comma at the junction of alliances is put, if after the first conjunction follows single union in the subordinate part: But it was impossible to stand in this swamp for long,because when in the first frosts it was covered with a layer of ice, the water under the ice dropped, and so the thin ice was formed(Priv.); And the woman kept talking and talking about her misfortunes,and although her words were familiar, they suddenly made Saburov’s heart ache(Sim.). The dog pausedand, bye she stood, the man saw how Sunbeam caressed the whole clearing(Priv.).

2. If after the first union follows double union, That comma at the junction of alliances not placed. This happens when the subordinating conjunction has the word in the main part of the sentence then: Prokofiev, dressing by touch in the pitch darkness, said,What writing is the most difficult and tempting activity in the worldand what if if he weren't a geologist,That I would probably become a writer(Paust.) – in this sentence there are two explanatory parts connected by the conjunction So what And What; but the second subordinate clause is a complex sentence ( if... then); I thoughtwhat if there will be no change at this hour,That the duck judge didn't shoot this morning(Prishv.) – in this sentence the conjunction What appends the entire following complex sentence ( if... then).

Comma at the junction of conjunctions not placed and in the event that the subordinating conjunction or allied word is preceded by an connecting conjunction yes and (yes and why, yes and what): Explain to me what you mean by thisso what all this means .

3. At the beginning of a sentence, the coordinating and subordinating conjunctions, as well as the subordinating conjunction and the allied word, are not separated by a comma: Denis died.And when I was leaving, his old woman brought me a goose...(Priv.); And forgive me, and forever, forever...Because where is can they meet now?(Boon.).


In a complex sentence it can be put dash :

1) after the subordinate part standing before the main part (especially in the presence of words this, this, that in the main part): When you're sad - write well(Paust.); What's in the air - no one paid attention to that anymore(Ch.); When the eagle, falcon, hawk finally cries , is both beautiful and powerful(M.G.);

2) when enhancing the interrogative nature of the sentence to emphasize the unusual location of the subordinate part before the main one: What is influence? - You know?(Grain); Why did all this happen to you? - Tell me(the usual location of the explanatory subordinate part is after the main part);

3) in the presence of several subordinate parts to emphasize the generalizing nature of the main part: Where will I be this academic year, will I transfer somewhere? – you have to think about all this!(Grain);

4) with parallelism in the structure of a sentence: Yes,what do you know as a child – you know for life, but alsowhat you don't know as a child – you don’t know for the rest of your life(Color.);

5) with the clarifying nature of the subordinate part: Only time she perked up -when Mika told her that ditties were sung at yesterday's wedding(Grain).


colon :

1) if the main part of the sentence contains words warning of further explanation: He warnedabout one thing : so that everyone arrives on time; Orderwas the following : so that everyone prepares for the trip in advance; Butthat's what he remembered well: how Clara jumped over the spinning wheel(Shuksh.). In such sentences it is possible to insert words namely ;

2) if the subordinate clause is an indirect question: He was very worried about the question:is this book worth buying? (Gran.); however, in this case a comma is also acceptable.


In a complex sentence it is put comma and dash, if the sentence is constructed in the form of a period, which is always divided into two parts - pronounced with a rising and falling tone (a comma and a dash are placed at the division site): If the old leaves rustled under my feet,If different branches turned red,If the willows unfolded,If trees of different species spoke with the aroma of their bark, -That , which means there is movement in the birches, and there is no point in spoiling the birch(Priv.). In such sentences, the main part often has a generalizing character and completes the listing of the preceding subordinate clauses: When I found myself in the bosom of the Odessa family,When listened to Mikhail's violin,When , floating on her back, looking into the deep sky, -All fell into place(Grain); What I'm sadWhat it was hard andWhat inspired a gain of strength,with what life was in a hurry to cope, - IAll I put it here(TV).

Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence


Between parts of a non-union complex sentence when listing a comma is added : The ocean roared behind the wall like black mountains, the blizzard whistled strongly in the heavy gear, the whole ship trembled(Boon.); It was getting dark and freezing, and water was being supplied to the kitchen. Children came and were shushed(B. Past.); Since childhood, I was drawn to the distant and unknown, I always wanted to go somewhere and on something(Chiv.); The wind blew for a week, it was warmer, the earth was receding, the late moonlit greenery was blooming brightly in the steppe(Shol.); Deep below, alfalfa ran in the wind, hot blueness fell from above, leaves rustled right next to my cheek.(Eb.).


With significant prevalence, parts of a non-conjunctive complex sentence can be separated semicolon; A semicolon is preferable if there are commas inside parts of a complex sentence - indicators of their internal division: Clear water gurgled and splashed in the ponds; from beautiful vases hanging in the air between the trees, climbing plants descended in garlands(Cupr.); Naples grew and approached; the musicians, shining with brass instruments, had already crowded on the deck and suddenly deafened everyone with the triumphant sounds of a march(Boon.); The stone stairs near the palace were illuminated by dawn; yellowish light fell on the ground, reflecting from the walls and windows(Paust.); The face was pale and stern, completely frozen and motionless; eyebrows are slightly knitted and frowned(Adv.).

Note. In a non-union complex sentence, parts can be connected in different ways: parts that are close in meaning are separated by a comma, and more independent parts are separated by a semicolon: Behind the wooden, brick-colored station, troikas are visible, bells are clattering, cab drivers are shouting vying with each other; winter day is gray and warm(Bun.) – a semicolon delimits a part that has an independent meaning, the first three parts are united by a common circumstance ( Behind the wooden brick-colored station); In the grass, in the dogwood and wild rose bushes, in the vineyards and on the trees, cicadas were pouring everywhere; the air trembled from their ringing, monotonous, incessant scream(Cupr.) - parts of a non-union sentence are separated by a semicolon, since they themselves are quite common.

If the parts of a non-union complex sentence are, in turn, complex sentences or simple and complex, then between the parts is placed semicolon : For whole hours, while seven, eight, nine struck, while the autumn night, black as soot, was falling outside the windows, I examined her old glove, or the pen with which she always wrote, or her small scissors; I did nothing and was clearly aware that if I had done anything before, if I plowed, mowed, chopped, it was only because she wanted it(Ch.); On him[sky] three slender figures of distant poplars loomed; it seemed that they were either getting smaller or getting taller(M.G.). Internal combinations of characters in such blocks can be very diverse.


In a non-union complex sentence, between the parts is placed colon :

1) if the second part of the non-union sentence explains what is said in the first part; in such cases, word substitution is possible namely: Spring, of course, is moving: in the pond, which has not yet completely melted, frogs lean out, purring in a low voice(Priv.); And from these words of hers, everyone felt good, calm, as in childhood: the sun is shining quietly, times are quietly sliding by... (T. Tolst.).

In the first part of a non-union complex sentence there may be words warning about subsequent explanation: Some more time passes, and then a new one comesmismanagement : Grandfather fell ill, there is no one to plow and sow(Priv.); Then it happened on the givenevent , similar to a miracle: a rosehip bush, oppressed, came into the light and bloomed in September, and bloomed until frost(Priv.); My days are increasingly pouring into memory. And life turnsinto something strange, double : there is one, real, and another, ghostly, a product of memory, and they exist side by side(Trif.); This happenedSo : we went on reconnaissance in the wild forest(Priv.); In our regionold sign : on the twentieth day after the cranes, spring plowing begins(Priv.); Drilledthought : Why didn’t she go change clothes?(Shcherb.); For now I'll tell youone : we read from these sections and from all sorts of other signs a wonderful thing(Paust.);

2) reasons, justifications, which is checked by the possibility of substituting conjunctions since, because: Miller didn’t have time to answer: the boat entered the breakers(Paust.); Nastena was completely exhausted, but she didn’t dare to urge her father-in-law: it was impossible to show that she needed a boat for some reason(Spread); Seeing him, white as a wall, Mikhailovna groaned and grabbed her heart: she also thought that Yegor had returned in secret and had been found(Shuksh.); My first attempts at photography turned out to be extremely unsuccessful: I was in a hurry, often inserting the record into the cassette inside out(Cat.); Oh, it was scary to look at him: some kind of geyser of anger(T. Tolstoy);

3) if the second part of a non-conjunctive complex sentence matters explanatory, which is emphasized by verbs placed in the first part of the sentence and warning about the subsequent presentation of a fact. If there are verbs see, understand, hear, look, learn, think, feel etc., then between the parts of a complex sentence you can insert a conjunction What; if there are verbs look out, glance, look back, listen, look, i.e. verbs that are not capable of attaching an explanation directly, then combinations can be inserted and saw that; and heard that; and felt that and etc.: I immediatelyUnderstood : the rooster was here somewhere(Priv.); I don’t know how long I slept,I hear : I have work in my room again(Priv.); He carefully pried apart his glued eyelids andlooked forward, like a sleepwalker: behind the snowstorm, three lights burned in the pitch darkness(Paust.).

Note 1. With verbs expressing sensory perception, it is also possible to stage comma– if the writer does not intend to express a warning: I hear a pity sound coming from the fields, the wind brought the breath of the fields(Fox.).

Note 2. In a non-union complex sentence, when indicating an explanation, reason, justification, explanation, it is permissible to use dash instead of a colon (especially in fiction and in journalism). Here, in particular, are examples from the works of K. Paustovsky: Occasionally a bluish spot shone in the sky - the moon appeared behind the clouds, but immediately went out; Snowdrops were probably already sprouting in the ground - their faint herbaceous scent seeped through the snow; The layer of clouds was very thin - the sun shone through it; The lights on the pier were turned off - the ship left; Tatyana Andreevna shuddered from the dampness - after the warm cabin it was fresh on the deck; Pakhanov held the captain tightly by the elbow - the captain was still weak after being wounded; She wanted to cry - the crowbar, even through her mittens, froze her hands; They won’t take me into the army either - my heart is mended; One day in winter I went out and heard someone moaning behind the fence. .

Examples from the works of modern authors and from periodicals: I didn’t have to think long - the door swung open and I saw Chapaev(Pelev.); No one could get into the house - the doors and windows were closed(gas.); The boards bent and shook under his boots - he was heavy and the floor was old(Const.); We called her Barberry - she always treated all the children with caramel...(Street). The same with verbs that require explanation: He raised his head - Maria was standing at the threshold(Shuksh.); And I remember - the courtyards were drowned in snowdrifts(Sn.); It seemed to me that she was looking with stern love from under her eyebrows.(Fox.); She looked around in fear - no one(Spread); Olga looked ahead - nothing special...(Set.).

Note 3. The colon is used in those syntactic conditions where its explanatory and explanatory function can be most manifested, for example, in two-term constructions with the nominative case in both parts, which are built according to the scheme: name common problem and specific details that specify it; place and event, etc. Such constructions are common in headlines, especially in the names of newspaper sections: Criticism: feedback; World problems: solutions; Alexander Blok: unpublished legacy; Utility service: keys and reserves; Television: weekly program; graduate School: another look at student government .

Note 4. The colon is required in complex sentences, in which the second part, explanatory, is a complex sentence: Then it became clear to me: in order to better understand people, you need to live among them(gas.).


In a non-conjunction complex sentence it is put dash :

1) if between the parts of a non-union complex sentence there are established comparative and adversative relations : In the frosty steamy courtyard the sun turned red -it was warm in the house . The summer heat was scorching outside -it was cool in the house (Boon.); This is not a horse scribbling -my heart is beating (Sn.); They wanted to appoint him as chairman again -it is forbidden (Spread); He called his neighbors heart-rendingly -did not come , hid(T. Tolstoy);

2) if the second part of the sentence contains an indication of result, consequence : Krainev lit the cords -they burst into flames (E.P.); Sintsov gave a turn -the tanker disappeared (Sim.); Another shot -the coachman dropped the reins and quietly slid under the wheels (Shol.); They used to sing -It was breathtaking, any height was taken (Ac.);

3) if the first part of the sentence contains an indication of time or condition performing the action indicated in the second part: The weathered face is burning, andclose your eyes - the whole earth will float under your feet(Boon.); You will go into such a hut in winter – doesn’t smell like a living spirit(Shuksh.); Which leaf will disappear? - Seryozha is looking for him(Pan.); There were a lot of people then,let's go out for mowing - creepy(Sol.);

4) if the second part of the sentence contains comparison with what was said in the first part: Says a word -the nightingale sings ; Will pass by -will give you the sun ;

5) if the second part of the sentence begins with the words so, it’s just like this: I fly into the narrowest cracks like rain, widen them -So new stanzas appear(Ahm.); Alena sighed shakily -So sighs a crying child(Current.); The moon seemed to be lowered from above on a rope -like this she was close, big(Shuksh.); ...No matter how greedily you peer into the blue distance, you won’t see a single dot, you won’t hear a sound -So It’s as if people with their faces and speeches flash through life and drown in our past(Ch.); Suddenly he heard singing -This great-grandmother sang(Pan.); I picked up and examined his Mauser -This it was a great car, and completely new(Pelev.); And Nikitich can reason in this manner all night -only spread your ears(Shuksh.); The bird cherry was large, in long and clean, heavy clusters without leaves -only have time to put your hands under them(Spread).

Note 1. In a non-union complex sentence it can be put comma and dash as a single sign, especially with the meaning of accession in the second part of the sentence (this sign is currently losing its activity): There was no point in looking outside - the darkness of the night came in ever thicker waves(Paust.); Even the water became agitated - that’s how the frogs jumped(Priv.); IN in the garden, in the mountains white and small light bulbs sparkled - it looked like illumination(Paust.); The wide entrance seemed completely empty to me - it seemed strange to me(Kav.).

Note 2. A comma and a dash as a single punctuation mark should not be confused with a combination of these signs, when a dash delimits parts of a non-union complex sentence, and a comma separates a separate construction or subordinate part of a sentence in front: Not even three hours had passed since sunrise, and it already seemed that noon was close - it was so hot, it was light everywhere and so crowded near the shops at the end of the street(Boon.); A large-faced guy, the motorman of the longboat, looked with an indifferent gaze at the cloudy sky, turned on the engine, and instantly everything calmed down, became silent in the water, tightly cordoned off by boats - no splash, no noise, no sparkle(Bond.).

Punctuation marks in complex syntactic structures


In complex syntactic constructions, i.e. in complex sentences with different types of syntactic connections (with composition and subordination; with composition and non-conjunction connection; with subordination and non-conjunction connection; with composition, subordination and non-conjunction connection), punctuation marks are placed on a general basis ( see § 112, 115, 119, 127) - the type of conjunctions, the semantic relationships of the parts of the sentence, and the order of their arrangement are taken into account: On the youngest birches the buds are green and shining brightly with fragrant resin, but the forest is not yet dressed, and this year a cuckoo has flown to this still bare forest: a cuckoo flying to a bare forest is considered bad(Priv.); On a walk in the forest, sometimes, thinking about my work, I am overcome with philosophical delight: it seems as if you are deciding the conceivable fate of all humanity(Priv.); Leo Tolstoy saw a broken burdock - and lightning flashed: the idea for an amazing story about Hadji Murad appeared(Paust.).


In complex syntactic constructions that break up into large logical-syntactic blocks, which themselves are complex sentences or in which one of the blocks turns out to be a complex sentence, punctuation marks are placed at the junction of the blocks, indicating the relationship of the blocks, while maintaining the internal signs placed on their own syntactic basis: The bushes, trees, even stumps are so familiar to me here that the wild felling became like a garden to me: I caressed every bush, every pine tree, every fir-tree, and they all became mine, and it’s the same as if I planted them, this is my own garden(Priv.) – there is a colon at the junction of blocks; Yesterday a woodcock stuck his nose into this foliage to get a worm from under it; at this time we approached, and he was forced to take off without throwing off the layer of old aspen foliage from his beak(Priv.) – there is a semicolon at the junction of blocks.

Note 1. In complex syntactic constructions, the use of punctuation marks is regulated by the degree of their (signs) separating power. For example, if at the junction of sentences consisting of two parts a comma is sufficient, then in complex syntactic constructions in the presence of internal signs a semicolon is used: The duck walks at night, and before dawn, before frost, it hurries to the nest; If he can leave, he covers his balls with something.(Priv.). A semicolon is also used when there are dashes in the internal parts of the structure, between parts of a complex sentence: Here and there stars were reflected on the dark water; they trembled and blurred - and only from this one could guess that the river was flowing quickly(Ch.); To the right and left are fields of young rye and buckwheat, with jumping rooks; look forward - you see dust and the backs of heads, look back - you see the same dust and faces... Four people with sabers are walking ahead of everyone - this is the vanguard(Ch.).

Note 2. Between parts of a complex sentence there can be comma and dash as a single punctuation mark: Baring his teeth, the elder began to beat him with a whip on anything - from pain and horror, Averky woke up in tears(Boon.); Next in line were police stations, and no one had heard anything about David there.(Priv.). This division of parts of a complex sentence is somewhat outdated.

The use of a comma and a dash as a single punctuation mark should be distinguished from the combination of a comma and a dash, when each sign stands on its own: Who knows how long you will have to stay in the taiga - and all the time Grinka and his comrades will be behind you(Shuksh.) - a comma closes the subordinate clause of a sentence, and a dash separates parts of a complex sentence.

Question. When should you use a comma and a dash next to it? How to explain the use of commas and dashes in the following sentences:

1) His gait was careless and lazy, but I noticed that he did not wave his arms - the first sign of some secretiveness of character.

2) Alas! My box, a sword with a silver frame, a Dagestan dagger - a gift from a friend - everything disappeared.

3) I answered that the flies were bothering me, and we both fell silent.

4) I was gloomy, - other children were cheerful and talkative; I felt superior to them - they put me lower (from M. Yu. Lermontov’s novel “A Hero of Our Time”)?

Answer. The combination of two punctuation marks - a comma and a dash - is used in cases where, in accordance with one rule, one of these marks is required, and in accordance with another, another. Such cases are quite varied. Here are some.

It is known, for example, that a dash is placed when a connective is omitted when the predicate is expressed by a noun in the nominative case. If such a predicate is preceded by a participial phrase that defines the subject, or a modifier subordinate clause, or application, or appeal, then after the participial phrase or subordinate clause, application or appeal, a comma and a dash are placed, for example: The comrade who came to see me yesterday is a master of sports. Ivan Petrovich, my friend, is the wittiest person. My sister, Pyotr Mikhailovich, is a wonderful housewife.

A dash is placed after homogeneous members before the generalizing word. If the last of the homogeneous members is explained by some isolated phrase, then after this phrase you need to put a comma and a dash: Neither in the fields, nor in the ravines, not even in the forest, under the dark spruce trees, there was no snow anywhere.

A dash can be placed to highlight a separate application standing after the noun being defined, if it is necessary to give such an application a touch of independence. Between the defined noun and the application there may be a participial phrase or subordinate clause, and then again two signs will be needed: This was my best friend, whom I have not seen for so long, Seryozha Vikhrov.

Sometimes it is difficult to determine whether a given complex punctuation mark belongs to the author himself or whether it was added by a proofreader, perhaps contrary to the author’s intentions. Indeed, in different editions of the same work we often find discrepancies in punctuation marks: sometimes even in the same edition in similar cases different marks are observed. This is the case with the sentence given in the question: Alas! My box, a saber with a silver frame, a Dagestan dagger - a gift from a friend - everything disappeared. In the 1941 edition of Lermontov’s prose (M. Yu. Lermontov, Proza, Goslitizdat, 1941) there is no dash before the appendix of a friend’s gift; this application is separated by commas, and after the application there is a dash before the generalizing word. With such an arrangement of signs, the application would not be delimited from homogeneous members. For such delimitation, after homogeneous terms, only a dash is usually placed before the application (see the answer to the question “When is a dash placed before a common application?” - p. 268, paragraph 4). Thus, in this sentence, after the word dagger, it is better to put one dash (without a comma).

Let's move on to other examples given in the question.

In sentences like I was gloomy - other children are cheerful and chatty, according to our rules, only a dash is required (to express opposition in the absence of a conjunction). In the same editions of Lermontov's works and in the same paragraph we find the following examples: I was modest - they accused me of deceit, or I told the truth - they did not believe me. There are no commas in these examples. The discrepancy is evident even within one paragraph.

In the sentence, His gait was careless and lazy, but I noticed that he did not wave his arms - a sure sign of some secretiveness of character, an additional subordinate clause is highlighted with commas; The dash is placed in order to separate a peculiar application to the subordinate clause (the fact that he did not wave his arms is a sign of a secretive character).

The dash in the sentence I answered that the flies bother me - and we both fell silent due to the fact that the last sentence indicates a consequence of what was said earlier; commas are placed to highlight the subordinate clause.

Question. Is the comma placed correctly after the introductory sentence, and not after the subordinate clause in the sentence? Verevkin, on whom Lena’s story did not make much of an impression - he could not overcome his annoyance - remained stubbornly silent?

Answer. According to the rules for combining characters, a comma, which is required in the text at the junction of the main part of the sentence and the introductory sentence, is placed after the closing bracket if the introductory sentence is highlighted with brackets, and before the second dash if the introductory sentence is highlighted with a dash. For example: Ovsyanikov adhered to ancient customs not out of superstition (his soul was quite free), but out of habit (Turgenev); When I returned home - it was after midnight - everyone was already asleep. Therefore, in the case under consideration, where the comma should stand at the place where the main sentence breaks introductory sentence, it is correctly placed before the second dash (when a comma and a dash coincide, the latter is always placed after the comma). See K.I. Bylinsky and N.N. Nikolsky, Handbook of spelling and punctuation for press workers, 1957, p. 97, note 2 to § 166.

An estate cannot be confused with an estate: an estate is not all land ownership, but only a landowner’s house with adjacent buildings, a yard and a garden.
1) The first part of a non-union complex sentence indicates the condition for accomplishing what is said in the second part.
2) The second part of a non-union complex sentence is opposed to the first part.
3) The first part of a non-union complex sentence indicates the time of commission of what is said in the second part.
4) The second part of a non-union complex sentence indicates the reason for what is said in the first part.

A24. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?
Gross domestic product is the indicator (1) on the basis of (2) which divides countries (3) into developed and developing.
1) 1
2) 1, 2
3) 1, 3
4) 2, 3

A25. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?
His face was sad (1) and (2) when we left the outskirts (3) he looked for a long time (4) as the village and his whole old life moved away from him..
1) 1
2) 1, 3
3) 1, 2, 3, 4
4) 2, 3, 4

A26. In which sentence is the subordinate clause complex sentence cannot be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?
1) The first artists who painted portraits of horses for their owners were serf masters.
2) Romanticism, which spread in European art in the first third of the 19th century, arose as a result of the collapse of Enlightenment illusions as a response to the excessive pragmatism of industrial times.
3) The most interesting thing was to play hide and seek with the old crab, which often peeked out from behind the rock ledge.
4) Between the city and the mountain on which the clouds lie, an incessant river rushes.

A27. Read the text.
Human skin has a means of protection against harmful ultraviolet rays. Under the epidermis there are cells that produce tiny coloring bodies - melanin, which form a “shield” that protects the skin from the penetration of ultraviolet rays. The stronger and longer the sun affects the skin, the more melanin is produced in it. Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the main information contained in the text?
1) In the human skin there are cells that produce the smallest color cells - melanin.
2) Ultraviolet rays are harmful to humans, so strong and prolonged exposure to the sun on the skin should not be allowed.
3) The more melanin that protects it from ultraviolet rays is formed in human skin, the longer the sun is exposed to the skin.
4) Under the influence of the sun, color cells - melanin - are produced in the epidermis.

Hello, dear webmasters! First of all, I address this article to you and myself, because webmasters have to spend a lot of time working with text, and many people have forgotten how to place commas in the text, at least I definitely forgot.

Fortunately, today the writing tools have become electronic, thanks to which errors in the text are highlighted in color. What to do with commas? Are there online services on the Internet for checking texts for correct punctuation? I will try to answer these important questions for a webmaster.

Written speech requires special design. Punctuation, as a system of punctuation marks and a branch of grammar, is an important means of organizing written language.

It is punctuation that makes our text clear in meaning and connects words into one sentence. Punctuation marks separate different semantic parts of the text (semantic pauses, intonations) and in the text they are arranged according to certain rules.

Remember that punctuation marks simplify our perception of the text and the ease of perception of the text by our site visitors depends on us, on bloggers. Do you know how many punctuation marks there are in the Russian language?

I will answer this question, but for now I suggest moving directly to the rules.

Roles of punctuation marks

Separating function - for better perception of the text, one sentence is separated from another.

The semantic function is to express the nuances of meaning. Example: explanations, clarifications.

Excretory function - to highlight individual words. Example: interjections, addresses, introductory words.

Separating function - to separate homogeneous members of a sentence.

I didn’t just list the roles of punctuation. If you begin to doubt whether a particular punctuation mark is needed, remember what role it plays.

1. Signal of completion of written speech

Concerning oral speech, then the signal of completeness is intonation, and in writing - question marks, exclamation marks and a period. I won't stop here for long. Even children in kindergarten know where to put these signs.

2. Incomplete signal

The fact that a phrase or sentence is not completed is indicated by a comma and semicolon.

Example: Today I received a referral fee from a spa partner: Admitad, A d1.ru.

In the example above, the comma performs a separating function; it plays a special role when addressing.

Example: Hello, my dear visitors!

Commas are used in a simple sentence:

  • with homogeneous members of the sentence, unconnected conjunctions and associated adversative conjunctions a, but, yes (in the meaning But), however, but
  • before the second part of double conjunctions, between paired homogeneous members connected by conjunctions and, or, etc.

It is difficult to convey all the rules within the framework of this article; it is much easier to use diagrams.

Pattern 2: oh, oh, oh, but oh

Pattern 3: and oh, and oh, and oh, and oh, and oh

Pattern 4: not only oh, but also oh, oh, oh, oh

Pattern 5: o and o, o and o

Diagram 6: o, o and o

Diagram 7: o and o

2. Commas are placed with isolation. For example: Tired, mom quickly fell asleep.

In sentences where a participle or adjective acts as a predicate, a comma is not used. For example: Mom left tired.

Adjectives and participles that are part of the predicate are not separated by commas. For example: Mom was upset.

If the conjunction “how” expresses the meaning of quality, applications are not isolated. For example: Larisa, as my colleague, can come to me without an additional invitation.

3. With introductory structures.

We highlight introductory words in oral speech with intonation, and in written speech with commas. How to recognize introductory words? If, when removing an introductory word or phrase, the meaning of the sentence does not change, then this word is introductory. For example: Unfortunately, you are right.

Conjunctions “a”, “and” with introductory words are not separated by a comma. For example: Write me a news announcement today, but you can write me tomorrow.

Introductory words and conjunctions are separated by a comma if in complex sentences the introductory word comes after the conjunction. Example: Tatyana came to see me, but, unfortunately, I was not at home.

As part of a separate construction, introductory words are separated by commas. Example: He stopped answering, probably to stop the dialogue.

A comma is not used if the introductory word contains a clarifying phrase. For example: His girlfriend lives in the house opposite, more precisely on the fifth floor.

How to separate a word with commas

  1. However, an introductory word. Identified by commas at the end and in the middle of a sentence. Example: It's time for me to go to bed, though.
  2. However, it is an alliance. There is no comma. Example: We were waiting for the train, but it didn’t come.
  3. However - an interjection. A comma is added. Example: However, it's cold!

With plug-in structures

Such constructions are clarifying in nature and are pronounced in a lower voice. Example: The arrival of the foreman - it was definitely him - was a surprise for everyone.

With appeals

This is perhaps the easiest chapter, because calls are always separated by commas or an exclamation point.

Example: Dear Vasily Ivanovich, as always, you forgot about your birthday. Vasily Ivanovich, dear, how old are you? Sasha, son, how are you doing?

In complex sentences

In a compound sentence

In complex sentences, use commas, dashes, and semicolons.

Example: Either Maria dreamed of teaching, then she was shaking at the mere thought of the fate of the teacher. There was only a pause for one moment - and suddenly there was a strong thunder. The wife dreams of her career, and the husband of his; and each dreams of leading the other astray.

In a complex sentence

In complex-subordinate sentences the following are used: commas, dashes, semicolons, commas and dashes.

Example: When there was a knock on the door, the girls fell silent. If I didn't set a goal for myself; if I hadn't studied so hard; if I had not chosen the means while going towards the goal; then I wouldn't have achieved anything. When they give flowers, it is a holiday in the soul. When it’s cold and windy outside, when it’s raining coldly, staying at home is a great happiness.

In a non-union complex sentence

Example: There was no work, everyone went home. There was no work - everyone went home. There was no work: everyone went home. Mom fell asleep - Petya helped the adults. She had a stunning dress - the kind you only see in glossy magazines.

10 punctuation marks:

. - dot
? - question mark
! - Exclamation point
... - ellipsis
, - comma
; - semicolon
- - dash
: - colon
"" - quotes
() - brackets

I made a small cheat sheet for myself, I’ll be glad if it helps you too. In fact, there are a lot of punctuation rules and I haven’t talked about all of them. To help webmasters, I recommend the service: Gramota.ru.

So as not to forget! The same or the same? Which is correct?

Example: Like me, she doesn't like milk. (after “the same” you can put the phrase “as well”)

Example: The announcer was nervous, and there was also excitement behind the scenes. (the conjunction “also” can be replaced with the conjunction “and”)